# say 'Hello World!';
# my $name = 'John Doe';
# say 'Hello $name';
# say "Hello $name";
# my %capitals = 'UK', 'London', 'Germany', 'Berlin';
# say %capitals;
# say "fotbar" ~~ / <!after foo> bar /; # OUTPUT: «bar»
# say "foobar" ~~ / <?after foo> bar /; # OUTPUT: «bar»
my @tracks = (
"TRMMMNS128F93548E1<SEP>SOYGNWH12AB018191E<SEP>3 Gars Su'l Sofa<SEP>L'antarctique",
"TRMMMPJ128F9306985<SEP>SOQMZZI12AB01850D4<SEP>Christian Castro<SEP>Tu Vida Con La Mía",
"TRMMMKQ128F92EBCB5<SEP>SOOLRHW12A8C142643<SEP>Kreator<SEP>All of the same blood",
"TRMMMHS128F42A0971<SEP>SOMXBRA12AB017C656<SEP>The Emotions<SEP>Blessed",
"TRMMWJS12903CBB7F5<SEP>SOLBDWO12AB0188CC2<SEP>Aerosmith<SEP>Remember (Walking In The Sand)"
my @tracks2 = (
"TRMCFLR128F92F34FC<SEP>SOXBSOF12A8C1436AE<SEP>Full Flava<SEP>Rescue Me (Taste Of Flava Remix) (feat Hazel Fernandes)",
"TRNHWIZ128F93164A0<SEP>SOCESGY12AB018543C<SEP>Neil Young<SEP>Ive Been Waiting For You [Previously Unreleased Mix]",
"TRMUDCR12903CA7BAA<SEP>SOJBAOJ12A8AE47999<SEP>Franky Pank<SEP>Filet Mignon \{Doomsday\}",
"TRNGBKC12903CE5953<SEP>SOBJIRH12AB018BF53<SEP>Atahualpa Yupanqui<SEP>Ahí Andamos\\ Señor",
"TRFIOAR128F93153DC<SEP>SOCTJMJ12AB0185CDA<SEP>Sonny Terry / Brownie McGhee<SEP>Understand / Me",
"TRMUDCR12903CA7ADF<SEP>SOJBAOJ12A8AE47050<SEP>Frank Sinatra<SEP>Strangers In The_Night (Remastered Album Version) [The Frank Sinatra Collection]",
"TRMMGQU128F9340803<SEP>SOLTFTE12A8C13718B<SEP>Paul Miller<SEP>Memories Of Love - Original Mix",
"TRNGBMI128F4253718<SEP>SOJPIVB12A8C13302F<SEP>Illuminate<SEP>Outro: \"Alles_ Was Blieb",
"TRNGVLK12903CC942B<SEP>SOFFWQH12AB018C366<SEP>Sturm Café<SEP>Sturm Café \"Der Löwe Ist Zuruck",
"TRNCYSN128F9300977<SEP>SOVHMDW12AB017E669<SEP>Jimmy Burns<SEP>Baby Don`t Do It",
"TRNRYSZ128F425806B<SEP>SOPTQQY12A8AE4717E<SEP>Victims Family<SEP>Vinnie + 1",
"TRNQNWN128F932E118<SEP>SOUUWRZ12AB0188A67<SEP>Under The Drone<SEP>Waste = Burn / Beauty",
"TRNQDIN128F9302583<SEP>SOGNLSX12AAF3B145B<SEP>K3 Feat. Alice Lascelles<SEP>Play To Win feat. Wesley S Remix",
"TRMQWOS128F42AE007<SEP>SOBWHYN12A8C13DB4F<SEP>Anthony Hamilton<SEP>Preacher's Daughter featuring Tarsha McMillian",
"TRMUDCR12903CA7ADF<SEP>SOJBAOJ12A8AE47050<SEP>Frank Sinatra<SEP>Strangers In The Night (Remastered Album Version) [The Frank Sinatra Collection]",
"TRNGCCE128F4215E1B<SEP>SOXZKUO12A6D4FC481<SEP>John Brown\'s Body<SEP>Blazing's Love"
my @tracks3 = (
"TRMMHSX128F92D8F4D<SEP>SOYKXMF12A58A79AE4<SEP>Asheru And Blue Black Of The Unspoken Heard<SEP>How You Livin? f/J-Live & Grap Luva & Sondia",
"TRHGJIW128F421CBA7<SEP>SOQRZSW12A6D4FEBFB<SEP>Sexappeal<SEP>¿Por Que No Dejas Ese Loco?",
"TRMWVCV128F9344EF0<SEP>SOTJHZJ12AB0182F54<SEP>None More Black<SEP>You Suck! But Your Peanut Butter's OK",
"TRRCOCB128F42689D2<SEP>SOAGUFA12A8AE478DA<SEP>Héroes del Silencio<SEP>¡ Rueda_ Fortuna ! (Live Version 1995)",
"TRMMHMD128F427428D<SEP>SOPWMAB12A58A7E8E9<SEP>Blue Foundation<SEP>02.17 AM",
"TRMHGSI128F4272C6C<SEP>SOPAFYQ12A8C13500E<SEP>Marvin Hamlisch;John Lithgow;Jeffrey Huard<SEP>I ;Cannot ;Hear the City (Jack Noseworthy with Marvin Hamlisch at the piano)",
"TRMMUOV128F14550D0<SEP>SOYOOFW12A6D4F859A<SEP>Endellion String Quartet<SEP>String Quartet No.3 in D major Op.18 No.3 : I Allegro",
"TRMMJXM128F4250CBA<SEP>SOLUYOV12AF72A655B<SEP>Eric B. & Rakim<SEP>Set 'E&m Straight",
"TRMEGTF128F4216F47<SEP>SONOMZJ12A6D4FB39D<SEP>Sole<SEP>Da Year ov Da \$exxx Symbl (Vocal)",
"TRMIWTC12903CF9ED9<SEP>SOYSLAJ12A58A789EC<SEP>Consequence<SEP>Wack N*ggas",
"TRMMDSM128F9301C01<SEP>SONYDXG12AB017EF87<SEP>Tonex<SEP>F@ce Down",
"TRMKVMA12903CA3C66<SEP>SORRWZX12AB01884A6<SEP>The Beautiful People<SEP>Sleepless Nights #2",
"TRPKKCH128F427478C<SEP>SOKGPHO12A8C13A896<SEP>Reginald Dixon<SEP>Irish Washerwoman | Peggy O'Neill | The Rose Of Tralee | Killarney | St patrick's day",
my @tracks4_7 = (
" ' Quik's Groove VII ' ",
"' Burn 'Em Down '",
"Truck Drivin' man '",
"' ll B'e Back",
" Show Me' The Way ",
"Hel_lo9 'World",
"Hello9 'World"
my @tracks8 = (
"King OF tHe hill",
"outstanding 'of the with",
"no where to hide",
"to !my dear with"
# for @tracks -> $track {
# ################
# # LAB 1 TASK 1 #
# ################
# ## Edit the regex below to capture only song title
# ##
# say $track;
# my $song_title = /\<SEP\> .* \<SEP\> .* \<SEP\> (.*)/;
# # my $song_title = rx/^ SEP !(?before .*SEP) .* $/;
# if ($track ~~ $song_title) {
# say $0;
# ##
# ############################# End Task 1
# # $0 should be the title caught by regex first set of parens
# # It is added to end of the array
# # @tracktitles.push: $0;
# }
# say "\n";
# }
######Task 2#########################################################################
# my $str = "TRMMWJS12903CBB7F5<SEP>SOLBDWO12AB0188CC2<SEP>Aerosmith<SEP>Remember (Walking In The Sand)"
# $str ~~ s/W/K/;
# say $str;
# $_ = 'The Replacements';
# my $substitution = s/Replace/Entrap/;
# # s/Replace/Entrap/;
# # .say; # OUTPUT: «The Entrapments»
# $_ ~~ $substitution;
# say $_;
# # This loops through each track
# for @tracks2 -> $title {
# ##########################
# # LAB 1 TASK 2 #
# ##########################
# ## Add regex substitutions to remove superflous comments and all that follows them
# ## Assign to $_ with smartmatcher (~~)
# ##########################
# say $title;
# $_ = $title;
# my $song_title = /\<SEP\> .* \<SEP\> .* \<SEP\> (.*)/;
# $_ ~~ $song_title;
# $_ = $0;
# say $_;
# # Uncomment and replace ... with a substition for ( and anything that follows
# $_ ~~ s/<[\( \[ \{ \\ \/ _ \- : \" ` \+ =]>.*//;
# say $_;
# # Repeat for the other symbols
# $_ ~~ s/feat\. .*//;
# say $_;
# say "\n";
# ########################## End Task 2
# # Add the edited $title to the new array of titles
# # @filteredtitles.push: $_;
# }
# my $string = "This is a #test string.";
# say $string;
# $string = $string.subst('#', 'HASH');
# say $string; # Output: This is a HASHtest string.
# LAB 1 TASK 3 #
## Add regex substitutions to remove punctuation
## Remember to permit the apostrophe ' (near enter key)
## Use the g (global) directive
# for @tracks3 -> $title {
# ##########################
# say $title;
# $_ = $title;
# # Uncomment and replace ... with a substition for ?
# $_ ~~ s:g/<[ \? \x[00BF] ! \x[00A1] \. ; : & \$ \* @ % \x[0023] \|]>//;
# say $_;
# # Repeat for the other symbols
# # my $hash = /#/;
# # $_ = $_.subst('#');
# # $ ~~ s:g/$hash//;
# # say $_;
# say "\n";
# ########################## End Task 3
# # Add the edited $title to the new array of titles
# # @filteredtitles.push: $_;
# }
# my $string = "''' Hello 'World! '''";
# say $string;
# $string ~~ s:g/^ \'+//;
# $string ~~ s:g/\'+ $//;
# say $string; # Output: "Hello World!"
# $string ~~ s:g/^ \s+//;
# $string ~~ s:g/\s+ $//;
# say $string;
# my $string ="Hello9 'World"; # should return False
# # my $string ="Hel_lo9 'World"; # should return True
# # my $pattern = /<-[\w\s\']>/;
# my $pattern = /<-[a..zA..Z\d\s\']>/;
# say so $string ~~ $pattern;
# if ($string ~~ $pattern) {
# say 'yes, it matches';
# } else {
# say "no, it doesn't match";
# }
# exit;
# # my $string =" ";
# my $string ="''";
# # my $pattern = /^\s*$/;
# # my $pattern = /^\'*$/;
# my $pattern = /^\'$/;
# say so $string ~~ $pattern;
# if ($string ~~ $pattern) {
# say 'yes, it matches';
# } else {
# say "no, it doesn't match";
# }
# exit;
# This removes non-English characters, trailing whitespace, and blank titles
# TASK 4, 5, 6, 7 Below #
## These are small tasks, where each "<your code here>"
## will be either a regex substitution
## or an if statement and a subsequent action (e.g. skip to next without adding)
# # This loops through each track
# for @tracks4_7 -> $title {
# ##########################
# # LAB 1 TASK 4 #
# ##########################
# ## Add regex substitutions to (1) leading and trailing apostrophes.
# ## and then (2) trim leading and trailing whitespace
# ## There will be some trailing apostrophes left after the trailing whitespace is removed
# ##########################
# # replace leading/trailing apostrophe
# say $title;
# $_ = $title;
# # Uncomment and replace ... with a substition to trim apostrophes
# $_ ~~ s:g/^ \'+//; # trim leading apostrophes
# $_ ~~ s:g/\'+ $//; # trim trailing apostrophes
# say $_;
# # Uncomment and replace ... with a substition to trim whitespace
# $_ ~~ s:g/^ \s+//; # trim leading whitespace
# $_ ~~ s:g/\s+ $//; # trim trailing whitespace
# say $_;
# # say "\n";
# ########################## End Task 4
# ##########################
# # LAB 1 TASK 5 #
# ##########################
# ## Filter out non-ASCII characters
# ## (letters, numbers, apostophe, space allowed)
# ##########################
# # Use "next;" to skip lines containing non-ASCII characters
# ##########################
# if ($_ ~~ /<-[a..zA..Z\d\s\']>/) {
# say 'yes, skip this';
# say "\n";
# next;
# } else {
# say "no, keep it";
# }
# ##########################
# ########################## End Task 5
# ##########################
# # LAB 1 TASK 6 #
# ##########################
# ## Skip title if (1) blank contains only whitespace,
# ## or (2) contains only apostrophes
# ##########################
# # skip if only contains whitespace
# ##########################
# if ($_ ~~ /^\s*$/) {
# next;
# }
# ##########################
# # skip if only contains only an apostrophe
# ##########################
# # my $pattern = /^\s*$/;
# if ($_ ~~ /^\'*$/) {
# next;
# }
# ##########################
# ########################## End Task 6
# ##########################
# # LAB 1 TASK 7 #
# ##########################
# ## Set to lowercase
# ##########################
# # minor edit needed to this line (raku has a handy function)
# # @filteredtitles.push: $_.lc;
# say $_.lc;
# ########################## End Task 7
# say "\n";
# }
# # Updates @tracks
# # return @filteredtitles;
# my $text = "Hello World, welcome to the world!";
# $text ~~ s:i:g/world/universe/;
# say $text; # OUTPUT: "Hello universe, welcome to the universe!"
# # exit;
# 「hello world」
# say "h!ello worl!d" ~~ rx/ \w+<|wb>\s*<|wb>\w+ /;
# 「helloworld」
# say "hello!world" ~~ rx/ \w+<!wb>\s*<!wb>\w+ /;
# say "!than the of ! " ~~ /<?after \s><|w>of|the<|w>\s/;
# exit;
# say "outsanding fatty onery king of hill" ~~ /<?after <|w>>of<?before <|w>>\s?/;
# say "Kong of the Hill" ~~ /<?after <|w>>of<?before <|w>>\s?/;
# my $string = "To !a Kong of the Hill With the!";
# say $string;
# # my $pattern = s:g/<?after <|w>>(a|an|and|by|for|from|in|of|on|or|out|the|to|with)<?before <|w>>//;
# # my $pattern = /<?after |w>(of|the|a|an|and|by|for|from|in|on|or|out|to|with)<|w>\s/;
# # my $pattern = /<|w>(of|the|a|an|and|by|for|from|in|on|or|out|to|with)<|w>\s/;
# # $string ~~ s:i:g/$pattern//;
# $string ~~ s:i:g/<|w>(of|the|a|an|and|by|for|from|in|on|or|out|to|with)<|w>\s//;
# # $string ~~ s:g/\'+ $//;
# say $string; # Output: "Hello World!"
# # $string ~~ s:g/^ \s+//;
# # $string ~~ s:g/\s+ $//;
# # say $string;
# exit;
# LAB 1 TASK 8 #
## Add regex substitutions to remove common stopwords
## Use <|w> (word boundaries) in your regexs
## Also trim the single space following the word
## Use the g (global) directive
## Use the i (case insensitive) directive
for @tracks8 -> $title {
$_ = $title;
say $title;
# Uncomment and replace ... with a substitution for "a"
$_ ~~ s:i:g/<|w>(of|the|a|an|and|by|for|from|in|on|or|out|to|with)<|w>\s//;
# Repeat for the other stopwords
say $_;
say "\n";
# Add the edited $title to the new array of titles
# @filteredtitles.push: $_;