oxygen modules

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Run Command
-- This module displays a radial (circular) progress indicator based on images and config information -- that is generated at https://eryn.io/RadialSpriteSheetGenerator/ -- @readme https://github.com/evaera/RadialSpriteSheetGenerator/blob/master/README.md -- @author evaera local HttpService = game:GetService("HttpService") local ContentProvider = game:GetService("ContentProvider") local RadialImage = { _version = 1 } RadialImage.__index = RadialImage local ConfigurationProperties = { version = "number"; size = "number"; count = "number"; columns = "number"; rows = "number"; images = "table"; } function RadialImage.new(config, label) if type(config) == "string" then config = HttpService:JSONDecode(config) elseif type(config) ~= "table" then error("Argument #1 (configuration) must be a JSON string or table.", 2) end for k, v in pairs(config) do if ConfigurationProperties[k] == nil then error(("Invalid property name in Radial Image configuration: %s"):format(k), 2) end if type(v) ~= ConfigurationProperties[k] then error(("Invalid property type %q in Radial Image configuration: must be a %s."):format(k, ConfigurationProperties[k]), 2) end end if config.version ~= RadialImage._version then error(("Passed configuration version does not match this module's version (which is %d)"):format(RadialImage._version), 2) end local self = { config = config; label = label } setmetatable(self, RadialImage) return self end function RadialImage:Preload() if self.label == nil then error("You must provide a label to RadialImage.new to use Preload", 2) end self.labels = {} for _, image in ipairs(self.config.images) do local label = self.label:Clone() label.Image = image label.Visible = true label.Size = UDim2.new(0, 0, 0, 0) label.Parent = self.label.Parent table.insert(self.labels, label) end ContentProvider:PreloadAsync(self.labels) for _, label in ipairs(self.labels) do label.Visible = false end end function RadialImage:Destroy() for _, label in ipairs(self.labels) do label:Destroy() end self.labels = nil end function RadialImage:GetFromAlpha(alpha) if type(alpha) ~= "number" then error("Argument #1 (alpha) to GetFromAlpha must be a number.", 2) end local count, size, columns, rows = self.config.count, self.config.size, self.config.columns, self.config.rows local index = alpha >= 1 and count - 1 or math.floor(alpha * count) local page = math.floor(index / (columns * rows)) + 1 local pageIndex = index - (columns * rows * (page - 1)) local x = (pageIndex % columns) * size local y = math.floor(pageIndex / columns) * size return x, y, page end function RadialImage:UpdateLabel(alpha, label) label = label or self.label if type(alpha) ~= "number" then error("Argument #1 (alpha) to UpdateLabel must be a number.", 2) end if typeof(label) ~= "Instance" or not (label:IsA("ImageLabel") or label:IsA("ImageButton")) then error("Attempt to update label but no label has been given. Either pass the label as argument #2 to \"new\", or as argument #2 to \"UpdateLabel\".", 2) end local x, y, page = self:GetFromAlpha(alpha) label.ImageRectSize = Vector2.new(self.config.size, self.config.size) label.ImageRectOffset = Vector2.new(x, y) label.Image = alpha <= 0 and "" or self.config.images[page] end return RadialImage
local module = {} local Players = game:GetService("Players") local h = {...} local PhysicsService = game:GetService("PhysicsService") local ragParts = h[1] function module:Setup(char: Model) assert( Players:GetPlayerFromCharacter(char) == nil, "Setting up ragdoll on player characters is already done automatically" ) local humanoid = char:FindFirstChild("Humanoid") assert(humanoid, "Can only set-up ragdoll on R6 humanoid rigs") assert(humanoid.RigType == Enum.HumanoidRigType.R6, "Can only set-up ragdoll on R6 humanoid rigs") assert(humanoid.RootPart ~= nil, "No RootPart was found in the provided rig") assert(char:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart"), "No HumanoidRootPart was found in the provided rig") for _, v: BasePart in ipairs(char:GetDescendants()) do if v:IsA("BasePart") then v:SetNetworkOwner(nil) end end -- Setup ragdoll char.Head.Size = Vector3.new(1, 1, 1) humanoid.BreakJointsOnDeath = false humanoid.RequiresNeck = false local clones = {} for _, v in ipairs(ragParts) do clones[v.Name] = v:Clone() end local folder1 = Instance.new("Folder") folder1.Name = "RagdollConstraints" for _, v in pairs(clones) do if v:IsA("Attachment") then v.Parent = char[v:GetAttribute("Parent")] elseif v:IsA("BallSocketConstraint") then v.Attachment0 = clones[v:GetAttribute("0")] v.Attachment1 = clones[v:GetAttribute("1")] v.Parent = folder1 end end folder1.Parent = char local folder2 = Instance.new("Folder") folder2.Name = "Motors" local value for _, v in ipairs(char.Torso:GetChildren()) do if v:IsA("Motor6D") then value = Instance.new("ObjectValue") value.Value = v value.Parent = folder2 end end folder2.Parent = folder1 -- Ragdoll trigger local trigger = Instance.new("BoolValue") trigger.Name = "RagdollTrigger" trigger.Parent = char trigger.Changed:Connect(function(bool) if bool then module:Ragdoll(char) else module:Unragdoll(char) end end) end function module:Ragdoll(char: Model) char.Humanoid:ChangeState(Enum.HumanoidStateType.Physics) char.Humanoid.AutoRotate = false for _, v in ipairs(char.RagdollConstraints.Motors:GetChildren()) do v.Value.Enabled = false end for _, v in ipairs(char:GetChildren()) do if v:IsA("BasePart") then PhysicsService:SetPartCollisionGroup(v, "Ragdoll") end end char.HumanoidRootPart:ApplyAngularImpulse(Vector3.new(-90, 0, 0)) end function module:Unragdoll(char: Model) char.Humanoid:ChangeState(Enum.HumanoidStateType.GettingUp) for _, v in ipairs(char.RagdollConstraints.Motors:GetChildren()) do v.Value.Enabled = true end for _, v in ipairs(char:GetChildren()) do if v:IsA("BasePart") then PhysicsService:SetPartCollisionGroup(v, "Default") end end char.Humanoid.AutoRotate = true end return module
-- Converted using Mokiros's Model to Script Version 3 -- Converted string size: 1392 characters local function Decode(str) local StringLength = #str -- Base64 decoding do local decoder = {} for b64code, char in pairs(('ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/='):split('')) do decoder[char:byte()] = b64code-1 end local n = StringLength local t,k = table.create(math.floor(n/4)+1),1 local padding = str:sub(-2) == '==' and 2 or str:sub(-1) == '=' and 1 or 0 for i = 1, padding > 0 and n-4 or n, 4 do local a, b, c, d = str:byte(i,i+3) local v = decoder[a]*0x40000 + decoder[b]*0x1000 + decoder[c]*0x40 + decoder[d] t[k] = string.char(bit32.extract(v,16,8),bit32.extract(v,8,8),bit32.extract(v,0,8)) k = k + 1 end if padding == 1 then local a, b, c = str:byte(n-3,n-1) local v = decoder[a]*0x40000 + decoder[b]*0x1000 + decoder[c]*0x40 t[k] = string.char(bit32.extract(v,16,8),bit32.extract(v,8,8)) elseif padding == 2 then local a, b = str:byte(n-3,n-2) local v = decoder[a]*0x40000 + decoder[b]*0x1000 t[k] = string.char(bit32.extract(v,16,8)) end str = table.concat(t) end local Position = 1 local function Parse(fmt) local Values = {string.unpack(fmt,str,Position)} Position = table.remove(Values) return table.unpack(Values) end local Settings = Parse('B') local Flags = Parse('B') Flags = { --[[ValueIndexByteLength]] bit32.extract(Flags,6,2)+1, --[[InstanceIndexByteLength]] bit32.extract(Flags,4,2)+1, --[[ConnectionsIndexByteLength]] bit32.extract(Flags,2,2)+1, --[[MaxPropertiesLengthByteLength]] bit32.extract(Flags,0,2)+1, --[[Use Double instead of Float]] bit32.band(Settings,0b1) > 0 } local ValueFMT = ('I'..Flags[1]) local InstanceFMT = ('I'..Flags[2]) local ConnectionFMT = ('I'..Flags[3]) local PropertyLengthFMT = ('I'..Flags[4]) local ValuesLength = Parse(ValueFMT) local Values = table.create(ValuesLength) local CFrameIndexes = {} local ValueDecoders = { --!!Start [1] = function(Modifier) return Parse('s'..Modifier) end, --!!Split [2] = function(Modifier) return Modifier ~= 0 end, --!!Split [3] = function() return Parse('d') end, --!!Split [4] = function(_,Index) table.insert(CFrameIndexes,{Index,Parse(('I'..Flags[1]):rep(3))}) end, --!!Split [5] = {CFrame.new,Flags[5] and 'dddddddddddd' or 'ffffffffffff'}, --!!Split [6] = {Color3.fromRGB,'BBB'}, --!!Split [7] = {BrickColor.new,'I2'}, --!!Split [8] = function(Modifier) local len = Parse('I'..Modifier) local kpts = table.create(len) for i = 1,len do kpts[i] = ColorSequenceKeypoint.new(Parse('f'),Color3.fromRGB(Parse('BBB'))) end return ColorSequence.new(kpts) end, --!!Split [9] = function(Modifier) local len = Parse('I'..Modifier) local kpts = table.create(len) for i = 1,len do kpts[i] = NumberSequenceKeypoint.new(Parse(Flags[5] and 'ddd' or 'fff')) end return NumberSequence.new(kpts) end, --!!Split [10] = {Vector3.new,Flags[5] and 'ddd' or 'fff'}, --!!Split [11] = {Vector2.new,Flags[5] and 'dd' or 'ff'}, --!!Split [12] = {UDim2.new,Flags[5] and 'di2di2' or 'fi2fi2'}, --!!Split [13] = {Rect.new,Flags[5] and 'dddd' or 'ffff'}, --!!Split [14] = function() local flags = Parse('B') local ids = {"Top","Bottom","Left","Right","Front","Back"} local t = {} for i = 0,5 do if bit32.extract(flags,i,1)==1 then table.insert(t,Enum.NormalId[ids[i+1]]) end end return Axes.new(unpack(t)) end, --!!Split [15] = function() local flags = Parse('B') local ids = {"Top","Bottom","Left","Right","Front","Back"} local t = {} for i = 0,5 do if bit32.extract(flags,i,1)==1 then table.insert(t,Enum.NormalId[ids[i+1]]) end end return Faces.new(unpack(t)) end, --!!Split [16] = {PhysicalProperties.new,Flags[5] and 'ddddd' or 'fffff'}, --!!Split [17] = {NumberRange.new,Flags[5] and 'dd' or 'ff'}, --!!Split [18] = {UDim.new,Flags[5] and 'di2' or 'fi2'}, --!!Split [19] = function() return Ray.new(Vector3.new(Parse(Flags[5] and 'ddd' or 'fff')),Vector3.new(Parse(Flags[5] and 'ddd' or 'fff'))) end --!!End } for i = 1,ValuesLength do local TypeAndModifier = Parse('B') local Type = bit32.band(TypeAndModifier,0b11111) local Modifier = (TypeAndModifier - Type) / 0b100000 local Decoder = ValueDecoders[Type] if type(Decoder)=='function' then Values[i] = Decoder(Modifier,i) else Values[i] = Decoder[1](Parse(Decoder[2])) end end for i,t in pairs(CFrameIndexes) do Values[t[1]] = CFrame.fromMatrix(Values[t[2]],Values[t[3]],Values[t[4]]) end local InstancesLength = Parse(InstanceFMT) local Instances = {} local NoParent = {} for i = 1,InstancesLength do local ClassName = Values[Parse(ValueFMT)] local obj local MeshPartMesh,MeshPartScale if ClassName == "UnionOperation" then obj = DecodeUnion(Values,Flags,Parse) obj.UsePartColor = true elseif ClassName:find("Script") then obj = Instance.new("Folder") Script(obj,ClassName=='ModuleScript') elseif ClassName == "MeshPart" then obj = Instance.new("Part") MeshPartMesh = Instance.new("SpecialMesh") MeshPartMesh.MeshType = Enum.MeshType.FileMesh MeshPartMesh.Parent = obj else obj = Instance.new(ClassName) end local Parent = Instances[Parse(InstanceFMT)] local PropertiesLength = Parse(PropertyLengthFMT) local AttributesLength = Parse(PropertyLengthFMT) Instances[i] = obj for i = 1,PropertiesLength do local Prop,Value = Values[Parse(ValueFMT)],Values[Parse(ValueFMT)] -- ok this looks awful if MeshPartMesh then if Prop == "MeshId" then MeshPartMesh.MeshId = Value continue elseif Prop == "TextureID" then MeshPartMesh.TextureId = Value continue elseif Prop == "Size" then if not MeshPartScale then MeshPartScale = Value else MeshPartMesh.Scale = Value / MeshPartScale end elseif Prop == "MeshSize" then if not MeshPartScale then MeshPartScale = Value MeshPartMesh.Scale = obj.Size / Value else MeshPartMesh.Scale = MeshPartScale / Value end continue end end print(Prop, Value) obj[Prop] = Value end if MeshPartMesh then if MeshPartMesh.MeshId=='' then if MeshPartMesh.TextureId=='' then MeshPartMesh.TextureId = 'rbxasset://textures/meshPartFallback.png' end MeshPartMesh.Scale = obj.Size end end for i = 1,AttributesLength do obj:SetAttribute(Values[Parse(ValueFMT)],Values[Parse(ValueFMT)]) end if not Parent then table.insert(NoParent,obj) else obj.Parent = Parent end end local ConnectionsLength = Parse(ConnectionFMT) for i = 1,ConnectionsLength do local a,b,c = Parse(InstanceFMT),Parse(ValueFMT),Parse(InstanceFMT) Instances[a][Values[b]] = Instances[c] end return NoParent end local Objects = Decode('AABUIQRQYXJ0IQROYW1lIQxSYWdkb2xsUGFydHMhCEFuY2hvcmVkIiENQm90dG9tU3VyZmFjZQMAAAAAAAAAACEGQ0ZyYW1lBBBPMyEKQ2FuQ29sbGlkZQIhCENhblRvdWNoIQpDYXN0U2hhZG93IQZMb2NrZWQhCFBvc2l0aW9uCh0pCkMAAAAAjHEEwSEEU2l6ZQoA' ..'AIBAAACAPwAAAEAhClRvcFN1cmZhY2UhCkF0dGFjaG1lbnQhA0xBMAQZUDMhC09yaWVudGF0aW9uCgAAAIAAADRDAAAAAAoAAIC/AACAPwAAAAAhBlBhcmVudCEFVG9yc28hFEJhbGxTb2NrZXRDb25zdHJhaW50IQNMQVMhDUxpbWl0c0VuYWJsZWQhEU1heEZyaWN0' ..'aW9uVG9ycXVlAwAAAAAAAElAIRJUd2lzdExpbWl0c0VuYWJsZWQhD1R3aXN0TG93ZXJBbmdsZQMAAAAAAIBWwCEPVHdpc3RVcHBlckFuZ2xlAwAAAAAAgFZAIQpVcHBlckFuZ2xlIQExIQNMQTEhATAhA0xMMAQtUVIKAAAAgAAAtEIAALTCCgAAAL8AAIC/AAAAACED' ..'TExTIQNMTDEhAk4wBDMzUgoAAACAAAC0wgAAtEIKAAAAAAAAgD8AAAAAIQJOUwMAAAAAAABOQCECTjEhA1JBMAQ5TzMKAACAPwAAgD8AAAAAIQNSQVMhA1JBMSEDUkwwBD5RUgoAAAA/AACAvwAAAAAhA1JMUyEDUkwxBDNTVCEJUmlnaHQgTGVnBEVRTwoAAACAAAAA' ..'gAAAtMIKAAAAvwAAgD8AAAAAIQlSaWdodCBBcm0hCExlZnQgTGVnBEpRUAoAAAAAAAA0wwAAtMIKAAAAPwAAgD8AAAAAIQhMZWZ0IEFybQRNM1IKAAAAAAAAAL8AAAAAIQRIZWFkCgAAgD8AAAAAAAAAAAoAAIC/AAAAAAAAAAAKAAAAAAAAgL8AAAAACgAAAAAAAAAA' ..'AACAvwrtrQknAACAvy69OzMKLr07sy69O7MAAIC/EAEACwACAwQFBgcICQoLDAsNCw4FDxAREhMHFAEEAQIVCBYXGA8ZGhscAQcCAh0eBR8gIQUiIyQlJiUnKCkVFAEEAQIqCCsXLA8tGhscAQUCAi4eBR8gIQUmJScvKSoUAQQBAjAIMRcyDzMaGxwBBQICNB4FHyAh' ..'BSY1JzYpMBQBAwECNwg4DzkaGxwBBwICOh4FHyAhBSIjJCUmJSc7KTcUAQQBAjwIPRcsDz4aGxwBBQICPx4FHyAhBSYlJ0ApPBQBBAECQAhBFywPMxpCFAEEAQI7CEMXRA9FGkYUAQQBAi8IQRcsDzMaRxQBBAECKAhIF0kPShpLFAEEAQI2CEwXMg9NGk4A') return Objects[1]
Editor Settings
Key bindings
Full width