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# # print("Hello World!") # print(1+6) # print(1-6) # print(1*6) # print(1//6) # print(1/6) # print(2*6) # print(2**6) # print(7%3) # print(15%3) # print(type(15+2)) # print(type(15+2.0)) # # for integer # print(1+2) # print(type(1+2)) # # for float # print(1/2) # print(type(1/2)) # # Round # print(round(1/2)) # print(round(1.2)) # print(round(1.5)) # print(round(1.6)) # #abs = absolute value # print(abs(-1.6)) # # () Parenthesis # # * * Exponents # # * / multiplication and Division # # + - Addition and Substraction # # PEMDAS = Please excuse my dear aunt Sally # print(20 - 5 * 3) # print((20 + 5) * 3) # print((2 + 5) * (3 + 3*2**2)) # ##### Variable # box = 'shoes'; # print(box) # # for big no no for variable naming # # 4box = 'shoes'; no number in the start # # print(4box) # # 2 no special character () !@#$%^&* # # bo@x = 'shoes'; # # print(bo@x) # # 3 no space b/t variable # # my box = 'shoes'; # # print(my box) # my_box = 'shoe s'; # print(my_box) # # 4 no use built in functions names used # # print = 'shoes'; # # print(print) # # python statement and expression # #statement # a,b = 11,20/3 # print(a,b) # #Augmented Assignmented operator # a = 11 # a += 11 # # a = a + 11 # print(a) # a = 11 # a -= 11 # print(a) # a = 11 # a *= 11 # print(a) # a = 11 # a /= 11 # print(a) #String : is a sequences of characters # example : I am a good man. #sinle quotation message = 'I am best in the world' #double quotation message1 = "this is Asif's message" quote = 'I remember you said:"Your are best in the world."'; #triple quatation multiLine = ''' 'I remember you said:"Your are best in the world."' 'I remember you said:"Your are best in the world."' 'I remember you said:"Your are best in the world."' ''' print(message) print(message1) print(quote) print(multiLine)
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