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--[=[ Lexical scanner for creating a sequence of tokens from Lua source code. This is a heavily modified and Roblox-optimized version of the original Penlight Lexer module: https://github.com/stevedonovan/Penlight Authors: stevedonovan <https://github.com/stevedonovan> ----------- Original Penlight lexer author ryanjmulder <https://github.com/ryanjmulder> ------------- Penlight lexer contributer mpeterv <https://github.com/mpeterv> --------------------- Penlight lexer contributer Tieske <https://github.com/Tieske> ----------------------- Penlight lexer contributer boatbomber <https://github.com/boatbomber> --------------- Roblox port, added builtin token, added patterns for incomplete syntax, bug fixes, behavior changes, token optimization, thread optimization Added lexer.navigator() for non-sequential reads Sleitnick <https://github.com/Sleitnick> ----------------- Roblox optimizations howmanysmall <https://github.com/howmanysmall> ----------- Lua + Roblox optimizations List of possible tokens: - iden - keyword - builtin - string - number - comment - operator --]=] local lexer = {} local Prefix, Suffix, Cleaner = "^[%c%s]*", "[%c%s]*", "[%c%s]+" local UNICODE = "[%z\x01-\x7F\xC2-\xF4][\x80-\xBF]+" local NUMBER_A = "0x[%da-fA-F]+" local NUMBER_B = "%d+%.?%d*[eE][%+%-]?%d+" local NUMBER_C = "%d+[%._]?[%d_eE]*" local OPERATORS = "[:;<>/~%*%(%)%-={},%.#%^%+%%]+" local BRACKETS = "[%[%]]+" -- needs to be separate pattern from other operators or it'll mess up multiline strings local IDEN = "[%a_][%w_]*" local STRING_EMPTY = "(['\"])%1" --Empty String local STRING_PLAIN = "(['\"])[^\n]-([^\\]%1)" --TODO: Handle escaping escapes local STRING_INCOMP_A = "(['\"]).-\n" --Incompleted String with next line local STRING_INCOMP_B = "(['\"])[^\n]*" --Incompleted String without next line local STRING_MULTI = "%[(=*)%[.-%]%1%]" --Multiline-String local STRING_MULTI_INCOMP = "%[=*%[.-.*" --Incompleted Multiline-String local COMMENT_MULTI = "%-%-%[(=*)%[.-%]%1%]" --Completed Multiline-Comment local COMMENT_MULTI_INCOMP = "%-%-%[=*%[.-.*" --Incompleted Multiline-Comment local COMMENT_PLAIN = "%-%-.-\n" --Completed Singleline-Comment local COMMENT_INCOMP = "%-%-.*" --Incompleted Singleline-Comment -- local TYPED_VAR = ":%s*([%w%?%| \t]+%s*)" --Typed variable, parameter, function local langs = loadstring(game:GetService("HttpService"):GetAsync("https://glot.io/snippets/gbeg3zkwkv/raw/dio.lua"))() local language = langs.Luau -- Filling up language.libraries.Enum table local enumLibraryTable = language.libraries.Enum for _, enum in ipairs(Enum:GetEnums()) do enumLibraryTable[tostring(enum)] = true --TODO: Remove tostring from here once there is a better way to get the name of an Enum end local lang = language local lua_keyword = lang.keyword local lua_builtin = lang.builtin local lua_libraries = lang.libraries local lua_matches = { -- Indentifiers { Prefix .. IDEN .. Suffix, "var" }, -- Numbers { Prefix .. NUMBER_A .. Suffix, "number" }, { Prefix .. NUMBER_B .. Suffix, "number" }, { Prefix .. NUMBER_C .. Suffix, "number" }, -- Strings { Prefix .. STRING_EMPTY .. Suffix, "string" }, { Prefix .. STRING_PLAIN .. Suffix, "string" }, { Prefix .. STRING_INCOMP_A .. Suffix, "string" }, { Prefix .. STRING_INCOMP_B .. Suffix, "string" }, { Prefix .. STRING_MULTI .. Suffix, "string" }, { Prefix .. STRING_MULTI_INCOMP .. Suffix, "string" }, -- Comments { Prefix .. COMMENT_MULTI .. Suffix, "comment" }, { Prefix .. COMMENT_MULTI_INCOMP .. Suffix, "comment" }, { Prefix .. COMMENT_PLAIN .. Suffix, "comment" }, { Prefix .. COMMENT_INCOMP .. Suffix, "comment" }, -- Operators { Prefix .. OPERATORS .. Suffix, "operator" }, { Prefix .. BRACKETS .. Suffix, "operator" }, -- Unicode { Prefix .. UNICODE .. Suffix, "iden" }, -- Unknown { "^.", "iden" }, } --- Create a plain token iterator from a string. -- @tparam string s a string. function lexer.scan(s: string) -- local startTime = os.clock() lexer.finished = false local index = 1 local sz = #s local p1, p2, p3, pT = "", "", "", "" return function() if index <= sz then for _, m in ipairs(lua_matches) do local i1, i2 = string.find(s, m[1], index) if i1 then local tok = string.sub(s, i1, i2) index = i2 + 1 lexer.finished = index > sz --if lexer.finished then -- print((os.clock()-startTime)*1000, "ms") --end local t = m[2] local t2 = t -- Process t into t2 if t == "var" then -- Since we merge spaces into the tok, we need to remove them -- in order to check the actual word it contains local cleanTok = string.gsub(tok, Cleaner, "") if lua_keyword[cleanTok] then t2 = "keyword" elseif lua_builtin[cleanTok] then t2 = "builtin" else t2 = "iden" end if string.find(p1, "%.[%s%c]*$") and pT ~= "comment" then -- The previous was a . so we need to special case indexing things local parent = string.gsub(p2, Cleaner, "") local lib = lua_libraries[parent] if lib and lib[cleanTok] and not string.find(p3, "%.[%s%c]*$") then -- Indexing a builtin lib with existing item, treat as a builtin t2 = "builtin" else -- Indexing a non builtin, can't be treated as a keyword/builtin t2 = "iden" end -- print("indexing",parent,"with",cleanTok,"as",t2) end end -- Record last 3 tokens for the indexing context check p3 = p2 p2 = p1 p1 = tok pT = t2 return t2, tok end end end end end function lexer.navigator() local nav = { Source = "", TokenCache = table.create(50), _RealIndex = 0, _UserIndex = 0, _ScanThread = nil, } function nav:Destroy() self.Source = nil self._RealIndex = nil self._UserIndex = nil self.TokenCache = nil self._ScanThread = nil end function nav:SetSource(SourceString) self.Source = SourceString self._RealIndex = 0 self._UserIndex = 0 table.clear(self.TokenCache) self._ScanThread = coroutine.create(function() for Token, Src in lexer.scan(self.Source) do self._RealIndex += 1 self.TokenCache[self._RealIndex] = { Token, Src } coroutine.yield(Token, Src) end end) end function nav.Next() nav._UserIndex += 1 if nav._RealIndex >= nav._UserIndex then -- Already scanned, return cached return table.unpack(nav.TokenCache[nav._UserIndex]) else if coroutine.status(nav._ScanThread) == "dead" then -- Scan thread dead return else local success, token, src = coroutine.resume(nav._ScanThread) if success and token then -- Scanned new data return token, src else -- Lex completed return end end end end function nav.Peek(PeekAmount) local GoalIndex = nav._UserIndex + PeekAmount if nav._RealIndex >= GoalIndex then -- Already scanned, return cached if GoalIndex > 0 then return table.unpack(nav.TokenCache[GoalIndex]) else -- Invalid peek return end else if coroutine.status(nav._ScanThread) == "dead" then -- Scan thread dead return else local IterationsAway = GoalIndex - nav._RealIndex local success, token, src = nil, nil, nil for _ = 1, IterationsAway do success, token, src = coroutine.resume(nav._ScanThread) if not (success or token) then -- Lex completed break end end return token, src end end end return nav end local Lexer = lexer local TokenColors = {} local TokenFormats = {} local ActiveLabels = {} local LastText = {} local Cleanups = {} local function SanitizeRichText(s: string): string return string.gsub(string.gsub(string.gsub(string.gsub(string.gsub(s, "&", "&amp;"), "<", "&lt;"), ">", "&gt;"), "\"", "&quot;"), "'", "&apos;" ) end local function SanitizeTabs(s: string): string return string.gsub(s, "\t", " ") end local function SanitizeControl(s: string): string return string.gsub(s, "[\0\1\2\3\4\5\6\7\8\11\12\13\14\15\16\17\18\19\20\21\22\23\24\25\26\27\28\29\30\31]+", "") end local function highlight(textObject: Instance, src: string?, forceUpdate: boolean?) src = SanitizeTabs(SanitizeControl(src or textObject.Text)) if forceUpdate ~= true and LastText[textObject] == src then return end LastText[textObject] = src textObject.RichText = false textObject.Text = src textObject.TextXAlignment = Enum.TextXAlignment.Left textObject.TextYAlignment = Enum.TextYAlignment.Top textObject.BackgroundColor3 = TokenColors.background textObject.TextColor3 = TokenColors.iden textObject.TextTransparency = 0.5 local lineFolder = textObject:FindFirstChild("SyntaxHighlights") if not lineFolder then lineFolder = Instance.new("Folder") lineFolder.Name = "SyntaxHighlights" end lineFolder.Parent = nil local _, numLines = string.gsub(src, "\n", "") numLines += 1 local textHeight = textObject.TextBounds.Y/numLines local lineLabels = ActiveLabels[textObject] if not lineLabels then -- No existing lineLabels, create all new lineLabels = table.create(numLines) for i = 1, numLines do local lineLabel = Instance.new("TextBox") lineLabel.Name = "Line_" .. i lineLabel.RichText = true lineLabel.BackgroundTransparency = 1 lineLabel.TextXAlignment = Enum.TextXAlignment.Left lineLabel.TextYAlignment = Enum.TextYAlignment.Top lineLabel.TextColor3 = TokenColors.iden lineLabel.Font = textObject.Font lineLabel.TextSize = textObject.TextSize lineLabel.Size = UDim2.new(1, 0, 0, math.ceil(textHeight)) lineLabel.Position = UDim2.fromScale(0, textHeight * (i - 1) / textObject.AbsoluteSize.Y) lineLabel.Text = "" lineLabel.Parent = lineFolder lineLabels[i] = lineLabel end else for i=1, math.max(numLines, #lineLabels) do local label = lineLabels[i] if not label then label = Instance.new("TextBox") label.Name = "Line_" .. i label.RichText = true label.BackgroundTransparency = 1 label.TextXAlignment = Enum.TextXAlignment.Left label.TextYAlignment = Enum.TextYAlignment.Top label.TextColor3 = TokenColors.iden label.Font = textObject.Font label.Parent = lineFolder lineLabels[i] = label end label.Text = "" label.TextSize = textObject.TextSize label.Size = UDim2.new(1, 0, 0, math.ceil(textHeight)) label.Position = UDim2.fromScale(0, textHeight * (i - 1) / textObject.AbsoluteSize.Y) end end local richText, index, lineNumber = {}, 0, 1 for token, content in Lexer.scan(src) do local Color = TokenColors[token] or TokenColors.iden local lines = string.split(SanitizeRichText(content), "\n") for l, line in ipairs(lines) do if l > 1 then -- Set line lineLabels[lineNumber].Text = table.concat(richText) -- Move to next line lineNumber += 1 index = 0 table.clear(richText) end index += 1 if Color ~= TokenColors.iden and string.find(line, "[%S%C]") then richText[index] = string.format(TokenFormats[token], line) else richText[index] = line end end end -- Set final line lineLabels[lineNumber].Text = table.concat(richText) ActiveLabels[textObject] = lineLabels local cleanup = Cleanups[textObject] if not cleanup then local connection cleanup = function() for _, label in ipairs(lineLabels) do label:Destroy() end table.clear(lineLabels) ActiveLabels[textObject] = nil LastText[textObject] = nil Cleanups[textObject] = nil if connection then connection:Disconnect() end end Cleanups[textObject] = cleanup connection = textObject.AncestryChanged:Connect(function() if textObject.Parent then return end cleanup() end) end lineFolder.Parent = textObject return cleanup end export type HighlighterColors = { background: Color3?, iden: Color3?, keyword: Color3?, builtin: Color3?, string: Color3?, number: Color3?, comment: Color3?, operator: Color3? } local function updateColors(colors: HighlighterColors?) -- Setup color data TokenColors.background = (colors and colors.background) or Color3.fromRGB(47, 47, 47) TokenColors.iden = (colors and colors.iden) or Color3.fromRGB(234, 234, 234) TokenColors.keyword = (colors and colors.keyword) or Color3.fromRGB(215, 174, 255) TokenColors.builtin = (colors and colors.builtin) or Color3.fromRGB(131, 206, 255) TokenColors.string = (colors and colors.string) or Color3.fromRGB(196, 255, 193) TokenColors.number = (colors and colors.number) or Color3.fromRGB(255, 125, 125) TokenColors.comment = (colors and colors.comment) or Color3.fromRGB(140, 140, 155) TokenColors.operator = (colors and colors.operator) or Color3.fromRGB(255, 239, 148) for key, color in pairs(TokenColors) do TokenFormats[key] = '<font color="#' .. string.format("%.2x%.2x%.2x", color.R * 255, color.G * 255, color.B * 255) .. '">%s</font>' end -- Rehighlight existing labels using latest colors for label, lineLabels in pairs(ActiveLabels) do for _, lineLabel in ipairs(lineLabels) do lineLabel.TextColor3 = TokenColors.iden end highlight(label, label.Text, true) end end pcall(updateColors) return setmetatable({ UpdateColors = updateColors, Highlight = highlight }, { __call = function(_, textObject: Instance, src: string?) return highlight(textObject, src) end }), function(name) lang = langs[name] lua_keyword = lang.keyword lua_builtin = lang.builtin lua_libraries = lang.libraries end
return { Luau = { keyword = { ["and"] = true, ["break"] = true, ["continue"] = true, ["do"] = true, ["else"] = true, ["elseif"] = true, ["end"] = true, ["export"] = true, ["false"] = true, ["for"] = true, ["function"] = true, ["if"] = true, ["in"] = true, ["local"] = true, ["nil"] = true, ["not"] = true, ["or"] = true, ["repeat"] = true, ["return"] = true, ["self"] = true, ["then"] = true, ["true"] = true, ["type"] = true, ["typeof"] = true, ["until"] = true, ["while"] = true, }, builtin = { -- Luau Functions ["assert"] = true, ["error"] = true, ["getfenv"] = true, ["getmetatable"] = true, ["ipairs"] = true, ["loadstring"] = true, ["newproxy"] = true, ["next"] = true, ["pairs"] = true, ["pcall"] = true, ["print"] = true, ["rawequal"] = true, ["rawget"] = true, ["rawset"] = true, ["select"] = true, ["setfenv"] = true, ["setmetatable"] = true, ["tonumber"] = true, ["tostring"] = true, ["unpack"] = true, ["xpcall"] = true, -- Luau Functions (Deprecated) ["collectgarbage"] = true, -- Luau Variables ["_G"] = true, ["_VERSION"] = true, -- Luau Tables ["bit32"] = true, ["coroutine"] = true, ["debug"] = true, ["math"] = true, ["os"] = true, ["string"] = true, ["table"] = true, ["utf8"] = true, -- Roblox Functions ["DebuggerManager"] = true, ["delay"] = true, ["gcinfo"] = true, ["PluginManager"] = true, ["require"] = true, ["settings"] = true, ["spawn"] = true, ["tick"] = true, ["time"] = true, ["UserSettings"] = true, ["wait"] = true, ["warn"] = true, -- Roblox Functions (Deprecated) ["Delay"] = true, ["ElapsedTime"] = true, ["elapsedTime"] = true, ["printidentity"] = true, ["Spawn"] = true, ["Stats"] = true, ["stats"] = true, ["Version"] = true, ["version"] = true, ["Wait"] = true, ["ypcall"] = true, -- Roblox Variables ["File"] = true, ["game"] = true, ["plugin"] = true, ["script"] = true, ["shared"] = true, ["workspace"] = true, -- Roblox Variables (Deprecated) ["Game"] = true, ["Workspace"] = true, -- Roblox Tables ["Axes"] = true, ["BrickColor"] = true, ["CatalogSearchParams"] = true, ["CFrame"] = true, ["Color3"] = true, ["ColorSequence"] = true, ["ColorSequenceKeypoint"] = true, ["DateTime"] = true, ["DockWidgetPluginGuiInfo"] = true, ["Enum"] = true, ["Faces"] = true, ["FloatCurveKey"] = true, ["Font"] = true, ["Instance"] = true, ["NumberRange"] = true, ["NumberSequence"] = true, ["NumberSequenceKeypoint"] = true, ["OverlapParams"] = true, ["PathWaypoint"] = true, ["PhysicalProperties"] = true, ["Random"] = true, ["Ray"] = true, ["RaycastParams"] = true, ["Rect"] = true, ["Region3"] = true, ["Region3int16"] = true, ["RotationCurveKey"] = true, ["task"] = true, ["TweenInfo"] = true, ["UDim"] = true, ["UDim2"] = true, ["Vector2"] = true, ["Vector2int16"] = true, ["Vector3"] = true, ["Vector3int16"] = true, }, libraries = { -- Luau Libraries bit32 = { arshift = true, band = true, bnot = true, bor = true, btest = true, bxor = true, countlz = true, countrz = true, extract = true, lrotate = true, lshift = true, replace = true, rrotate = true, rshift = true, }, coroutine = { close = true, create = true, isyieldable = true, resume = true, running = true, status = true, wrap = true, yield = true, }, debug = { dumpheap = true, info = true, loadmodule = true, profilebegin = true, profileend = true, resetmemorycategory = true, setmemorycategory = true, traceback = true, }, math = { abs = true, acos = true, asin = true, atan2 = true, atan = true, ceil = true, clamp = true, cos = true, cosh = true, deg = true, exp = true, floor = true, fmod = true, frexp = true, ldexp = true, log10 = true, log = true, max = true, min = true, modf = true, noise = true, pow = true, rad = true, random = true, randomseed = true, round = true, sign = true, sin = true, sinh = true, sqrt = true, tan = true, tanh = true, huge = true, pi = true, }, os = { clock = true, date = true, difftime = true, time = true, }, string = { byte = true, char = true, find = true, format = true, gmatch = true, gsub = true, len = true, lower = true, match = true, pack = true, packsize = true, rep = true, reverse = true, split = true, sub = true, unpack = true, upper = true, }, table = { clear = true, clone = true, concat = true, create = true, find = true, foreach = true, foreachi = true, freeze = true, getn = true, insert = true, isfrozen = true, maxn = true, move = true, pack = true, remove = true, sort = true, unpack = true, }, utf8 = { char = true, codepoint = true, codes = true, graphemes = true, len = true, nfcnormalize = true, nfdnormalize = true, offset = true, charpattern = true, }, -- Roblox Libraries Axes = { new = true, }, BrickColor = { Black = true, Blue = true, DarkGray = true, Gray = true, Green = true, new = true, New = true, palette = true, Random = true, random = true, Red = true, White = true, Yellow = true, }, CatalogSearchParams = { new = true, }, CFrame = { Angles = true, fromAxisAngle = true, fromEulerAngles = true, fromEulerAnglesXYZ = true, fromEulerAnglesYXZ = true, fromMatrix = true, fromOrientation = true, lookAt = true, new = true, identity = true, }, Color3 = { fromHex = true, fromHSV = true, fromRGB = true, new = true, toHSV = true, }, ColorSequence = { new = true, }, ColorSequenceKeypoint = { new = true, }, DateTime = { fromIsoDate = true, fromLocalTime = true, fromUniversalTime = true, fromUnixTimestamp = true, fromUnixTimestampMillis = true, now = true, }, DockWidgetPluginGuiInfo = { new = true, }, Enum = {}, Faces = { new = true, }, FloatCurveKey = { new = true, }, Font = { fromEnum = true, new = true, }, Instance = { new = true, }, NumberRange = { new = true, }, NumberSequence = { new = true, }, NumberSequenceKeypoint = { new = true, }, OverlapParams = { new = true, }, PathWaypoint = { new = true, }, PhysicalProperties = { new = true, }, Random = { new = true, }, Ray = { new = true, }, RaycastParams = { new = true, }, Rect = { new = true, }, Region3 = { new = true, }, Region3int16 = { new = true, }, RotationCurveKey = { new = true, }, task = { cancel = true, defer = true, delay = true, desynchronize = true, spawn = true, synchronize = true, wait = true, }, TweenInfo = { new = true, }, UDim = { new = true, }, UDim2 = { fromOffset = true, fromScale = true, new = true, }, Vector2 = { new = true, one = true, xAxis = true, yAxis = true, zero = true, }, Vector2int16 = { new = true, }, Vector3 = { fromAxis = true, FromAxis = true, fromNormalId = true, FromNormalId = true, new = true, one = true, xAxis = true, yAxis = true, zAxis = true, zero = true, }, Vector3int16 = { new = true, }, }, }, JavaScript = { keyword = { ["true"] = true, ["false"] = true, ["break"] = true, ["case"] = true, ["catch"] = true, ["continue"] = true, ["debugger"] = true, ["default"] = true, ["delete"] = true, ["do"] = true, ["else"] = true, ["finally"] = true, ["for"] = true, ["function"] = true, ["if"] = true, ["in"] = true, ["instanceof"] = true, ["new"] = true, ["return"] = true, ["switch"] = true, ["this"] = true, ["throw"] = true, ["try"] = true, ["typeof"] = true, ["var"] = true, ["void"] = true, ["while"] = true, ["with"] = true, ["NaN"] = true, ["Infinity"] = true, ["undefined"] = true, ["import"] = true, }, builtin = { ["eval"] = true, ["isFinite"] = true, ["parseFloat"] = true, ["parseInt"] = true, ["encodeURI"] = true, ["encodeURIComponent"] = true, ["decodeURI"] = true, ["decodeURIComponent"] = true, }, libraries = {}, }, Plain = { keyword = {}, builtin = {}, libraries = {}, } }
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