Ripper V5

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Run Command
local bindable local lr = game.ReplicatedStorage.GameData.LatestRoom local function GetCurrentRoom() return workspace.CurrentRooms:WaitForChild(tostring(lr.Value + 1), 5) end local function Convert(room) local noder = room:WaitForChild("PathfindNodes", 2):Clone() noder.Parent = room noder.Name = "Nodes" local Goober ="StringValue", room) Goober.Name = "gobble ur balls L splash" Goober.Value = "seriously do it now loser" warn("Converted "" to support node system") local A = room:WaitForChild("RoomEntrance", .5):Clone() A.Parent = room A.Name = "RoomStart" local B = room:WaitForChild("RoomExit", .5):Clone() B.Parent = room B.Name = "RoomEnd" end bindable = workspace.CurrentRooms.ChildAdded:Connect(function() local room = GetCurrentRoom() Convert(room) end) Convert(GetCurrentRoom()) warn("Executed entity fixer, made by that one crow man who also happens to possess a gun lol") local gotRippersBadge = false game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").GameData.LatestRoom:GetPropertyChangedSignal("Value"):Wait() function DEATHMESSAGE(message,who) spawn(function() for i = 1,50 do wait() game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").GameStats["Player_".. game.Players.LocalPlayer.Name].Total.DeathCause.Value = who firesignal(game.ReplicatedStorage.EntityInfo.DeathHint.OnClientEvent, message, 'Blue') end end) end if (workspace.Ambience_Seek.Playing or workspace.Ambience_Figure.Playing or workspace.Ambience_FigureEnd.Playing or workspace.CurrentRooms:FindFirstChild("50")) then a() return end local killed = false local Plr = game.Players.LocalPlayer local ReSt = game.ReplicatedStorage local val = 80 local events = require(game.ReplicatedStorage.ClientModules.Module_Events) local cameraShaker = require(game.ReplicatedStorage.CameraShaker) local camera = workspace.CurrentCamera local camShake =, function(cf) camera.CFrame = camera.CFrame * cf end) camShake:Start() function GetTime(Distance, Speed) -- Time = Distance / Speed local Time = Distance / Speed return Time end local DEF_SPEED = 99999 local function THEHORROR() ---configsù local breakMove = false local ambruhspeed = 100 local storer = ambruhspeed local ambushheight =,5,0) local redtweeninfo = local redinfo = {Color =, 0, 0.133333)} ---------- camShake:Shake(cameraShaker.Presets.Earthquake) for i,v in pairs(game.Workspace.CurrentRooms:GetDescendants()) do if v:IsA("Light") then game.TweenService:Create(v,redtweeninfo,redinfo):Play() if v.Parent.Name == "LightFixture" then game.TweenService:Create(v.Parent,redtweeninfo,redinfo):Play() end end end local s = game:GetObjects("rbxassetid://12797541507")[1] s.Parent = workspace local ambush = s.Ripe ambush.Ambush.Volume = 0 local amb = ambush.Spawn:Clone() amb.Parent = workspace amb.TimePosition = 0 amb:Play() amb.Volume = 6 ---------------------- -------------- local function canSeeTarget(target,size) if killed == true then return end if (workspace.Ambience_Seek.Playing or workspace.Ambience_FigureIntense.Playing or workspace.Ambience_Figure.Playing or workspace.Ambience_FigureEnd.Playing) then return false end local origin = ambush.Position local direction = (target.HumanoidRootPart.Position - ambush.Position).unit * size local ray =, direction) local hit, pos = workspace:FindPartOnRay(ray, ambush) if hit then if hit:IsDescendantOf(target) then killed = true return true end else return false end end local function GetGitSound(GithubSnd,SoundName) local url=GithubSnd if not isfile(SoundName..".mp3") then writefile(SoundName..".mp3", game:HttpGet(url)) end local"Sound") sound.SoundId=(getcustomasset or getsynasset)(SoundName..".mp3") return sound end ------------------------- --_SHAKER DO NOT MOD IFY spawn(function() while ambush ~= nil do wait(0.2) local v = game.Players.LocalPlayer local parent = script.Parent if v.Character ~= nil and not v.Character:GetAttribute("Hiding") then if canSeeTarget(v.Character,50) then breakMove = true local Noise ="ScreenGui") local ImageLabel ="ImageLabel") Noise.Name = "Noise" Noise.Parent = game.Players.LocalPlayer:WaitForChild("PlayerGui") Noise.IgnoreGuiInset = true ImageLabel.Parent = Noise ImageLabel.BackgroundTransparency = 1.000 ImageLabel.Size =, 0, 1, 0) ImageLabel.Image = "rbxassetid://236542974" ImageLabel.ImageTransparency = 1.000 local function GJQAHX_fake_script() -- Noise.Death local script ='LocalScript', Noise) local char = game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character local ripper = workspace.Death.Ripe local ripperscare = ripper:Clone() ripperscare.Parent = workspace ripperscare.Position = ripper.Position ripperscare.ripe.ParticleEmitter.Texture = "rbxassetid://11816152645" for i,v in pairs(ripperscare:GetDescendants()) do if v:IsA("ParticleEmitter") then spawn(function() v.Rate = 9999 wait(0.25) v.TimeScale = 0.0 end) elseif v:IsA("Sound") then v.Volume = 0 end end ripper:Destroy() local static ="Sound",workspace) static.SoundId = "rbxassetid://372770465" static.Volume = 10 static.Pitch = 0.7 local crash = GetGitSound("","ripperscare") crash.Parent = workspace crash.Volume = 3 crash.Pitch = 1 local make ="Part",workspace) make.Transparency = 1 make.CanCollide = false make.CanTouch = false make.Anchored = true make.Name = "pants pooper" char:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart").Anchored = true make.CFrame = workspace.Camera.CFrame crash:Play() workspace.Camera.CameraType = Enum.CameraType.Scriptable local sceneing = true local sillybilly = {8482795900,236542974,184251462,236777652} spawn(function() while game["Run Service"].RenderStepped:Wait() and sceneing do workspace.Camera.CFrame = make.CFrame script.Parent.ImageLabel.Image = "rbxassetid://"..sillybilly[math.random(1,#sillybilly)] end end) local t = game.TweenService:Create(make,,Enum.EasingStyle.Circular,Enum.EasingDirection.InOut),{CFrame = CFrame.lookAt(make.Position,ripperscare.Position)}) t:Play() t.Completed:Wait() wait(1) game.TweenService:Create(script.Parent.ImageLabel,,{ImageTransparency = 0}):Play() static:Play() static.Volume = 0 game.TweenService:Create(static,,{Volume = 10}):Play() wait(2) sceneing = false game.TweenService:Create(script.Parent.ImageLabel,,{ImageTransparency = 1}):Play() game.TweenService:Create(static,,{Volume = 0}):Play() ripperscare.Anchored = false ripperscare.CanCollide = false char:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart").Anchored = false v.Character:FindFirstChildWhichIsA("Humanoid"):TakeDamage(100) DEATHMESSAGE({"You died to who you call Ripper...","You can tell his presence by the lights and his scream.","Hide when he does this!"},"Ripper") end coroutine.wrap(GJQAHX_fake_script)() end end if v.Character ~= nil then if v.Character:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart") and (ambush.Position - v.Character:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart").Position).magnitude < val then camShake:ShakeOnce(15,25,0,2,1,6) end end if breakMove then break end end end) ---------------------- game.Debris:AddItem(amb,10) ambush.Ambush:Stop() local h = ambush.Ambush h.SoundId = "rbxassetid://6963538865" h.Volume = 10 h.RollOffMinDistance = 5 h.PlaybackSpeed = 0.37 h.TimePosition = 0 h.Volume = 10 wait(8) ambush.Ambush:Play() game.TweenService:Create(ambush.Ambush,,{Volume = 0.8}):Play() local gruh = workspace.CurrentRooms ambruhspeed = DEF_SPEED for i = 1, game.ReplicatedStorage.GameData.LatestRoom.Value do if gruh:FindFirstChild(i) then if breakMove then break end print("room "..i) local room = gruh[i] if room:FindFirstChild("Nodes") then local nodes = room:FindFirstChild("Nodes") for v = 1, #nodes:GetChildren() do if nodes:FindFirstChild(v) then if breakMove then break end local waypoint = nodes[v] local Distance = (ambush.Position - waypoint.Position).magnitude -- Get the distance between the current position and the next node local fakejays = game.TweenService:Create(ambush,, ambruhspeed), Enum.EasingStyle.Linear,Enum.EasingDirection.Out, 0,false,0),{CFrame = waypoint.CFrame + ambushheight}) fakejays:Play() fakejays.Completed:Wait() ambruhspeed = storer if room.Name == game.ReplicatedStorage.GameData.LatestRoom.Value then room:WaitForChild("Door").ClientOpen:FireServer() end end end end end print("looping") end ---------------------- workspace.CurrentRooms[game.ReplicatedStorage.GameData.LatestRoom.Value]:WaitForChild("Door").ClientOpen:FireServer() local slam ="Sound",ambush) slam.Volume = 10 slam.SoundId = "rbxassetid://1837829565" camShake:Shake(cameraShaker.Presets.Explosion) slam:Play() print("This is supposed to play STUPID") wait(1) ambush.Anchored = false ambush.CanCollide = false game.Debris:AddItem(s,5) if gotRippersBadge == false then gotRippersBadge = true getgenv().Title = "Torn Apart" --Title Here getgenv().Description = "Dont leave to early.." --Description Here getgenv().Reason = "Encounter Ripper." --Reason Here getgenv().BadgeId = 2129409220 --Replace Number with Your Badge ID getgenv().Category = 10 --You can replace the Category or dont local Unlock = require(game.Players.LocalPlayer.PlayerGui.MainUI.Initiator.Main_Lobby.RemoteListener.Modules.AchievementUnlock) local Achievements = debug.getupvalue(Unlock, 1) for i,v in pairs(require(game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").Achievements)) do v.Title = getgenv().Title v.Desc = getgenv().Description v.Reason = getgenv().Reason v.BadgeId = getgenv().BadgeId v.Category = getgenv().Category end spawn(function() Unlock(nil,"Join") end) end end pcall(THEHORROR)
Editor Settings
Key bindings
Full width