crystal pvp v1.3

Run Settings
Language Version
Run Command
-- Made by LazaroValkyrie -- Crystal PvP if game:GetService("RunService"):IsStudio() then owner = nil end local block_size = 2.5 local y_offset =,-block_size/2,0) local hitbox_allowance =,0.05,0.05) local BlockVector3 =,block_size,block_size) local config = { range = 5, place_crystal = true, place_support_block = true, attack_placed_crystals = false, surround_speed = 1/10, auto_surround = false, check_speed = 1/20, place_speed = 0, crystal_speed = 1/20, max_self_damage = 8*5, minimum_target_damage = 9*5, minimum_health = 0, -- 4*5 damage_balance = 1.4, target_range = 10, target_mode = 'damage', -- damage fast_place = true, -- uses cached placements smart_target = true, -- doesn't reset cache if player is the same cache_limit = 20, post_death_cache_limit = 20, -- attacks after death (better with smart target) fast_calc = false, -- can miss better places fast_calc_limit = 3, auto_crystal = false, check_immunity = false, -- player is immune for 0.5 seconds when getting hurt check_immunity_self_damage = true, --cev = false, -- place obsidian on head, place crystal, destroy obsidian, destroy crystal attack_self = false, no_particles = true, instant_crystal_render = true, -- shows crystal when instant auto crystal lfx = false, debug = false, classic_explosion = true, } local local_entities = {} local core = {} core.util = {} core.blockutil = {} core.crystalutil = {} core.entityutil = {} core.storageutil = {} core.plr = owner core.storageutil.get = function(name,no_set) if not _G['cpvp server'] then _G['cpvp server'] = {} end if not _G['cpvp server'][name] and not no_set then _G['cpvp server'][name] = {} end return _G['cpvp server'][name] end core.storageutil.set = function(i,v) if not _G['cpvp server'] then _G['cpvp server'] = {} end _G['cpvp server'][i] = v return _G['cpvp server'][i] end core.util.clean_up = function() coroutine.wrap(function() for pos,block in pairs(core.storageutil.get('block_reference')) do if not block then core.storageutil.get('block_reference')[pos] = nil end end for model,box in pairs(core.storageutil.get('hitboxes')) do if model and not box then core.storageutil.get('hitboxes')[model] = nil if model then model:Destroy() end end end for entity,_type in pairs(core.storageutil.get('entities')) do if entity and not core.entityutil.in_world(entity) then core.entityutil.remove_entity(entity) end end for main,data in pairs(core.storageutil.get('anims')) do if main and not core.entityutil.in_world(main) then core.storageutil.get('anims')[main] = nil core.util.destroy(main) end end end)() end local ls_anim = os.clock() local function get_char() local char = {} if game:GetService("RunService"):IsStudio() then char.model = workspace.TemplateR6 else char.model = core.plr.Character end if char.model then char.head = char.model:FindFirstChild("Head") char.root = char.model:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart") or char.model:FindFirstChild("Torso") char.hum = char.model:FindFirstChildOfClass("Humanoid") end return char end assert(get_char().hum.RigType == Enum.HumanoidRigType.R6,'Character is not R6.') core.fx ="Folder") core.fx.Parent = script script.ChildRemoved:Connect(function(obj) if obj == core.fx then core.fx ="Folder") core.fx.Parent = script end end) core.junk ="Folder") core.junk.Parent = script script.ChildRemoved:Connect(function(obj) if obj == core.junk then core.junk ="Folder") core.junk.Parent = script end end) core.entityutil.in_world = function(obj) if obj and obj:IsDescendantOf(workspace) then return true end end core.entityutil.is_alive = function(model) if model and model:IsA("Model") then else return end local thum = model:FindFirstChildOfClass("Humanoid") local troot = model:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart") or model:FindFirstChild("Torso") or model.PrimaryPart if thum and troot and thum.Health > 0 then return true end end core.util.destroy = function(obj) pcall(function() obj:Destroy() end) end core.blockutil.create_selection = function(part) local selection ='SelectionBox') selection.Color3 = selection.Transparency = 0 selection.SurfaceColor3 =,0,0) selection.SurfaceTransparency = 0.5 selection.LineThickness = 0.05 selection.Adornee = part selection.Parent = part return selection end core.entityutil.get_hitbox = function(model,fake,size,offset,position,perm,parent,visible) local troot = model:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart") or model:FindFirstChild("Torso") or model.PrimaryPart if troot then else return end if fake then local hb = core.storageutil.get('hitboxes')[model] if hb then size = hb.Size position = hb.Position offset = end return { box = { Size = size or,4.5-block_size/2,1)-hitbox_allowance*1.5, Position = (position or troot.Position) + (offset or,-0.75-block_size/4,0)) }, } end if core.storageutil.get('hitboxes')[model] then return { box = core.storageutil.get('hitboxes')[model], destroy = function() core.util.destroy(core.storageutil.get('hitboxes')[model]) core.storageutil.get('hitboxes')[model] = nil end, } end local box ="Part") box.CanCollide = false box.Anchored = true box.CanTouch = false box.CanQuery = true box.Massless = true box.Color =,0,0) box.Transparency = 1 box.Size = size or,4.5-block_size/2,1)-hitbox_allowance*1.5 if perm then core.storageutil.get('hitboxes')[model] = box end box.Position = (position or troot.Position) + (offset or,-0.75-block_size/4,0)) if parent then box.Parent = parent else box.Parent = core.junk end if visible or config.debug then local c = box:Clone() core.blockutil.create_selection(c) c.Parent = workspace game:GetService("Debris"):AddItem(c,3) end return { box = box, destroy = function() if not perm then core.util.destroy(box) end end, } end core.entityutil.create_points = function(hb) local hb_pos = hb.Position local size = hb.Size local x,y,z = size.X,size.Y,size.z x = 0 y = 2 z = 0 local points = {} for _x = 0,x do for _y = 0,y do for _z = 0,z do --local pos =*size.X/x,-size.Y/2+_y*size.Y/y,-size.Z/2+_z*size.Z/z) local pos =,-size.Y/2.9+_y*size.Y/y,0) --if config.debug then -- local p ="Part") -- p.CanCollide = false -- p.Anchored = true -- p.CanTouch = false -- p.CanQuery = true -- p.Transparency = 0 -- p.Position = pos -- p.Size =,0.1,0.1) -- p.Parent = core.junk -- game:GetService("Debris"):AddItem(p,30) --end table.insert(points,pos) end end end return points end core.util.raycast = function(origin,dir,cancollide,mode,ignore) local param = param.FilterType = mode or Enum.RaycastFilterType.Exclude param.FilterDescendantsInstances = ignore param.RespectCanCollide = cancollide or false param.IgnoreWater = true local ray = workspace:Raycast(origin,dir,param) return ray end core.entityutil.ray_entity = function(origin,model,ignore,is_test) if origin and model then else return end is_test = not is_test local hb = core.entityutil.get_hitbox(model,true) local points = core.entityutil.create_points( local param = --ray_param.RespectCanCollide = false -- default to false param.IgnoreWater = true param.FilterType = Enum.RaycastFilterType.Include param.FilterDescendantsInstances = { core.blockutil.get_blocks(), core.temp_block } --[[ param.FilterDescendantsInstances = { model, core.storageutil.get('hitboxes'), core.entityutil.get_entities(), core.fx, core.junk, ignore } ]] local exposure = 0 for _,pos2 in points do local dir = (pos2-origin) local dist = dir.Magnitude local ray = workspace:Raycast(origin,dir,param) if not is_test and config.debug then local p ="Part") p.CanCollide = false p.Anchored = true p.CanTouch = false p.CanQuery = true p.Color =,0,0) p.Transparency = 0.5 p.CFrame =,pos2)--*CFrame.fromEulerAnglesXYZ(0,90,0) p.Size =,0.1,dist) p.Parent = core.junk game:GetService("Debris"):AddItem(p,3) end if not ray then exposure += 1 end end exposure = exposure/#points return exposure end core.entityutil.add_entity = function(model,_type,global) core.storageutil.get('entities')[model] = _type if not global then local_entities[model] = true end end core.entityutil.remove_entity = function(model) core.storageutil.get('anims')[model] = nil core.storageutil.get('entities')[model] = nil local_entities[model] = nil if core.storageutil.get('hitboxes')[model] then core.storageutil.get('hitboxes')[model]:Destroy() core.storageutil.get('hitboxes')[model] = nil end end core.entityutil.get_entities = function() local t = {} for entity,_type in pairs(core.storageutil.get('entities')) do table.insert(t,entity) end return t end core.util.scan = function(v) if v.Name == 'end crystal' then core.entityutil.add_entity(v,'end crystal',true) return end if core.entityutil.is_alive(v) then --[[ local thum = v:FindFirstChildOfClass("Humanoid") thum.HealthChanged:Connect(function(new_health) if 0 >= new_health then core.entityutil.remove_entity(v) end end) ]] core.entityutil.add_entity(v,'player',true) end end for i,v in ipairs(workspace:GetDescendants()) do core.util.scan(v) end workspace.DescendantAdded:Connect(function(v) task.wait(0.2) core.util.scan(v) end) workspace.DescendantRemoving:Connect(function(v) if core.storageutil.get('entities')[v] then core.entityutil.remove_entity(v) end end) core.util.in_range = function(block_pos) local root_pos = core.blockutil.to_grid(get_char().root.Position) local dist = (root_pos-block_pos).Magnitude if config.range >= dist then return 1 end end core.blockutil.get_sphere = function(pos,range) local t = {} range = math.floor(range) local y_range = 0 for i = 1,range do local ray = core.util.raycast(core.blockutil.from_grid(pos),,-block_size*i,0),true,Enum.RaycastFilterType.Include,{ workspace:FindFirstChild('Base'), workspace:FindFirstChild('Baseplate'), workspace:FindFirstChild('SpawnLocation') }) if ray then break end y_range -= 1 end for x = -range,range do for y = y_range,range-1 do if math.sqrt(x^2+y^2) > range then continue end for z = -range,range do if range >= (,y,z)).Magnitude then table.insert(t,,y,z)) end end end end return t end local normal_ids = { [0] =,0,0), -- right [1] =,1,0), -- top [2] =,0,1), -- back [3] =,0,0), -- left [4] =,-1,0), -- bottom [5] =,0,-1), -- front } core.blockutil.to_normal = function(surface) return normal_ids[surface] end core.blockutil.process_block = function(pos,mode) if mode then core.storageutil.get('place_process')[pos] = 1 else core.storageutil.get('place_process')[pos] = nil end end core.blockutil.get_block = function(pos) if core.entityutil.in_world(core.storageutil.get('block_reference')[pos]) then return core.storageutil.get('block_reference')[pos] else core.storageutil.get('block_reference')[pos] = nil end end core.blockutil.get_blocks = function(pos) local t = {} for i,v in pairs(core.storageutil.get('block_reference')) do table.insert(t,v) end return t end core.blockutil.is_block = function(target) local pos = core.blockutil.to_grid(target.Position) return core.blockutil.get_block(pos) == target end core.blockutil.set_block = function(pos,block) core.storageutil.get('block_reference')[pos] = block end core.entityutil.get_type = function(model) if model then else return end return core.storageutil.get('entities')[model] end core.blockutil.destroy_block = function(block) if core.blockutil.is_block(block) then core.storageutil.get('block_reference')[core.blockutil.to_grid(block.Position)] = nil core.util.destroy(block) elseif core.entityutil.get_type(block.Parent) == 'end crystal' then core.crystalutil.explode(block.Parent) end end core.blockutil.mine_block = function(block) if block then else return end core.blockutil.destroy_block(block) end core.blockutil.reset_air = function(pos,temp) core.storageutil.get('in_air_cache')[pos] = nil if temp then return end for _,surface in pairs(normal_ids) do if core.blockutil.get_block(pos+surface) then return end core.storageutil.get('in_air_cache')[pos+surface] = nil end end core.blockutil.in_air = function(pos) if core.storageutil.get('in_air_cache')[pos] then return true end for _,surface in pairs(normal_ids) do if core.blockutil.get_block(pos+surface) then return end end local ray = core.util.raycast(core.blockutil.from_grid(pos),,-block_size,0),true,Enum.RaycastFilterType.Exclude,{ core.entityutil.get_entities(), core.storageutil.get('hitboxes'), core.fx, core.junk, script }) if ray then return end --if config.debug then -- --print('in air') --end core.storageutil.get('in_air_cache')[pos] = 1 return true end core.blockutil.entity_block_conflict = function(model,pos) if core.entityutil.is_alive(model) then local hb = core.entityutil.get_hitbox(model) pos = core.blockutil.from_grid(pos) local param = param.FilterType = Enum.RaycastFilterType.Include param.FilterDescendantsInstances = {,core.storageutil.get('hitboxes')} local parts = workspace:GetPartBoundsInBox(,BlockVector3-hitbox_allowance,param) local t = #parts hb.destroy() return t > 0 end end core.util.round = function(n) if typeof(n) == 'Vector3' then local function f(n) return math.floor(n+0.5) end return,f(n.Y),f(n.Z)) end return math.floor(n+0.5) end core.blockutil.to_grid = function(pos) local newpos = core.util.round(,pos.Y/block_size,pos.Z/block_size)) return newpos end core.blockutil.from_grid = function(pos) local newpos =*block_size,pos.Y*block_size,pos.Z*block_size) + y_offset return newpos end core.blockutil.can_place = function(pos,no_walls,full_check) if core.storageutil.get('place_process')[pos] then return end if core.blockutil.get_block(pos) then return end local param = param.FilterDescendantsInstances = { --core.blockutil.get_blocks(), core.junk } local parts = workspace:GetPartBoundsInBox(,BlockVector3-hitbox_allowance,param) local list = {} for i,v in ipairs(parts) do local model = v.Parent local thum = model:FindFirstChildOfClass("Humanoid") if core.storageutil.get('hitboxes')[model] and v == core.storageutil.get('hitboxes')[model] then return nil,model end if no_walls then return end if (v.CanCollide or v.Name == 'HumanoidRootPart') and full_check then return end if thum and not table.find(list,model) then table.insert(list,model) end end for i,v in ipairs(list) do if core.blockutil.entity_block_conflict(v,pos) then return end end return true end core.crystalutil.can_place = function(pos) if core.blockutil.can_place(pos) and core.blockutil.get_block(,-1,0)) then return true end end core.util.create_texture = function(part,normal,id,zindex,brightness) local sg = part:FindFirstChild('block_texture_' .. normal.Name) local image = nil if not sg then sg ="SurfaceGui") sg.Name = 'block_texture_' .. normal.Name sg.ResetOnSpawn = true sg.Face = normal sg.Parent = part sg.ZIndexBehavior = Enum.ZIndexBehavior.Global end if brightness then sg.Brightness = brightness sg.LightInfluence = 0 else sg.LightInfluence = 1 end sg.ZOffset = zindex or 0 image = sg:FindFirstChildOfClass('ImageLabel') if not image then image ="ImageLabel") image.Size =,0,1,0) image.BackgroundTransparency = 1 image.ResampleMode = Enum.ResamplerMode.Pixelated end image.ZIndex = zindex or 1 image.Parent = nil image.Image = 'rbxassetid://' .. id game:GetService("ContentProvider"):PreloadAsync({image}) image.Parent = sg end local wool = "rbxassetid://3843797566" local metal = "rbxassetid://935281533" local sand = "rbxassetid://3843792584" local gravel = "rbxassetid://3843794655" local wood1 = "rbxassetid://3843789432" local wood2 = "rbxassetid://3843786781" local grass = "rbxassetid://3843796214" local snow = "rbxassetid://3843791122" local obsidian_template = nil do local Part1 ="Part") Part1.Name = "Obsidian" Part1.Transparency = 0 Part1.Size = BlockVector3 Part1.BottomSurface = Enum.SurfaceType.Smooth Part1.CanCollide = true Part1.Anchored = true Part1.Massless = true Part1.CastShadow = false Part1.Material = Enum.Material.Fabric Part1.TopSurface = Enum.SurfaceType.Smooth for _,normal in pairs(Enum.NormalId:GetEnumItems()) do core.util.create_texture(Part1,normal,286047170) end obsidian_template = Part1 end = function(s) coroutine.wrap(function() game:GetService("ContentProvider"):PreloadAsync({s}) if not s.Loaded then repeat task.wait() until s.Loaded end s:Play() end)() end = function(pos) if core.entityutil.is_alive(get_char().model) then else return end core.blockutil.reset_air(pos,true) if core.blockutil.can_place(pos) and not core.blockutil.in_air(pos) then core.blockutil.reset_air(pos) core.blockutil.process_block(pos,true) local obby = obsidian_template:Clone() obby.Position = core.blockutil.from_grid(pos) obby.Parent = script local placesound ="Sound") placesound.SoundId = metal placesound.Volume = 1.5 placesound.Parent = obby game:GetService("Debris"):AddItem(placesound,2) core.blockutil.set_block(pos,obby) core.blockutil.process_block(pos,false) return true end end core.crystalutil.update_entities = function() local ds = os.clock()-ls_anim for entity,_type in pairs(core.storageutil.get('entities')) do if core.entityutil.in_world(entity) then else core.entityutil.remove_entity(entity) continue end if _type == 'end crystal' and local_entities[entity] then local p1,p2,p3,main = entity.p1,entity.p2,entity.p3,entity.main if core.storageutil.get('anims')[entity] then else continue end local f = core.storageutil.get('anims')[entity].innerRotation local f1 = math.sin(f * 0.2)/2+0.5 f1 = f1^2+f1 local _p3 = f*3/60 local _p4 = f1*0.4*block_size -- major replication lag, move this to client later main.CFrame = core.storageutil.get('anims')[entity].origin*,_p4,0) local rot = CFrame.Angles(0.7071,0,0.7071)*CFrame.Angles(0,1*_p3,0) p1.Weld.C1 = rot rot = rot*CFrame.Angles(0,1*_p3,0)*CFrame.Angles(0.7071*60,0,0.7071*60) p2.Weld.C1 = rot rot = rot*CFrame.Angles(0,1*_p3,0)*CFrame.Angles(0.7071*60,0,0.7071*60) p3.Weld.C1 = rot core.storageutil.get('anims')[entity].innerRotation += ds/(1/20) --[[ main.CFrame = core.storageutil.get('anims')[entity].origin*,block_size/2*math.cos(core.storageutil.get('anims')[entity].time*5),0) core.storageutil.get('anims')[entity].time += ds p1.Weld.C1 = p1.Weld.C1*CFrame.Angles(0,math.rad(60*ds),0) p2.Weld.C1 = p2.Weld.C1*CFrame.Angles(math.rad(0*ds),0,math.rad(80*ds)) p3.Weld.C1 = p3.Weld.C1*CFrame.Angles(math.rad(100*ds),0,math.rad(0*ds)) ]] end end end local crystal_template = nil do local Model0 ="Model") local Part1 ="Part") local Part4 ="Part") local Part6 ="Part") local Part69 ="Part") Model0.Name = "End Crystal" Part1.Name = "p1" Part1.Parent = Model0 Part1.Orientation =, 45, 0) Part1.Rotation =, 45, 0) Part1.Color =, 0, 0.666667) Part1.Material = Enum.Material.Fabric Part1.Transparency = 1 Part1.Size = BlockVector3*1 Part1.Anchored = true Part1.BottomSurface = Enum.SurfaceType.Smooth Part1.BrickColor ="Magenta") Part1.CanCollide = false Part1.TopSurface = Enum.SurfaceType.Smooth Part1.brickColor ="Magenta") Part69.Name = "main" Part69.Parent = Model0 Part69.Orientation =, 45, 0) Part69.Rotation =, 45, 0) Part69.Material = Enum.Material.SmoothPlastic Part69.Color =, 0, 0) Part69.Transparency = 1 Part69.Size =, 0.5, 0.05) Part69.Anchored = true Part69.CanCollide = false Part4.Name = "p2" Part4.Parent = Model0 Part4.Orientation =, 0, 0) Part4.Rotation =, 0, 0) Part4.Color =, 0, 0.666667) Part4.Material = Enum.Material.Fabric Part4.Transparency = 1 Part4.Size = BlockVector3*0.75 Part4.Anchored = true Part4.BottomSurface = Enum.SurfaceType.Smooth Part4.BrickColor ="Magenta") Part4.CanCollide = false Part4.TopSurface = Enum.SurfaceType.Smooth Part4.brickColor ="Magenta") Part6.Name = "p3" Part6.Parent = Model0 Part6.Orientation =, 0, 0) Part6.Rotation =, 0, 0) Part6.Color =, 0, 0.666667) Part6.Size = BlockVector3*0.75 Part6.Transparency = 1 Part6.Anchored = true Part6.BottomSurface = Enum.SurfaceType.Smooth Part6.BrickColor ="Magenta") Part6.CanCollide = false Part6.Material = Enum.Material.Fabric Part6.TopSurface = Enum.SurfaceType.Smooth Part6.brickColor ="Magenta") if not config.lfx then for _,normal in pairs(Enum.NormalId:GetEnumItems()) do core.util.create_texture(Part6,normal,4671609130,1) end for _,normal in pairs(Enum.NormalId:GetEnumItems()) do core.util.create_texture(Part4,normal,4671588152,2) end for _,normal in pairs(Enum.NormalId:GetEnumItems()) do core.util.create_texture(Part1,normal,4671588152,3) end else Part1.Transparency = 0.7 Part6.Transparency = 0 Part4.Transparency = 0.7 end crystal_template = Model0 end local last_crystal_instant = nil = function(pos) if core.entityutil.is_alive(get_char().model) then else return end core.blockutil.reset_air(pos,true) if core.crystalutil.can_place(pos) then -- 1.13+ placement if last_crystal_instant then core.crystalutil.explode(last_crystal_instant) end core.blockutil.reset_air(pos) core.blockutil.process_block(pos,true) local model = crystal_template:Clone() model.Name = 'end crystal' local p1 = model.p1 local p2 = model.p2 local p3 = model.p3 local main = model.main local chum ="Humanoid") chum.MaxHealth = 1 -- hard life.. chum.Health = 1 chum.HealthDisplayType = Enum.HumanoidHealthDisplayType.AlwaysOff chum.DisplayDistanceType = Enum.HumanoidDisplayDistanceType.None chum.Parent = model chum.HealthChanged:Connect(function() if core.storageutil.get('entities')[model] then else return end core.crystalutil.explode(model) end) do for i,v in ipairs(model:GetChildren()) do if v.Name ~= 'main' and v:IsA("BasePart") then local w ="Weld") w.Part0 = main w.Part1 = v w.Parent = v v.Anchored = false v.Massless = true v.CastShadow = false end end main.Position = core.blockutil.from_grid(pos),block_size*0.1,0) main.Anchored = true core.storageutil.get('anims')[model] = { origin = main.CFrame, --time = os.clock(), innerRotation = math.random(10000), } --[[ p1.Weld.C1 = CFrame.Angles(math.rad(45),0,math.rad(45)) p2.Weld.C1 = CFrame.Angles(math.rad(45),math.rad(45),math.rad(45)) p3.Weld.C1 = CFrame.Angles(0,math.rad(45),math.rad(45)) ]] end model.PrimaryPart = main main.Position = core.blockutil.from_grid(pos) local hb = core.entityutil.get_hitbox(model,false,BlockVector3*2-hitbox_allowance,,block_size/2,0),main.Position,true,model) -- *1.95 for block conflict local click ="ClickDetector") click.MaxActivationDistance = 6*block_size click.Parent = click.MouseClick:Connect(function() if core.storageutil.get('entities')[model] then else return end click:Destroy() core.crystalutil.explode(model) end) core.entityutil.add_entity(model,'end crystal') model.Parent = core.fx core.crystalutil.update_entities() core.blockutil.process_block(pos,false) return model end end core.entityutil.set_hurt_sound = function(model) local root = model:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart") or model:FindFirstChild("Torso") or model.PrimaryPart if root then if core.util.can_sound('hurt') then core.util.sound_debounce('hurt',1/10) local hs ="Sound") hs.SoundId = 'rbxassetid://14424561569' hs.Volume = 0.5 --hs.PlaybackSpeed = math.random(95,105)/100 hs.Parent = root end end end core.entityutil.set_hurt_ind = function(model) if model then else return end model:SetAttribute('hurt_st',os.clock()) local hc = model:GetAttribute('hurt_st') for i,v in ipairs(model:GetChildren()) do if v:IsA("BasePart") and v.Name ~= 'HumanoidRootPart' then else continue end local hurt = v:FindFirstChild('hurt_highlight') if not hurt then hurt ='Highlight') hurt.Name = 'hurt_highlight' hurt.DepthMode = Enum.HighlightDepthMode.Occluded hurt.FillTransparency = 0.5 hurt.FillColor =,0,0) hurt.OutlineTransparency = 1 hurt.Enabled = false hurt.Adornee = v hurt.Parent = v end hurt.Enabled = true task.delay(0.5,function() if hc == model:GetAttribute('hurt_st') then else return end hurt.Enabled = false end) end end core.entityutil.set_immunity = function(thum,damage) core.storageutil.get('immunities')[thum] = { time = os.clock(), damage = damage } end core.entityutil.is_immune = function(thum) local immunity = core.storageutil.get('immunities')[thum] if immunity and 0.5 >= os.clock()-immunity.time then return true end end core.entityutil.immune_diff = function(thum,damage) local immunity = core.storageutil.get('immunities')[thum] if immunity then --if damage >= thum.Health then -- return damage --end local diff = damage-immunity.damage if diff > 0 then return diff end end end core.entityutil.take_damage = function(thum,damage) if core.entityutil.is_immune(thum) then local diff = core.entityutil.immune_diff(thum,damage) if diff then if (thum.Health - diff) > 0 then core.entityutil.set_hurt_sound(thum.Parent) end thum:TakeDamage(diff) if thum.Health >= 100000 and thum.Parent and thum.Parent.Name ~= 'Dummy' then thum.Health = 0 end end else core.entityutil.set_hurt_sound(thum.Parent) core.entityutil.set_hurt_ind(thum.Parent) core.entityutil.set_immunity(thum,damage) thum:TakeDamage(damage) if thum.Health >= 100000 and thum.Parent and thum.Parent.Name ~= 'Dummy' then thum.Health = 0 end end end core.crystalutil.calc_damage = function(entity,pos,do_damage) if entity then else return end if not do_damage then pos =,block_size/2,0),-block_size+0.01,0) --[[ if config.debug then local exp_part ="Part") exp_part.Anchored = true exp_part.CanCollide = false exp_part.CanQuery = false exp_part.Transparency = 0 exp_part.Size =,.5,.5) exp_part.Position = pos exp_part.Parent = core.junk game:GetService("Debris"):AddItem(exp_part,0.5) end ]] end local power = 6 local radius = power*2 local troot = entity:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart") or entity:FindFirstChild("Torso") or entity.PrimaryPart if not troot then return end local tpos = troot.Position local feet_pos =,-3+0.01,0) local dist = (pos-feet_pos).Magnitude/block_size dist = core.util.round(dist) if radius >= dist then local exposure = core.entityutil.ray_entity(pos,entity,{},do_damage) if exposure then else return end local impact = (1-(dist/radius))*exposure local damage = 10.5*(impact*impact+impact)*power+1 -- easy = 3.5, normal = 7, hard = 10.5 damage = damage*5 -- mc to roblox hp conversion --damage = core.util.round(damage) -- 125 damage against a block in mc (this does 127) if do_damage then --print(entity,math.floor(damage),exposure,dist) local thum = entity:FindFirstChildOfClass("Humanoid") if thum then core.entityutil.take_damage(thum,damage) end else return damage end end end core.util.sound_debounce = function(id,t,s) core.storageutil.get('sound_debounces')[id] = { st = os.clock(), t = t, sound = s, } end core.util.can_sound = function(id) if core.storageutil.get('sound_debounces')[id] then if core.storageutil.get('sound_debounces')[id].t >= os.clock()-core.storageutil.get('sound_debounces')[id].st then return end end return true end local explosions = {} do local ids = {17495858639,17495859492,17495861983,17495862769} for i,v in pairs(ids) do local s ="Sound") s.SoundId = "rbxassetid://" .. v s.Volume = 1 --s.RollOffMaxDistance = 16*block_size*2 game:GetService("ContentProvider"):PreloadAsync({s}) table.insert(explosions,s) end end core.crystalutil.explode = function(model,chain,instant) if model and core.entityutil.get_type(model) == 'end crystal' then else return end local hb = core.entityutil.get_hitbox(model) local center_pos = local pos =,-block_size+0.01,0) core.entityutil.remove_entity(model) if last_crystal_instant then last_crystal_instant.Parent = nil last_crystal_instant:ClearAllChildren() last_crystal_instant:Destroy() last_crystal_instant = nil end if instant and config.instant_crystal_render then model.Parent = core.junk last_crystal_instant = model task.delay(1/10,function() if last_crystal_instant then else return end model.Parent = nil model:ClearAllChildren() model:Destroy() end) else model.Parent = nil model:ClearAllChildren() model:Destroy() end if chain then return end -- end crystals get destroyed in chains local exp_part if not chain then exp_part ="Part") exp_part.Anchored = true exp_part.CanCollide = false exp_part.CanQuery = false exp_part.Massless = true exp_part.CastShadow = false exp_part.Transparency = 1 exp_part.Size =,1,1) exp_part.Position = pos exp_part.Parent = core.junk if config.debug then exp_part.Transparency = 0 end if not config.no_particles then local ParticleEmitter1 ="ParticleEmitter") ParticleEmitter1.Parent = exp_part ParticleEmitter1.Speed =,25) ParticleEmitter1.Color =,1,1),,1,1)) ParticleEmitter1.Enabled = false ParticleEmitter1.LightEmission = 0.80000001192093 ParticleEmitter1.Texture = "rbxassetid://3607612871" ParticleEmitter1.Size =,1) ParticleEmitter1.Lifetime = ParticleEmitter1.LockedToPart = true ParticleEmitter1.Rate = 10000 ParticleEmitter1.RotSpeed =, 270) ParticleEmitter1.SpreadAngle =, -90) ParticleEmitter1.VelocitySpread = -90 ParticleEmitter1.Shape = Enum.ParticleEmitterShape.Sphere ParticleEmitter1:Emit(100) end if core.util.can_sound('explosion') then core.util.sound_debounce('explosion',1/20) local s = explosions[math.random(#explosions)]:Clone() s.Parent = exp_part end game:GetService("Debris"):AddItem(exp_part,3.9) end for entity,_type in pairs(core.storageutil.get('entities')) do if core.entityutil.in_world(entity) then else core.entityutil.remove_entity(entity) continue end local power = 6 local radius = power*2 if _type == 'player' and core.entityutil.is_alive(entity) and (not entity:FindFirstChild("ForceField") or entity == get_char().model and config.attack_self) and not chain then core.crystalutil.calc_damage(entity,pos,true) elseif _type == 'end crystal' then local hb = core.entityutil.get_hitbox(entity,true) local dist = ( --dist = core.util.round(dist) if radius >= dist then core.crystalutil.explode(entity,true) end end end if not chain then return true end end pcall(function() game:GetService("PhysicsService"):CreateCollisionGroup('ray_entity') game:GetService("PhysicsService"):CreateCollisionGroup('ray_block') game:GetService("PhysicsService"):CollisionGroupSetCollidable('ray_entity','ray_block',false) end) local asd = {} local cached_placement core.crystalutil.auto_place = function(data,instant) local cpos = data.crystal_pos local best_place if not core.blockutil.get_block(,1,0)) then best_place =,1,0) end if config.auto_crystal then else return end if data.entity_collision then core.crystalutil.explode(data.entity_collision) return true end if best_place and config.place_support_block then --print(best_self_damage,best_damage) local ps = math.clamp(config.place_speed,0,10) if config.place_speed > 0 then task.wait(ps) end --local target_dmg = core.crystalutil.calc_damage(target,core.blockutil.from_grid(best_crystal)) --local self_dmg = core.crystalutil.calc_damage(get_char().model,core.blockutil.from_grid(best_crystal)) --warn(self_dmg,target_dmg) end if config.auto_crystal then else return end local crystal if config.place_crystal then crystal = end if crystal then else return end if config.crystal_speed > 0 and not instant then if config.fast_place then task.wait(1/20) else task.wait(config.crystal_speed) end else instant = true end core.crystalutil.explode(crystal,nil,instant) if crystal then return true end end local cache_timeout = 0 local post_death_cache_timeout = 0 core.crystalutil.auto_crystal = function() -- scans for placeable blocks and crystals if core.entityutil.is_alive(get_char().model) and get_char().hum.Health >= config.minimum_health then else return end local st = os.clock() local closest_dist = 1/0 local best_damage = 0 local best_self_damage = 1/0 local target,target_root if config.check_immunity_self_damage and get_char().model:FindFirstChildOfClass("ForceField") then best_self_damage = 0 end local best_crystals = {} local bypass = false for entity,_type in pairs(core.storageutil.get('entities')) do if core.entityutil.in_world(entity) then else core.entityutil.remove_entity(entity) continue end if _type == 'player' and (entity ~= get_char().model or config.attack_self) then if core.entityutil.is_alive(entity) then elseif (config.smart_target and cached_placement and == entity) then bypass = true else continue end if not entity:FindFirstChildOfClass("ForceField") or (config.attack_self and entity == get_char().model) then else continue end local troot = entity:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart") or entity:FindFirstChild("Torso") or entity.PrimaryPart local thum = entity:FindFirstChildOfClass("Humanoid") if troot and thum then local dist = (troot.Position-get_char().root.Position).Magnitude if closest_dist > dist and config.target_range >= dist/block_size then if config.check_immunity and core.entityutil.is_immune(thum) and not core.entityutil.immune_diff(thum,config.minimum_target_damage) then continue end closest_dist = dist target = entity target_root = target:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart") or target:FindFirstChild("Torso") or target.PrimaryPart end end end end if target and target_root then else if cached_placement then if config.smart_target then cache_timeout += 1 if cache_timeout > config.cache_limit then cache_timeout = 0 cached_placement = nil return else bypass = true target = end else cached_placement = nil return end else return end end local function fast_place() local cpos = cached_placement.crystal_pos local block_pos =,1,0) if core.util.in_range(block_pos) then else cached_placement = nil return end if core.entityutil.is_alive(target) then else if not config.smart_target or 0 > config.post_death_cache_limit then cached_placement = nil return else post_death_cache_timeout += 1 if post_death_cache_timeout > config.post_death_cache_limit then post_death_cache_timeout = 0 cached_placement = nil return nil,true else bypass = true end end end if == target then elseif config.smart_target and == target.Name then elseif config.smart_target and cached_placement.player and game:GetService("Players"):GetPlayerFromCharacter(target) == cached_placement.player then else cached_placement = nil return end local dist = (core.blockutil.to_grid(cached_placement.self_pos)-core.blockutil.to_grid(get_char().root.Position)).Magnitude if 2 >= dist then else cached_placement = nil return end if target_root then local dist = (core.blockutil.to_grid(cached_placement.target_pos)-core.blockutil.to_grid(target_root.Position)).Magnitude if 2 >= dist then else cached_placement = nil return end elseif post_death_cache_timeout > 0 then else cached_placement = nil return end if not core.blockutil.get_block(block_pos) and not core.blockutil.can_place(block_pos) then cached_placement = nil return end local crystal_can_place,entity_collision = core.blockutil.can_place(cpos) if not crystal_can_place and core.entityutil.get_type(entity_collision) ~= 'end crystal' then cached_placement = nil return end local box if not core.blockutil.get_block(block_pos) then box ="Part") box.CanCollide = false box.Anchored = true box.CanTouch = false box.CastShadow = false box.CanQuery = true box.Massless = true box.Transparency = 0 box.Size = BlockVector3 box.Position = core.blockutil.from_grid(block_pos) box.Parent = workspace core.temp_block = box end local self_dmg = 0 if best_self_damage > 0 then self_dmg = core.crystalutil.calc_damage(get_char().model,core.blockutil.from_grid(cpos)) if config.attack_self then self_dmg = 0 end if self_dmg and config.max_self_damage >= self_dmg then else if box then box:Destroy() end cached_placement = nil return end end local target_dmg = 0 if target_root then target_dmg = core.crystalutil.calc_damage(target,core.blockutil.from_grid(cpos)) elseif post_death_cache_timeout > 0 then target_dmg = 1/0 end if target_dmg and target_dmg >= config.minimum_target_damage and target_dmg/self_dmg >= config.damage_balance then if box then box:Destroy() end local data = cached_placement data.entity_collision = entity_collision local placed = core.crystalutil.auto_place(cached_placement, post_death_cache_timeout > 0) return placed, cache_timeout > 0 else if box then box:Destroy() end cached_placement = nil end end if config.fast_place and cached_placement then local placed,cancel = fast_place() if placed then if core.entityutil.is_alive(target) then cache_timeout = 0 post_death_cache_timeout = 0 end return end if bypass or cancel then return end end if config.debug then if #asd > 0 then for i,v in ipairs(asd) do v:Destroy() end end end local numba = 0 local pos = core.blockutil.to_grid(get_char().root.Position) local blocks = core.blockutil.get_sphere(pos,config.range) for _,block_pos: Vector3 in ipairs(blocks) do local cpos =,1,0) if core.blockutil.in_air(block_pos) then continue end if not core.blockutil.get_block(block_pos) and not core.blockutil.can_place(block_pos) then -- cant place in places without obsidian continue end if core.blockutil.get_block(cpos) then continue end local crystal_can_place,entity_collision = core.blockutil.can_place(cpos) if not crystal_can_place and core.entityutil.get_type(entity_collision) ~= 'end crystal' then -- 1.13+ check continue end if config.target_mode == 'damage' then local box ="Part") box.CanCollide = false box.Anchored = true box.CanTouch = false box.CastShadow = false box.CanQuery = true box.Massless = true box.Transparency = 1 box.Size = BlockVector3 box.Position = core.blockutil.from_grid(block_pos) box.Parent = workspace core.temp_block = box --game:GetService("PhysicsService"):SetPartCollisionGroup(box,'ray_block') --for i,v in ipairs(target:GetDescendants()) do -- if v:IsA("BasePart") then -- game:GetService("PhysicsService"):SetPartCollisionGroup(v,'ray_entity') -- end --end local self_dmg = 0 if best_self_damage > 0 then self_dmg = core.crystalutil.calc_damage(get_char().model,core.blockutil.from_grid(cpos)) if config.attack_self then self_dmg = 0 end if self_dmg and config.max_self_damage >= self_dmg and best_self_damage >= self_dmg then else box:Destroy() continue end end local target_dmg = core.crystalutil.calc_damage(target,core.blockutil.from_grid(cpos)) numba += 1 if target_dmg and target_dmg >= best_damage and target_dmg >= config.minimum_target_damage and target_dmg/self_dmg >= config.damage_balance then best_damage = target_dmg best_self_damage = self_dmg table.insert(best_crystals,1,{ crystal_pos = cpos, entity_collision = entity_collision, }) end box:Destroy() if config.fast_calc and #best_crystals >= config.fast_calc_limit then break end end --if config.debug then -- local box ="Part") -- box.CanCollide = false -- box.Anchored = true -- box.CanTouch = false -- box.CanQuery = true -- box.Massless = true -- box.Color =,0,0) -- box.Transparency = 0.5 -- box.Size = BlockVector3*1.1 -- box.Position = core.blockutil.from_grid(block_pos) -- --core.blockutil.create_selection(box) -- box.Parent = core.junk -- game:GetService("Debris"):AddItem(box,2) -- --table.insert(asd,box) --end end for _,data in ipairs(best_crystals) do local placed = core.crystalutil.auto_place(data) if placed then if config.fast_place and target_root then cache_timeout = 0 post_death_cache_timeout = 0 cached_placement = data = target cached_placement.player = game:GetService("Players"):GetPlayerFromCharacter(target) cached_placement.target_pos = target_root.Position cached_placement.self_pos = get_char().root.Position end blocks = nil --warn(os.clock()-st,numba,numba*3) break end end blocks = nil --warn(os.clock()-st,numba,numba*3) end core.entityutil.is_entity = function(target) if not target then return end if not target:IsA("Model") then target = target:FindFirstAncestorOfClass("Model") end if target and (target:FindFirstChildOfClass("Humanoid") or core.storageutil.get('hitboxes')[target]) then return true end end core.util.mouse_place = function(mode,pos,target,surface) if core.entityutil.is_alive(get_char().model) then else return end if target and pos then else return end if core.entityutil.is_entity(target) then return end local normal = nil --core.blockutil.to_normal(surface) if surface then if typeof(surface) == 'Vector3' then else return end for i,v in pairs(normal_ids) do if surface == v then normal = surface break end end if normal then else return end end pos = core.util.round(core.blockutil.to_grid(pos+y_offset)+normal/,1,0)/2) -- adjusted to surface pos if target and core.blockutil.is_block(target) then local tpos = core.blockutil.to_grid(target.Position) local spos = tpos+normal -- might grid fail lol local cpos =,1,0) if mode == 'end crystal' then local crystal = if crystal and config.attack_placed_crystals then core.crystalutil.explode(crystal,nil,true) end elseif mode == 'block' then end elseif mode == 'block' then end end core.blockutil.auto_surround = function() if core.entityutil.is_alive(get_char().model) then else return end if config.auto_surround then else return end local death_con,root_con local function center_char() local raw_root_pos = get_char().root.Position local root_pos = core.blockutil.to_grid(get_char().root.Position) local root_pos2 = core.blockutil.from_grid(root_pos) get_char().root.Position =,raw_root_pos.Y,root_pos2.Z) end local function stop() if config.auto_surround then else return end config.auto_surround = false get_char().root.Anchored = false print('auto_surround: ' .. tostring(config.auto_surround)) death_con:Disconnect() root_con:Disconnect() end death_con = get_char().hum.Died:Connect(function() death_con:Disconnect() root_con:Disconnect() repeat task.wait() until get_char().hum.Health and get_char().hum.Health > 0 core.blockutil.auto_surround() end) local y_level = get_char().root.Position.Y root_con = get_char().root.Changed:Connect(function() if get_char().hum.Jump then stop() return end if math.abs(y_level-get_char().root.Position.Y)*block_size >= block_size*0.9 then stop() return end end) if get_char().hum.Jump then stop() return end center_char() while core.entityutil.is_alive(get_char().model) do if config.auto_surround then else return end local root_pos = core.blockutil.to_grid(get_char().root.Position) local spos = {,0,0),,0,0),,0,1),,0,-1), } for i = 1,#spos do local spos = spos[i] if not core.blockutil.get_block(root_pos+spos) then get_char().root.Anchored = true if not core.blockutil.can_place(root_pos+spos,false,true) then center_char() root_pos = core.blockutil.to_grid(get_char().root.Position) end if get_char().hum.Jump then stop() return end if math.abs(y_level-get_char().root.Position.Y) >= 0.1 then stop() return end if config.auto_surround then else stop() return end local placed = if not placed then center_char() root_pos = core.blockutil.to_grid(get_char().root.Position) end end end get_char().root.Anchored = false task.wait(config.surround_speed+0.5) end end local packets = { ['place'] = function(data) core.util.mouse_place('block',data.pos,,data.surface) end, ['place_crystal'] = function(data) core.util.mouse_place('end crystal',data.pos,,data.surface) end, ['mine'] = function(data) core.blockutil.mine_block( end, ['auto_crystal'] = function() config.auto_crystal = not config.auto_crystal print('auto_crystal: ' .. tostring(config.auto_crystal)) while config.auto_crystal do core.crystalutil.auto_crystal() if config.fast_place and cached_placement then task.wait() else task.wait(config.check_speed) end end end, ['auto_surround'] = function() config.auto_surround = not config.auto_surround print('auto_surround: ' .. tostring(config.auto_surround)) core.blockutil.auto_surround() end, ['attack_placed_crystals'] = function() config.attack_placed_crystals = not config.attack_placed_crystals print('attack_placed_crystals: ' .. tostring(config.attack_placed_crystals)) end } local function run_client() local remote ="RemoteEvent") remote.Parent = core.plr:FindFirstChildOfClass("PlayerGui") remote.OnServerEvent:Connect(function(lplr,packet,...) if lplr == core.plr then else return end local func = packets[packet] if func then func(...) end end) NLS([[ local remote = script.Parent local uis = game:GetService("UserInputService") local mouse = game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer:GetMouse() local lplr = game.Players.LocalPlayer local char = lplr.Character local head = char:WaitForChild("Head") local place_hold = false local mine_hold = false local crystal_hold = false local function is_fps() return head.LocalTransparencyModifier == 1 end local function raycast() local param = param.FilterDescendantsInstances = {char} param.IgnoreWater = true local origin = workspace.CurrentCamera.CFrame.Position local dir = (mouse.Hit.Position-origin).Unit*1000 local dist = dir.Magnitude local ray = workspace:Raycast(origin,dir,param) local t = { pos = ray and ray.Position or mouse.Hit.Position, target = ray and ray.Instance, surface = ray and ray.Normal } return t end uis.InputBegan:Connect(function(input,press) if press then return end if input.UserInputType == Enum.UserInputType.Keyboard then local key = input.KeyCode if key == Enum.KeyCode.E then --mine_hold = false place_hold = false crystal_hold = true repeat remote:FireServer('place_crystal',raycast()) task.wait(1/20) until not crystal_hold elseif key == Enum.KeyCode.F then --crystal_hold = false place_hold = false mine_hold = true repeat remote:FireServer('mine',raycast()) task.wait(1/5) until not mine_hold elseif key == Enum.KeyCode.C then remote:FireServer('auto_crystal') elseif key == Enum.KeyCode.R then remote:FireServer('auto_surround') elseif key == Enum.KeyCode.T then remote:FireServer('attack_placed_crystals') end elseif input.UserInputType == Enum.UserInputType.MouseButton2 and is_fps() then mine_hold = false crystal_hold = false place_hold = true repeat remote:FireServer('place',raycast()) task.wait(1/10) until not place_hold end end) uis.InputEnded:Connect(function(input,press) if input.UserInputType == Enum.UserInputType.Keyboard then local key = input.KeyCode if key == Enum.KeyCode.E then crystal_hold = false elseif key == Enum.KeyCode.F then mine_hold = false end elseif input.UserInputType == Enum.UserInputType.MouseButton2 then place_hold = false end end) ]],remote) end run_client() core.plr.CharacterAdded:Connect(function() task.wait(0.2) run_client() end) local last_place = os.clock() game:GetService("RunService").Stepped:Connect(function() core.crystalutil.update_entities() ls_anim = os.clock() end) local pings = {} local ping = core.storageutil.get('ping',true) if not ping and game:GetService("RunService"):IsServer() then ping = core.storageutil.set('ping',"BindableEvent")) end ping.Event:Connect(function(id) if id ~= core.plr.UserId then pings[id] = os.clock() end end) coroutine.wrap(function() while true do ping:Fire(core.plr.UserId) for id,st in pairs(pings) do if os.clock()-st >= 3 then pings[id] = nil core.util.clean_up() break end end wait(0.5+math.random()*0.5) end end)() coroutine.wrap(function() while true do core.util.clean_up() wait(60) end end)() warn([[ -- Made by LazaroValkyrie -- Crystal PvP v1.3 Must be in First Person (Auto Runs on spawn) RMB - Place E - Place Crystal F - Mine Block/Crystal C - Auto Crystal R - Auto Surround T - Attack Placed Crystal Setting ]])
Editor Settings
Key bindings
Full width