AoC 2023, day 14

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sub solve-p1(@dish, \rows, \cols) { for ^cols -> $col { my ($start-row, $row) = 0, 0; while $row < rows { given @dish[$row;$col] { when 'O' { @dish[$start-row,$row;$col] = 'O', '.' if $start-row != $row; ++$start-row; } when '#' { $start-row = $row + 1; } } ++$row; } } } sub tilt-line-front(@line, @ranges) { for @ranges -> (\begin, \end) { my $circles = +@line[begin..end].grep('O'); @line[begin..(begin+$circles-1)] X= 'O' if $circles; @line[(begin+$circles)..end] X= '.'; @line.eager; } } sub tilt-line-back(@line, @ranges) { for @ranges -> (\begin, \end) { my $circles = +@line[begin..end].grep('O'); @line[(end-$circles+1)..end] X= 'O' if $circles; @line[begin..(end-$circles)] X= '.'; @line.eager; } } my @recs; sub solve-p2(@dish, \rows, \cols, \rounds) { my %rocks is Set = @dish[*;*].grep('#', :k).map({ [$_ div cols, $_ mod cols] }); my (@row-ranges, @col-ranges); for ^rows -> \row { my $start = 0; @row-ranges[row] = (gather { for %rocks.keys.grep(*[0] == row).sort -> ($, \col) { take [$start,col-1] if col - $start > 1; $start = col + 1; } take [$start,cols-1] if cols - $start > 1; }).Array; } for ^cols -> \col { my $start = 0; @col-ranges[col] = (gather { for %rocks.keys.grep(*[1] == col).sort -> (\row, $) { take [$start,row-1] if row - $start > 1; $start = row + 1; } take [$start,rows-1] if rows - $start > 1; }).Array; } for ^rounds -> \round { tilt-line-front(@dish[*;$_], @col-ranges[$_]) for ^cols; # north tilt-line-front(@dish[$_], @row-ranges[$_]) for ^rows; # west tilt-line-back(@dish[*;$_], @col-ranges[$_]) for ^cols; # south tilt-line-back(@dish[$_], @row-ranges[$_]) for ^rows; # east my $rec = @dish[*;*].grep('O', :k).sort.Array; return [$_, round] with @recs.first($rec, :k); @recs.push($rec); } } my @dish = $**.comb.Array); my (\rows, \cols) = +@dish, +@dish[0]; solve-p1(@dish, rows, cols); put 'part 1: ', @dish[*;*].grep('O', :k).map({ rows - $_ div cols }).sum; with solve-p2(@dish, rows, cols, 1_000_000_000) { put 'part 2: ', @recs[.[0] + (1_000_000_000 - .[0] - 1) % (.[1] - .[0])].map({ rows - $_ div cols }).sum; }
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