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#!/bin/bash # Function to shuffle characters in a word shuffle_word() { local word=$1 echo $(echo "$word" | fold -w1 | shuf | tr -d '\n') } # Function to generate random text from input text generate_random_text() { local input_text="$1" local output_text="" # Split input text into words read -ra words <<< "$input_text" # Shuffle each word and append to output text for word in "${words[@]}"; do shuffled_word=$(shuffle_word "$word") output_text+=" $shuffled_word" done echo "$output_text" } # Main function main() { # Read input text from stdin input_text=$(cat) # Generate random text from input text random_text=$(generate_random_text "$input_text") # Output the random text echo "$random_text" } # Run the main function main
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