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local config = { x = 40, z = 40, y_origin = 16000, grid = 3, freq = 2, amplitude = 1.15, cave_smoothness = 40, scale = 130, maxDensity = 0.7, } local max_mult = 9 local layers = { {Enum.Material.Slate, Color3.new(0.639216, 0.635294, 0.647059)}, {Enum.Material.Slate, Color3.new(0.482353, 0.482353, 0.486275)}, {Enum.Material.Slate, Color3.new(0.34902, 0.356863, 0.321569)}, {Enum.Material.Limestone, Color3.new(0.45098, 0.431373, 0.32549)}, {Enum.Material.Salt, Color3.new(0.45098, 0.337255, 0.301961)}, {Enum.Material.Rock, Color3.new(0.45098, 0.25098, 0.25098)}, {Enum.Material.Rock, Color3.new(0.45098, 0.243137, 0.160784), 1.3}, {Enum.Material.CrackedLava, Color3.new(0.227451, 0.160784, 0.160784), 2.4}, {Enum.Material.CrackedLava, Color3.new(0.835294, 0.45098, 0.239216), 4.5}, } local deepest = -450 local ore = { { cost = 10, id = "http://www.roblox.com/asset/?id=639996737", freq = 0.71, w = 10, name = "Coal", y = {-7, -600} }, { cost = 20, id = "http://www.roblox.com/asset/?id=639997022", freq = 0.74, w = 8, name = "Silver", y = {-13, -800} }, { cost = 14, id = "http://www.roblox.com/asset/?id=639996462", freq = 0.72, w = 7, name = "Copper", y = {-6, -500} }, { cost = 80, id = "rbxassetid://8241352709", freq = 0.84, w = 4, name = "Judgement", rare = true, y = {-200, -600}, sound = "rbxassetid://7007957247" }, { cost = 28, id = "http://www.roblox.com/asset/?id=640017880", freq = 0.78, w = 6, name = "Gold", y = {-20, -600} }, { cost = 50, id = "http://www.roblox.com/asset/?id=639954603", freq = 0.85, w = 5, name = "Topaz", y = {-40, -700} }, { cost = 220, id = "http://www.roblox.com/asset/?id=639966173", freq = 0.98, w = 5, name = "Painite", y = {-120, -700}, }, { cost = 62, id = "http://www.roblox.com/asset/?id=634982240", freq = 0.88, w = 5, name = "Opal", y = {-50, -730} }, } local xOffset = 27624 local yOffset = 8434 local zOffset = 43753 local far_cf = CFrame.new(9e9, 9e9, 9e9) local vec = Vector3.new local normals = {} for i = 1, 6 do normals[i] = Vector3.FromNormalId(Enum.NormalId:GetEnumItems()[i]) end local storage = Instance.new("Folder", script) local grid = {} grid.__index = grid function grid.new() return setmetatable({ data = {} }, grid) end function grid:clear() table.clear(self.data) end function grid:list() local list = {} for x, yd in self.data do for y, zd in yd do for z, d in zd do list[Vector3.new(x, y, z)] = d end end end return list end function grid:set(position, value) local x, y, z = position.x, position.y, position.z if not self.data[x] then self.data[x] = {} end if not self.data[x][y] then self.data[x][y] = {} end self.data[x][y][z] = value end function grid:get(position) local x, y, z = position.x, position.y, position.z local xdata = self.data[x] if xdata then local ydata = xdata[y] if ydata then return ydata[z] end end end local mining = {} local gen = {} gen.air_blocks = grid.new() gen.solid_blocks = grid.new() gen.cache = {} gen.count = 0 local seed = os.clock() local is_gen = false function gen:add_cache(block) block.CFrame = far_cf block:ClearAllChildren() table.insert(self.cache, block) end function gen:set_air(position) if not position then error("Position is nil.", 2) end local result = {} self.air_blocks:set(position, true) for i = 1, 6 do local direction = normals[i] local surrounding_position = position + (direction * config.grid) local block_exists = self.solid_blocks:get(surrounding_position) local air_exists = self.air_blocks:get(surrounding_position) local below_limit = surrounding_position.y <= config.y_origin if (not block_exists) and (not air_exists) and below_limit then table.insert(result, surrounding_position) end end return result end function check_stats(plr) local ls = plr:FindFirstChild("leaderstats") if not ls then ls = Instance.new("Folder") ls.Name = "leaderstats" end for i, v in { ["Blocks"] = { "NumberValue", 0 }, ["Ore price"] = { "NumberValue", 0 }, } do if not ls:FindFirstChild(i) then local val = Instance.new(v[1]) val.Value = v[2] val.Name = i val.Parent = ls end end ls.Parent = plr return ls end function gen:remove(block, player) if typeof(block) == "table" then for i = 1, #block do self:remove(table.unpack(block[i])) end return end if not block then error("Block is nil.", 2) end if player then if not mining[player] then mining[player] = { discovered = {}, send_noti = false, } print("New miner.") end local ore_data = ore[block:GetAttribute("OreData")] if ore_data and not mining[player].discovered[ore_data.name] then mining[player].discovered[ore_data.name] = true if mining[player].send_noti then end end local ls = check_stats(player) if ore_data then ls["Ore price"].Value += ore_data.cost * math.round( math.clamp( ( ( ( config.y_origin - block.Position.Y ) / config.grid ) / -deepest) * max_mult, 1, max_mult ) ) end ls.Blocks.Value += 1 end local result = self:set_air(block.Position) self:add_cache(block) self.solid_blocks:set(block:GetAttribute("Position"), nil) for i = 1, #result do self:new_block(result[i], true) end end function gen:sub_radius(origin, radius) if not origin then error("Origin is nil.", 2) end if not radius then error("Radius is nil.", 2) end radius = math.clamp(radius, 1, 5) * config.grid end function gen:new_block(position, cave_support) if typeof(position) == "table" then for i = 1, #position do self:new_block(table.unpack(position[i])) end return end if not position then error("Position is nil.", 2) end position = vec(math.round(position.X / config.grid) * config.grid, math.round(position.Y / config.grid) * config.grid, math.round(position.Z / config.grid) * config.grid) local block_exists = self.solid_blocks:get(position) if block_exists then return end if cave_support then if math.noise(position.x / config.cave_smoothness, position.z / config.cave_smoothness, (position.y + seed) / config.cave_smoothness) <= -0.4 then --[[local xP = math.noise(((position.Y + yOffset + seed) / config.scale) * config.freq , ((position.z + zOffset + seed) / config.scale) * config.freq) * config.amplitude local yP = math.noise(((position.X + xOffset + seed) / config.scale) * config.freq , ((position.Z + zOffset + seed) / config.scale) * config.freq) * config.amplitude local zP = math.noise(((position.X + xOffset + seed) / config.scale) * config.freq , ((position.Y + yOffset + seed) / config.scale) * config.freq) * config.amplitude local density = xP + yP + zP if density >= config.maxDensity then]] local result = self:set_air(position) self.count += 1 if self.count%80 == 0 then task.wait() end for i = 1, #result do local cave_block_position = result[i] self:new_block(cave_block_position, true) end return end end local cache_block = self.cache[1] if cache_block and cache_block.Parent == nil then cache_block = nil end local l = layers[math.round( math.clamp( ( ( ( config.y_origin - position.Y ) / config.grid ) / -deepest) * 9, 1, 9 ) )] local part = Instance.new("Part\0") part.Material = l[1] part.Color = l[2] part.Size = Vector3.one * config.grid part.Locked = true part.Anchored = true if l[3] then local t t = part.Touched:Connect(function(h) local hm = h.Parent:FindFirstChild("Humanoid") if hm and not hm:GetAttribute("dmg") then hm:SetAttribute("dmg", true) hm:TakeDamage(l[3]) task.wait(0.6) hm:SetAttribute("dmg", false) end end) task.delay(7, function() t:Disconnect() end) end local block = part table.remove(self.cache, 1) block.Position = position block.Parent = storage local ore_data local ore_ind if is_gen then --[[local s = Instance.new("Sound\0") s.SoundId = "rbxassetid://12221967" s.Volume = 1 s.PlayOnRemove = true s.Parent = block s:Destroy()]] end for i,v in ore do if position.Y <= config.y_origin + (v.y[1] * config.grid) and position.Y >= config.y_origin + (v.y[2] * config.grid) then local n = math.noise(position.x / v.w, position.z / v.w, (position.y + seed + i) / v.w) * 1.15 if n >= v.freq or v.freq == -1 then for _, face in Enum.NormalId:GetEnumItems() do local d = Instance.new("Decal\0") d.Texture = v.id d.Face = face d.Parent = block end ore_data = v ore_ind = i break end end end block:SetAttribute("OreData", ore_ind) block:SetAttribute("MinesBlock", true) block:SetAttribute("Position", position) block.Destroying:Connect(function() if ore_data and ore_data.unmineable then if math.random() >= 0.9 then return end end self:remove(block) end) self.solid_blocks:set(position, { block, ore_data }) local click_detector = Instance.new("ClickDetector\0") click_detector.Parent = block click_detector.MouseClick:Connect(function(player) local sfx = Instance.new("Sound\0") sfx.PlayOnRemove = true sfx.SoundId = "rbxassetid://6496157434" sfx.Volume = 1 sfx.PlaybackSpeed = 1 + (math.random() / 3.5) sfx.Parent = block sfx:Destroy() task.delay(2, game.Destroy, sfx) self:remove(block, player) end) return block end function player_handler(player) player.Chatted:Connect(function(m) if m:sub(1,5) == "!seed" then seed = tonumber(m:sub(7)) is_gen = true storage:ClearAllChildren() gen.air_blocks:clear() gen.solid_blocks:clear() for xv = config.x * config.grid * -0.5, config.x * config.grid * 0.5, config.grid do for zv = config.z * config.grid * -0.5, config.z * config.grid * 0.5, config.grid do local b = gen:new_block(vec(xv, config.y_origin, zv), true) if (zv + xv) % 25 == 0 then task.wait() end end end is_gen = false local msg = Instance.new("Message", script) msg.Text = "Mines V2 loaded. Say !mines to teleport." task.delay(3.5, game.Destroy, msg) end if m == "!mines" then local character = player.Character if character then character:MoveTo(storage:GetChildren()[1].Position) end end end) end local players = game:GetService("Players") for i,v in players:GetPlayers() do player_handler(v) end players.PlayerAdded:Connect(player_handler) local request_api = Instance.new("Folder", script) request_api.Name = "MINES_API" local new_block = Instance.new("BindableFunction", request_api) new_block.Name = "new_block" new_block.OnInvoke = function(...) return gen:new_block(...) end local set_air = Instance.new("BindableFunction", request_api) set_air.Name = "set_air" set_air.OnInvoke = function(...) return gen:set_air(...) end local remove = Instance.new("BindableEvent", request_api) remove.Name = "remove" remove.Event:Connect(function(...) gen:remove(...) end) local add_cache = Instance.new("BindableEvent", request_api) add_cache.Name = "add_cache" add_cache.Event:Connect(function(...) gen:add_cache(...) end) --[[ local API = workspace:FindFirstChild("MINES_API", true) local gen = setmetatable({}, { __index = function(self, index) local endpoint = API:FindFirstChild(index) local call = endpoint:IsA("BindableEvent") and endpoint.Fire or endpoint.Invoke return function(self,...) return call(endpoint, ...) end end }) shared.gen = gen ]] local x, y, z = config.x, config.y_origin, config.z local pos = CFrame.new(0, y, 0) local sp = Instance.new("SpawnLocation") sp.Anchored = true sp.Position = pos.Position sp.Transparency = 1 sp.Parent = script local part = Instance.new("Part") part.BottomSurface = Enum.SurfaceType.Smooth part.CFrame = pos + Vector3.new(1024 + (x * config.grid * 0.5) + 0.5, config.grid, 0) part.Material = Enum.Material.Slate part.Size = Vector3.new(2048, config.grid, 2048) part.Anchored = true part.TopSurface = Enum.SurfaceType.Smooth part.Parent = script local part = Instance.new("Part") part.BottomSurface = Enum.SurfaceType.Smooth part.CFrame = pos - Vector3.new(1024 + (x * config.grid * 0.5) - 0.5, -config.grid, 0) part.Material = Enum.Material.Slate part.Size = Vector3.new(2048, config.grid, 2048) part.Anchored = true part.TopSurface = Enum.SurfaceType.Smooth part.Parent = script local part = Instance.new("Part") part.BottomSurface = Enum.SurfaceType.Smooth part.CFrame = pos - Vector3.new(-0.5, -config.grid, 512 + (x * config.grid * 0.5) - 0.5) part.Material = Enum.Material.Slate part.Size = Vector3.new(x * config.grid, config.grid, 1024) part.Anchored = true part.TopSurface = Enum.SurfaceType.Smooth part.Parent = script local part = Instance.new("Part") part.BottomSurface = Enum.SurfaceType.Smooth part.CFrame = pos + Vector3.new(0.5, config.grid, 512 + (x * config.grid * 0.5) + 0.5) part.Material = Enum.Material.Slate part.Size = Vector3.new(x * config.grid, config.grid, 1024) part.Anchored = true part.TopSurface = Enum.SurfaceType.Smooth part.Parent = script
Editor Settings
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