Data Types

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# fundamental data types # int and float print("* ints and floats") print(type(1 + 1)) print(type(7 // 3)) print(type(1.1 ** 2)) # complex and bin print("\n* bin") complex print(bin(5)) print(int("0b101", 2)) bool # strings print("\n* strings") print(type(str(106))) # escape sequences print("\n* escape sequences") print("hello \"there\" ") list tuple set dict # classes -> custom types # specialized data types None # math functions print("\n* math functions") print(round(7.3)) print(abs(-34)) # operator precedence # just like PEMDAS print(13 - 1 * 2 ** 3) # formatted strings print("\n* formatted strings") name = "Arjun" age = 20 print(f"hello {name}, you're {age} years old, right?")
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