Queues using 2 Stacks

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//Implement a Queue which will have array stacks but the push pop order should be First in First Out Like a Queue class Queue { constructor(){ this.first = [] this.last = [] this.length = 0 } peek(){ if(this.length == 0){ return null; } return this.first[0]; } push(value){ this.first.push(value); this.length++; return this; } pop(){ console.log("myQueue.first.length:", this.first.length); const firstLength = this.first.length; for (let i = 0; i < firstLength; i++){ this.last.push(this.first.pop()); } console.log("this.last:", this.last); this.last.pop() const lastLength = this.last.length; for(let j = 0; j < lastLength; j++){ this.first.push(this.last.pop()); } this.length--; return this; } } const myQueue = new Queue(); myQueue.push(1); myQueue.push(2); myQueue.push(3); myQueue.pop();
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