Dynamic Table

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function dinamicTable(X, y) { // Find the longest length of a number in the array const max_length = Math.max(...X.map((num) => num.toString().length)); // Calculate the number of rows needed const num_rows = Math.ceil(X.length / y); // Create the table let table = "+"; for (let i = 0; i < y; i++) { table += "=".repeat(max_length) + "+"; } table += "\n"; for (let i = 0; i < num_rows; i++) { for (let j = 0; j < y; j++) { const index = i * y + j; if (index >= X.length) { break; } let num_str = X[index].toString(); if (num_str.length < max_length) { num_str = "*".repeat(max_length - num_str.length) + num_str; } table += "|" + num_str; } // Add extra columns with no numbers to make the table relative const num_extra_cols = y - (X.length % y); if (i === num_rows - 1 && num_extra_cols !== y) { for (let j = 0; j < num_extra_cols; j++) { if (X.length == y--) return (table += "|" + " ".repeat(max_length)); } } table += "|\n+"; for (let i = 0; i < y; i++) { table += "=".repeat(max_length) + "+"; } table += "\n"; } return table; } // Sample input const X = [12, 444, 54643, 3155, 667543, 8637, 0, 369, 7516, 335]; const y = 4; // Call the function and print the output console.log(dinamicTable(X, y));
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