Savings Calculator w/ Compound Interest

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# Constant Savings throughout entire year # function is of the form constant_savings(A,B,C,D,E) # A is how much you save (either per year or per month) # B is how long you save this much per year/month for # C is how long you let the money accumulate value before pulling it out # D is the yearly return rate (i.e. for a 10% return rate, input 10) # E is False if A is how much you save per year and True if A A is how much you save per month # NOTE: E must be written exactly as True or False with the capital for it to work def constant_savings(amount_saved , years_spent_saving , years_left_alone , yearly_return_rate , monthly): net_worth = 0 mul = 1 if monthly == True: mul = 12 for i in range(years_spent_saving): net_worth *= (1+(yearly_return_rate/100)) net_worth += (amount_saved*mul) retirement_fund = net_worth*((1+(yearly_return_rate/100))**years_left_alone) retirement_fund /= 1000000 return "£"+str(round(retirement_fund,1))+" million" print(constant_savings(500,10,35,7,True)) print(constant_savings(1000,10,25,7,True)) print(constant_savings(2000,10,15,7,True)) print(constant_savings(4000,10,5,7,True)) # Noteworthy Results: # With a 10% return rate (avg yearly return of S&P500, not adjusted for inflation) # Saving 500/mo in 20s = 1300/month in 30s = 3400/mo in 40s = 8700/mo in 50s if you pull it all out at 65 # Saving 500/mo in your 20s alone gives you 2.7 million to retire on when you're 65 # With a 7% return rate (avg yearly return of S&P500, adjusted for inflation) # 500/mo in 20s = 1000/mo in 30s = 2000/mo in your 40s = 4000/mo in your 50s if you pull it all out at 65 # Saving 500/mo in your 20s alone gives you 0.9 million to retire on when you're 65
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