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#Create a new class class Welcome(object): def hello(self): print("Hello!") #Create an object x = Welcome() x.hello() y = Welcome() print(type(x) == type(y)) print(type(x) is Welcome) print(type(x) == Welcome) # BUILD CLASS WITH INIT class Welcome(object): def __init__(self): print("Python Tutorial created a new object") def hello(self): print("Hello!") #Create an object x = Welcome() # BUILD CLASS WITH PARAMETER class Welcome(object): def __init__(self, input): print(input) def hello(self): print("Hello!") #Create an object x = Welcome("I love Python Tutorial") #Self class Welcome(object): def __init__(self, what_to_say): self.set_sentence(what_to_say) def set_sentence(self, what_to_say): self.sentence = what_to_say.upper() def say(self): print(self.sentence) #create a welcome object. what_to_say parameter is passed as "I love Python Tutorial" x = Welcome("I love Python Tutorial") x.say() #using the set_sentence() method to change the sentence x.set_sentence("Hello, World!") x.say()
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