Lua Linear Algebra

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local linalg = {} -- ARITHMETIC FUNCTIONS local abs = math.abs local floor = math.floor local sqrt = math.sqrt -- TRIG FUNCTIONS local cos = math.cos local sin = math.sin --[[ ROW CLASS ]]-- local _rowClass = {} local _newRow = function(values) local instance = setmetatable({}, _rowClass) rawset(instance, "_values", values) return instance end _rowClass.__index = function(row, key) if type(key) == "number" then return row._values[key] elseif key == "Length" then return #row._values end error("Unrecognized key: " .. tostring(key)) end _rowClass.__newindex = function() error("Rows are immutable", 2) end _rowClass.__tostring = function(row) local result = "" for i = 1, row.Length do result = result .. row[i] if i < row.Length then result = result .. " " end end return result end _rowClass.__unm = function (row) if row.Length == 1 then return -1 * row[1] end local resultArray = {} for i = 1, row.Length do resultArray[i] = -1 * row[i] end return _newRow(resultArray) end _rowClass.__add = function (left, right) if type(left) == "number" or type(right) == "number" then local row = type(left) == "number" and right or left if row.Length == 1 then local leftScalar = type(left) == "number" and left or left[1] local rightScalar = type(right) == "number" and right or right[1] return leftScalar + rightScalar end error("Addition of a scalar to a row is undefined", 2) end if left.Length ~= right.Length then error("Addition of rows of different lengths is undefined", 2) end if left.Length == 1 then return left[1] + right[1] end local resultArray = {} for i = 1, left.Length do resultArray[i] = left[i] + right[i] end return _newRow(resultArray) end _rowClass.__sub = function (left, right) if type(left) == "number" or type(right) == "number" then local row = type(left) == "number" and right or left if row.Length == 1 then local leftScalar = type(left) == "number" and left or left[1] local rightScalar = type(right) == "number" and right or right[1] return leftScalar - rightScalar end error("Subtraction of a scalar to a row is undefined", 2) end if left.Length ~= right.Length then error("Subtraction of rows of different lengths is undefined", 2) end if left.Length == 1 then return left[1] - right[1] end local resultArray = {} for i = 1, left.Length do resultArray[i] = left[i] - right[i] end return _newRow(resultArray) end _rowClass.__mul = function (left, right) if type(left) == "number" or type(right) == "number" then local row = type(left) == "number" and right or left local scalar = type(left) == "number" and left or right if row.Length == 1 then local leftScalar = type(left) == "number" and left or left[1] local rightScalar = type(right) == "number" and right or right[1] return leftScalar * rightScalar else local resultArray = {} for i = 1, row.Length do resultArray[i] = scalar * row[i] end return _newRow(resultArray) end elseif left.Length == 1 or right.Length == 1 then if left.Length == 1 and right.Length == 1 then return left[1] * right[1] elseif left.Length == 1 then return left[1] * right else return left * right[1] end end error("Multiplication of two rows is undefined", 2) end _rowClass.__div = function (left, right) if type(left) == "number" then error("Division of a scalar by a row is undefined", 2) elseif type(right) == "number" then if left.Length == 1 then return left[1] / right else local resultArray = {} for i = 1, left.Length do resultArray[i] = left[i] / right end return _newRow(resultArray) end elseif left.Length == 1 or right.Length == 1 then if left.Length == 1 and right.Length == 1 then return left[1] / right[1] elseif left.Length == 1 then error("Division of a scalar by a row is undefined", 2) else return left / right[1] end end error("Division of two rows is undefined", 2) end _rowClass.__mod = function (left, right) if type(left) == "number" then error("Modulo of a scalar by a row is undefined", 2) elseif type(right) == "number" then if left.Length == 1 then return left[1] % right else local resultArray = {} for i = 1, left.Length do resultArray[i] = left[i] % right end return _newRow(resultArray) end elseif left.Length == 1 or right.Length == 1 then if left.Length == 1 and right.Length == 1 then return left[1] % right[1] elseif left.Length == 1 then error("Modulo of a scalar by a row is undefined", 2) else return left % right[1] end end error("Modulo of two rows is undefined", 2) end _rowClass.__pow = function (left, right) if type(left) == "number" then if right.Length == 1 then return left ^ right[1] else error("Exponentiation of a scalar by a row is undefined", 2) end elseif type(right) == "number" then if left.Length == 1 then return left[1] ^ right else error("Exponentiation of a row by a scalar is undefined", 2) end elseif left.Length == 1 or right.Length == 1 then if left.Length == 1 and right.Length == 1 then return left[1] ^ right[1] elseif left.Length == 1 then error("Exponentiation of a scalar by a row is undefined", 2) else error("Exponentiation of a row by a scalar is undefined", 2) end end error("Exponentiation of two rows is undefined", 2) end _rowClass.__eq = function(left, right) if left.Length ~= right.Length then return false end for i = 1, left.Length do if left[i] ~= right[i] then return false end end return true end --[[ MATRIX CLASS ]]-- local _matrixClass = {} local _newMatrix = function(rows) local rowInstances = {} for i = 1, #rows do rowInstances[i] = _newRow(rows[i]) end local instance = setmetatable({}, _matrixClass) rawset(instance, "_rows", rowInstances) return instance end _matrixClass.__index = function(mat, key) if type(key) == "number" then return rawget(mat, "_rows")[key] --return mat._rows[key] elseif key == "Shape" then return { #rawget(mat, "_rows"), rawget(mat, "_rows")[1].Length } elseif key == "T" then return linalg.matrix.transpose(mat) elseif key == "Unit" then if mat.Shape[2] == 1 then return linalg.vector.unit(mat) elseif mat.Shape[1] == mat.Shape[2] then return linalg.matrix.identity(mat.Shape[1]) else error("Unit of a non-square matrix is undefined", 2) end elseif linalg.matrix[key] then if type(linalg.matrix[key]) == "function" then return function (...) return linalg.matrix[key](mat, ...) end end elseif linalg.vector[key] and mat.Shape[2] == 1 then if type(linalg.vector[key]) == "function" then return function (...) return linalg.vector[key](mat, ...) end end end error("Unrecognized key: " .. tostring(key)) end _matrixClass.__newindex = function() error("Matrices are immutable", 2) end _matrixClass.__tostring = function(mat) local result = "" for i = 1, mat.Shape[1] do result = result .. tostring(mat[i]) if i < mat.Shape[1] then result = result .. "\n" end end return result end _matrixClass.__unm = function(mat) local resultRows = {} for i = 1, mat.Shape[1] do resultRows[i] = {} for j = 1, mat.Shape[2] do resultRows[i][j] = -1 * mat[i][j] end end return _newMatrix(resultRows) end _matrixClass.__add = function(left, right) if left.Shape[1] ~= right.Shape[1] or left.Shape[2] ~= right.Shape[2] then error( "Cannot add matrices of sizes (" .. left.Shape[1] .. " x " .. left.Shape[2] .. ") and (" .. right.Shape[1] .. " x " .. right.Shape[2] .. ")", 2 ) end local resultRows = {} for i = 1, left.Shape[1] do resultRows[i] = {} for j = 1, left.Shape[2] do resultRows[i][j] = left[i][j] + right[i][j] end end return _newMatrix(resultRows) end _matrixClass.__sub = function(left, right) if left.Shape[1] ~= right.Shape[1] or left.Shape[2] ~= right.Shape[2] then error( "Cannot subtract matrices of sizes (" .. left.Shape[1] .. " x " .. left.Shape[2] .. ") and (" .. right.Shape[1] .. " x " .. right.Shape[2] .. ")", 2 ) end local resultRows = {} for i = 1, left.Shape[1] do resultRows[i] = {} for j = 1, left.Shape[2] do resultRows[i][j] = left[i][j] - right[i][j] end end return _newMatrix(resultRows) end _matrixClass.__mul = function(left, right) local resultRows = {} if type(left) == "number" or type(right) == "number" then local mat = type(left) == "number" and right or left local scalar = type(left) == "number" and left or right for i = 1, mat.Shape[1] do resultRows[i] = {} for j = 1, mat.Shape[2] do resultRows[i][j] = scalar * mat[i][j] end end else if left.Shape[2] ~= right.Shape[1] then error( "Cannot multiply matrices of sizes (" .. left.Shape[1] .. " x " .. left.Shape[2] .. ") and (" .. right.Shape[1] .. " x " .. right.Shape[2] .. ")", 2 ) end for i = 1, left.Shape[1] do resultRows[i] = {} for j = 1, right.Shape[2] do resultRows[i][j] = 0 for k = 1, left.Shape[2] do resultRows[i][j] = resultRows[i][j] + (left[i][k] * right[k][j]) end end end end return _newMatrix(resultRows) end _matrixClass.__div = function(mat, scalar) if type(mat) == "number" then error("Cannot divide a scalar by a matrix", 2) elseif type(scalar) ~= "number" then error("Cannot divide a matrix by a matrix", 2) end local resultRows = {} for i = 1, mat.Shape[1] do resultRows[i] = {} for j = 1, mat.Shape[2] do resultRows[i][j] = mat[i][j] / scalar end end return _newMatrix(resultRows) end _matrixClass.__mod = function(mat, scalar) if type(mat) == "number" then error("Cannot compute modulus of a scalar by a matrix", 2) elseif type(scalar) ~= "number" then error("Cannot compute modulus of a matrix by a matrix", 2) end local resultRows = {} for i = 1, mat.Shape[1] do resultRows[i] = {} for j = 1, mat.Shape[2] do resultRows[i][j] = mat[i][j] % scalar end end return _newMatrix(resultRows) end _matrixClass.__pow = function(base, power) if type(base) ~= "number" and type(power) == "number" then if base.Shape[1] ~= base.Shape[2] then error("Cannot exponentiate a non-square matrix", 2) end if floor(power) ~= power or power < 1 then error("Cannot exponentiate a matrix by a non-positive non-integer", 2) end -- Runs in O(n^2 log_2(n)) time -- See local resultMatrix = linalg.matrix.identity(base.Shape[1]) local curMat = base while power > 0 do if power % 2 == 1 then resultMatrix = resultMatrix * curMat end curMat = curMat * curMat power = floor(power / 2) end return resultMatrix elseif type(base) == "number" and type(power) ~= "number" then error("Cannot raise an arbitrary number to a matrix power", 2) else error("Cannot exponentiate a matrix by a matrix", 2) --TODO (You should be able to do exactly this) end end _matrixClass.__eq = function(left, right) if left.Shape[1] ~= right.Shape[1] or left.Shape[2] ~= right.Shape[2] then return false end for i = 1, left.Shape[1] do for j = 1, left.Shape[2] do if left[i][j] ~= right[i][j] then return false end end end return true end -- MATRIX FUNCTIONS linalg.matrix = {} --[[** Creates a new matrix @param [t:array<array<number>>] rows A (m x n) array of numbers to fill the matrix with @returns [t:(m x n) matrix] The new matrix **--]] = function(rows) return _newMatrix(rows) end linalg.matrix.fromColumns = function(columnVectors) local resultRows = {} local n = columnVectors[1]["Shape"] and columnVectors[1].Shape[1] or #columnVectors[1] for i = 1, #columnVectors do for j = 1, n do if not resultRows[j] then resultRows[j] = {} end resultRows[j][i] = columnVectors[i][j] * 1 --*1 to ensure scalar functionality end end return _newMatrix(resultRows) end --[[** Creates an identity matrix of size (n x n) @param [t:number] n The size of the matrix @returns [t:(n x n) matrix] The identity matrix **--]] linalg.matrix.identity = function(n) local rows = {} for i = 1, n do rows[i] = {} for j = 1, n do rows[i][j] = i == j and 1 or 0 end end return _newMatrix(rows) end --[[** Creates a matrix of all zeros of size (m x n) @param [t:number] m @param [t:number] n @returns [t:(m x n) matrix] The zeros matrix **--]] linalg.matrix.zeros = function(m, n) local rows = {} for i = 1, m do rows[i] = {} for j = 1, n do rows[i][j] = 0 end end return _newMatrix(rows) end --[[** Creates a matrix of all zeros of the same size as the provided matrix @param [t:(m x n) matrix] mat The matrix to copy the size of @returns [t:(m x n) matrix] The zeros matrix **--]] linalg.matrix.zerosLike = function(mat) return linalg.matrix.zeros(mat.Shape[1], mat.Shape[2]) end --[[** Creates a diagonal matrix with the values provided as the diagonal entries @param [t:array<number>] values An n-length array whose entries will be set as the diagonal entries @returns [t:(n x n) matrix] The resulting diagonal matrix **--]] linalg.matrix.diagonal = function(values) local resultRows = {} for i = 1, #values do resultRows[i] = {} for j = 1, #values do resultRows[i][j] = i == j and values[i] or 0 end end return _newMatrix(resultRows) end --[[** Determines whether a matrix is diagonal Does not exclusively refer to square matrices Refers strictly to whether all non-zero values are on the main diagonal (i.e., a_{ij} = 0 for all i, j where i ~= j) @param [t:(m x n) matrix] mat The matrix to check @returns [t:boolean] True if the matrix is diagonal, false otherwise **--]] linalg.matrix.isDiagonal = function(mat) for i = 1, mat.Shape[1] do for j = 1, mat.Shape[2] do if i ~= j and mat[i][j] ~= 0 then return false end end end return true end --[[** Determines whether a matrix is upper triangular Note that any non-square matrix will return false @param [t:(m x n) matrix] mat The matrix to check @returns [t:boolean] True if the matrix is upper triangular, false otherwise **--]] linalg.matrix.isUpperTriangular = function(mat) if mat.Shape[1] ~= mat.Shape[2] then return false end for i = 1, mat.Shape[1] do for j = 1, mat.Shape[2] do if i > j and mat[i][j] ~= 0 then return false end end end return true end --[[** Determines whether a matrix is lower triangular Note that any non-square matrix will return false @param [t:(m x n) matrix] mat The matrix to check @returns [t:boolean] True if the matrix is lower triangular, false otherwise **--]] linalg.matrix.isLowerTriangular = function(mat) if mat.Shape[1] ~= mat.Shape[2] then return false end for i = 1, mat.Shape[1] do for j = 1, mat.Shape[2] do if i < j and mat[i][j] ~= 0 then return false end end end return true end --[[** Creates a new matrix that is the transpose of the provided matrix @param [t: (m x n) matrix] mat The matrix to create the transpose of @returns [t: (n x m) matrix] The transpose of mat **--]] linalg.matrix.transpose = function(mat) local resultRows = {} for i = 1, mat.Shape[1] do for j = 1, mat.Shape[2] do if not resultRows[j] then resultRows[j] = {} end resultRows[j][i] = mat[i][j] end end return _newMatrix(resultRows) end --[[** Solves for e^mat Defined as: e^A = \sum_{k=0}^{\infinity} \frac{1}{k!} A^k Implemented in a naive way to approximate by using iterations Runtime of O(n^3) @param [t:(n x n) matrix] mat The matrix to use as the exponent @param [t:number] numIterations The number of iterations to take the sum of the taylor series to @returns The matrix exponential approximation **--]] linalg.matrix.expm = function(mat, numIterations) if mat.Shape[1] ~= mat.Shape[2] then error("Cannot find the exponential of a non-square matrix", 2) end if not numIterations then numIterations = 128 end local resultMatrix = linalg.matrix.identity(mat.Shape[1]) local curMat = resultMatrix local factorial = 1 for i = 1, numIterations do curMat = curMat * mat factorial = factorial * i resultMatrix = resultMatrix + ((1 / factorial) * curMat) end return resultMatrix end -- VECTOR FUNCTIONS linalg.vector = {} --[[** Creates a new column vector @param [t:array<number>] values The values to have for the column vector @returns [t:(n x 1) matrix] The new column vector **--]] = function(values) local rows = {} for i = 1, #values do rows[i] = {values[i]} end return _newMatrix(rows) end --[[** Creates the standard basis vector i for R^n That is, creates a vector of length n with all zeros except at index i which will have value 1 @param [t:number] i The index of e @param [t:number] n The dimensionality of the vector @returns [t:(n x 1) matrix] The standard basis vector e_i in R^n **--]] linalg.vector.e = function(i, n) local rows = {} for j = 1, n do rows[j] = i == j and {1} or {0} end return _newMatrix(rows) end linalg.vector.norm = {} --[[** The L1 norm of a vector sum_i{|v_i|} @param [t:(n x 1) matrix] v The vector @returns [t:number] The resulting value **--]] linalg.vector.norm.l1 = function(v) local sum = 0 for i = 1, v.Shape[1] do sum = sum + abs(v[i][1]) end return sum end --[[** The L2 norm of a vector sqrt(sum_i{(v_i)^2}) @param [t:(n x 1) matrix] v The vector @returns [t:number] The resulting value **--]] linalg.vector.norm.l2 = function(v) local sum = 0 for i = 1, v.Shape[1] do sum = sum + v[i]^2 end return sqrt(sum) end --[[** The L-infinity norm of a vector max{v} @param [t:(n x 1) matrix] v The vector @returns [t:number] The resulting value **--]] linalg.vector.norm.linf = function(v) local maxComponentValue = 0 for i = 1, v.Shape[1] do local componentValue = abs(v[i][1]) if componentValue > maxComponentValue then maxComponentValue = componentValue end end return maxComponentValue end -- Inner product functions linalg.vector.ip = {} --[[** Computes the standard dot product of two vectors Defined as \sum_{i=0}^{n-1} v1[i] * v2[i] @param [t:(n x 1) matrix] v1 The first vector @param [t:(n x 1) matrix] v2 The second vector @returns [t:number] The result **--]] = function(v1, v2) if v1.Shape[1] ~= v2.Shape[1] then error("Cannot compute the dot product for vectors of unequal dimensions", 2) end if v1.Shape[2] ~= 1 or v2.Shape[2] ~= 1 then error("Cannot compute the dot product for non column vectors", 2) end local result = 0 for i = 1, v1.Shape[1] do result = result + (v1[i] * v2[i]) end return result end --[[** Projects vector v onto vector space u Defined as \sum_{i=0}^{m-1} <v, u[i]>/|u[i]|^2 * u[i] @param [t:(n x 1) matrix] v The vector to project onto u @param [t:array<(n x 1) matrix>] u The vector space to project v onto (can also be just one vector) @param [t:function([(n x 1) matrix], [(n x 1) matrix])?] innerProductFunc The inner product function to use; Defaults to the dot product @param [t:function([(n x 1) matrix])?] normFunc The norm function to use; Defaults to the L2 norm @returns The vector projection of v onto u **--]] linalg.vector.project = function (v, u, innerProductFunc, normFunc) if #u == 0 then -- u must be a single vector u = { u } end if u[1].Shape[1] ~= v.Shape[1] then error("Cannot project vectors of different dimensions", 2) end if u[1].Shape[2] ~= 1 or v.Shape[2] ~= 1 then error("Expected two vectors, not matrices", 2) end if not innerProductFunc then innerProductFunc = end if not normFunc then normFunc = linalg.vector.norm.l2 end local result = linalg.matrix.zerosLike(v) for i = 1, #u do result = result + (innerProductFunc(v, u[i]) / normFunc(u[i])^2) * u[i] end return result end --[[** Gets the unit vector with the same direction as the provided vectr @param [t:(n x 1) matrix] v The vector with the appropriate direction @param [t:function?] normFunc The function to use as the norm; Defaults to the L2 norm @returns [t:(n x 1) matrix] The unit vector **--]] linalg.vector.unit = function(v, normFunc) if not normFunc then normFunc = linalg.vector.norm.l2 end return v / normFunc(v) end --[[** Creates a matrix that rotates a vector about an arbitrary vector Only works for 3 dimensions @param [t:(n x 1) matrix] v The vector to rotate about (should be a unit vector) @param [t:number] theta The angle to rotate by (in radians) @returns [t:nxn matrix] The resulting linear operator **--]] linalg.vector.createArbitraryAxisRotationMatrix = function(v, theta) if v.Shape[1] ~= 3 then error("Cannot create rotation matrix about arbitrary unit vector other than in R^3", 2) end local costheta = cos(theta) local sintheta = sin(theta) local versine = 1 - costheta local u = v.Unit return _newMatrix({ {versine * u[1] ^ 2 + costheta, (versine * u[1] * u[2]) - (sintheta * u[3]), (versine * u[1] * u[3]) + (sintheta * u[2])}, {(versine * u[1] * u[2]) + (sintheta * u[3]), versine * u[2] ^ 2 + costheta, (versine * u[2] * u[3]) - (sintheta * u[1])}, {(versine * u[1] * u[3]) - (sintheta * u[2]), (versine * u[2] * u[3]) + (sintheta * u[1]), versine * u[3] ^ 2 + costheta} }) end --[[ GENERAL FUNCTIONS ]]-- --[[** Creates an orthonormal basis for a dim-dimensional inner product space @param [t:array<(n x 1) matrix>] u The list of matrices to add to the basis (will be converted to unit vectors) (can be a single vector instead of an array) @param [t:number?] epsilon The minimum norm value for a vector to count to be added to the basis; Defaults to 0.01 @param [t:function([(n x 1) matrix], [(n x 1) matrix])?] innerProductFunc The inner product function to use; Defaults to the dot product @param [t:function([(n x 1) matrix])?] normFunc The norm function to use; Defaults to the L2 norm @returns [t:array<(n x 1) matrix>] An orthonormal basis that includes the unit vectors of the original u **--]] linalg.gramSchmidt = function (u, epsilon, dim, innerProductFunc, normFunc) if #u == 0 then -- u must be just a single vector u = { u } end if not epsilon then epsilon = 0.01 end if not dim then dim = u[1].Shape[1] end if not innerProductFunc then innerProductFunc = end if not normFunc then normFunc = linalg.vector.norm.l2 end -- Normalize all elements in u local newU = {} for i = 1, #u do newU[i] = u[i].Unit end u = newU for i = 1, dim do local eiRows = {} for j = 1, dim do eiRows[j] = { i == j and 1 or 0 } end table.insert(u, _newMatrix(eiRows)) end local basisVectors = { u[1].Unit } for i = 1, #u do local potentialBasisVector = u[i] - linalg.vector.project(u[i], basisVectors, innerProductFunc, normFunc) if normFunc(potentialBasisVector) >= epsilon then table.insert(basisVectors, potentialBasisVector.Unit) end if #basisVectors == dim then break end end return basisVectors end return linalg
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