void main() {
// booo(n){
// for(var i = 0; i < n.length; i++){
// print('boo');
// }
// }
// booo([1,2,3,4,5]); // space complexity of 0(1) because we only declared var = i and not doing much in the function and we cant control what we put in as in the array
// arrayOfNTimes(n){
// List arrayHi = []; // created new array = data structure , takes space
// // var = i = variables , takes space
// for(var i = 0; i < n; i++){
// arrayHi.add('hi'); // allocation , allocated hi to arrayi , takes space
// }
// return arrayHi;
// }
// print(arrayOfNTimes(6)) ; // 0(n) so this function has space complexity of 0(n)
// find the ist and nth tweets
// compare the items using the dates
// const array =
// [{'date': 2012, 'tweet': 'hi'},
// {'date': 2013, 'tweet': 'dear'},
// {'date': 2015, 'tweet': 'make'},];
// print('jkbdsdnvgv jk. f'.length); //0(1);
//look for a pair of number in the list that give s you the sum of 8 when you add them
// check for best possible solution in terms of time and space complexity
// using linear time would be more efficient rather than nested loop (quadratic)
// List array1 = [1,2,3,9]; // NO
// List array2 = [1,2,4,4]; // YES so to check this
// int sum = 8;
// bool doesTheArrayHasPairSumEqualTo8( int sum, array){
// int low = 0;
// int high = array.length-1;
// bool thereIsSum = false;
// while(low < high){
// if(array[low] + array[high] == sum){
// thereIsSum = true;
// }
// print (array[low] + array[high] );
// low ++;
// high--;
// }
// return thereIsSum;
// }
// print(doesTheArrayHasPairSumEqualTo8(8, array2)) ;
// bool doesTheArrayHasPairSumEqualTo8( int sum, array){
// Set<int> comp = {};
// array.forEach((value ){
// if(comp.contains(value )){
// print( comp);
// return true;
// }
// comp.add((sum - value).toInt());
// });
// return false;
// }
// print(doesTheArrayHasPairSumEqualTo8(sum, array2)) ;
// Given two array create a function that lets a user know (true/false)
// whether these two array contains any common item
const array = ['a', 'b','c','x'];
const array1 = ['z','y', 'i'];
//shoould return false;
const array2 = ['a', 'b','c','x'];
const array3 = ['z','y', 'a'];
//shoould return true;
// what are the input and output
// if the interviewer said its always array the input
// how large can the input get in future
// if its always a minimal size then we dont have to worry about big o timecomplexity or space
// is our goal to be more efficient as possible, is time complexity or space complexity more important to us
// the interviewer might say they just want more efficient function. assuming the array can get very very large
// 2 parameters -- no size limit might be what the interviewer says
// talk about the easiest solution that comes to mind in this case nested loop
//also talk while is no the bbest solution in this case (0(n^2)) quadratic time complexity which we try as muchj as possible in interviews
// can we assume always two parameter
bool checkIfTheTwoListHasCommonItem(arrayX, arrayY){
// int totalLength = list1.length + list2.length;
// List<String> mergedList = arrayX + arrayY;
// List<String> firstArray = arrayX;
// print(mergedList);
bool hasCommon = false;
Set<String> comp = {};
// for(var i = 0; i < mergedList.length; i++){
// if(comp.contains(mergedList[i])){
// hasCommon = true;
// }
// comp.add( mergedList[i]);
// }
for(var i = 0; i < arrayY.length; i++){
hasCommon = true;
// comp.add( mergedList[i]);
//Assigning array to object as properties this function is mostly used when trying to improve time complexity
// loop throough first array and create object where properties === items in the array
Map<String, bool> map = {};
for(var i = 0; i< arrayX.length; i++){
if(map[i] != true){
var item = arrayX[i];
map[item] = true;
// loop through the second array and check if the item in the second array exists on created object
for(var j = 0; j< arrayY.length; j++){
if(map [arrayY[j]] == true){
hasCommon = true;
// 0(a) space complexity;
return hasCommon;
// print(checkIfTheTwoListHasCommonItem(array2, array3));
//find out if there is a pair that sums up to the number given
// sum = 8
//items []
void googleInterview(){
List array1 = [1,2,3,9]; // NO
List array2 = [1,2,4,4]; // YES so to check this
int sum = 8;
// naive way
bool checkIfAnyPairSumsUptoTheSum(array, sum){
for(var i = 0; i < array.length -1; i ++ ){
for(var j = 1 + i; j < array.length ; j++ ){
if(array[i] + array[j] == sum) {
print('${(array[i], array[j] )}');
return true;
return false;
print(checkIfAnyPairSumsUptoTheSum(array2, sum)) ;
// Better way
bool checkIfAnyPairSumsUptoTheSum1(array, sum){
Set<int> comp = {};
array.forEach((value ){
if(comp.contains(value )){
print( comp);
return true;
comp.add((sum - value).toInt());
return false;
print(checkIfAnyPairSumsUptoTheSum1(array1, sum)) ;
// Arrays();
void Arrays(){
const strings = ['a','b','c',d];
//4*4 = 16 bytes of storage