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const a = '7'; const b = 10; // console.log(parseInt(a) + parseInt(b)); //concatenate - join // typed language - dynamic //DRY principle - DONT REPEAT YOURSELF const car = { tires: 4, doors: 4, headlamp: 2, fogLight: 0, color: 'red', } const car2 = { tires: 4, doors: 2, headlamp: 2, fogLight: 2, color: 'blue', } class Array { list = []; constructor() { this.list = list; } map() { } filter() { } } class Car { constructor(tires = 4, doors = 0, headlamp = 0, fogLight = 0, color = '', tail = true, ) { this.color = color; this.doors = doors; this.headlamp = headlamp; this.fogLight = fogLight; = tires; this.tail = tail; } setHeadLamp(value) { this.headlamp = value; } } const car3 = new Car(); car3.setHeadLamp(8) const covertibleCar = new Car(4, 3); covertibleCar.setHeadLamp(6); // console.log('1st car: ', car) // console.log('2nd car: ',car2) // console.log('3rd car: ',car3) // console.log('4th car: ',covertibleCar) // ARRAY const list1 = []; const list = ["Ade", 6, ["car", "truck", "bicycle"]]; list.push("Samson"); list.push("House"); list.push("Samson"); list.push("Pen"); console.log('array length: ', list.length) console.log('1st item of array: ', list[0]) console.log('last item of array: ', list[2]) console.log('last item of array: ', list[list.length - 1]) console.log(list.indexOf("Samson")) console.log(list.indexOf("Pen")); // keys and values
console.log('something is here')
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