
Run Settings
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local chr = owner.Character local shooting = false local equipped = false chr:FindFirstChildWhichIsA("Humanoid"):UnequipTools() function createObject(obj, ...) local object = Instance.new(obj) local par = nil for i, v in next, (...) do if tostring(i) ~= "Parent" then object[i] = v else par = v end end if par ~= nil then object.Parent = par end return object end local rigt = createObject("Tool", {Name = "Rainbow Infinite Gun", ToolTip = "Now with Moksi Switch Up!", CanBeDropped = true, Parent = owner.Backpack}) script.Parent = rigt local rigtHandle = createObject("Part", {Name = "Handle", Transparency = 1, Rotation = Vector3.new(0, 0, 90), Parent = rigt}) local rigtModel = Instance.new("Model") rigtModel.Name = "rigt" local h1 = createObject("Part", {Material = "ForceField", Size = Vector3.new(0.2, 0.6, 0.2), Massless = true, CanCollide = false, Parent = rigtModel}) local h1w = createObject("Weld", { Part0 = chr:FindFirstChild("Right Arm") or chr:FindFirstChild("RightLowerArm"), Part1 = h1, C0 = CFrame.new(0, -1, 0) * CFrame.Angles(math.rad(90), 0, 0), C1 = CFrame.new(0, 0.21, 0), Parent = chr:FindFirstChild("Right Arm") or chr:FindFirstChild("RightLowerArm") }) local w1 = createObject("Part", {Material = "ForceField", Size = Vector3.new(0.2, 0.5, 0.2), Shape = "Wedge", Massless = true, CanCollide = false, Parent = rigtModel}) local w1w = createObject("Weld", {Part0 = h1, Part1 = w1, C0 = CFrame.new(0, -0.3, 0.2) * CFrame.Angles(0, math.rad(180), 0), Parent = h1}) local w2 = createObject("Part", {Material = "ForceField", Size = Vector3.new(0.2, 0.5, 0.2), Shape = "Wedge", Massless = true, CanCollide = false, Parent = rigtModel}) local w2w = createObject("Weld", {Part0 = h1, Part1 = w2, C0 = CFrame.new(0, -0.4, 0) * CFrame.Angles(0, 0, math.rad(180)), Parent = h1}) local p1 = createObject("Part", {Material = "ForceField", Size = Vector3.new(0.3, 0.3, 0.3), Massless = true, CanCollide = false, Parent = rigtModel}) local p1w = createObject("Weld", {Part0 = h1, Part1 = p1, C0 = CFrame.new(0, -0.5, 0.2), Parent = h1}) local p2 = createObject("Part", {Material = "ForceField", Size = Vector3.new(0.3, 0.5, 0.5), Massless = true, CanCollide = false, Parent = rigtModel}) local p2w = createObject("Weld", {Part0 = h1, Part1 = p2, C0 = CFrame.new(0, -0.6, 0.5), Parent = h1}) local p3 = createObject("Part", {Material = "ForceField", Size = Vector3.new(0.4, 0.4, 0.4), Shape = "Cylinder", Massless = true, CanCollide = false, Parent = rigtModel}) local p3w = createObject("Weld", {Part0 = h1, Part1 = p3, C0 = CFrame.new(0, -0.6, 0.5) * CFrame.Angles(math.rad(90), 0, 0), Parent = h1}) for i = 1, 8 do local pc = createObject("Part", {Material = "ForceField", Size = Vector3.new(0, 0.35, 0.41), Massless = true, CanCollide = false, Parent = rigtModel}) local pcw = createObject("Weld", {Part0 = p3, Part1 = pc, C0 = CFrame.Angles(0, math.rad((360 / 8) * i), 0), Parent = h1}) end local p4 = createObject("Part", {Material = "ForceField", Size = Vector3.new(0.38, 0.41, 0.38), Shape = "Cylinder", Massless = true, CanCollide = false, Parent = rigtModel}) local p4w = createObject("Weld", {Part0 = h1, Part1 = p4, C0 = CFrame.new(0, -0.6, 0.5), Parent = h1}) local s1 = createObject("Part", {Material = "ForceField", Size = Vector3.new(0.37, 0.5, 0.37), Shape = "Ball", Massless = true, CanCollide = false, Parent = rigtModel}) local s1w = createObject("Weld", {Part0 = h1, Part1 = s1, C0 = CFrame.new(0, -0.6, 0.3) * CFrame.Angles(math.rad(90), 0, 0), Parent = h1}) local w3 = createObject("Part", {Material = "ForceField", Size = Vector3.new(0.2, 0.7, 0.4), Shape = "Wedge", Massless = true, CanCollide = false, Parent = rigtModel}) local w3w = createObject("Weld", {Part0 = h1, Part1 = w3, C0 = CFrame.new(0, -0.7, 0.5) * CFrame.Angles(math.rad(90), math.rad(90), math.rad(180)), Parent = h1}) local p5 = createObject("Part", {Material = "ForceField", Size = Vector3.new(0.3, 0.4, 0.2), Massless = true, CanCollide = false, Parent = rigtModel}) local p5w = createObject("Weld", {Part0 = h1, Part1 = p5, C0 = CFrame.new(0, -0.6, 0.7), Parent = h1}) local p6 = createObject("Part", {Material = "ForceField", Size = Vector3.new(0.35, 0.35, 0.35), Shape = "Cylinder", Massless = true, CanCollide = false, Parent = rigtModel}) local p6w = createObject("Weld", {Part0 = h1, Part1 = p6, C0 = CFrame.new(0, -0.6, 0.7) * CFrame.Angles(math.rad(90), 0, 0), Parent = h1}) local p7 = createObject("Part", {Material = "ForceField", Size = Vector3.new(0.5, 0.1, 0.5), Shape = "Cylinder", Massless = true, CanCollide = false, Parent = rigtModel}) local p7w = createObject("Weld", {Part0 = h1, Part1 = p7, C0 = CFrame.new(0, -0.6, 1) * CFrame.Angles(math.rad(90), 0, 0), Parent = h1}) local p8 = createObject("Part", {Material = "ForceField", Size = Vector3.new(0.5, 0.1, 0.45), Shape = "Cylinder", Massless = true, CanCollide = false, Parent = rigtModel}) local p8w = createObject("Weld", {Part0 = h1, Part1 = p8, C0 = CFrame.new(0, -0.6, 1.1) * CFrame.Angles(math.rad(90), 0, 0), Parent = h1}) local w3 = createObject("Part", {Material = "ForceField", Size = Vector3.new(0.2, 0.5, 0.2), Shape = "Wedge", Massless = true, CanCollide = false, Parent = rigtModel}) local w3w = createObject("Weld", {Part0 = h1, Part1 = w3, C0 = CFrame.new(0, -0.55, 0.2) * CFrame.Angles(-math.rad(135), 0, 0), C1 = CFrame.new(0, -0.3, 0), Parent = h1}) local p9 = createObject("Part", {Material = "ForceField", Size = Vector3.new(0.1, 0.2, 0), Massless = true, CanCollide = false, Parent = rigtModel}) local p9w = createObject("Weld", {Part0 = h1, Part1 = p9, C0 = CFrame.new(0, -0.1, 0.2) * CFrame.Angles(math.rad(90), 0, 0), Parent = h1}) local lastGunPart = p9 for i = 1, 9 do local pc = createObject("Part", {Material = "ForceField", Size = Vector3.new(0.1, 0.05, 0), Massless = true, CanCollide = false, Parent = rigtModel}) local pcw = createObject("Weld", {Part0 = lastGunPart, Part1 = pc, C0 = CFrame.new(0, -0.025, 0) * CFrame.Angles(math.rad(8), 0, 0), C1 = CFrame.new(0, -0.025, 0), Parent = h1}) lastGunPart = pc end local b1 = createObject("Part", {Material = "ForceField", Size = Vector3.new(0.15, 4, 0.15), Shape = "Cylinder", Massless = true, CanCollide = false, Parent = rigtModel}) local b1w = createObject("Weld", {Part0 = h1, Part1 = b1, C0 = CFrame.new(0, -0.6, 1.85) * CFrame.Angles(math.rad(90), 0, 0), Parent = h1}) local b2 = createObject("Part", {Material = "ForceField", Size = Vector3.new(0.25, 2, 0.25), Shape = "Cylinder", Massless = true, CanCollide = false, Parent = rigtModel}) local b2w = createObject("Weld", {Part0 = b1, Part1 = b2, C0 = CFrame.new(0, -0.2, 0), Parent = h1}) local w4 = createObject("Part", {Material = "ForceField", Size = Vector3.new(0, 0.1, 0.2), Shape = "Wedge", Massless = true, CanCollide = false, Parent = rigtModel}) local w4w = createObject("Weld", {Part0 = b1, Part1 = w4, C0 = CFrame.new(0, 0.945, 0.1) * CFrame.Angles(-math.rad(135), 0, 0), C1 = CFrame.new(0, -0.3, 0), Parent = h1}) local gh = createObject("Part", {Material = "ForceField", Size = Vector3.new(0.125, 0, 0.125), Shape = "Cylinder", Massless = true, CanCollide = false, Parent = rigtModel}) local ghw = createObject("Weld", {Part0 = b1, Part1 = gh, C0 = CFrame.new(0, 2, 0), Parent = h1}) local g1 = createObject("Part", {Material = "ForceField", Size = Vector3.new(), Transparency = 0.5, Massless = true, CanCollide = false, Parent = rigtModel}) local g1w = createObject("Weld", {Part0 = h1, Part1 = g1, C0 = CFrame.new(0, -0.6, 0.7), Parent = h1}) local g1m = createObject("SpecialMesh", {MeshId = "rbxassetid://156292343", Scale = Vector3.new(0.8, 0.8, 1.5), Offset = Vector3.new(0, 0, 0.2), Parent = g1}) local g2 = createObject("Part", {Material = "ForceField", Size = Vector3.new(), Transparency = 0.5, Massless = true, CanCollide = false, Parent = rigtModel}) local g2w = createObject("Weld", {Part0 = h1, Part1 = g2, C0 = CFrame.new(0, -0.6, 0.7), Parent = h1}) local g2m = createObject("SpecialMesh", {MeshId = "rbxassetid://156292343", Scale = Vector3.new(0.9, 0.9, 0.3), Offset = Vector3.new(0, 0, 0.2), Parent = g2}) local firePt = createObject("ParticleEmitter", { Size = NumberSequence.new(0.1, 0), VelocitySpread = 360, Lifetime = NumberRange.new(0.3, 0.5), Speed = NumberRange.new(0.2), Transparency = NumberSequence.new({NumberSequenceKeypoint.new(0, 0.3), NumberSequenceKeypoint.new(0.3, 0), NumberSequenceKeypoint.new(1, 1)}), LightEmission = 0.5, Rate = 150, ZOffset = 0.2, Rotation = NumberRange.new(-180, 180), RotSpeed = NumberRange.new(-180, 180), Texture = "http://www.roblox.com/asset/?id=304437537", Color = ColorSequence.new(Color3.new(1, 0, 0), Color3.new(0.4, 0, 0)), Acceleration = Vector3.new(0, 5, 0), Drag = 0, Parent = gh }) local raycastParams = RaycastParams.new() raycastParams.FilterType = Enum.RaycastFilterType.Exclude raycastParams.IgnoreWater = true raycastParams.FilterDescendantsInstances = {rigt, chr} function shoot(mHit) if rigtModel.Parent == chr and equipped == true and mHit then local bSound = createObject("Sound", {SoundId = "rbxassetid://904440937", Volume = 0.25, Parent = rigtHandle}) bSound:Play() local dir = CFrame.new(gh.Position, mHit).LookVector local shootRay = workspace:Raycast(gh.Position, dir * 9e9, raycastParams) local bullet = createObject("Part", { Material = "Neon", Anchored = true, Shape = "Cylinder", Massless = true, CanCollide = false, Transparency = 0.55, Parent = gh }) task.spawn(function() game:GetService("TweenService"):Create(bullet, TweenInfo.new(2), {Transparency = 1}):Play() end) game:GetService("Debris"):AddItem(bullet, 2) local dist = shootRay.Distance bullet.CFrame = CFrame.lookAt(gh.Position, gh.Position + shootRay.Position) * CFrame.Angles(0, math.rad(90), 0) * CFrame.new(dist / 2, 0, 0) bullet.Size = Vector3.new(dist, 0.25, 0.25) if shootRay and shootRay.Instance.Name ~= "Base" then shootRay.Instance:Destroy() end end end local mousePoint local remote = Instance.new("RemoteEvent") remote.Name = "rigtEvent" remote.Parent = rigt NLS([[local remote = script.Parent:FindFirstChild("rigtEvent") local UIS = game:GetService("UserInputService") local tool = script.Parent local cam = workspace.Camera game:GetService("RunService").RenderStepped:Connect(function() local mousePos = UIS:GetMouseLocation() local mousePoint = cam:ScreenPointToRay(mousePos.X, mousePos.Y) remote:FireServer("mouse", mousePoint) end) UIS.InputBegan:connect(function(key, g) if not g then remote:FireServer(key.KeyCode, "keydown") end end) UIS.InputEnded:connect(function(key, g) if not g then remote:FireServer(key.KeyCode, "keyup") end end)]], rigt) local armColor = Color3.new(0,0,0) remote.OnServerEvent:Connect(function(plr, key, input) if key == Enum.KeyCode.E and input == 'keydown' then shooting = true elseif key == Enum.KeyCode.E and input == 'keyup' then shooting = false elseif key == "mouse" then local mouseRay = workspace:Raycast(input.Origin, input.Direction * 9e9, raycastParams) if mouseRay then mousePoint = mouseRay.Position end end end) if chr:FindFirstChildWhichIsA("Humanoid").RigType == Enum.HumanoidRigType.R6 then r15 = false elseif chr:FindFirstChildWhichIsA("Humanoid").RigType == Enum.HumanoidRigType.R15 then r15 = true end local armColor = chr['Right Arm'].Color or chr['RightUpperArm'].Color rigt.Equipped:Connect(function() equipped = true for _,v in pairs(gh:GetDescendants()) do if v.Name == 'Bullet' then v:Destroy() end end rigtModel.Parent = chr end) rigt.Unequipped:Connect(function() equipped = false for _,v in pairs(gh:GetDescendants()) do if v.Name == 'Bullet' then v:Destroy() end end rigtModel.Parent = nil end) game:GetService("RunService").PostSimulation:Connect(function() if shooting == true then shoot(mousePoint) end for _, v in pairs(rigtModel:GetDescendants()) do if v.ClassName == "Part" then v.Color = Color3.fromHSV(os.clock() % 1, 1, 1) end end if equipped == true then if r15 == false then chr['Right Arm'].Material = "ForceField" chr['Right Arm'].Color = Color3.fromHSV(os.clock() % 1, 1, 1) elseif r15 == true then chr['RightUpperArm'].Material = "ForceField" chr['RightLowerArm'].Material = "ForceField" chr['RightHand'].Material = "ForceField" chr['RightUpperArm'].Color = Color3.fromHSV(os.clock() % 1, 1, 1) chr['RightLowerArm'].Color = Color3.fromHSV(os.clock() % 1, 1, 1) chr['RightHand'].Color = Color3.fromHSV(os.clock() % 1, 1, 1) end else if r15 == false then chr['Right Arm'].Material = "Plastic" chr['Right Arm'].Color = armColor elseif r15 == true then chr['RightUpperArm'].Material = "Plastic" chr['RightLowerArm'].Material = "Plastic" chr['RightHand'].Material = "Plastic" chr['RightUpperArm'].Color = armColor chr['RightLowerArm'].Color = armColor chr['RightHand'].Color = armColor end end end)
Editor Settings
Key bindings
Full width