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# The 4 Pillars Of OOPP # Encapsulation is the binding of data and the functions that manipulate that data. # We encapsulate into one big object so that we can keep everything in that box that user's or code, or other machines... # ...can interact with. # This data and functions are what we call attributes and methods class PlayerChar: # here we are able to encahpsulate our PlayerChar by having name and age attributes def __init__(self, name, age): self.name = name self.age = age def run(self): # here we have fuctions that can act upon those name and age attributes print('run') def speak(self): # here we have a speak method, and it can now use name and age print(f'my name is {self.name}, and i am {self.age} years old') player1 = PlayerChar('Fred', 66) player1.speak() # if we didn't have the class playerChar...we would only have two variables and a couple of functions. # but by using class Playerchar...we have packaged it all up into a blueprint for creating multiple objects, we can mimic what happens in the real world.
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