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// callback function function total(sum, a, b){ if(typeof(a) == 'number' && typeof(b) == 'number' ){ return sum(a,b); } } // console.log(total(function(a,b){ // return a+b // }, 23, 12)) function sum(a,b){ return a+b; } function multi(a,b){ return a*b; } function calculate(callback, a, b){ callback(a,b); } console.log(calculate(sum, 4,4)); // function when called say hello to the name function greet(name){ console.log('Hello ' + name); } function shout(name){ console.log('Go away ' + name); } // function taking input and calling the greet function as a callback function processUserInput(callback){ const myName = 'Moin'; callback(myName); } processUserInput(shout);
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