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def build_table(l): # Use a dictionary to build a frequency table frequency = {} # For each number, create a new entry in the table or increment the frequency for n in l: if n in frequency.keys(): frequency[n] = frequency[n] + 1 else: frequency[n] = 1 return(frequency) def sort_table(fdict): # First build a list of the form (r,n) flist = [ (fdict[n],n) for n in fdict.keys() ] # Sort this list using built in sort, which will sort first by frequency, then by value flist.sort() # Flip each pair and return return( [ (n,r) for (r,n) in flist ]) def histogram(l): frequency_table = build_table(l) return(sort_table(frequency_table)) def transcript(coursedetails, studentdetails, grades): # Create dictionaries to store course details and student names course_dict = dict(coursedetails) student_dict = dict(studentdetails) students= {} for tup in grades: temp = [] temp.append(tup[0]) temp.append(student_dict[tup[0]]) if tup[0] in students: students[tup[0]][2].append((tup[1],course_dict[tup[1]],tup[2])) else: students[tup[0]] = temp temp.append([(tup[1],course_dict[tup[1]],tup[2])]) lis = [] for i,k in students.items(): k[2].sort() lis.append(tuple(k)) lis.sort() return(lis) def setup_coursedict(details): dict = {} for (ccode,cname) in details: dict[ccode] = cname return(dict) def setup_studentdict(details): dict = {} for (rollno,name) in details: dict[rollno] = name return(dict) def setup_gradedict(details): dict = {} for (rollno,ccode,grade) in details: if rollno in dict.keys(): dict[rollno].append((ccode,grade)) else: dict[rollno] = [(ccode,grade)] return(dict) # Hidden code below import ast fncall = input() lparen = fncall.find("(") rparen = fncall.rfind(")") fname = fncall[:lparen] farg = fncall[lparen+1:rparen] if fname == "histogram": arg = ast.literal_eval(farg) print(histogram(arg),end="\n") elif fname == "transcript": arg = ast.literal_eval(farg) print(transcript(arg[0],arg[1],arg[2]),end="\n") else: print("Function", fname, "unknown")
def transcript(coursedetails, studentdetails, grades): # Create dictionaries to store course details and student names course_dict = dict(coursedetails) student_dict = dict(studentdetails) students= {} for tup in grades: temp = [] temp.append(tup[0]) temp.append(student_dict[tup[0]]) if tup[0] in students: students[tup[0]][2].append((tup[1],course_dict[tup[1]],tup[2])) else: students[tup[0]] = temp temp.append([(tup[1],course_dict[tup[1]],tup[2])]) lis = [] for i,k in students.items(): k[2].sort() lis.append(tuple(k)) lis.sort() return(lis)
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