text2func | board code with function task

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<?php function text2func($text) { // board code with function task preg_match_all('/\[(.*)](.*)\[\/(.*)]/', $text, $outputs, PREG_SET_ORDER); foreach ($outputs as $out) { $values = explode(',', $out[2]); $text = str_replace('['. $out[1] .']'. $out[2] .'[/'. $out[3] .']', call_user_func_array($out[1],$values), $text); } return nl2br($text); } // Using function exampleFunction ($value) { return "real"; } function exampleFunction2 ($url, $alt, $width) { return "<img src='". $url ."' alt='$alt' width='$width'>"; } $text = "Lorem Ipsum is simply [exampleFunction]dummy[/exampleFunction] text of the printing and typesetting industry. [exampleFunction2]/exampleImageURL.jpg,explanation text,200[/exampleFunction2]"; echo text2func($text);
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