Word Finder

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class Main { /* Word finding: Given a word w and some text t, write a function that finds whether w is in t. For example: w="nest", t="I built a nest and tested it." */ // write a function named isWordFound that will take two param word, text. // Iterate thriugh the text to check if the word found // if its found then return true otherwise return false // o(m * n) public static boolean isWordFound(String word, String text){ // covert both words and text to lowercase for case-sensitive comparision word = word.toLowerCase(); //o(1) text = text.toLowerCase(); //o(1) // Split the text into words using whitespace as delimeter String[] wordsInText = text.split("\\s+"); // iterate through each word in the text for(String w : wordsInText){ if(w.equals(word)){ return true; } } return false; } public static void main(String[] args) { String word = "nest"; String text = "I built a nest and tested it."; boolean isFound = isWordFound(word, text); System.out.println(isFound); } }
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