Grokking - Tree Module

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from binaryTreeNode import * from ppbtree import * class InorderIterator: def __init__(self, root): self.stk = [] # Assuming that when iterator is initialized # it is always at the first element of tree in its in-order self.populate_iterator(root) def populate_iterator(self, root): while root != None: self.stk.append(root) root = root.left def hasNext(self): if not self.stk: return False else: return True # getNext returns null if there are no more elements in tree def getNext(self): if not self.stk: return None r_val = self.stk[-1] del self.stk[-1] # self.stk.remove(-1) temp = r_val.right; self.populate_iterator(temp) return r_val # if you need to provide current element, that will be at top of stack always def inorder_using_iterator(root): iter = InorderIterator(root) mystr = "" while iter.hasNext(): ptr = iter.getNext() mystr += str( + " " return mystr arr = [25,125,200,300,75,50,12,35,60,75] root = create_BST(arr) display_level_order(root) print() print_tree(root) print("is BST? " + str(is_BST(root, float('-inf'), float('inf')))) print("Inorder Iterator = ", end = "") print(inorder_using_iterator(root))
from collections import deque # ================================= # insert # find_in_bst # find_node # display_inorder # create_BST # create_binary_tree # create_random_BST # bst_to_list_rec # bst_to_list # insert_at_head # populate_parents_rec # populate_parents # display_level_order # get_level_order # get_inorder_helper # get_inorder # is_identical_tree # ================================= class BinaryTreeNode: def __init__(self, data): = data self.left = None self.right = None # below data members used only for some of the problems = None self.parent = None self.count = None def insert(root, d): pNew = BinaryTreeNode(d) if root == None: return pNew parent = None pTemp = root while (pTemp != None): parent = pTemp if d < pTemp = pTemp.left else: pTemp = pTemp.right if d < parent.left = pNew else: parent.right = pNew return root def find_in_bst(root, d): if root == None: return None if == d: return root elif > d: return find_in_bst(root.left, d) else: return find_in_bst(root.right, d) # find node in inorder # works for both BST and binary tree def find_node(root, d): if root == None: return if == d: return root temp = find_node(root.left, d) if temp != None: return temp return find_node(root.right, d) def display_inorder(node): if node == None: return display_inorder(node.left) print(str(, end = ", ") display_inorder(node.right) def create_BST(arr): root = None for x in arr: root = insert(root, x) return root def create_binary_tree(count): root = None for i in range(1, count): root = insert(root, random.randrange(1,100)) return root def create_random_BST(count): root = None; for i in range(1, count): root = insert(root, random.randrange(200, 300)) return root def bst_to_list_rec(root, lst): if root == None: return bst_to_list_rec(root.left, lst) lst.append( bst_to_list_rec(root.right, lst) def bst_to_list(root): lst = [] bst_to_list_rec(root, lst) return lst def insert_at_head(head, data): newNode = LinkedListNode(data) = head return newNode def populate_parents_rec(root, parent): if root == None: return root.parent = parent populate_parents_rec(root.left, root) populate_parents_rec(root.right, root) def populate_parents(root): populate_parents_rec(root, None) def display_level_order(root): if root == None: return q = deque() q.append(root) while q: temp = q.popleft() print(str(, end = ",") if temp.left != None: q.append(temp.left) if temp.right != None: q.append(temp.right) # print() def get_level_order(root): output = [] if root == None: return output q = deque() q.append(root) while q: temp = q.popleft() output.append( if temp.left != None: q.append(temp.left) if temp.right != None: q.append(temp.right) return output def get_inorder_helper(root, output): if root == None: return output output = get_inorder_helper(root.left, output) output.append( output = get_inorder_helper(root.right, output) return output def get_inorder(root): output = [] return get_inorder_helper(root, output) def is_identical_tree(root1,root2): if root1 == None and root2 == None: return True if root1 != None and root2 != None and == return is_identical_tree(root1.left,root2.left) and is_identical_tree(root1.right,root2.right) return False def is_BST(root, min_value=float('-inf'), max_value=float('inf')): if not root: return True if < min_value or > max_value: return False return is_BST(root.left, min_value, and is_BST(root.right,, max_value)
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ based on Clement Michard (c) 2015 Vladyslav Khardel (c) 2017 """ # ================================= # print_tree # ================================= def print_tree(current_node, nameattr='data', left_child='right', right_child='left', indent='', last='updown'): if hasattr(current_node, nameattr): name = lambda node: getattr(node, nameattr) else: name = lambda node: str(node) up = getattr(current_node, left_child) down = getattr(current_node, right_child) if up is not None: next_last = 'up' next_indent = '{0}{1}{2}'.format(indent, ' ' if 'up' in last else '|', ' ' * len(str(name(current_node)))) print_tree(up, nameattr, left_child, right_child, next_indent, next_last) if last == 'up': start_shape = '┌' elif last == 'down': start_shape = '└' elif last == 'updown': start_shape = ' ' else: start_shape = '├' if up is not None and down is not None: end_shape = '┤' elif up: end_shape = '┘' elif down: end_shape = '┐' else: end_shape = '' print('{0}{1}{2}{3}'.format(indent, start_shape, name(current_node), end_shape)) if down is not None: next_last = 'down' next_indent = '{0}{1}{2}'.format(indent, ' ' if 'down' in last else '|', ' ' * len(str(name(current_node)))) print_tree(down, nameattr, left_child, right_child, next_indent, next_last)
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