Loop perulangan

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//for loop for(let a = 0; a < 10; a--) console.log(a); for(let b = 10; b > 0; b--) console.log(b); //{console.log(a);} atau console.log(b); //for of loop let myArray = ["davin","jacky","jenny","cithung","oyen"]; for(const arrayItem of myArray) {console.log(arrayItem);} // atau console.log(arrayItem); //untuk akhir for(const arrayItem of myArray) tidak pakai penutup ; //while and do while //while 1 let i = 1; while (i <= 100) {console.log(i); i++;} //setelah while (i <100) ngga usah pakai semicolon atau penutup //do while let a = 100; do{console.log(a); a--;} while(a >= 1);
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