
Run Settings
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if game:IsLoaded() then else game.Loaded:Wait() end if not (getrawmetatable and getupvalues and setupvalue and (getreg or debug.getregistry)) then local h = Instance.new("Hint",workspace) h.Text = "Incompatible exploit." wait(3) h:Destroy() -- return end --nuh uh uh -- Gui to Lua -- Version: 3.2 -- Instances: local owner=game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer function NewKick(msg,title,tcolor,msgcolor,bcolor,disablebutton,buttontext) owner:Kick() delay(0.1,function() local cg=game:GetService("CoreGui") local Prompt=cg:WaitForChild("RobloxPromptGui"):WaitForChild("promptOverlay"):WaitForChild("ErrorPrompt") if bcolor~=nil then pcall(function() Prompt.BackgroundColor3=bcolor end) end if tcolor~=nil then Prompt:WaitForChild("TitleFrame").ErrorTitle.TextColor3=tcolor end if msgcolor~=nil then Prompt:WaitForChild("MessageArea"):WaitForChild("ErrorFrame"):WaitForChild("ErrorMessage").TextColor3=msgcolor end Prompt:WaitForChild("MessageArea"):WaitForChild("ErrorFrame"):WaitForChild("ErrorMessage").Text=msg Prompt:WaitForChild("TitleFrame").ErrorTitle.Text=title if buttontext~=nil then local Thing=Prompt:WaitForChild("MessageArea"):WaitForChild("ErrorFrame"):WaitForChild("ButtonArea") Thing.LeaveButton.ButtonText.Text=buttontext end local cooldown=false if disablebutton then Prompt:WaitForChild("MessageArea"):WaitForChild("ErrorFrame"):WaitForChild("ButtonArea").Archivable=true local Thing=Prompt:WaitForChild("MessageArea"):WaitForChild("ErrorFrame"):WaitForChild("ButtonArea"):Clone() Thing.Name="nuh uh" Thing.Parent=Prompt:WaitForChild("MessageArea"):WaitForChild("ErrorFrame") Thing.LeaveButton.ImageTransparency=0.3 Thing.LeaveButton.ButtonText.Text="Disabled" Thing.LeaveButton.Activated:Connect(function() if cooldown then return end cooldown=true delay(1,function() cooldown=false end) Thing.LeaveButton.ButtonText.Text="nope" Thing.LeaveButton.ButtonText.TextSize=30 local ori=Thing.LeaveButton.ImageColor3 Thing.LeaveButton.ImageColor3=Color3.new(1,0.3,0.3) local So=Instance.new("Sound",game:GetService("SoundService")) So.SoundId="rbxassetid://1051627021" So.PlayOnRemove=true So:Destroy() Thing.LeaveButton.ButtonText.Rotation=math.random(-30,30) game:GetService("TweenService"):Create(Thing.LeaveButton,TweenInfo.new(1,Enum.EasingStyle.Exponential,Enum.EasingDirection.InOut),{ImageColor3=ori}):Play() game:GetService("TweenService"):Create(Thing.LeaveButton.ButtonText,TweenInfo.new(1,Enum.EasingStyle.Exponential,Enum.EasingDirection.InOut),{TextSize=20}):Play() game:GetService("TweenService"):Create(Thing.LeaveButton.ButtonText,TweenInfo.new(1,Enum.EasingStyle.Exponential,Enum.EasingDirection.InOut),{Rotation=0}):Play() delay(0.5,function() Thing.LeaveButton.ButtonText.Text="Disabled" end) end) --Thing.LeaveButton.ButtonText.TextColor3=Color3.fromRGB(0,0,0) Thing.LeaveButton.ButtonText.TextTransparency=0.3 Prompt:WaitForChild("MessageArea"):WaitForChild("ErrorFrame"):WaitForChild("ButtonArea").Visible=false end end) end --NewKick("ping increase","moon high system",nil,nil,nil,true,nil) function Rejoin(Msg) NewKick(Msg,"Moonhigh System",nil,nil,nil,true,"you will rejoin shortly in 2 seconds") wait(2) game:GetService("TeleportService"):Teleport(game.PlaceId,owner,game.JobId) game:GetService("TeleportService").TeleportInitFailed:Connect(function() game:GetService("TeleportService"):Teleport(game.PlaceId,owner,game.JobId) end) end local getasset = getsynasset or getcustomasset local Color="default" local silly=false makefolder("moonhighrevival") writefile("moonhighrevival/logo.png", game:HttpGet("https://raw.githubusercontent.com/hmm1x/exploiting/main/moonhigh%20(1).png")) writefile("moonhighrevival/redlogo.png", game:HttpGet("https://raw.githubusercontent.com/hmm1x/exploiting/main/moonhigh.png")) writefile("moonhighrevival/sillyguitar.png", game:HttpGet("https://raw.githubusercontent.com/hmm1x/exploiting/main/32535-3119232628.png")) pcall(function() local settingz=getfenv().MHSettings if settingz.Color=="red" then Color="red" elseif settingz.Color=="default" or settingz.Color=="black" then Color="default" else Color="default" end if settingz.silly==true then silly=true end end) -- Gui to Lua -- Version: 3.2 -- Instances: local Crazed=string.char(math.random(1,24)) local function Notify(text) for i, v in pairs(game:GetService("CoreGui"):GetChildren()) do if v.Name == Crazed then v:Destroy() end end local MoonHighNotif = Instance.new("ScreenGui") local Notif = Instance.new("TextLabel") MoonHighNotif.Name = Crazed MoonHighNotif.Parent = game:service'CoreGui' MoonHighNotif.DisplayOrder=math.random(8000,9999) Notif.Name = math.random(1,99999) Notif.Parent = MoonHighNotif Notif.Position = UDim2.new(0, 0, 0, -100) Notif.BackgroundTransparency = 0.500 Notif.Size = UDim2.new(1, 0, 0, 25) Notif.ZIndex = 203 Notif.Font = Enum.Font.RobotoMono Notif.Text = text if Color=="default" then Notif.TextColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(136, 132, 217) Notif.BorderColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(82, 79, 130) Notif.BackgroundColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(14, 12, 29) elseif Color=="red" then Notif.TextColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(255, 137, 137) Notif.BorderColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(161, 41, 43) Notif.BackgroundColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(29, 10, 10) end Notif.TextSize = 14.000 local sound=Instance.new("Sound",game:GetService("SoundService")) sound.SoundId="rbxassetid://5153734608" sound.PlayOnRemove=true sound:Destroy() pcall(function() Notif:TweenPosition(UDim2.new(0, 0, 0, -38),"Out","Quint",.3) wait(2) Notif:TweenPosition(UDim2.new(0, 0, 0, -100),"In","Quint",.3) wait(0.3) MoonHighNotif:Destroy() end) end if getfenv().mhLoadedloaldoedzlaodzqsl==true then Notify("script already loaded?") return end local num=Instance.new("NumberValue") num.Value=20 local ScreenGui = Instance.new("ScreenGui") local ImageLabel = Instance.new("ImageLabel") --Properties: ScreenGui.Parent = game:service'CoreGui' ScreenGui.DisplayOrder=9999999 ScreenGui.Name=math.random(1,99999) ScreenGui.ZIndexBehavior = Enum.ZIndexBehavior.Sibling ImageLabel.Parent = ScreenGui ImageLabel.BackgroundColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(255, 255, 255) ImageLabel.BorderColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(0, 0, 0) ImageLabel.Name=math.random(1,999999) ImageLabel.BorderSizePixel = 0 ImageLabel.BackgroundTransparency=1 ImageLabel.Position = UDim2.new(0.936386764, 0, 0.876543224, 0) ImageLabel.Size = UDim2.new(0, 100, 0, 100) --ImageLabel.Image = "moonhighrevival/logo.png" if Color=="default" then ImageLabel.Image="rbxassetid://14659593387" elseif Color=="red" then ImageLabel.Image="rbxassetid://14659603186" end if silly then ImageLabel.Image="rbxassetid://14659608153" end Notify("loadd.... ing ui!!!!") -- New example script written by wally -- You can suggest changes with a pull request or something local repo = 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/violin-suzutsuki/LinoriaLib/main/' local Library = loadstring(game:HttpGet(repo .. 'Library.lua'))() local ThemeManager = loadstring(game:HttpGet('https://raw.githubusercontent.com/violin-suzutsuki/LinoriaLib/main/addons/ThemeManager.lua'))() local SaveManager = loadstring(game:HttpGet('https://raw.githubusercontent.com/violin-suzutsuki/LinoriaLib/main/addons/SaveManager.lua'))() local Window = Library:CreateWindow({ Title = 'Moonhigh', Center = true, AutoShow = true, TabPadding = 8, MenuFadeTime = 0.2 }) function newthread(func) coroutine.resume(coroutine.create(func)) end function flingSomeone() end newthread(function() while true do game:GetService("TweenService"):Create(num,TweenInfo.new(2,Enum.EasingStyle.Quad,Enum.EasingDirection.InOut),{Value=-20}):Play() --game:GetService("TweenService"):Create(ImageLabel,TweenInfo.new(2,Enum.EasingStyle.Quad,Enum.EasingDirection.InOut),{Size=UDim2.new(0,200,0,200)}):Play() wait(2) game:GetService("TweenService"):Create(num,TweenInfo.new(2,Enum.EasingStyle.Quad,Enum.EasingDirection.InOut),{Value=20}):Play() --game:GetService("TweenService"):Create(ImageLabel,TweenInfo.new(2,Enum.EasingStyle.Quad,Enum.EasingDirection.InOut),{Size=UDim2.new(0,100,0,100)}):Play() wait(2) end end) function tpsomeone(plr,cf) newthread(function() pcall(function() if plr~=nil then else Notify("Player does not exist???") return end if plr==owner then return Notify("You cannot teleport yourself.") end local Players = game:GetService("Players") local player = Players.LocalPlayer local humanoid = player.Character.Humanoid local oldpos=player.Character.PrimaryPart.CFrame local mteam = game:GetService("Teams").Manager local man = plr --deletes a glitchy chair in the office (optional) if man then --check if he's respawning or sitting local htxt if man.Character==nil or man.Character:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart")==nil or man.Character:FindFirstChild("Humanoid")==nil then htxt = "Failed because target is respawning" end local target = man.Character.HumanoidRootPart if man.Character.Humanoid.Sit then htxt = "Failed because target is sitting" end if htxt then Notify(htxt) return end --get in a car if not workspace.Cars:IsAncestorOf(humanoid.SeatPart) then humanoid.Sit=false wait(0.1) for _,car in ipairs(workspace.Cars:GetChildren()) do if car:FindFirstChild("Driver") and car.Driver.Occupant==nil and car:FindFirstChild("Owner") and car.Owner.Value==nil then car.Driver:Sit(humanoid) wait(0.3) if humanoid.SeatPart then break end end end end local seat = humanoid.SeatPart local car = seat.Parent local returncf = cf for _,v in ipairs(car:GetChildren()) do if v.Name=="Wheel" then v.CanCollide=false end end seat.CanCollide = false for j=1,2 do --attempt to sit manager seat.Anchored=false local e = 0 while car.HoodSeat.Occupant==nil and man and target.Parent and e<5 do local newpos = target.Position+Vector3.new(0,-3,0)+target.CFrame.lookVector*4.5+target.Velocity*Vector3.new(.5,0,.5) local flatdir = (target.CFrame.lookVector*Vector3.new(1,0,1)).Unit --target's looking direction, flattened if not (flatdir.x < 2) then --inf flatdir = Vector3.new(1,0,0) end car:SetPrimaryPartCFrame(CFrame.new(newpos,newpos-flatdir)) seat.Velocity=Vector3.new() local e2=0 while car.HoodSeat.Occupant==nil and man and target.Parent and e2<0.7 do e2=e2+wait() end e=e+e2 end --attempt to move manager car:SetPrimaryPartCFrame(returncf) newthread(function() car.PrimaryPart.Anchored=true seat.PrimaryPart.Anchored=true wait(0.2) car.PrimaryPart.Anchored=false seat.Anchored=false end) wait(.1) car:SetPrimaryPartCFrame(returncf) newthread(function() car.PrimaryPart.Anchored=true seat.Anchored=true wait(0.2) car.PrimaryPart.Anchored=false seat.Anchored=false end) seat.Anchored=true e = 0 while man and target.Parent and e<1 do e=e+wait() end car.HoodSeat:ClearAllChildren() --unsits anyone e = 0 while man and target.Parent and e<0.5 do e=e+wait() end if man==nil or target.Parent==nil then break end end --reset car seat.Anchored=false wait() car:SetPrimaryPartCFrame(cf) wait() end --become manager humanoid.Sit=false humanoid.Jump=true wait(0.1) humanoid.Jump=true wait(0.1) player.Character:SetPrimaryPartCFrame(oldpos) end) end) end function becomeManager() newthread(function() local s,e=pcall(function() local Players = game:GetService("Players") local player = Players.LocalPlayer local humanoid = player.Character.Humanoid local mteam = game:GetService("Teams").Manager local man = mteam:GetPlayers()[1] --deletes a glitchy chair in the office (optional) if workspace:FindFirstChild("ExtraChair") and workspace.ExtraChair:FindFirstChild("Seat") then workspace.ExtraChair.Seat:Destroy() end if man then --check if he's respawning or sitting local htxt if man.Character==nil or man.Character:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart")==nil or man.Character:FindFirstChild("Humanoid")==nil then htxt = "Failed because manager is respawning" end local target = man.Character.HumanoidRootPart if man.Character.Humanoid.Sit then htxt = "Failed because manager is sitting" end if htxt then Notify(htxt) return end --get in a car if not workspace.Cars:IsAncestorOf(humanoid.SeatPart) then humanoid.Sit=false wait(0.1) for _,car in ipairs(workspace.Cars:GetChildren()) do if car:FindFirstChild("Driver") and car.Driver.Occupant==nil and car:FindFirstChild("Owner") and car.Owner.Value==nil then car.Driver:Sit(humanoid) wait(0.3) if humanoid.SeatPart then break end end end end local seat = humanoid.SeatPart local car = seat.Parent local returncf = CFrame.new(17,-3.5,21)*CFrame.Angles(0,math.pi/2,0) for _,v in ipairs(car:GetChildren()) do if v.Name=="Wheel" then v.CanCollide=false end end seat.CanCollide = false for j=1,4 do --attempt to sit manager seat.Anchored=false local e = 0 while car.HoodSeat.Occupant==nil and mteam:GetPlayers()[1] and target.Parent and e<5 do local newpos = target.Position+Vector3.new(0,-3,0)+target.CFrame.lookVector*4.5+target.Velocity*Vector3.new(.5,0,.5) local flatdir = (target.CFrame.lookVector*Vector3.new(1,0,1)).Unit --target's looking direction, flattened if not (flatdir.x < 2) then --inf flatdir = Vector3.new(1,0,0) end car:SetPrimaryPartCFrame(CFrame.new(newpos,newpos-flatdir)) seat.Velocity=Vector3.new() local e2=0 while car.HoodSeat.Occupant==nil and mteam:GetPlayers()[1] and target.Parent and e2<0.7 do e2=e2+wait() end e=e+e2 end --attempt to move manager car:SetPrimaryPartCFrame(returncf) wait(.1) car:SetPrimaryPartCFrame(returncf) seat.Anchored=true e = 0 while mteam:GetPlayers()[1] and target.Parent and e<1 do e=e+wait() end car.HoodSeat:ClearAllChildren() --unsits anyone e = 0 while mteam:GetPlayers()[1] and target.Parent and e<0.5 do e=e+wait() end if mteam:GetPlayers()[1]==nil or target.Parent==nil then break end end --reset car seat.Anchored=false wait() car:SetPrimaryPartCFrame(CFrame.new(120,10,-75)) wait() end --become manager humanoid.Sit=false wait(0.1) pcall(function() workspace.ManagerChair.Seat:Sit(humanoid) end) wait(0.3) humanoid.Jump=true wait(0.1) player.Character.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame = player.Character.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame+Vector3.new(5,5,6) Notify("Successfully became a manager") end) if s then else Notify("Error occured while becoming manager") end end) end -- CALLBACK NOTE: -- Passing in callback functions via the initial element parameters (i.e. Callback = function(Value)...) works -- HOWEVER, using Toggles/Options.INDEX:OnChanged(function(Value) ... ) is the RECOMMENDED way to do this. -- I strongly recommend decoupling UI code from logic code. i.e. Create your UI elements FIRST, and THEN setup :OnChanged functions later. -- You do not have to set your tabs & groups up this way, just a prefrence. local Tabs = { -- Creates a new tab titled Main Main = Window:AddTab('Main'), ['UI Settings'] = Window:AddTab('UI Settings'), --Autofarm=Window:AddTab('Autofarm') } -- Groupbox and Tabbox inherit the same functions -- except Tabboxes you have to call the functions on a tab (Tabbox:AddTab(name)) local LeftGroupBox = Tabs.Main:AddLeftGroupbox('Smth ig lol') -- We can also get our Main tab via the following code: -- local LeftGroupBox = Window.Tabs.Main:AddLeftGroupbox('Groupbox') -- Tabboxes are a tiny bit different, but here's a basic example: --[[ local TabBox = Tabs.Main:AddLeftTabbox() -- Add Tabbox on left side local Tab1 = TabBox:AddTab('Tab 1') local Tab2 = TabBox:AddTab('Tab 2') -- You can now call AddToggle, etc on the tabs you added to the Tabbox ]] -- Groupbox:AddToggle -- Arguments: Index, Options -- Fetching a toggle object for later use: -- Toggles.MyToggle.Value -- Toggles is a table added to getgenv() by the library -- You index Toggles with the specified index, in this case it is 'MyToggle' -- To get the state of the toggle you do toggle.Value -- Calls the passed function when the toggle is updated -- 1/15/23 -- Deprecated old way of creating buttons in favor of using a table -- Added DoubleClick button functionality --[[ Groupbox:AddButton Arguments: { Text = string, Func = function, DoubleClick = boolean Tooltip = string, } You can call :AddButton on a button to add a SubButton! ]] --[[ NOTE: You can chain the button methods! EXAMPLE: LeftGroupBox:AddButton({ Text = 'Kill all', Func = Functions.KillAll, Tooltip = 'This will kill everyone in the game!' }) :AddButton({ Text = 'Kick all', Func = Functions.KickAll, Tooltip = 'This will kick everyone in the game!' }) ]] -- Groupbox:AddLabel -- Arguments: Text, DoesWrap -- Groupbox:AddDivider -- Arguments: None LeftGroupBox:AddDivider() --[[ Groupbox:AddSlider Arguments: Idx, SliderOptions SliderOptions: { Text = string, Default = number, Min = number, Max = number, Suffix = string, Rounding = number, Compact = boolean, HideMax = boolean, } Text, Default, Min, Max, Rounding must be specified. Suffix is optional. Rounding is the number of decimal places for precision. Compact will hide the title label of the Slider HideMax will only display the value instead of the value & max value of the slider Compact will do the same thing ]] LeftGroupBox:AddSlider('Walkspeed', { Text = 'walkspeed multiplier!', Default = 1, Min = 1, Max = 10, Rounding = 1, Compact = false, Callback = function(Value) --rint('[cb] MySlider was changed! New value:', Value) pcall(function() owner.Character:FindFirstChildWhichIsA("Humanoid").WalkSpeed=16*Value end) end }) -- Options is a table added to getgenv() by the library -- You index Options with the specified index, in this case it is 'MySlider' -- To get the value of the slider you do slider.Value local Number = Options.Walkspeed.Value Options.Walkspeed:OnChanged(function() pcall(function() owner.Character:FindFirstChildWhichIsA("Humanoid").WalkSpeed=16*Options.Walkspeed.Value end) end) -- This should print to the console: "MySlider was changed! New value: 3" Options.Walkspeed:SetValue(1) LeftGroupBox:AddSlider('Jumppower', { Text = 'jumppower multiplier!', Default = 1, Min = 1, Max = 10, Rounding = 1, Compact = false, Callback = function(Value) --rint('[cb] MySlider was changed! New value:', Value) pcall(function() owner.Character:FindFirstChildWhichIsA("Humanoid").JumpPower=50*Value end) end }) -- Options is a table added to getgenv() by the library -- You index Options with the specified index, in this case it is 'MySlider' -- To get the value of the slider you do slider.Value local Number = Options.Jumppower.Value Options.Jumppower:OnChanged(function() pcall(function() owner.Character:FindFirstChildWhichIsA("Humanoid").JumpPower=50*Options.Jumppower.Value end) end) -- This should print to the console: "MySlider was changed! New value: 3" Options.Jumppower:SetValue(1) -- Groupbox:AddInput -- Arguments: Idx, Info LeftGroupBox:AddInput('Wear a hat (FE)', { Default = 'Accessory ID', Numeric = false, -- true / false, only allows numbers Finished = true, -- true / false, only calls callback when you press enter Text = 'Input an id of a accessory', Tooltip = 'Anything works even for offsale items i think', -- Information shown when you hover over the textbox Placeholder = 'Input the id of a accessory', -- placeholder text when the box is empty -- MaxLength is also an option which is the max length of the text Callback = function(Value) local args = { [1] = "LoadAvatarAsset", [2] = tonumber(Value), [3] = "HatAccessory" } game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage"):WaitForChild("PlayerChannel"):FireServer(unpack(args)) end }) LeftGroupBox:AddInput('Custom face id (FE)', { Default = 'Decal ID', Numeric = false, -- true / false, only allows numbers Finished = true, -- true / false, only calls callback when you press enter Text = 'Change face id (FE)', Tooltip = 'Only works with r15 and r6 without dynamic heads (EXAMPLE: http://www.roblox.com/asset/?id=144080495)\nYou need to input a full roblox asset link of the decal', -- Information shown when you hover over the textbox Placeholder = 'Input the id of a decal', -- placeholder text when the box is empty -- MaxLength is also an option which is the max length of the text Callback = function(Value) pcall(function() local args = { [1] = owner.Character:WaitForChild("Head"):WaitForChild("face"), [2] = Value } workspace:WaitForChild("Main"):WaitForChild("ChangeFace"):FireServer(unpack(args)) end) end }) -- Groupbox:AddDropdown -- Arguments: Idx, Info local Player=nil function checkPlayer() if Player~=nil then return true else Notify("Player does not exist.") return false end end LeftGroupBox:AddDropdown('Target', { SpecialType = 'Player', Text = 'Select a target', Tooltip = 'Please click a player inorder to target', -- Information shown when you hover over the dropdown Callback = function(Value) pcall(function() Player=game:GetService("Players")[Value] Notify(Value.." has been chosen as the target") end) end }) local MyFunnyButton = LeftGroupBox:AddButton({ Text = 'Goto', Func = function() local J=checkPlayer() if J then local s,e = pcall(function() owner.Character:SetPrimaryPartCFrame(Player.Character.PrimaryPart.CFrame) Notify("success!") end) if s then else Notify("Failed to teleport to "..Player.Name) end else end end, DoubleClick = false, Tooltip = 'Teleport to the targetted player' }) local MyFunnyButton = LeftGroupBox:AddButton({ Text = 'Become Manager', Func = function() --local J=checkPlayer() local s,e = pcall(function() becomeManager() end) if s then else Notify("Failed to become a manager.") end end, DoubleClick = false, Tooltip = 'Teleport to the targetted player' }) local KillButton = LeftGroupBox:AddButton({ Text = 'Kill', Func = function() local J=checkPlayer() if J then local s,e = pcall(function() tpsomeone(Player,CFrame.new(0,-20,500)) end) if s then else Notify("Failed to kill "..Player.Name) end else end end, DoubleClick = false, Tooltip = 'Kills the selected target' }) local KillButton = LeftGroupBox:AddButton({ Text = 'Kick', Func = function() local J=checkPlayer() if J then local s,e = pcall(function() tpsomeone(Player,CFrame.new(80.2428818, -6.07450247, -284.641235, -0.263412803, -0.950028718, -0.167508692, 3.03611159e-06, 0.173640326, -0.984809101, 0.964683235, -0.259411842, -0.0457361937)) end) if s then else Notify("Failed to kick "..Player.Name) end else end end, DoubleClick = false, Tooltip = 'Kicks the selected target' }) local slungus=false --https://glot.io/snippets/god6atsuiy local Autofarmbuttonlol = LeftGroupBox:AddButton({ Text = 'Auto farm loader', Func = function() if slungus then else slungus=true newthread(function() -- updated by Vin#9999 originally made by serilKilla loadstring(game:HttpGet("https://glot.io/snippets/god5yw1zao/raw/main.lua"))() end) end end, DoubleClick = false, Tooltip = 'updated by Vin#9999 originally made by serilKilla\nmoonhigh version' }) local OldAnimations = LeftGroupBox:AddButton({ Text = 'Old Animations (R6)', Func = function() if slungus then else slungus=true newthread(function() -- updated by Vin#9999 originally made by serilKilla loadstring(game:HttpGet("https://glot.io/snippets/god6atsuiy/raw/main.lua"))() end) end end, DoubleClick = false, Tooltip = 'i love ham cheese burger' }) pcall(function() workspace:WaitForChild("Teleport to Party Island"):FindFirstChild("Head"):Destroy() end) game:GetService("Players").PlayerRemoving:Connect(function(plr) if plr==Player then Player=nil end end) -- Label:AddColorPicker -- Arguments: Idx, Info -- You can also ColorPicker & KeyPicker to a Toggle as well local OLD=game:HttpGet("https://raw.githubusercontent.com/hmm1x/exploiting/main/moonhigh%20Version") -- Long text label to demonstrate UI scrolling behaviour. local LeftGroupBox2 = Tabs.Main:AddLeftGroupbox('Information'); LeftGroupBox2:AddLabel('Moonhigh originally created by specdotwtf\nRevived by hmm1x\nOriginally WAAPP\nMy discord is "hmm1x" by the way!', true) Library:SetWatermarkVisibility(true) local FrameTimer = tick() local FrameCounter = 0; local FPS = 60; local lp = game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer local remote local ffc = game.FindFirstChild local cookroomdestroyer=false local noingredients=false do local reg = (getreg or debug.getregistry)() for i=1,#reg do local f = reg[i] if type(f)=="table" and rawget(f,"FireServer") and rawget(f,"BindEvents") then remote = f end end end LeftGroupBox:AddToggle('Cookroom Killer', { Text = 'Cookroom Destroyer', Default = false, -- Default value (true / false) Tooltip = 'Credits to Arsenicen.', -- Information shown when you hover over the toggle Callback = function(Value) --print('[cb] MyToggle changed to:', Value) cookroomdestroyer=Value if Value==true then for i,v in pairs(workspace.AllSupplyBoxes:GetChildren()) do v.CFrame = game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer.Character.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame end end end }) --74.4636307, 0.502014399, -277.747009, 0.736415803, -9.04162718e-08, -0.676529169, 2.5539439e-08, 1, -1.05847064e-07, 0.676529169, 6.06692794e-08, 0.736415803 LeftGroupBox:AddToggle('noingre', { Text = 'No ingredients', Default = false, -- Default value (true / false) Tooltip = 'teleports all the ingredients to the void', -- Information shown when you hover over the toggle Callback = function(Value) --print('[cb] MyToggle changed to:', Value) noingredients=Value end }) function moveThing(bmd, location) remote:FireServer("UpdateProperty", bmd, "CFrame", location) wait() remote:FireServer("SquishDough", bmd) end -- cook room fucker main script local WatermarkConnection = game:GetService('RunService').RenderStepped:Connect(function() FrameCounter += 1; getfenv().mhLoadedloaldoedzlaodzqsl=true if (tick() - FrameTimer) >= 1 then FPS = FrameCounter; FrameTimer = tick(); FrameCounter = 0; end; local color = Color3.fromHSV((tick() % 5) / 5, 1, 1) pcall(function() ImageLabel.Rotation=num.Value end) Library:SetWatermark(('Moonhigh %s | %s fps | %s ms'):format( OLD, math.floor(FPS), math.floor(game:GetService('Stats').Network.ServerStatsItem['Data Ping']:GetValue()) )); if math.floor(game:GetService('Stats').Network.ServerStatsItem['Data Ping']:GetValue())>50000 then Rejoin("Extreme ping increase or false positive.") elseif math.floor(FPS)<3 then NewKick("Uh oh!\nYour fps was insanely low so we actually decided to kick you out of the game.","Emergency System",nil,nil,nil,false,"???") wait(0.5) game:Shutdown() end end); coroutine.resume(coroutine.create(function() while true do local VERSION=game:HttpGet("https://raw.githubusercontent.com/hmm1x/exploiting/main/moonhigh%20Version") if OLD~=VERSION then Notify("New update fetched! rejoining..") wait(1) Rejoin("New update fetched. Please run again") return end wait(5) end end)) newthread(function() while wait(0.1) do if WatermarkConnection~=nil then else return end if cookroomdestroyer then pcall(function() spawn(function() for i,v in pairs(workspace.AllDough:GetChildren()) do moveThing(v, CFrame.new(Random.new():NextNumber(22.6,51.6),Random.new():NextNumber(3.6,14.6),Random.new():NextNumber(55.5,70.5))) end end) spawn(function() for i,v in pairs(workspace.AllMountainDew:GetChildren()) do moveThing(v, CFrame.new(Random.new():NextNumber(22.6,51.6),Random.new():NextNumber(3.6,14.6),Random.new():NextNumber(55.5,70.5))) end end) spawn(function() for i,v in pairs(workspace.BoxingRoom:GetChildren()) do moveThing(v, CFrame.new(Random.new():NextNumber(22.6,51.6),Random.new():NextNumber(3.6,14.6),Random.new():NextNumber(55.5,70.5))) end end) spawn(function() for i,v in pairs(workspace.AllBox:GetChildren()) do moveThing(v, CFrame.new(Random.new():NextNumber(22.6,51.6),Random.new():NextNumber(3.6,14.6),Random.new():NextNumber(55.5,70.5))) end end) spawn(function() for i,v in pairs(workspace.AllSupplyBoxes:GetChildren()) do moveThing(v, CFrame.new(Random.new():NextNumber(22.6,51.6),Random.new():NextNumber(3.6,14.6),Random.new():NextNumber(55.5,70.5))) end end) newthread(function() for i,v in pairs(game:GetService("Workspace").Ovens:GetChildren()) do v.Door.ClickDetector.Detector:FireServer() wait(.15) end end) end) end if noingredients then pcall(function() spawn(function() for i,v in pairs(workspace.AllDough:GetChildren()) do moveThing(v, CFrame.new(0,-100,0)) end end) spawn(function() for i,v in pairs(workspace.AllMountainDew:GetChildren()) do moveThing(v, CFrame.new(0,-100,0)) end end) spawn(function() for i,v in pairs(workspace.BoxingRoom:GetChildren()) do moveThing(v, CFrame.new(0,-100,0)) end end) spawn(function() for i,v in pairs(workspace.AllBox:GetChildren()) do moveThing(v, CFrame.new(0,-100,0)) end end) spawn(function() for i,v in pairs(workspace.AllSupplyBoxes:GetChildren()) do moveThing(v, CFrame.new(0,-100,0)) end end) end) end end end) Library.KeybindFrame.Visible = false; -- todo: add a function for this Library:OnUnload(function() WatermarkConnection:Disconnect() WatermarkConnection=nil print('Unloaded!') ScreenGui.Enabled=false Library.Unloaded = true end) -- UI Settings local MenuGroup = Tabs['UI Settings']:AddLeftGroupbox('Menu') -- I set NoUI so it does not show up in the keybinds menu MenuGroup:AddButton('Unload', function() Library:Unload() end) MenuGroup:AddLabel('Menu bind'):AddKeyPicker('MenuKeybind', { Default = 'End', NoUI = true, Text = 'Menu keybind' }) Library.ToggleKeybind = Options.MenuKeybind -- Allows you to have a custom keybind for the menu -- Addons: -- SaveManager (Allows you to have a configuration system) -- ThemeManager (Allows you to have a menu theme system) -- Hand the library over to our managers ThemeManager:SetLibrary(Library) SaveManager:SetLibrary(Library) -- Ignore keys that are used by ThemeManager. -- (we dont want configs to save themes, do we?) SaveManager:IgnoreThemeSettings() -- Adds our MenuKeybind to the ignore list -- (do you want each config to have a different menu key? probably not.) SaveManager:SetIgnoreIndexes({ 'MenuKeybind' }) -- use case for doing it this way: -- a script hub could have themes in a global folder -- and game configs in a separate folder per game ThemeManager:SetFolder('moonhighhub') SaveManager:SetFolder('moonhighhub/global') SaveManager:BuildConfigSection(Tabs['UI Settings']) ThemeManager:ApplyToTab(Tabs['UI Settings']) SaveManager:LoadAutoloadConfig() --https://v3rmillion.net/showthread.php?tid=723696
Editor Settings
Key bindings
Full width