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// 1. Write a program in C to demonstrate the use of & (address of) and *(value at address) operator. #include <stdio.h> void main() { int m=300; float fx = 300.60; char cht = 'z'; int *pt1; float *pt2; char *pt3; printf("\n\n Pointer : Demonstrate the use of & and * operator :\n"); printf("--------------------------------------------------------\n"); pt1= &m; pt2=&fx; pt3=&cht; printf ( " m = %d\n",m); printf ( " fx = %f\n",fx); printf ( " cht = %c\n",cht); printf("\n Using & operator :\n"); printf("-----------------------\n"); printf ( " address of m = %p\n",&m); printf ( " address of fx = %p\n",&fx); printf ( " address of cht = %p\n",&cht); printf("\n Using & and * operator :\n"); printf("-----------------------------\n"); printf ( " value at address of m = %d\n",*(&m)); printf ( " value at address of fx = %f\n",*(&fx)); printf ( " value at address of cht = %c\n",*(&cht)); printf("\n Using only pointer variable :\n"); printf("----------------------------------\n"); printf ( " address of m = %p\n",pt1); printf ( " address of fx = %p\n",pt2); printf ( " address of cht = %p\n",pt3); printf("\n Using only pointer operator :\n"); printf("----------------------------------\n"); printf ( " value at address of m = %d\n",*pt1); printf ( " value at address of fx= %f\n",*pt2); printf ( " value at address of cht= %c\n\n",*pt3); }
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