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class Mail { constructor(author) { this.from = author; this._contacts = []; } sendMessage(msg, to) { console.log(`you send: ${msg} to ${to} from ${this.from}`); this._contacts.push(to); } showAllContacts() { return this._contacts; } } class WhatsApp extends Mail { constructor(username, isBussinessAccount, phoneNumber) { super(phoneNumber); this.username = username; this.isBussinessAccount = isBussinessAccount; } // Overriding method => Melakukan Override Total sendMessage(msg, to) { super.sendMessage(msg,to); console.log('Send by WA'); } } const wa1 = new WhatsApp('dicoding', true, '6281111111'); console.log(wa1.from); // undefined wa1.sendMessage('halo', '089000999888'); // [1] list of abstractions const canSendMessage = self => ({ sendMessage: () => console.log('send message:', self.message) }); const checkIsValidPhone = self => ({ isValid: () => console.log('valid phone', self.from) }); const checkEmailValid = self => ({ isValidEmail: () => console.log('valid email', }); // [2] crate object composition const personalEnterprise = (from, message, store) => { // [3] attributes const self = { from, message, store }; // [4] method const personalEnterpriseBehaviors = self => ({ createCatalog: () => console.log('Catalog has created: ', }); // [5] create object composition return Object.assign(self, personalEnterpriseBehaviors(self), canSendMessage(self), checkIsValidPhone(self), checkEmailValid(self)); }; const pe1 = personalEnterprise('', 'hei produk baru nih', 'Dicoding Store'); pe1.createCatalog(); //Catalog has created: Dicoding Store pe1.sendMessage(); //send message: hei produk baru nih pe1.isValid(); pe1.isValidEmail();
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