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---- do not touch function m() print("") print("---------------------") print("") end -- Do Not Touch Scroll Down --[[ Lua Is A Very Awesome program it is used for roblox It is very easy to learn about it Here today your gonna learn about locals and stuff ]] local work = { Name = "John", -- example name Age = "20", -- example age Job = "Programmer", Email = "johndoe@example.com", } --[[ Now ur wondering how are we gonna print this? A, print(Name) B, print(work.Name) C, print(Name.work) The Answer is.. B if you dont put it with the local name it wont print it out so do it like this ]] print("Name: " ..work.Name) print("Age: "..work.Age) print("Job: "..work.Job) print("Email: "..work.Email) -----/// functions \\\\\----- -- do not touch m() print("[-] Functions") -- dont remove it m() -- dont touch --[[ Run it So you could see now we move on functions greet function example! ]] --Define the greet function function User(username) return("Hello " ..username.. " How was Your Day?") end -- Call the greet function local user = "John Doe" local Name = User(user) -- Print the greeting print(Name) --[[ In this example, the greet function takes a single parameter name, concatenates it with a greeting message, and returns the personalized greeting. The function is then called with the userName variable, and the resulting greeting is printed. You can replace "John Doe" with any other name to customize the greeting. ]] -- do not touch m() print("[-] Math In Lua") m() -- do not touch -- Define a function that adds two numbers function addNumbers(a, b) return a + b end -- Call the function local result = addNumbers(5, 7) -- Print the result print("The result is:", result) -- Outputs: The result is: 12 --[[ In this example, the addNumbers function takes two parameters a and b, and it returns the sum of these two numbers. The function is then called with the arguments 5 and 7, and the result is stored in the result variable. Finally, the print function is used to display the result. You can modify the function to perform different calculations or manipulate different data types based on your needs. ]] -- Thank you for being here i will be updating this soon
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