Longest Word

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//function with regex function LongestWord(sen) { var longestWord = ""; //separate sentence with spaces //remove the punctuation with regex var arr = sen.replace(/[^\w\s\']|_/g, "").replace(/\s+/g, " ").split(" "); var totalItems = arr.length; //loop over the array for(var i = 0; i < totalItems; i++){ //check if item's length is more than current longest word if(arr[i].length > longestWord.length){ //if it is then set new longest word longestWord = arr[i]; } } // code goes here return longestWord; } //function without regex function LongestWord2(sen) { var longestWord = ""; //total length of sentence var totalLength = sen.length; var temp = "" for(var i= 0; i < totalLength; i++){ //console.log("char",`${sen[i]} - ${sen[i].charCodeAt()}`); //check if character is space or not if(sen[i] !== " "){ if((sen[i].charCodeAt() > 64 && sen[i].charCodeAt() < 91) || (sen[i].charCodeAt() > 96 && sen[i].charCodeAt() < 123)){ temp += sen[i]; } else { continue; } } else { //console.log("temp:", temp); if(temp.length > longestWord.length){ longestWord = temp; } temp = ""; } if(i == totalLength - 1 && temp.length > longestWord.length){ longestWord = temp; } } // code goes here return longestWord; } // keep this function call here console.log(LongestWord2("fun&!! time"));
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