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class LinkedList(): def __init__(self, value_first_item): self.head = { "value": value_first_item, "next": None, } self.length = 1 self.tail = self.head def get_head(self): return self.head["value"] def get_tail(self): return self.tail["value"] def append(self, value): new_node = { "value": value, "next": None, } self.tail["next"] = new_node self.tail = new_node self.length+=1 def prepend(self, value): new_node = { "value": value, "next": self.head, } self.head = new_node self.length+=1 def get_position(self, position): """ get the value of a specific position in the linked list.""" if position < 0: raise IndexError("No negative positions") if position > self.length: raise IndexError("Position out of boundaries") elif position == self.length: return self.get_tail() elif position == 0: return self.get_head() element = self.head["next"] curr_position = 1 if element != None: if position == 1: return element["value"] else: while element["next"] != None: element = element["next"] curr_position+=1 if curr_position == position: break return element["value"] print("Hello World!") myLinkedList = LinkedList(5) print(myLinkedList.get_head()) print(myLinkedList.get_tail()) myLinkedList.append(10) myLinkedList.append(15) print(myLinkedList.get_head()) assert(myLinkedList.get_head() == 5) print(myLinkedList.get_tail()) print(myLinkedList.get_position(1)) myLinkedList.append(20) print(myLinkedList.get_position(3)) print(myLinkedList.get_position(4)) assert(myLinkedList.get_position(4) == 20) myLinkedList.prepend(2) assert(myLinkedList.get_head() == 2) assert(myLinkedList.get_position(0) == 2) print("Good-bye Cruel World")
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