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--[[ // FileName: BubbleChat.lua // Written by: jeditkacheff+X32Gex5 // Description: Code for rendering old bubble chat ]] --[[ SERVICES ]] local RunService = game:GetService('RunService') local PlayersService = game:GetService('Players') local ChatService = game:GetService("Chat") local TextService = game:GetService("TextService") --[[ END OF SERVICES ]] --[[ SCRIPT VARIABLES ]] local CHAT_BUBBLE_FONT = Enum.Font.SourceSans local CHAT_BUBBLE_FONT_SIZE = Enum.FontSize.Size24 -- if you change CHAT_BUBBLE_FONT_SIZE_INT please change this to match local CHAT_BUBBLE_FONT_SIZE_INT = 24 -- if you change CHAT_BUBBLE_FONT_SIZE please change this to match local CHAT_BUBBLE_LINE_HEIGHT = CHAT_BUBBLE_FONT_SIZE_INT + 12 local CHAT_BUBBLE_TAIL_HEIGHT = 14 local CHAT_BUBBLE_WIDTH_PADDING = 30 local CHAT_BUBBLE_FADE_SPEED = 1.5 local BILLBOARD_MAX_WIDTH = 400 local BILLBOARD_MAX_HEIGHT = 500 local ELIPSES = "..." local CchMaxChatMessageLength = 128 -- max chat message length, including null terminator and elipses. local CchMaxChatMessageLengthExclusive = CchMaxChatMessageLength - string.len(ELIPSES) - 1 --[[ END OF SCRIPT VARIABLES ]] -- [[ SCRIPT ENUMS ]] local ChatType = { PLAYER_CHAT = "pChat", PLAYER_TEAM_CHAT = "pChatTeam", PLAYER_WHISPER_CHAT = "pChatWhisper", GAME_MESSAGE= "gMessage", PLAYER_GAME_CHAT = "pGame", BOT_CHAT = "bChat" } local BubbleColor = { WHITE = "dub", BLUE = "blu", GREEN = "gre", RED = "red" } --[[ END OF SCRIPT ENUMS ]] local function lerpLength(msg, min, max) return min + (max-min) * math.min(string.len(msg)/75.0, 1.0) end local function createFifo() local this = {} this.data = {} local emptyEvent = Instance.new("BindableEvent") this.Emptied = emptyEvent.Event function this:Size() return #this.data end function this:Empty() return this:Size() <= 0 end function this:PopFront() table.remove(this.data, 1) if this:Empty() then emptyEvent:Fire() end end function this:Front() return this.data[1] end function this:Get(index) return this.data[index] end function this:PushBack(value) table.insert(this.data, value) end function this:GetData() return this.data end return this end local function createCharacterChats() local this = {} this.Fifo = createFifo() this.BillboardGui = nil return this end local function createMap() local this = {} this.data = {} local count = 0 function this:Size() return count end function this:Erase(key) if this.data[key] then count = count - 1 end this.data[key] = nil end function this:Set(key, value) this.data[key] = value if value then count = count + 1 end end function this:Get(key) if not this.data[key] then this.data[key] = createCharacterChats() local emptiedCon = nil emptiedCon = this.data[key].Fifo.Emptied:connect(function() emptiedCon:disconnect() this:Erase(key) end) end return this.data[key] end function this:GetData() return this.data end return this end local function createChatLine(chatType, message, bubbleColor, isLocalPlayer) local this = {} function this:ComputeBubbleLifetime(msg, isSelf) if isSelf then return lerpLength(msg,8,15) else return lerpLength(msg,12,20) end end function this:IsPlayerChat() if not this.ChatType then return false end if this.ChatType == ChatType.PLAYER_CHAT or this.ChatType == ChatType.PLAYER_WHISPER_CHAT or this.ChatType == ChatType.PLAYER_TEAM_CHAT then return true end return false end this.ChatType = chatType this.Origin = nil this.RenderBubble = nil this.Message = message this.BubbleDieDelay = this:ComputeBubbleLifetime(message, isLocalPlayer) this.BubbleColor = bubbleColor this.IsLocalPlayer = isLocalPlayer return this end local function createPlayerChatLine(chatType, player, message, isLocalPlayer) local this = createChatLine(chatType, message, BubbleColor.WHITE, isLocalPlayer) if player then this.User = player.Name this.Origin = player.Character end this.HistoryDieDelay = 60 return this end local function createGameChatLine(origin, message, isLocalPlayer, bubbleColor) local this = createChatLine(origin and ChatType.PLAYER_GAME_CHAT or ChatType.BOT_CHAT, message, bubbleColor, isLocalPlayer) this.Origin = origin return this end function createChatBubbleMain(filePrefix, sliceRect) local chatBubbleMain = Instance.new("ImageLabel") chatBubbleMain.Name = "ChatBubble" chatBubbleMain.ScaleType = Enum.ScaleType.Slice chatBubbleMain.SliceCenter = sliceRect chatBubbleMain.Image = "rbxasset://textures/" .. tostring(filePrefix) .. ".png" chatBubbleMain.BackgroundTransparency = 1 chatBubbleMain.BorderSizePixel = 0 chatBubbleMain.Size = UDim2.new(1.0, 0, 1.0, 0) chatBubbleMain.Position = UDim2.new(0,0,0,0) return chatBubbleMain end function createChatBubbleTail(position, size) local chatBubbleTail = Instance.new("ImageLabel") chatBubbleTail.Name = "ChatBubbleTail" chatBubbleTail.Image = "rbxasset://textures/ui/dialog_tail.png" chatBubbleTail.BackgroundTransparency = 1 chatBubbleTail.BorderSizePixel = 0 chatBubbleTail.Position = position chatBubbleTail.Size = size return chatBubbleTail end function createChatBubbleWithTail(filePrefix, position, size, sliceRect) local chatBubbleMain = createChatBubbleMain(filePrefix, sliceRect) local chatBubbleTail = createChatBubbleTail(position, size) chatBubbleTail.Parent = chatBubbleMain return chatBubbleMain end function createScaledChatBubbleWithTail(filePrefix, frameScaleSize, position, sliceRect) local chatBubbleMain = createChatBubbleMain(filePrefix, sliceRect) local frame = Instance.new("Frame") frame.Name = "ChatBubbleTailFrame" frame.BackgroundTransparency = 1 frame.SizeConstraint = Enum.SizeConstraint.RelativeXX frame.Position = UDim2.new(0.5, 0, 1, 0) frame.Size = UDim2.new(frameScaleSize, 0, frameScaleSize, 0) frame.Parent = chatBubbleMain local chatBubbleTail = createChatBubbleTail(position, UDim2.new(1,0,0.5,0)) chatBubbleTail.Parent = frame return chatBubbleMain end function createChatImposter(filePrefix, dotDotDot, yOffset) local result = Instance.new("ImageLabel") result.Name = "DialogPlaceholder" result.Image = "rbxasset://textures/" .. tostring(filePrefix) .. ".png" result.BackgroundTransparency = 1 result.BorderSizePixel = 0 result.Position = UDim2.new(0, 0, -1.25, 0) result.Size = UDim2.new(1, 0, 1, 0) local image = Instance.new("ImageLabel") image.Name = "DotDotDot" image.Image = "rbxasset://textures/" .. tostring(dotDotDot) .. ".png" image.BackgroundTransparency = 1 image.BorderSizePixel = 0 image.Position = UDim2.new(0.001, 0, yOffset, 0) image.Size = UDim2.new(1, 0, 0.7, 0) image.Parent = result return result end local function createChatOutput(SetPlayerHook) local MaxChatBubblesPerPlayer = 10 local MaxChatLinesPerBubble = 5 local this = {} this.ChatBubble = {} this.ChatBubbleWithTail = {} this.ScalingChatBubbleWithTail = {} this.CharacterSortedMsg = createMap() -- init chat bubble tables local function initChatBubbleType(chatBubbleType, fileName, imposterFileName, isInset, sliceRect) this.ChatBubble[chatBubbleType] = createChatBubbleMain(fileName, sliceRect) this.ChatBubbleWithTail[chatBubbleType] = createChatBubbleWithTail(fileName, UDim2.new(0.5, -CHAT_BUBBLE_TAIL_HEIGHT, 1, isInset and -1 or 0), UDim2.new(0, 30, 0, CHAT_BUBBLE_TAIL_HEIGHT), sliceRect) this.ScalingChatBubbleWithTail[chatBubbleType] = createScaledChatBubbleWithTail(fileName, 0.5, UDim2.new(-0.5, 0, 0, isInset and -1 or 0), sliceRect) end initChatBubbleType(BubbleColor.WHITE, "ui/dialog_white", "ui/chatBubble_white_notify_bkg", false, Rect.new(5,5,15,15)) initChatBubbleType(BubbleColor.BLUE, "ui/dialog_blue", "ui/chatBubble_blue_notify_bkg", true, Rect.new(7,7,33,33)) initChatBubbleType(BubbleColor.RED, "ui/dialog_red", "ui/chatBubble_red_notify_bkg", true, Rect.new(7,7,33,33)) initChatBubbleType(BubbleColor.GREEN, "ui/dialog_green", "ui/chatBubble_green_notify_bkg", true, Rect.new(7,7,33,33)) function this:SanitizeChatLine(msg) if string.len(msg) > CchMaxChatMessageLengthExclusive then return string.sub(msg, 1, CchMaxChatMessageLengthExclusive + string.len(ELIPSES)) else return msg end end local function createBillboardInstance(adornee) local billboardGui = Instance.new("BillboardGui") billboardGui.Adornee = adornee billboardGui.Size = UDim2.new(0,BILLBOARD_MAX_WIDTH,0,BILLBOARD_MAX_HEIGHT) billboardGui.StudsOffset = Vector3.new(0, 1.5, 2) billboardGui.MaxDistance = 45 billboardGui.Parent = adornee local billboardFrame = Instance.new("Frame") billboardFrame.Name = "BillboardFrame" billboardFrame.Size = UDim2.new(1,0,1,0) billboardFrame.Position = UDim2.new(0,0,-0.5,0) billboardFrame.BackgroundTransparency = 1 billboardFrame.Parent = billboardGui local billboardChildRemovedCon = nil billboardChildRemovedCon = billboardFrame.ChildRemoved:connect(function() if #billboardFrame:GetChildren() <= 1 then billboardChildRemovedCon:disconnect() billboardGui:Destroy() end end) this:CreateSmallTalkBubble(BubbleColor.WHITE).Parent = billboardFrame return billboardGui end function this:CreateBillboardGuiHelper(instance, onlyCharacter) if not this.CharacterSortedMsg:Get(instance)["BillboardGui"] then if not onlyCharacter then if instance:IsA("Part") then -- Create a new billboardGui object attached to this player local billboardGui = createBillboardInstance(instance) this.CharacterSortedMsg:Get(instance)["BillboardGui"] = billboardGui return end end if instance:IsA("Model") then local head = instance:FindFirstChild("Head") if head and head:IsA("Part") then -- Create a new billboardGui object attached to this player local billboardGui = createBillboardInstance(head) this.CharacterSortedMsg:Get(instance)["BillboardGui"] = billboardGui end end end end local function isPartOfLocalPlayer(adornee) if adornee and owner.Character then return adornee:IsDescendantOf(owner.Character) end end function this:SetBillboardLODNear(billboardGui) local isLocalPlayer = isPartOfLocalPlayer(billboardGui.Adornee) billboardGui.Size = UDim2.new(0, BILLBOARD_MAX_WIDTH, 0, BILLBOARD_MAX_HEIGHT) billboardGui.StudsOffset = Vector3.new(0, isLocalPlayer and 1.5 or 2.5, isLocalPlayer and 2 or 0) billboardGui.Enabled = true local billChildren = billboardGui.BillboardFrame:GetChildren() for i = 1, #billChildren do billChildren[i].Visible = true end billboardGui.BillboardFrame.SmallTalkBubble.Visible = false end function this:SetBillboardLODDistant(billboardGui) local isLocalPlayer = isPartOfLocalPlayer(billboardGui.Adornee) billboardGui.Size = UDim2.new(4,0,3,0) billboardGui.StudsOffset = Vector3.new(0, 3, isLocalPlayer and 2 or 0) billboardGui.Enabled = true local billChildren = billboardGui.BillboardFrame:GetChildren() for i = 1, #billChildren do billChildren[i].Visible = false end billboardGui.BillboardFrame.SmallTalkBubble.Visible = true end function this:SetBillboardLODVeryFar(billboardGui) billboardGui.Enabled = false end function this:SetBillboardGuiLOD(billboardGui, origin) this:SetBillboardLODNear(billboardGui) end function this:CameraCFrameChanged() for index, value in pairs(this.CharacterSortedMsg:GetData()) do local playerBillboardGui = value["BillboardGui"] if playerBillboardGui then this:SetBillboardGuiLOD(playerBillboardGui, index) end end end function this:CreateBubbleText(message) local bubbleText = Instance.new("TextLabel") bubbleText.Name = "BubbleText" bubbleText.BackgroundTransparency = 1 bubbleText.Position = UDim2.new(0,CHAT_BUBBLE_WIDTH_PADDING/2,0,0) bubbleText.Size = UDim2.new(1,-CHAT_BUBBLE_WIDTH_PADDING,1,0) bubbleText.Font = CHAT_BUBBLE_FONT bubbleText.TextWrapped = true bubbleText.FontSize = CHAT_BUBBLE_FONT_SIZE bubbleText.Text = message bubbleText.Visible = false return bubbleText end function this:CreateSmallTalkBubble(chatBubbleType) local smallTalkBubble = this.ScalingChatBubbleWithTail[chatBubbleType]:Clone() smallTalkBubble.Name = "SmallTalkBubble" smallTalkBubble.Position = UDim2.new(0,0,1,-40) smallTalkBubble.Visible = false local text = this:CreateBubbleText("...") text.TextScaled = true text.TextWrapped = false text.Visible = true text.Parent = smallTalkBubble return smallTalkBubble end function this:UpdateChatLinesForOrigin(origin, currentBubbleYPos) local bubbleQueue = this.CharacterSortedMsg:Get(origin).Fifo local bubbleQueueSize = bubbleQueue:Size() local bubbleQueueData = bubbleQueue:GetData() if #bubbleQueueData <= 1 then return end for index = (#bubbleQueueData - 1), 1, -1 do local value = bubbleQueueData[index] local bubble = value.RenderBubble if not bubble then return end local bubblePos = bubbleQueueSize - index + 1 if bubblePos > 1 then local tail = bubble:FindFirstChild("ChatBubbleTail") if tail then tail:Destroy() end local bubbleText = bubble:FindFirstChild("BubbleText") if bubbleText then bubbleText.TextTransparency = 0.5 end end local udimValue = UDim2.new( bubble.Position.X.Scale, bubble.Position.X.Offset, 1, currentBubbleYPos - bubble.Size.Y.Offset - CHAT_BUBBLE_TAIL_HEIGHT ) bubble:TweenPosition(udimValue, Enum.EasingDirection.Out, Enum.EasingStyle.Bounce, 0.1, true) currentBubbleYPos = currentBubbleYPos - bubble.Size.Y.Offset - CHAT_BUBBLE_TAIL_HEIGHT end end function this:DestroyBubble(bubbleQueue, bubbleToDestroy) if not bubbleQueue then return end if bubbleQueue:Empty() then return end local bubble = bubbleQueue:Front().RenderBubble if not bubble then bubbleQueue:PopFront() return end spawn(function() while bubbleQueue:Front().RenderBubble ~= bubbleToDestroy do wait() end bubble = bubbleQueue:Front().RenderBubble local timeBetween = 0 local bubbleText = bubble:FindFirstChild("BubbleText") local bubbleTail = bubble:FindFirstChild("ChatBubbleTail") while bubble and bubble.ImageTransparency < 1 do timeBetween = wait() if bubble then local fadeAmount = timeBetween * CHAT_BUBBLE_FADE_SPEED bubble.ImageTransparency = bubble.ImageTransparency + fadeAmount if bubbleText then bubbleText.TextTransparency = bubbleText.TextTransparency + fadeAmount end if bubbleTail then bubbleTail.ImageTransparency = bubbleTail.ImageTransparency + fadeAmount end end end if bubble then bubble:Destroy() bubbleQueue:PopFront() end end) end function this:CreateChatLineRender(instance, line, onlyCharacter, fifo) if not this.CharacterSortedMsg:Get(instance)["BillboardGui"] then this:CreateBillboardGuiHelper(instance, onlyCharacter) end local billboardGui = this.CharacterSortedMsg:Get(instance)["BillboardGui"] local chatBubbleRender = this.ChatBubbleWithTail[line.BubbleColor]:Clone() chatBubbleRender.Visible = false local bubbleText = this:CreateBubbleText(line.Message) bubbleText.Parent = chatBubbleRender chatBubbleRender.Parent = billboardGui.BillboardFrame line.RenderBubble = chatBubbleRender local currentTextBounds = TextService:GetTextSize(bubbleText.Text, CHAT_BUBBLE_FONT_SIZE_INT, CHAT_BUBBLE_FONT, Vector2.new(BILLBOARD_MAX_WIDTH, BILLBOARD_MAX_HEIGHT)) local bubbleWidthScale = math.max((currentTextBounds.x + CHAT_BUBBLE_WIDTH_PADDING)/BILLBOARD_MAX_WIDTH, 0.1) local numOflines = (currentTextBounds.y/CHAT_BUBBLE_FONT_SIZE_INT) -- prep chat bubble for tween chatBubbleRender.Size = UDim2.new(0,0,0,0) chatBubbleRender.Position = UDim2.new(0.5,0,1,0) local newChatBubbleOffsetSizeY = numOflines * CHAT_BUBBLE_LINE_HEIGHT chatBubbleRender:TweenSizeAndPosition(UDim2.new(bubbleWidthScale, 0, 0, newChatBubbleOffsetSizeY), UDim2.new( (1-bubbleWidthScale)/2, 0, 1, -newChatBubbleOffsetSizeY), Enum.EasingDirection.Out, Enum.EasingStyle.Elastic, 0.1, true, function() bubbleText.Visible = true end) -- todo: remove when over max bubbles this:SetBillboardGuiLOD(billboardGui, line.Origin) this:UpdateChatLinesForOrigin(line.Origin, -newChatBubbleOffsetSizeY) delay(line.BubbleDieDelay, function() this:DestroyBubble(fifo, chatBubbleRender) end) end function this:OnPlayerChatMessage(chatType, sourcePlayer, message, targetPlayer) if not this:BubbleChatEnabled() then return end -- eliminate display of emotes if string.find(message, "/e ") == 1 or string.find(message, "/emote ") == 1 then return end local localPlayer = PlayersService.LocalPlayer local fromOthers = localPlayer ~= nil and sourcePlayer ~= localPlayer local luaChatType = ChatType.PLAYER_CHAT if chatType == Enum.PlayerChatType.Team then luaChatType = ChatType.PLAYER_TEAM_CHAT elseif chatType == Enum.PlayerChatType.All then luaChatType = ChatType.PLAYER_GAME_CHAT elseif chatType == Enum.PlayerChatType.Whisper then luaChatType = ChatType.PLAYER_WHISPER_CHAT end local safeMessage = this:SanitizeChatLine(message) local line = createPlayerChatLine(chatType, sourcePlayer, safeMessage, not fromOthers) local fifo = this.CharacterSortedMsg:Get(line.Origin).Fifo fifo:PushBack(line) if sourcePlayer then --Game chat (badges) won't show up here this:CreateChatLineRender(sourcePlayer.Character, line, true, fifo) end end function this:OnGameChatMessage(origin, message, color) if not this:BubbleChatEnabled() then return end local localPlayer = owner local fromOthers = localPlayer ~= nil and (localPlayer.Character ~= origin) local bubbleColor = BubbleColor.WHITE if color == Enum.ChatColor.Blue then bubbleColor = BubbleColor.BLUE elseif color == Enum.ChatColor.Green then bubbleColor = BubbleColor.GREEN elseif color == Enum.ChatColor.Red then bubbleColor = BubbleColor.RED end local safeMessage = this:SanitizeChatLine(message) local line = createGameChatLine(origin, safeMessage, not fromOthers, bubbleColor) this.CharacterSortedMsg:Get(line.Origin).Fifo:PushBack(line) this:CreateChatLineRender(origin, line, false, this.CharacterSortedMsg:Get(line.Origin).Fifo) end function this:BubbleChatEnabled() return true -- vsb!!! end -- setup to datamodel connections if SetPlayerHook == true then for i,v in pairs(PlayersService:GetPlayers()) do v.Chatted:Connect(function(msg) this:OnPlayerChatMessage(Enum.PlayerChatType.All, v, msg, nil) -- idk why targetPlayer isnt used but ok end) end end ChatService.Chatted:connect(function(origin, message, color) this:OnGameChatMessage(origin, message, color) end) return function(message, object, color) if not color then color = Enum.ChatColor.White end this:OnGameChatMessage(object, message, color) end end return createChatOutput
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