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getgenv().Settings = { AimSens = 1/45; -- aimbot sensitivity LookSens = 1/80; -- aim while walking sens PreAimDist = 55; -- if within 55 studs then preaim KnifeOutDist = 85; -- if within 85 studs then swap back to gun ReloadDist = 50; -- if over 50 studs away then reload RecalDist = 15; -- if player moves over this many studs then recalculate path to them PFSettings = { -- only edit these if u know what ur doing ["WaypointSpacing"] = 4; -- space between each pathfinding waypoint ["AgentHeight"] = 5; -- height of the agent ["AgentRadius"] = 3; -- radius in which the agent can fit into ["AgentCanJump"] = true; -- whether the agent can jump } } local PFS = game:GetService("PathfindingService") local PS = game:GetService("Players") local RS = game:GetService("RunService") local TS = game:GetService('TweenService'); local VIM = game:GetService("VirtualInputManager") local UIS = game:GetService("UserInputService") local Player = Player.LocalPlayer local Mouse = Player:GetMouse() local Camera = Workspace.CurrentCamera local Map = Workspace.Map local Spawns = Map.Spawns local RayIgnore = Workspace.Ray_Ignore local MapIgnore = Workspace.Ignore local Equipped = "Gun" local TargetPlayer, IsAiming, InitialPos, TargetObj -- get the ignore list based on character and target character local GetIgnoreList = function(Char, TargetChar) return {TargetChar, Char, Camera, RayIgnore, MapIgnore} end -- check if the target position is visible local IsVisible = function(Position, IgnoreList) local Parts = Camera:GetPartsObscuringTarget({Position}, IgnoreList) -- return true if the table of obscuring parts is 0 in length/size return (#Parts == 0) end -- check if the target player is visible local IsTargetVisible = function(Target) local Char = Player.Character local TargetChar = Target.Character -- iterate thru the target character's children for _, Obj in next, TargetChar:GetChildren() do -- check if either character is nil if (Char == nil or TargetChar == nil) then return false end -- get the ignorelist for checking if its visible local IgnoreList = GetIgnoreList(Char, TargetChar) -- check if the object is a basepart (a part, meshpart, etc.) if (Obj:IsA("BasePart")) then -- if its visible return true and the object (aimpart), otherwise return false if (IsVisible(Obj.Position, IgnoreList)) then return true, Obj else return false end end end end -- get the player's bodyparts local GetBodyParts = function() -- return character, head, rootpart, and humanoid if character isnt nil, otherwise dont return anything (nil) if Player.Character ~= nil then local Char = Player.Character return Char, Char.Head, Char.HumanoidRootPart, Char.Humanoid end end -- get the closest visible player local GetClosestTarget = function() local ClosestDist = 9e9 local ClosestTarget = nil -- iterate thru all players for _, Target in next, PS:GetPlayers() do -- check if current iteration isnt the exploiter and if the target and exploiter arent on the same team if (Player ~= Target and Player.Team ~= Target.Team) then local Char = Player.Character local TargetChar = Target.Character -- check if the exploiter character and target character arent nil if (Char ~= nil and TargetChar ~= nil) then local Root = Char.HumanoidRootPart local TargetRoot = TargetChar.HumanoidRootPart -- get distance between both rootparts local Distance = (Root.Position - TargetRoot.Position).Magnitude -- if the distance between the 2 is less than the current closest one, that means thats the new closest player if (Distance < ClosestDist) then -- update the variables ClosestDist = Distance ClosestTarget = Target end end end end -- return the closest target player return ClosestTarget end -- attempt to aimlock on nearest visible player local DoAimlock = function() local IsVisible, AimPart = IsTargetVisible(ClosestTarget) -- check if the current closest target is visible if (IsVisible == true and IsAiming == false) then IsAiming = true local Char, Head, Root, Humanoid = GetBodyParts() local InitialCameraCF = Camera.CFrame -- linear interpolate thru the aim sensitivity for Index = 0, 1, Settings.AimSens do -- dont aim at dead people or aim while dead if (Char == nil or AimPart == nil or AimPart.Parent == nil) then break end -- dont aim at the ground if (Head.Position.Y + AimPart.Position.Y) < 0 then break end -- aim closer to the part based on the current interpolation local NewCFrame =, AimPart.Position) Camera.CFrame = InitialCameraCF:Lerp(NewCFrame, Index) -- wait until next frame task.wait() end -- click mouse VIM:SendMouseButtonEvent(Mouse.X, Mouse.Y, 0, true, game, 1) task.wait(0.25) VIM:SendMouseButtonEvent(Mouse.X, Mouse.Y, 0, false, game, 1) end IsAiming = false end -- attempt to move to the nearest player (even if theyre not visible) local DoMovement = function() -- check if targetplayer is not nil if (TargetPlayer ~= nil and TargetPlayer.Character ~= nil) then -- get targetplayer character and rootpart local TargetChar = TargetPlayer.Character local TargetRoot = TargetChar:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart") -- get exploiter bodyparts local Char, Head, Root, Humanoid = GetBodyParts() -- check if exploiter character and if (Char ~= nil and TargetRoot ~= nil) then -- update the initialposition InitialPos = TargetRoot.Position -- create a path & compute it (towards the targetroot ofc) local Path = PFS:CreatePath(Settings.PFSettings) local Success, Error = pcall(function() Path:ComputeAsync(Root.Position, TargetRoot.Position) end) -- if the paths compution was a success and we werent ratelimited or w/e by pathfinding service if (Success == true and Path.Status == Enum.PathStatus.Success) then -- get the waypoints to the targetplayer & remove the first one local Waypoints = Path:GetWaypoints() table.remove(Waypoints, 1) for _, Waypoint in next, Waypoints do -- if the targetplayer we are currently moving towards is now dead if (TargetPlayer.Character == nil) then ClosestTarget = nil return -- if the targetplayer walked too far away, means we need to recalculate elseif ((InitialPos - TargetRoot.Position).Magnitude > Settings.RecalDist) then return DoMovement() end -- if the current waypoint wants us to jump, we jump if (Waypoint.Action == Enum.PathWaypointAction.Jump) then Humanoid:ChangeState(Enum.HumanoidStateType.Jumping) end -- do other movment stuff Humanoid:MoveTo(Waypoint.Position) end end end end end
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