User9684's upart

Run Settings
Language Version
Run Command
--!strict script.Parent = nil script.Disabled = true script:Destroy() --[[ Types ]] type Commands = { exec: (args: { [number]: string }) -> (), desc: string?, args: string?, } do --[[ Constants ]] local rs = game:GetService("RunService") local h = game:GetService("HttpService") local deb = game:GetService("Debris") local ts = game:GetService("TweenService") local reps = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage") local plrs = game:GetService("Players") local AudibleServices = { game:GetService("Workspace"), game:GetService("SoundService"), game:GetService("Chat"), game:GetService("Players"), game:GetService("MarketplaceService"), game:GetService("PointsService"), game:GetService("MaterialService"), game:GetService("TextChatService"), game:GetService("LocalizationService"), game:GetService("JointsService"), game:GetService("FriendService"), game:GetService("InsertService"), game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage"), game:GetService("Lighting"), game:GetService("ProximityPromptService"), game:GetService("Teams"), game:GetService("TestService"), game:GetService("VoiceChatService"), } local BaseParts = { "Part", "CornerWedgePart", "TrussPart", "WedgePart", "MeshPart", "UnionOperation", "IntersectOperation", "NegateOperation", "PartOperation", } local NormalIds = Enum.NormalId:GetEnumItems() local decals = {} for i=1,#NormalIds do local d ="Decal") decals[i] = d end local tweeninfo =, Enum.EasingStyle.Linear, Enum.EasingDirection.In, 9e99999, false) local voidProperties = { Position =, workspace.FallenPartsDestroyHeight - 5, 0), } local placeIDs = { [17278238281] = "FSB", [11510416200] = "LSB", } -- [[ this is just so that the editor will SHUT UP!!! ]] local owner = owner or (#plrs:GetPlayers() > 0 and plrs:GetPlayers()[1]) or plrs.PlayerAdded:Wait() local ownerID = owner and owner.UserId or 0 local NLS = NLS or function() print("NLS does not exist!") end local commandLineFormat = [[* %s - Description: %s - Arguments: %s - Aliases: %s]] local helpMessageFormat = [[ ---- uPart Commands ---- Example command: u/size/5/2/8 ------------------------ %s ------------------------]] local remoteName = (owner and owner.Name or "¯_(ツ)_/¯") .. "-uPartRemote" local remoteClientCode = [===[ local lsb1, lsb2 = ... local remote, remoteName = lsb1 or fsb1, lsb2 or fsb2 local players = game:GetService("Players") local repstorage = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage") local plr = players.LocalPlayer repstorage.ChildAdded:Connect(function(inst) pcall(function() if remote and remote.Parent == repstorage then return end if not inst:IsA("RemoteFunction") then return end if inst.Name ~= remoteName then return end local n =,10000) local response = remote:InvokeServer(plr, "c", n) if typeof(response) ~= "number" or response/n ~= plr.UserId then return end remote = inst print("remote changed") end) end) local e = false repeat local n =,10000) local res = remote:InvokeServer(plr, "c", n) if typeof(res) == "number" and res/n == plr.UserId then e = true break end task.wait() until e print("Confirmed connection") ]===] local toolClientCode = remoteClientCode .. [=======[ local players = game:GetService("Players") local runservice = game:GetService("RunService") local repstorage = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage") local http = game:GetService("HttpService") local plr = players.LocalPlayer local tool = script.Parent local moving = false local mouse = plr:GetMouse() local events = {} table.insert(events, runservice.Heartbeat:Connect(function() pcall(function() if not moving then return end local position = mouse.Hit if not position then return end if position.Y <= workspace.FallenPartsDestroyHeight then return end remote:InvokeServer(plr, "t", position) end) end)) table.insert(events, tool.Activated:Connect(function() moving = true end)) table.insert(events, tool.Deactivated:Connect(function() moving = false end)) table.insert(events, tool.AncestryChanged:Connect(function() local newParent = tool.Parent moving = false if not (newParent:IsA("Model") or newParent:IsA("Backpack")) then print("Tool appears to have been deleted, stopping code.") for _, event in events do event:Disconnect() end end end)) ]=======] local fcClientCode = remoteClientCode .. [====[ local rs = game:GetService("RunService") local uis = game:GetService("UserInputService") local players = game:GetService("Players") local plr = players.LocalPlayer local mouse = plr:GetMouse() local cameraRotation =, -15) local cameraZoom = 15 local frameDuration = 1 / 60 local cameraDirection = false local lookat = false local movement = { CFrame = remote:InvokeServer(plr, "p"), newCFrame = } local consecutiveFrames = 0 local throttle = 0 workspace.CurrentCamera:Destroy() local camera ="Camera") camera.Parent = workspace camera.CameraType = Enum.CameraType.Scriptable workspace.CurrentCamera = camera local function isKeyDown(key) return not uis:GetFocusedTextBox() and uis:IsKeyDown(Enum.KeyCode[key]) end local function updateServerPosition() remote:InvokeServer(plr, "m", movement.CFrame) end rs:BindToRenderStep("upart_movement", 1, function(deltaTime) consecutiveFrames = consecutiveFrames + deltaTime throttle = 0 for _ = 1, consecutiveFrames / frameDuration do consecutiveFrames = consecutiveFrames - frameDuration throttle = throttle + 1 end if cameraZoom == 0 then uis.MouseBehavior = Enum.MouseBehavior.LockCenter cameraRotation = cameraRotation - uis:GetMouseDelta() * 0.5 elseif uis:IsMouseButtonPressed(Enum.UserInputType.MouseButton2) then uis.MouseBehavior = Enum.MouseBehavior.LockCurrentPosition cameraRotation = cameraRotation - uis:GetMouseDelta() * 0.5 else uis.MouseBehavior = Enum.MouseBehavior.Default end cameraRotation =, math.clamp(cameraRotation.Y, -81, 81)) local newAngles = CFrame.Angles(0, math.rad(cameraRotation.X), 0) * CFrame.Angles(math.rad(cameraRotation.Y), 0, 0) local oldCFrame = movement.CFrame local movementDirection = { left = isKeyDown("A"), right = isKeyDown("D"), up = isKeyDown("E"), down = isKeyDown("Q"), forward = isKeyDown("W"), backward = isKeyDown("S") } local seps = 0 for _, isPressed in pairs(movementDirection) do if isPressed then seps = seps + 1 end end local realVel = {} for key, isPressed in pairs(movementDirection) do realVel[key] = isPressed and 1 or 0 end local movementAddition = -realVel.left+realVel.right, -realVel.down+realVel.up, -realVel.forward+realVel.backward ) movement.newCFrame = * newAngles movement.newCFrame = movement.newCFrame * if movement.newCFrame.Position ~= movement.CFrame.Position then movement.CFrame = movement.CFrame.Position, movement.newCFrame.Position ) *, 0, -throttle * (16 / 60)) end if cameraDirection then movement.CFrame = * camera.CFrame.Rotation end if lookat then movement.CFrame =, mouse.Hit.Position) end local cameraPosition = movement.CFrame.Position local cameraCFrame = newAngles + cameraPosition + newAngles *, 0, cameraZoom) camera.CFrame = cameraCFrame camera.Focus = cameraCFrame *, 0, -cameraZoom) if movement.CFrame ~= oldCFrame then updateServerPosition() end end) mouse.WheelForward:Connect(function() cameraZoom = cameraZoom - (cameraZoom*0.2) end) mouse.WheelBackward:Connect(function() cameraZoom = cameraZoom + (cameraZoom*0.2) end) rs:BindToRenderStep("upart_other_camera_controls", 2, function(deltaTime) if isKeyDown("I") then cameraZoom = cameraZoom - (cameraZoom*0.05) end if isKeyDown("O") then cameraZoom = cameraZoom + (cameraZoom*0.05) end if isKeyDown("Left") then cameraRotation =,0) end if isKeyDown("Right") then cameraRotation =,0) end end) uis.InputEnded:Connect(function(input) if uis:GetFocusedTextBox() then return end if input.KeyCode == Enum.KeyCode.T then print("Teleported to mouse") movement.CFrame =*CFrame.fromEulerAnglesXYZ(movement.CFrame:ToEulerAnglesXYZ()) updateServerPosition() return end if input.KeyCode == Enum.KeyCode.R then print("Teleported to spawn") movement.CFrame = updateServerPosition() return end if input.KeyCode == Enum.KeyCode.LeftControl then cameraDirection = not cameraDirection if cameraDirection then print("Enabled camera lookat") lookat = false end end if input.KeyCode == Enum.KeyCode.LeftAlt then lookat = not lookat if lookat then print("Enabled mouse lookat") cameraDirection = false end end end) local lastPing = rs:BindToRenderStep("upart_ping", 3, function() local now = if now-lastPing < 1 then return end lastPing = now remote:InvokeServer(plr, "ping") end) ]====] local ccClientCode = remoteClientCode .. [=====[ local players = game:GetService("Players") local plr = players.LocalPlayer game:GetService("RunService"):BindToRenderStep("upart_client_check", 1, function() local response = remote:InvokeServer(plr, "gp") if not response.p or not response.m then remote:InvokeServer(plr, "r") return end if response.p.Parent ~= workspace then remote:InvokeServer(plr, "r") return end if response.m.Parent ~= response.p then remote:InvokeServer(plr, "r") return end if #response.p:GetChildren() ~= 1 then remote:InvokeServer(plr, "r") return end if #response.m:GetChildren() ~= 0 then remote:InvokeServer(plr, "r") return end end) ]=====] --[[ Variables ]] --[[ holy macarole this is bad.... ]] local wms = {} local positionOffset =, 4, 0) local rotationOffset =, 0, 0) local spinAxis = { 0, 0, 0 } local spinning = false local movementPower = 1 local currentNormalId = 1 local tp = ( owner and owner.Character and owner.Character.PrimaryPart and owner.Character.PrimaryPart.CFrame or, 30, 0) ) local printOnClient = false local cmds: { commands: { [string]: { exec: (args: { [number]: string }) -> (), desc: string?, args: string?, aliases: { [number]: string }?, }, }, aliases: { [string]: string, }, } local recreateDebounce = false local csize =, 1.2, 2) local manualColor = Color3.fromRGB(255, 255, 255) local usingManual = false local deleteMult = 1 local debugOn = rs:IsStudio() local rotating = true local moving = true local desync = false local hnAD = false local snAD = false local shnAD = false local instantMovement = false local murdering = true local depthMurder = false local colorSpeed = 0.25 local recreateTimeout = 5 local desyncDepth = 1 local snDepth = 80 local targetingID: number? = nil local lastFC: number = 0 local olp = --[[ mfw this results in a lot of cpu branches, making the code slower ]] olp.FilterType = Enum.RaycastFilterType.Exclude --[[ horrible idea ]] local olp2 = olp2.FilterType = Enum.RaycastFilterType.Exclude olp2.BruteForceAllSlow = true local ownerChatted: RBXScriptConnection? --[[ Tool Remote ]] local remote ="RemoteFunction") remote.Name = remoteName remote.Parent = reps --[[ Base part ]] --[[ setting canquery to false is for noobs. ]] local part ="Part") part.Archivable = true part.Parent = nil part.Anchored = true part.Position = tp.Position + positionOffset part.Size = csize local partInfo = {} --[[ awesome derender bypass ]] local mesh ="SpecialMesh") mesh.MeshId = "" mesh.TextureId = "" mesh.MeshType = Enum.MeshType.FileMesh mesh.Scale = csize mesh.Archivable = true local meshInfo = {} local cpart: BasePart = nil local cmesh: SpecialMesh = nil local dest1: ()->()? local dest2: ()->()? local ac1: ()->()? local ac2: ()->()? local c1: ()->()? local c2: ()->()? --[[ Sound ]] local SoundHolder: BasePart = nil local Sound: Sound = nil local holderInfo = {} local songID = "" local soundInfo = { Volume = 0.5, RollOffMaxDistance = 50, RollOffMinDistance = 10, RollOffMode = Enum.RollOffMode.InverseTapered.Value, PlaybackSpeed = 1, Playing = false, Looped = true, SoundGroup = nil, PlaybackRegionsEnabled = false, } local TimePosition = 0 local adl: ()->()? local adest1: ()->()? local adest2: ()->()? local apc: ()->()? --[[ Functions ]] --[[ C-Stack Overflow execution (also known as hypernull by skids) ]] local hn_bind ="BindableFunction") hn_bind.OnInvoke = function(f, ...) if not pcall(hn_bind.Invoke, hn_bind, f, ...) then f(...) end end function cstackExec(f, ...) if not pcall(hn_bind.Invoke, hn_bind, f, ...) then f(...) end end if rs:IsStudio() then cstackExec = function(f, ...) f(...) end end --[[ Defer depth (also known as supernull by skids) ]] function deferDepthExecution(targetDepth: number, func, ...) local threads = {} targetDepth = targetDepth or 25 if targetDepth > 80 then targetDepth = 80 end if targetDepth <= 0 then targetDepth = 1 end local currentDepth = 0 local passed = 0 local function depthFunc(...) currentDepth += 1 if currentDepth >= targetDepth then func(...) return end local success, thread = pcall(task.defer, depthFunc, ...) if success then table.insert(threads, thread) passed += 1 end end local success, thread = pcall(task.defer, depthFunc, ...) if success then table.insert(threads, thread) end repeat task.wait() until currentDepth >= targetDepth for _, thread in threads do task.cancel(thread) end end function deferCStackExec(targetDepth: number, func, ...) deferDepthExecution(targetDepth, function(...) cstackExec(func, ...) end, ...) end --[[ Function depth (not sure if the skids have a name for this, but they prob do.) ]] function functionDepth(func, ...) if not pcall(functionDepth, func, ...) then func(...) end end --[[ Combination of all depth methods ]] function lotsOfDepth(deferDepth: number, func, ...) functionDepth(function(...) deferCStackExec(deferDepth, func, ...) end, ...) end --[[ HN-Breaking event connection ]] local hnBEvents = {} function connect(instance:any, event:string, func:any, propertyChangedSignal: boolean?) local GUID = h:GenerateGUID(false) local instanceEvent = propertyChangedSignal and instance:GetPropertyChangedSignal(event) or instance[event] hnBEvents[GUID] = { connection = nil::RBXScriptConnection?; func = func; inst = instance; eventName = event; propChanged = propertyChangedSignal or false; } return function() local event = hnBEvents[GUID] hnBEvents[GUID] = nil if event.connection and event.connection.Connected then event.connection:Disconnect() end end end function callFunctionWithArgs(func, initialArgs) return function(...) func(initialArgs, ...) end end function processEvents() for i, event in hnBEvents do task.spawn(function() if event.connection and event.connection.Connected then return end if event.connection and not event.connection.Connected then callMethods(event.func) end local instanceEvent = event.propChanged and event.inst:GetPropertyChangedSignal(event.eventName) or event.inst[event.eventName] event.connection = instanceEvent:Once(callFunctionWithArgs(callMethods, event.func)) end) end end function rString() return h:GenerateGUID(false):gsub("-", "") end function onTool(value: CFrame) if value.Y <= workspace.FallenPartsDestroyHeight then info("Selected position is too far under the map.") return end if targetingID then info("Can not move, part is currently targeting a player.") return end tp = value end function onMove(value: CFrame) if value.Y <= workspace.FallenPartsDestroyHeight then info("Selected position is too far under the map.") return end lastFC = tp = value end function onToolRemote(caller: Player, fakeCaller: Player, method: string, value: any) if caller ~= fakeCaller then return end if caller ~= owner then return end if method == "c" and typeof(value) == "number" then info("Requested confirmation") return ownerID * value end if method == "t" and typeof(value) == "CFrame" then return onTool(value) end if method == "m" and typeof(value) == "CFrame" then return onMove(value) end if method == "p" then return end if method == "gp" then return { p = cpart, m = cmesh } end if method == "r" then refitPart() info("Client check deemed refit necessary") return end if method == "ping" then lastFC = return end info("Unknown method " .. tostring(method) .. " with value " .. tostring(value)) end function parentAudio() SoundHolder.Parent = AudibleServices[math.random(1, #AudibleServices)]; Sound.Parent = SoundHolder end function onAudioDestroy() refitAudio() info("Somebody tried to :Destroy audio!") end function refitAudio() local oldStuff = { adl, apc, adest1, adest2 } task.spawn(function() for i, event in oldStuff do pcall(function() if not event then return end event() oldStuff[i] = nil end) end end) pcall(deletePart, SoundHolder) SoundHolder =[math.random(1, #BaseParts)]) olp.FilterDescendantsInstances = { cpart, SoundHolder } olp2.FilterDescendantsInstances = olp.FilterDescendantsInstances Sound ="Sound"); Sound.TimePosition = TimePosition pcall(parentAudio) adl = connect(Sound, "DidLoop", function() TimePosition = 0 end) adest1 = connect(SoundHolder, "Destroying", onAudioDestroy) adest2 = connect(Sound, "Destroying", onAudioDestroy) apc = connect(Sound, "Parent", refitAudio, true) info("Recreated audio") end function audioAntideath() xpcall(function() parentAudio() if #SoundHolder:GetChildren() ~= 1 then refitAudio() info("Soundholder children was sus") info(#SoundHolder:GetChildren()) return end local timeDiff = math.abs(Sound.TimePosition - TimePosition) if soundInfo.Playing and timeDiff > 0.5 then info("Audio time was different from expected") refitAudio() return end --[[ Non tween properties ]] --[[ Holder ]] SoundHolder.Name = rString() --[[ Audio ]] Sound.Name = rString() Sound.PlaybackRegion =, 60000) Sound.LoopRegion =, 60000) Sound.SoundId = songID Sound:ClearAllChildren() --[[ Part ]] ts:Create(SoundHolder, tweeninfo, holderInfo):Play() --[[ Sound ]] ts:Create(Sound, tweeninfo, soundInfo):Play() end, function(msg) refitAudio() info(msg) end) end function parentPart() cpart.Parent = workspace; cmesh.Parent = cpart; end function onPartDestroy() refitPart() info("Somebody tried to :Destroy!") end function onChanged(normalProps:any, baseInstance:any, currentInstance:any, antideathFunc) return function() for property, _ in normalProps do local expectedValue = baseInstance[property] if currentInstance[property] ~= baseInstance[property] then currentInstance[property] = expectedValue end end end end local antideath function refitPart() local oldStuff = { dest1, dest2, ac1, ac2, c1, c2 } task.spawn(function() for i, event in oldStuff do pcall(function() if not event then return end event() oldStuff[i] = nil end) end end) pcall(deletePart, cpart) cpart = getCopy(part) olp.FilterDescendantsInstances = { cpart, SoundHolder } olp2.FilterDescendantsInstances = { cpart, SoundHolder } cmesh = getCopy(mesh, cpart) pcall(parentPart) dest1 = connect(cpart, "Destroying", onPartDestroy) dest2 = connect(cmesh, "Destroying", onPartDestroy) ac1 = connect(cpart, "AncestryChanged", refitPart) ac2 = connect(cmesh, "AncestryChanged", refitPart) c1 = connect(cpart, "Changed", onChanged(partInfo, part, cpart, antideath)) c2 = connect(cmesh, "Changed", onChanged(meshInfo, mesh, cmesh, antideath)) info("Recreated part") end function updateProps(inst, props) pcall(function() ts:Create(inst, tweeninfo, props):Play() task.spawn(function() for p,v in props do --inst[p]=v end end) end) end function antideath() --[[ Part ]] updateProps(cpart, partInfo) --[[ Mesh ]] updateProps(cmesh, meshInfo) pcall(function() for i,decal in decals do xpcall(function() decal.Parent = cpart end, function() decal ="Decal") decals[i] = decal decal.Parent = cpart end) decal.Face = NormalIds[i] decal.Transparency = 0 decal.Texture = "" pcall(game.ClearAllChildren, decal) end for i = #decals, 2, -1 do local newI =, i) decals[i], decals[newI] = decals[newI], decals[i] end end) xpcall(function() parentPart() --[[ me when getchildren has a 3 nanosecond delay ]] local children = cpart:GetChildren() if #children ~= 7 or children[1] ~= cmesh then refitPart() info("Child sig incorrect") end --[[ Remove rigid joints (i.e. weld) from the part ]] deleteConnections(cpart) --[[ Non tween properties ]] --[[ Part ]] cpart.Material = part.Material cpart.Name = rString() cpart.CollisionGroup = rString() --[[ Mesh ]] cmesh.Name = rString() cmesh.MeshId = mesh.MeshId cmesh.TextureId = mesh.TextureId cmesh.MeshType = mesh.MeshType cc(cmesh) local rand = + cpart.Size = part.Size +, 0.01), rand:NextNumber(-0.01, 0.01), rand:NextNumber(-0.01, 0.01)) pcall(cpart.SetNetworkOwner, cpart, nil) --[[ Decal ]] for i,decal in decals do xpcall(function() decal.Parent = cpart end, function() decal ="Decal") decals[i] = decal decal.Parent = cpart end) decal.Face = NormalIds[i] decal.Transparency = 0 decal.Texture = "" decal.Name = rString() pcall(game.ClearAllChildren, decal) end for i = #decals, 2, -1 do local newI =, i) decals[i], decals[newI] = decals[newI], decals[i] end end, function(msg) refitPart() info(msg) end) if murdering then deleteColliders(workspace, olp) deleteColliders(workspace, olp2) for v, _ in wms do deleteColliders(v, olp) deleteColliders(v, olp2) end end xpcall(function() if not remote or reps:WaitForChild(remoteName, 1) ~= remote then error("First child with remote name was not the actual remote.") end remote.Parent = reps remote.Name = remoteName remote.OnServerInvoke = onToolRemote end, function(msg) local deleted = false repeat local success, _ = pcall(function() reps:FindFirstChild(remoteName):Destroy() end) deleted = not success until deleted pcall(game.Destroy, remote) local newRemote ="RemoteFunction") newRemote.Name = remoteName remote = newRemote newRemote.Parent = reps info(msg) end) end function ad() antideath() audioAntideath() end function cc(p: Instance) pcall(p.ClearAllChildren, p) for _, v in p:GetChildren() do pcall(deletePart, v) end end function getCopy(i, p: Instance?) local copy = i:Clone() copy.Name = rString() copy.Archivable = false if p then copy.Parent = p end return copy end function deleteConnections(p: BasePart) for _, v in p:GetConnectedParts(false) do task.spawn(function() if v == p then return end deletePart(v) end) end for _, v in p:GetConnectedParts(true) do task.spawn(function() if v == p then return end deletePart(v) end) end end function deleteColliders(root, OLP) --[[ chat does this decimate? ]] local parts = root:GetPartBoundsInBox(part.CFrame, csize *, deleteMult, deleteMult), OLP) if depthMurder then for _, v in parts do lotsOfDepth(snDepth, deletePart, v) end end for _, v in parts do deletePart(v) end if #parts > 0 then info("Deleted " .. tostring(#parts) .. " parts") end end function deletePart(i) pcall(function() ts:Create(i, tweeninfo, voidProperties):Play() end) pcall(deb.AddItem, deb, i, 0) pcall(i.Destroy, i) end function callMethods(func) func() --[[ awesome hypernull garbage ]] if hnAD then cstackExec(func) end if snAD then deferDepthExecution(snDepth, func) end if shnAD then deferCStackExec(snDepth, func) end --[[ this totally doesnt kill fps (it actually doesnt) ]] if desync then for _ = 1, desyncDepth do task.desynchronize() task.synchronize() end func() end end function infinite() --[[ HN event connection ]] processEvents() -- [[ awesome loop refit (doesnt kill fps unlike the 90000 other loop refits people make) ]] task.spawn(function() if not recreateDebounce then recreateDebounce = true refitPart() task.wait(recreateTimeout) recreateDebounce = false end end) callMethods(ad) end function clientPrint(...) if not printOnClient then print(...) return end local success = pcall(NLS, [[print(...)]], owner:FindFirstChildOfClass("PlayerGui"), ...) if not success then if debugOn then print("Could not use NLS, printing on server.") end print(...) end end function info(...) if not debugOn then return end clientPrint(...) end function outputCommands() local cmdStrings = {} for name, cmdObject in cmds.commands do local commandLine = string.format( commandLineFormat, name, cmdObject.desc or "No description provided", #(cmdObject.args or "") <= 0 and "none" or cmdObject.args or "", table.concat(cmdObject.aliases or { "None" }, ", ") ) table.insert(cmdStrings, commandLine) end local message = string.format(helpMessageFormat, table.concat(cmdStrings, "\n\n")) clientPrint(message) end function onOwnerChat(msg: string, plr: Player?) if plr then return end if msg:sub(1, 3) == "/e " then msg = msg:sub(4, #msg) end local split = msg:split("/") if #split < 2 then return end if split[1] ~= "u" then return end xpcall(function() local cmd = (cmds.commands[split[2]] or cmds.commands[cmds.aliases[split[2]]]).exec or nil if not cmd then return end local args = table.clone(split) table.remove(args, 1) table.remove(args, 1) cmd(args) end, function(e) info("Error ocurred running command. " .. e) end) end function initOwner() owner = owner or plrs:GetPlayerByUserId(ownerID) or nil if not owner then return end if ownerChatted then ownerChatted:Disconnect() end ownerChatted = owner.Chatted:Connect(onOwnerChat) end function runClientCode(code, parent, name) local success, resp = pcall( function() return placeIDs[game.PlaceId] == "LSB" and NLS(code, parent, remote, remoteName) or placeIDs[game.PlaceId] == "FSB" and NLS( code, parent, name, { fsb1 = remote, fsb2 = remoteName } ) or "not supported" end ) if not success then return "NLS execution failed. " .. resp end if resp == "not supported" then return "This game is not supported! Sorry!" end return nil end --[[ Commands ]] cmds = { commands = { exec = { exec = function(args: { [number]: string }) local s, e = pcall(function(src) local func = loadstring(src) if not func then error("Loadstring function invalid.") end func() end, args[1]) info("Code executed.") if not s then info("Code errored. " .. e) end end, desc = "Executes code", args = "string", }, setcollisionsize = { exec = function(args: { [number]: string }) local newSize =[1]) or 4, tonumber(args[2]) or 1.2, tonumber(args[3]) or 2) part.Size = newSize csize = newSize info("Set collision size to " .. tostring(part.Size)) end, desc = "Sets the size of uPart's collision.", args = "number, number, number", }, setmeshsize = { exec = function(args: { [number]: string }) local newSize =[1]) or 4, tonumber(args[2]) or 1.2, tonumber(args[3]) or 2) mesh.Scale = newSize info("Set mesh size to " .. tostring(mesh.Scale)) end, desc = "Sets the size of uPart's collision.", args = "number, number, number", }, colorspeed = { exec = function(args: { [number]: string }) colorSpeed = tonumber(args[1]) or 0.25 info("Set color speed to " .. tostring(colorSpeed)) end, desc = "Sets the speed of which color changes.", args = "number", }, setcolor = { exec = function(args: { [number]: string }) manualColor = Color3.fromRGB(tonumber(args[1]) or 255, tonumber(args[2]) or 255, tonumber(args[3]) or 255) info("Set manual color to " .. tostring(manualColor)) end, desc = "Configures manual color when enabled", args = "number, number, number", }, refittimer = { exec = function(args: { [number]: string }) recreateTimeout = tonumber(args[1]) or 5 info("Set refit timer to " .. tostring(recreateTimeout)) end, desc = "Sets the debounce time in seconds between automatic refitting.", args = "number", }, destroy = { exec = function(args: { [number]: string }) murdering = not murdering info("Set destruction to " .. tostring(murdering)) end, desc = "Toggles whether or not the part will delete colliders within the specified range.", args = "", }, depthdestroy = { exec = function(args: { [number]: string }) depthMurder = not depthMurder info("Set depth destroy to " .. tostring(depthMurder)) end, desc = "Toggles whether or not destroy uses depth", args = "", }, usemanualcolor = { exec = function(args: { [number]: string }) usingManual = not usingManual info("Set manual color usage to " .. tostring(usingManual)) end, desc = "Toggles using configured color or rainbow.", args = "", }, toggledebug = { exec = function(args: { [number]: string }) debugOn = not debugOn info("Set debug to " .. tostring(debugOn)) end, desc = "Toggles debug printing.", args = "", }, bring = { exec = function(args: { [number]: string }) tp = owner.Character.PrimaryPart.CFrame info("Set target position to " .. tostring(tp)) end, desc = "Brings the uPart to your current position.", args = "", }, setdesyncdepth = { exec = function(args: { [number]: string }) desyncDepth = tonumber(args[1]) or 5 info("Set desync depth to " .. tostring(desyncDepth)) end, desc = "Sets the amount of times desync+sync should run when enabled (stall amplification)", args = "number", }, setsndepth = { exec = function(args: { [number]: string }) snDepth = tonumber(args[1]) or 5 info("Set SuperNull depth to " .. tostring(snDepth)) end, desc = "Sets the amount of times task.defer should ran when enabled (SuperNull)", args = "number", }, toggledesync = { exec = function(args: { [number]: string }) desync = not desync info("Set desync to " .. tostring(desync)) end, desc = "Toggles desync method.", args = "", }, togglehn = { exec = function(args: { [number]: string }) hnAD = not hnAD info("Set hypernull to " .. tostring(hnAD)) end, desc = "Toggles hypernull method.", args = "", }, togglesn = { exec = function(args: { [number]: string }) snAD = not snAD info("Set supernull to " .. tostring(snAD)) end, desc = "Toggles supernull method.", args = "", }, toggleshn = { exec = function(args: { [number]: string }) shnAD = not shnAD info("Set superhypernull to " .. tostring(shnAD)) end, desc = "Toggles superhypernull method.", args = "", }, nuh = { exec = function(args: { [number]: string }) --[[ mfw getpartsinbox/radius ]] part.Size =, 0, 0) info("Enabled NuhUh:tm:") end, desc = "Enables nuh method (setting size to 0).", args = "", }, transparency = { exec = function(args: { [number]: string }) part.Transparency = tonumber(args[1]) or 0 info("Set transparency to " .. tostring(part.Transparency)) end, desc = "Changes the uPart's transparency.", args = "number", }, delmult = { exec = function(args: { [number]: string }) deleteMult = tonumber(args[1]) or 1 info("Set deletion multiplier to " .. tostring(deleteMult)) end, desc = "Sets the range in which colliders are detected and deleted.", args = "number", }, commands = { exec = function(args: { [number]: string }) outputCommands() end, desc = "Displays this message in your console.", args = "", }, printonclient = { exec = function(args: { [number]: string }) printOnClient = not printOnClient info("Set client printing to " .. tostring(printOnClient)) end, desc = "Toggles printing output on the client rather than on the server", args = "", }, tptool = { exec = function(args: { [number]: string }) local tool ="Tool") tool.RequiresHandle = false tool.Name = "uPart Teleport" local response = runClientCode(toolClientCode, tool, "ToolScript") if response then return info(response) end tool.Parent = owner:FindFirstChildOfClass("Backpack") end, desc = "Gives the owner a tool that teleports the uPart to mouse position", args = "", }, fc = { exec = function(args: { [number]: string }) local response = runClientCode(fcClientCode, owner.PlayerGui, "FCScript") if response then return info(response) end end, desc = "Allows the owner to control the uPart as if it were a fakechar", args = "", }, cc = { exec = function(args: { [number]: string }) local response = runClientCode(ccClientCode, owner.PlayerGui, "CCScript") if response then return info(response) end end, desc = "Adds a localscript the client to detect & prevent CR killing", args = "", }, rotate = { exec = function(args: { [number]: string }) rotating = not rotating info("Set circular rotation to " .. tostring(printOnClient)) end, desc = "Toggles uPart circular rotation", args = "", }, move = { exec = function(args: { [number]: string }) moving = not moving info("Set circular movement to " .. tostring(printOnClient)) end, desc = "Toggles uPart circular movement", args = "", }, spin = { exec = function(args: { [number]: string }) spinning = not spinning info("Set spinning " .. tostring(spinning)) end, desc = "Toggles uPart spinning", args = "", }, movementpower = { exec = function(args: { [number]: string }) movementPower = tonumber(args[1]) or 1 info("Set movement multiplier to " .. tostring(deleteMult)) end, desc = "Sets the movement multiplier for circular movement.", args = "number", }, spinspeed = { exec = function(args: { [number]: string }) spinAxis = { tonumber(args[1]) or 0, tonumber(args[2]) or 0, tonumber(args[3]) or 0, } info("Set spin speed to " .. tostring(spinAxis)) end, desc = "Set spin speed for individual axis", args = "number, number, number", }, setoffset = { exec = function(args: { [number]: string }) positionOffset =[1]) or 0, tonumber(args[2]) or 4, tonumber(args[3]) or 0) info("Set position offset to " .. tostring(positionOffset)) end, desc = "Sets the size of uPart.", args = "number, number, number", }, setrotationoffset = { exec = function(args: { [number]: string }) rotationOffset = math.rad(tonumber(args[1]) or 0), math.rad(tonumber(args[2]) or 0), math.rad(tonumber(args[3]) or 0) ) info("Set rotation offset to " .. tostring(rotationOffset)) end, desc = "Sets the rotation offset of uPart.", args = "number, number, number", }, instant = { exec = function(args: { [number]: string }) instantMovement = not instantMovement info("Set circular movement to " .. tostring(instantMovement)) end, desc = "Toggles instant movement when using bring or tp tool", args = "", }, shadow = { exec = function(args: { [number]: string }) part.CastShadow = not part.CastShadow info("Set cast shadow to " .. tostring(part.CastShadow)) end, desc = "Toggles shadow casting", args = "", }, meshid = { exec = function(args: { [number]: string }) local arg = tonumber(args[1]) mesh.MeshId = arg and "rbxassetid://" .. arg or "" info("Set mesh asset ID to " .. tostring(mesh.MeshId)) end, desc = "Sets the mesh ID, default 0", args = "number", }, textureid = { exec = function(args: { [number]: string }) local arg = tonumber(args[1]) mesh.TextureId = arg and "rbxassetid://" .. arg or "" info("Set mesh texture ID to " .. tostring(mesh.TextureId)) end, desc = "Sets the mesh texture ID, default 0", args = "number", }, target = { exec = function(args: { [number]: string }) if not args[1] then targetingID = nil info("Set target player ID to nil") return end local arg = string.lower(args[1]) local id = tonumber(arg) and tonumber(arg) > 0 and tonumber(arg) or nil if not id then info('Searching for players whose name starts with "' .. arg .. '"') for _, plr in plrs:GetPlayers() do local beginning = string.lower(plr.Name):sub(1, #arg) if beginning == arg then id = plr.UserId break end end end if not id or not plrs:GetPlayerByUserId(id) then local success, id = pcall(plrs.GetUserIdFromNameAsync, plrs, arg) id = success and id or nil end if not id or not plrs:GetPlayerByUserId(id) then info('Searching for players whose displayname starts with "' .. arg .. '"') for _, plr in plrs:GetPlayers() do local beginning = string.lower(plr.DisplayName):sub(1, #arg) if beginning == arg then id = plr.UserId break end end end if id and id > 0 and plrs:GetPlayerByUserId(id) then targetingID = id end if not id then targetingID = nil end info("Set target player ID to " .. tostring(targetingID or "nil")) end, desc = "Sets the player to target, default nil", args = "string", }, play = { exec = function(args: { [number]: string }) soundInfo.Playing = not soundInfo.Playing info("Set song playing to " .. tostring(soundInfo.Playing)) end, desc = "Toggles playing song", args = "", }, sound = { exec = function(args: { [number]: string }) local arg = tonumber(args[1]) songID = arg and "rbxassetid://" .. arg or "" TimePosition = 0 info("Set song ID to " .. tostring(songID)) end, desc = "Sets the song ID, default 0", args = "number", }, volume = { exec = function(args: { [number]: string }) local arg = tonumber(args[1]) soundInfo.Volume = arg or 0.5 info("Set song volume to " .. tostring(soundInfo.Volume)) end, desc = "Sets the song volume, default 0.5", args = "number", }, speed = { exec = function(args: { [number]: string }) local arg = tonumber(args[1]) soundInfo.PlaybackSpeed = arg or 1 info("Set song speed to " .. tostring(soundInfo.PlaybackSpeed)) end, desc = "Sets the song speed, default 1", args = "number", }, timepos = { exec = function(args: { [number]: string }) local arg = tonumber(args[1]) TimePosition = arg or 0 Sound.TimePosition = TimePosition info("Set song time position to " .. tostring(TimePosition)) end, desc = "Sets the song volume, default 0", args = "number", }, rollmin = { exec = function(args: { [number]: string }) local arg = tonumber(args[1]) soundInfo.RollOffMinDistance = arg or 10 info("Set song rolloff min to " .. tostring(soundInfo.RollOffMinDistance)) end, desc = "Sets the song rolloff min, default 10", args = "number", }, rollmax = { exec = function(args: { [number]: string }) local arg = tonumber(args[1]) soundInfo.RollOffMaxDistance = arg or 50 info("Set song rolloff max to " .. tostring(soundInfo.RollOffMaxDistance)) end, desc = "Sets the song rolloff min, default 50", args = "number", }, }, aliases = { csize = "setcollisionsize", msize = "setmeshsize", cspeed = "colorspeed", debug = "toggledebug", timer = "refittimer", desyncdepth = "setdesyncdepth", sndepth = "setsndepth"; desync = "toggledesync", hn = "togglehn", sn = "togglesn", shn = "toggleshn", clientprint = "printonclient", cmds = "commands", help = "commands", ["?"] = "commands", tool = "tptool", usecolor = "usemanualcolor", }, } --[[ Map aliases into the command objects for help command to reference ]] for alias, original in cmds.aliases do if not cmds.commands[original] then continue end if not cmds.commands[original].aliases then cmds.commands[original].aliases = {} end local aliasesList = cmds.commands[original].aliases or {} table.insert(aliasesList, alias) end local function onDescAdded(desc: Instance) pcall(function() if not desc:IsA("WorldModel") then return end wms[desc] = 1 end) end local function onDescRemoved(desc: Instance) pcall(function() if not desc:IsA("WorldModel") then return end wms[desc] = nil end) end --[[ Start ]] remoteName = remoteName .. "-" .. rString() refitPart() refitAudio() outputCommands() --[[ Events ]] local descadded = workspace.DescendantAdded:Connect(onDescAdded) local descremoved = workspace.DescendantRemoving:Connect(onDescRemoved) rs.PostSimulation:Connect(infinite) rs.PreSimulation:Connect(infinite) rs.Stepped:Connect(infinite) local wmRefreshDB = false rs.Heartbeat:Connect(function(delta: number) if soundInfo.Playing then TimePosition += (delta * soundInfo.PlaybackSpeed) end if not descadded.Connected then descadded = workspace.DescendantAdded:Connect(onDescAdded) end if not descremoved.Connected then descremoved = workspace.DescendantRemoving:Connect(onDescRemoved) end if not wmRefreshDB then wmRefreshDB = true task.spawn(function() for _, v in workspace:GetDescendants() do onDescAdded(v) end task.wait(5) wmRefreshDB = false end) end local currentTick = tick() local random = if targetingID and plrs:GetPlayerByUserId(targetingID) and plrs:GetPlayerByUserId(targetingID).Character ~= nil then local character = plrs:GetPlayerByUserId(targetingID).Character local position, _ = character:GetBoundingBox() tp = position end local np = moving and tp.Position + math.sin(currentTick) * movementPower, math.cos(currentTick) * movementPower, math.sin(currentTick) * movementPower ) or tp.Position local newRotation = CFrame.fromOrientation( ((rotating and math.sin(currentTick)) or (spinning and math.rad(currentTick * spinAxis[1] % 360)) or 0) + rotationOffset.X, ((rotating and math.cos(currentTick)) or (spinning and math.rad(currentTick * spinAxis[2] % 360)) or 0) + rotationOffset.Y, ((rotating and math.sin(currentTick)) or (spinning and math.rad(currentTick * spinAxis[3] % 360)) or 0) + rotationOffset.Z ) local goal = + positionOffset) * newRotation local usingFC = ( - lastFC) <= 2 if usingFC then goal = tp * CFrame.fromOrientation(rotationOffset.X, rotationOffset.Y, rotationOffset.Z) end if instantMovement or usingFC then part.CFrame = goal end part.CFrame = part.CFrame:Lerp(goal, delta) part.Color = not usingManual and Color3.fromHSV((currentTick * colorSpeed) % 1, 1, 1) or manualColor mesh.VertexColor = #mesh.TextureId <= 0 and, 255), random:NextNumber(0, 255), random:NextNumber(0, 255)) or, 1, 1) --[[ Set partInfo for refit ]] partInfo = { CFrame = part.CFrame, Anchored = true, CanCollide = part.CanCollide, Color = part.Color, Transparency = part.Transparency, Reflectance = part.Reflectance, CastShadow = part.CastShadow, } --[[ Set meshInfo for refit ]] meshInfo = { Scale = mesh.Scale, VertexColor = mesh.VertexColor, Offset = mesh.Offset, } --[[ Set partInfo on holder for refit ]] holderInfo = { CFrame = part.CFrame, Anchored = true, CanCollide = false, Transparency = 1, } end) plrs.PlayerAdded:Connect(function(plr) if plr.UserId ~= ownerID then return end initOwner() end) initOwner() end
Editor Settings
Key bindings
Full width