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local ver = 3 -- scandalous#6503 -- the phantom fucker 6000! -- fucking up phantom forces since 2022 -- this util was made for pf exploits -- ill try my best to update it if (not getgc) or (not setreadonly) or (not islclosure) or (not getgenv) or (not debug) --if you dont have debug your running jjsploit for sure or (not debug.getupvalue) then -- most cursed fucking if statement ever for i = 1, 50 do local msg = Instance.new("Message", workspace) msg.Text = "ay you retard, your exploit doesn't work with this script. go to https://x.synapse.to, fucking moron." -- x.synapse.to warn("https://x.synapse.to") -- probably will crash shitty exploits tbh end end local utility = {} local players = game:GetService("Players") local lplr = players.LocalPlayer local modules = getgenv().modules or {} local gc = getgc() local rg = rawget local rs = rawset local toGet = { "char", "network", "hud", "effects", "sound", "gamelogic", "particle", "camera", "replication", "values" } if not getgenv().modules then for funcindex, funcvalue in next, gc do if typeof(funcvalue) == "function" and islclosure(funcvalue) then local upvals = debug.getupvalues(funcvalue) local env = getfenv(funcvalue) for index, value in pairs(upvals) do if typeof(value) == "table" then setreadonly(value, false) local new = setmetatable({}, {__index = function(self, k) return rg(debug.getupvalues(gc[funcindex])[index], k) end, __newindex = function(self, k, v) rs(debug.getupvalues(gc[funcindex])[index], k, v) end,}) if new.setbasewalkspeed then modules.char = new elseif new.send and new.add then modules.network = new elseif new.firehitmarker then modules.hud = new elseif new.bloodhit and new.breakwindow then modules.effects = new elseif new.PlaySound then modules.sound = new elseif new.gammo then modules.gamelogic = new elseif new.new and new.reset and new.step and rg(env, "script").Name == "Framework" then modules.particle = new elseif new.setfixedcam and new.setmenucam and rg(env, "script").Name == "Framework" then modules.camera = new elseif new.getplayerhit and new.removecharacterhash and rg(env, "script").Name == "Framework" then modules.replication = new elseif new.bulletAcceleration then modules.values = new end end end end end getgenv().modules = modules end local loaded = 0 for _, v in next, toGet do local isloaded = modules[v]~=nil local sub = "" if not isloaded then local success, returnValue = pcall(function() return shared.require(v) end) if success then isloaded = true sub = "(used shared.require as a substitute)" modules[v] = returnValue end end loaded += isloaded and 1 or 0 warn(v..":", tostring(isloaded), sub) end print("loaded",loaded.."/"..#toGet.." pieces of shit") print("now loading the utility") utility.get_char = function(player) if player==lplr then if modules.char.rootpart then return modules.char.rootpart.Parent end else for index, value in next, debug.getupvalue(modules.replication.getplayerhit, 1) do if value==player then return index end end end end print("loaded phantom fucker 6000 now go suck your mom or something") return utility, modules, ver
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