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water_jug(X,Y) :- X>4,Y<3, write('4L water jug overflowed.'),nl. water_jug(X,Y) :- X<4,Y>3, write('3L water jug is overflowed.'),nl. water_jug(X,Y) :- X>4,Y>3, write('Both water jugs overflowed.'),nl. water_jug(X,Y) :- (X=:=0,Y=:=0, nl, write('4L:0 & 3L:3 (Action: Fill 3L jug.)'), YY is 3, water_jug(X,YY)); (X=:=0,Y=:=0, nl, write('4L:4 & 3L:0 (Action: Fill 4L jug.)'), XX is 4, water_jug(XX,Y)); (X=:=2,Y=:=0, nl, write('4L:2 & 3L:0 (Action: Goal State Reached......)')); (X=:=4,Y=:=0, nl, write('4L:1 & 3L:3 (Action: Pour water from 4L to 3L jug.)'), XX is X-3,YY is 3, water_jug(XX,YY)); (X=:=0,Y=:=3, nl, write('4L:3 & 3L:0 (Action: Pour water from 3L to 4L jug.)'), XX is 3,YY is 0, water_jug(XX,YY)); (X=:=1,Y=:=3, nl, write('4L:1 & 3L:0 (Action: Empty 3L jug.)'), YY is 0, water_jug(X,YY)); (X=:=3,Y=:=0, nl, write('4L:3 & 3L:3 (Action: Fill 3L jug.)'), YY is 3, water_jug(X,YY)); (X=:=3,Y=:=3, nl, write('4L:4 & 3L:2 (Action: Pour water from 3L jug to 4L jug until 4L jug is full.)'), XX is X+1, YY is Y-1, water_jug(XX,YY)); (X=:=1,Y=:=0, nl, write('4L:0 & 3L:1 (Action: Pour water from 4L jug to 3L jug.)'), XX is Y, YY is X, water_jug(XX,YY)); (X=:=0,Y=:=1, nl, write('4L:4 & 3L:1 (Action: Fill 4L jug.)'), XX is 4, water_jug(XX,Y)); (X=:=4,Y=:=1, nl, write('4L:2 & 3L:3 (Action: Pour water from 4L jug to 3L jug until 3L jug is full.)'), XX is X-2, YY is Y+2, water_jug(XX,YY)); (X=:=2,Y=:=3, nl, write('4L:2 & 3L:0 (Action: Empty 3L jug.)'), YY is 0, water_jug(X,YY)); (X=:=4,Y=:=2, nl, write('4L:0 & 3L:2 (Action: Empty 4L jug.)'), XX is 0, water_jug(XX,Y)); (X=:=0,Y=:=2, nl, write('4L:2 & 3L:0 (Action: Pour water from 3L jug to 4L jug.)'), XX is Y, YY is X, water_jug(XX,YY)).
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