Implementation of Queue Using Stacks

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class Queue{ constructor(){ this.first=[]; this.last=[]; } enqueue(value){ const length=this.first.length for(let i=0;i<length;i++){ // Here it will put all the values of first stack in second stack upside down if there are any this.last.push(this.first.pop()); } this.last.push(value); //Here it will push the value at the top of second stack return this; } dequeue(){ const length=this.last.length for (let i = 0; i < length; i++) { this.first.push(this.last.pop()); } this.first.pop(); return this; } peek(){ if(this.last.length>0){ return this.last[0]; } return this.first[this.first.length-1]; } } const q=new Queue(); q.peek(); q.enqueue(68); q.enqueue(57); q.dequeue();
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