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#include <stdio.h> #include<conio.h> main() { int* ab; int m; m=29; printf("\n handle the pointers in the program :\n"); printf(" Here in the declaration ab = int pointer, int m= 29\n\n"); printf(" Address of m : %p\n",&m); printf(" Value of m : %d\n\n",m); ab=&m; printf(" Now ab is assigned with the address of m.\n"); printf(" Address of pointer ab : %p\n",ab); printf(" Content of pointer ab : %d\n\n",*ab); m=34; printf(" The value of m assigned to 34 now.\n"); printf(" Address of pointer ab : %p\n",ab); printf(" Content of pointer ab : %d\n\n",*ab); *ab=7; printf(" The pointer variable ab is assigned the value 7 now.\n"); printf(" Address of m : %p\n",&m); printf(" Value of m : %d\n\n",m); }
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