boring math (probably accurate)

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local k = -math.log(0.05) / 100000 -- decay factor for workspace.AirDensity, roblox docs say that the density is 5% of the AirDensity property at 100k studs soooo local Cd0 = 0.03 -- in the range of general aviation aircraft, good enough function gToKgPerM3(r) return r * 1000 end -- get air density at Y value, also converts to kg/m^3 so it can be used in lift calc function AirDensity(y) local v = workspace.AirDensity -- measured in g/cm^3 local x = (y < 0 and v) or v * math.exp(k * y) return gToKgPerM3(x) end local module = {} function stom(s) return s * 0.28 end function mtos(m) return m * 3.57 end -- Calculate the lift coefficient. This is automatically used in BoringMath.Lift so calling this from your code is not needed. function module.LiftCoefficient(AngleOfAttack) return 2 * math.pi * AngleOfAttack end -- Calculates lift force in newtons. function module.Lift(Altitude, Speed, Area, AngleOfAttack) Speed = stom(Speed) local r = AirDensity(Altitude) local Cl = module.LiftCoefficient(AngleOfAttack) return .5 * Cl * r * Speed^2 * Area end -- Calculate the drag coefficient. This is automatically used in BoringMath.Drag so calling this from your code is not needed. function module.DragCoefficient(Cl, Ar, e) e = e or 0.7 return Cd0 + Cl^2 / (math.pi * Ar * e) end -- Calculates drag force in newtons. function module.Drag(Altitude, Speed, Area, AngleOfAttack, Ar, e) local r = AirDensity(Altitude) local Cd = module.DragCoefficient(module.LiftCoefficient(AngleOfAttack), Ar, e or 0.7) return .5 * Cd * r * Speed^2 * Area end -- Converts a force in newtons (i.e the output of BoringMath.Drag and BoringMath.Lift) to an impulse in studs. Takes in the force in newtons and the AssemblyMass of the object. function module.ForceToImpulse(forceN, massRMU) local kgPerRMU = 21.952 local metersPerU = 0.28 local massKg = massRMU * kgPerRMU local velocityChange = forceN / massKg local distanceMeters = velocityChange local distanceU = distanceMeters / metersPerU return distanceU end return module
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