Lua Getter

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--{"","DemCatVis"} NGROK_URL = "" local Scripts = { {"","DemCatVis","Github"}, {NGROK_URL.."/DemonicCatCFrameOptimized.lua","DemCatVis_Local","Ngrok"}, {"","Nuke_Gun","Github"}, {"","Nuke_Gun_Glot",""}, } local Running = {} local TIMER = 5 local Http = game:GetService("HttpService") LastUsed = nil script.Parent = owner for i,v in pairs(owner:GetChildren()) do if v.Name == "CommandBasedAction" then v:Destroy() end end CommandAction ="RemoteEvent") CommandAction.Name = "CommandBasedAction" CommandAction.Parent = owner --NLS Client = function() NLS( [[ local remote = owner:WaitForChild("CommandBasedAction") print(remote) local soundui ="ScreenGui") soundui.Name = "ChatUi" soundui.Parent = owner.PlayerGui local Input ="TextBox") Input.Name = "Input" Input.Position = UDim2.fromOffset(0, 225) Input.Size = UDim2.fromOffset(170, 50) Input.PlaceholderText = "input" Input.TextScaled = true Input.ClearTextOnFocus = false Input.Parent = soundui local play ="TextButton") play.Position = UDim2.fromScale(0, 1) play.Size = UDim2.fromOffset(85, 50) play.Text = "Play Message" play.TextScaled = true play.Parent = Input local chat = game:GetService("Chat") prefix = "&" play.MouseButton1Click:Connect(function() if Input.Text == nil then return end game:GetService("Chat"):Chat(owner.Character,Input.Text) end) chat.Chatted:Connect(function(part,msg,color) if part.Name == game.Players.LocalPlayer.Name and string.sub(msg,1,1) == prefix then remote:FireServer(string.sub(msg,2)) end end) remote.OnClientEvent:Connect(function(msg) print(msg) chat:Chat(owner.Character,msg) end) ]]) end Client() function Message(Message,WithPopUp) if WithPopUp == true then CommandAction:FireAllClients(Message) end print(Message) end function CharacterReset() local Pivoted = owner.Character:GetPivot() owner:LoadCharacter() owner.Character:PivotTo(Pivoted) end --Http function used to get the script function ScriptHttpChecker(url,nocache) checker = 0 MAX_RETRY = 5 local noerror,code repeat checker += 1 print("Try "..checker) noerror,code = pcall(function(url,nocache) return Http:GetAsync(url,nocache) end,url,nocache) task.wait(1) until noerror == true or checker == MAX_RETRY return noerror,code end function GlotIoGetter(url,nocache) local checker = 0 local MAX_RETRY = 5 local noerror,code --Getting the script from the url, using http to get script, and pcall to ignore if any error occur. repeat checker += 1 print("Try "..checker) noerror,code = pcall(function(url,nocache) return Http:GetAsync(url,nocache) end) task.wait(1) until noerror == true or checker == MAX_RETRY local datadecoded = Http:JSONDecode(code) return noerror,datadecoded.files.0.content end local functions_list = { {"Init",function(name) --Checking if "name" nil or not, if nil, use the latest script that had been used. if name == "" or nil then if LastUsed ~= nil then name = LastUsed for i,scripta in next,Scripts do if name == scripta[2] then Message("Auto Executing "..scripta[2],true) noerror,codes = ScriptHttpChecker(scripta[1],true) if noerror == false then else table.insert(Running,{scripta[2],NS(codes),codes}) end end end end end for i,scripta in next,Scripts do if name == scripta[2] then LastUsed = scripta[2] Message("Auto Executing "..scripta[2],true) if scripta[3] == "" then end noerror,codes = ScriptHttpChecker(scripta[1],true) if noerror == false then else table.insert(Running,{scripta[2],NS(codes),codes}) end end end end}, {"StopAll",function() --Stop Function for i,scripta in next,Running do Message("Stopping Script: "..scripta[1]) scripta[2]:Destroy() task.wait(1/10) end Running = {} CharacterReset() Message("Script Stopped",true) end }, {"Ngrok",function(input) getfenv(0)["NGROK_URL"] = tostring(input) end} } CommandAction.OnServerEvent:Connect(function(_,msg) msg = string.split(msg," ") for i,commands in next,functions_list do if msg[1] == commands[1] then commands[2](msg[2]) end end end) --Put localscript on newly added character or respawned Character owner.CharacterAdded:Connect(function(Char) Client() end) --The Scripts Autochecker and Autoexecutor script.Destroying:Connect(function() task.spawn(function() local backup = script.Parent end) end) Message("Auto Execute V.0.1.0 by VolcanoReg",true) while true do if #Running < 1 then Message("No Running Scripts",false) else for i,scripta in next,Running do newcode = nil for i,code in next,Scripts do if scripta[1] == code[2] then noerror,newcode = ScriptHttpChecker(code[1],true) if noerror == false then Message("Error getting script",true) end else end end if scripta[3] ~= newcode then Message("New Code Detected",true) CharacterReset() scripta[2]:Destroy() --destroy old NS scripta[2] = NS(newcode) --replace with the new ones scripta[3] = newcode -- replace old code with new code end Message("No New Code Detected",false) end end task.wait(TIMER) end
print("HELLO WORLD")
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