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sub char_count($str) { my %res; my @chars = $str.comb; for @chars -> $c { %res{$c}++; } %res; } my $str = 'Article 1. All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood.'; my %char_count = char_count($str); my @char_count_sorted = %char_count .pairs .sort(sub ($a, $b) { $cmp = $a cmp $b; if ($cmp === Order::More) { Order::Less; } elsif ($cmp === Order::Less) { Order::More; } else { $cmp } }); say "String: $str"; say ''; say 'Character occurence (most frequent to least frequent):'; for @char_count_sorted -> $pair { my $char = $pair.key; my $count = $pair.value; my $display_char; if ($char eq ' ') { $display_char = '<space>'; } else { $display_char = $char; } say "$display_char: $count"; }
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