formatted strings, string indexes and immutability

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name = 'dylan' age = 6 print('hi ' + name + '. You are ' + str(age) + ' years old') # had to convert part to int print(f'hi {name}. You are {age} years old') #the f in the beginning is for formatting # makes you not have to convert print('hi {}. You are {} years old'.format(name, age)) #this is python 2 print('hi {1}. You are {0} years old'.format(name, age)) print('hi {new_name}. You are {cool_age} years old'.format(new_name='pooper', cool_age='1000')) order = 'abcdef' #012345 #[start] these brackets mean start #[start:stop] gives start stop option #[start:stop:stepover] to step over print(order[0]) print(order[1]) print(order[0:3]) print(order[0:5:2]) print(order[1:]) print(order[:5]) print(order[::1]) print(order[-1]) #the minus means start at the end of the string print(order[::-1]) print(order[::-2]) #strings are immutable, so you cant change just one of the characters in a string. # youd have to assign a whole new value order = '33' print(order)
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