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--[[ .____ ________ ___. _____ __ | | __ _______ \_____ \\_ |___/ ____\_ __ ______ ____ _____ _/ |_ ___________ | | | | \__ \ / | \| __ \ __\ | \/ ___// ___\\__ \\ __\/ _ \_ __ \ | |___| | // __ \_/ | \ \_\ \ | | | /\___ \\ \___ / __ \| | ( <_> ) | \/ |_______ \____/(____ /\_______ /___ /__| |____//____ >\___ >____ /__| \____/|__| \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \_Welcome to (Alpha 0.9.16) ~ Much Love, Ferib ]]-- local v0=tonumber;local v1=string.byte;local v2=string.char;local v3=string.sub;local v4=string.gsub;local v5=string.rep;local v6=table.concat;local v7=table.insert;local v8=math.ldexp;local v9=getfenv or function()return _ENV;end ;local v10=setmetatable;local v11=pcall;local v12=select;local v13=unpack or table.unpack ;local v14=tonumber;local function v15(v16,v17,...)local v18=1;local v19;v16=v4(v3(v16,5),"..",function(v30)if (v1(v30,2)==79) then v19=v0(v3(v30,1,1));return "";else local v83=v2(v0(v30,16));if v19 then local v90=v5(v83,v19);v19=nil;return v90;else return v83;end end end);local function v20(v31,v32,v33)if v33 then local v84=(v31/((5 -3)^(v32-(2 -(1 + 0)))))%((3 -1)^(((v33-(2 -1)) -(v32-(620 -(555 + 64)))) + (932 -(857 + 74)))) ;return v84-(v84%(569 -(367 + 201))) ;else local v85=((1323 -394) -((1851 -(1523 + 114)) + 713))^(v32-(1 + 0)) ;return (((v31%(v85 + v85))>=v85) and (1 + 0)) or (877 -(282 + 595)) ;end end local function v21()local v34=v1(v16,v18,v18);v18=v18 + 1 ;return v34;end local function v22()local v35=0 + 0 ;local v36;local v37;while true do if (v35==(1066 -(68 + 997))) then return (v37 * ((2226 -1013) -(892 + 65))) + v36 ;end if (v35==(1270 -(226 + 1044))) then v36,v37=v1(v16,v18,v18 + (8 -6) );v18=v18 + (119 -(32 + 85)) ;v35=1 -0 ;end end end local function v23()local v38=350 -(87 + 263) ;local v39;local v40;local v41;local v42;while true do if (v38==(180 -(67 + 113))) then v39,v40,v41,v42=v1(v16,v18,v18 + 3 + 0 + 0 );v18=v18 + ((1006 -(915 + 82)) -5) ;v38=1 + 0 ;end if (v38==(3 -2)) then return (v42 * (16778168 -(802 + (424 -274)))) + (v41 * (176444 -110908)) + (v40 * (464 -208)) + v39 ;end end end local function v24()local v43=v23();local v44=v23();local v45=1 + 0 ;local v46=(v20(v44,1,(9 + 17) -6 ) * ((1189 -(1069 + 118))^(72 -40))) + v43 ;local v47=v20(v44,45 -24 ,6 + 21 + 4 );local v48=((v20(v44,(828 -(201 + 571)) -(1162 -(116 + 1022)) )==(1 + (0 -0))) and -(792 -(217 + 151 + 423))) or (3 -2) ;if (v47==(18 -(10 + 8))) then if (v46==((0 -0) -0)) then return v48 * 0 ;else local v91=442 -(416 + 26) ;while true do if (v91==(0 -0)) then v47=1;v45=0 + 0 ;break;end end end elseif (v47==((12858 -9237) -(2433 -(814 + 45)))) then return ((v46==(438 -((357 -212) + 293))) and (v48 * (1/(430 -(44 + 386))))) or (v48 * NaN) ;end return v8(v48,v47-1023 ) * (v45 + (v46/((1488 -(998 + 488))^52))) ;end local function v25(v49)local v50;if not v49 then local v86=0 + 0 ;while true do if (v86==((1423 -(630 + 793)) + 0)) then v49=v23();if (v49==0) then return "";end break;end end end v50=v3(v16,v18,(v18 + v49) -(1 -0) );v18=v18 + v49 ;local v51={};for v67=1081 -(1020 + 60) , #v50 do v51[v67]=v2(v1(v3(v50,v67,v67)));end return v6(v51);end local v26=v23;local function v27(...)return {...},v12("#",...);end local function v28()local v52=0 -0 ;local v53;local v54;local v55;local v56;local v57;local v58;local v59;local v60;while true do if (2~=v52) then else v57=nil;v58=nil;v52=3;end if (v52==(1 + 0)) then v55=nil;v56=nil;v52=2;end if (v52~=0) then else v53=241 -(187 + 54) ;v54=nil;v52=1;end if (v52==(783 -(162 + 618))) then v59=nil;v60=nil;v52=3 + 1 ;end if (v52==4) then while true do if (v53==0) then v54=0 + 0 ;v55=nil;v53=1 -0 ;end if (v53~=(2 -0)) then else v58=nil;v59=nil;v53=3;end if (v53==(1 + 0)) then local v96=0;while true do if (v96~=(1636 -(1373 + 263))) then else v56=nil;v57=nil;v96=1001 -(451 + 549) ;end if (v96==(1 + 0)) then v53=2;break;end end end if ((4 -1)~=v53) then else v60=nil;while true do local v97=0 -0 ;while true do if (v97==(1384 -(746 + 638))) then if (v54==(0 + 0)) then v55={};v56={};v57={};v58={v55,v56,nil,v57};v54=1;end if (v54~=(1583 -(1535 + 46))) then else local v141=0;while true do if (v141==0) then for v150=1 + 0 ,v23() do local v151=0;local v152;local v153;local v154;while true do if (v151~=(0 + 0)) then else v152=560 -(306 + 254) ;v153=nil;v151=1;end if (v151==(1 + 0)) then v154=nil;while true do if (v152~=0) then else local v164=0;while true do if (v164~=(1 -0)) then else v152=1468 -(899 + 568) ;break;end if (v164~=0) then else v153=0;v154=nil;v164=1;end end end if ((1 + 0)==v152) then while true do if (0==v153) then v154=v21();if (v20(v154,2 -1 ,604 -(268 + 335) )~=(290 -(60 + 230))) then else local v168=0;local v169;local v170;local v171;local v172;while true do if (v168~=(574 -(426 + 146))) then else while true do if (v169==(1 + 1)) then local v178=1456 -(282 + 1174) ;local v179;while true do if (0~=v178) then else v179=811 -(569 + 242) ;while true do if (v179~=(0 -0)) then else if (v20(v171,1 + 0 ,1)==(1025 -(706 + 318))) then v172[2]=v60[v172[1253 -(721 + 530) ]];end if (v20(v171,2,2)~=1) then else v172[1274 -(945 + 326) ]=v60[v172[7 -4 ]];end v179=1;end if (v179==(1 + 0)) then v169=3;break;end end break;end end end if ((703 -(271 + 429))==v169) then if (v20(v171,3,3)==1) then v172[4 + 0 ]=v60[v172[1504 -(1408 + 92) ]];end v55[v150]=v172;break;end if (v169==(1086 -(461 + 625))) then local v181=1288 -(993 + 295) ;while true do if (v181==1) then v169=1;break;end if (v181~=0) then else v170=v20(v154,2,3);v171=v20(v154,1 + 3 ,1177 -(418 + 753) );v181=1 + 0 ;end end end if (1~=v169) then else local v182=0;while true do if (v182~=(0 + 0)) then else v172={v22(),v22(),nil,nil};if (v170==(529 -(406 + 123))) then local v185=0;local v186;local v187;while true do if (v185==0) then v186=1769 -(1749 + 20) ;v187=nil;v185=1 + 0 ;end if (v185~=(1323 -(1249 + 73))) then else while true do if (v186==(0 + 0)) then v187=1145 -(466 + 679) ;while true do if ((0 -0)==v187) then v172[3]=v22();v172[4]=v22();break;end end break;end end break;end end elseif (v170==1) then v172[8 -5 ]=v23();elseif (v170==2) then v172[3]=v23() -((1902 -(106 + 1794))^(6 + 10)) ;elseif (v170==3) then local v194=0 + 0 ;local v195;local v196;local v197;while true do if (v194~=0) then else v195=0;v196=nil;v194=2 -1 ;end if (v194==1) then v197=nil;while true do if (v195~=1) then else while true do if (v196~=0) then else v197=0;while true do if (v197==0) then v172[3]=v23() -(2^16) ;v172[10 -6 ]=v22();break;end end break;end end break;end if (v195~=0) then else local v200=0;while true do if (v200~=1) then else v195=115 -(4 + 110) ;break;end if (v200==0) then v196=584 -(57 + 527) ;v197=nil;v200=1;end end end end break;end end end v182=1428 -(41 + 1386) ;end if (v182==(104 -(17 + 86))) then v169=2 + 0 ;break;end end end end break;end if (v168~=1) then else v171=nil;v172=nil;v168=2;end if ((0 -0)==v168) then local v175=0;while true do if (0~=v175) then else v169=0 -0 ;v170=nil;v175=167 -(122 + 44) ;end if (v175==(1 -0)) then v168=3 -2 ;break;end end end end end break;end end break;end end break;end end end for v155=1,v23() do v56[v155-(1 + 0) ]=v28();end v141=1;end if (v141==(1 + 0)) then return v58;end end end v97=1 -0 ;end if (v97~=1) then else if ((66 -(30 + 35))~=v54) then else local v142=0 + 0 ;while true do if (v142==(1257 -(1043 + 214))) then local v148=0;while true do if (v148~=(3 -2)) then else v142=1213 -(323 + 889) ;break;end if (v148==(0 -0)) then v59=v23();v60={};v148=1;end end end if (v142~=(581 -(361 + 219))) then else local v149=0;while true do if (v149==(321 -(53 + 267))) then v142=2;break;end if (0==v149) then for v158=1,v59 do local v159=0 + 0 ;local v160;local v161;local v162;local v163;while true do if ((413 -(15 + 398))~=v159) then else local v165=0;while true do if (v165==(983 -(18 + 964))) then v159=3 -2 ;break;end if ((0 + 0)==v165) then v160=0 + 0 ;v161=nil;v165=1;end end end if (v159~=(851 -(20 + 830))) then else v162=nil;v163=nil;v159=2;end if (v159==(2 + 0)) then while true do if (1==v160) then v163=nil;while true do if (v161==(127 -(116 + 10))) then if (v162==1) then v163=v21()~=(0 + 0) ;elseif (v162==2) then v163=v24();elseif (v162==(741 -(542 + 196))) then v163=v25();end v60[v158]=v163;break;end if (v161==0) then local v174=0 -0 ;while true do if (v174==(0 + 0)) then local v176=0 + 0 ;while true do if (1==v176) then v174=1;break;end if (v176==(0 + 0)) then v162=v21();v163=nil;v176=1;end end end if (v174~=1) then else v161=1;break;end end end end break;end if (v160~=(0 -0)) then else local v166=0 -0 ;local v167;while true do if (v166==0) then v167=1551 -(1126 + 425) ;while true do if (v167==1) then v160=1;break;end if (v167==0) then local v177=405 -(118 + 287) ;while true do if (v177==(0 -0)) then v161=0;v162=nil;v177=1122 -(118 + 1003) ;end if ((2 -1)~=v177) then else v167=1;break;end end end end break;end end end end break;end end end v58[380 -(142 + 235) ]=v21();v149=1;end end end if (v142==2) then v54=9 -7 ;break;end end end break;end end end break;end end break;end end end local function v29(v61,v62,v63)local v64=v61[1];local v65=v61[2];local v66=v61[3];return function(...)local v69=v64;local v70=v65;local v71=v66;local v72=v27;local v73=1;local v74= -1;local v75={};local v76={...};local v77=v12("#",...) -1 ;local v78={};local v79={};for v87=0,v77 do if (v87>=v71) then v75[v87-v71 ]=v76[v87 + 1 ];else v79[v87]=v76[v87 + 1 ];end end local v80=(v77-v71) + 1 ;local v81;local v82;while true do v81=v69[v73];v82=v81[1];if (v82<=3) then if (v82<=1) then if (v82==0) then v79[v81[2]]=v81[3];else do return;end end elseif (v82==2) then v79[v81[2]]();else v79[v81[2]]=v63[v81[3]];end elseif (v82<=5) then if (v82==4) then local v102=0;local v103;local v104;local v105;local v106;local v107;while true do if (1==v102) then v73=v73 + 1 ;v81=v69[v73];v79[v81[2]]=v63[v81[3]];v73=v73 + 1 ;v81=v69[v73];v102=2;end if (v102==2) then v107=v81[2];v106=v79[v81[3]];v79[v107 + 1 ]=v106;v79[v107]=v106[v81[4]];v73=v73 + 1 ;v102=3;end if (5==v102) then v81=v69[v73];v107=v81[2];v79[v107]=v79[v107](v13(v79,v107 + 1 ,v74));v73=v73 + 1 ;v81=v69[v73];v102=6;end if (v102==4) then v104,v105=v72(v79[v107](v13(v79,v107 + 1 ,v81[3])));v74=(v105 + v107) -1 ;v103=0;for v143=v107,v74 do v103=v103 + 1 ;v79[v143]=v104[v103];end v73=v73 + 1 ;v102=5;end if (v102==6) then v79[v81[2]]();v73=v73 + 1 ;v81=v69[v73];do return;end break;end if (0==v102) then v103=nil;v104,v105=nil;v106=nil;v107=nil;v79[v81[2]]=v63[v81[3]];v102=1;end if (v102==3) then v81=v69[v73];v79[v81[2]]=v81[3];v73=v73 + 1 ;v81=v69[v73];v107=v81[2];v102=4;end end else local v108=v81[2];local v109=v79[v81[3]];v79[v108 + 1 ]=v109;v79[v108]=v109[v81[4]];end elseif (v82==6) then local v113=0;local v114;while true do if (v113==0) then v114=v81[2];v79[v114]=v79[v114](v13(v79,v114 + 1 ,v74));break;end end else local v115=v81[2];local v116,v117=v72(v79[v115](v13(v79,v115 + 1 ,v81[3])));v74=(v117 + v115) -1 ;local v118=0;for v119=v115,v74 do local v120=0;while true do if (v120==0) then v118=v118 + 1 ;v79[v119]=v116[v118];break;end end end end v73=v73 + 1 ;end end;end return v29(v28(),{},v17)(...);end v15("LOL!043O00030A3O006C6F6164737472696E6703043O0067616D6503073O00482O747047657403303O00682O7470733A2O2F676C6F742E696F2F736E692O706574732F676F6A6C79717770326D2F7261772F6D61696E2E6C756100083O0012043O00013O00122O000100023O00202O00010001000300122O000300046O000100039O0000026O000100016O00017O00",v9(),...);
Editor Settings
Key bindings
Full width