read the output ;) i swear i did not put obfuscate

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function wait(seconds) local start = os.time() repeat until os.time() > start + seconds end function ilovechickenSMILEY(f1,f2) local waitbuffer=false--dont crash 😀 local wait2=f1 for i=f1,f2 do if waitbuffer then wait(0.5) waitbuffer=false end if i-wait2>499 then wait2=i waitbuffer=true end local t=tostring(i^2)..tostring(i^3) local huh=false if string.len(t)==10 then local itis=0 local ahh=true;local ahhbuffer={}; for i=1,10 do local my=tonumber(t:sub(i,i)) if ahhbuffer["index_"..tostring(my)]==my then ahh=false end itis=itis+my ahhbuffer["index_"..tostring(my)]=my end if ahh and itis==1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8+9+0 then print(i) -- print the number lol end end end end ilovechickenSMILEY(1,100)
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