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--PFService by scandalous#0069 local RG = rawget local GC = getgc(true) local Modules = {} local Guns = {} for i = 1, #GC do local v = GC[i] if typeof(v) == "table" then if RG(v, "_requireStack") then warn("Found module") local cache = RG(v, "_cache") if cache then warn("Found cache") Modules = cache end end end end for _, Module in next, game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage"):WaitForChild("Content"):WaitForChild("ProductionContent"):WaitForChild("WeaponDatabase"):GetDescendants() do if Module:IsA("ModuleScript")then local Gun = require(Module) table.insert(Guns, Gun) end end print("Found",#Guns,"guns") local self = {} function self:Require(module) local cache = Modules[module] local v8 = string.format("Module %q not found!", module) if not cache then error(v8, 0) end return cache.module end function self:RequireGuns() return Guns end function self:GetModules() return Modules end function self:GetModulesWithIndex(Key, Type) local Found = {} for Name, Module in next, Modules do if typeof(Module.module) == "table" then local Data = Module.module[Key] if Data ~= nil and typeof(Data) == Type then Found[Name] = Module.module end end end return Found end local ReplicationInterface = self:Require("ReplicationInterface") local Replication = {} function Replication:GetCharacterFromPlayer(player) for _, Model in ipairs(workspace.Players:GetDescendants()) do if Model.Name == "Player" then local head = Model:FindFirstChild("Head") if head then local Player = ReplicationInterface.getPlayerFromBodyPart(head) if Player and Player == player then return Model end end end end end self.Replication = Replication function self:Destroy() warn("Cleaning up PFService") end return self
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