
Run Settings
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local gas = 2000 local PhysicsService = game:GetService("PhysicsService") local pards = {} local pards2 = {} local car = "car" local wheels = "wheels" pcall(function() -- Create two collision groups PhysicsService:CreateCollisionGroup(car) PhysicsService:CreateCollisionGroup(wheels) PhysicsService:SetPartCollisionGroup(pards, car) PhysicsService:SetPartCollisionGroup(pards2, wheels) PhysicsService:CollisionGroupSetCollidable(car, wheels, false) end) speed = 0 local part = Instance.new("Part",script) part.Anchored = true part.CFrame = owner.Character.Head.CFrame part.Size = Vector3.new(10,0.1,28) local part2 = Instance.new("Part",script) part2.Anchored = true part2.CanCollide = false part2.CFrame = owner.Character.Head.CFrame local part3 = Instance.new("Part",script) part3.Anchored = true part3.CanCollide = false part3.CFrame = owner.Character.Head.CFrame local part4 = Instance.new("Part",script) part4.Anchored = true part4.CanCollide = false part4.CFrame = owner.Character.Head.CFrame local par = Instance.new("WedgePart",script) par.Anchored = true par.CFrame = owner.Character.Head.CFrame * CFrame.new(0,5,-15) par.Size = Vector3.new(10,6,2) local par2 = Instance.new("Part",script) par2.Anchored = true par2.CFrame = owner.Character.Head.CFrame * CFrame.new(-4.75,4,0) par2.Size = Vector3.new(1.5,8,28) local par3 = Instance.new("Part",script) par3.Anchored = true par3.CFrame = owner.Character.Head.CFrame * CFrame.new(4.75,4,5.5) par3.Size = Vector3.new(1.5,8,17) local par4 = Instance.new("Part",script) par4.Anchored = true par4.CFrame = owner.Character.Head.CFrame * CFrame.new(4.75,4,-10) par4.Size = Vector3.new(1.5,8,8) local par5 = Instance.new("Part",script) par5.Anchored = true par5.CFrame = owner.Character.Head.CFrame * CFrame.new(0,4,14) par5.Size = Vector3.new(10,8,1.5) local par6 = Instance.new("Part",script) par6.Anchored = true par6.CFrame = owner.Character.Head.CFrame * CFrame.new(-2.5,2.5,14.75) par6.Size = Vector3.new(1.5,4,1.5) local par7 = Instance.new("Part",script) par7.Anchored = true par7.CFrame = owner.Character.Head.CFrame * CFrame.new(0,8,0) par7.Size = Vector3.new(10,0.5,28) local par8 = Instance.new("WedgePart",script) par8.Anchored = true par8.CFrame = owner.Character.Head.CFrame * CFrame.new(0,0.5,-15) par8.Size = Vector3.new(10,3,2) par8.CFrame = par8.CFrame * CFrame.Angles(math.rad(180),math.rad(180),0) local par9 = Instance.new("Part",script) par9.Anchored = true par9.CFrame = owner.Character.Head.CFrame * CFrame.new(4.5,2.5,11.75) par9.Size = Vector3.new(0.1,0.75,0.75) par9.Shape = "Cylinder" par9.Material = "SmoothPlastic" par9.Color = Color3.fromRGB(50,50,50) local vseat = Instance.new("VehicleSeat",script) vseat.Anchored = true vseat.CFrame = owner.Character.Head.CFrame * CFrame.new(-2.5,1,-11) vseat.Size = Vector3.new(2.5,1.5,2) local seat = Instance.new("Seat",script) seat.Anchored = true seat.CFrame = owner.Character.Head.CFrame * CFrame.new(-2.5,1,0) seat.Size = Vector3.new(1.5,1.5,2) local seat2 = Instance.new("Seat",script) seat2.Anchored = true seat2.CFrame = owner.Character.Head.CFrame * CFrame.new(-2.5,1,4) seat2.Size = Vector3.new(1.5,1.5,2) local seat3 = Instance.new("Seat",script) seat3.Anchored = true seat3.CFrame = owner.Character.Head.CFrame * CFrame.new(-2.5,1,8) seat3.Size = Vector3.new(1.5,1.5,2) local seat4 = Instance.new("Seat",script) seat4.Anchored = true seat4.CFrame = owner.Character.Head.CFrame * CFrame.new(-2.5,1,12) seat4.Size = Vector3.new(1.5,1.5,2) local seat5 = Instance.new("Seat",script) seat5.Anchored = true seat5.CFrame = owner.Character.Head.CFrame * CFrame.new(2.5,1,0) seat5.Size = Vector3.new(1.5,1.5,2) local seat6 = Instance.new("Seat",script) seat6.Anchored = true seat6.CFrame = owner.Character.Head.CFrame * CFrame.new(2.5,1,4) seat6.Size = Vector3.new(1.5,1.5,2) local seat7 = Instance.new("Seat",script) seat7.Anchored = true seat7.CFrame = owner.Character.Head.CFrame * CFrame.new(2.5,1,8) seat7.Size = Vector3.new(1.5,1.5,2) local seat8 = Instance.new("Seat",script) seat8.Anchored = true seat8.CFrame = owner.Character.Head.CFrame * CFrame.new(2.5,1,12) seat8.Size = Vector3.new(1.5,1.5,2) local seat9 = Instance.new("Seat",script) seat9.Anchored = true seat9.CFrame = owner.Character.Head.CFrame * CFrame.new(0,1,12) seat9.Size = Vector3.new(1.5,1.5,2) owner.Character.Head.CFrame = owner.Character.Head.CFrame * CFrame.new(8,0,-1) task.wait() local tab = script:GetDescendants() for i,v in pairs(tab) do if i >= 2 then if v:IsA("BasePart") and tab[i - 1]:IsA("BasePart") then local weld = Instance.new("WeldConstraint") weld.Part0 = tab[i - 1] weld.Part1 = v weld.Parent = v end end end task.wait() for i,v in pairs(script:GetDescendants()) do pcall(function() v.Transparency = 1 PhysicsService:SetPartCollisionGroup(v, car) v.Anchored = false end) end task.wait() local attttt0 = Instance.new("Attachment",par6) attttt0.CFrame = CFrame.new(0,2.4,1.2) local pe = Instance.new("ParticleEmitter", attttt0) pe.LightEmission = 0 pe.LightInfluence = 1 pe.EmissionDirection = Enum.NormalId.Back pe.VelocityInheritance = 0.5 pe.Orientation = Enum.ParticleOrientation.FacingCamera pe.Size = NumberSequence.new{NumberSequenceKeypoint.new(0, 0.5),NumberSequenceKeypoint.new(1, 1)} pe.Texture = "rbxassetid://34098552" pe.Transparency = NumberSequence.new(0.2,0.4) pe.Lifetime = NumberRange.new(1,1.25) pe.Rate = 500 pe.Rotation = NumberRange.new(math.random(-360,360)) pe.RotSpeed = NumberRange.new(10) pe.Speed = NumberRange.new(1,3) pe.Acceleration = Vector3.new(0,10,0) pe.Color = ColorSequence.new(Color3.fromRGB(50, 50, 50)) pe.SpreadAngle = Vector2.new(-5,5) pe.Drag = NumberRange.new(2,2.5) pe.Lifetime = NumberRange.new(1,1.2) vseat.MaxSpeed = 50 vseat.Torque = 50 vseat.TurnSpeed *= 1.5 part2.Transparency = 0 part3.Transparency = 0 part4.Transparency = 0 part.Transparency = 0 local m = Instance.new("SpecialMesh",part2) m.MeshId = "rbxassetid://1210270510" m.TextureId = "rbxassetid://1210272315" m.Offset = Vector3.new(0,0.2,0.4) + Vector3.new(0,4.1,0) local m = Instance.new("SpecialMesh",part3) m.MeshId = "rbxassetid://1210270416" m.TextureId = "rbxassetid://1210272560" m.Offset = Vector3.new(0,-0.165,-0.65) + Vector3.new(0,4.1,0) m.Scale = Vector3.new(1,1,1) local m = Instance.new("SpecialMesh",part4) m.MeshId = "rbxassetid://1210270337" m.TextureId = "rbxassetid://1210273136" m.Offset = Vector3.new(0,-0.325,-0.55) + Vector3.new(0,4.1,0) local m = Instance.new("SpecialMesh",part) m.MeshId = "rbxassetid://1210267410" m.TextureId = "rbxassetid://1210272211" m.Offset = Vector3.new(0,4.1,0) part.Anchored = true local tool = Instance.new("Tool",owner.Backpack) tool.Name = "Bus Key" local key = Instance.new("Part",tool) key.Name = "Handle" key.Size = Vector3.new(0.5,0.25,0.75) local tool2 = Instance.new("Tool",owner.Backpack) tool2.Name = "Gas" local gass = Instance.new("Part",tool2) gass.Name = "Handle" gass.Size = Vector3.new(1.25, 2.164 + 0.5, 2) local m = Instance.new("SpecialMesh",gass) m.MeshId = "rbxassetid://461734736" m.TextureId = "rbxassetid://461734743" tool2.Grip = CFrame.new(0,0,0) * CFrame.Angles(0,math.rad(90),0) local istouched = false par9.Touched:Connect(function(wha) if wha == gass and gas ~= 3000 then istouched = true tool2.Grip = CFrame.new(0,0,0) * CFrame.Angles(0,math.rad(90),0) * CFrame.Angles(math.rad(45),0,0) end end) par9.TouchEnded:Connect(function(wha) if wha == gass then istouched = false tool2.Grip = CFrame.new(0,0,0) * CFrame.Angles(0,math.rad(90),0) end end) coroutine.wrap(function() while game:GetService("RunService").Heartbeat:Wait() do if istouched then gas = math.clamp(gas + 30,0,3000) if gas == 3000 then tool2.Grip = CFrame.new(0,0,0) * CFrame.Angles(0,math.rad(90),0) end end if gas == 3000 then tool2.Grip = CFrame.new(0,0,0) * CFrame.Angles(0,math.rad(90),0) end end end)() local wheel = Instance.new("Part",vseat) local wheel2 = Instance.new("Part",vseat) local wheel3 = Instance.new("Part",vseat) local wheel4 = Instance.new("Part",vseat) wheel.Material = "Fabric" wheel2.Material = "Fabric" wheel3.Material = "Fabric" wheel4.Material = "Fabric" PhysicsService:SetPartCollisionGroup(wheel, wheels) PhysicsService:SetPartCollisionGroup(wheel2, wheels) PhysicsService:SetPartCollisionGroup(wheel3, wheels) PhysicsService:SetPartCollisionGroup(wheel4, wheels) PhysicsService:CollisionGroupSetCollidable(car, wheels, false) wheel.Anchored = true wheel2.Anchored = true wheel3.Anchored = true wheel4.Anchored = true wheel.Size = Vector3.new(1,4,4) wheel.Shape = "Cylinder" wheel2.Size = Vector3.new(1,4,4) wheel2.Shape = "Cylinder" wheel3.Size = Vector3.new(1,4,4) wheel3.Shape = "Cylinder" wheel4.Size = Vector3.new(1,4,4) wheel4.Shape = "Cylinder" local m = Instance.new("SpecialMesh",wheel) m.MeshId = "rbxassetid://5738250964" m.TextureId = "rbxassetid://5738250999" local m = Instance.new("SpecialMesh",wheel2) m.MeshId = "rbxassetid://5738250964" m.TextureId = "rbxassetid://5738250999" local m = Instance.new("SpecialMesh",wheel3) m.MeshId = "rbxassetid://5738250964" m.TextureId = "rbxassetid://5738250999" local m = Instance.new("SpecialMesh",wheel4) m.MeshId = "rbxassetid://5738250964" m.TextureId = "rbxassetid://5738250999" wheel.CFrame = part.CFrame * CFrame.new(4.5,0,6.5) wheel2.CFrame = part.CFrame * CFrame.new(4.5,0,-9) wheel3.CFrame = part.CFrame * CFrame.new(-4.5,0,6.5) wheel3.CFrame = wheel3.CFrame * CFrame.Angles(0,math.rad(180),0) wheel4.CFrame = part.CFrame * CFrame.new(-4.5,0,-9) wheel4.CFrame = wheel4.CFrame * CFrame.Angles(0,math.rad(180),0) local density = 10 local friction = 1 local elasticity = 0 local frictionWeight = 10000 local elasticityWeight = 100000 local physProperties = PhysicalProperties.new(density, friction, elasticity, frictionWeight, elasticityWeight) part.CustomPhysicalProperties = physProperties local density = 3 local friction = 3 local elasticity = 1 local frictionWeight = 100 local elasticityWeight = 1 local physProperties = PhysicalProperties.new(density, friction, elasticity, frictionWeight, elasticityWeight) wheel.CustomPhysicalProperties = physProperties wheel2.CustomPhysicalProperties = physProperties wheel3.CustomPhysicalProperties = physProperties wheel4.CustomPhysicalProperties = physProperties local part29 = Instance.new("Part",part) part29.CanCollide = false part29.Transparency = 1 local sound = Instance.new("Sound",part) sound.Looped = true sound.Volume = 0 sound.SoundId = "rbxassetid://1289983500" sound:Play() local sound2 = Instance.new("Sound",part) sound2.Looped = true sound2.Volume = 0 sound2:Play() sound2.SoundId = "rbxassetid://431021517" local brakes = Instance.new("Sound",part) brakes.Volume = 1.5 brakes.SoundId = "rbxassetid://1704258021" brakes.PlaybackSpeed = 0.8 local bigbrakes = Instance.new("Sound",part) bigbrakes.Volume = 0.5 bigbrakes.Looped = true bigbrakes.SoundId = "rbxassetid://1858905327" local wha = false brakes.Ended:Connect(function() if wha == false then bigbrakes:Play() wha = true else wha = false end end) par9.Transparency = 0 local steerw = Instance.new("Part",script) steerw.CanCollide = false local m = Instance.new("SpecialMesh",steerw) m.MeshId = "rbxassetid://129344524" m.TextureId = "rbxassetid://129344702" local wel4 = Instance.new("Weld",vseat) wel4.Part0 = steerw wel4.Part1 = vseat wel4.C1 = CFrame.new(-0.1,2.5,-2) * CFrame.Angles(math.rad(-35),0,0) local door1 = Instance.new("Part",script) door1.Size = Vector3.new(0.125,6.75,3.25 * 0.5) door1.Color = Color3.fromRGB(85,85,90) local wel = Instance.new("Weld",part) wel.Part0 = door1 wel.Part1 = part wel.C1 = CFrame.new(4.4,3.125,-(((4.4 * 1.25) - 0.3) + 0.75)) wel.C0 = CFrame.new(0,0,-0.75) local door2 = Instance.new("Part",script) door2.Size = Vector3.new(0.125,6.75,3.25 * 0.5) door2.Color = Color3.fromRGB(85,85,90) local wel2 = Instance.new("Weld",door1) wel2.Part0 = door2 wel2.Part1 = door1 wel2.C1 = CFrame.new(0,0,3.25 * 0.25) wel2.C0 = CFrame.new(0,0,-3.25 * 0.25) local tweenService = game:GetService("TweenService") local timeToFade = 2.5 local object = wel local tweenInfo = TweenInfo.new(timeToFade,Enum.EasingStyle.Linear,Enum.EasingDirection.Out) local goal = {} goal.C0 = CFrame.new(0,0,-0.75) * CFrame.Angles(0,math.rad(-89),0) local doort = tweenService:Create(object, tweenInfo, goal) local goal = {} goal.C0 = CFrame.new(0,0,-0.75) * CFrame.Angles(0,math.rad(-0.5),0) local doort3 = tweenService:Create(object, tweenInfo, goal) local timeToFade = 2.5 local object = wel2 local tweenInfo = TweenInfo.new(timeToFade,Enum.EasingStyle.Linear,Enum.EasingDirection.Out) local goal = {} goal.C0 = CFrame.new(-0.125,0,-(3.25 * 0.25)) * CFrame.Angles(0,math.rad(179),0) local doort2 = tweenService:Create(object, tweenInfo, goal) local goal = {} goal.C0 = CFrame.new(0,0,-(3.25 * 0.25)) * CFrame.Angles(0,math.rad(0.5),0) local doort4 = tweenService:Create(object, tweenInfo, goal) doort:Play() doort2:Play() PhysicsService:SetPartCollisionGroup(door1, car) PhysicsService:SetPartCollisionGroup(door2, car) local prox = Instance.new("ProximityPrompt",vseat) prox.RequiresLineOfSight = false prox.KeyboardKeyCode = Enum.KeyCode.E prox.Style = Enum.ProximityPromptStyle.Custom mod = nil off = true local open = true local doorplay = true doort.Completed:Connect(function() doorplay = false end) doort3.Completed:Connect(function() doorplay = false end) prox.Triggered:Connect(function(player) if player.Character == mod then if not doorplay and open then doorplay = true open = false doort3:Play() doort4:Play() elseif not doorplay and not open then doorplay = true open = true doort:Play() doort2:Play() end end end) local part30 = Instance.new("Part",part) part30.CanCollide = false part30.Transparency = 1 local ats = Instance.new("Attachment",part) ats.CFrame = CFrame.new(-4,0,-9) * CFrame.Angles(0,0,math.rad(90)) local ats2 = Instance.new("Attachment",part29) ats2.CFrame = CFrame.Angles(0,0,math.rad(90)) part29.CFrame = part.CFrame * ats.CFrame steer = Instance.new("HingeConstraint") steer.Parent = part steer.ActuatorType = "Servo" steer.TargetAngle = 0 steer.ServoMaxTorque = 10000000000000000 steer.AngularSpeed = 100000000000000 steer.Attachment0 = ats steer.Attachment1 = ats2 part30 = Instance.new("Part",part) part30.CanCollide = false part30.Transparency = 1 local ats3 = Instance.new("Attachment",part) ats3.CFrame = CFrame.new(4,0,-9) * CFrame.Angles(0,0,math.rad(90)) local ats4 = Instance.new("Attachment",part30) ats4.CFrame = CFrame.Angles(0,0,math.rad(90)) part30.CFrame = part.CFrame * ats3.CFrame steer2 = Instance.new("HingeConstraint") steer2.Parent = part steer2.ActuatorType = "Servo" steer2.TargetAngle = 0 steer2.ServoMaxTorque = 10000000000000000 steer2.AngularSpeed = 100000000000000 steer2.Attachment0 = ats3 steer2.Attachment1 = ats4 local atl = Instance.new("Attachment",part30) local atl2 = Instance.new("Attachment",wheel2) local mot1 = Instance.new("HingeConstraint") mot1.Parent = part mot1.Attachment0 = atl mot1.Attachment1 = atl2 local atl3 = Instance.new("Attachment",part) atl3.CFrame = CFrame.new(4,0,6.5) local atl4 = Instance.new("Attachment",wheel) local mot2 = Instance.new("HingeConstraint") wheel.CFrame = atl4.WorldCFrame mot2.Parent = part mot2.ActuatorType = "Motor" mot2.MotorMaxAcceleration = math.huge-1 mot2.MotorMaxTorque = math.huge-1 mot2.Attachment0 = atl3 mot2.Attachment1 = atl4 local atl5 = Instance.new("Attachment",part29) local atl6 = Instance.new("Attachment",wheel3) atl5.CFrame = atl5.CFrame * CFrame.Angles(0,math.rad(180),0) wheel3.CFrame = atl6.WorldCFrame local mot3 = Instance.new("HingeConstraint") mot3.Parent = part mot3.Attachment0 = atl5 mot3.Attachment1 = atl6 local atl7 = Instance.new("Attachment",part) atl7.CFrame = CFrame.new(-4,0,6.5) local atl8 = Instance.new("Attachment",wheel4) atl7.CFrame = atl7.CFrame * CFrame.Angles(0,math.rad(180),0) wheel4.CFrame = atl8.WorldCFrame local mot4 = Instance.new("HingeConstraint") mot4.Parent = part mot4.ActuatorType = "Motor" mot4.MotorMaxAcceleration = math.huge-1 mot4.MotorMaxTorque = math.huge-1 mot4.Attachment0 = atl7 mot4.Attachment1 = atl8 wait() part.Anchored = false wheel.Anchored = false wheel2.Anchored = false wheel3.Anchored = false wheel4.Anchored = false local currentthrot = 0 speed = 0 local hittab = {} par.Touched:Connect(function(wha) if (wha.Anchored == true or (wha:GetMass() > 500 and not wha:FindFirstAncestorWhichIsA("Model"))) and speed > 5 and wha.CanCollide then speed = 0 elseif (wha.Anchored == true or (wha:GetMass() > 250 and wha:GetMass() < 500 and not wha:FindFirstAncestorWhichIsA("Model"))) and speed > 5 and wha.CanCollide then speed = speed * 0.5 elseif wha.Anchored == false and speed > 5 then if wha:FindFirstAncestorWhichIsA("Model") and wha:FindFirstAncestorWhichIsA("Model"):FindFirstChildWhichIsA("Humanoid") and not table.find(hittab,wha:FindFirstAncestorWhichIsA("Model")) then table.insert(hittab,wha:FindFirstAncestorWhichIsA("Model")) wha:FindFirstAncestorWhichIsA("Model"):FindFirstChildWhichIsA("Humanoid").Health -= speed + 20 wha:FindFirstAncestorWhichIsA("Model"):FindFirstChildWhichIsA("Humanoid").Sit = true pcall(function() local rnd = Random.new() local bv = Instance.new("BodyVelocity", wha:FindFirstAncestorWhichIsA("Model").Head) bv.MaxForce = Vector3.new(math.huge, math.huge, math.huge) bv.Velocity = (part.CFrame.lookVector * (50 + speed)) + Vector3.new(0, 50 + speed, 0) game:GetService("Debris"):AddItem(bv,task.wait(.05)) task.wait(.05) bv.MaxForce = Vector3.new() bv.Velocity = Vector3.new() wha:FindFirstAncestorWhichIsA("Model").Head.RotVelocity = Vector3.new(rnd:NextNumber(-5, 5), rnd:NextNumber(-5, 5), rnd:NextNumber(-5, 5)) end) delay(2,function() table.remove(hittab,table.find(hittab,wha:FindFirstAncestorWhichIsA("Model"))) end) end end end) par7.Touched:Connect(function(wha) if (wha.Anchored == true or (wha:GetMass() > 500 and not wha:FindFirstAncestorWhichIsA("Model"))) and speed > 5 and wha.CanCollide then speed = 0 elseif wha.Anchored == false and speed > 5 then if wha:FindFirstAncestorWhichIsA("Model") and wha:FindFirstAncestorWhichIsA("Model"):FindFirstChildWhichIsA("Humanoid") and not table.find(hittab,wha:FindFirstAncestorWhichIsA("Model")) then table.insert(hittab,wha:FindFirstAncestorWhichIsA("Model")) wha:FindFirstAncestorWhichIsA("Model"):FindFirstChildWhichIsA("Humanoid").Health -= speed + 20 wha:FindFirstAncestorWhichIsA("Model"):FindFirstChildWhichIsA("Humanoid").Sit = true delay(2,function() table.remove(hittab,table.find(hittab,wha:FindFirstAncestorWhichIsA("Model"))) end) end end end) local function carMove(property) if property == "ThrottleFloat" then if vseat.ThrottleFloat ~= 0 then currentthrot = vseat.ThrottleFloat throt = true else currentthrot = 0 throt = false end elseif property == "Occupant" then pcall(function() if vseat.Occupant ~= nil then if vseat.Occupant:FindFirstAncestorWhichIsA("Model"):FindFirstChild("Bus Key") or game:GetService("Players"):GetPlayerFromCharacter(vseat.Occupant:FindFirstAncestorWhichIsA("Model")).Backpack:FindFirstChild("Bus Key") then mod = vseat.Occupant:FindFirstAncestorWhichIsA("Model") off = false coroutine.wrap(function() for i = 1,5 do sound.Volume = math.clamp(sound.Volume + 0.4,0,20) game:GetService("RunService").Heartbeat:Wait() end end)() part:SetNetworkOwner(game:GetService("Players"):GetPlayerFromCharacter(vseat.Occupant:FindFirstAncestorWhichIsA("Model"))) vseat:SetNetworkOwner(game:GetService("Players"):GetPlayerFromCharacter(vseat.Occupant:FindFirstAncestorWhichIsA("Model"))) else mod = nil off = true coroutine.wrap(function() for i = 1,5 do sound.Volume = 0 game:GetService("RunService").Heartbeat:Wait() end end)() part:SetNetworkOwner(owner) vseat:SetNetworkOwner(owner) end else mod = nil off = true coroutine.wrap(function() for i = 1,5 do sound.Volume = 0 game:GetService("RunService").Heartbeat:Wait() end end)() part:SetNetworkOwner(owner) vseat:SetNetworkOwner(owner) end end) end end lastthrot = 0 vseat.Changed:Connect(carMove) coroutine.wrap(function() while game:GetService("RunService").Heartbeat:Wait() do if not off and gas ~= 0 then steer.TargetAngle = 35 * -vseat.SteerFloat steer2.TargetAngle = 35 * -vseat.SteerFloat wel4.C0 = wel4.C0:lerp(CFrame.Angles(0,0,math.rad(70 * vseat.SteerFloat)),0.15) gas = math.clamp(gas - 1,0,3000) else steer.TargetAngle = 12.5 * -vseat.SteerFloat steer2.TargetAngle = 12.5 * -vseat.SteerFloat wel4.C0 = wel4.C0:lerp(CFrame.Angles(0,0,math.rad(25 * vseat.SteerFloat)),0.15) end end end)() local reverse = false while game:GetService("RunService").Heartbeat:Wait() do if throt and math.clamp(currentthrot * math.huge,-1,1) ~= -lastthrot and not off and gas ~= 0 then lastthrot = vseat.Throttle bigbrakes:Stop() game:GetService("RunService").Heartbeat:Wait(0.0525) speed = math.clamp(speed + (0.75 * 0.25),0,30) sound2.Volume = ((vseat.ThrottleFloat * speed) * 0.05) mot2.AngularVelocity = vseat.ThrottleFloat * -(speed - (vseat.SteerFloat)) mot4.AngularVelocity = -vseat.ThrottleFloat * -(speed + (vseat.SteerFloat)) elseif throt and math.clamp(currentthrot * math.huge,-1,1) == -lastthrot and not off and gas ~= 0 then brakes.Volume = 1 brakes:Play() sound2.Volume = ((vseat.ThrottleFloat * speed) * 0.05) for i = 1, 35 do game:GetService("RunService").Heartbeat:Wait(0.0525) speed = math.clamp(speed - (1 * 0.5),0,25) mot2.AngularVelocity = lastthrot * -(speed - (vseat.SteerFloat)) mot4.AngularVelocity = -lastthrot * -(speed + (vseat.SteerFloat)) if speed == 0 then lastthrot = vseat.Throttle bigbrakes:Stop() brakes.Volume = 0.5 brakes:Play() if speed == 0 then break end end end elseif not throt or off or gas == 0 then if speed ~= 0 then game:GetService("RunService").Heartbeat:Wait(0.0325) else bigbrakes:Stop() end sound2.Volume = ((vseat.ThrottleFloat * speed) * 0.05) speed = math.clamp(speed - (0.75 * 0.5),0,30) mot2.AngularVelocity = lastthrot * -(speed) mot4.AngularVelocity = -lastthrot * -(speed) end end
Editor Settings
Key bindings
Full width