Vanishing night

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#include <iostream> int main(){ //this part is asking for the times in Mecka from ma to s respectively double a1_1, c1_1, d1_1; std::cout << "What is the time for maghrib in mecka" << '\n'; std::cin >> a1_1; std::cout << "What is the time for fajr in Mecka" << '\n'; std::cin >> c1_1; std::cout << "What is the time for shuruq in Mecka" << '\n'; std::cin >> d1_1; //Asking for the times of ma and s only from the city the person is currently at double a1_2, d1_2; std::cout << "What is the time for maghrib in your prefered location" << '\n'; std::cin >> a1_2; std::cout << "What is the time for shuruq in your wanted location" << '\n'; std::cin >> d1_2; //Calculating how many minutes there are for each prayer in Mecka int a2_1 = (int( a1_1 * 100)) % 100 + (int(a1_1))*60; int c2_1 = (int( c1_1 * 100)) % 100 + (int(c1_1))*60 + 60 * 24 ; int d2_1 = (int( d1_1 * 100)) % 100 + (int(d1_1))*60 + 60 * 24; //calculating how many minutes there are for each time in designated location int a2_2 = (int( a1_2 * 100)) % 100 + (int(a1_2))*60; int d2_2 = (int( d1_2 * 100)) % 100 + (int(d1_2))*60 + 60 * 24; //calculating how many minutes there are from the time of maghrib in Mecka int c3_1 = c2_1 - a2_1; int d3_1 = d2_1 - a2_1; //calculating how many minutes until shuruq in designated location int d3_2 = d2_2 - a2_2; //Calculating how many minutes from maghrib until first third of the night enters int e4_1 = int(c3_1 /3); //calculating how many percentage of the time between maghrib and shuruq until first third of the night ends in Mecka double f5_1 = double(e4_1) / double(d3_1); //applying the percentage in mecka to the nordic countries double g6_2 = double(d3_2) * double(f5_1); //calculate how many minutes until the third of the night starts int g7_2 = g6_2 + a2_2; //calculating how many hours there are until it starts double g8_2 = (int(g7_2/60)) + (double((g7_2)%60))/100; if (g8_2 > 24) { g8_2 -= 24; } std::cout << "The time of the first third of the nigt ends at: " << g8_2; }
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