Min-min and Max-Min

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#include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #define MAX_MACHINES 10 #define MAX_TASKS 10 // function prototypes void min_min(int n_machines, int n_tasks, int task_times[MAX_MACHINES][MAX_TASKS]); void max_min(int n_machines, int n_tasks, int task_times[MAX_MACHINES][MAX_TASKS]); int main() { int n_machines, n_tasks, i, j; int task_times[MAX_MACHINES][MAX_TASKS]; int choice; // get user input for number of machines and tasks printf("Enter the number of machines: "); scanf("%d", &n_machines); printf("Enter the number of tasks: "); scanf("%d", &n_tasks); // get user input for task times for each machine for (i = 0; i < n_machines; i++) { printf("Enter task times for machine %d:\n", i + 1); for (j = 0; j < n_tasks; j++) { printf("Task %d: ", j + 1); scanf("%d", &task_times[i][j]); } } // display menu printf("\nTask scheduling algorithms:\n"); printf("1. Min-Min\n"); printf("2. Max-Min\n"); printf("Enter your choice: "); scanf("%d", &choice); switch (choice) { case 1: min_min(n_machines, n_tasks, task_times); break; case 2: max_min(n_machines, n_tasks, task_times); break; default: printf("Invalid choice.\n"); break; } return 0; } void min_min(int n_machines, int n_tasks, int task_times[MAX_MACHINES][MAX_TASKS]) { int i, j, machine, task; int scheduled[MAX_TASKS] = {0}; int completion_time[MAX_MACHINES] = {0}; printf("\nScheduling using Min-Min algorithm...\n"); for (i = 0; i < n_tasks; i++) { int min_time = 99999; for (j = 0; j < n_machines; j++) { if (!scheduled[j] && task_times[j][i] < min_time) { machine = j; task = i; min_time = task_times[j][i]; } } scheduled[machine] = 1; completion_time[machine] += task_times[machine][task]; printf("Task %d scheduled to machine %d.\n", task + 1, machine + 1); } printf("Completion times:\n"); for (i = 0; i < n_machines; i++) { printf("Machine %d: %d\n", i + 1, completion_time[i]); } } void max_min(int n_machines, int n_tasks, int task_times[MAX_MACHINES][MAX_TASKS]) { int i, j, machine, task; int scheduled[MAX_TASKS] = {0}; int completion_time[MAX_MACHINES] = {0}; printf("\nScheduling using Max-Min algorithm...\n"); for (i = 0; i < n_tasks; i++) { int max_time = -99999; for (j = 0; j < n_machines; j++) { if (!scheduled[j] && task_times[j][i] > max_time) { machine = j; task = i; max_time = task_times[j][i]; } } scheduled[machine] = 1; completion_time[machine] += task_times[machine][task]; printf("Task %d scheduled to machine %d.\n", task + 1, machine + 1); } printf("Completion times:\n"); for (i = 0; i < n_machines; i++) { printf("Machine %d: %d\n", i + 1, completion_time[i]); } }
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