
Run Settings
Language Version
Run Command
local ScriptENV do -- Basically EZConvert, but better :) --Be warned! Scripts may or may not have a noticable performance issue depending on the senario (unoptimized expensive loops etc) local Players = game:GetService("Players") local RunService = game:GetService("RunService") local _ENV = getfenv() local Player = _ENV.owner or Players:GetPlayerFromCharacter(script.Parent) or (script.Parent.Parent:IsA("Player") and script.Parent.Parent) if not Player then error("Cannot run script : must be ran in a sandbox, inside a character, or inside playergui/backpack") end local Remote = Player:FindFirstChild("SyncInput") if not Remote then Remote ="RemoteEvent") Remote.Name = "SyncInput" Remote.Parent = Player end local Signal = (function() -- GoodSignal module by stravant local freeRunnerThread = nil local function acquireRunnerThreadAndCallEventHandler(fn, ...) local acquiredRunnerThread = freeRunnerThread freeRunnerThread = nil fn(...) freeRunnerThread = acquiredRunnerThread end local function runEventHandlerInFreeThread() while true do acquireRunnerThreadAndCallEventHandler(coroutine.yield()) end end local Connection = {} Connection.__index = Connection function, fn) return setmetatable({ _connected = true, _signal = signal, _fn = fn, _next = false, }, Connection) end function Connection:Disconnect() self._connected = false if self._signal._handlerListHead == self then self._signal._handlerListHead = self._next else local prev = self._signal._handlerListHead while prev and prev._next ~= self do prev = prev._next end if prev then prev._next = self._next end end end Connection.disconnect = Connection.Disconnect setmetatable(Connection, { __index = function(tb, key) --error(("Attempt to get Connection::%s (not a valid member)"):format(tostring(key)), 2) end, __newindex = function(tb, key, value) --error(("Attempt to set Connection::%s (not a valid member)"):format(tostring(key)), 2) end }) local Signal = {} Signal.__index = Signal function return setmetatable({ _handlerListHead = false, }, Signal) end function Signal:Connect(fn) local connection =, fn) if self._handlerListHead then connection._next = self._handlerListHead self._handlerListHead = connection else self._handlerListHead = connection end return connection end function Signal:DisconnectAll() self._handlerListHead = false end function Signal:Fire(...) local item = self._handlerListHead while item do if item._connected then if not freeRunnerThread then freeRunnerThread = coroutine.create(runEventHandlerInFreeThread) -- Get the freeRunnerThread to the first yield coroutine.resume(freeRunnerThread) end task.spawn(freeRunnerThread, item._fn, ...) end item = item._next end end function Signal:Wait() local waitingCoroutine = coroutine.running() local cn; cn = self:Connect(function(...) cn:Disconnect() task.spawn(waitingCoroutine, ...) end) return coroutine.yield() end function Signal:Once(fn) local cn; cn = self:Connect(function(...) if cn._connected then cn:Disconnect() end fn(...) end) return cn end Signal.wait = Signal.Wait = Signal.Fire Signal.connect = Signal.Connect -- Signal.once doesn't exist in luau, so we don't add it here. setmetatable(Signal, { __index = function(tb, key) -- have to bypass it this way or the script shits itself --error(("Attempt to get Signal::%s (not a valid member)"):format(tostring(key)), 2) end, __newindex = function(tb, key, value) -- have to bypass it this way or the script shits itself --error(("Attempt to set Signal::%s (not a valid member)"):format(tostring(key)), 2) end }) return Signal end)() local NLS = _ENV.NLS if NLS then -- If NLS doesn't exist, a local script should be parented to this script (with the same code). NLS([[local Player = game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer local Remote = Player:WaitForChild("SyncInput") local UserInputService = game:GetService("UserInputService") if not Remote then error("Cannot run script: Unable to find remote - Client failed to launch") end local UpdateInterval = 1 / 30 local Mouse = Player:GetMouse() local InputObjectProperties = { "Position", "KeyCode", "UserInputType", "UserInputState", "Delta", } local MouseProperties = { "Hit", "Icon", "Origin", "Target", "TargetFilter", "TargetSurface", "UnitRay", "ViewSizeX", "ViewSizeY", "X", "Y", "hit", "target", } UserInputService.InputBegan:Connect(function(Input, GP) local Package = {} for i = 1, #InputObjectProperties do local Name = InputObjectProperties[i] Package[Name] = Input[Name] end Remote:FireServer(1, Package, GP) end) UserInputService.InputChanged:Connect(function(Input, GP) local Package = {} for i = 1, #InputObjectProperties do local Name = InputObjectProperties[i] Package[Name] = Input[Name] end Remote:FireServer(2, Package, GP) end) UserInputService.InputEnded:Connect(function(Input, GP) local Package = {} for i = 1, #InputObjectProperties do local Name = InputObjectProperties[i] Package[Name] = Input[Name] end Remote:FireServer(0, Package, GP) end) local ReplicateList = {} Remote.OnClientEvent:Connect(function(Type, Package) if Type == 0 then local Object = Package[1] local Properties = Package[2] ReplicateList[Object] = Properties for i = 1, #Properties do local Name = Properties[i] Object:GetPropertyChangedSignal(Name):Connect(function() if table.find(ReplicateList, Name) then return end table.insert(ReplicateList[Object], Object[Name]) end) end end end) function Update() local MousePackage = {} for i = 1, #MouseProperties do local Name = MouseProperties[i] MousePackage[Name] = Mouse[Name] end Remote:FireServer(3, { Mouse = MousePackage, Replicate = ReplicateList }) end Update() while true do task.wait(UpdateInterval) Update() end]], Player.PlayerGui) end task.wait(0.5) local Mouse = {} local UserInputService = {} Mouse.KeyDown = Mouse.KeyUp = Mouse.Button1Down = Mouse.Button1Up = Mouse.Button2Down = Mouse.Button2Up = --TODO: Implement these Mouse.Move = Mouse.Idle = -- TODO: More UserInputService properties. UserInputService.InputBegan = UserInputService.InputEnded = UserInputService.InputChanged = UserInputService.InputBegan:Connect(function(Input, GP) if not GP then if Input.KeyCode ~= Enum.KeyCode.Unknown then Mouse.KeyDown:Fire(utf8.char(Input.KeyCode.Value)) end if Input.UserInputType == Enum.UserInputType.MouseButton1 then Mouse.Button1Down:Fire() end if Input.UserInputType == Enum.UserInputType.MouseButton2 then Mouse.Button2Down:Fire() end end end) UserInputService.InputEnded:Connect(function(Input, GP) if not GP then if Input.KeyCode ~= Enum.KeyCode.Unknown then Mouse.KeyUp:Fire(utf8.char(Input.KeyCode.Value)) end if Input.UserInputType == Enum.UserInputType.MouseButton1 then Mouse.Button1Up:Fire() end if Input.UserInputType == Enum.UserInputType.MouseButton2 then Mouse.Button2Up:Fire() end end end) local MouseProperties = {} for Name, Connection in Mouse do Mouse[Name:sub(1,1)..Name:sub(2)] = Connection end for Name, Connection in UserInputService do Mouse[Name:sub(1,1)..Name:sub(2)] = Connection end local InputTypes = { [0] = "InputEnded", [1] = "InputBegan", [2] = "InputChanged", -- Number 3 is specially handled } local ReplicatedProperties = {} Remote.OnServerEvent:Connect(function(Sender, Type, Package, ...) local UISType = InputTypes[Type] if UISType then UserInputService[UISType]:Fire(Package, ...) end if Type == 3 then -- Mouse and replication stuff MouseProperties = Package.Mouse ReplicatedProperties = Package.Replicate end end) function Unsandbox(Value) if Value and typeof(Value) == "table" then local Real = Value._Real if Real then return Real end end end function GetReplicated(Object, Property) if not ReplicatedProperties[Object] then local Replicate = { [Property] = 0 } ReplicatedProperties[Object] = Replicate Remote:FireClient(Player, 0, {Object, Replicate}) end local ReplicatedProperty = ReplicatedProperties[Object] if not ReplicatedProperty[Property] then ReplicatedProperties[Object][Property] = Object[Property] end return ReplicatedProperty[Property] end function Sandbox(Object, Custom) if Object == nil then return end if Unsandbox(Object) then return Object end return setmetatable({}, { __index = function(self, Property) if Property == "_Real" then return Object end local CustomValue = (Custom and Custom[Property]) if CustomValue then return CustomValue end local Value = Object[Property] local Unsandboxed = Unsandbox(Value) if Property == "PlaybackLoudness" or Property == "playbackLoudness" then return GetReplicated(Object, "PlaybackLoudness") end if Value and typeof(Value) == "function" then return function(_, ...) local UnsandboxedArgs = {...} for i = 1, #UnsandboxedArgs do UnsandboxedArgs[i] = Unsandbox(UnsandboxedArgs[i]) or UnsandboxedArgs[i] end local Result = Value(Object, table.unpack(UnsandboxedArgs)) if Result then if typeof(Result) == "Instance" then Result = Sandbox(Result) end if typeof(Result) == "table" then for Index, Object in Result do if typeof(Object) == "Instance" then Result[Index] = Sandbox(Object) end end end end return Result end end if Value and typeof(Value) == "Instance" then Value = Sandbox(Value) end return Value end, __newindex = function(self, Property, Value) Object[Property] = Unsandbox(Value) or Value end, __metatable = "The metatable is locked", __type = "Instance", __tostring = function() return Object.Name end, }) end local NewENV = {} NewENV.typeof = function(Object) local Unsandboxed = Unsandbox(Object) return (Unsandboxed and typeof(Unsandboxed) or typeof(Object)) end NewENV.type = function(Object) local Unsandboxed = Unsandbox(Object) return (Unsandboxed and type(Unsandboxed) or type(Object)) end local FakeMouse = setmetatable({}, { __index = function(self, Property) return Mouse[Property] or MouseProperties[Property] end, __newindex = function(self, Property, Value) error("Cant set property of \"Mouse\"", 2) end, __metatable = "The metatable is locked", __type = "Instance", __tostring = function() return "Mouse" end, }) function GetMouse() return FakeMouse end local FakePlayer = Sandbox(Player, { GetMouse = GetMouse, getMouse = GetMouse }) local FakePlayers = Sandbox(Players, { LocalPlayer = FakePlayer, localPlayer = FakePlayer }) local Services = { Players = FakePlayers, players = FakePlayers, UserInputService = UserInputService, userInputService = UserInputService, } function GetService(_, Name) return Sandbox(Services[Name] or game:GetService(Name)) end NewENV.script = Sandbox(script, { Parent = Player.Character, parent = Player.Character }) = Sandbox(game, { table.unpack(Services), GetService = GetService, getService = GetService, service = GetService, }) NewENV.Instance = { new = function(Class, Parent) return Sandbox(, Unsandbox(Parent) or Parent)) end, } NewENV.owner = Player NewENV.mouse = FakeMouse NewENV.LoadLibrary = function(Library) if Library == "RbxUtility" then return { Create = function(Class) local Object = return function(Properties) for Name, Value in Properties do Object[Name] = Value end return Object end end } end end ScriptENV = setmetatable({}, { __index = function(self, Index) return NewENV[Index] or _ENV[Index] end, __newindex = function(self, Index, Value) rawset(ScriptENV, Index, Value) end, __metatable = "The metatable is locked" }) end setfenv(1, ScriptENV) local create = { sound = function(id: number,volume: number,parent) local sound ="Sound") sound.Parent = parent sound.SoundId = "rbxassetid://" sound.Volume = volume sound:Play() sound.Ended:Connect(function() sound:Destroy() end) end, meshPart = function(meshId: string): MeshPart return game:GetService("InsertService"):CreateMeshPartAsync(meshId,Enum.CollisionFidelity.Hull,Enum.RenderFidelity.Automatic) end, weld = function(parent,part0: BasePart,part1: BasePart,c0: CFrame,c1: CFrame,between: boolean): Weld assert(part0,"Part0 required.") assert(part1,"Part1 required.") local w ="Weld") w.Parent = parent or nil w.Part0 = part0 w.Part1 = part1 if not between then w.C0 = c0 w.C1 = c1 else w.C1 = part1.CFrame:Inverse() * part0.CFrame end return w end, part = function(size,shape,material,transparency,reflectance,color,name,anchored,parent): Part local p ="Part") p.Size = size or p.Shape = shape or Enum.PartType.Block p.Material = material or Enum.Material.Plastic p.Transparency = transparency or 0 p.Reflectance = reflectance or 0 p.Color = color or Color3.fromRGB(255,255,255) p.Name = name or "Part" p.Anchored = anchored or false p.Parent = parent or nil return p end, decal = function(parent,texture: string,face: Enum.NormalId): Decal local d ="Decal") d.Texture = texture d.Face = face d.Parent = parent return d end, mesh = function(meshId,textureId,scale,parent): SpecialMesh local m ="SpecialMesh") m.MeshId = meshId or "rbxassetid://0" m.TextureId = textureId or "rbxassetid://0" m.Scale = scale or,1,1) m.Parent = parent or nil return m end, charMesh = function(parent: Instance,meshId: number,baseTexId: number,bodyPart: Enum.BodyPart) local b ="CharacterMesh") b.MeshId = meshId b.BaseTextureId = baseTexId b.BodyPart = bodyPart b.Parent = parent end, shirt = function(parent: Instance,id: string) local i ="Shirt") i.ShirtTemplate = id i.Parent = parent end, pants = function(parent: Instance,id: string) local i ="Shirt") i.ShirtTemplate = id i.Parent = parent end, raycast = function(origin,direction,params) return workspace:Raycast(origin,direction,params) end } local RISE_FROM_FLOOR_ID = 108838065760325 local SINK_INTO_FROOM_ID = 112379749595409 local runService = game:GetService("RunService") local userInput = game:GetService("UserInputService") local tweenService = game:GetService("TweenService") local debris = game:GetService("Debris") local players = game:GetService("Players") local AnimationTrack = loadstring(game:GetService("HttpService"):GetAsync(""))() local character: Model = owner.Character or owner.CharacterAdded:Wait() local mouse: Mouse = owner:GetMouse() local humanoid: Humanoid = character:FindFirstChildWhichIsA("Humanoid") or character:WaitForChild("Humanoid") if humanoid.RigType ~= Enum.HumanoidRigType.R6 then assert("This script only works when using R6 rig type") end if humanoid.RootPart == nil then error("No HumanoidRootPart") end local torso: BasePart = character:WaitForChild("Torso") local head: BasePart = character:WaitForChild("Head") type Joint = { weld: Weld, defaultC0: CFrame, defaultC1: CFrame } local joints: {[string]: Joint} = { RootJoint = nil, LeftHip = nil, LeftShoulder = nil, Neck = nil, RightHip = nil, RightShoulder = nil } --[[for _,motor in character:GetDescendants() do if motor:IsA("Motor6D") then local w ="Weld") w.Name = motor.Name w.Parent = motor.Parent w.Part0 = motor.Part0 w.Part1 = motor.Part1 w.C0 = motor.C0 w.C1 = motor.C1 joints[string.gsub(motor.Name," ","")] = { weld = w, defaultC0 = w.C0, defaultC1 = w.C1 } end end]]-- local function enableJoints() for _,joint in joints do if not joint.weld.Enabled then joint.weld.Enabled = true end end end local function disableJoints() for _,joint in joints do if joint.weld.Enabled then joint.weld.Enabled = false end end end humanoid.CameraOffset = Vector3.yAxis * 4 humanoid.MaxHealth = math.huge humanoid.Health = math.huge local pd: Model = workspace:FindFirstChild("PD") if not pd then if script:FindFirstChild("PD") then pd = script:FindFirstChild("PD") else if getfenv().LoadAssets == nil then error("This script only works in Lua Sandbox") end local assets = LoadAssets(121750914074195) pd = assets:Get("PD") end if not pd then error("Couldnt create the Pocket Dimension") end pd.Parent = workspace end pd:PivotTo(,-50,1000)) local overlapParams = overlapParams.FilterDescendantsInstances = {character,pd} overlapParams.FilterType = Enum.RaycastFilterType.Exclude local raycastParams = raycastParams.FilterDescendantsInstances = {character} raycastParams.FilterType = Enum.RaycastFilterType.Exclude local ncc1 ="NoCollisionConstraint") ncc1.Parent = humanoid.RootPart ncc1.Part0 = humanoid.RootPart local ncc2 ="NoCollisionConstraint") ncc2.Parent = character:WaitForChild("Torso") ncc2.Part0 = character:WaitForChild("Torso") for _,part in character:GetDescendants() do if part:IsA("Clothing") or part:IsA("Shirt") or part:IsA("Pants") or part:IsA("Decal") or part:IsA("ShirtGraphic") or part:IsA("Accessory") or part:IsA("CharacterMesh") then part:Destroy() end end create.mesh("","",,head) create.charMesh(character,27111894,188608369,Enum.BodyPart.Torso) create.charMesh(character,64022346,188608369,Enum.BodyPart.LeftArm) create.charMesh(character,64022355,188608369,Enum.BodyPart.LeftLeg) create.charMesh(character,64022364,188608369,Enum.BodyPart.RightArm) create.charMesh(character,64022375,188608369,Enum.BodyPart.RightLeg) create.shirt(character,"rbxassetid://188608369") create.pants(character,"rbxassetid://188607890") local isInGround = false --disableJoints() local walkAnim = walkAnim:setAnimation("") walkAnim:setRig(character) walkAnim.Looped = true local riseAnim = riseAnim:setAnimation("") riseAnim:setRig(character) riseAnim.lerpFactor = 1 local sinkAnim = sinkAnim:setAnimation("") sinkAnim:setRig(character) local breathing ="Sound") breathing.SoundId = "rbxassetid://129086821125966" breathing.Volume = 1 breathing.Looped = true breathing.Parent = humanoid.RootPart breathing:Play() for _,part in pd:GetDescendants() do if part:IsA("BasePart") and part.Name == "Hitbox" then part.Touched:Connect(function(touchedPart) local model = touchedPart:FindFirstAncestorWhichIsA("Model") if not model then return end local humanoid: Humanoid = model:FindFirstChildWhichIsA("Humanoid") if not humanoid then return end math.randomseed(tick()) if math.random() < 0.12 then model:PivotTo(,3,0)) else humanoid.Health = 0 model:BreakJoints() end end) end end local function createMucus() local rayResult = create.raycast(humanoid.RootPart.Position,Vector3.yAxis * -50,raycastParams) if not rayResult then return end local mucusPart = create.part(,0.1,0.1),Enum.PartType.Block,Enum.Material.SmoothPlastic,1,0,,0,0),"Mucus",true,workspace) create.decal(mucusPart,"rbxassetid://129418678",Enum.NormalId.Top) mucusPart.Position = rayResult.Position mucusPart.CanCollide = false mucusPart.CanQuery = false mucusPart.CanTouch = false local tween: Tween = tweenService:Create(mucusPart,,Enum.EasingStyle.Linear,Enum.EasingDirection.InOut),{ Size =,0.1,10) }) tween:Play() local completed completed = tween.Completed:Connect(function() tween:Destroy() completed:Disconnect() end) debris:AddItem(mucusPart,10) end userInput.InputBegan:Connect(function(input: InputObject, chatting: boolean) if chatting then return end if input.KeyCode == Enum.KeyCode.LeftShift and not isGoingInOut and not riseAnim.IsPlaying and not sinkAnim.IsPlaying then isInGround = not isInGround humanoid:MoveTo(humanoid.RootPart.Position) createMucus() if isInGround then sinkAnim:Play() create.sound(RISE_FROM_FLOOR_ID,2,humanoid.RootPart) task.wait(sinkAnim.Length) else riseAnim:Play() create.sound(SINK_INTO_FROOM_ID,2,humanoid.RootPart) task.wait(riseAnim.Length) end end if input.UserInputType == Enum.UserInputType.MouseButton1 and not isInGround and not riseAnim.IsPlaying and not sinkAnim.IsPlaying then local parts = workspace:GetPartBoundsInBox(,,2.5,6),overlapParams) for _,part in parts do if part:IsA("BasePart") then local targetModel = part:FindFirstAncestorWhichIsA("Model") if not targetModel or targetModel == character then continue end local targetHumanoid: Humanoid = targetModel:FindFirstChildWhichIsA("Humanoid") if not targetHumanoid then local targetPlayer: Player = players:FindFirstChild(targetModel.Name) if (targetPlayer and targetPlayer.Character == nil) or targetModel:FindFirstChild("Torso") or targetModel:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart") then if pd:FindFirstChild("TP") then if math.random() < 0.5 then targetModel:PivotTo("TP").Position)) else targetModel:BreakJoints() end else targetModel:BreakJoints() end end continue end if pd:FindFirstChild("TP") then targetModel:PivotTo("TP").Position)) end targetHumanoid.Health -= targetHumanoid.MaxHealth - 40 break end end end end) while task.wait(1 / 60) do head.CanCollide = false torso.CanCollide = false humanoid.Health = humanoid.MaxHealth humanoid:SetStateEnabled(Enum.HumanoidStateType.Dead,false) if riseAnim.IsPlaying or sinkAnim.IsPlaying then humanoid.WalkSpeed = 0 elseif isInGround then humanoid.WalkSpeed = 80 else humanoid.WalkSpeed = 25 end if isInGround or riseAnim.IsPlaying or sinkAnim.IsPlaying then if breathing.IsPlaying then breathing:Stop() end else if not breathing.IsPlaying then breathing:Play() end end for _,part in character:GetChildren() do if part:IsA("BasePart") then if part == humanoid.RootPart then continue end if isInGround and not riseAnim.IsPlaying and not sinkAnim.IsPlaying then part.Transparency = 1 else part.Transparency = 0 end end end if humanoid:GetState() == Enum.HumanoidStateType.Running then local parts = workspace:GetPartBoundsInBox(,,2,4),overlapParams) for _,part in parts do if part:IsA("BasePart") and part.CanCollide then ncc1.Part1 = part ncc2.Part1 = part end end else ncc1.Part1 = nil ncc2.Part1 = nil end if humanoid.MoveDirection.Magnitude > 0 and not isInGround and not riseAnim.IsPlaying and not sinkAnim.IsPlaying then walkAnim:AdjustSpeed(humanoid.WalkSpeed / 16) if not walkAnim.IsPlaying then walkAnim:Play() end else if walkAnim.IsPlaying then walkAnim:Stop() end end end
Editor Settings
Key bindings
Full width